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Jump to: 0019 | 0190 | March 0197 | 1836 | 1837 | 1841 | 1843 | 1844 | 1845 | 1846 | 1847 | 1849 | 1851 | June 1860 | 1864 | 28 January 1864 | June 1876 | 30 November 1878 | 30 November 1879 | 1900 | August 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 18 July 1910 | 19 July 1911 | 1915 | 1919 | 20 January 1920 | 1921 | 1923 | August 1923 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | May 1927 | 1928 | 6 November 1928 | 1 December 1929 | August 1933 | October 1933 | 16 April 1936 | June 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | February 1938 | 1939 | 1941 | 10 September 1941 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | February 1945 | 1946 | February 1946 | June 1946 | January 1948 | August 1949 | December 1949 | 1950 | March 1950 | April 1950 | 1951 | April 1951 | August 1951 | November 1951 | 5 November 1951 | 1952 | November 1952 | 1953 | September 1953 | 1954 | May 1954 | 9 July 1954 | November 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | May 1956 | October 1956 | December 1956 | 1957 | May 1957 | December 1957 | 31 December 1957 | 1958 | February 1958 | April 1958 | August 1958 | October 1958 | December 1958 | 1959 | March 1959 | April 1959 | June 1959 | August 1959 | September 1959 | October 1959 | 1960 | January 1960 | 1 March 1960 | May 1960 | June 1960 | September 1960 | October 1960 | November 1960 | December 1960 | 1961 | 1 January 1961 | February 1961 | June 1961 | 30 June 1961 | July 1961 | August 1961 | October 1961 | 3 November 1961 | 1962 | January 1962 | February 1962 | March 1962 | 7 March 1962 | April 1962 | May 1962 | June 1962 | July 1962 | August 1962 | September 1962 | December 1962 | 1963 | January 1963 | June 1963 | July 1963 | September 1963 | October 1963 | November 1963 | December 1963 | 1964 | April 1964 | August 1964 | October 1964 | November 1964 | 31 December 1964 | 1965 | January 1965 | March 1965 | April 1965 | July 1965 | September 1965 | October 1965 | December 1965 | Fall 1965 | 1966 | February 1966 | March 1966 | May 1966 | June 1966 | July 1966 | September 1966 | 1967 | January 1967 | February 1967 | March 1967 | May 1967 | July 1967 | August 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1973 | 15 August 1973 | September 1973 | October 1973 | November 1973 | 1974 | January 1974 | February 1974 | March 1974 | 8 March 1974 | April 1974 | 26 April 1974 | 30 April 1974 | June 1974 | July 1974 | 6 August 1974 | September 1974 | 8 October 1974 | December 1974 | 1975 | January 1975 | February 1975 | March 1975 | April 1975 | May 1975 | June 1975 | July 1975 | 17 July 1975 | August 1975 | September 1975 | 24 September 1975 | December 1975 | 1 December 1975 | 30 December 1975 | 1976 | January 1976 | February 1976 | March 1976 | April 1976 | October 1976 | November 1976 | 22 November 1976 | December 1976 | 1977 | January 1977 | March 1977 | 7 March 1977 | April 1977 | May 1977 | June 1977 | July 1977 | August 1977 | September 1977 | 20 September 1977 | October 1977 | November 1977 | December 1977 | 1978 | January 1978 | 10 January 1978 | February 1978 | March 1978 | April 1978 | May 1978 | June 1978 | July 1978 | August 1978 | November 1978 | December 1978 | Summer 1978 | 1979 | 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1983 | May 1983 | June 1983 | July 1983 | 1 July 1983 | August 1983 | 26 August 1983 | September 1983 | October 1983 | November 1983 | 21 November 1983 | December 1983 | 1984 | January 1984 | February 1984 | March 1984 | April 1984 | May 1984 | 15 May 1984 | June 1984 | 1 June 1984 | July 1984 | August 1984 | 14 August 1984 | September 1984 | October 1984 | November 1984 | 1 November 1984 | December 1984 | 13 December 1984 | Spring 1984 | 1985 | January 1985 | 1 January 1985 | February 1985 | March 1985 | May 1985 | 21 May 1985 | 31 May 1985 | June 1985 | 1 June 1985 | 26 June 1985 | July 1985 | August 1985 | September 1985 | 12 September 1985 | 19 September 1985 | 7 October 1985 | November 1985 | 23 November 1985 | December 1985 | 11 December 1985 | 1986 | January 1986 | February 1986 | March 1986 | 14 March 1986 | April 1986 | May 1986 | June 1986 | July 1986 | August 1986 | September 1986 | 4 September 1986 | 26 September 1986 | October 1986 | 15 October 1986 | November 1986 | December 1986 | 10 December 1986 | 1987 | January 1987 | 1 January 1987 | February 1987 | March 1987 | 11 March 1987 | April 1987 | 25 April 1987 | May 1987 | July 1987 | 2 July 1987 | August 1987 | September 1987 | 14 September 1987 | 17 September 1987 | October 1987 | 24 October 1987 | November 1987 | December 1987 | Spring 1987 | 1988 | January 1988 | February 1988 | March 1988 | April 1988 | May 1988 | June 1988 | July 1988 | August 1988 | 10 August 1988 | September 1988 | 9 September 1988 | October 1988 | November 1988 | 1 November 1988 | December 1988 | 1989 | January 1989 | 30 January 1989 | February 1989 | 1 February 1989 | March 1989 | April 1989 | May 1989 | June 1989 | 14 June 1989 | July 1989 | August 1989 | September 1989 | 19 September 1989 | 26 September 1989 | 27 September 1989 | October 1989 | 19 October 1989 | November 1989 | 17 November 1989 | December 1989 | 1990 | January 1990 | February 1990 | March 1990 | 1 March 1990 | April 1990 | May 1990 | June 1990 | July 1990 | August 1990 | 21 August 1990 | September 1990 | October 1990 | November 1990 | December 1990 | 1991 | January 1991 | 10 January 1991 | February 1991 | March 1991 | April 1991 | May 1991 | June 1991 | July 1991 | August 1991 | September 1991 | October 1991 | November 1991 | 1 November 1991 | December 1991 | 1992 | January 1992 | February 1992 | March 1992 | April 1992 | May 1992 | June 1992 | July 1992 | August 1992 | September 1992 | 14 September 1992 | October 1992 | 23 October 1992 | November 1992 | December 1992 | 1993 | January 1993 | February 1993 | March 1993 | April 1993 | May 1993 | June 1993 | July 1993 | 13 July 1993 | August 1993 | September 1993 | November 1993 | December 1993 | 1994 | January 1994 | February 1994 | March 1994 | April 1994 | May 1994 | June 1994 | July 1994 | August 1994 | October 1994 | November 1994 | December 1994 | 1995 | January 1995 | 1 January 1995 | 11 January 1995 | February 1995 | March 1995 | April 1995 | May 1995 | June 1995 | 26 June 1995 | 31 July 1995 | August 1995 | 1 September 1995 | October 1995 | 7 October 1995 | 31 October 1995 | November 1995 | December 1995 | 7 December 1995 | 1996 | January 1996 | 1 January 1996 | February 1996 | April 1996 | 10 May 1996 | June 1996 | July 1996 | August 1996 | September 1996 | October 1996 | 2 October 1996 | November 1996 | 15 November 1996 | December 1996 | 20 December 1996 | 1997 | January 1997 | 1 January 1997 | February 1997 | March 1997 | 25 March 1997 | April 1997 | May 1997 | June 1997 | July 1997 | 15 July 1997 | August 1997 | September 1997 | October 1997 | November 1997 | 14 November 1997 | December 1997 | 2 December 1997 | 7 December 1997 | 1998 | January 1998 | 1 January 1998 | 15 January 1998 | February 1998 | March 1998 | April 1998 | 15 April 1998 | May 1998 | June 1998 | July 1998 | August 1998 | September 1998 | 25 September 1998 | October 1998 | November 1998 | 20 November 1998 | December 1998 | Spring 1998 | Fall 1998 | Winter 1998 | 1999 | January 1999 | 1 January 1999 | February 1999 | 18 February 1999 | March 1999 | April 1999 | May 1999 | June 1999 | July 1999 | August 1999 | September 1999 | October 1999 | November 1999 | 15 November 1999 | December 1999 | Spring 1999 | Fall 1999 | 2000 | January 2000 | 1 January 2000 | February 2000 | March 2000 | 1 March 2000 | 15 March 2000 | April 2000 | May 2000 | June 2000 | 6 June 2000 | July 2000 | 1 July 2000 | September 2000 | 1 September 2000 | October 2000 | November 2000 | December 2000 | Winter 2000 | 2001 | January 2001 | 1 January 2001 | 12 January 2001 | 16 January 2001 | February 2001 | 23 February 2001 | March 2001 | April 2001 | May 2001 | 23 May 2001 | June 2001 | July 2001 | August 2001 | September 2001 | 13 September 2001 | October 2001 | 2 October 2001 | November 2001 | December 2001 | Spring 2001 | Summer 2001 | Fall 2001 | Winter 2001 | 2002 | January 2002 | 1 January 2002 | February 2002 | March 2002 | April 2002 | May 2002 | June 2002 | 7 June 2002 | July 2002 | August 2002 | September 2002 | October 2002 | November 2002 | 14 November 2002 | December 2002 | Winter 2002 | 2003 | January 2003 | 1 January 2003 | February 2003 | 26 February 2003 | March 2003 | 20 March 2003 | 21 March 2003 | April 2003 | 23 April 2003 | May 2003 | June 2003 | 11 June 2003 | July 2003 | 8 July 2003 | August 2003 | 21 August 2003 | September 2003 | October 2003 | November 2003 | December 2003 | Fall 2003 | 2004 | January 2004 | 1 January 2004 | February 2004 | March 2004 | April 2004 | May 2004 | June 2004 | July 2004 | 1 July 2004 | 28 July 2004 | August 2004 | September 2004 | 13 September 2004 | October 2004 | 25 October 2004 | November 2004 | December 2004 | 22 December 2004 | 28 December 2004 | Fall 2004 | 2005 | January 2005 | 1 January 2005 | 6 January 2005 | February 2005 | 28 February 2005 | March 2005 | 24 March 2005 | April 2005 | 26 April 2005 | May 2005 | 23 May 2005 | June 2005 | July 2005 | 6 July 2005 | 19 July 2005 | August 2005 | 15 August 2005 | September 2005 | October 2005 | 15 October 2005 | November 2005 | December 2005 | Winter 2005 | 2006 | January 2006 | 1 January 2006 | February 2006 | March 2006 | 27 March 2006 | April 2006 | May 2006 | 2 May 2006 | June 2006 | 12 June 2006 | July 2006 | August 2006 | September 2006 | October 2006 | 13 October 2006 | November 2006 | 9 November 2006 | December 2006 | Spring 2006 | Summer 2006 | Winter 2006 | 2007 | January 2007 | 1 January 2007 | February 2007 | March 2007 | 6 March 2007 | 13 March 2007 | April 2007 | May 2007 | June 2007 | July 2007 | 1 July 2007 | August 2007 | 2 August 2007 | 3 August 2007 | 7 August 2007 | September 2007 | 5 September 2007 | October 2007 | November 2007 | December 2007 | 5 December 2007 | Spring 2007 | Summer 2007 | Fall 2007 | 2008 | January 2008 | 1 January 2008 | 2 January 2008 | 7 January 2008 | 16 January 2008 | 23 January 2008 | February 2008 | 25 February 2008 | March 2008 | 5 March 2008 | 6 March 2008 | 8 March 2008 | 10 March 2008 | 21 March 2008 | April 2008 | 2 April 2008 | 4 April 2008 | 8 April 2008 | 11 April 2008 | 13 April 2008 | 14 April 2008 | 18 April 2008 | 25 April 2008 | 30 April 2008 | May 2008 | 9 May 2008 | 16 May 2008 | 23 May 2008 | 30 May 2008 | June 2008 | 6 June 2008 | 13 June 2008 | 20 June 2008 | 23 June 2008 | 27 June 2008 | July 2008 | 1 July 2008 | 4 July 2008 | 11 July 2008 | 17 July 2008 | 25 July 2008 | August 2008 | 1 August 2008 | 8 August 2008 | 19 August 2008 | 22 August 2008 | 29 August 2008 | September 2008 | 1 September 2008 | 5 September 2008 | 11 September 2008 | 12 September 2008 | 26 September 2008 | October 2008 | 3 October 2008 | 10 October 2008 | 17 October 2008 | 24 October 2008 | 31 October 2008 | November 2008 | 7 November 2008 | 21 November 2008 | 28 November 2008 | December 2008 | 5 December 2008 | 11 December 2008 | 12 December 2008 | 19 December 2008 | 31 December 2008 | 2009 | January 2009 | 1 January 2009 | 2 January 2009 | 16 January 2009 | 22 January 2009 | 27 January 2009 | 30 January 2009 | February 2009 | 1 February 2009 | 4 February 2009 | 13 February 2009 | 20 February 2009 | 27 February 2009 | March 2009 | 9 March 2009 | 20 March 2009 | 24 March 2009 | 27 March 2009 | April 2009 | 3 April 2009 | 6 April 2009 | 10 April 2009 | 17 April 2009 | 21 April 2009 | 24 April 2009 | May 2009 | 5 May 2009 | 8 May 2009 | 12 May 2009 | 15 May 2009 | 21 May 2009 | 25 May 2009 | 29 May 2009 | June 2009 | 12 June 2009 | 19 June 2009 | 26 June 2009 | July 2009 | 1 July 2009 | 3 July 2009 | 10 July 2009 | 17 July 2009 | 24 July 2009 | 31 July 2009 | August 2009 | 7 August 2009 | 21 August 2009 | 28 August 2009 | September 2009 | 4 September 2009 | 18 September 2009 | 22 September 2009 | 25 September 2009 | October 2009 | 16 October 2009 | 23 October 2009 | 29 October 2009 | 30 October 2009 | November 2009 | 13 November 2009 | 20 November 2009 | 27 November 2009 | December 2009 | 2 December 2009 | 4 December 2009 | 11 December 2009 | 17 December 2009 | 18 December 2009 | 31 December 2009 | Winter 2009 | 2010 | January 2010 | 1 January 2010 | 5 January 2010 | 8 January 2010 | 11 January 2010 | 13 January 2010 | 15 January 2010 | 19 January 2010 | 22 January 2010 | 29 January 2010 | February 2010 | 1 February 2010 | 2 February 2010 | 5 February 2010 | 10 February 2010 | 12 February 2010 | 15 February 2010 | 19 February 2010 | 24 February 2010 | 29 February 2010 | March 2010 | 5 March 2010 | 10 March 2010 | 12 March 2010 | 19 March 2010 | 24 March 2010 | 26 March 2010 | April 2010 | 2 April 2010 | 7 April 2010 | 9 April 2010 | 23 April 2010 | 30 April 2010 | May 2010 | 7 May 2010 | 14 May 2010 | 21 May 2010 | 28 May 2010 | June 2010 | 4 June 2010 | 11 June 2010 | 17 June 2010 | 18 June 2010 | 24 June 2010 | 25 June 2010 | July 2010 | 1 July 2010 | 2 July 2010 | 6 July 2010 | 9 July 2010 | 13 July 2010 | 16 July 2010 | 23 July 2010 | 30 July 2010 | August 2010 | 6 August 2010 | 13 August 2010 | 20 August 2010 | 27 August 2010 | September 2010 | 1 September 2010 | 10 September 2010 | 17 September 2010 | 24 September 2010 | October 2010 | 1 October 2010 | 8 October 2010 | 22 October 2010 | November 2010 | 2 November 2010 | 4 November 2010 | 5 November 2010 | 12 November 2010 | 19 November 2010 | 24 November 2010 | December 2010 | 3 December 2010 | 10 December 2010 | 24 December 2010 | 30 December 2010 | 31 December 2010 | 2011 | January 2011 | 1 January 2011 | 4 January 2011 | 7 January 2011 | 10 January 2011 | 11 January 2011 | 14 January 2011 | 21 January 2011 | 24 January 2011 | 28 January 2011 | February 2011 | 1 February 2011 | 4 February 2011 | 11 February 2011 | 18 February 2011 | 19 February 2011 | 21 February 2011 | 25 February 2011 | March 2011 | 1 March 2011 | 4 March 2011 | 11 March 2011 | 14 March 2011 | 15 March 2011 | 16 March 2011 | 18 March 2011 | 21 March 2011 | 23 March 2011 | 25 March 2011 | 28 March 2011 | April 2011 | 1 April 2011 | 4 April 2011 | 8 April 2011 | 11 April 2011 | 14 April 2011 | 15 April 2011 | 18 April 2011 | 21 April 2011 | 22 April 2011 | 28 April 2011 | 29 April 2011 | May 2011 | 10 May 2011 | 12 May 2011 | 15 May 2011 | 17 May 2011 | 23 May 2011 | 24 May 2011 | June 2011 | 6 June 2011 | 8 June 2011 | 14 June 2011 | 15 June 2011 | 17 June 2011 | 20 June 2011 | 21 June 2011 | 23 June 2011 | 30 June 2011 | July 2011 | 1 July 2011 | 12 July 2011 | 19 July 2011 | 20 July 2011 | 21 July 2011 | August 2011 | 3 August 2011 | 16 August 2011 | 19 August 2011 | 23 August 2011 | 31 August 2011 | September 2011 | 2 September 2011 | 7 September 2011 | 8 September 2011 | 14 September 2011 | 15 September 2011 | 20 September 2011 | October 2011 | 1 October 2011 | 4 October 2011 | 5 October 2011 | 10 October 2011 | 18 October 2011 | 19 October 2011 | November 2011 | 9 November 2011 | 15 November 2011 | December 2011 | 9 December 2011 | 20 December 2011 | 29 December 2011 | 30 December 2011 | 31 December 2011 | Fall 2011 | 2012 | January 2012 | 1 January 2012 | 13 January 2012 | 18 January 2012 | 20 January 2012 | 27 January 2012 | 30 January 2012 | February 2012 | 1 February 2012 | 3 February 2012 | 15 February 2012 | 21 February 2012 | March 2012 | 20 March 2012 | 21 March 2012 | 22 March 2012 | April 2012 | 17 April 2012 | 30 April 2012 | May 2012 | June 2012 | 11 June 2012 | 19 June 2012 | July 2012 | 1 July 2012 | 17 July 2012 | 31 July 2012 | August 2012 | 15 August 2012 | 21 August 2012 | September 2012 | 13 September 2012 | 18 September 2012 | October 2012 | 15 October 2012 | 16 October 2012 | 18 October 2012 | November 2012 | 4 November 2012 | 18 November 2012 | December 2012 | 2 December 2012 | 14 December 2012 | 18 December 2012 | 21 December 2012 | 23 December 2012 | 31 December 2012 | 2013 | January 2013 | 1 January 2013 | 9 January 2013 | 10 January 2013 | 14 January 2013 | 16 January 2013 | 22 January 2013 | 24 January 2013 | 25 January 2013 | 29 January 2013 | 30 January 2013 | 31 January 2013 | February 2013 | 1 February 2013 | 2 February 2013 | 4 February 2013 | 5 February 2013 | 6 February 2013 | March 2013 | April 2013 | 1 April 2013 | 8 April 2013 | 15 April 2013 | 16 April 2013 | May 2013 | 6 May 2013 | 21 May 2013 | June 2013 | 18 June 2013 | July 2013 | 4 July 2013 | 8 July 2013 | 16 July 2013 | 31 July 2013 | August 2013 | 7 August 2013 | 20 August 2013 | 21 August 2013 | 26 August 2013 | September 2013 | 16 September 2013 | 17 September 2013 | 25 September 2013 | 26 September 2013 | 30 September 2013 | October 2013 | 1 October 2013 | 4 October 2013 | 31 October 2013 | November 2013 | 19 November 2013 | December 2013 | 5 December 2013 | 17 December 2013 | 27 December 2013 | 31 December 2013 | 2014 | January 2014 | 1 January 2014 | 14 January 2014 | 15 January 2014 | 27 January 2014 | 29 January 2014 | February 2014 | 24 February 2014 | March 2014 | 18 March 2014 | 31 March 2014 | April 2014 | 15 April 2014 | May 2014 | 20 May 2014 | 23 May 2014 | June 2014 | 17 June 2014 | 24 June 2014 | 26 June 2014 | July 2014 | 7 July 2014 | 15 July 2014 | August 2014 | 9 August 2014 | 11 August 2014 | 26 August 2014 | September 2014 | 2 September 2014 | 16 September 2014 | 23 September 2014 | 25 September 2014 | October 2014 | 16 October 2014 | 21 October 2014 | November 2014 | 3 November 2014 | 18 November 2014 | December 2014 | 12 December 2014 | 16 December 2014 | 22 December 2014 | 23 December 2014 | 31 December 2014 | Summer 2014 | 2015 | January 2015 | 1 January 2015 | 14 January 2015 | 15 January 2015 | 16 January 2015 | 28 January 2015 | 30 January 2015 | February 2015 | 17 February 2015 | March 2015 | 10 March 2015 | 12 March 2015 | April 2015 | 15 April 2015 | 21 April 2015 | May 2015 | 1 May 2015 | 8 May 2015 | 19 May 2015 | 20 May 2015 | 31 May 2015 | June 2015 | 9 June 2015 | 15 June 2015 | 16 June 2015 | 22 June 2015 | July 2015 | 21 July 2015 | 24 July 2015 | 29 July 2015 | August 2015 | 18 August 2015 | 20 August 2015 | 31 August 2015 | September 2015 | 9 September 2015 | 10 September 2015 | 15 September 2015 | 18 September 2015 | 20 September 2015 | 22 September 2015 | 30 September 2015 | October 2015 | 7 October 2015 | November 2015 | 3 November 2015 | 17 November 2015 | 24 November 2015 | December 2015 | 7 December 2015 | 8 December 2015 | 15 December 2015 | 31 December 2015 | 2016 | January 2016 | 1 January 2016 | 7 January 2016 | 10 January 2016 | 15 January 2016 | 27 January 2016 | 28 January 2016 | 29 January 2016 | February 2016 | 1 February 2016 | 12 February 2016 | 16 February 2016 | March 2016 | 7 March 2016 | 14 March 2016 | 15 March 2016 | 31 March 2016 | April 2016 | 2 April 2016 | 19 April 2016 | 27 April 2016 | May 2016 | 11 May 2016 | 18 May 2016 | 20 May 2016 | 23 May 2016 | 25 May 2016 | June 2016 | 2 June 2016 | 15 June 2016 | 21 June 2016 | July 2016 | 19 July 2016 | August 2016 | 16 August 2016 | September 2016 | 13 September 2016 | 20 September 2016 | October 2016 | 11 October 2016 | 12 October 2016 | 18 October 2016 | November 2016 | 15 November 2016 | 21 November 2016 | December 2016 | 2 December 2016 | 13 December 2016 | 14 December 2016 | 20 December 2016 | 30 December 2016 | 2017 | January 2017 | 3 January 2017 | 12 January 2017 | 13 January 2017 | 18 January 2017 | 27 January 2017 | 30 January 2017 | February 2017 | 9 February 2017 | 21 February 2017 | March 2017 | 3 March 2017 | 21 March 2017 | April 2017 | 17 April 2017 | 18 April 2017 | May 2017 | 3 May 2017 | 9 May 2017 | 16 May 2017 | 23 May 2017 | June 2017 | 14 June 2017 | 20 June 2017 | 26 June 2017 | July 2017 | 18 July 2017 | 31 July 2017 | August 2017 | 15 August 2017 | 18 August 2017 | 31 August 2017 | September 2017 | 19 September 2017 | 22 September 2017 | 30 September 2017 | October 2017 | 3 October 2017 | 31 October 2017 | November 2017 | 11 November 2017 | December 2017 | 1 December 2017 | 15 December 2017 | 18 December 2017 | 28 December 2017 | 31 December 2017 | 2018 | January 2018 | 9 January 2018 | 12 January 2018 | 16 January 2018 | 30 January 2018 | 31 January 2018 | February 2018 | 1 February 2018 | 5 February 2018 | 12 February 2018 | 15 February 2018 | 23 February 2018 | March 2018 | 2 March 2018 | 31 March 2018 | April 2018 | May 2018 | 4 May 2018 | 9 May 2018 | June 2018 | 12 June 2018 | 21 June 2018 | July 2018 | August 2018 | September 2018 | 11 September 2018 | 13 September 2018 | October 2018 | 3 October 2018 | November 2018 | 1 November 2018 | 20 November 2018 | December 2018 | 3 December 2018 | 11 December 2018 | 13 December 2018 | 18 December 2018 | 31 December 2018 | 2019 | January 2019 | 15 January 2019 | 20 January 2019 | 30 January 2019 | February 2019 | 11 February 2019 | 14 February 2019 | March 2019 | 12 March 2019 | April 2019 | 3 April 2019 | 17 April 2019 | 22 April 2019 | May 2019 | 31 May 2019 | June 2019 | 11 June 2019 | 24 June 2019 | 30 June 2019 | July 2019 | August 2019 | 14 August 2019 | 21 August 2019 | 26 August 2019 | September 2019 | 19 September 2019 | 25 September 2019 | 26 September 2019 | October 2019 | 9 October 2019 | 11 October 2019 | November 2019 | 1 November 2019 | 4 November 2019 | 27 November 2019 | December 2019 | 4 December 2019 | 10 December 2019 | 30 December 2019 | 31 December 2019 | 2020 | January 2020 | 9 January 2020 | 14 January 2020 | 15 January 2020 | 21 January 2020 | 27 January 2020 | 29 January 2020 | 30 January 2020 | 31 January 2020 | February 2020 | 8 February 2020 | March 2020 | April 2020 | 1 April 2020 | May 2020 | June 2020 | 18 June 2020 | July 2020 | 1 July 2020 | 14 July 2020 | 15 July 2020 | August 2020 | 18 August 2020 | 31 August 2020 | September 2020 | 2 September 2020 | 21 September 2020 | 25 September 2020 | 28 September 2020 | 30 September 2020 | October 2020 | 2 October 2020 | 21 October 2020 | November 2020 | 20 November 2020 | December 2020 | 15 December 2020 | 28 December 2020 | 2021 | January 2021 | 14 January 2021 | 26 January 2021 | 29 January 2021 | February 2021 | 3 February 2021 | March 2021 | April 2021 | May 2021 | June 2021 | 3 June 2021 | 14 June 2021 | 23 June 2021 | July 2021 | August 2021 | September 2021 | 7 September 2021 | 17 September 2021 | 21 September 2021 | 31 September 2021 | October 2021 | 8 October 2021 | 14 October 2021 | 20 October 2021 | 29 October 2021 | November 2021 | December 2021 | 1 December 2021 | 9 December 2021 | 21 December 2021 | 22 December 2021 | 27 December 2021 | 30 December 2021 | 31 December 2021 | 2022 | January 2022 | 11 January 2022 | 13 January 2022 | 24 January 2022 | 28 January 2022 | February 2022 | 1 February 2022 | 8 February 2022 | 15 February 2022 | March 2022 | 25 March 2022 | April 2022 | 1 April 2022 | 7 April 2022 | May 2022 | 3 May 2022 | 12 May 2022 | June 2022 | 30 June 2022 | July 2022 | 29 July 2022 | August 2022 | 24 August 2022 | September 2022 | 8 September 2022 | October 2022 | 1 October 2022 | 17 October 2022 | November 2022 | 10 November 2022 | 29 November 2022 | December 2022 | 6 December 2022 | 15 December 2022 | 30 December 2022 | 2023 | January 2023 | 1 January 2023 | 12 January 2023 | 13 January 2023 | 20 January 2023 | 23 January 2023 | 24 January 2023 | 26 January 2023 | 30 January 2023 | 31 January 2023 | February 2023 | 6 February 2023 | 13 February 2023 | March 2023 | April 2023 | May 2023 | June 2023 | 14 June 2023 | 30 June 2023 | July 2023 | August 2023 | September 2023 | 12 September 2023 | October 2023 | November 2023 | December 2023 | 1 December 2023 | 28 December 2023 | 29 December 2023 | 2024 | 11 January 2024 | 12 January 2024 | 29 January 2024 | 31 January 2024 | February 2024 | 2 February 2024 | 15 February 2024 | 27 February 2024 | 29 February 2024 | March 2024 | 21 March 2024 | April 2024 | May 2024 | June 2024 | 30 June 2024 | July 2024 | August 2024 | 2 August 2024 | September 2024 | 4 September 2024 | October 2024 | November 2024 | 15 December 2024 | 23 December 2024 | 14 January 2025 | 30 June 2025
Number of items at this level: 4779.


(0019) Concrete Pavements in Iowa Built 1922 and Earlier, Built prior to designation of State Primary Road System, 19zz. Transportation, Department of


(0190) Good Roads by Paul Beer, 1900z. Transportation, Department of

(0190) An Investigation of Successful and Less Successful Applications for Airport Improvement Funds, 1900z. Transportation, Department of

March 0197

(0197) Suing the DOT, Iowa's Defective Highways by Verne Lawyer, 197z. Transportation, Department of


(1836) Van Buren County, Township 70 North Range 9 West. Surveyor General's Office


(1837) Lee County, Township 67 North Range 7 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Lee County, Township 68 North Range 7 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Lee County, Township 69 North Range 7 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Mahaska County, Township 74 North Range 14 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Van Buren County, Township 67 North Range 8 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Van Buren County, Township 67 North Range 9 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Van Buren County, Township 68 North Range 10 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Van Buren County, Township 68 North Range 11 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Van Buren County, Township 68 North Range 8 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Van Buren County, Township 68 North Range 9 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Van Buren County, Township 69 North Range 10 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Van Buren County, Township 69 North Range 8 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1837) Van Buren County, Township 69 North Range 9 West. Surveyor General's Office


(1841) Jefferson County, Township 71 North Range 10 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1841) Van Buren County, Township 69 North Range 11 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1841) Van Buren County, Township 70 North Range 10 West. Surveyor General's Office


(1843) Davis County, Township 69 North Range 12 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1843) Davis County, Township 70 North Range 13 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1843) Wapello County, Township 71 North Range 15 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1843) Wapello County, Township 72 North Range 12 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1843) Wapello County, Township 73 North Range 13 West. Surveyor General's Office


(1844) Mahaska County, Township 74 North Range 15 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1844) Monroe County, Township 72 North Range 16 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1844) Monroe County, Township 73 North Range 16 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1844) Wapello County, Township 71 North Range 14 West. Surveyor General's Office


(1845) Mahaska County, Township 74 North Range 16 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Mahaska County, Township 74 North Range 17 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Mahaska County, Township 75 North Range 15 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Mahaska County, Township 75 North Range 16 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Mahaska County, Township 75 North Range 17 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Mahaska County, Township 76 North Range 17 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Marion County, Township 74 North Range 18 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Marion County, Township 75 North Range 18 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Marion County, Township 76 North Range 18 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Marion County, Township 77 North Range 18 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1845) Monroe County, Township 73 North Range 17 West. Surveyor General's Office


(1846) Davis County, Township 70 North Range 12 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1846) Jefferson County, Township 71 North Range 11 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1846) Marion County, Township 75 North Range 19 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1846) Marion County, Township 76 North Range 19 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1846) Marion County, Township 77 North Range 19 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1846) Van Buren County, Township 70 North Range 11 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1846) Wapello County, Township 71 North Range 12 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1846) Wapello County, Township 71 North Range 13 West. Surveyor General's Office


(1847) Boone County, Township 82 North Range 25 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Boone County, Township 82 North Range 26 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Boone County, Township 83 North Range 25 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Boone County, Township 83 North Range 26 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Boone County, Township 84 North Range 25 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Boone County, Township 85 North Range 25 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Dallas County, Township 80 North Range 26 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Dallas County, Township 81 North Range 26 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Hamilton County, Township 86 North Range 26 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Jasper County, Township 78 North Range 20 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Jasper County, Township 78 North Range 21 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Marion County, Township 75 North Range 20 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Marion County, Township 76 North Range 20 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Marion County, Township 76 North Range 21 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Marion County, Township 77 North Range 20 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Marion County, Township 77 North Range 21 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 78 North Range 22 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 78 North Range 23 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 78 North Range 24 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 78 North Range 25 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 79 North Range 22 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 79 North Range 23 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 79 North Range 24 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 79 North Range 25 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 80 North Range 23 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 80 North Range 24 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 80 North Range 25 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 81 North Range 24 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Polk County, Township 81 North Range 25 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Wapello County, Township 72 North Range 13 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Wapello County, Township 72 North Range 14 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Wapello County, Township 72 North Range 15 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Wapello County, Township 73 North Range 14 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Wapello County, Township 73 North Range 15 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Warren County, Township 76 North Range 22 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Warren County, Township 77 North Range 22 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Warren County, Township 77 North Range 23 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1847) Warren County, Township 77 North Range 24 West. Surveyor General's Office


(1849) Boone County, Township 82 North Range 27 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Boone County, Township 83 North Range 27 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Boone County, Township 83 North Range 28 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Boone County, Township 84 North Range 26 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Boone County, Township 84 North Range 27 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Boone County, Township 84 North Range 28 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Boone County, Township 85 North Range 26 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Boone County, Township 85 North Range 27 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Boone County, Township 85 North Range 28 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Dallas County, Township 81 North Range 27 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Hamilton County, Township 88 North Range 26 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Webster County, Township 86 North Range 27 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Webster County, Township 86 North Range 28 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Webster County, Township 87 North Range 26 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Webster County, Township 87 North Range 27 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Webster County, Township 87 North Range 28 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Webster County, Township 88 North Range 27 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1849) Webster County, Township 88 North Range 28 West. Surveyor General's Office


(1851) Humbolt County, Township 92 North Range 28 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1851) Webster County, Township 89 North Range 27 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1851) Webster County, Township 89 North Range 28 West. Surveyor General's Office

(1851) Webster County, Township 90 North Range 28 West. Surveyor General's Office

June 1860

(1860) Report of the president and directors of the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Rail Road, 1860. Transportation, Department of


(1864) Majority report to the Senate on the subject of the Des Moines River lands granted from the state to railroads. Transportation, Department of

28 January 1864

(1864) Communication from the Attorney General to the Senate and House of Representatives of the tenth General Assembly. In response to resolutions relative to the Des Moines River Railroad Grants. Transportation, Department of

June 1876

(1876) Fiscal year 1977-1981 Transportation Improvement Program for the Des Moines Urbanized Area, Clive, Des Moines, Johnston, Pleasant Hill, Polk County, Urbandale, West Des Moines, Windsor Heights, June 1976. Transportation, Department of

30 November 1878

(1878) First Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1878. Transportation, Department of

30 November 1879

(1879) Second Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1879. Transportation, Department of


(1900) Transportation Surveys, 1900z. Education, Department of

August 1908

(1908) Highway Engineering, August 1908. Transportation, Department of


(1909) Thirty-second Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners. Commerce, Department of


(1910) Thirty-third Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners. Commerce, Department of

18 July 1910

(1910) Thirty-ninth Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad. Equipment and Express Companies' Property. Governor's Office

19 July 1911

(1911) Fortieth Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad. Equipment and Express Companies' Property. Governor's Office


(1915) Service Bulletin: Recent Road Legislation of Iowa, 1915. Transportation, Department of


(1919) Field Manual, Federal and State Aid Road Work, 1919. Transportation, Department of

(1919) Field Manual, Instructions for making Bridge and Culvert Surveys, 1919. Transportation, Department of

(1919) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1919. Transportation, Department of

20 January 1920

(1920) Proposed Uniform Vehicle Law. Transportation, Department of


(1921) Early History of the Iowa State Highway Commission, 1921. Transportation, Department of


(1923) State of Iowa, Motor Vehicle Law, 1923. Transportation, Department of

August 1923

(1923) Bulletin of the National Research Council, August 1923, Vol. 6, part 4, no.35. Transportation, Department of


(1925) A Preliminary Major Street Plan for Des Moines, 1925. Transportation, Department of


(1926) Field Manual, Federal and State Aid Road and Bridge Work, 1926. Transportation, Department of


(1927) The Advantages of A $100,000,000 State Bond issue for Paving Iowa Roads, 1927. Transportation, Department of

May 1927

(1927) Service Bulletin, Primary Road Laws, No. 27, no. 5, May 1927. Transportation, Department of


(1928) Questions asked by Taxpayers Relative to the Proposed State Road Bond Issue and Answers prepared by the Iowa Highway Commission, 1928. Transportation, Department of

6 November 1928

(1928) Iowa Road Bond Bill enacted at the Extra Session of the 42d G.A., November 6, 1928. Transportation, Department of

1 December 1929

(1929) An Investigation of the Loads on Three Corrugated Cast Iron Pipe Culverts Under Rock Embankments: progress report, December 1, 1929. Transportation, Department of

August 1933

(1933) Standard Specifications for Construction Work on the Primary Road System, August 1933. Transportation, Department of

October 1933

(1933) Standard Specifications for Construction Work on the Secondary Road System, October 1933. Transportation, Department of

16 April 1936

(1936) Abstract of the Iowa Conference on Planning, sponsored by the Iowa State Planning Board, Ames, April 16, 1936. Transportation, Department of

June 1936

(1936) A compilation of traffic regulations in thirteen Iowa cities / by Laurence W. Murray [and] Alfred B. Bowman, 1936. Governor's Office

(1936) A study of drivers in major accidents, September, 1935-April, 1936, by Harold L. Gaunt [and] Laurence W. Murray, 1936. Governor's Office


(1937) Manual; planning the procedure and analysis of a highway accident survey, 1937. Transportation, Department of


(1938) Traffic Safety Manual and Common Traffic Problems, 1938. Iowa State University

February 1938

(1938) Cost of Pupil Transportation in Consolidated Schools of Iowa by R.C. Williams and Agnes Samuelson, February 1938. Education, Department of


(1939) Major Street Report: Des Moines, IA, 1939. Transportation, Department of


(1941) Accident Facts of Iowa, 1941. Public Safety, Department of

10 September 1941

(1941) Analysis of highway costs and highway taxation : with an application to Story County, Iowa, 1941. Iowa State University


(1943) Accident Facts of Iowa, 1943. Public Safety, Department of


(1944) Accident Facts of Iowa, 1944. Public Safety, Department of


(1945) Accident Facts of Iowa, 1945. Public Safety, Department of

February 1945

(1945) Rock Island Centennial Bridge, Final Report on Construction of the Mississippi River Bridge Between Rock Island, Illinois and Davenport, Iowa, 1945. Transportation, Department of


(1946) Accident Facts of Iowa, 1946. Public Safety, Department of

February 1946

(1946) Major Streets: City of Davenport Iowa, February 1946. Transportation, Department of

June 1946

(1946) Transportation and Transit Facilities, Davenport Iowa, June 1946. Transportation, Department of

January 1948

(1948) Standard Specifications for Construction Work on the Secondary Road System, January 1948. Transportation, Department of

August 1949

(1949) Report of Urban Area Traffic Survey in Ottumwa, August 1949. Transportation, Department of

December 1949

(1949) Primary Roads and Their Municipal Extensions, 1949. Transportation, Department of


(1950) The Iowa Drivers' Guide, Facts You Need to Know to Get and Keep a Driver's License. 1950. Public Safety, Department of

March 1950

(1950) Iowa's Highways, 1950. Transportation, Department of

April 1950

(1950) Primary Road Bonds, 1950. Transportation, Department of


(1951) Iowa Highway Research Report No. 2, 1950-1951. Transportation, Department of

April 1951

(1951) Scour around Bridges, April 1951. Transportation, Department of

August 1951

(1951) Accelerated Testing Track, HR-7, 1951. Transportation, Department of

November 1951

(1951) Iowa Highway Programs, Finances, and Progress, 1951. Transportation, Department of

5 November 1951

(1951) Iowa Highway Program: Finances and Progress, November 5, 1951. Transportation, Department of


(1952) The Iowa Drivers' Guide : Facts You Need to Know to Get and Keep a Driver's License. 1952. Public Safety, Department of

(1952) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1952. Transportation, Department of

November 1952

(1952) Iowa Highway Programs, Finances, and Progress, 1952. Transportation, Department of


(1953) Sampling Procedures for Roadside Interviews in Origin-and-Destination Traffic Surveys HR-8. Transportation, Department of

(1953) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1953. Transportation, Department of

September 1953

(1953) A Generalized Model Study of Scour Around Bridge Piers and Abutments, HR-24, 1953. Transportation, Department of


(1954) Financing Iowa's highways by Clayton L. Ringgenberg, 1954. Transportation, Department of

(1954) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1954. Transportation, Department of

May 1954

(1954) A Progress Report on Treating Loess, Fine Sands and Soft Limestones with Liquid Binders, HR-20, 1954. Transportation, Department of

9 July 1954

(1954) A Report on Traffic and Revenue Estimates for the Proposed New South Bridge of the city of Clinton Iowa Bridge Commission, July 9, 1954. Transportation, Department of

November 1954

(1954) Iowa Highway Program, Finances and Progress, 1954. Transportation, Department of


(1955) Lateral Pressures on Retaining Walls Due to Backfill Surface Loads HR-14, 1955. Transportation, Department of

(1955) Pupil and Financial Accounting for School Transportation, 1955. Education, Department of

(1955) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1955. Transportation, Department of


(1956) Electric Railways of Iowa: Trolley Sparks, 1956. Transportation, Department of

(1956) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1956. Transportation, Department of

(1956) Thin Bonded Concrete Resurfacing U.S. 34 West Burlington, Iowa, HR-34,. Transportation, Department of

May 1956

(1956) Scour Around Bridge Piers and Abutments, HR-30 and Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 4, 1956. Transportation, Department of

October 1956

(1956) A Street Transportation Plan for Mason City, IA, October 1956. Transportation, Department of

December 1956

(1956) Distribution of Loads in Beam-and-Slab Bridges HR-61, December 1956. Transportation, Department of


(1957) Official City Plan of the City of Bettendorf, Iowa prepared for the City of Bettendorf and the Bettendorf Planning & Zoning Commission, prepared by Metropolitan Planners, Inc., 1957. Transportation, Department of

(1957) A Program to meet Present and Future Iowa Highway Needs Recommended for Consideration by the 57th General Assembly of Iowa, 1957. Transportation, Department of

(1957) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1957. Transportation, Department of

May 1957

(1957) Iowa Drainage Laws (Annotated), HR-46 and Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 6, 1957. Transportation, Department of

December 1957

(1957) Drainage Areas of Iowa Streams HR-29, December 1957. Transportation, Department of

31 December 1957

(1957) Commodity Statistics: Carloadings, Tonnage, Revenue Freight in Iowa, December 31, 1957. Governor's Office


(1958) Highway Finance in Iowa, 1958. Transportation, Department of

(1958) Report of Commissioner of the Des Moines River Improvement to His Excellency, 1958. Governor's Office

(1958) Soil Stabilization Field Trials, Primary Highway 117, Jasper County, Iowa HR-52, 1958. Transportation, Department of

(1958) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1958. Transportation, Department of

February 1958

(1958) Special Roughometer Tests 1957, February 1958. Transportation, Department of

April 1958

(1958) Scour at Bridge Crossings by Emmett M. Laursen, August 1958. Transportation, Department of

August 1958

(1958) A Standard for Road Roughness Measurement, August 1958. Transportation, Department of

October 1958

(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Transportation : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of

(1958) Parking Facilities: Central Business District: Revision of Major Streets Report, October 1958. Transportation, Department of

December 1958

(1958) Columbus Junction, Basic Plan prepared by the Iowa Survival Plan Project, December 1958. Transportation, Department of

(1958) Davenport Target Area, Basic Plan prepared by the Iowa Survival Plan Project, December 1958. Transportation, Department of

(1958) Report of Citizens Bus Study Committee, December 1958. Commerce, Department of


(1959) Erosion Control on Highway Backslopes, HR-64, Progress Report, 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Hydraulics of box culverts, 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Iowa Roads : Historical Sketch of Development in Administration 1838-1929, 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Location of Bridges, Overpasses and Underpasses on Primary Road System and Municipal Extensions, 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Strength in Shear of Prestressed Concrete I-Beams HR-36, 1959. Transportation, Department of

March 1959

(1959) Onawa Corporate Area Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Highway Planning Section, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Storm Lake Urban Area Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, March 1959. Transportation, Department of

April 1959

(1959) Bloomfield Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Charles City Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Clarinda urban Area Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Decorah Urban Area Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Denison Corporate Area Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Fairfield Urban Area and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Knoxville Urban Area Origin Destination Traffic Report prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Maquoketa Corporate Area Origin and Destination Traffic Survey, Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) New Hampton Origin and Destination Traffic Survey, Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Red Oak Urban Area Origin and Destination Traffic Survey, Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1959. Transportation, Department of

June 1959

(1959) Clinton Urban Area Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, June1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Electronic Warning Signal Research at Hidden Intersections, June 1959. Transportation, Department of

August 1959

(1959) Albia Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1959. Transportation, Department of

September 1959

(1959) Hampton Corporate Area Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Highway Planning Section, Safety and Traffic Department, September 1959. Transportation, Department of

October 1959

(1959) Dynamic Tests of a Three-Span Continuous I-Beam Highway Bridge, HR-43, 1959. Transportation, Department of


(1960) Highway Relocation: U.S. 30/Lincoln Highway film production, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Preliminary Report, Major streets and Parking: Iowa City Iowa, 1960. Governor's Office

(1960) Rodman's Primer, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Soil Cement Roads in Iowa by A. F. Faul, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1960. Transportation, Department of

January 1960

(1960) Highway Construction Materials for the Consolidated Rocks of Southwestern Iowa, Iowa Highway Research Board, Bulletin No. 15, January 1960. Transportation, Department of

1 March 1960

(1960) Eminent Domain in Iowa, March 1, 1960. Transportation, Department of

May 1960

(1960) Transportation for Iowa Public Schools. May 1960. Education, Department of

June 1960

(1960) Relocation Study of Iowa 92; Final Report: Council Bluffs, June 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Sibley Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1970. Transportation, Department of

September 1960

(1960) Determination of Flood Dischard Characteristics of Small Drainage Areas, HR-3, Progress Report, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Relocation Study of U.S. 218, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, September 1960. Transportation, Department of

October 1960

(1960) Chemical Reactions Involving Aggregates, HR-15, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Missouri River Studies: Alluvial Morphology and Engineering Soil Classification, HR-1, Progress Report, 1960. Transportation, Department of

November 1960

(1960) Bituminous Mixes Prepared with Foamed Asphalt, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 18, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Bituminous Mixes Prepared with Ungraded Local Aggregates, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 19, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Dynamics of Highway Bridges, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin 17, 1960. Transportation, Department of

December 1960

(1960) Geologic and Engineering Properties of Pleistocene Materials in Iowa, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 20, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Methods for Testing Engineering Soils, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin no. 21, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Soil Stabilization With Chemicals, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 22, 1960. Transportation, Department of


(1961) Distribution of Loads in Beam and Slab Bridge Floors HR-12, 1961. Transportation, Department of

(1961) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1961. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1961

(1961) Highway Mileages in Iowa by Surface Type prepared by Iowa Division of Planning and Research, January 1, 1961. Transportation, Department of

February 1961

(1961) Frost Boils, 1961. Transportation, Department of

(1961) Soil Stabilization with Cement, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 23, 1961. Transportation, Department of

(1961) Soil Stabilization with Lime Fly Ash, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 26, 1961. Transportation, Department of

(1961) Soil Stabilization with Lime, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 25, 1961. Transportation, Department of

June 1961

(1961) Feasibility Study of Strengthening Existing Single Span Steel Beam Concrete Deck Bridges; HR-214, June 1961. Transportation, Department of

(1961) Pinpointing Suspect Triplicate Unconfined Compressive Strength Values in a Series of Soil-Additive Strength Determinations, HR-1, Progress Report, 1961. Transportation, Department of

30 June 1961

(1961) Properties of Carbonate Rocks in Iowa by Leo A. Thomas and Donald L. Biggs, June 30, 1961. Transportation, Department of

July 1961

(1961) Evaluation of Lime as an Additive to Soil-Asphalt Stabilization, HR-1, Progress Report, 1961. Transportation, Department of

(1961) Sidney Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1961. Transportation, Department of

August 1961

(1961) Dynamics of Highway Bridges, HR-67, 1961. Transportation, Department of

October 1961

(1961) Investigation of the Loss of Prestress in Prestressed Concrete Beams due to Steam Curing, HR-62, 1961. Transportation, Department of

3 November 1961

(1961) Slip-Form Paving as Developed and Pioneered in Iowa,1961. Transportation, Department of


(1962) County Motor Vehicle Traffic Flow Maps, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Facts on National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, Particularly Proposed I-35 in Hamilton County, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Iowa Severance Damage Study Data for Property along the Interstate Highway System, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Policy and Regulations for Entrances to Primary Roads: Part I, Iowa Highway Commission, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Report: Parking Study for the Central Business District City of Ames, Iowa by William E. Creger, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Studies on Soil-Aggregate-Sodium Chloride Stabilized Roads in Franklin County, Iowa, HR-33, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) A Sufficiency Rating System for Secondary Roads by Mark Morris, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Welded Wire Fabric Reinforcement for Asphaltic Concrete. Transportation, Department of

January 1962

(1962) Curb Removal Study, HR-76, Progress Report, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Pre-Construction Problems or Slope Stability, The Design Department-Soils Division of the Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Steam Curing of Portland Cement Concrete at Atmospheric Pressure, HR-40, 1962. Transportation, Department of

February 1962

(1962) Oils and Tars from Iowa Shales, HR-32, 1962. Transportation, Department of

March 1962

(1962) Subdivision Ordinance, Urbandale Iowa, March ,1962. Transportation, Department of

7 March 1962

(1962) Iowa highway needs and estimated revenues for highway purposes 1961 through 1980, 1962. Transportation, Department of

April 1962

(1962) Photo / File Surveys special report, 1962. Transportation, Department of

May 1962

(1962) The Flexural Fatigue Strength of Prestressed Steel I-Beams, HR-73, 1962. Transportation, Department of

June 1962

(1962) Behavior of Carbonate Rocks as Concrete Aggregates, HR-15, 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Soil-Cement Stabilization, Part 1, Materials and Construction, HR-75, 1962. Transportation, Department of

July 1962

(1962) Mt. Pleasant Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1962. Transportation, Department of

August 1962

(1962) Iowa Rest Areas, August 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Iowa Study of No Passing Zone Signing, 1962. Transportation, Department of

September 1962

(1962) Grinnell Urban Area Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, September 1962. Transportation, Department of

December 1962

(1962) Oskaloosa Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, December 1962. Transportation, Department of

(1962) Special Origin and Destination Study Cedar County prepared by Traffic and Highway Planning Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, December 1962. Transportation, Department of


(1963) 50 Years of Highway Maintenance, 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) Planning: Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Evansdale, 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) Policy and Regulations for Entrances to Primary Roads: Part I, Iowa Highway Commission, 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) X-ray Studies of Lime-Bentonite Reaction Products HR-48, 1963. Transportation, Department of

January 1963

(1963) Definite Project Report on proposed Mississippi River Bridge, Federal Aid Interstate Route 280 near Rock Island Illinois, January 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) Index Maps of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements and Coarse Aggregates used prepared by the Materials Department, 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) List of Signs and Sign Blanks for Primary and Interstate Systems by Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) Stuart Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1963. Transportation, Department of

June 1963

(1963) The Effect of the No-Passing Zone Sign on "Passing" Accidents, 1963. Transportation, Department of

July 1963

(1963) An Evaluation of the Calderon Test, HR-80, 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) Polk City Origin and Destination Traffic Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1963. Transportation, Department of

September 1963

(1963) Characteristics of Chemical Treated Roadway Surfaces, HR-33, 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) The impact of interstate route 80 construction on rural property taxes in Adair County, 1963. Transportation, Department of

October 1963

(1963) Central Stores Inventory: Employing the IBM 1410 Magnetic Tape Computer System. Transportation, Department of

November 1963

(1963) Fatigue and Residual Stress Investigation of Composite Prestressed Steel Beams, HR-74, 1963. Transportation, Department of

(1963) Service Station Sales in Eight Iowa Cities, 1963. Transportation, Department of

December 1963

(1963) Live Load Deflections in a Prestressed Steel Beam Bridge, HR-74, 1963. Transportation, Department of


(1964) Evaluation of Experimental Stabilized Soil Base Construction, Webster County, Iowa HR-68. Transportation, Department of

(1964) Geology of the Omaha-Council Bluffs Area Nebraska-Iowa HR-112, 1964. Transportation, Department of

(1964) Iowa State Highway Commission, Maintenance Policies and Procedures Administrative Policy, 1964. Transportation, Department of

(1964) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1964. Transportation, Department of

(1964) Subdivision Regulations, Ankeny Iowa, 1964. Transportation, Department of

(1964) Zoning Ordinance, Ankeny, Iowa, 1964. Transportation, Department of

April 1964

(1964) Clay Mineralogy of a Gumbotil, HR-106, 1964. Transportation, Department of

(1964) Comparison of Various Commercial Hydrated Limes for Reducing Soil Plasticity, HR-82 and HR-106, 1964. Transportation, Department of

(1964) Factors Influencing Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes, Progress Report, HR-99, 1964 (April). Transportation, Department of

(1964) Mason City Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, April 1964. Transportation, Department of

August 1964

(1964) Subgrade Insulation to Prevent Soil Freezing, August 1964. Transportation, Department of

October 1964

(1964) Modification of Ca-Montmorillonite by Low-Temperature Heat Treatment, HR-106, 1964. Transportation, Department of

November 1964

(1964) Factors Influencing Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes, Progress Report, HR-99, 1964 (November). Transportation, Department of

(1964) Washington Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, November 1964. Transportation, Department of

31 December 1964

(1964) Soil Stabilization with Cement and Lime HR-82, December 1964. Transportation, Department of


(1965) Bridge and Culvert Plan Reading, A Self-Instructional Course, 1965. Transportation, Department of

(1965) A Guide for Developing School Bus Purchasing Specifications, 1965. Education, Department of

(1965) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1965. Transportation, Department of

(1965) Training and supervision of the school bus driver, 1965. Education, Department of

January 1965

(1965) Panora Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1965. Transportation, Department of

(1965) X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Soils and Soil Stabilizers, HR-106, 1965. Transportation, Department of

March 1965

(1965) Compositional and Mechanical Properties of Carbonate Rocks, Progress Report, HR-110, 1965. Transportation, Department of

(1965) Factors Influencing Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes, Progress Report, HR-99, 1965. Transportation, Department of

April 1965

(1965) Behavior of Asphalts in the Production of Asphaltic Concrete, HR-107, 1965. Transportation, Department of

July 1965

(1965) National Accelerator Laboratory prepared for Atomic Energy Commission, July 1965. Transportation, Department of

September 1965

(1965) Problems of Bridge Supporting and Expansion Devices and an Experimental Comparison of the Dynamic Behavior of Rigid and Elastomeric Bearings, HR-105, 1965. Transportation, Department of

(1965) A Study to Correlate Soil Consistency Limits with Soil Moisture Tensions, HR-27, 1965. Transportation, Department of

October 1965

(1965) Water vapor-sodium montmorillonite interaction : progress report to Iowa State Highway Commission; Iowa Highway Research Board Project HR-97; Iowa Engineering Experiment Station Project 505-S, 1965. Transportation, Department of

December 1965

(1965) Behavior of Asphalts During Production of Asphaltic Concrete Mixes, HR-107, 1965. Transportation, Department of

(1965) Subgrade Insulation to Prevent Soil Freezing, HR-87, 1965. Transportation, Department of

(1965) Time-Temperature Strength-Reaction Product Relationships in Lime-Bentonite-Water Mixtures, HR-111, 1965. Transportation, Department of

Fall 1965

(1965) Fort Dodge Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, February 1965. Transportation, Department of


(1966) Effect of CA-Montmorillonite Expansion on X-Ray Diffraction Intensities, Progress Report, HR-111, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Evaluation of Carbide Waste Lime for Soil Stabilization, Progress Report, HR-111. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Maintenance Control Sections, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Stability of Granular Base Course Materials containing Bituminous Admixtures by John Charles Whisler, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes compacted to Modified Proctor Density by Thomas William Best, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Void Ratio and Shear Strength of Two Compacted Crushed Stones, Progress Report, HR-99. Transportation, Department of

February 1966

(1966) Chemical Stabilization and Physicochemical Properties of Soils, HR-97, Final Report, 1966. Transportation, Department of

March 1966

(1966) Construction Records: A Guide for Inspectors, March 1966. Transportation, Department of

May 1966

(1966) Special Origin and Destination Study Delaware County prepared by Traffic and Highway Planning Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1966. Transportation, Department of

June 1966

(1966) Mason City Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Supplement to 1962 Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1966. Transportation, Department of

July 1966

(1966) Chemical Stabilization and Physicochemical Properties of Soils, HR-97, Special Report, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Knoxville Origin and Destination Traffic Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Magnitude and Frequency of Iowa Floods: HR-2 – Part 1, July 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Magnitude and Frequency of Iowa Floods:HR-2, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Pella Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1966. Transportation, Department of

September 1966

(1966) Investigation of the Lane-Wells Road Logger, HR-113, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Special Origin and Destination Study Ida County prepared by Traffic and Highway Planning Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, September 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Utilization of I-280 Highway Embankment as an Impounding Structure to provide a 93 Acre Recreation Lake Development : Black Hawk Creek: Sections 25 and 36, T78N, R2E, Scott County Iowa, Volume II: Hydrology and Hydraulic Studies, September 1966. Transportation, Department of


(1967) Evaluation of Stainless Steel Culvert Pipe in Mahaska County, Iowa, HR-2001. Transportation, Department of

(1967) Parking: Problems, Possibilities, Programs, An Improvement Program for Iowa City's Downtown Parking, 1967. University of Iowa

(1967) Soil bearing tests using a spherical penetration device HR-117, 1967. Transportation, Department of

(1967) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1967. Transportation, Department of

(1967) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1967. Transportation, Department of

January 1967

(1967) Residual Stresses and Fatigue Behavior of Welded Structural Members, HR-94, 1967. Transportation, Department of

February 1967

(1967) Transportation of Grain and Mixed Feeds from Iowa: Special Report No 50, February 1967. Transportation, Department of

March 1967

(1967) Design and Operation of the Traffic Simulator, HR-100, 1967. Transportation, Department of

(1967) Service Correlation of the Traffic Simulator, HR-100, 1967. Transportation, Department of

May 1967

(1967) Planning information system, 1967. Transportation, Department of

July 1967

(1967) Compositional and Mechanical Properties of Carbonate Rocks, HR-110, 1967. Transportation, Department of

August 1967

(1967) Development of a Laboratory Durability Test for Asphalts, HR-124, 1967. Transportation, Department of

(1967) Relationship of Carbonate Aggregates to Concrete Aging, HR-116, 1967. Transportation, Department of

October 1967

(1967) Iowa Highway Commission field inspection trip of the Iowa Great River Road: in cooperation with the Iowa Mississippi River Parkway Commission, October 1967. Transportation, Department of

November 1967

(1967) Shear Strength of Granular Materials, 1967. Transportation, Department of

15 November 1967

(1967) Report on Rest Area Water Systems for Interstate Highways, 1967. Transportation, Department of

20 November 1967

(1967) Iowa Field Conference on "D"-Cracking: Nov. 20 & 21, 1967. Transportation, Department of

December 1967

(1967) Preliminary Report on the Installation of Stainless Steel Culvert Pipe in Mahaska County, Iowa, HR-2001, 1967. Transportation, Department of


(1968) Comprehensive Plan Fort Madison Iowa prepared for Fort Madison Planning & Zoning Commission and the Iowa Development Commission prepared by Don C. Shafer & Associates, 1968. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1968) Iowa Mississippi River Resource: A Preliminary Planning Report, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Seismic Wave Velocity as a Means of In-Place Density Measurement, HR-114, Final Report, Part 2 of 2, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Seismic Wave Velocity as a Means of In-Place Density Measurement, Part 1, HR-114, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Stability of Granular Base Course Materials Containing Bituminous Admixtures, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1968) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) This is YOUR Highway Commission,1968. Transportation, Department of

February 1968

(1968) Asbestos Fibers in Type B Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course, MLR-67-1, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Evaluation of Limestone Filler in Gravel Mixtures "Asphaltic Concrete", R-228, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) A Mechanistic Explanation of The Physical Properties of Undisturbed Loess, February;HR-126, 1968. Transportation, Department of

March 1968

(1968) Field Testing of Asphaltic Concrete Mixes, HR-101 and R-183, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Great River Road Iowa: Development Report, March 1968. Transportation, Department of

April 1968

(1968) Muscatine Iowa Mississippi River Toll Bridge, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, April1968. Transportation, Department of

May 1968

(1968) Bridge Floor Repairs by Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Review of Geometric Design Criteria and Lighting Design Criteria, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Storm Lake Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Storm Lake Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Study of Alternate Pavement Designs, 1968. Transportation, Department of

1 May 1968

(1968) Iowa State Highway Commission Highway: Needs Studies, May 1, 1968. Transportation, Department of

June 1968

(1968) Hampton Origin and Destination Traffic Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Hampton Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Ida Grove Origin Destination Traffic Report prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Cassville Wisc, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

July 1968

(1968) Bloomfield Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Urbanized Area Transportation Study: Interim Report Number 1: Transportation Facilities Inventory: Work Item 1-2, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Evaluation of Cohesion and Swell Characteristics of Asphalt Treated Base Mixtures, R-223, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Lansing Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin: Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Sabula Iowa, Mississippi River Toll Bridge: Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Special Origin and Destination Study Benton County, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

3 July 1968

(1968) Optimum Level of Enforcement of Regulations Governing the Size and Weight of Motor Vehicles operated of Iowa Highways, July 3, 1968. Transportation, Department of

August 1968

(1968) Evaluation of Experimental Data Obtained from Lightweight Aggregate Bridge Girders, HR-104, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Fort Madison Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Toolesboro, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Sioux City Mississippi River Toll Bridge, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Study of Type 'A' Asphaltic Concrete Surface Mix Design, R-232, 1968. Transportation, Department of

September 1968

(1968) Evaluation Study of Pit Run Gravel Asphalt Treated Base Mixtures with Various Percentages of Crushed Limestone, R-217, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa Application for Additions to National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, September 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Keokuk Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, September 1968. Transportation, Department of

October 1968

(1968) Creep and Shrinkage Properties of Lightweight Concrete Used in the State of Iowa, HR-136, Phase I, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Des Moines River Toll Bridge Vincennes Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Durability of P.C. Concrete as Affected by Aggregate Size, Curing and Proportions, R-214, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Clinton Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Davenport Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Missouri River Bridge, Nebraska-Iowa Project-(680-9(190): Definite Project Report, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Optimum Enforcement Level for Traffic Weight Operations, HR-138, Appendices, 1968. Transportation, Department of

31 October 1968

(1968) Mississippi River Toll bridge Dubuque Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report, October 31, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Optimum Enforcement Level for Traffic Weight Operations Final Report, October 31, 1968. Transportation, Department of

November 1968

(1968) Correlation Studies BPR Type Roughometer vs. PCE Type Road Meter, MLR-68-2, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Manual of Instructions for Rural Road Inventory, November 1968. Transportation, Department of

December 1968

(1968) Distribution of Wheel Loads on Highway Bridges, 1968. Transportation, Department of


(1969) Building Demolition, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Urbanized Area Transportation Study: Traffic Model/Assignment Techniques, Interim Report, Number 5, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Urbanized Area Transportation Study: Transportation Facilities/Travel Pattern Forecasts, Interim Report, Number 7, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Urbanized Area Transportation Study: Trip Assignments/Alternative Networks, Interim Report, Number 8, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Factors influencing stability of granular base course mixes, 1969. Iowa State University

(1969) Field Observation of Five Lightweight Aggregate Pretensioned Prestressed Bridge Beams, HR-104, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) A History of Particle-Size Limits, Special Report, HR-99, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Improvement of Granular Base Course Materials with Portland Cement, Special Report, HR-99, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Inspector's Handbook: Clearing and Grubbing by Harry Robinson, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Inspector's Handbook: Well Construction, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Inspectors Handbook, Highway Signing by Paul McGuffin, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Inspectors Handbook, Surface Treatments and Bituminous Seal Coats, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Pipe Culverts, Inspection Handbook by by E.J. Shaffer, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Report Upon Land Use Transportation Schools and Planning Objectives, Northwest Iowa Region prepared for the Northwest Iowa Regional Planning Commission, 1969. Governor's Office

(1969) Route Location Study of U.S. 69 in Polk County: Interstate 80 North to Iowa 160, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Traffic and Revenues proposed Muscatine Bridge prepared for Iowa State Highway Commission, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Urbanized Area Transportation Study, Davenport, Rock Island, Moline: Interim Report: Small Area Forecasts Economic, Population, Land Use, 1969. Transportation, Department of

January 1969

(1969) Inspectors Handbook, Construction Surveying, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Inspectors Handbook, Prestressed Concrete Units, January 1969. Transportation, Department of

February 1969

(1969) Criteria for the Evaluation and Disposition of Low-Traffic-Count Secondary Roads, HR-139, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Des Moines Urban Area Truck Terminal Inventory: Resource Report No. 4, Central Iowa Regional Planning Commission, February 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Lightweight Aggregate Use in Structural Concrete, MLR-69-1 and R-229, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Time-Dependent Deformation of Non-Composite and Composite Sand-Lightweight Prestressed Concrete Structures, Phase 1, HR-137, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) X-Ray Diffraction of Highway Materials, HR-128, 1969. Transportation, Department of

7 February 1969

(1969) Criteria for the Evaluation and Disposition of Low-Traffic-Count Secondary Roads, February 7, 1969. Transportation, Department of

April 1969

(1969) Road Profile Adjustment Computer Program, HR-143, 1969. Transportation, Department of

May 1969

(1969) Piers and Abutments, Inspectors Handbook, 1969. Transportation, Department of

June 1969

(1969) Check list for construction inspectors Construction Department, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Maquoketa Origin and Destination Traffic Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) A Study of Curing Methods and Type II Cements on the Durability of Concrete, R-11-Z(1), 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Vinton Origin and Destination Traffic Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1969. Transportation, Department of

July 1969

(1969) Albia Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Clarinda Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Iowa Speed Study 1969 prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1969. Transportation, Department of

1 July 1969

(1969) Safety Rest Areas and Sponsors, July 1, 1969. Transportation, Department of

August 1969

(1969) Durability and Durability Tests for Paving Asphalt: A State-of-the-Art Report, HR-124, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Map Index for Iowa's Proposed Interstate Routes and Interchanges prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1960. Transportation, Department of

October 1969

(1969) Development of a Durability Test for Asphalts, HR-124, Progress Report No. 3., 1969. Transportation, Department of

December 1969

(1969) Concept Manual for Inventory and Purchasing System for the Iowa State Highway Commission, December 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1969) Route Location Study of 520 Freeway 520 in Webster County, U.S. 169 East to Hamilton County line prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, December 1969. Transportation, Department of


(1970) Average Traffic Expansion Factors by Road System: Derived from Permanent Automatic Traffic Recorder Data prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, 1968-1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Final Report Research Project HR-155 by M. J. Mausbach and W. D. Shrader, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Lime or Chloride Treatment of Granular Base Course Materials, HR-99, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Marshalltown Iowa Traffic Safety Study, 197z. Iowa State University

(1970) A Motorcycle Accident Study, 1970. Public Safety, Department of

(1970) Phase II planning studies for continuing the state planning and programming process for the State of Iowa. Administrative Services

(1970) The Road Ahead, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Soil Erosion Control for Secondary Roads, HR-155, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Status of Traffic Engineering in Iowa: A Report to the Iowa State Highway Commission, 1970. Iowa State University

January 1970

(1970) Interstate Highway 29 Usage Study: Sioux City-Sioux Falls, January, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) South Dakota Interstate Highway 29: I-29 Usage Study Planning Report, January 1970. Transportation, Department of

30 January 1970

(1970) Report of 226A Road Meter & Improvements, MLR-68-2, January 30, 1970. Transportation, Department of

February 1970

(1970) Absorption of Asphalt by Aggregate, HR-142, Progress Report, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Davenport Rock Island Moline Urbanized Area Transportation Study: Comprehensive Plan Report, February 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) New Hampton Origin and Destination Traffic Report prepared by Highway Planning Surveys Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, February 1970. Iowa State University

(1970) Scale Effects in Hydraulic Model Tests of Rock Protected Structures, HR-119, 1970. Transportation, Department of

March 1970

(1970) Preliminary Studies of Remedial Measures for the Prevention of Bridge Deck Deterioration, HR-146, 1970. Transportation, Department of

20 March 1970

(1970) 1969 Annual Report: Metropolitan Planning Commission of Black Hawk County, March 20, 1970. Transportation, Department of

May 1970

(1970) Newton Origin and Destination Traffic Report prepared by Highway Planning Surveys Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1970. Iowa State University

(1970) A Study of the Need for Traffic Signals at Selected Intersections, May 1970. Transportation, Department of

July 1970

(1970) Iowa Roads and Streets Functional Classification Manual, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) List of Signs and Illustrations of Use for Primary and Interstate Highways by Traffic and Safety Department, July 1970. Transportation, Department of

August 1970

(1970) Charles City Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Contractor Payment System: employing the IBM 360 Computer System by Kenneth L. Shafer, Data Processing Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Granular Base Materials for Flexible Pavements, HR-131, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Loss of Prestress, Camber, and Deflection of Non-Composite and Composite Structures Using Different Weight Concretes, HR-137, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) The Prediction of Creep and Shrinkage Properties of Concrete, HR-136, 1970. Transportation, Department of

1 August 1970

(1970) Behavior of Granular Materials Under Triaxial Compression with Pulsating Deviator Stress, HR-131, Special Report, August 1, 1970. Transportation, Department of

September 1970

(1970) Abrasion of Aggregates as Affected by Grading, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Guidelines for the Inclusion of Left-Turn Lanes at Rural Highway Intersections, HR-147, 1970. Transportation, Department of

October 1970

(1970) Red Oak--Corning, U.S. 34 relocation / prepared by the Highway Planning Surveys Department, Division of Planning, Iowa State Highway Commission in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 1970. Transportation, Department of

November 1970

(1970) Final Report: Highway Commission Funding Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committees on Transportation submitted to the Iowa Legislative Council, November 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Iowa State Highway Commission Office Procedures Handbook, November 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) A Study of Portland Cement Maintenance Mix and Set Accelerators, R-249, 1970. Transportation, Department of

December 1970

(1970) Dickinson County and Iowa Great Lakes Region Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Highway Planning Section, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1970) An Inventory of Highways in Iowa using the Photo/File System, December 1970. Transportation, Department of


(1971) Corridor Location Study: Cedar Rapids & Marion, 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) Evolution of Design Practice at the Iowa State Highway Commission for the Determination of Peak Discharges at Bridges and Culverts, 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) Iowa State Highway Commission's Equal Employment Action Plan, 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) Resurfacing and Asphalt Concrete Paving by Kermit L. Farrier, 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) The Road Ahead, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1971) State of Iowa Economic Growth Center Development Highways: Governor's Designation of Three Economic Growth Centers, 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1971. Transportation, Department of

February 1971

(1971) Organization and Coordination of the Highway Planning Function in Iowa, HR-150, 1971. Transportation, Department of

March 1971

(1971) An Investigation of the Chemical Method of Determining the Cement Content of Hardened Concrete, MLR-71-01 and R-248, 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) Sheldon Origin and Destination Traffic Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, March 1971. Transportation, Department of

June 1971

(1971) Surface Improvement and Dust Palliation of Unpaved Secondary Roads and Streets, Progress Report, HR-151, 1971. Transportation, Department of

29 June 1971

(1971) Highway "Firsts" - State of Iowa, 1971. Transportation, Department of

July 1971

(1971) Consolidation of Loess, 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) Durability Study of Type II Cements, MLR-71-03 and R-247, 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) Inspectors Handbook, Surface Treatments and Bituminous Seal Coats, July 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) Iowa Speed Study 1971 prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1971. Transportation, Department of

(1971) A Study of the Relative Durability and Drying Shrinkage of Concrete using Various Retarders, R-234;MLR-71-02, 1971. Transportation, Department of

September 1971

(1971) Iowa Department of Transportation : A Design for Growth, 1971. Transportation, Department of

November 1971

(1971) Evaluation of Concrete Sealers for Use on Bridge Pier Tops and Abutments, R-242, 1971. Transportation, Department of

December 1971

(1971) Absorptive Aggregates in Asphalt Paving Mixtures, HR-142, 1971. Transportation, Department of


(1972) Annual street finance report for the incorporated cities and towns of Iowa / prepared by Traffic and Highway Planning Department, Division of Planning ; in cooperation with the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, 1972. Transportation, Department of

(1972) Inspector's Handbook, Landscaping by James Cummings, 1972. Transportation, Department of

(1972) Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Traffic Violation Convictions and Traffic Accidents of Drivers involved in Fatal Accidents Iowa, 1972 prepared by Aurora P. Berenguel. Public Safety, Department of

(1972) Report of the Transportation Subcommittee of the Standing Committees on Appropriations: submitted to the Members of the Second Session of the Sixty-Fourth General Assembly meeting in the year 1972, 1972. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1972) Roadside erosion research in selected Iowa counties, 1972. Transportation, Department of

(1972) School Bus Driver's Handbook, 1972. Education, Department of

(1972) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1972. Transportation, Department of

(1972) Teachers Guide for School Bus Passenger Safety, 1972. Education, Department of

January 1972

(1972) An Estimate of the Cost to Resurface Pavements and Bridges Damaged by Studded Tires, 1972. Transportation, Department of

June 1972

(1972) Waverly: Origin and Destination Traffic Report, June 1972. Iowa State University

July 1972

(1972) Comparison Between Leaded and Nonleaded Gasoline as Used in Iowa State Highway Commission Vehicles, HR-1002, 1972. Transportation, Department of

(1972) Comparison Between Leaded and Nonleaded Gasoline as used in Iowa State Highway Commission Vehicles : Final Report, July 1972. Transportation, Department of

(1972) Iowa Speed Study 1972 prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1972. Transportation, Department of

(1972) Special Project Report: Production & Placement of Bituminous Treated Aggregate Base and Type B Asphalt Concrete Produced by a Drum Mixing Process prepared by Bernard H. Ortgies, July 1972. Transportation, Department of

August 1972

(1972) Effects of Cement on Moisture Migration in Concrete, Phase A, Laboratory Study of Moisture Migration in Hardened Cement Paste, HR-141, 1972. Transportation, Department of

September 1972

(1972) Proceedings Seminar in applied Remote Sensing, September 1972. University of Iowa

(1972) A Study of the Reliability of the ASTM C-666 Freeze-Thaw Test, MLR-72-01 and R-252, 1972. Transportation, Department of

November 1972

(1972) Osage, Iowa, November 1972. Transportation, Department of

15 November 1972

(1972) A Study of Alcohol Related Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents State of Iowa 1970-1971, November 15, 1972. Transportation, Department of

December 1972

(1972) Data Processing Systems Manual: Highway Noise Prediction, 1972. Transportation, Department of

(1972) Evaluation of Gap-Graded Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Vol. 3. Appendix, HR-157, Volume 3 (Part 3), 1972 (1973). Transportation, Department of

(1972) Evaluation of Gap-Graded Asphalt Concrete Mixtures, Vol. 1. Physical Properties (Part I: Mechanical Properties), HR-157, Volume 1, 1972 (1973). Transportation, Department of


(1973) An Economic Analysis of Alternative Grain Transportation Systems: A Case Study, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Handbook of Resource Material for the Task Force on the Modernization of Iowa's Transportation System, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Highways and Your Land, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Iowa Pupil Transportation Workshop, 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Proposed Iowa Tollway Highway System Pre-Preliminary Feasibility Statement, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Resurfacing and Asphalt Concrete Paving by Kermit L. Farrier, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Traffic Safety Study Mason City, Iowa, 1973. Iowa State University

January 1973

(1973) Feasibility Study of Dynamic Overload and Ultimate Load Tests of Full-Scale Highway Bridges, HR-160, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Oakland Origin and Destination Traffic Report prepared by Highway Planning Surveys Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1973. Iowa State University

February 1973

(1973) Evaluation of Gap-Graded Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Part II: Statistical Design and Analysis, HR-157, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Utility accommodation policy of the Iowa State Highway Commission, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Waverly Origin and Destination Traffic Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, February 1973. Transportation, Department of

March 1973

(1973) A Traffic Study for the Bridgeport Industrial Area Sioux City, Iowa, March 1973. Transportation, Department of

3 April 1973

(1973) Missouri riverfront parkway & scenic highway design study, 1973. Transportation, Department of

July 1973

(1973) Dedicated to Better and Safer Highways, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Inspectors Handbook, Surface Treatments and Bituminous Seal Coats, July 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) An Investigation of Portland Cement Concrete Utilizing 70% Class V Aggregate and 30% Calcareous Coarse Aggregate, R-255, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Iowa Speed Study 1973 prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Surface Improvement and Dust Palliation of Unpaved Secondary Roads and Streets, HR-151, 1973. Transportation, Department of

August 1973

(1973) The Action Plan: System Planning, Location Planning, Project Development, August 1973. Transportation, Department of

15 August 1973

(1973) Methods to Increase Durability of Reactive ("D" Cracking) Coarse Aggregate in Portland Cement Concrete, MLR-73-01, 1973. Transportation, Department of

September 1973

(1973) Traffic Engineering Study for the Oelwein, Iowa Central Business District, Iowa, September 1973. Transportation, Department of

October 1973

(1973) The Action Plan: Pursuant to PPM 90-4 prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1973. Transportation, Department of

November 1973

(1973) An Economic Analysis of Alternative Grain Transportation Systems A Case Study: Executive Summary, November 1973. Iowa State University


(1974) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1972-June 30, 1974, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Data Processing Orientation "EIT" Program, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Iowa Motorcycle Accident Study, 1971-1973, 1974. Public Safety, Department of

(1974) Iowa Statewide Highway Transportation Study: Trip Data Analysis, Vol. 1-D, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Iowa's Highway Safety Comprehensive Plan prepared by the Iowa Highway Commission FY1974-77,. Transportation, Department of

(1974) The School Bus : Minimum Standards for Construction of School Transportation Equipment (Legal Requirements and Regulations), 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) The School Bus, Minimum Standards for Construction of School Transportation Equipment, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1974. Transportation, Department of

January 1974

(1974) Cash Flow and Project Management Programming and Scheduling Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Final Report-Freeway Operations Analysis of I-80 to I-29 Interchange;HR-166, January 1974. Transportation, Department of

February 1974

(1974) A Computerized Method for the Hydrologic Design of Culverts;HR-164, February 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Route Improvement Study of Iowa 44 in Harrison County from U.S. 30 easterly to the Shelby County compiled by the Project Planning Section of the Corridor Planning Department, February 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Traffic Engineering Study for the Forest City Iowa, February 1974. Transportation, Department of

March 1974

(1974) Route Improvement Study of Iowa 148 through Anita in Cass County from the South City Limits of Anita Northerly to Iowa 148 in North Anita compiled by the Project Planning Section of the Corridor Planning Department, March 1974. Transportation, Department of

8 March 1974

(1974) Construction Progress Report No. 7: Five-in-One Bridge and Dam Structure in Cedar Rapids of Linn County, Iowa, March 8, 1974. Transportation, Department of

April 1974

(1974) Survey No. 1, Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1974. Transportation, Department of

26 April 1974

(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of application for the commission's approval of the transfer of liquid transport carrier certificate of convenience and necessity no. LC-25. : Marion H. Pthoven, D/B/A Pothoven Oil Company, Oskaloosa, Iowa, Transfer and Pothoven Transport, Inc., Oskaloosa, Iowa, Transferee: Docket No. DLC-418: decision and order decided April 26, 1974. Transportation, Department of

30 April 1974

(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of application for installation of automatic highway-railroad grade crossing signal protection at the location where main street crossed the tracks of the Burlington Northern Inc. in the town of Lucas, Iowa: Docket No. A-6901 decision and order decided April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of installation and maintenance of railroad-highway crossing signals on secondary road and Chicago and North Western Transportation Company railway tracks in Westgate, Iowa: docket no. A-6911 : decision and order decided April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission: in the matter of application for installation of automatic highway-railroad grade crossing signal protection at the location where North Maple Street crosses the tracks of the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company in the City of Carroll, Iowa: Docket no. A-6898 : decision and order decided April 30, 1974, April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of

June 1974

(1974) Location Study for Freeway 518 and Expressway 18W from Iowa 3 in Bremer County to Iowa 107 in Cerro Gordo County Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1974. Transportation, Department of

July 1974

(1974) Considerations of Airport and Secondary Road Abandonment by Eugene Wilson Prepared for Dept. of Transportation, July 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Measurement of Pavement Surface Variations;HR-152, July 1974. Transportation, Department of

6 August 1974

(1974) Energy Policy Council Railroad Report by Iowa Energy Policy Council, August 6, 1974. Transportation, Department of

September 1974

(1974) Davenport, Iowa to La Crosse, Wisconsin: Highway Corridor Study, 1974. Transportation, Department of

8 October 1974

(1974) Economic Analysis of Advance 4-Lane Right of Way Acquisition, October 8, 1974. Transportation, Department of

December 1974

(1974) Bridge Deck Waterproofing Membrane Study;MLR-74-01, R-262, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Communication System : Employing the IBM 370 Computer System, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) An Experiment to Derive Predictive Models of Public Response to Policy Manipulations in Public Bus Transportation by J.J. Louviere, December 1974. Education, Department of


(1975) Alcohol Related Fatal Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Study, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Attitudes Toward and Evaluation of Carpooling, August 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Estimated Traffic and Vehicle-Miles of Travel on Iowa's Proposed Interstate System 1956-1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) The Highway Mode: Principal Routes as proposed January 1975 prepared by multilane highway system Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Maintenance Control Sections, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Mississippi River toll bridge. Dubuque, Iowa : supplemental report, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Pupil Transportation Manual: A Guide for Transportation Supervisors, 1975. Education, Department of

(1975) Report on the Federal Highway Administration Carpool Demonstration Project: Region VII: Blackhawk, Bremer, Butler, Chickasaw, and Grundy Counties, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1975. Transportation, Department of

January 1975

(1975) Field Welding Inspection Manual: Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Iowa Roads and Streets Functional Classification Manual, 1975. Transportation, Department of

February 1975

(1975) Corrosion of Steel in CRCP, HR-1004, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Evaluation of the Argentine Nondestructive Test for Determining Concrete Compressive Strength, R-269 and MLR-75-2, 1975. Transportation, Department of

March 1975

(1975) A Computer Based Information System for County Equipment Cost Records, Interim Report, HR-173, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) An Information System Design Framework for State Rail Planning, March 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) PC Concrete Texturing, R-246;MLR-75-03, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Seventh Avenue Study Interim Report City of Marion Iowa, March 1975. Transportation, Department of

April 1975

(1975) An Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Surfacing in Iowa (with corrections), MLR-75-1, 1975. Transportation, Department of

May 1975

(1975) Considerations in Planning and Operating Transportation Systems for Older Americans and Public Systems in Rural Areas by Douglas J. McKelvey, May 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) An Investigation of Concrete Setting Time, R-265 (MLR-75-4), 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Ultimate Load Behavior of Full-Scale Highway Truss Bridges: Phase I - Ultimate Load Tests of the Hubby Bridge - Boone County, Interim Report, HR-169, 1975. Transportation, Department of

June 1975

(1975) Financial Statements, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Iowa Transit: A Report on Urban, Regional, Intercity and Taxicab Operations for 1975, Public Transit Division,. Transportation, Department of

(1975) A Survey of Energy Conservation Practices in Iowa Local Governments : a Supplement to Response to Crisis, June, 1975. University of Iowa

(1975) Transit Assistance Program for Iowa, 1975. Transportation, Department of

July 1975

(1975) A Computer Based Information System for County Equipment Cost Records, Final Report, HR-173, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Durability of Concrete as Affected by Variations in Air and W/C Ratio, R-258, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Freeway Controversies and Their Implications for Transportation Planning: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, A Case Study in a Small Metropolitan Area by Robert M. Donnelly, July 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Land Use Strategy Report for Region Six prepared by Region Six Planning Commission, July 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Off-Peak hour Transit Routing, July 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Thermoplastic Pavement Markings, HR-172, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Visibility and Speed Estimation of Iowa State Highway Commission Snowplows, HR-174, 1975. Transportation, Department of

17 July 1975

(1975) Transportation System Management Plan: Waterloo Metropolitan Area prepared by Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments, July 1975. Transportation, Department of

August 1975

(1975) Ultimate Load Behavior of Full-Scale Highway Truss Bridges: Phase II - Service Load and Supplementary Tests, Interim Report, HR-169, 1975. Transportation, Department of

September 1975

(1975) 1975 Iowa Barge Terminal Study prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Division of Planning and Research, September 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Evaluation of Crushed Limestone Rock as a Mulch Material, HR-171, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Kossuth County Iowa Recycled Asphalt Pavement, Open House, August 10 & 11, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Recycled Asphalt Pavements - Kossuth County Iowa, HR-176, 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Traffic Safety Study: Shenandoah, Iowa, September 1975. Iowa State University

(1975) Ultimate Load Behavior of Full-Scale Highway Truss Bridges, Summary Report, HR-169, 1975. Transportation, Department of

24 September 1975

(1975) Determining the Loss of Service Life on Secondary Roads or City Streets used for Primary Road Detours by Ronald D. Less September 24, 1975. Transportation, Department of

December 1975

(1975) A Research Report on Roadside Vegetation Management:HR-159, December 1975. Transportation, Department of

1 December 1975

(1975) Pedestrian Accident Study Iowa, 1972-1974, December 1, 1975. Transportation, Department of

30 December 1975

(1975) Proposed Dickinson County Trail, Milford to Spirit Lake: Project Report and Case Estimate, December 30,1975. Transportation, Department of


(1976) 1976 Iowa Barge Terminal Study prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Division of Planning and Research, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) 1976-1980 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Before the Interstate Commerce Commission, Ex Parte 270 Investigation of Railroad Freight Rate Structure, Grain and Grain Products, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) City of Keokuk, Iowa: Traffic Safety Study, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Effects of Reynolds Number and Corner Radius on Two-Dimensional Flow Around Octagonal, Dodecagonal, and Hexdecagonal Cylinders HR-162, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) A Guide to Land Use Planning and Zoning in Airport Vicinities prepared by Aeronautics Division, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Proceedings Northwestern Iowa Rural Public Transportation Conference sponsored by: Iowa Central Community College, Iowa Department of Transportation, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Report on traffic safety study Le Mars, Iowa in cooperation with Iowa Department of Transportation, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Road Map Math, 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) A Study of Traffic Accidents in Council Bluffs Iowa, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Traffic Engineering Study, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Traffic Safety Study Carroll, Iowa, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Transportation System Management: Des Moines Urbanized Area 1977-1978: Appendix, 1976. Transportation, Department of

January 1976

(1976) A Laboratory Investigation of An Accelerated Polishing Method for Determining the Skid Resistance Potential of Aggregates, MLR-76-02 and R-264, 1976. Transportation, Department of

February 1976

(1976) Signal System study for the Central Business District, Burlington Iowa, February 1976. Transportation, Department of

March 1976

(1976) The IJK Ride Indicator, 1976. Transportation, Department of

April 1976

(1976) Maintenance of Pavement Skid Resistance (Open Graded Asphalt Friction Courses), Progress Report, HR-170, 1976. Transportation, Department of

October 1976

(1976) Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Iowa Construction and Maintenance Traffic Control Handbook, 1976. Transportation, Department of

November 1976

(1976) An Evaluation of the Roto-Mill Profiler on Concrete Pavements in Iowa, MLR-76-1, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Investigation of Highway Lighting, HR-154, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Report on Proposed Bridge Locations over the Mississippi River at Keokuk Iowa, November 1976. Transportation, Department of

22 November 1976

(1976) Interstate 129, Sergeant Floyd Memorial Bridge, dedication, Monday, November 22, 1976, 11:00 am,1976. Transportation, Department of

December 1976

(1976) State of Iowa Rail Planning Work Statement, December 1976. Transportation, Department of


(1977) 1977 Iowa Barge Terminal Study prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Division of Planning and Research, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) 1977 Railroad Traffic Density prepared by the Iowa Division of Planning and Research, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) 1978 Iowa Barge Terminal Study prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Division of Planning and Research, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1977) The Action Plan: System Planning, Location Planning, Project Development, August 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Airport Development Plan, Clarion Municipal Airport, Clarion Iowa, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Airport Development Plan, Clarion Municipal Airport, Clarion Iowa, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Alcohol Related Fatal Crash, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Creston Iowa Traffic Safety Study, 1977. Iowa State University

(1977) The Des Moines Urbanized Area Transportation System Management Plan 1978-79, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Extension of Interstate 380 from junction of Interstate 380, Freeway 520 and U.S. 218 in Waterloo, Iowa to junction of Freeway 518 and U.S. 20 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Black Hawk County, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Iowa D.O.T's Experience with Recycling Portland Cement Pavement and Asphalt Cement Pavement, MLR-77-4, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Iowa Rail Plan prepared by Planning & Research Division in cooperation with the Railroad Transportation Division, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) The Iowa Supplemental Energy Conservation Plan: 1977-1980 prepared by the Staff of the Iowa Energy Policy Council, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Opinions about Highway Safety Iowa Drivers, November 29- December 7, 1977, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Recycling of Portland Cement Concrete Roads in Iowa, MLR-77-6, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Regional Transit Development Plan, Region I, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Regional Transit Development Program for Mills and Pottawattamie Counties Iowa prepared by Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Agency, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Regional Transit Development Program, Region VI, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Regional Transit Development Program, Region VI, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Speakers Directory: Find Out What's Going on in Government, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Sprinkle Treatment (Bristowes Spreader), HR-512. Transportation, Department of

(1977) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Traffic Safety Study for Denison Iowa, 1977. Iowa State University

(1977) Transit Development Program Update for the Iowa Northland Regional Area VII, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Transit Development Program for the Mid-Iowa Area 5 Region, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Truck Weight Survey Instructions and Schedules, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Ups and Downs of Iowa's railroads by William Nelson Whitehill, 1977. Transportation, Department of

January 1977

(1977) Portland Cement Concrete Utilizing Recycled Pavement, MLR-77-3, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Recycling Portland Cement Concrete and Asphaltic Concrete by George Calvert, 1977. Transportation, Department of

March 1977

(1977) An Evaluation of Cover Aggregate Stripping Characteristics, Progress Report, HR-182, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Iowa Track Geometry Car Operators Safety Manual, March 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Proposed Iowa segments, Great River Road, March 1977. Transportation, Department of

7 March 1977

(1977) Performance Evaluation: Participant's Training Manual, March 7, 1977. Transportation, Department of

April 1977

(1977) Alcohol Related Fatal Traffic Accidents, April 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Chloride Penetration Into LSDC (Iowa System) Resurfacing Mixes, MLR-77-05 and R-267, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Fiscal Year 1987 Transportation Improvement Program for the Iowa City Urbanized Area, April 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Low Profile Marker for Wet/Night Visibility, HR-1005, 1977. Transportation, Department of

May 1977

(1977) Bonded, Thin-Lift, Non-Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Resurfacing, MLR-77-2, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Detection of Steel Corrosion in Bridge Decks and Reinforced Concrete Pavement, HR-156, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Dynamic Pavement Deflection Measurements, Progress Report, HR-178, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Prevention of Reflection Cracking in Asphalt Overlays with Structofors, Petromate, and Cerex, HR-158, 1977. Transportation, Department of

June 1977

(1977) Guttenberg to Cassville Ferry Service: A Feasibility Study, June 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Iowa Air Transportation Statistics, June 1977. University of Iowa

(1977) Regional Transit Development Program, Region VIII, FY78-80, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Skid Resistance of the Secondary Road System in Iowa; HR-168, MLR-77-1, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Transportation Improvement Program for the Waterloo Metropolitan Area: FY 1978 Annual Element & 1979-1982, July 1977. Transportation, Department of

July 1977

(1977) Fatigue Behavior of Air-Entrained Concrete, HR-183, 1977. Transportation, Department of

August 1977

(1977) Intercity Passenger Carrier Improvement Study, Final Report, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) A forms Manual for Affirmative Action Planning and Programming prepared by Affirmative Action Division, Iowa Civil Rights Commission, August 1977. Civil Rights Commission

September 1977

(1977) Experimental Macadam Stone Base Des Moines County, HR-175, Construction Report, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Sioux City Signal System Evaluation Study: Draft Final Report, September 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Vehicle Delay Times at Railroad Crossings prepared by Planning and Research Division, September 1977. Transportation, Department of

20 September 1977

(1977) Fiscal year 1978-1982 Transportation Improvement Program for the Des Moines Urbanized Area, Clive, Des Moines, Johnston, Pleasant Hill, Polk County, Urbandale, West Des Moines, Windsor Heights, September 20, 1977. Transportation, Department of

October 1977

(1977) Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Recycling of Cass County I-80 Asphalt Concrete, Progress Report, HR-1011, 1977. Transportation, Department of

November 1977

(1977) Dust Control Using an Asphalt Emulsion, HR-196, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Effects of Reduced Intersection Lighting on Nighttime Accident Frequency, HR-1003A, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Information Needs: The Interstate Highway Motorist in Iowa, November 1967. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Macadam Base Shoulders, HR-181, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Traffic Engineering Study: Oskaloosa, Iowa, November 1977. Iowa State University

December 1977

(1977) Evaluation of Air Pollution Control Devices for Asphalt Pavement Recycling Operations, HR-188, Progress Report, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1977) Evaluation of Dense Bridge Floor Concrete using Superplasticizer, HR-192, 1977. Transportation, Department of


(1978) 1978 Railroad Traffic Density Iowa Map, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Accident location and analysis system of Iowa, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Airport Development Plan for Glenwood Iowa prepared for the City of Glenwood Iowa, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Airport Development Plan for Orange City Municipal Airport, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Airport Development Plan for the Belle Plaine Municipal Airport, Belle Plaine Iowa, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Appropriation Request: For the Operations Budget fiscal Years 1978 and 1979, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) The Des Moines Urbanized Area Transportation System Management Plan 1978-79, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Final Negative Declaration for U.S. 151 Linn and Jones Counties from Iowa 13 Easterly to Iowa 1 prepared by Planning and Research Division and Office of Project Planning, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) General highway and transportation map,1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Guide to Iowa Outdoor Advertising Sign Regulations Along Primary Highways, Office of Right of Way, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Hamilton Boulevard Safety Project Evaluation, Sioux City Iowa, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Highway Maintenance in Iowa, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) The Highway Surveys Program A Summary Statement Fiscal 1977-1978, HR-198, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Highways and Your Land, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Iowa 28 Warren and Polk Counties, Iowa prepared by the Office of Project Planning and Planning and Research Division, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Iowa Motorcycle Crash Study, 1974-1976, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Iowa Rail Assistance: Self Help that Works by Iowa Railroad Division, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Iowa Transit: A Report of Urban, Regional, Intercity and Taxicab Operations for 1976, 1977, and 1978, Public Transit Division, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Phase I Implementation: Accident Location and Analysis System, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Relocation Assistance and Advisory Services, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Streets and Traffic by Kevin Laverty, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Transit Development Program Update 1978: Region II prepared by North Iowa Area Council of Governments, Iowa Department of Transportation, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Writing for Readers: A Guide for Report Writing, 1978. Transportation, Department of

January 1978

(1978) General Aggregate Source Information, January 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) How to do A Transit Station Land Use Impact Study by Douglass B. Lee, Jr., January 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Laboratory Study of Slurry Seal Coats, HR-185, Revised, 1978. Transportation, Department of

10 January 1978

(1978) Implications of allowing Heavier Trucks in Iowa presented to the Iowa Transportation Commission, January 10, 1978. Transportation, Department of

February 1978

(1978) Sprinkle Treatment of Asphalt Pavements, MLR-78-01, 1978. Transportation, Department of

March 1978

(1978) Final Environmental Statement, U.S. 30 Benton and Linn Counties, March 1978. Transportation, Department of

April 1978

(1978) Bridge Deck Delamination Study, HR-179, 1978. Transportation, Department of

May 1978

(1978) A Management Assistance Program: Employee Selection, Public Transit Division, May 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Portable School Stop Signs and Other Non-Uniform School Stop Control Devices, HR-190, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) River Transportation in Iowa prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Planning and Research Division, May 1978. Transportation, Department of

June 1978

(1978) 1978 Region XI Transit Development Program Update Prepared by Central Iowa Regional Association of Local Governments, June 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Airport Development Plan for Bloomfield Municipal Airport prepared for Bloomfield Municipal Airport Commission, June 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Iowa Application for Discretionary Priority Primary Funding U.S. 61 from I-80 at Davenport to Wisconsin state line at Dubuque, June 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Transit Development Program Update for the Iowa Northland Region: Area VII, 1979-1983, June 1978. Transportation, Department of

July 1978

(1978) Iowa Railroad Track Geometry Ratings, July 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Transportation and Land Use Theory by Douglass B. Lee, Jr., July 1978. University of Iowa

August 1978

(1978) 1978 Area XV Transit Development Program Update prepared by Institute of Urban and Regional Research, University of Iowa on behalf of Area XV Regional Planning Commission, August 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) 1978 Regional Transit Development Program Update for Region VIII, August 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) First Avenue study, August 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Opinions about Highway Safety Iowa Drivers, August 14-25, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Traffic Engineering Study for the City of Boone Iowa, August 1978. Transportation, Department of

November 1978

(1978) Evaluation of an Epoxy Pavement Marking System, HR-180, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) An Evaluation of the Consolidation Monitoring Device, HR-1013, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Measuring the Achievement of National Urban Transportation Goals and Objectives: The Role of Metropolitan Planning Organizations, November 1978. University of Iowa

(1978) A Study of the Frictional Properties of New Asphaltic Concrete Pavements in Iowa, MLR-78-03, 1978. Transportation, Department of

December 1978

(1978) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Construction of a Bridge Floor Using High Range Water Reducer, Construction Report, HR-192, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) The Economic Potential of the Spergen Formation in Seven Southeastern Iowa Counties, HR-189, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in Monona County, Iowa, Construction Report, HR-200, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Fibrous P.C. Concrete Overlay Research Green County, Iowa, December 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) A Laboratory Evaluation of Asphaltic Concrete Containing Asphadur, MLR-78-2, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Recycling of Asphalt Concrete From I-80 in Cass County, HR-1011, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Report on a Traffic Safety Study for Ankeny Iowa, December 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Sioux City Signal System Implementation Plan, Volume I General Guidelines prepared for Sioux City Iowa, December 1978. Transportation, Department of

Summer 1978

(1978) Sioux City Traffic County Program 1978 Combined, Summer 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Sioux City combined recorder count programs, Summer 1978. Transportation, Department of


(1979) 1979 Highway Safety Accident Studies, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Airport Development Plan, Audubon Municipal Airport, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Guidelines for Planning, Designing, and Developing Ground Transportation Centers. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Iowa Highway Archaeology Annual Report 1978-1979, HR-198, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Land Use and Transportation in Iowa by Alice Seun-Ho Cho, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Maintenance Area Responsibility Maps, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Office of Materials prepared by Office of Materials, Iowa Department of Transportation, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1979. Transportation, Department of

January 1979

(1979) Arterial 561 Couler Valley, Dubuque, IA Part II: Draft Environmental Impact Statement Appendix - Cultural Resources Assessment, January 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Arterial 561, Couler Valley, Dubuque, Iowa, Draft Environmental Impact Statement Appendix, Cultural Resources Assessment, January 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Bridge Deck Repair Using Epoxy Resin, HR-177, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Crack Survey for Fibrous P.C. Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Determination of Rumble Strip Effectiveness, HR-184, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) General Aggregate Source Information, 1979. Transportation, Department of

February 1979

(1979) Dynamic Deflections for Determining Structural Rating of Flexible Pavements, HR-178, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Evaluation of Cover Aggregate Stripping Characteristics, HR-182, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Fatigue Behavior of Air-Entrained Concrete: Phase II, HR-197, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Railroad Rehabilitation Cost Estimating Methodology Study: Phase 1 Report, February 1979. Transportation, Department of

March 1979

(1979) A Further Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Surfacing in Iowa, MLR-79-1, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Revised Iowa State Energy Conservation Plan : 1979 - 1980, 1979. Transportation, Department of

April 1979

(1979) 1979 Regional Transit Development Program Update: Region I prepared by Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission, April 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Development of Concepts for Pavement Management, MLR-79-04, 1979. Transportation, Department of

1 April 1979

(1979) State Employee Subsidy Program: I am Ready 4 A Change prepared by Public Transit Division, April 1, 1979. Transportation, Department of

May 1979

(1979) Computer Mapping: A State of the Art Report, May 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Design Criteria for Piers by Chuck Pestotnik, May 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Paving in Woodbury County, Iowa, HR-201, Construction Report, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) River Transportation in Iowa prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Planning and Research Division, May 1979. Transportation, Department of

June 1979

(1979) Field Evaluation of Pavement Marking Materials, MLR-79-02, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Fixed Route Transit Service standards for the Cedar Rapids: Marion Metropolitan Area, June 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Pavement Wear and Studded Tire Use in Iowa, HR-148, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Wind Tunnel Analysis of the Effects of Planting at Highway Grade Separation Structures, HR-202, 1979. Transportation, Department of

July 1979

(1979) Clinton Municipal Transit Authority Special Study, July 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Transverse Joint Sealing with Various Sealants, Progress Report, HR-203, 1979. Transportation, Department of

August 1979

(1979) Comparison of Commercial Truck Size, Weight, and Registration Fees for Iowa and Surrounding States, Office of Policy Analysis, August 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Implications of increased Truck Weight and Size in Iowa, August, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Performance of Various Thicknesses of P.C. Concrete Secondary Pavement, HR-9, 1979. Transportation, Department of

September 1979

(1979) 1978 Regional Transit Development Program Update, Region I prepared by Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission, September 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Iowa Interstate Rest Area Stabilization Ponds;HR-207, September 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Safer Constrauction and Maintenance Practices to Minimize Potential Liabiliy by Counties from Accidents;HR-204, Septemeber 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Safer Construction and Maintenance Safer Construction and Maintenance Practices to Minimize Potential Liability by Counties from Accidents, September 1979. Transportation, Department of

October 1979

(1979) Asphalt Stabilization (Asphadur)/Reduction of Reflection Cracks (Monsanto Bidim Synthetic Fabric), HR-511, 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Railroad Rights-of-Way as Wildlife Habitat in Iowa by Lynn Braband and Erwin E. Klaas, October 1979. Iowa State University

November 1979

(1979) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Chapters I through V, November 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Preliminary Draft, Chapters I through V, November 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Intercity Bus Transportation by Richard K. Taube, National Transportation Policy Study Commission, November 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Penetration Characteristics of Asphalt in a Recycled Mixture, MLR-79-03, 1979. Transportation, Department of

December 1979

(1979) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) School Transportation Report, Vol. 14, December 1979. Education, Department of


(1980) Asphalt Concrete Plant Inspection Manual, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Asphalt Emulsions for Highway Construction (Emulsion Seal Coat), HR-1028, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Eagle Grove Municipal Airport, Eagle Grove Iowa, Airport Development Plan prepared for Eagle Grove Airport Commission, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) High Range Water Reducer in Portland Cement Concrete Made with D-Cracking Susceptible Coarse Aggregate, HR-1021, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) How to Commute by Bike, 1980. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1980) Iowa Falls Gateway, Short Line Railroad Study, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Iowa Transit: A Report of Urban, Regional, Intercity and Taxicab Operations for 1978, 1979, and 1980, Public Transit Division, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Lamoni Airport Development Plan, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Load Distribution in Glulam Timber Highway Bridges, Final Report prepared for American Institute of Timber Construction, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Parrott's Manual of Road and Drainage Laws of Iowa, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Pavement Surface on Macadam Base, Adair County, HR-209, Construction Report, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Preview of Iowa Asphalt Treated Base Construction by Richard P. Henely, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Traffic Survey sponsored by the Fort Madison Jaycees and the Fort Madison Transportation Committee, 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) Traffic Volume Studies, 1980. Transportation, Department of

January 1980

(1980) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Phase I, January 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in Monona County, Iowa, HR-200, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Financial management control system : employing the IBM 370 computer system developed for the Offices of Accounting and Budget, Iowa Department of Transportation / by Nile C. Johnson, Senior Systems Analyst, Supervisor, January 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Iowa Motorcycle Ride Meter, HR-1019, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Iowa Pore Index Test, MLR-80-2, 1980. Transportation, Department of

February 1980

(1980) 1980 Pavement Smoothness Measurements, February 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) 1982 Pavement Smoothness Measurements, February 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Evaluation of Recycled Asphalt Concrete Pavements: Final Report for Kossuth County, Iowa, HR-1008, February 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Survey of D.O.T.'s Traffic Paint Costs in 1979, HR-515, 1980. Transportation, Department of

March 1980

(1980) 1975 DRIM Area Transportation Model Check prepared by Office of Advance Planning, March 1980. Transportation, Department of

3 March 1980

(1980) 1980 Traffic Line Marking Program, March 3, 1980. Transportation, Department of

5 March 1980

(1980) A Classification of the Wing and Closing Dams on the Upper Mississippi River bordering Iowa by Tom Boland, March 5, 1980. Transportation, Department of

April 1980

(1980) Des Moines Fleur Drive/Army Post Road Signal System Study, April 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Paving in Woodbury County, Iowa, Final Report, HR-201, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Summary of Permanent Continuous Automatic Traffic Count Stations of Iowa prepared by Iowa Department of Transportation, April 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Traffic Count Manual for the Des Moines Urbanized Area, 1980. Transportation, Department of

May 1980

(1980) Alas-Base Record Interface prepared by Office of Transportation Research, Planning and Research Division, May 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Treating Iowa's Marginal Aggregates and Soils by Foamix Process, HR-212, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Use of Longitudinal Subdrains in the 3R Program, Progress Report 1, HR-509, 1980. Transportation, Department of

June 1980

(1980) Bonded, Thin-Lift, Non-Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Resurfacing, HR-191, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) A Transit Assistance Program for State Employees: Final Report, June 1980. Transportation, Department of

July 1980

(1980) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Phase II, July 1980. Transportation, Department of

September 1980

(1980) Alternate Methods of Stabilizing Degrading Stream Channels in Western Iowa, Phase I, HR-208, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Maintenance Equipment Lighting Manual, September 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Traffic Safety Study: Ottumwa, Iowa, September 1980. Iowa State University

1 September 1980

(1980) Uniform Data Management System, Iowa Department of Transportation, September 1, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Uniform Data Management System: System Development/Testing, September 1, 1980. Transportation, Department of

October 1980

(1980) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Phase III, October 1980. Transportation, Department of

November 1980

(1980) Reinforced Earth and Stone Columns for Weak Subsoil Conditions, HR-510, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Special Report on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in Iowa, MLR-80-03, 1980. Transportation, Department of

December 1980

(1980) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Evaluation of 1977 Asphalt Concrete Sprinkle Treatments; HR-1012, December 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Field Performance and Evaluation of Slurry Seals, HR-195, 1980. Transportation, Department of

1 December 1980

(1980) Uniform Data Management System, Iowa Department of Transportation, December 1, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Uniform Data Management System: System Implementation #1, December 1, 1980. Transportation, Department of


(1981) Evaluation of Changes in Productivity Resulting from Removal of Soil for Highway Construction, HR-186, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) IPTA Transit Plan for the 80's prepared and adopted by the Iowa Public Transportation Association, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Maintenance Area Responsibility Maps, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Pavement Management and Rehabilitation of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements, MLR-80-01, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Predicted Accident List by FRA Number, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Public Railroad Crossings Cross Reference List/Rail and Water Division, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Regional Transit Development Plan, Region V prepared by Midas Council of Governments and Frontier Transit, FY1982-1986, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1981. Transportation, Department of

January 1981

(1981) Asphalt Emulsion Bound Macadam in Dubuque County, Iowa, HR-216, Construction Report, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) FY1981 Transportation System Management Plan for the Des Moines Urbanized Area, January 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Traffic Safety Study Muscatine, Iowa #25-80, January 1981. Iowa State University

1 January 1981

(1981) Iowa Rail company abandonment plans: Railroad Map, January 1, 1981. Transportation, Department of

February 1981

(1981) Improvement of Longitudinal Joints in Asphalt Pavement, HR-215, Construction Report, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Protection of Structural Concrete Substructures, Construction Report, HR-220, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Reducing the Adverse Effects of Transverse Cracking, Construction Report, HR-217, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Transverse Cracking Study of Asphalt Pavement, HR-1020, 1981. Transportation, Department of

17 February 1981

(1981) State Transit assistance Programming, February 17, 1981. Transportation, Department of

27 February 1981

(1981) Protection of Structural Concrete Substructures, February 27, 1981. Transportation, Department of

March 1981

(1981) Field Evaluation of Electro-Reflective Measuring Apparatus (ERMA), MLR-81-01, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Report on Fly Ash Variability, MLR-81-2, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Report on Fly Ash as a Soil Additive, MLR-81-03, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) A Review of the Frictional Classification of Iowa Aggregates, MLR-81-04, 1981. Transportation, Department of

April 1981

(1981) Liability and Traffic Control Considerations for Low Water Stream Crossings, HR-218, 1981. Transportation, Department of

May 1981

(1981) An Analysis of Driver License Office Data Bases prepared by Office of Transportation Research, Iowa Department of Transportation, May 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Intercity Bus Route Evaluation for Statewide Planning, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Mission-Oriented Dust Control and Surface Improvement Processes for Unpaved Roads, HR-194, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Mission-Oriented Dust Control and Surface Improvement processes for Unpaved Roads, Final report, May 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Mississippi River Bridge Keokuk Iowa-Hamilton-Illinois Area, May 1981. Transportation, Department of

June 1981

(1981) An Evaluation of Iowa Driver Improvement Program, June 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Fly Ash Concrete Compressive Strength and Freeze-Thaw Durability, MLR-81-06, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) An Optimum Allocation Approach to Closing or Relocating Highway Maintenance Garages in Iowa, 1981. Transportation, Department of

July 1981

(1981) Citizen Participation in Transportation Planning, July 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Performance of Various Thicknesses of Portland Cement Concrete, HR-9, 30 Year Report, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Preliminary Engineering Work Area, 1981. Transportation, Department of

1 July 1981

(1981) Iowa Railroad Map, July 1, 1981. Transportation, Department of

August 1981

(1981) Construction and Maintenance Practices to Minimize the Potential Liability of Counties for Roads in Rural Subdivisions, HR-221, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) State-of-the-Art Methods for Design of Integral Bridge Abutments, HR-227, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Vehicle Occupancy, 1981. Transportation, Department of

4 August 1981

(1981) Establishment of Speed Zones on Primary Highways, August 4, 1981. Transportation, Department of

September 1981

(1981) Final Report for Research Project HR-181, Macadam Base Shoulders, September 1981. Transportation, Department of

15 October 1981

(1981) 1981 train operating speeds : [Iowa],1981. Transportation, Department of

November 1981

(1981) East Central Iowa Transit Marketing Program for Fiscal Years 1982-1986, November 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Iowa's Public Transit Program, Public Transit Division, November 1981. Transportation, Department of

December 1981

(1981) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Use of Longitudinal Subdrains in the 3R Program, Final Report, HR-509, 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1981) Use of Longitudinal Subdrains in the 3R Program, HR-509, Progress Report #2, 1981. Transportation, Department of


(1982) Annual Report of Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal year Ending June 30, 1975-June 30, 1982, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Bridge Deck Delamination Study Infrared Inspection, HR-244, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Exports, the Economy and Transportation, The Importance of recognizing World Trade as a Factor in State and Local Transportation Decision-Making, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) FY'83 Section 18, Section 16 (b)(2), and State Transit Assistance Consolidated Grant Application, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) FY1983 Transportation System Management Plan for the Des Moines Urbanized Area, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) The Keokuk & Hamilton Bridge : Keokuk, Iowa - Hamilton, Illinois, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Pavement and Shoulder Maintenance Workshop, October 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Traffic Control Inventory Manual, 1982. Transportation, Department of

January 1982

(1982) Asphalt Emulsions for Highway Construction by Charles L. Baule, January 1982. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1982

(1982) Locations of New Industry, 1971-1980, January 1, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Locations of new industry, 1971-1980. Transportation, Department of

February 1982

(1982) 1981 Pavement Smoothness Measurements, February 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Nonlinear Pile Behavior in Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-227, Part 1, 1982. Transportation, Department of

March 1982

(1982) 1982 Airport Operations Survey, March 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Manual of Pavement Marking Program, March 1982. Transportation, Department of

April 1982

(1982) An Investigation of Signing Needs at Uncontrolled Local Road Intersections, HR-230, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Recycled Asphalt Pavement Kossuth County Iowa, HR-176, 1982. Transportation, Department of

1 April 1982

(1982) 1980 railroad traffic density, Iowa, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Chronology of Iowa railroad abandonments, 1982. Transportation, Department of

13 April 1982

(1982) Summary of Findings of a U.S. D.O.T. study on "An Investigation of Truck Size and Weight Limits, April 13, 1982. Transportation, Department of

21 April 1982

(1982) Federal Highway Administration finding of No Significant Impacts for Bridge Replacement over the Cedar River in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County Project No. IX-218-7(41), April 21, 1982. Transportation, Department of

May 1982

(1982) Effect of Density on Marshall Stability of Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete, MLR-82-01, 1982. Transportation, Department of

June 1982

(1982) Transportation Systems Management Plan for the Iowa City/Coralville Urban Area and Johnson County Transit Portion FY 1982 Johnson County Council of Governments, June 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Warrants for Rumble Strips on Rural Highways, HR-235, 1982. Transportation, Department of

10 June 1982

(1982) U.S. 18 reconstruction from Illinois Avenue east 2.8 miles in Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, June 10, 1982. Transportation, Department of

July 1982

(1982) Data Bank for Recycled Bituminous Concrete Pavements by D.Y. Lee, July 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Effect of Oven Heating Time of Asphaltic Concrete on Marshall Stability, MLR-82-02, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Epoxy Thermoplastic Traffic Marking Material, HR-1033, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Iowa's Experience with Sprinkle Treatment of Asphalt Pavements, Progress Report for Project HR-199, July 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Iowa's Experience with Sprinkle Treatment of Asphalt Pavements, Progress Report for Project HR-199, July 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Row Crop Response to Topsoil Restored on Borrow Areas, HR-186, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Row Crop Response to Topsoil Restored on Borrow Areas, HR-186, Supplemental Report, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Sieve Analysis of Combined Aggregate Samples by Different Test Methods, MLR-84-05, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Transverse Cracking of Asphalt Pavements, HR-1040, Summary Report, 1982. Transportation, Department of

September 1982

(1982) Examination of Existing Highway Maintenance Garage Locations in Two Study Areas in Iowa, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Nonlinear Finite Element Study of Piles in Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-227, Part 2, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Sioux City Sign Inventory System, SCSIS User's Manual prepared for Sioux City, Iowa, September 1982. Transportation, Department of

October 1982

(1982) Evaluation of control devices for asphalt pavement recycling operations : summary report for research project HR-188, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges, HR-239, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Production and Evaluation of Calcium Magnesium Acetate, HR-243, 1982. Transportation, Department of

24 November 1982

(1982) U.S. 63 Dedication, Chester, Iowa, November 24, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) U.S. 63 dedication, Chester, Iowa, November 24, 1982. Transportation, Department of

December 1982

(1982) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Performance of Randomly Oriented, Fiber-Reinforced Roadway Soils, HR-211, 1982. Transportation, Department of

1 December 1982

(1982) U.S. 61 dedication, December 1, 1982. Transportation, Department of


(1983) Airport Operations Survey, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Alternative Flexible Overlays, HR-229, Construction Report, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Dubuque Urban Area Rail Plan, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Floyd County, HR-1026, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Mileage Minder by Iowa Energy Policy Council, 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1983. Transportation, Department of

January 1983

(1983) Factors Relating to Aggregate Durability in Portland Cement Concrete, HR-2022, Interim Report, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Rural Roads and Bridges in the Midwest: The Growing Crisis and Recommendations to deal with it: 1982 Final Report, January 1983. Transportation, Department of

February 1983

(1983) Dynamic Deflections to Determine Roadway Support Ratings, HR-245, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Engineering Study Automating Iowa's Speed Monitoring Program, HR-228, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Strengthening of Existing Single Span Steel Beam and Concrete Deck Bridges, HR-238, Part 1, 1983. Transportation, Department of

March 1983

(1983) 1983 Quad Cities Transit Development Study, March 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Evaluation of the Concrete Admixture Gla-Zit, MLR-81-5, 1983. Transportation, Department of

April 1983

(1983) Technology News, April 1983. Transportation, Department of

May 1983

(1983) 1982 Pavement Smoothness Measurements, May 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Evaluation of Dense Bridge Floor Concrete Using High Range Water Reducer, May 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Evaluation of Dense Bridge Floor Concrete using High Range Water Reducer, May 1983. Transportation, Department of

June 1983

(1983) Experimental Use of Calcium Magnesium Acetate, HR-253, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Guidelines for Selecting Projects for Maintenance Contract Work prepared by Office of Maintenance, Highway Division, June 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Longitudinal Grinding and Transverse Grooving to Improve Frictional and Profile Properties, HR-1035, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Performance of Reinforcement Fabric Used Under Asphaltic Concrete Overlays, MLR-83-03, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Technology News, June 1983. Transportation, Department of

July 1983

(1983) Effect of Grooved Concrete on Curing Efficiency, MLR-83-4, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) The Intercity Bus Industry: An Annotated Bibliography by Michael Kyte, July 1983. University of Iowa

1 July 1983

(1983) Rail service map : [Iowa], 1983. Transportation, Department of

August 1983

(1983) Bonding Agents for Portland Cement Concrete and Mortar;MLR-83-01, August 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Examination of Closing the Existing Highway Maintenance Garage at Hamlin, Iowa, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Examination of Existing Highway Maintenance Garage Locations in Tama and Blairstown Study Area, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Use of Reagent Grade Versus Industrial Grade Trichlorethylene in Asphalt Recoveries, MLR-83-05, 1983. Transportation, Department of

26 August 1983

(1983) U.S. 20 Dedication, August 26, 1983. Transportation, Department of

September 1983

(1983) Characterization of Fly Ash for Use in Concrete, HR-225, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Technology News,(Nebraska Edition) September 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Transverse Joint Sealing with Various Sealants, HR-203, 1983. Transportation, Department of

October 1983

(1983) Design Manual for Low Water Stream Crossings, October 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) An Investigation of the Interstate 80 Rutting in Adair County;MLR-83-02, October 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Iowa's Experience with Contract Maintenance by Dwight M. Rorholm, October 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Iowa's Experience with Contract Maintenance prepared by Bernhard H. Ortgies, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Transit in the 80's; Looking Ahead, October 1983. Transportation, Department of

November 1983

(1983) Technology News, November 1983. Transportation, Department of

21 November 1983

(1983) I-380/U.S. 20 Dedication, November 21, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Iowa 330 Dedication, November 21, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Iowa 330 Dedication, November 21, 1983. Transportation, Department of

December 1983

(1983) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) A Nondestructive Method for Determining the Thickness of Sound Concrete on Older Pavements, HR-250, 1983. Transportation, Department of


(1984) Airport Development Plan, Boone Municipal Airport prepared for the Boone Airport Commission, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Alcohol Related Fatal Crash, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Executive Summary of the Airport Development Plan, Boone Municipal Airport prepared for the Boone Airport Commission, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Keeping Iowa Out of the Mud: A Primer of Iowa Highway Financing, 1984. Iowa State University

(1984) Metropolitan Transit in the 1980s: An Intergovernmental Challenge, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) New Federal Laws Manual prepared by Office of Policy, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Pavement Surface on Macadam Base: Adair County Final Report, Iowa Highway Reserach Board Project HR-209. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Report on Traffic Control Plan Reviews, 1984. Transportation, Department of

January 1984

(1984) Asphalt Concrete Plant Inspection Manual, January 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) An Evaluation of the Second Generation Consolidation Monitoring Device, HR-1013, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Improving Subgrade Support Values with Longitudinal Drains, MLR-84-3, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) The Relationship of Aggregate Durability to Trace Element Content, Interim Report, HR-266, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Roadway Lighting on Secondary Roads in Iowa, HR-251, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Sprinkle Treatment of Asphalt Surfaces, HR-199, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, January 1984. Transportation, Department of

February 1984

(1984) A Ten Year Performance Summary of Fibrous PC Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1984. Transportation, Department of

March 1984

(1984) Development of EDMI Calibration Baseline, HR-241, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) FY'85 Consolidated Application for Section 18, Section 16 (b)(2), and State Transit Assistance Grants Plus Section 9 Allocations, March 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Investigation of the Effect of Reheating Asphalts on the Test Results, MLR-84-09, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Perception and Interpretation of Advance Warning Signs on County Roads, HR-256, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, March 1984. Transportation, Department of

April 1984

(1984) Airport Development Plan, Emmetsburg Municipal Airport prepared for Emmetsburg Airport Commission, April 1984. Transportation, Department of

May 1984

(1984) Reducing the Adverse Effects of Transverse Cracking, HR-217, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Settlement At Culverts; HR-219, May 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, May (Nebraska Edition), 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, May, 1984. Transportation, Department of

15 May 1984

(1984) Dubuque Transportation Coordination Project, Plan for Coordinated Pupil Transportation 1984-1985, May 15, 1984. Education, Department of

June 1984

(1984) Addendum to the Design Manual for Low Water Stream Crossings, HR-247, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Guidelines for Selecting Projects for Maintenance Contract Work prepared by Office of Maintenance, Highway Division, September 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Transportation Improvement Program for the Iowa City Urbanized Area FY'85-'89, June 1984. Transportation, Department of

1 June 1984

(1984) Long Term Pavement Monitoring Evaluation of the FHWA sponsored Program by James K. Cable, June 1, 1984. Transportation, Department of

July 1984

(1984) AASHTO highway sub-committee on maintenance, July 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Signing on Very Low Volume Rurd Roads Iowa DOT Project HR-262, July, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Submerged Vanes for Flow Control and Bank Protection in Streams, HR-255, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, July 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, July, 1984. Transportation, Department of

August 1984

(1984) 1984 Quad-City Street/Highway Intersection Traffic Accident Report, August 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Design of Piles for Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-252, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Highway Runoff Study, HR-1037, Progress Report, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Strength-Temperature Study of Fly Ash Concrete, MLR-84-6, 1984. Transportation, Department of

14 August 1984

(1984) I-380 dedication : Boyson Road to Iowa 101, August 14, 1984. Transportation, Department of

September 1984

(1984) Evaluation of a Mobile Rut Depth Device for the Pavement Management Program, HR-248, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Experimental Use of Calcium Magnesium Acetate, Addendum, HR-253, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, September, 1984. Transportation, Department of

October 1984

(1984) Evaluation of fly ash in water reduced paving mixtures, 1984. Transportation, Department of

November 1984

(1984) Recycled Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in Iowa, HR-506, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Synthetic Fabric to Improve Structural Capacity in Asphalt Overlays, HR-516, 1984. Transportation, Department of

1 November 1984

(1984) Iowa Railroad Service Map Iowa, November 1, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Railroad Map Iowa: Exhibit 1, November 1, 1984. Transportation, Department of

December 1984

(1984) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Effect of Wildlife Highway Warning Reflectors on Deer-Vehicle Accident; HR-210, December 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Protection of Structural Concrete Substructures, HR-220, Progress Report, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Snow Removal on Iowa's Secondary Roads, HR-267, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, December 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News,(Nebraska Edition) December 1984. Transportation, Department of

13 December 1984

(1984) U.S. 61 Dedication, December 13, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) U.S. 61 dedication, December 13, 1984. Transportation, Department of

Spring 1984

(1984) Highway Bond Financing in Iowa, An Examination of the Issues by Gary R. Rubenstein, Spring 1984. Transportation, Department of


(1985) Airport Development Plan, Albia Iowa 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Airport Development Plan, Albia Municipal Airport, Albia Iowa, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Airport Development Plan, Grinnell Iowa 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Amendment to 1985 Iowa Railroad Analysis Update, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Bridge Replacement over the Cedar River, Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, IX-281-7(41), Environmental Assessment and Draft Section 4(f) Statement, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Driving Iowa's Interstate System, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Effect of a Noise Wall on Snow Accumulation and Air Quality, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Establishing Load Transfer in Existing Jointed Concrete Pavements, HR-1041, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Fly Iowa, Office of Aeronautics, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Great River Road: Mississippi, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Iowa's Pavement Management System by S.L. Tritsch, 1985. Transportation, Department of

January 1985

(1985) Asphalt Concrete Plant Inspection Manual, January 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Asphalt Emulsions for Highway Construction, HR-216, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Cultural Resources Assessment: Tracts 1 and 1A Relocated U.S. 61 Dubuque, Iowa, January 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) The Effect of Deicing Salt on Aggregate Durability, Progress Report HR-266, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) A Sufficiency Rating System for Secondary Roads in Iowa, HR-264, 1985. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1985

(1985) Railroad Map Iowa, January 1, 1985. Transportation, Department of

February 1985

(1985) Incentive-Disincentive Clause, HR-521, 1985. Transportation, Department of

March 1985

(1985) Design Manual for Strengthening Single-Span Composite Bridges by Post-Tensioning Part 3, HR-238, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Reducing the Problem of Transverse Cracking, HR-232, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Strengthening of Existing Single Span Steel Beam and Concrete Deck Bridges, HR-238, Part II, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Technology News, March, 1985. Transportation, Department of

May 1985

(1985) Evaluation of Additives for Extruded Asphalt Curbs, MLR-85-06, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Technology News, May, 1985. Transportation, Department of

21 May 1985

(1985) Shifting Students from School Buses to Public Transit: Recommended actions for Burlington Community Schools and Burlington Urban Service, May 21, 1985. Transportation, Department of

31 May 1985

(1985) Revised Design Study Report Burlington Bridge Replacement Des Moines County Iowa, Henderson County, Illinois, Mississippi River bridge between Burlington, Iowa and Gulfport, Illinois, May 31,1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) U.S. 18 Opening Algona, Iowa, May 31, 1985. Transportation, Department of

June 1985

(1985) Addendum to Perception and Interpretation of Advance Warning Signs on County Roads, HR-256, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Water Reduced Paving Mixtures;MLR-84-07, June 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Highway Runoff Study, HR-1037, Final Report, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Iowa Transportation Laws, HR-234, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) A Sufficiency Rating System for Secondary Roads in Iowa, HR-264, Volume I, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) A Sufficiency Rating System for Secondary Roads in Iowa, HR-264, Volume II, 1985. Transportation, Department of

1 June 1985

(1985) Traffic map, Iowa,1984. Transportation, Department of

26 June 1985

(1985) U.S. 218 Dedication, June 26, 1985. Transportation, Department of

July 1985

(1985) Evaluation of Control Structures for Stabilizing Degrading Stream Channels in Western Iowa, Phases II and III, HR-208A, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Field Demonstration and Laboratory Evaluation of Foamed Asphalts - Muscatine County, HR-233, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Highway Division 1986 Work Program, July 1985. Management, Department of

(1985) Underseal Evaluation Project: Poweshiek County I-80 Near Milepost 189.5, Eastbound Roadway, MLR-85-10, 1985. Transportation, Department of

August 1985

(1985) Engineering Study for the Evaluation of Public Road Administration and Maintenance Alternatives, Executive Summary for HR-265, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Engineering Study for the Evaluation of Public Road Administration and Maintenance Alternatives, HR-265, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Estimates of Total Fuel Consumption in Transporting Grain from Iowa to Major Grain-Importing Countries by Alternative Modes and Routes, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Interstate 380 Withdrawal and Substitution Program in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls, Iowa Metropolitan Area, August 1985. Transportation, Department of

September 1985

(1985) 1985 Accident Summary Report for the Des Moines Metropolitan Area, September 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Asphalt Cement Containing AC-13, HR-522, Construction Report, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Data Acquisition and Computer Plotting of Delamtect Data, HR-269, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Quad-City Street/Highway Intersection Traffic Accident Report, September 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Technology News, September, 1985. Transportation, Department of

12 September 1985

(1985) I-380 Dedication: Iowa 150 to U.S. 20, September 12, 1985. Transportation, Department of

19 September 1985

(1985) U.S. 151 Dedication I-80 to U.S. 6, September 19, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) U.S. 151 Dedication I-80 to U.S. 6, September 19, 1985. Transportation, Department of

7 October 1985

(1985) Iowa 92 Iowa River Bridge Dedication, Columbus Jct., October 7, 1985. Transportation, Department of

November 1985

(1985) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Bridge Deck Concrete, MLR-84-2, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Technology News, November, 1985. Transportation, Department of

23 November 1985

(1985) Dedication Keokuk-Hamilton Mississippi River Bridge, November 23, 1985. Transportation, Department of

December 1985

(1985) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1985. Transportation, Department of

11 December 1985

(1985) Savanna-Sabula Mississippi River Bridge Dedication, December 11, 1985. Transportation, Department of


(1986) Ashton House and the Engineer Who Built It, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Buckle up for life, we care! : Iowa's safety belt law, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Can you imagine what would happen if this sign weren't there?, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Evaluating Alternative Maintenance Strategies HR-1039, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Exposure Index List by Company and FRA Number at Grade X-ings Only, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) A Literature Review of Urban Bypass Studies, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Predicted Accident List by FRA Number, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Public Railroad Crossings Cross Reference List, Rail and Water Division, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1986. Transportation, Department of

January 1986

(1986) Detection of Concrete Delamination by Infrared Thermography, HR-244, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) The Economics of Reducing the County Road System: Three Case Studies in Iowa - Executive Summary, HR-242, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) The Economics of Reducing the County Road System: Three Case Studies in Iowa, HR-242, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Evaluation of Asphalt Mixes Made from Reclaimed Concrete Aggregates, MLR-85-07, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Low Cost Fly Ash - Sand Stabilization Roadway, Construction Report, HR-259, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Structural Analysis and Overlay Design of Pavements Using the Road Rater, MLR-84-3, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) User's Manual for the County Road Evaluation Program - Volume I, HR-242, 1986. Transportation, Department of

February 1986

(1986) Long-Term Structural Movement, HR-275, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Technology News, February, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) The Use of Remote Sensing Techniques Compared to Traditional Archaeological Phase II Testing Methods: A Cost-Benefit Analysis, HR-524, 1986. Transportation, Department of

March 1986

(1986) Effects of Special Aggregate on Bridge Deck Overlay Frictional Properties, HR-205, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Evaluation: The FY 1985 Coralville Transit Route Study Implemented Recommendations, March 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Technology News, March, 1986. Transportation, Department of

14 March 1986

(1986) Iowa 415 and Iowa 160 Dedication: Ankeny, March 14, 1986. Transportation, Department of

April 1986

(1986) Frost Action in Rocks and Concrete, HR-258, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) A Pre-Location Study of Southeast Iowa, April 1986. Transportation, Department of

May 1986

(1986) Technology News, May, 1986. Transportation, Department of

June 1986

(1986) Effect of Compaction on the Aggregate Fracturing of Asphalt Concrete, MLR-86-07, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Iowa Research with Chem-Crete Bitumen: Final Report Iowa Highway Research Board Project HR-226, June 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Restoration of Fricitonal Characteristics on Older Portland Cement Concrete Pavement:Final Report for Iowa Highway Research Board Project HR-224, June 1986. Transportation, Department of

July 1986

(1986) Effect of Delay in Testing Asphalt Concrete Specimens for Marshall Stability, MLR-86-08, Draft, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Evaluation of Fly Ash Concrete Durability Containing Class II Durability Aggregates, July 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Evaluation of Fly Ash Concrete Durability Containing Class II Durability Aggregates;MLR-85-08, July 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) An Evaluation of the Troxler 3241-B Nuclear Asphalt Gauge, MLR-85-11, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Technology News, July, 1986. Transportation, Department of

August 1986

(1986) Evaluation of Fly Ash in lean Portland Cement Concrete Base "Econocrete";MLR-85-03, August 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) FY86 Iowa City transit Roadcall Summary by Drew Beck and Jeff Davidson, August 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Information Pertaining to the Public Hearing, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Performance of Nongrouted Thin Bonded PCC Overlays, Construction Report, HR-291, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Performance of Nongrouted Thin Bonded PCC Overlays, Construction Report, HR-291, August 1986. Transportation, Department of

September 1986

(1986) Safety Related File Linkage, Bureau of Transportation Safety, September 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Technology News, September, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) The Use of Fly Ash in Highway Construction, HR-1031, Progress Report, 1986. Transportation, Department of

4 September 1986

(1986) Bailey Avenue extension, dedication, September 4, 1986. Transportation, Department of

26 September 1986

(1986) Dedication and Reopening 1st Street Wapsipinicon Bridge, September 26, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Federal Highway Administration finding of No Significant Impacts for Bridge Replacement over the Cedar River in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County Project No. IX-218-7(41), September 26, 1986. Transportation, Department of

October 1986

(1986) Asphalt Cement Concrete Pavement Recycling Cass and Montgomery Counties, HR-1018, 1986. Transportation, Department of

15 October 1986

(1986) Maintenance Service Level Map, October 15, 1986. Transportation, Department of

November 1986

(1986) Development of a Conductometric Test for Frost Resistance of Concrete, HR-272, Phase II, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Development of a Rational Characterization Method for Iowa Fly Ash, HR-286, Annual Progress Report 1, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Field Evaluation of Bonded Concrete Overlays, HR-288, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Iowa System of Bridge Deck Rehabilitation with Cathodic Protection, HR-1044, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Technology News, November, 1986. Transportation, Department of

December 1986

(1986) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Cracking and Seating PCC Pavement Prior to Resurfacing, HR-527, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Sprinkle Treatments for Asphalt Concrete, HR-507, 1986. Transportation, Department of

10 December 1986

(1986) Iowa 150 Oelwein Dedication, December 10, 1986. Transportation, Department of


(1987) 1987 amendment to 1986 Iowa Rail Plan, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Iowa Motorcycle Fatalities 1987 prepared by Iowa Department of Transportation, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Mason City Transit Development Plan, FY1988-1992 prepared by North Iowa Area Council of Governments, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Method for Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods at Ungaged Sites on Unregulated Rural Streams in Iowa, HR-268, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Rate Book for Vehicle Registration Fees: Model Year 1946 through 1987, Volume 1, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Rate Book for Vehicle Registration Fees: Model Year 1946 through 1987, Volume 2, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Regional Transit Development Program, Update, Region VI-Region Six Planning Commission, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1987) The little state that could : a 21st century storybook about a state that believed and invested in itself, 1987. Iowa State University

January 1987

(1987) Asphalt Concrete Plant Inspection Manual, January 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Effects of Deicing Salt Trace Compounds on Deterioration of Portland Cement Concrete, HR-271, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Highway/Railroad Grade Crossings Identification and Signing, HR-254, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Improvement of Longitudinal Joints in Asphalt Pavement, HR-215, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Optimization of Soil Stabilization with Class C Fly Ash; HR-260 , January 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Pavement Texturing by Milling, HR-283, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Pressure Relief and Other Joint Rehabilitation Techniques, HR-1042, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) The Relationship of Ferroan Dolomite Aggregate to Rapid Concrete Deterioration, HR-266, 1987. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1987

(1987) Iowa Railroad Map, January 1, 1987. Transportation, Department of

February 1987

(1987) Effects of Pavement Surface Texture on Noise and Frictional Characteristics HR-281, February 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Retardation of Reflective Cracking using Additive 5990; HR-222, February, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Technology News, February, 1897. Transportation, Department of

March 1987

(1987) Alternatives Status Report, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Effect of Anti-Strip Agents on Temperature Susceptibility of Asphalt Cements, MLR-87-01, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Evaluation of Calcium Magnesium Acetate Deicer in Scott County, HR-253, Progress Report, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Iowa City Transit On-Board Ridership Survey by Jeff Davidson, March 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Iowa DOT Evaluation of the PASCO Road Survey System, HR-539, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Length Change of P. C. Concrete Due to Moisture Content, MLR-85-09, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) On-board Ridership Survey Report: Oakdale and Pentacrest Routes University of Iowa CAMBUS System by Jeff Davidson, March 1988. Transportation, Department of

11 March 1987

(1987) A Comparative Study of Des Moines' Ability to Attract High-Technology Industry, May 11, 1987. Transportation, Department of

April 1987

(1987) Ammonium Phosphate/Fly Ash Road Base Construction, HR-294, Construction Report, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Calibration and Reliability of a Nuclear Asphalt Content Gauge, MLR-87-02, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Fiscal year 1988 Transportation Improvement Program for the Iowa City Urbanized Area, April 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Improved Asphalt Surfaces and Asphalt Resurfacing Performance through Crack Maintenance, HR-213, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Technology News, April, 1897. Transportation, Department of

25 April 1987

(1987) A Study of the Essential Air Service Program in the State of Iowa: Past Implications and Future Directions, April 25, 1987. University of Iowa

May 1987

(1987) Evaluation of the Consolid System of Soil Stabilization, MLR-86-10, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Review of State Comprehensive Computerized Highway Information System, HR-1053, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Truck Weight Survey Field Instructions, May 1987. Transportation, Department of

July 1987

(1987) Frictional Properties of Asphalt Concrete Pavements in Iowa, MLR-87-5, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Multiplan Spreadsheets for Highway and Hydraulic Engineering Computations in County Engineering Offices, HR-284, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Strengthening of Existing Continuous Composite Bridges, HR-287, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Technology News, July, 1897. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Thin Bonded Concrete Overlay with Fast Track Concrete, HR-531, Condition and Performance Report, 1987. Transportation, Department of

2 July 1987

(1987) U.S. 20 Dedication, July 2, 1987. Transportation, Department of

August 1987

(1987) Beneficial Effects of Selected Additives on Asphalt Cement Mixes, HR-278, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Effectiveness of Parallel Noise Barriers - An Iowa Study, HR-540, 1987. Transportation, Department of

September 1987

(1987) Control Structures for Stabilizing Degrading Stream Channels Pottawattamie County, HR-236, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Determination of Tension Crack Development in Plastic P.C. Concrete with Retarding Admixtures, MLR-86-12, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Evaluation of Rapid Determination of the Chloride Permeability of Portland Cement Concrete by AASHTO T277-83, MLR-86-11, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Special Surface Preparation Prior to Bituminous Overlays, HR-231, 1987. Transportation, Department of

14 September 1987

(1987) Work Rules, September 14, 1987. Transportation, Department of

17 September 1987

(1987) Marshalltown US 30 By-Pass: Traffic Assignment Study, September 17, 1987. Transportation, Department of

October 1987

(1987) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, October 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Iowa's CHLOE Profilometer Correlation Procedure, MLR-87-10, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Lexan Gate Arm, HR-536, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Training Aids to Reduce Potential County Liability, HR-289, Draft, 1987. Transportation, Department of

24 October 1987

(1987) Iowa 149 Dedication: City of North English, October 24, 1987. Transportation, Department of

November 1987

(1987) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, November 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Development of a Rational Characterization Method for Iowa Fly Ash, HR-286, Annual Progress Report 2, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Early Strengths of Class F, C, and B Portland Cement Concrete, MLR-87-07, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Technology News, November, 1897. Transportation, Department of

December 1987

(1987) Pile Design and Tests for Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-273, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Pile Design and Tests for Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-273, Addendum, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Traffic accident Location Report for the Iowa City Urbanized Area, December 1987. Transportation, Department of

Spring 1987

(1987) Investment Analysis of the U.S. Highway 20 Corridor in Hardin and Grundy Counties in Iowa by Jeff Agee, Spring 1987. Transportation, Department of


(1988) Annual Report of Project Development Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year, 1983-1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Evaluation of Bond Retainage in Portland Cement Concrete Overlays by Infrared Thermography and Ground Penetrating Radar, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Investigation Phase Report for Value Engineering Study Repair of Transverse Cracking in Asphalt Pavement by Will Zitterich, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Project History U.S. 61 from Davenport (I-80) to Dubuque (U.S. 151), 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Right of Way: Design Section Manual, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Transportation in Iowa: A Historical Summary, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) A guide to curriculum development in driver education, 1988. Transportation, Department of

January 1988

(1988) 75 Years on the Move!, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Airport Development Plan, Harrison County Airport Service Area, January 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Correlation of Locally-Based Performance of Asphalts with their Physicochemical Parameters, Task 1 Report, HR-298, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Development of a Conductometric Test for Frost Resistance of Concrete, HR-272, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) High Molecular Weight Methacrylate Sealing of a Bridge Deck, HR-2031, Construction Report, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Long range plan for Iowa welcome centers : volume one of two volumes / submitted by the Iowa Department of Economic Development., January 1988. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1988) A Summary of Iowa DOT Attendee Comments from the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Technology News, January, 1988. Transportation, Department of

February 1988

(1988) Asphalt Cement Containing AC-13, HR-522, Final Report, 1988. Transportation, Department of

March 1988

(1988) Alternative Flexible Overlays, HR-229, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Construction and Evaluation of Submerged Vanes for Stream Control, HR-274, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Evaluation of Bond Retainage in Portland Cement Concrete Overlays by Infrared Thermography and Ground Penetrating Radar, HR-537, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Examination of Highway Maintenance Garages in the U.S. 30 Corridor between Ames and Cedar Rapids, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Pavement Instrumentation, HR-293, 1988. Transportation, Department of

April 1988

(1988) Technology News, April, 1988. Transportation, Department of

May 1988

(1988) Automated Traffic/Truck Weight Monitoring Equipment (Weigh-in-Motion), HR-282, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Production of Acetic Acid for CMA Deicer, HR-304, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) A Study of Fine Sand from Nine Mile Island at Dubuque, MLR-88-08, 1988. Transportation, Department of

June 1988

(1988) Control of Concrete Deterioration Due to Trace Compounds in Deicers, HR-299 Phase I, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) The Freight Transportation System in the United States of America: Structure, Operations, and Status, June 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Gradation Analysis of Cold Feed and Extracted Bituminuous Mix Samples, MLR-88-2, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Safety Related File Linkage, Bureau of Transportation Safety, June 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Special Cements for Fast Track Concrete, MLR-87-4, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Technology News, June, 1988. Transportation, Department of

July 1988

(1988) Transit Plan for the Iowa City Urbanized Area: Coralville Transit, Iowa City Transit, University of Iowa CAMBUS, Johnson County SEATS, July 1988. Transportation, Department of

August 1988

(1988) High Molecular Weight Methacrylate Sealing of a Bridge Deck, HR-2031, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Technology News, August, 1988. Transportation, Department of

10 August 1988

(1988) Transportation 2000: Iowa Commercial Highway Network Dedication, August 10, 1988. Transportation, Department of

September 1988

(1988) Determination of Asphalt Content and Characteristics of Bituminous Paving Mixtures, MLR-88-11, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Field Demonstration of Foamed Asphalt Muscatine County, HR-257, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Final Report: 1988 Iowa Department of Transportation Organizational Survey, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Laboratory Evaluation of Roller-Compacted Concrete, MLR-86-6, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Pavement Profiling by Milling, Addendum to HR-283, 1988. Transportation, Department of

9 September 1988

(1988) A Transportation Program to Benefit the State of Iowa, September 9, 1988. Transportation, Department of

October 1988

(1988) Evaluation of Type I Cement Fast Track Concrete, MLR-87-6, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Field Evaluation of Class A Subbase Using Fly Ash, MLR-87-3, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Maintenance Quality Survey Program, Iowa Department of Transportation, October 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Technology News, October, 1988. Transportation, Department of

November 1988

(1988) Development of a Rational Characterization Method for Iowa Fly Ash, HR-286, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Development of an Economic Dust Palliative for Limestone Surfaced Secondary Roads, HR-297, Progress Report, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Evaluation of "FIBERMESH" Synthetic Fibers in P.C. Concrete Bridge Barrier Rail, MLR-88-17, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Field Measurement of Bridges for Long-term Structural Movement, HR-295, 1988. Transportation, Department of

1 November 1988

(1988) Maintenance Service Level Map, November 1, 1988. Transportation, Department of

December 1988

(1988) Full-Scale Vehicle Crash Tests on the Iowa Box-Aluminum Bridge Rail by Ronald K. Faller, December 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Iowa Safety Restraint Assessment I.S.R.A.: A Study of Motor Vehicle crash Injuries and Hospital Charges in Belted and Unbelted Victims: November 1987-March 1988, December 1988. Governor's Office

(1988) Technology News, December, 1988. Transportation, Department of


(1989) Airport Development Plan for Webster City Iowa, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Airport Development Plan, Algona Airport, Algona Iowa, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) DOT Pay Schedule, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Demonstration Project No. 74, Field Management of Asphalt Mixes, Study No. 112 Iowa, Mix Verification and Acceptance Simulations, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) A Feasibility Study of an Ames to Des Moines International Airport Shuttle Service, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Final Report, Evaluation of Bond Retainage in Portland Cement Concrete Overlays by Infrared Thermography and Ground Penetrating Radar, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) The Local Rural Road System: Alternative Investment Strategies, HR-242, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Region II Transit Development Plan, 1989 prepared by North Iowa Area Council of Governments, 1989. Transportation, Department of

January 1989

(1989) Blanket Curing to Promote Early Strength Concrete, MLR-87-7, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Bridge Deck Rehabilitation Rebonding a Delaminated PCC Overlay By Epoxy Injection, HR-1036, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Deicing Salt Corrosion with and without Inhibitors, MLR-87-8, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Evaluation of Carbonate Aggregate Using X-Ray Analysis, HR-266, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Integrated Roadside Vegetation, Policies for Planting and Management, January 1989. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1989) A Summary of Iowa DOT attendee Comments from the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 22-26, 1989. Transportation, Department of

30 January 1989

(1989) Evaluation of Bond Retainage in Portland Cement Concrete Overlays Using Infrared Thermography and Ground Penetrating Radar, HR-537, Final Report, 1989. Transportation, Department of

February 1989

(1989) Alternate Methods of Bridge Strengthening, HR-302, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) An Investigation of Emulsion Stabilized Limestone Screenings, HR-309, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Polymerized Asphalt Cement, HR-533, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Technology News, February, 1989. Transportation, Department of

1 February 1989

(1989) Iowa School Transportation Program, A Description and Discussion, February 1, 1989. Education, Department of

March 1989

(1989) Correlation of Locally-Based Performance of Asphalts with Their Physicochemical Parameters, Progress Report 2, HR-298, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Fine Sand for Use in PC Concrete, MLR-88-6, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Iowa Development of Roller Compacted Concrete, HR-300, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Low Cost Techniques of Base Stabilization, HR-312, Construction Report, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Maintaining Iowa's Secondary Road Environment, HR-289, 1989. Transportation, Department of

April 1989

(1989) Alternatives for Rural Roads, HR-242, 1989. Transportation, Department of

May 1989

(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 1, May 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Pavement Evaluation Using the Road Rater Deflection Dish, MLR-89-2, 1989. Transportation, Department of

June 1989

(1989) Fly Ash Affect on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity, MLR-88-7, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Iowa Motor Vehicle Fuel Reduction Program, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 2, June 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Project Evaluation: Iowa Motor Vehicle Fuel Reduction Program, 1989. Transportation, Department of

14 June 1989

(1989) Upgrading of Bridge Approach Guardrail on Primary Roads in Iowa by Walter A. Schwall, June 14, 1989. Transportation, Department of

July 1989

(1989) Control of Concrete Deterioration Due to Trace Compounds in Deicers, Phase II, HR-299, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 3, July 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Technology News, July, 1989. Transportation, Department of

August 1989

(1989) A Fifteen Year Performance Summary of Fibrous PC Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) The Iowa Grain Flow Survey: A Comparison of Iowa Corn and Soybean Movements in 1977 and 1985 by C. Phillip Baumel, Shawn R. Ferriss, and Craig O'Riley, August 1989. Iowa State University Extension

(1989) Needs Assessment Study of the Iowa DOT Maintenance Facility Construction Needs, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Regional Transit Commission Employee Comprehensive Manual Update prepared by Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments, August 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) State Rail Program Survey, An Informal Report, August 1989. Transportation, Department of

September 1989

(1989) City of Des Moines Street System Study, September 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Technology News, September, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Validation of Design Recommendations for Integral Abutment Piles, HR-292, 1989. Transportation, Department of

19 September 1989

(1989) Highway to the airways, dedication, U.S. 218, Waterloo, Iowa, September 26, 1989. Transportation, Department of

26 September 1989

(1989) Highway to the Airways, Dedication U.S. 218, Waterloo, Iowa, September 26, 1989. Transportation, Department of

27 September 1989

(1989) Osage-Mitchell County RISE projects dedication, September 27, 1989. Transportation, Department of

October 1989

(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 4, October 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Technology News, April, 1989. Transportation, Department of

19 October 1989

(1989) "Celebration 169", Dedication U.S. 169, Algona, Iowa, October 19, 1989. Transportation, Department of

November 1989

(1989) Soil Tracking Paint Test, MLR-89-13, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Technology News, November, 1989. Transportation, Department of

17 November 1989

(1989) Iowa 175/U.S. 59 Dedication, Ida Grove, Iowa, November 17, 1989. Transportation, Department of

December 1989

(1989) Fast Track and Fast Track II - Cedar Rapids, Iowa, HR-544, Construction Report, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Full-Scale Vehicle Crash Test on the Iowa Steel Temporary Barrier Rail, December 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Full-Scale Vehicle Crash Tests on the Iowa Retrofit Concrete Barrier Rail, 1989. Transportation, Department of


(1990) Affirmative action plan for Department of Transportation, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Airport Development Plan for Greenfield Iowa, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Airport Development Plan for Pella Iowa, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Airport Development Plan, 1990 Update, Pocahontas Municipal Airport, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Harlan Municipal Airport, Airport Development Plan prepared for Harlan Airport Commission, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Highway 20: Four Lane Project: Letters of Support, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Highway 20: Four Lane Project: Letters of Support, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Iowa Department of Transportation: Organization and Allocation of Office Space, Headquarters, Ames Iowa by Gerald Buttron, and David L. Dahlquist, and Tom Wertzberger, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Monticello Municipal Airport, Airport Development Plan, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Rails to a County Seat by David Lotz and Charles Franzen, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Rate Book for Vehicle Registration Fees, Model Year 1980 through 1990, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 1990. Transportation, Department of

January 1990

(1990) Automatic Tracer-Dilution Method Used for Stage-Discharge Ratings and Streamflow Hydrographs on Small Iowa Streams, HR-285, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Dynamic Simulation Methods for Evaluating Motor Vehicle and Roadway Design and Resolving Policy Issues, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) The Effects of Crushed Particles in Asphalt Mixtures, HR-311 and MLR-88-16, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) The Effects of Crushed Particles in Asphalt Mixtures, HR-311 and MLR-88-16, Part 1, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Evaluation of the Baladi Indirect Tensile Apparatus, MLR-89-08, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Full-Scale 18,000lb Vehicle Crash Test on the Iowa Retrofit Concrete Barrier Rail by Brian G. Pfeifer, January 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Full-Scale 5,400 lb. Vehicle Crash Test on the Iowa W-Beam approach Guardrail to the Concrete Safety Shape Bridge Rail by Ronald K. Faller, January 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Precast Prestressed Concrete Panel Subdecks in Skewed Bridges, Interim Report, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Secondary Farm-to-Market Roads Study Committee, Final Report, January 1990. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1990) Technology News, January, 1990. Transportation, Department of

February 1990

(1990) Development of an Economic Dust Palliative for Limestone Surfaced Secondary Roads, HR-297, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Iowa Statewide Recreational Trails Plan, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Sediment Control in Bridge Waterways; HR-307, February 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Strengthening of an Existing Continuous-Span, Steel-Beam, Concrete-Deck Bridge by Post-Tensioning, HR-308, 1990. Transportation, Department of

March 1990

(1990) Correlation of Locally-based Performance of Asphalts with Their Physicochemical Parameters, HR-298, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Drying Shrinkage in P.C. Concrete, MLR-89-5, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Investigation of Uplift Failures in Flexible Pipe Culverts, HR-306, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Iowa Development of Rubblized Concrete Pavement Base Mills County, Construction Report, HR-315, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) St. Louis to St. Paul Corridor Feasibility and Necessity Study: Consultant's Report to the States, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) St. Louis to St. Paul Corridor Feasibility and Necessity Study: Consultant's Summary Report, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Technology News, March, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) The Use of Fly Ash in Highway Construction, HR-1031, 1990. Transportation, Department of

1 March 1990

(1990) Iowa Traffic Fatalities Report, 1980 thru 1989, March 1, 1990. Transportation, Department of

April 1990

(1990) Constructability in the Bridge Design Process, Progress Report, HR-320, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Evaluation of the PAVEDEX Road Survey System in Iowa, HR-547, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Fiscal year 1991-95 Transportation Improvement Program for the Iowa City Urbanized Area, April 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Laboratory Evaluation of Asphalt-Rubber in Asphalt Paving Mixture, MLR-89-15, 1990. Transportation, Department of

May 1990

(1990) Demonstration Project 85, Video Imagery Systems for Highway Applications, HR-1047, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Design, Fabrication, and Operation of the Pavement Crack Monitor Gauge, HR-1054, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Emission Control in Diesel Engines by Alcohol Fumigation, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Technology News, May, 1990. Transportation, Department of

June 1990

(1990) Evaluation of Alternative Methods to Obtain Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate, MLR-89-7, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Highway Location Reference Procedure Project, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) The Need for Transportation Alternatives for the Rural Elderly, June 1990. Iowa State University

July 1990

(1990) A Computer-Aided Decision Support System for Making Locational Decisions, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Technology News, July, 1990. Transportation, Department of

August 1990

(1990) City of Ames Bicycle Route Master Plan, August 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Hydraulic Cement Grout Testing, MLR-89-14, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 5, August 1990. Transportation, Department of

21 August 1990

(1990) Commissioners, Iowa Department of Transportation, Tama-Toledo presentation upgrading Highway 30, August 21, 1990. Transportation, Department of

September 1990

(1990) Development of Evaluation, Rehabilitation, and Strengthening Concepts for Low Volume Bridges, Phase I Progress Report, HR-323, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Pottawattamie County Bonded Overlay Study, HR-513, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Summit Street Traffic Study, September 1990. Iowa State University

October 1990

(1990) Technology News, October, 1990. Transportation, Department of

November 1990

(1990) Bridge Deck Expansion Assembly on I-380 in Waterloo, HR-505B, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Bridge Deck Expansion Assembly on Jefferson Street in Ottumwa, HR-505C, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Bridge Deck Expansion Assembly on U.S. 20 in Sioux City, HR-505A, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Crushed Stone Granular Surfacing Materials, HR-2046 and MLR-90-07, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Dense Concrete Layer as Top Course of Bridge Deck Construction, HR-502, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Evaluation of an International Barrier Corporation Barrier, HR-532, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Glasgrid Fabric to Control Reflective Cracking, HR-535, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Low Modulus Hot Pour Joint Sealant for ACC Pavements, HR-534, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Performance of Concrete Bridge Deck Overlays, HR-501, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Thin Bonded Concrete Overlay with Fast Track Concrete, Final Report, HR-531, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Thin Bonded Portland Cement Concrete Overlay, HR-520, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Waste Materials in Highway Construction by Vernon J. Marks, November 1990. Natural Resources, Department of

December 1990

(1990) Annual Report of Highway Division, Highway Research and Development in Iowa 1989-1990, December 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Field Evaluation of Cold In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Concrete, HR-303, Construction Report, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Technology News, December, 1990. Transportation, Department of


(1991) City of Des Moines Traffic and Transportation Department, Traffic Accident Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Final Report Factors Influencing Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Five Year Plan of Implementation, Americans with Disabilities Act: Sioux City Transit System, January 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Floods in the Nishnabotna River Basin, Iowa, HR-140, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Mason City Transit Development Plan, FY1992-1996,1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Traffic Accident Report: Summary for 1991 City of Des Moines, Iowa Traffic and Transportation Department, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Traffic Accident Report: Summary for 1994 City of Des Moines, Iowa Traffic and Transportation Department, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Trucking in Iowa prepared by the American Trucking Associations, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) U. S. 61 Muscatine Bypass Corridor, 1991. Transportation, Department of

January 1991

(1991) Evaluation of Deterioration on US 20 in Webster County, MLR-91-1, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Relating Creep Testing to Rutting of Asphalt Concrete Mixes, HR-311, Part 2, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Video Evaluation of Highway Drainage Systems, HR-317, 1991. Transportation, Department of

10 January 1991

(1991) Iowa Air Service Study, January 10, 1991. University of Iowa

(1991) Iowa Air Service Study: Technical Data, January 10, 1991. University of Iowa

February 1991

(1991) Engineering Study Iowa Highway Resarch Board Project HR-223 Maintaining Granular Surfaced Roads, February 1981. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Full-Scale 18,000lb Vehicle Crash Test on the Iowa Retrofit Concrete Barrier Rail by Brian G. Pfeifer, February 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Guide Specification and Commentary for Vessel Collision Design of Highway Bridges, February 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Maximized Utility of the Global Positioning System, HR-316, 1991. Transportation, Department of

March 1991

(1991) Alternative Investments in the Rural Branch Railroad and county Road Systems by C. Phillip Baumel, March 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Evaluation of the Chemical Durability of Iowa Fly Ash Concretes, HR-327, Phase I Progress Report, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Technology News, March, 1991. Transportation, Department of

April 1991

(1991) Fiscal Year 1992 Transportation Improvement Program for the Iowa City Urbanized Area, April 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 6, April 1991. Transportation, Department of

May 1991

(1991) Air Formed Arch Culvert Construction: Crawford County, Construction Reports, HR-314, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Load Ratings For Secondary Bridges Final Report Highway Research Advisory Board Project HR-239, May 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Motor Grader Operator Maintenance of Granular Surfaced Roads : Tips from Iowa Operators, 1991. Transportation, Department of

June 1991

(1991) Constructability in the Bridge Design Process, HR-320, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Development of an Expert System for Forecasting Frost on Bridges and Roadways in Iowa, HR-305, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Iowa's Fiscal Year 1992 State Enforcement Plan for continuation in the Federal Highway Administration Motor Carrier Safety Assistance program (Public Law 97-424), June 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Low Cost Fly Ash - Sand Stabilized Roadway Des Moines County, HR-259, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Technology News, December, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Technology News, June, 1991. Transportation, Department of

July 1991

(1991) Correlation of the Road Rater and the Dynatest Falling Weight Deflectometer, MLR-91-04, 1991. Transportation, Department of

August 1991

(1991) Composite Precast Prestressed Concrete Bridge Slabs, HR-310, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Technology News, August, 1991. Transportation, Department of

September 1991

(1991) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending 1990-1991, September 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Permeability of Granular Subbase Materials, MLR-90-4, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Transportation Services in Iowa, Summary and Assessment, September 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Transverse Joint Sealing with Improved Sealers, HR-276, 1991. Transportation, Department of

October 1991

(1991) Technology News, October, 1991. Transportation, Department of

November 1991

(1991) Commercial and Industrial Network Improvement and Programming Policy, Summary, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Ice-Retardant Pavement, HR-290, 1991. Transportation, Department of

1 November 1991

(1991) DART FY 1993 to FY 1997: DART Five Year Transit Development Plan, November 1, 1991. Transportation, Department of

December 1991

(1991) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete, HR-330, Construction Report, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Lateral Load Resistance of Diaphragms in Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges, HR-319, 1991. Transportation, Department of


(1992) Daniel Lehman Farm, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Floods of 1986 and 1990 in the Raccoon River Basin, West-Central Iowa, HR-140, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Interstate Route Flow Map, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Scenic Byway Evaluation, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) A Literature Review of Urban Bypass Studies, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Mason City Transit ADA Plan 1992-1997, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Plan Reading Course, HR-324, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Plan for Complementary Paratransit Service, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Thomas V. Axtell Farm, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Traffic Sign Inventory System, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Development Study, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Development Study, Report B: Improvement Alternatives, Costs and Traffic, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Development Study, Task A Report, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Vegetation Control for Safety, A Guide for Street and Highway Maintenance Personnel, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 1992. Transportation, Department of

January 1992

(1992) Americans with Disabilities Act Para Transit Plan, City of Cedar Rapids Iowa by William Hoekstra, January 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Performance of a Nongrouted Thin Bonded PCC Overlay, HR-291, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Plan for Compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, City of Muscatine Prepared by Bi-State regional Commission, January 1992. Transportation, Department of

February 1992

(1992) Laboratory Evaluation of Polymer and Multi-Grade Asphalt Binders, MLR-90-5, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Technology News, February 1992. Transportation, Department of

March 1992

(1992) Correlation of the IJK Roadmeter to the International Roughness Index, MLR-91-5, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Drivers' Behavior at Railroad Grade Crossings: Before and After Safety Campaign, HR-335, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Drivers' Behavior at Railroad Grade Crossings: Before and After Safety Campaign, HR-335, Survey Data Summaries, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Evaluation of the Chemical Durability of Iowa Fly Ash Concretes, HR-327, Phase II Progress Report, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) FY-93 transit development plan for the Clinton Municipal Transit Administration Clinton, Iowa, March, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Guidelines for Selecting Projects for Maintenance Contract Work prepared by Office of Maintenance, Highway Division, March 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Investigation of Video Crack and Patch Surveying for Pavement Management by Kevin Jones, May 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 7, March 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) U.S. 63 Corridor Study, 1992. Transportation, Department of

April 1992

(1992) Investigation of Rapid Thermal Analysis Procedures for Prediction of the Service Life of PCCP Carbonate Coarse Aggregate: Phase I, Progress Report, HR-337, 1992. Transportation, Department of

May 1992

(1992) Control of Concrete Deterioration Due to Trace Compounds in Deicers, HR-299, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Investigation of Video Crack and Patch Surveying for Pavement Management, MLR-92-01, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) A Study on the Use of Fabric to Retard Reflective Cracking Over Widened Joints, MLR-88-4, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Thermoset Composite Concrete Reinforcement, HR-325, Part 1, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Development Study - Report C: Final Screening of Alternative Candidate Improvements, 1992. Transportation, Department of

June 1992

(1992) Engineering Study for Reducing Sign Vandalism Final Report Highway Research Advisory Board Projec HR 246, June 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Guidelines for Preliminary Design of Bridges and Culverts, June 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Technology News, June 1992. Transportation, Department of

July 1992

(1992) Additional Investigations oh the Cook Farm NRHP Property and Four Potentially Related Historic Sites, St. Charles Township, Floyd County, Iowa, July 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) The Illinois-Iowa Quad Cities Area Joint Plan of Compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, July 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Supplemental Pre-Location Report, U.S. 18, Mason City Bypass I-35 to Rudd : Cerro Gordo and Floyd Counties, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Transportation Policy Options for Employed Rural Women, July 1992. University of Iowa

August 1992

(1992) Effects of Heat Straightening Structural Steel, MLR-91-3, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Engineering Fabric Repair Prior to Resurfacing - Roadglas - US 30, HR-525, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Evaluation of Asphalt Mix Permeability, MLR-90-2, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete - Dubuque County, HR-330C, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete - Plymouth County, HR-330A, 1992. Transportation, Department of

September 1992

(1992) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete - Black Hawk County, HR-330D, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Experimental Project No. 621, Pavement Instrumentation, HR-293, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Technology News, September 1992. Transportation, Department of

14 September 1992

(1992) Progress Report for HR-332, Design Methodology for Corrugated Metal Pipe Tiedowns, September 14, 1992. Transportation, Department of

October 1992

(1992) Management of Urban Freeways, A Project involving Traffic Flow & Safety on Interstate 380 within the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 12, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Technology News, October 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Thermoset Composite Concrete Reinforcement, HR-325, Part 2, 1992. Transportation, Department of

23 October 1992

(1992) Iowa Motorcycle Operator Manual,1992. Transportation, Department of

November 1992

(1992) Image Analysis for the Characterization of Materials for Highway Construction : Phase I, Progress Report, HR-346, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Scenic Byways: Their Selection, Designation, Protection and Safety, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Shotblasting to Improve Frictional Properties, HR-1057, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Waverly Municipal Airport, Airport Development Plan, November 1992. Transportation, Department of

December 1992

(1992) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete - Black Hawk County, HR-330B, Construction Report, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Galvanized Bridge Deck Reinforcing, HR-504, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Protection of Structural Concrete Substructures, HR-220, December 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Technology News, December 1992. Transportation, Department of


(1993) Celebrate Iowa's 150th birthday!, 1993. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1993) Estimating Design-Flood Discharges for Streams in Iowa Using Drainage-Basin and Channel-Geometry Characteristics, HR-322, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Iowa Transportation Center: Research, Education, and Extension, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Licensing program: A guide to commercial use of official Iowa Sesquicentennial marks, 1994. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1993) Paratransit Plan Update 1993 for the Mason City ADA Plan prepared by North Iowa Area Council of Governments, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Plan for Compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, City of Muscatine, January 1993. Governor's Office

(1993) Transportation and Iowa's Economic Future, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Update Iowa City Urbanized Area Complimentary Paratransit Plan by Jeff Davidson and Kevin L. Doyle, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) User Manual for the On-Line applications of the Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) developed for the Bridge and Pavement Management Policy Committee and Pavement Management Technical Committee, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Win a place in history! : the Iowa Sesquicentennial symbol and theme contest, 1993. Iowa Economic Development Authority

January 1993

(1993) Bond Contribution to Whitetopping Performance on Low Volume Roads, Construction Report, HR-341, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Cracking and Seating to Retard Reflective Cracking - Fremont County, HR-279, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Innovative Leak Test for Pavement Joint Seals, Progress Report, HR-318, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Instruction Text for Aggregate Inspectors and Technicians Training, Office of Materials, Highway Division, January 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Plan for compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, City of Muscatine, January 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Update for the Plan for Compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, City of Muscatine Prepared by Bi-State regional Commission, January 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Use of GPS for Photogrammetry, HR-342, 1993. Transportation, Department of

February 1993

(1993) Asphalt Rubber Cement Concrete Webster County, HR-555, Construction Report, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Crack and Seat PCC Pavement Prior to Resurfacing US 59 - Shelby County, HR-527, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Design Methodology for Corrugated Metal Pipe Tiedowns, HR-332, Phase 1, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Foamed Asphalt Shoulders City of Muscatine, HR-529, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Manual for Evaluation, Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Low Volume Bridges, HR-323, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Non-Grouted Bonded PCC Overlay City of Oskaloosa, HR-528, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Production of Acetic Acid by Fermentation with Propionibacteria, HR-321, 1993. Transportation, Department of

March 1993

(1993) Cracking and Seating to Retard Reflective Cracking - Hamilton County, HR-277, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Evaluation of the Chemical Durability of Iowa Fly Ash Concretes, HR-327, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Technology News, March 1993. Transportation, Department of

April 1993

(1993) Cathodic Protection for a Continuous Box Girder Bridge Deck, HR-553, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Evaluation of the SHRP Modified Georgia Digital Faultmeter, MLR-93-01, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) A Multi-Project Scheduling Procedure for Transportation Projects, Final Report, HR-339, 1993. Transportation, Department of

May 1993

(1993) Comparison of Creep and Resilient Modulus Laboratory Results with Field Cores, HR-311, Part 3, 1993. Transportation, Department of

June 1993

(1993) Ammonium Phosphate/Fly Ash Road Base Construction, HR-294, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) The Economic Impact of Rural Bypasses: Iowa and Minnesota Case Studies Final Report by Daniel Otto and Connie Anderson, June 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Investigation of Rapid Thermal Analysis Procedures for Prediction of the Service Life of PCCP Carbonate Coarse Aggregate, HR-337, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Technology News, June 1993. Transportation, Department of

July 1993

(1993) Final Report: 1993 Iowa Department of Transportation Organizational Survey, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Low Permeability of Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlay, MLR-89-1, 1993. Transportation, Department of

13 July 1993

(1993) Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa Transportation Center, Site Visit for Introduction to the Pavement Management Process, July 13, 1993. Transportation, Department of

August 1993

(1993) Technology News, August 1993. Transportation, Department of

September 1993

(1993) Appraisal Policy & Procedures Manual, September 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Design Manual for Strengthening of Continuous-Span Composite Bridges, HR-333, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Strengthening of an Existing Continuous-Span, Steel-Stringer, Concrete-Deck Bridge, HR-333, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) The Value of the County Engineer: Strategies to Expand the Shrinking Employment Pool, HR-338, 1993. Transportation, Department of

November 1993

(1993) Evaluation of Brisco Scour Monitors, HR-551, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Evaluation of Concrete Patching Mixes and Opening Time Using the Maturity Concept, MLR-93-7, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Fast Track and Fast Track II Cedar Rapids, Iowa, HR-544, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Field Measurements of Plow Loads During Ice Removal Operations, HR-334, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Non-Corrosive Tie Reinforcing and Dowel Bars for Highway Pavement Slabs, HR-343, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Technology News, November 1993. Transportation, Department of

December 1993

(1993) Clarifying the Quadrennial Needs Study Process, December 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Clarifying the Quadrennial Needs Study Process; HR-363, December 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Field Evaluation of Cold In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Concrete, HR-303, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Solar Powered Highway Delineator System, HR-367, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Technology News, December 1993. Transportation, Department of


(1994) Annual Report of Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal year Ending June 30, 1989-June 30, 1994, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) The Best Hug you can give ... Buckle up Your Loved Ones, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Diverting the Future: The Funding of Iowa's Infrastructure: A History and Analysis of the Public Policy Debate Surrounding Iowa's Road Use Tax Fund, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Drive home your support for Iowa's natural resources, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Interstate Route Flow Map, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Interstate Route Flow Map, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1994) School Transportation Issues, 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Trainwatcher's Guide for the C&NW by Dana L. Grefe, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 1994. Transportation, Department of

January 1994

(1994) ADA Paratransit Plan Update, January 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Image Analysis of PCC and AC Pavements Using SEM Images, HR-346, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Impacts on Safety of Left-Turn Treatment at High Speed Signalized Intersections, HR-347, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Iowa's Fiscal Year 1995 State Enforcement Plan for Continuation in the Federal Highway Administration Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program, July 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Low Cost Techniques of Base Stabilization, HR-312, 1994. Transportation, Department of

February 1994

(1994) Air Formed Arch Culvert Construction - Washington County, HR-313, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) An Investigation of Emulsion Stabilized Limestone Screenings, HR-309, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 8, February 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Precast Concrete Panel Thickness for Epoxy-Coated Prestressing Strands, HR-353, Interim Report, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Recycled Paper Erosion Control Mat, HR-349, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Thermogravimetric Analysis of Carbonate Aggregate, HR-336, 1994. Transportation, Department of

March 1994

(1994) A Multi-Project Scheduling Procedure for Transportation Projects, Part II, HR-339, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Technology News, March 1994. Transportation, Department of

April 1994

(1994) Field Evaluation of Engineering Fabrics for Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing - Audubon County, HR-360, Construction Report, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Production of Asphalt Rubber Concrete by the Dry Process, HR-1062, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Scott County Work Zone Enforcement Study by Patrick Marsh, April 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) U.S. 151 Cascade to Dubuque, Dubuque County : project concept and assessment of impacts, 1994. Transportation, Department of

May 1994

(1994) Evaluation of Asphalt Stabilizing Additives, HR-542, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Evaluation, Selection and Planning the Implementation of a Pavement Management Optimization Model, Phase II Report, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Report to Management Team on Research, May 1994. Transportation, Department of

June 1994

(1994) Evaluation, Selection and Planning the Implementation of a Pavement Management Optimization Model: Optimization Recommendations, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Technology News, June 1994. Transportation, Department of

July 1994

(1994) Polymer Additive Ductilad D1002 in a Bituminous Seal Coat, HR-2035, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Ralumac Latex Modified Asphalt, HR-2041, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Taxonomy of Institutional Issues that Act as Barriers to the Implementation of Pavement Management Systems, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Technology News, July 1994. Transportation, Department of

August 1994

(1994) Comparison of Marshall and SUPERPAVE Level I Mix Design for Asphalt Mixes MLR-95-01, August 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System, HR-365 August 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Field Data Acquisition Technologies for Iowa Transportation Agencies, HR-366 August 1994. Transportation, Department of

October 1994

(1994) Analysis of Policies for Safety Improvements on Low-Volume Rural Roadways,1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Evaluation of Preformed Neoprene Joint Seals, HR-318, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Technology News, October 1994. Transportation, Department of

November 1994

(1994) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 1994, Technical Training and Certification Program, November 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) ProScan Automated Profilogram Reduction System, MLR-94-7, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) The Role of Magnesium in Concrete Deterioration, HR-355, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) The Role of Magnesium in Concrete Deterioration, HR-355, Appendix, 1994. Transportation, Department of

December 1994

(1994) Planning, Implementation and Operation of a Statewide Pavement Management System, Workplan Development and System Design prepared for Statewide Pavement Management Steering Committee, December 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Precast Concrete Panel Thickness for Epoxy-Coated Prestressing Strands, Volume 1, HR-353, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Precast Concrete Panel Thickness for Epoxy-Coated Prestressing Strands, Volume 2, HR-353, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa, HR-352, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Technology News, December 1994. Transportation, Department of


(1995) IRP Instruction Manual, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Improvement of U.S. 20 Sac, Calhoun and Webster Counties in Iowa, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Potential-Scour Assessments and Estimates of Maximum Scour at Selected Bridges in Iowa, HR-344, 1995. Transportation, Department of

January 1995

(1995) Automated Collection of Sign Inventory Information by Integrating Global Positioning System (GPS) with Videologging Data Collection Activities, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Bentonite Treatment for Economical Dust Reduction on Limestone Surfaced Secondary Roads, HR-351, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Bicycle Facilities Network Identification Handbook, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) A Different Perspective for Investigation of PCC Pavement Deterioration, HR-2074, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) An Engineering Study to Update the Iowa Transportation Laws Annotated: HR 324a January 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Heat Dissipation and Crack Control in Massive Concrete at the Burlington Bridge, MLR-94-1, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Investigation of PCC Pavement Deterioration: A Few Facts are Worth More than 100 Opinions, Interim Report, HR-2074, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Iowa Development of Rubblized Concrete Pavement Base - Mills County, HR-315, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Self Instructional Math, HR-324, 1995. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1995

(1995) Kilometers Of Public Roads In Iowa By Surface Type, January 1, 1995. Transportation, Department of

11 January 1995

(1995) Transportation Research Board 1920-1995 : 75 Years of Excellence...and IOWA was there from the beginning., 1995. Transportation, Department of

February 1995

(1995) Evaluation of Microcracking and Chemical Deterioration in Concrete Pavements: Phase II, HR-358, Progress Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Metric Short Course for the Office of Bridges and Structures, HR-378, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Technology News, February 1995. Transportation, Department of

March 1995

(1995) Iowa's "Great River Road" Scenic Byway Evaluation, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Pipe Rehabilitation with Polyethylene Pipe Liners, HR-370, Construction Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Recruiting and Retaining Women and Minorities in Public Sector Engineering Positions, HR-348, 1995. Transportation, Department of

April 1995

(1995) Airborne GPS Final Report, HR-359, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Asphalt Resurfacing Structural Research, HR-556, Construction Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Automated Recording of Bridge Inspection Data in the Pontis Format Final Report, HR-364 April 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Coarse Aggregate Gradations for P.C. Concrete, MLR-94-8, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Laboratory Testing of SHRP SPS-2 P.C.C. Mixes, MLR-94-5, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Technology News, April 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Ultra Thin PCC Overlays, HR-559, Construction Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

May 1995

(1995) Freeze-Thaw Durability Testing of Oversanded Bridge Floor Concrete, MLR-95-5, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Maintenance Division Transportation Region Organizational Review, 1995. Transportation, Department of

June 1995

(1995) Design Methodology for Corrugated Metal Pipe Tiedowns, HR-362, Phase II, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Design Methodology for Corrugated Metal Pipe Tiedowns: Phase II by R.A. Lohnes, June 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Growth and Public Transportation Investments: Growth Management Strategies to Reduce Transportation Capital Costs In and Near Midwestern Urban Areas, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Strength Development of Concrete Based on Maturity and Pulse Velocity, MLR-95-03, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Technology News, June 1995. Transportation, Department of

26 June 1995

(1995) Continuous Quality Improvement Snow Plow Accident Study Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

31 July 1995

(1995) Commercial Driver's License in a Nutshell, July 1995. Transportation, Department of

August 1995

(1995) Bond Development in Concrete Overlays:HR-561, August 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Technology News, August 1995. Transportation, Department of

1 September 1995

(1995) Design Manual prepared by the Methods Section, Office of Design, September 1, 1995. Transportation, Department of

October 1995

(1995) Elgard Cathodic Protection System, HR-553, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Micro-Computer Based Linear Scheduling Application for Highway Construction Project Control, HR-339A, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Technology News, October, 1995. Transportation, Department of

7 October 1995

(1995) Fred Schwengel Memorial Bridge: Signing Ceremony, August 16, 1995. Transportation, Department of

31 October 1995

(1995) Evaluation of Microcracking and Chemical Deterioration in Concrete Pavements Final Report, October 31, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Evaluation of Microcracking and Chemical Deterioration in Concrete Pavements, October 31, 1995. Transportation, Department of

November 1995

(1995) Epoxy and Thermoplastic Pavement Markings on US 30 in Carroll County, HR-545, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Evaluation of Snowplowable Raised Pavement Markers, HR-558, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) The Governor's Transportation Task Force: Recommendations For Increasing Efficiency, Rough draft, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Minimum Retroreflectivity of Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings, HR-562, 1995. Transportation, Department of

December 1995

(1995) Air Formed Arch Culvert Construction - Crawford County, HR-314, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Evaluation of Visibeads in Epoxy markings on I-235, HR-554, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Iowa State Government Technology Assessment Project, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Records Management Manual, December 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) State Aid for Main Highways, A Plan of State Aid for the purpose of Constructing a Comprehensive System of Main or State Highways, 1928. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Technology News, December 1995. Transportation, Department of

7 December 1995

(1995) Compendium of Student Papers: Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, December 7, 1995. Iowa State University


(1996) Airborne GPS, 1996. Iowa State University

(1996) Flood of May 19, 1990, Along Perry Creek in Plymouth and Woodbury Counties, Iowa, HR-140, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Flood-Plain and Channel Aggradation at Selected Bridge Sites in the Iowa and Skunk River Basins, Iowa, HR-350, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Floods of July 12, 1972, March 19, 1979, and June 15, 1991, in the Turkey River, Northeast Iowa, HR-140, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Floods of June 17, 1990 and July 9, 1993, Along Squaw Creek and the South Skunk River in Ames, Iowa, and Vicinity, HR-140, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Get the Word Out: Public relations tips for transportation agencies, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Monitor Administration 1996, Technical Training & Certification Program. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Quantities of Corn and Soybeans requiring Transportation Out of Iowa Counties: September 1, 1994-August 31, 1995, 1996. Iowa State University

(1996) State Transportation Programs to Foster Economic Development, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Survey of Users of the USGS Stream-Gaging Network in Iowa, 1996, HR-383, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 1996. Transportation, Department of

January 1996

(1996) Construction Automation Using Pen-Based Computers, HR-368, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) A Different Perspective for Investigation of PCC Pavement Deterioration, HR-2074, Interim Report, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete, HR-330, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Investigation of High Density Polyethylene Pipe for Highway Applications, HR-373, Phase 1, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Minimum VMA in HMA Based on Gradation and Volumetric Properties, MLR-95-7, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Structural Analysis of Aggregate Blends Using the SHRP Gyratory Compactor, MLR-95-8, 1996. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1996

(1996) Kilometers Of Public Roads In Iowa By Surface Type, January 1, 1996. Transportation, Department of

February 1996

(1996) Technology News, February 1996. Transportation, Department of

April 1996

(1996) 1996 Iowa Public Transit Directory, April 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Characteristics of Iowa Fine Aggregate, MLR-92-6, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) A Laboratory Evaluation of Tungsten Carbide Inserts for Snowplow Blades, MLR-95-6, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Maturity of Concrete: Field Implementation, MLR-96-1, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Technology News, April 1996. Transportation, Department of

10 May 1996

(1996) East central Iowa Commuter Rail Feasibility Study, May 10 1996. Transportation, Department of

June 1996

(1996) Technology News, June 1996. Transportation, Department of

July 1996

(1996) A Continuous Span Aluminum Girder Concrete Deck Bridge - Part 1 of 2: Field Test Performance and Evaluation, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Development of Benchmark Data for the Iowa Department of Transportation Construction Offices, HR-381, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Implementation of Benchmark Project Recommendations for Iowa DOT Offices of Construction, Addendum to HR-381, 1996. Transportation, Department of

August 1996

(1996) Technology News, August 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Variations of Tine Texturing of PCC Pavement, MLR-93-4, 1996. Transportation, Department of

September 1996

(1996) Development and Implementation of an Expert System for Forecasting Fog on US Highway 30 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, HR-357, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) The Iowa Grain Flow Survey: Where and How Iowa Grain producers and Country Elevators Ship Corn and Soybeans prepared by C. Phillip Baumel, September 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Linking Real Time and Location in Scheduling Demand-Responsive Transit, September 1996. Transportation, Department of

October 1996

(1996) Access Management: A Review of Recent Literature, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Development of a Model for the Ice Scraping Process Iowa Department of Transportation Project HR 361 Final Report, October 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Development of a Model for the Ice Scraping Process, October 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Development of a TL-3 F-Shape Temporary Concrete Median Barrier by Ronald K. Faller, October 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Document Management System: Strategic Plan, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Improved Aggregate Gradation for Portland Cement Concrete Mixes, HR-563, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Technology News, October 1996. Transportation, Department of

2 October 1996

(1996) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 1996-1997, Technical Training and Certification Program, October 31, 1996. Transportation, Department of

November 1996

(1996) Bond Enhancement Techniques for PCC Whitetopping, HR-341, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Iowa Ultra Thin Whitetopping at Two Years of Age, HR-559, 1996. Transportation, Department of

15 November 1996

(1996) Compendium of Student Papers: Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, November 15, 1996. Iowa State University

December 1996

(1996) Distributing State Road Use Tax Funds to Counties, HR-386, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Technology News, December 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) User Manual for the On-Line Applications of the Pavement Management Information System (PMIS), December 1996. Transportation, Department of

20 December 1996

(1996) Team Building for Leaders developed and presented by Bill Rhoads, Department of Transportation Quality Coordinator, December 20, 1996. Transportation, Department of


(1997) Floods of September 15-16, 1992, in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins, South-Central Iowa, HR-140, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Marsh rainbow arch bridges in Iowa, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module I - Basic Introduction to the Use of International Units of Measure, HR-376, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Monitor Administration 1997, Technical Training & Certification Program, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Spatial Data Systems for Transportation Planning, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1997. Transportation, Department of

January 1997

(1997) Freeze-Thaw Durability of Concretes with and without Class C Fly Ash, MLR-94-9 Phase I, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Preliminary Assessment of the Potential Use of Alternative Materials for Concrete Highway Pavement Joints, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Vibration Study for Consolidation of Portland Cement Concrete, Preprint, MLR-95-4, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Work Rules, January 1997. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1997

(1997) Kilometers Of Public Roads In Iowa By Surface Type, January 1, 1997. Transportation, Department of

February 1997

(1997) Measurement of Ice Scraping Forces on Snow-Plow Underbody Blades, HR-372, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Technology News, February 1997. Transportation, Department of

March 1997

(1997) Reinforced Slope with Geogrids, HR-548, 1997. Transportation, Department of

25 March 1997

(1997) Railroad Abandonment, Revised March, 23, 1997. Transportation, Department of

April 1997

(1997) Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle, Final Report, Phase One, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Fast Track Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, HR-538, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Freeze-Thaw Durability of Concretes with Infilling of Ettringite in Voids, Phase 2, MLR-94-9, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads Volume 2 of 2 Concept 2: Beam In Slab Bridge, HR-382, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads, Volume 1 of 2 Concept 1: Precast Steel Beam Units, HR-382, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Pooled Fund Study of Premature Concrete Pavement Deterioration, HR-1063, Final Report, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Pooled Fund Study of Premature Concrete Pavement Deterioration, HR-1063, Supplementary Study, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Technology News, April 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Thin Asphalt Concrete Pavement on Crushed Rock Base - Cass County, Construction Report, HR-2075, 1997. Transportation, Department of

May 1997

(1997) A Continuous Span Aluminum Girder Concrete Deck Bridge - Part 2 of 2: Fatigue Tests of Aluminum Girders, Final Report, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Field Data Collection and Reporting Study, HR-377, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Vibratory Effects in Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, MLR-97-2, 1997. Transportation, Department of

June 1997

(1997) Metric Plan Reading Course, HR-324, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Records Management System: Indexing Standard, Document Standard, Technology Standard, Laboratory Configuration, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Technology News, June 1997. Transportation, Department of

July 1997

(1997) Applications for Traffic Control Devices, July 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Crack Sealing Utilizing a Heat Lance, HR-2058, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Report and Specification for Transportation Program Management System, HR-394, 1997. Transportation, Department of

15 July 1997

(1997) Iowa In Motion: State Transportation Plan, 1997. Transportation, Department of

August 1997

(1997) Let Me Shingle Your Roadway, HR-2079, Interim Report, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) A Statistical Analysis of Iowa Premature Concrete Pavement Deterioration, Supplementary Study, HR-1063, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Technology News, August 1997. Transportation, Department of

September 1997

(1997) Concrete Whiteness for Barrier Rails, MLR-97-04, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Expansive Mineral Growth and Concrete Deterioration, HR-384, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) New Method for Breaking High Strength Prestress Cable, MLR-97-6, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) New Method for Breaking High Strength Prestress Cable, MLR-97-6, 1997. Transportation, Department of

October 1997

(1997) Field Measurements of Ice Scraping Loads on Front Mounted Plow Blades, HR-374, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Guidelines for County Engineering Decisions, HR-369, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Technology News, October 1997. Transportation, Department of

November 1997

(1997) Correlation of the Roughometer to the High-Speed Laser Profiler, MLR-97-7, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Investigation of Plastic Pipes for Highway Applications, HR-373A, Phase II, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Project Development Information Packet for Federal-Aid City and County Projects, 1997. Transportation, Department of

14 November 1997

(1997) Compendium of Student Papers: Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, November 14, 1997. Iowa State University

December 1997

(1997) Access Management Awareness Program Phase II Report, TR-402, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Technology News, December 1997-January 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Testing of Old Reinforced Concrete Bridges, HR-390, 1997. Transportation, Department of

2 December 1997

(1997) Stressing Our Future, December 2, 1997. Transportation, Department of

7 December 1997

(1997) County condemnation manual : manual of practice and procedure for the acquisition of real property through the exercise of the power of eminent domain; HR-389, 1995. Transportation, Department of


(1998) 1998-2002 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Crossroads 2000 Proceedings, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Flood of June 15-17, 1998, Nishnabotna and East Nishnabotna Rivers, Southwest Iowa, HR-140. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Highway Performance and Time-Sensitive Industries, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Interstate Route Flow Map, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module II - Construction and Maintenance Operations and Reporting, HR-376, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) State Planning, Research, Development and Technology Transfer Work Program: Project SPR-PL-33, July 1, 1996-June 30, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1998) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Statistical Summaries of Selected Iowa Streamflow Data Through September 1996, HR-395, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 1998. Transportation, Department of

January 1998

(1998) Benefiting Iowa’s Economy, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Evaluation of Photoacoustic Spectroscopy for Quality Control of Cement, TR-409, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Guidelines For Development of the Statewide. Transportation Improvement Program, January 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Iowa Rail Route Alternatives Analysis, June 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Lighting improvements for I-235 corridor, Polk County Iowa, January 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Retaining Wall - Modular Unit Reinforced Earth Tensar Geogrid Reinforcement, HR-549, 1998. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1998

(1998) Iowa Vehicle Registrations Statistics, January 1, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 1998. Transportation, Department of

15 January 1998

(1998) Location Referencing System Team Report, Final Report, January 15, 1998. Transportation, Department of

February 1998

(1998) BEST Measurement Survey Results, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Electronic Bulletin Board System, HR-345, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Guide Specifications for Shotcrete Repair of Highway Bridges, February 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) The Potential of Friction as a Tool for Winter Maintenance, TR-400, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Review of Cold In-Place Recycled Asphalt Concrete Projects, HR-392, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Soft Photogrammetry for Highway Engineering, HR-387, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Technology News, February-March 1998. Transportation, Department of

March 1998

(1998) Evaluation of Maturity and Pulse Velocity Measurements for PCC Traffic Opening Decisions, HR-380, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) The Governor's Blue Ribbon Transportation Task Force: Implementation Report for Maximizing the Efficient Use of Iowa's Road Use Tax Fund, 1998. Transportation, Department of

April 1998

(1998) 1998 Iowa Public Transit Directory, April 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) GIS-Based Accident Location and Analysis System (GIS-ALAS) Project Report: Phase 1, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Technology News, April-May 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Video Inspection of Highway Edgedrain Systems, HR-317, 1998. Transportation, Department of

15 April 1998

(1998) Aggregate Tests related to Performance of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, final Report, April 15, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Report of the Bridge Design Aesthetics Team by Ron Meyer, April 15, 1998. Transportation, Department of

May 1998

(1998) Effect of Mix Times on PCC Properties, HR-1066, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Embankment Quality, TR-401, Phase I, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Records Management System: Pilot Projects Functional Report, 1998. Transportation, Department of

June 1998

(1998) Field Testing of Integral Abutments, Interim Report, HR-399, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Image Analysis for Evaluating Air Void Parameters of Concrete, HR-396, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) An Index to Place Names Found in the A.T. Andreas Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Iowa, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) The Mormon Trail: Historic Byway Inventory and Evaluation, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Performance Based Specifications, TR-403, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Preventing Cracking at Diaphragm/Plate Girder Connections in Steel Bridges, HR-393, 1998. Transportation, Department of

July 1998

(1998) CTAMS GeoMedia User Tool Documentation and Technical GIS Concepts, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Field Evaluation of Quality Management Concrete, MLR-97-3, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Iowa DOT GeoMedia Training Manual,1998. Transportation, Department of

August 1998

(1998) Demonstration and Field Evaluation of Alternative Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Reinforcement Materials, Construction Report, HR-1069, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Technology News, August-September 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) US Highway 65 / IA-330 Improvements Polk and Jasper Counties, Iowa : Limited Phase I, Environmental Site Assessment, 1998. Transportation, Department of

September 1998

(1998) Maximizing the Use of Roadway Weather Information Systems: Final Report, TR-404, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa: Structure Evaluation and Design Manual, HR-385, 1998. Transportation, Department of

25 September 1998

(1998) IowAccess Project 8 : statewide geographic information systems (GIS) support, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

October 1998

(1998) Education on Urban Corridor Issues Through Computer Animation, TR-419, October 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Improved Employment Data for Transportation Planning, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Simulation and Analysis of Arterial Traffic Operations Along the U.S. 61 Corridor in Burlington, Iowa, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Technology News, October-November 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Technology News, October-November 1998. Transportation, Department of

November 1998

(1998) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges, HR-239 Phase III, 1998. Transportation, Department of

20 November 1998

(1998) Compendium of Student Papers: Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, November 20, 1998. Iowa State University

December 1998

(1998) Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle, Final Report, Phase Two, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Feasibility of Using Automated Distress Data in the County Need Study, TR-418, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Multimodal Investment Analysis Methodology, Phase One: The Conceptual Model, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Not your ordinary 9 to 5, December, 1998. Transportation, Department of

Spring 1998

(1998) I-35 Corridor Trade Study Newsletter, Spring 1998. Transportation, Department of

Fall 1998

(1998) I-35 Corridor Trade Study Newsletter, Fall 1998. Transportation, Department of

Winter 1998

(1998) I-35 Corridor Trade Study Newsletter, Winter 1998. Transportation, Department of


(1999) 1999 Iowa Crash Summary: A Summary of Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics on Iowa roadways Iowa Department of Transportation, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Floods of July 19-25, 1999, in the Wapsipinicon and Cedar River Basins, Northeast Iowa, HR-140, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Floods of May 17-20, 1999, in the Volga and Wapsipinicon River Basins, Northeast Iowa, HR-140, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Improvement of Iowa Highway 5 in Polk and Warren Counties from Interstate 35 to U.S. Highway 65/69: Project No. NHS-5-5(36)--19-77, Final Statement, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Iowa 2 east bypass of Sidney, Fremont County / by U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Iowa Department of Transportation, Planning and Programming Division, Office of Project Planning, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Iowa Highway Research Board TR-423: 1949–1999, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Iowa ITS/CVO Business Plan, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module III - Road and Bridge Design, HR-376, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1999. Transportation, Department of

January 1999

(1999) Instrumentation of Paver Vibrators, MLR-95-10, 1999. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1999

(1999) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 1999. Transportation, Department of

February 1999

(1999) Discovering Historic Iowa Transportation Milestones, February 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Technology News, February-March 1999. Transportation, Department of

18 February 1999

(1999) 1998 Seat Belt Usage Survey, February 18, 1999. Transportation, Department of

March 1999

(1999) Effect of Waterproofing Admixture Ipanex on Concrete Durability (includes Addendum), MLR-98-2, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Heavy Agricultural Loads on Pavements and Bridges, HR-1073, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Vibration Study for Consolidation of Portland Cement Concrete, MLR-95-4, 1999. Transportation, Department of

April 1999

(1999) Hydro-Surface Preparation and Coating for Painted Structural Steel, TR-407, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Technology News, April-May 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Thin Maintenance Surfaces - Phase I, TR-435, 1999. Transportation, Department of

May 1999

(1999) 1999 Highway Accomplishment Program, Draft, 1999. Transportation, Department of

June 1999

(1999) Technology News, June-July 1999. Transportation, Department of

July 1999

(1999) Traffic Management Strategies for Merge Area in Rural Interstate Work Zones, CTRE 97-12, 1999. Transportation, Department of

August 1999

(1999) Electronic Reference Library Phase I Report, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Technology News, August-September 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Thin Bonded Overlay Evaluation, Construction Report, HR-559, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Use of Railroad Flat Cars for Low-Volume Road Bridges; TR-421, August 1999. Transportation, Department of

September 1999

(1999) Evaluation of Paver Vibrator Frequency Monitoring and Concrete Consolidation, HR-1068, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Laboratory Study of the Leachate from Crushed Portland Cement Concrete Base Material, MLR-96-04, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Preformed Phoenix Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Compression Joint Seals, MLR-93-02, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Work Zone Simulation Model, 1999. Transportation, Department of

October 1999

(1999) Refinement of Rapid PCC Coarse Aggregate Testing Program, HR-1071, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Technology News, October-Decemeber 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) US Highway 30 Corridor Study, (Phase I & Phase II), October 1999. Transportation, Department of

November 1999

(1999) Access Management Research and Awareness Program : Phase IV, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Load Testing and Load Rating Eight State Highway Bridges in Iowa, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Reclaimed Fly Ash as Select Fill Under PCC Pavement; TR-425, November 1999. Transportation, Department of

15 November 1999

(1999) Compendium of Student Papers: Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, November 15, 1999. Iowa State University

December 1999

(1999) Commercial Vehicle Parking, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Deterioration of Iowa Highway Concrete Pavements: A Petrographic Study, HR-1065, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Embankment Quality Phase II Final Report, TR-401, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Field/Laboratory Testing of Damaged Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges, HR-397, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Response of Iowa Pavements to Heavy Agricultural Loads, HR-1075, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Technology News, December 1998-January 1999. Transportation, Department of

Spring 1999

(1999) I-35 Corridor Trade Study Newsletter, Spring 1999. Transportation, Department of

Fall 1999

(1999) I-35 Corridor Trade Study Newsletter, Fall 1999. Transportation, Department of


(2000) Determine Initial Cause for Current Premature Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Deterioration Final Report; TR-406, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Hibernia: An Irish Immigrant Neighborhood in Burlington, Iowa, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Implementing Trail-Based Economic Development Programs, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Interstate Route Flow Map, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Iowa Public Transit Directory, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module IV - Transportation Planning and Traffic Monitoring, HR-376, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Scope of Work for Traffic Engineering and Intelligent Transportation System Services for I-235 Reconstruction, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Transportation Issues in Special Education, Commonly Asked Questions, 2000. Education, Department of

(2000) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 2000. Transportation, Department of

January 2000

(2000) Technology News, January-February 2000. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2000

(2000) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2000. Transportation, Department of

February 2000

(2000) Iowa Scenic/Heritage Byway Evaluation, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Mobility and Safety Impacts of Winter Storm Events in a Freeway Environment Final Report; TR-426, February 2000. Transportation, Department of

March 2000

(2000) Asphalt Cement Concrete Longitudinal Joint Adhesive Crafco PN 34524 (Iowa DOT New Product C-98-7), HR-2084, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Discovering Historic Iowa Transportation Milestones and Map Reading Activities, March 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Impact of Deck Cracking on Durability, TR-405, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Technology News, March-April 2000. Transportation, Department of

1 March 2000

(2000) Drainage Basins of Iowa, March 1, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Drainage Basins of Iowa, March 1, 2000. Transportation, Department of

15 March 2000

(2000) 1999 Seat Belt Usage Survey, March 15, 2000. Transportation, Department of

April 2000

(2000) Evaluation of Work Zone Speed Reduction Measures, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Iowa DOT Integrated ITS and Service, Deployment Plan, April 2000. Transportation, Department of

May 2000

(2000) Technology News, May-June 2000. Transportation, Department of

June 2000

(2000) Development of a Transportation and Land Use Public Policy Education Program for Iowa, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) A Laboratory Investigation into the Effects of the Aggregated Related Facts of Critical VMA in Asphalt Paving Mixtures: TR-415, June 2000. Transportation, Department of

6 June 2000

(2000) Iowa Vehicle Registrations Statistics, January 1, 1999. Transportation, Department of

July 2000

(2000) Continuation of Benchmark Project - Phase IV, 1999 Calendar Year, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Evaluation of the Duggan Test for Concretes Made of Different Types of Cements, MLR-97-8, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads - Phase II Volume 1 of 2 Concept 1: Steel Beam Precast Units, TR-410, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads - Phase II Volume 2 of 2, Concept 2: Beam in Slab Bridge, TR-410, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Ultrathin Portland Cement Concrete Overlay Extended Evaluation, Construction Report, TR-432, 2000. Transportation, Department of

1 July 2000

(2000) Iowa 2000 Railroad Service Map, July 1, 2000. Transportation, Department of

September 2000

(2000) Iowa Transportation Commissioners : Handbook, 2000. Transportation, Department of

1 September 2000

(2000) Committee on Air Service Report to the General Assembly, September 1, 2000. Transportation, Department of

October 2000

(2000) Iowa County Engineers Association Service Bureau, TR-417, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Program Report, October 2000. Transportation, Department of

November 2000

(2000) 2000 Transportation Scholars Conference: Compendium of Papers, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Evaluation of Mini Slump Cone Test, MLR-97-01, 2000. Transportation, Department of

December 2000

(2000) Quick Guide to Iowa Transportation Statistics, December 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Red Light Running in Iowa: The Scope, Impact, and Possible Implications, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Response of Iowa Pavements to a Tracked Agricultural Vehicle, HR-1075, Phase II, 2000. Transportation, Department of

Winter 2000

(2000) Clear Vision, Vol. 1, no. 2, Winter 2000. Iowa State University


(2001) 2001 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of

(2001) 2001 Roadside Litter Characterization Study, Summary, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) CAN-DO Reference Manual: Guideline for implementing Iowa Department of Transportation's CAN-DO Project Development Process, Revised 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Guidelines for the Conversion of Urban Four-Lane Undivided Roadways to Three-Lane Two-Way Left-turn Lane Facilities, April 2001. Iowa State University

(2001) Iowa Registered Highway Route 1914-1925. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Level I Hot Mix Asphalt 2001-2002 Instruction Manual, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Level II Portland Cement Concrete 2001-2002, Instruction Manual, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module V - Motor Vehicle Licensing and Enforcement, HR-376, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Paved Shoulders on Primary Highways in Iowa: An Analysis of Shoulder Surfacing Criteria, Costs, and Benefits, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Systematic Identification of High Crash Locations Final Report; TR-442, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Techniques for Estimating Flood-Frequency Discharges for Streams in Iowa, HR-395A, 2001. Transportation, Department of

January 2001

(2001) Performance of Strip Seals in Iowa Bridges, Project TR-437, January 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Priority Corridor Program Status Report: Avenue of the Saints, January 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Public Perceptions of the Midwest's Pavements - Executive Summary: Iowa. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Red Light Running in Iowa, Jaunary 2001. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2001

(2001) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 2001. Transportation, Department of

12 January 2001

(2001) Chicago to Iowa City Passenger Rail Service, January 12, 2011. Transportation, Department of

16 January 2001

(2001) your Ticket to Safety: Bloodborne Pathogen Awareness, January 16, 2001. Transportation, Department of

February 2001

(2001) Status Report, U.S. 20 Sioux City to Dubuque, February 2001. Transportation, Department of

23 February 2001

(2001) The Chicago-Iowa City Passenger Rail Program, February 23, 2011. Transportation, Department of

March 2001

(2001) Effectiveness of Roadway Safety Improvements, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Highway Maintenance Concept Vehicle Final Report: Phase Three, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Hwyneeds: Methodology, Analysis and Evaluation: TR-433, March 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Regional Approach to Landslide Interpretation and Repair, TR-430, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) The Use of Abrasives in Winter Maintenance, TR-434, 2001. Transportation, Department of

April 2001

(2001) Development of a Traffic Control Devices and Pavement Markings Manual for Iowa's Cities and Counties with a Survery of Common Practices; TR-441, April 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Evaluation of PCC Long-Term Durability Using Intermediate Sized Gravels to Optimize Mix Gradations, April 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Field Evaluation of Engineering Fabrics for Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing - Audubon County, HR-360, Final Report, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Iowa Traffic Control Devices and Pavement Markings: A Manual for Cities and Counties April 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the Proposed State Highway 60 Bypass Around Le Mars, Iowa, Plymouth County, Abridged Phase I, 2001. Transportation, Department of

May 2001

(2001) Comprehensive Statewide Transportation Model: Multimodal Investment Analysis Methodology Phase II, CTRE Project 02-126, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Reduction of Concrete Deterioration by Ettringite Using Crystal Growth Inhibition Techniques, TR-431, 2001. Transportation, Department of

23 May 2001

(2001) 2000 Vehicle Registrations Summary, May 23, 2001. Transportation, Department of

June 2001

(2001) Durable, Cost-Effective Pavement Markings Phase I: Synthesis of Current Reseaech; TR-454, June 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Durable, Cost-Effective Pavement Markings Phase I: Synthesis of Current Research, June 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Environmental Assessments: A How-To Manual, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Hydraulics of Slope-Tapered Pipe Culverts, HR-398, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Investigation of Glass Fiber Composite Dowel Bars for Highway Pavement Slabs, TR-408, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Thin Bonded Overlay Evaluation, HR-559, Final Report, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Traffic Signal Inventory Project, 2001. Transportation, Department of

July 2001

(2001) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2001. Revenue, Department of

(2001) Plastic Air Content versus Hardened Air Content by High Pressure Air Meter, MLR-99-03, 2001. Transportation, Department of

August 2001

(2001) 2001 Iowa Department of Transportation Organizational Survey, Final report, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2001. Revenue, Department of

(2001) A Transportation Safety Planning Tool for the City of Ames, August 2011. Transportation, Department of

September 2001

(2001) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2001. Revenue, Department of

(2001) Superpave Mix Designs for Low Volume Roads, Construction Report, TR-414, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Use of Remote Sensing for Collection of Data Elements for Linear Referencing Systems, 2001. Transportation, Department of

13 September 2001

(2001) 2000 Seat Belt Usage Survey, September 13, 2001. Transportation, Department of

October 2001

(2001) CAN-DO Reference Manual: Guideline for implementing Iowa Department of Transportation's CAN-DO Project Development Process, October 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) GPS to LRM: Integration of Spatial Point Features with Linear Referencing Methods, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) The Iowa Grain Flow Survey: Where and How Iowa Grain Producers and Country Elevators Shipped Corn and Soybeans During September 1, 1999 - August 31, 2000, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2001. Revenue, Department of

(2001) Rubber Buffings for Bridge Approach Expansion Joints, MLR-01-01, 2001. Transportation, Department of

2 October 2001

(2001) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 2001-2002, Technical Training and Certification Program, October 2, 2001. Transportation, Department of

November 2001

(2001) Field and Laboratory Evaluation of Precast Concrete Bridges, TR-440, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2001. Revenue, Department of

(2001) Iowa Scenic/Heritage Byway Evaluation, 2001. Transportation, Department of

December 2001

(2001) Clinton US 30/67 Corridor Study: Transportation Model and Operations Analysis, December 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2001. Revenue, Department of

(2001) Low Water Stream Crossing: Design and Construction Recommendations; TR-453, December 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Performance of Poly-Carb, Inc. Flexogrid Bridge Overlay System, MLR-86-04, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Thin Asphalt Concrete Pavement on Crushed Rock Base, HR-2075, 2001. Transportation, Department of

Spring 2001

(2001) Connections, Spring 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) News, I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Issue 1 Spring 2001. Transportation, Department of

Summer 2001

(2001) Connections, Summer 2001. Transportation, Department of

Fall 2001

(2001) Connections, Fall 2001. Transportation, Department of

Winter 2001

(2001) Connections, Winter 2001-2002. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Connections, Winter 2001-2002. Transportation, Department of


(2002) 2002 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of

(2002) 2002 Roadside Litter Characterization Study, Summary, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) 2003-2007 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Annual Report of Highway Division, Highway Research and Development in Iowa, November 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Assessment of Dowel Bar Research;HR-1080, August 2002. Iowa State University

(2002) Close-Clearance Conditions Near Railroad Tracks: A report to the Iowa Legislature as per Section 24, HF2614, Seventy-Ninth General Assembly, December 6, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) FY 2002 Revolving Fund Purchase Order Report, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Finding of No Significant Impact and Final Section 4(f) Statement for the Capacity of U.S. 20 across the Mississippi River, Dubuque County, Iowa and Jo Daviess County, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Highway 60 Reconstruction Project, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Interstate Route Flow Map, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Investgiation into Improved Pavement Curing Materials and Techniques: Part 1 - Phases I and II;TR-451, April 2002. Iowa State University

(2002) Iowa 2002 Railroad Service Map. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2002 Report of Savings by Using Videoconferencing through Iowa Communications Network to the Iowa General Assembly, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Great River Road, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa: Transportation Profile, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 2001-2002, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Plan for reduction in force, Iowa Department of Transportation, FY 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Products and Services Purchased From Iowa Prison Industries, Iowa Departation of Transportation, October 29, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Quadrennial Need Study Report on Highways, Roads, and Streets for Study Years 1998-2017, January 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Report Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Road Equipment Procurement and Utilization Study, October 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Safety Policy Considerations in Truck and Rail Freight Transportation by David J. Forkenbrock, Paul F. Hanley, 2002. University of Iowa

(2002) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Statewide Transit Intelligent Transportation Systems Deployment Plan, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Synthesis of Best Practice for Increasing Protection and Visibility of Highway Maintenance Vehicles, CTRE Final Report Iowa DOT Project TR-475, August 2002. Iowa State University

(2002) Technology Transfer of As-Built and Preliminary Surveys Using GPS, Soft Photogrammetry, and Video Logging; TR-446, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Volume of Traffic on the Primary Road System, 2002. Transportation, Department of

January 2002

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2002. Revenue, Department of

1 January 2002

(2002) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 2002. Transportation, Department of

February 2002

(2002) Communicating Highway Safety: What Works, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2002. Revenue, Department of

March 2002

(2002) Evaluation of DuroTrim Vegetation Control Mats, HR-2090, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2002. Revenue, Department of

April 2002

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2002. Revenue, Department of

May 2002

(2002) Erosion Control for Highway Applications, Phase I: Review and Synthesis of Literature, Final Report, TR-464, May 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2002. Revenue, Department of

(2002) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, HR-388, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, HR-388, Supplement, 2002. Transportation, Department of

June 2002

(2002) Determination and Evaluation of Alternate Methods for Managing and Controlling Highway-Related Dust, TR-449, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Embankment Quality: Phase III, TR-401, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Highway Maintenance Concept Vehicle, June 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Historic Property Study of the Thomas A. Graham House (86-00024) : Tama, Iowa, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2002. Revenue, Department of

7 June 2002

(2002) 2001 Vehicle Registrations Summary, June 7, 2002. Transportation, Department of

July 2002

(2002) Iowa County Engineering: A Resource Guide for County Engineers, July 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2002. Revenue, Department of

(2002) Temporary Speed Hump Impact Evaluation, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Ultrathin Portland Cement Concrete Overlay Extended Evaluation, Interim Report, TR-432, 2002. Transportation, Department of

August 2002

(2002) Evaluation of Unbonded Ultrathin Whitetopping of Brick Streets, TR-466, Construction Report, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2002. Revenue, Department of

(2002) Traffic Control in Work Zones with Edge Drop-Offs, 2002. Transportation, Department of

September 2002

(2002) Connections, September 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2002. Revenue, Department of

(2002) Use of Remote Sensing for Collection of Data Elements for Linear Referencing Systems, 2002. Transportation, Department of

October 2002

(2002) Artificial-Intelligence-Based Optimization of the Management of Snow Removal Assets and Resources Final Report, October 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Cement Concrete - Field Testing, Final Report for HR-330, 330A, 330B, 330C, 330D, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2002. Revenue, Department of

(2002) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Program Report, October 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Statewide Transit Intelligent Transportation Systems Deployment Plan, Rural and Small Urban Transit Systems: Final Report, October 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Tree and Brush Control For County Road Right-of-Way;TR-462, Ocotober 2002. Transportation, Department of

November 2002

(2002) Handbook of Simplified Practice for Traffic Studies; TR-455, November 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2002. Revenue, Department of

(2002) Iowa as a Litter-Free State : Findings, Implications & Recommendations from the Statewide Litter Surveys, 2002. Transportation, Department of

14 November 2002

(2002) State Planning, Research, Development and Technology Transfer Work Program, November 14, 2002. Transportation, Department of

December 2002

(2002) High Priority Corridors for Access Management Near Large Urban Areas in Iowa, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2002. Revenue, Department of

(2002) Research News, December 2002. Transportation, Department of

Winter 2002

(2002) I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Vol 2, Winter 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) News, I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Issue 2, Winter 2002. Transportation, Department of


(2003) 2003 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Area-Wide Job Access and Reverse Commute Transportation Plan, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures, Iowa Department of Transportation, January 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Clinton, Iowa: Railroad Town, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Code Section 307.46(2) - Use of Reversions Report, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Department of Transportation Performance Plan, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Development of In-Situ Detection Methods for Materials-Related Distress (MRD) in Concrete Pavements, July 2003. Iowa State University

(2003) Drivers License Cost Study Report, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) FY 2003 Revolving Fund Purchase Order Report, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Full-Size Off-Highway Vehicle Registration Program, December 30, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Investigation into Improved Pavement Curing Materials and Techniques: Part 2 - Phase III; TR-479, March 2003. Iowa State University

(2003) Iowa Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2003 Report of Savings by Using Videoconferencing Through Iowa Communications Network, Iowa Department of Transportation, December 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary, July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative Status Report, December 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Optimal Usage of De-Icing Chemicals when Scraping Ice, Final Report of Project HR 391, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Report Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Research News, Fall 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Research News, Spring 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Review of Alternative Distribution Methodologies for the Street Construction Fund of the Cities, December 26, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Web-Based Database for Highway Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures HR-485, 2003. Transportation, Department of

January 2003

(2003) Aggregates for Thin Maintenance Surfaces, TR-435, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Asphalt Binders for Thin Maintenance Surfaces, TR-435, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Guidelines for Development of the Iowa Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) by the Office of Program Management, Planning and Programming Division and Office of Public Transit, Modal Division, January 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) History and Design of Iowa's Highway Maintenance and Weighing Facilities, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2003. Revenue, Department of

(2003) Pilot Study on Improving the Efficiency of Transportation Projects Using Laser Scanning, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Quantitative Guidelines for Thin Maintenance Surfaces, TR-435, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Retrofit Methods for Distortion Cracking Problems in Plate Girder Bridges, TR-436, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Thin Maintenance Surfaces - Phase II, TR-435, 2003. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2003

(2003) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 2003. Transportation, Department of

February 2003

(2003) Demonstration Project using Railroad Flatcars for Low-Volume Road Bridges, TR-444, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2003. Revenue, Department of

(2003) Low Water Stream Crossing: Design and Construction Recommendations; A Selection and Design Guide; TR-453, February 2003. Transportation, Department of

26 February 2003

(2003) 2002 Seat Belt Usage Survey, February 26, 2003. Transportation, Department of

March 2003

(2003) Education on Urban Corridor Issues Through Computer Animation, TR-419, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2003. Revenue, Department of

(2003) U.S. 275 Historical/Architectural Intensive Level Survey, March 2003. Transportation, Department of

20 March 2003

(2003) West 1st Street (Iowa~ 57) Improvements Union Road to Hudson Road Cedar Falls, Iowa: Project Number STP-U-1185(625)--70-07, Environmental Assessment, March 20, 2003. Transportation, Department of

21 March 2003

(2003) Explore Aviation in Iowa, March 21, 2003. Transportation, Department of

April 2003

(2003) Asphalt Rubber Cement Concrete Webster County, HR-555, Final Report, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Development of Bridge Load Testing Process for Load Evaluation, TR-445, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Early Entry Sawed Portland Cement Concrete Transverse Joint Ends, MLR-97-5, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Evaluation of Appropriate Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation Methods for Iowa Bridges, TR-429, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Highway Applications for Rammed Aggregate Piers in Iowa Soils, TR-443, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2003. Revenue, Department of

(2003) Iowa's Mississippi River Trail Plan, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Pipe Rehabilitation with Polyethylene Pipe Liners, HR-370, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Portland Cement Concrete Curing Compound Performance Phase I and Phase II, MLR-02-03, 2003. Transportation, Department of

23 April 2003

(2003) 2001 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 23, 2003. Transportation, Department of

May 2003

(2003) In-Street Yield to Pedestrian Sign Application in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2003. Revenue, Department of

June 2003

(2003) Demonstration and Field Evaluation of Alternative Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Reinforcement Materials, HR-1069, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2003. Revenue, Department of

(2003) Longitudinal Joint Forming in PCC Pavements, MLR-00-05, Construction Report, 2003. Transportation, Department of

11 June 2003

(2003) Iowa Transit Services, Transit Agency Information, June 11, 2003. Transportation, Department of

July 2003

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2003. Revenue, Department of

(2003) Remote Sensing Change Analysis Methodology to Support Traffic Monitoring Programs, 2003. Transportation, Department of

8 July 2003

(2003) 2 Iowa Safety Efforts: Analyst Tool & Location Aggregation Project, July 8, 2003. Transportation, Department of

August 2003

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2003. Revenue, Department of

21 August 2003

(2003) Iowa's Living Roadway Plant Profiler, August 21, 2003. Transportation, Department of

September 2003

(2003) Connections, September 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Bridge Backwater Software Users Manual Version 1.0 TR-476, September 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2003. Revenue, Department of

(2003) Statistical Analysis of Highway Needs Condition Data: Manual vs. Automated, TR-494. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, TR-477, Phase 2 Supplement, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, TR-477, Phase 2, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Transportation Program Management System, HR-394, 2003. Transportation, Department of

October 2003

(2003) Grade and Cross Slope Estimation from LIDAR-based Surface Models, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2003. Revenue, Department of

(2003) Remote Sensing (LIDAR) for Management of Highway Assets for Safety, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Use of LIDAR-based Elevation Data for Highway Drainage Analysis: A Qualitative Assessment, 2003. Transportation, Department of

November 2003

(2003) Deploying the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) in Iowa, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Evaluation of Post-Tension Strengthened Steel Girder Bridge Using FRP Bars, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Evaluation of Weather Forecasting Services for the Iowa Department of Transportation, CTRE Project 02-126, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2003. Revenue, Department of

(2003) Optimal Usage of De-Icing Chemicals when Scraping Ice, November 2003. Transportation, Department of

December 2003

(2003) Clinton Multimodal (U. S. 30 Mississippi River Bridge) Study, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Field Evaluation of Alternative Load Transfer Device Locations in Low Traffic Volume Pavements, TR-420, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2003. Revenue, Department of

Fall 2003

(2003) I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Vol 3, Fall 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Vol 3, Fall 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Kids in the backseat road trip activity book, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) News, I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Issue 3, Fall 2003. Transportation, Department of


(2004) 2004 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of

(2004) 2004 Highway Accomplishment Program, July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) 2005 Highway Accomplishment Program, July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Alternative Solutions to Meet the Service Needs of Low Volume Bridges in Iowa; TR-452, June 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Fiscal Year 2003 Report, Iowa Department of Transportation, January 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Fiscal Year 2004 Report, Iowa Department of Transportation, January 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Defining the Attributes of Good In-Service Portland Cement Concrete Pavements, December 2004. Iowa State University

(2004) Effective Structural Concrete Repair, Volume 1 of 3, Repair of Impact Damaged Prestressed Concrete Beams with CFRP;TR-428 , March 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Effective Structural Concrete Repair, Volume 2 of 3, Use of FRP to Prevent Chloride Penetration in Bridge Columns; TR-428, March 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Effective Structural Concrete Repair, Volume 3 of 3, Evaluation of Repair Materials for Use in Patching Damaged Concrete; TR-428, March 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Evaluation of the Iowa Department of Transportation's Compensatory Wetland Mitgation Program, August 30, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Exposure List by Company and FRA Number Iowa Department of Transportation, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) FY 2004 Revolving Fund Purchase Order Report, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Improving Fringe Area Public Transportation Services for Persons with Disabilities in the Dubuque Iowa area by Debra A. Smith, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Interstate Route Flow Map, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Introducing A Key Travel Service to the Metro Area: Trip Guide, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Investigation of the Modified Beam-in-Slab Bridge System, Design Guide;TR-467 , 2004, Vol. 3. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Investigation of the Modified Beam-in-Slab Bridge System, Design Manual; TR-467, 2004, Vol. 2. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Investigation of the Modified Beam-in-Slab Bridge System, Technical Report; TR-467, 2004, Vol. 1. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa 44 Coordinated Transportation and Land Use Plan, Region XII Council of Governments, 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2004) Iowa Aviation Plan, 2004-2024. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Aviation Plan, 2004-2024. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Aviation System Plan, 2004-2024. Iowa State University

(2004) Iowa Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2004 Report of Savings by Using Videoconferencing Through Iowa Communications Network, Iowa Department of Transportation, December 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary - July 1, 2003, thru June 30, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Department of Transportation Strategic Plan Revised, January 2003 Through December 2006, June 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Department of Transportation Strategic Plan, January 2003 Through December 2006, June 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Transportation Map, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Level I & II Aggregate Instruction Text, Technical Training and Certification Program 2004-2005, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative Status Report, December 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Moblie Concrete Research Lab, 2004. Iowa State University

(2004) Portland Cement Concrete Patching Techniques vs. Performance and Traffic Delay, January 2004. Iowa State University

(2004) Predicted Accident List by FRA number, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Public Railroad Crossings Cross Reference List, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Quadrennial Need Study Report on Highways, Roads, and Streets for Study Years 2002-2021, Second Annual Update, January 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks Report, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Steel Diaphragms in Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges; TR-424, September 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Stringless Portland Cement Concrete Paving, February 2004. Iowa State University

(2004) Transportation Policy Strategies for Iowa to Advance the Quality of Life, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Two-Lift Portland Cement Concrete Pavements to Meet Public Needs, September 2004. Iowa State University

(2004) Use of Reversions Report, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Using the Air Void Anal Analyzer for Real-Time Quality Control Adjustments in the Field, November 2004. Iowa State University

(2004) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 2008. Transportation, Department of

January 2004

(2004) Evaluation of Racial Differences in Seat Belt and Child Restraint Use: A Review of Current Literature, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside magazine, January 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2004. Revenue, Department of

1 January 2004

(2004) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 2004. Transportation, Department of

February 2004

(2004) Evaluation of Lightweight Profilers for Construction Smoothness Evaluation, MLR-02-02, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside Magazine, February 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2004. Revenue, Department of

(2004) Stringless Portland Cement Concrete Paving, TR-490, 2004. Transportation, Department of

March 2004

(2004) Inside Magazine, March, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2004. Revenue, Department of

April 2004

(2004) In-Pavement Pedestrian Flasher Evaluation: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside magazine, April 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2004. Revenue, Department of

May 2004

(2004) Determination of the Optimum Base Characteristics for Pavements, TR-482, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside Magazine, May, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2004. Revenue, Department of

June 2004

(2004) Inside Magazine, June 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside Magazine, June, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2004. Revenue, Department of

(2004) Remote Sensing Change Analysis Methodology to Support Traffic Monitoring Programs: Phase 2, 2004. Transportation, Department of

July 2004

(2004) Corridor Management Pilot Projects, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2004. Revenue, Department of

(2004) July 2004 Rail Company Abandonment Plans Map, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Reduction of Concrete Deterioration by Ettringite Using Crystal Growth Inhibition Techniques: Part II Field Evaluation of Inhibitor Effectiveness, TR-469, 2004. Transportation, Department of

1 July 2004

(2004) Iowa State Railroad Map, July 1, 2004. Transportation, Department of

28 July 2004

(2004) Iowa’s Railroads and You, July 28, 2004. Transportation, Department of

August 2004

(2004) Evaluation of the Iowa Department of Transportation's Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Program, TR-500, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Impact of Left-Turn Phasing on Older and Younger Drivers at High-Speed Signalized Intersections, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside magazine, August 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside magazine, August 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2004. Revenue, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2004. Revenue, Department of

September 2004

(2004) Development of the Des Moines Access Management Plan, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Field Evaluation of Compaction Monitoring Technology: Phase I, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2004. Revenue, Department of

13 September 2004

(2004) Federal AIP Funding For Iowa’s NPIAS Airports 2004-2007, September 13, 2004. Transportation, Department of

October 2004

(2004) Development of Object-Oriented Design and Specifications for Iowa DOT and Urban Standards: Phase I, TR-487, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside Magazine, October 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside Magazine, September 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2004. Revenue, Department of

(2004) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Program Report, October 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Report, 2004-2005. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Rural Expressway Intersection Synthesis of Practice and Crash Analysis, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Superpave Mix Designs for Low-Volume Roads, TR-414, Final Report, 2004. Transportation, Department of

25 October 2004

(2004) From Empirical Bayes to Full Bayes: Methods for Analysing Traffice Safety Data, October 25, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) From Empirical Bayes to Full Bayes: Methods for Analyzubg Traffic Safey Data, October 25, 2004. Transportation, Department of

November 2004

(2004) Council Bluffs Interstate System Improvements Project Pottawatomie County, Iowa and Douglas County, Nebraska Project Number: IM-029-3(62)54-13-78, November 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) English and Spanish terms for concrete paving workers, 2004. : Concrete Paving Workforce Reference no. 4. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Highway 60 Reconstruction Project : Final Environmental Impact Statement, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Inside Magazine, November, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2004. Revenue, Department of

(2004) Main-Channel Slopes of Selected Streams in Iowa for Estimation of Flood-Frequency Discharges, November 2004. Transportation, Department of

December 2004

(2004) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa FY2003-2004, December 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2004. Revenue, Department of

(2004) Reuse of Lime Sludge from Water Softening and Coal Combustion Byproducts, TR-459, 2004. Transportation, Department of

22 December 2004

(2004) 2004 Vehicle Registrations Summary, December 22, 2005. Transportation, Department of

28 December 2004

(2004) General Aviation Security for Airport Personnel, Pilots, and Tenants December 28, 2004. Transportation, Department of

Fall 2004

(2004) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, Fall 2004. Transportation, Department of


(2005) 2005 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of

(2005) 2006 Highway Program, July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2005) 2006-2010 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Annual Report of Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal year Ending June 30, 2001-June 30, 2005, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Commercial Driver License Manual, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Design and Construction Procedures for Concrete Overlay and Widening of Existing Pavements; TR-511, September 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Determination and Evaluation of Alternative Methods for Managing and Controlling Highway-Related Dust Phase II—Demonstration Project: TR-506, June 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Development of a Manual Crack Quantification and Automated Crack Measurment System, Project TR-457 Final Report, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Development of a Method to Determine Pavement Damage Due to Detours, Project 02-105, Apirl 2005. Iowa State University

(2005) Development of a Mix Design Process for Cold-in-Place Rehabilitation Using Foamed Asphalt, December 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) The Effect of Four-Lane to Three-Lane Conversion on the Number of Crashes and Crash Rates in Iowa Roads, June 2005. Iowa State University

(2005) Evalution of Hot Mix Asphalt Moisture Sensitivity Using the Nottingham Asphalt Test Equipment, July 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) FY 2005 Revolving Fund Purchase Order Report. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Final Report, Secondary Road Fund Distribution Advisory Committee, 2002-2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) The First 5 Years, April 2000 - March 2005, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Guidleines for Removal of Traffic Control Devices in Rural Areas, October 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Health Care and Public Transit; Your Ticket to Health Care Access, 2005. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(2005) I-35 Corridor Trade Study - Final Executive Summary, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Implementing the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: Technical Report, May 2005. Iowa State University

(2005) An Investigation of User Costs and Benefits of Winter Road Closures, June 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Aviation Bulletin, Summer 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary - July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Department of Transportation Performance Report, FY 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Department of Transportation Report of Savings through use of Iowa Communications Network (ICN), FY 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Railroad Safety: 2005 Safety Analysis and 2006 Preliminary Safety Statistics, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, Spring 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, Winter 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Measuring Pavement Profile at the Slip-Form Paver; TR-512, May 2005. Iowa State University

(2005) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative (MWRRI) Status Report, December 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Pre-Treatment for Reduction of Asphalt Absorption in Porous Aggregate;TR-422, April 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Railroads are on Track to keep Iowa's Economy Healthy and Growing, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks Report, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Utilizing Rebblization and Crack and Seat Methods:TR-473 , June 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Review of Stability Berm Alternatives for Environmentally Senstitive Areas, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Safety Effectiveness of High-Speed Expressway Signals, 2005. Iowa State University

(2005) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Sure. It's the Law. And, yes, There's a Fine for Breaking It. But That's Not Why You Do It, 2005. Public Safety, Department of

(2005) Ultra-Thin Portland Cement Concrete Overlay Extended Evaluation, January 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Use of Reversions Report, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Utility Cut Repair Techniques— Investigation of Improved Cut Repair Techniques to Reduce Settlement in Repaired Areas; TR-503, December 2005. Transportation, Department of

January 2005

(2005) Inside magazine, January 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Aviation Bulletin, Winter 2004-2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2005. Revenue, Department of

1 January 2005

(2005) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 2005. Transportation, Department of

6 January 2005

(2005) Living Snow Fences, January 6, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

February 2005

(2005) Inside Magazine, February 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2005. Revenue, Department of

28 February 2005

(2005) Council Bluffs Interstate System (I-29, I-80 and I-480) Improvements Project, February 28, 2005. Transportation, Department of

March 2005

(2005) Blended Cement Patching Research, MLR-04-01, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Effectiveness of Electrochemical Chloride Extraction for the Iowa Avenue Pedestrian Bridge, TR-499, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Evaluation of PCC Specification Changes Impact on Durability: 1992 - 1997 Core Study, MLR-98-06, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Inside Magazine, March, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2005. Revenue, Department of

24 March 2005

(2005) You Can Fly, March 24, 2005. Transportation, Department of

April 2005

(2005) Fly Ash Soil Stabilization for Non-Uniform Subgrade Soils, Volume I: Engineering Properties and Construction Guidelines, TR-461, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Fly Ash Soil Stabilization for Non-Uniform Subgrade Soils, Volume II: Influence of Subgrade Non-Uniformity on PCC Pavement Performance, TR-461, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Inside magazine, April 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Drainage Law Manual, TR-497, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2005. Revenue, Department of

26 April 2005

(2005) Improved Driver Education : IDOT End-Product Final Report May05-05 / client, Iowa Department of Transportation, April 26, 2005. Iowa State University

May 2005

(2005) Developing an Effective Construction Training Program for American Supervisors with Hispanic Craft Workers, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Implementing the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: Implementation Plan, TR-509, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Inside Magazine, May, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2005. Revenue, Department of

23 May 2005

(2005) Iowa 2 bridge replacement over the Des Moines River in Farmington, Van Buren County, Iowa, May 23, 2005. Transportation, Department of

June 2005

(2005) Inside Magazine, June 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Inside Magazine, June, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2005. Revenue, Department of

(2005) Iowa’s Cooperative Snow Fence Program, June 2005. Transportation, Department of

July 2005

(2005) Applications for Reuse of Lime Sludge from Water Softening, TR-535, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Council Bluffs Interstate System (I-29, I-80 and I-480) Final Environment Impact Statement, July, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Evaluation of Hot Mix Asphalt Moisture Sensitivity Using the Nottingham Asphalt Test Equipment;TR-483, July 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2005. Revenue, Department of

(2005) Iowa Railroad Activity Book, July 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Research News, Summer 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) River Barge Terminal Directory, July 2005. Transportation, Department of

6 July 2005

(2005) Speed Limit Questions? Here’s Your Answer, July 6, 2005. Transportation, Department of

19 July 2005

(2005) Council Bluffs Interstate System Improvements Project Pottawattamie County, IA and Douglas County, Nebraska, July 19, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Council Bluffs Interstate System Improvements Project Pottawattamie County, IA and Douglas County, Nebraska, July 19, 2005. Transportation, Department of

August 2005

(2005) Development of In Situ Detection Methods for Materials-Related Distress (MRD) in Concrete Pavements: Phase 2, HR-1081, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Inside Magazine, August 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Inside magazine, August 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2005. Revenue, Department of

15 August 2005

(2005) 2004 Seat Belt Usage Survey, August 15, 2005. Transportation, Department of

September 2005

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2005. Revenue, Department of

(2005) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, September 2005. Transportation, Department of

October 2005

(2005) Evaluation of High-Slump Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays, TR-427, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Guidelines for Removal of Traffic Control Devices in Rural Areas, TR-527, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Inside Magazine, October 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Inside Magazine, September 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2005. Revenue, Department of

15 October 2005

(2005) Record of Decision, Council Bluffs Interstate System(I-29, I-80 and I-480) Improvements Project, October 15, 2005. Transportation, Department of

November 2005

(2005) Inside Magazine, November, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2005. Revenue, Department of

(2005) Self-Consolidating Concrete—Applications for Slip-Form Paving: Phase I (Feasibility Study), 2005. Transportation, Department of

December 2005

(2005) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa FY2004-2005, December 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Innovative Solutions for Slope Stability Reinforcement and Characterization: Vol. I, TR-489, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Innovative Solutions for Slope Stability Reinforcement and Characterization: Vol. II, TR-489, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Innovative Solutions for Slope Stability Reinforcement and Characterization: Vol. III, TR-489, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2005. Revenue, Department of

(2005) Iowa Railroad Ties, December 2005. Transportation, Department of

Winter 2005

(2005) I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Vol 1, Winter 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Vol 4, Winter 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) News, I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Issue 4, Winter 2005. Transportation, Department of


(2006) MVD Quarterly Report on Building Project, 2nd Quarter, FY06. Transportation, Department of

(2006) 2007-2011 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report Fiscal Year 2005 Report, January 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report, FY 06. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Concrete Paving Training & Field Reference for Preventing Common Problems, August 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Decision Support Model for Assessing Archaeological Survey Needs for Bridge Replacement Projects in Iowa: TR-513, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Design Guide and Construction Specifications for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Site Runoff Control, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Developing a Simple and Rapid Test for Monitoring the Heat Evolution of Concrete Mixtures for Both Laboratory and Field Applications, January 2006. Iowa State University

(2006) Evaluation of U.S. and European Concrete Pavement Noise Reduction Methods, July 2006. Iowa State University

(2006) Evaluation of Virtual Reality Snowplow Simulator Training: A Literature Review, September 2006. Iowa State University

(2006) Evaluation of a Bridge Constructed using High Performance Steel, May 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) FY 2006 Revolving Fund Purchase Order Report. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Identifying and Implementing Effective Training for Hispanic Craft Workers, American Supervisors, and DOT Inspectors: Phase III of the Hispanic Workforce Research Project, May 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Integrated Materials and Construction Practice for Concrete Pavement: A State-of-the-Practice Manual, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Interstate Route Flow Map, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Aviation Bulletin, Spring 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary, July 1, 2005 thru June 30, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Historic Property Study: Manthei Ford Garage (Inventory no. 33-00530) Maynard, Iowa, Fayette County, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, March 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa's 5 Percent Safety Report, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Living Snow Fences; TR-460, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Local Roads Maintenance Workers’ Manual;TR-514, June 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) MVD Quarterly Report on Building Project, 1st Quarter, FY07. Transportation, Department of

(2006) MVD Quarterly Report on Building Project, 4th Quarter, FY06. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Materials and Mix Optimization Procedures for PCC Pavements;TR-484, March 2006. Iowa State University

(2006) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative Status Report December 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Report, 2005-2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Monitoring of the Launched Girder Bridge over the Iowa River on US 20, March 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, April 14, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, April 21, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, April 28, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, April 7, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, August 11, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, August 18, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, August 25, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, August 4, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, December 1, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, December 15, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, December 22, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, December 29, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, December 8, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 10, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 17, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 24, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 3, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, January 13, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, January 19, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, January 20, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, July 14, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, July 21, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, July 28, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 16, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 2, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 23, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 30, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 9, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, March 17, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, March 3, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, March 31, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, May 12, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, May 19, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, May 26, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, May 5, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, November 10, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, November 17, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, November 24, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, November 3, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, October 13, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, October 20, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, October 6, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 1, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 15, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 22, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 29, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 29, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 8, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Motor Vehicle Division Quarterly Report on Building Project 3rd Quarter, FY 06. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Progress of the Building Project for the Motor Vehicle Division, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks Report, FY 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Review of Inconsistencies Between SUDAS and Iowa DOT Specifications;TR-524, May 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Roundabouts, 2006. Iowa State University

(2006) Safety Impacts of Pavement Edge Drop-offs, 2006. Iowa State University

(2006) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Study of Iowa's Current Road Use Tax Funds (RUTF) and Future Road Maintenance and Construction Needs, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Study of Iowa’s Current Road Use Tax Funds (RUTF) and Future Road Maintenance and Construction Needs, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Study of Iowa’s Current Road Use Tax Funds (RUTF) and Future Road Maintenance and Construction Needs, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Toolbox to Address Safety and Operations on School Grounds and Public Streets Adjacent to Elementary and Middle Schools in Iowa, August 2006. Iowa State University

(2006) Uniform Manual Real Property Acquisition and Relocation Assistance Section II - Chapter 111 Uniform Rules and Procedures April, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Use of Reversions Report, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2005. Transportation, Department of

January 2006

(2006) 2006 Unit Plan and 2005 Annual Performance Report, January 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Development of a Computer Controlled Underbody Plow: TR412, Final Report, January 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Evaluation of Transverse Joint Forming Methods for PCC Pavement, TR-532, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Highways and Your Land, January 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Inside Magazine, January 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Aviation System, January 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2006. Revenue, Department of

1 January 2006

(2006) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 2006. Transportation, Department of

February 2006

(2006) Feasibility of Cooperative Development of Wetland Mitigation Projects, TR-526, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Inside Magazine, February 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2006. Revenue, Department of

(2006) Mix Design Development for Pervious Concrete in Cold Weather Climates. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Performance Measures for Iowa Transportation Systems, 2006. Transportation, Department of

March 2006

(2006) Field Evaluation of Compaction Monitoring Technology: Phase II Volumes 1 and 2, TR-495, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Inside Magazine, March, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2006. Revenue, Department of

27 March 2006

(2006) Wherever Life Takes you Ride with Us by Office of Public Transit, March 27, 2006. Transportation, Department of

April 2006

(2006) Inside magazine, April 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Investigation of High Performance Concrete Pavement, MLR-05-01, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2006. Revenue, Department of

(2006) Protecting our bridges for the future, April 2006. Transportation, Department of

May 2006

(2006) Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Different Steel Reinforcement Types, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Inside Magazine, May, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2006. Revenue, Department of

(2006) Remote Continuous Evaluation of a Bridge Constructed Using High-Performance Steel, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Technology News, May-June 2006. Transportation, Department of

2 May 2006

(2006) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, May 2, 2006. Transportation, Department of

June 2006

(2006) Concrete Pavement Construction Basics, June 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Evaluation of Unbonded Ultrathin Whitetopping of Brick Streets, TR-466, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Inside Magazine, June 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Inside Magazine, June, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2006. Revenue, Department of

(2006) Using Scanning Lasers for Real-Time Pavement Thickness Measurement, TR-538, 2006. Transportation, Department of

12 June 2006

(2006) 2005 Seat Belt Usage Survey, June 12, 2006. Transportation, Department of

July 2006

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2006. Revenue, Department of

(2006) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, July 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Technology News, July-August 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Technology News, September-October 2006. Transportation, Department of

August 2006

(2006) Inside Magazine, August 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Inside magazine, August 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2006. Revenue, Department of

September 2006

(2006) Iowa Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan, September 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2006. Revenue, Department of

(2006) Planning, Developing, and Implementing the Iowa Pavement Marking Management System (IPMMS): Phases I and II, 2006. Transportation, Department of

October 2006

(2006) Inside Magazine, October 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Inside Magazine, September 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2006. Revenue, Department of

(2006) Street Design in Community Contexts, A Literature Review, October 2006. Iowa State University Extension

13 October 2006

(2006) Maintenance Service Level Map, October 13, 2006. Transportation, Department of

November 2006

(2006) Field Instrumentation, Testing, and Long-Term Monitoring of High-Mast Lighting Towers in the State of Iowa, TR-518, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Inside Magazine, November, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2006. Revenue, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2006. Revenue, Department of

(2006) Technology News, November-December 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Using Digital Video Analysis to Monitor Driver Behavior at Intersections. Transportation, Department of

9 November 2006

(2006) Cedar-Iowa River Rail Transit Project Feasibility Study, November 9, 2006. Transportation, Department of

December 2006

(2006) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa FY2005-2006, December 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Field Evaluation of Elliptical Steel Dowel Performance, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2006. Revenue, Department of

Spring 2006

(2006) I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Vol 5, Spring 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) News, I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Issue 5, Spring 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) News, I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Issue 5, Spring 2006. Transportation, Department of

Summer 2006

(2006) Iowa Aviation Bulletin, Summer 2006. Transportation, Department of

Winter 2006

(2006) Iowa Aviation Bulletin, Winter 2006. Transportation, Department of


(2007) 2007 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of

(2007) 2007-2008 Technical Training & Certification Program, Information and Registration Booklet for Highway Materials & Construction, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Annual Report of Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Certified Technicians 2008, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2007) The Conversion of Four Lane Undivded Urban Roadways to Three Lane Facilities, 2007. Iowa State University

(2007) Crash Data Validation: An Iowa Case Study, February, 2007. Iowa State University

(2007) Department of Transportation Performance Plan, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Effective Shoulder Design and Maintenance: TR-531, 2007. Iowa State University

(2007) Evaluation of Virtual Reality Snowplow Simulator Training, January 2007. Iowa State University Extension

(2007) FY 07 Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks Report. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Flexible Fuel Vehicle Report, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Hot Mix Asphalt Sampling Technician 2007-2008, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Department of Transportation report on funds received from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, the State Recreational Trails Fund, the Health Restricted Capitals and the Rail Revolving Loan and Grant Program in fiscal year 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Department of Transportation; Equipment and Vehicle Purchase Report for Fiscal Year 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Lane Closure Policy Development, Enforcement, and Exceptions: A Survey of Seven State Transportation Agencies, February 2007. Iowa State University

(2007) Level I & II Aggregate Instruction Text, Technical Training and Certification Program 2007-2008, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 2007-2008, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Report, 2006-2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, April 13, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, April 27, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, August 10, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, August 17, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, August 24, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, August 3, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, August 31, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, December 14, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, December 14, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, December 28, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 16, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 23, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 9, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, January 26, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, July 13, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, July 20, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, July 27, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, July 6, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 1, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 15, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 22, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 29, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, June 8, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, March 16, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, March 2, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, March 23, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, March 30, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, March 9, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, May 11, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, May 18, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, May 25, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, May 4, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, November 16, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, November 2, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, November 21, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, November 30, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, October 12, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, October 26, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, October 5, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 14, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 21, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 28, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, September 7, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Profilograph Instruction Manual 2007-2008, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Report of Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Secondary Accident Data Fusion for Assessing Long-Term Performance of Transportation Systems, 2007. Iowa State University

(2007) State of Iowa Directory of certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, September 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Use of Reversion Report. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Validation of the New Mix Design Process for Cold In-Place Rehabilitation Using Foamed Asphalt, 2007. University of Iowa

January 2007

(2007) 2008 Unit Plan and 2007 Annual Performance Report, January 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Design Procedures and Field Monitoring of Submerged Barbs for Streambank Protection: TR-534, June 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) GO! Explore the World of Transportation, January - February 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Go! Exploring the World of Transportation Magazine, January-February, 2007. Iowa State University

(2007) Inside Magazine, January 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2007. Revenue, Department of

(2007) Iowa Railroad Ties, January 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Technology News, January-February 2007. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2007

(2007) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 2007. Transportation, Department of

February 2007

(2007) Inside Magazine, February 2007. Transportation, Department of

March 2007

(2007) Air Content and Permeability of PCC Pavements: 1909 to 2006, MLR-05-02, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Inside Magazine, March, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Investigation of PCC Pavement Sections from I-29 Pottawattamie County, MLR-06-01, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2007. Revenue, Department of

(2007) Technology News, March-April 2007. Transportation, Department of

6 March 2007

(2007) Intelligent Transportation Systems Deployment Plan: Large Urban Transit Systems, Final Report, March 6, 2007. Transportation, Department of

13 March 2007

(2007) Approaching the Turn of the Century: Discovering Historic Iowa Transportation Milestones, March 13, 2007. Transportation, Department of

April 2007

(2007) Development of a New Process for Determining Design Year Traffic Demands, TR-528, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2007. Revenue, Department of

May 2007

(2007) Evaluation of Deicing Materials and Corrosion Reducing Treatments for Deicing Salts, TR-471, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Evaluation of Long-Term Field Performance of Cold In-Place Recycled Roads: Field Distress Survey, TR-502, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Evaluation of Long-Term Field Performance of Cold In-Place Recycled Roads: Field and Laboratory Testing, TR-502, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Evaluation of Long-Term Field Performance of Cold In-Place Recycled Roads: Summary Report, TR-502, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Inside Magazine, May, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Investigation of Electromagnetic Gauges for Determining In-Place HMA Density, Final Report; TR-547, May 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2007. Revenue, Department of

(2007) Iowa Railroad Ties, May 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Thin Maintenance Surfaces for Municipalities, TR-507, 2007. Transportation, Department of

June 2007

(2007) Hot Mix Asphalt Reference Manual 2008-2009, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2008-2009. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Inside Magazine, June, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2007. Revenue, Department of

(2007) Manual of Laboratory Mix Design Procedure for Cold In-Place Recycling using Foamed Asphalt (CIR-foam), TR-474, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Roadway Design Standards for Rural and Suburban Subdivisions Final Report;TR-552 , June 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Temporary Traffic Control and Enforcement of Traffic Laws in Closed Road Sections, June 2007. Transportation, Department of

July 2007

(2007) Assessment of Channelizing Device Effectiveness on High Speed/High Volume Roadways, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Construction of the Iowa Highway 60 Precast Prestressed Concrete Pavement Bridge Approach Slab Demonstration Project, HR-1085, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Inside Magazine, July 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2007. Revenue, Department of

1 July 2007

(2007) Iowa Rails and Trails Map, July 1, 2007. Transportation, Department of

August 2007

(2007) Field Testing of Railroad Flatcar Bridges Volume I: Single Spans, TR-498, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Field Testing of Railroad Flatcar Bridges Volume II: Multiple Spans, TR-498, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Inside Magazine, August 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Inside magazine, August 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2007. Revenue, Department of

2 August 2007

(2007) Driving Retirement Planning and making it work, August 2, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Older Drivers and Risk, August 2, 2007. Transportation, Department of

3 August 2007

(2007) Iowa Driver’s License Renewal, August 3, 2007. Transportation, Department of

7 August 2007

(2007) Driving with Diminished Skills, August 6, 2007. Transportation, Department of

September 2007

(2007) Evaluation of Iowa's Graduated Driver's Licensing Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Improving Portland Cement Concrete Mix Consistency and Production Rate through Two-Stage Mixing, TR-505, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2007. Revenue, Department of

(2007) Level I Portland Cement Concrete 2007-2008, Instruction Manual; Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Level II Portland Cement Concrete 2007-2008, Instruction Manual; Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Portland Cement Concrete Reference Manual 2007-2008, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of

5 September 2007

(2007) Workshop on Nanotechnology for Cement and Concrete, September 5, 2007. Transportation, Department of

October 2007

(2007) Embankment Quality Phase IV: Application to Unsuitable Soils, TR-492, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) High Performance Concret Bridge Deck Overlays for County Bridges, October 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Inside Magazine, October 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Inside Magazine, September 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Investigation of Steel-Stringer Bridges: Superstructures and Substructures, Volume I, TR-522, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Investigation of Steel-Stringer Bridges: Superstructures and Substructures, Volume II, TR-522, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2007. Revenue, Department of

November 2007

(2007) The Adoption of Technologies, Policies, and Systems for Improving Fleet Fuel Performance, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Evaluation of Gateway and Low-Cost Traffic-Calming Treatments for Major Routes in Small, Rural Communities, TR-523, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Inside Magazine, November, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2007. Revenue, Department of

December 2007

(2007) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa FY2006-2007, December 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Developing an Effective Construction Training Program for Hispanic and American Supervisors and Craft Workers, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) The Effectiveness of Iowa's Automated Red Light Running Enforcement Programs, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Evaluation of Steel Bridges, Volumes I & II, TR-493, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Field Evaluation of Timber Preservation Treatments for Highway Applications Final Report; TR-552, December 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Implementation of the Federal Highway Administration Final Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Improved Methods for Determining Wind Loads on Highway Sign and Traffic-Signal Structures, TR-559, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2007. Revenue, Department of

(2007) Nondestructive Evaluation of Iowa Pavements Phase I HR-1084, December 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Technology News, December 2007. Transportation, Department of

5 December 2007

(2007) Feasibility Study on Proposed Amtrak service from Chicago, to Iowa City, Iowa via Quad Cities, December 5, 2007. Transportation, Department of

Spring 2007

(2007) Research News, Spring 2007. Transportation, Department of

Summer 2007

(2007) Research News, Summer 2007. Transportation, Department of

Fall 2007

(2007) Iowa Railroad Ties, Fall 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Railroad Ties, Fall 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Technology News, Fall 2007. Transportation, Department of


(2008) Bridge Deck Grade 2008, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Buckle up, Baby!: 6 Cool Tips for using Infant and Toddler Safety Seats Correctly, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Discovering Historic Iowa Transportation Milestones, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Examination of Curing Criteria for Cold In-Place Recycling, February 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) FY 2007 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Flex Fueled Vehicles Registered in Iowa. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Interstate Route Flow Map, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa General Assembly Reception Report. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Truck Information Guide, 2008-2009. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa Status Report. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Report, 2007-2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 1, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 15, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 22, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 29, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, February 8, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, January 11, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, January 18, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, January 25, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities for the Week Ending, March 7, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending,Year End 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Report of Savings by Using Video Conferencing Through Iowa Communications Network. Transportation, Department of

January 2008

(2008) Inside Magazine, January 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Research News, January, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Technology News, January-February 2008. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2008

(2008) Careers in Aviation, January 4, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 2008. Transportation, Department of

2 January 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, January 2, 2009. Transportation, Department of

7 January 2008

(2008) Executive Summary, Feasibility Report on Proposed Amtrak Service Quad Cities-Chicago, January 7, 2008. Transportation, Department of

16 January 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 19, 2008. Transportation, Department of

23 January 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 19, 2008. Transportation, Department of

February 2008

(2008) Dowel Bar Retrofitting in Buena Vista County, Iowa, February 2008. Iowa State University

(2008) Economics of Using Calcium Chloride vs. Sodium Chloride for Deicing/Anti-Icing, TR-488, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Evaluation of Dowel Bar Retrofits for Local Road Pavements, TR-520, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Inside Magazine, February 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Strategies to Address Nighttime Crashes at Rural, Unsignalized Intersections, TR-540, 2008. Transportation, Department of

25 February 2008

(2008) Laboratory Testing of Precast Paving Notch System, RB01-005, 2008. Transportation, Department of

March 2008

(2008) Examination of Curing Criteria for Cold In-Place Recycling, TR-553, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Inside Magazine, March, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Material and Construction Optimization for Prevention of Premature Pavement Distress in PCC Pavements, Phase III Final Report, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Technology News, March-April 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Testing Guide for Implementing Concrete Paving Quality Control Procedures, March 2008. Transportation, Department of

5 March 2008

(2008) 2005 Vehicle Registrations Summary, March 5, 2008. Transportation, Department of

6 March 2008

(2008) 2007 Vehicle Registrations Summary, March 6, 2008. Transportation, Department of

8 March 2008

(2008) 2005 Vehicle Registrations Summary, March 5, 2008. Transportation, Department of

10 March 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, March 21, 2008. Transportation, Department of

21 March 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, March 28, 2008. Transportation, Department of

April 2008

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, TR-480, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, TR-480, Executive Summary, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, TR-480, Implementation Guide, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, Technical Appendices, TR-480, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Inside magazine, April 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Utilizing Rubblization and Crack and Seat Methods (Phase II): Performance Evaluation of Rubblized Pavements in Iowa, TR-550, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Review of Inconsistencies Between SUDAS and Iowa DOT Specifications Phase II: Implementation of Recommendations into SUDAS Specifications, TR-565, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Review of Inconsistencies Between SUDAS and Iowa DOT Specifications Phase II: Implementation of Recommendations into SUDAS Specifications, TR-565, Synopsis, 2008. Transportation, Department of

2 April 2008

(2008) Report of the Workshop on Intelligent Compaction for Soils and HMA, April 2-4, 2008. Transportation, Department of

4 April 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 4, 2008. Transportation, Department of

8 April 2008

(2008) Railroad Ties, April 2008. Transportation, Department of

11 April 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 11, 2008. Transportation, Department of

13 April 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending: April 4, 2008. Transportation, Department of

14 April 2008

(2008) Report of the Workshop on Intelligent Construction for Earthworks, April 14-16, 2008. Transportation, Department of

18 April 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 18, 2008. Transportation, Department of

25 April 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 25, 2008. Transportation, Department of

30 April 2008

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, Literature Review, TR-480, 2008. Transportation, Department of

May 2008

(2008) Case Study of Seasonal Variation in the Subgrade and Subbase Layers of Highway US 20, TR-516, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Development of a High Speed Rigid Pavement Analyzer - Phase I Feasibility and Need Study 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Inside Magazine, May 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Research News, May, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Task 4: Testing Iowa Portland Cement Concrete Mixtures for the AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Procedure, May 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Task 6: Material Thermal Input for Iowa Materials, May 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Technology News, May-June 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Technology News, May-June 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) The Utilization of Agriculturally Derived Lignin as an Antioxidant in Asphalt Binder, TR-557, 2008. Transportation, Department of

9 May 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 9, 2008. Transportation, Department of

16 May 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 16, 2008. Transportation, Department of

23 May 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 23, 2008. Transportation, Department of

30 May 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 30, 2008. Transportation, Department of

June 2008

(2008) Feasibility of Visualization and Simulation Applications to Improve Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Feasibility of Visualization and Simulation Applications, Tech Transfer Summary, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Integral Bridge Abutment-to-Approach Slab Connection Final Report;TR-539/TR-530, June 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Road Safety Audit Report for US 61 from the ECL of Muscatine to the WCL of, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Road Safety Audit for US 52 in Dubuque County from IA 136 to the NCL of Dubuque, 2008. Transportation, Department of

6 June 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 6, 2008. Transportation, Department of

13 June 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 13, 2008. Transportation, Department of

20 June 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 20, 2008. Transportation, Department of

23 June 2008

(2008) You’re the COACH!: A Guide for Parents of New Drivers, June 23, 2008. Transportation, Department of

27 June 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 27, 2008. Transportation, Department of

July 2008

(2008) Evaluation of the MIT-Scan-T2 for Non-Destructive PCC Pavement Thickness Determination Final Report, July 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Inside Magazine, July 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Performance Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Granular Subbase - Pavement Surface Condition Evaluation, TR-554, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Road Safety Audit for Union County IA 25 from the WCL of Creston to North H-24 Intersection, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Synthesis Study: Effectiveness of Safety Corridor Programs, Report on Tasks 1-3, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Technology News, July-August 2008. Transportation, Department of

1 July 2008

(2008) Iowa Biodiesel and Ethanol Processing Plants, July 1, 2008. Transportation, Department of

4 July 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 3, 2008. Transportation, Department of

11 July 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 11, 2008. Transportation, Department of

17 July 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 17, 2008. Transportation, Department of

25 July 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 25, 2008. Transportation, Department of

August 2008

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2008. Revenue, Department of

1 August 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 1, 2008. Transportation, Department of

8 August 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 8, 2008. Transportation, Department of

19 August 2008

(2008) 2009-2013 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

22 August 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 22, 2008. Transportation, Department of

29 August 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 29, 2008. Transportation, Department of

September 2008

(2008) Deicer Scaling Resistance of Concrete Pavements, Bridge Decks, and Other Structures Containing Slag Cement Phase 1 TPF-5(100), September 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Design Guide for Improved Quality of Roadway Subgrades and Subbases, TR-525, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) GIS - Based Decision and Outreach Tools for Aggregate Source Management, TR-571, September 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Inside Magazine, September 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa DOT Bridge Asset Management Using PONTIS: Data Integration, Performance, and Decision Support Tools, September 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Technology News, September-October 2008. Transportation, Department of

1 September 2008

(2008) Drainage Basins of Iowa, September 1, 2008. Transportation, Department of

5 September 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 5, 2008. Transportation, Department of

11 September 2008

(2008) Road Use Tax/Fund Primary Road Fund Budget: Reversions, September 11, 2008. Transportation, Department of

12 September 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 12, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 19, 2008. Transportation, Department of

26 September 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 26, 2008. Transportation, Department of

October 2008

(2008) Driver Behavior on Expressway Intersections: Differences in Visual Scanning, Stress and Driving Performance HR-1086, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) The Effects of Headcut and Knickpoint Propagation on Bridges in Iowa, TR-541, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Inside Magazine, October 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges, HR-239 Phase IV, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Record of Decision Council Bluffs Interstate System (I-29, I-80 and I-480) Improvements Project TIER 1 Environmental Impact Statement Council Bluffs, Iowa to Omaha, Nebraska FHWA-IA- EIS-04-01F Project Number: IM-029-3(62)54—13-78 Submitted Pursuant to 42 USC 4332(2)(c) and 49 USC 303, October 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Research News, October, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Road Safety Audit for the US 61/Harrison Street and West Locust Street Intersection in Davenport-Scott County, Iowa, 2008. Transportation, Department of

3 October 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 3, 2008. Transportation, Department of

10 October 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 10, 2008. Transportation, Department of

17 October 2008

(2008) Law Enforcement Careers with Motor Vehicle Enforcement, October 17, 2008. Transportation, Department of

24 October 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 24, 2008. Transportation, Department of

31 October 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 31, 2008. Transportation, Department of

November 2008

(2008) Design and Performance Verifcation of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Piles for Deep Foundations Final Report, November 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Design and Performance Verification of UHPC Piles for Deep Foundations, TR-558, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Inside Magazine, November 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Planning-Level Guidelines for Modern Roundabouts, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Quantitative Mapping of Waterways Characteristics at Bridge Sites, TR-569, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Road Safety Audit for US 6 from the ECL of Iowa City to the WCL of West Liberty in Johnson and Muscatine Counties, Iowa, 2008. Transportation, Department of

7 November 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 7, 2008. Transportation, Department of

21 November 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 21, 2008. Transportation, Department of

28 November 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 28, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 28, 2008. Transportation, Department of

December 2008

(2008) Annual Report of Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY 08. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Best Practices for Low-Cost Safety Improvements on Iowa’s Local Roads, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) FY08 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Inside Magazine, December 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2008. Revenue, Department of

(2008) Technology News, November-Decemeber 2008. Transportation, Department of

5 December 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 5, 2008. Transportation, Department of

11 December 2008

(2008) Equipment and Vehicle Purchase Report, 2008. Transportation, Department of

12 December 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 12, 2008. Transportation, Department of

19 December 2008

(2008) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 19, 2008. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2008

(2008) Electronic Payments for Driver's Licensing Transactions,December 31, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) TIME-21 Funding Analysis A report to the Iowa Legislature, per Section 26, Senate File 2420, 82nd General Assembly. Transportation, Department of

(2008) TIME-21 Funding Analysis A report to the Iowa Legislature, per Section 26, Senate File 2420, 82nd General Assembly. Transportation, Department of


(2009) 2009 Iowa Railroad System Plan, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Freeway Work Zone Lane Capacity, TPF-5(081), 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Hot Mix Asphalt Reference Manual 2007-2008, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007-2008. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa’s Historic Automobile Roads A National Register Study of Pre-1948 Arterial Highways, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 2009-2010, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Report, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Part I. Iowa Railroad Investment Plan, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Part II. Iowa railroad resource guide, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Part III. Iowa railroad resource guide, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2010-2013. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Uses and Benefits of Aviation in Iowa: Executive Summary, 2009. Transportation, Department of

January 2009

(2009) 2008 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Evaluation of Iowa’s 70 mph Speed Limit — 2.5 Year Update, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Inside Magazine, January 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2008 Report of Savings by Using Video Conferencing Through Iowa Communications Network to the Iowa General Assembly Pursuant to Iowa Code § II 84 Acts and Joint Resolutions Enacted at the 1994 Regular Session of the 75th General Assembly of the State of Iowa Iowa Code §8D.10 Report of Savings by State Agencies. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary - Fiscal 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Precast Concrete Elements for Accelerated Bridge Construction Final Report Volume 2. Laboratory Testing, Field Testing, and Evaluation of a Precast Concrete Bridge: Madison County Bridge; TR-561, January 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Precast Concrete Elements for Accelerated Bridge Construction Final Report Volume 3. Laboratory Testing, Field Testing, and Evaluation of a Precast Concrete Bridge: Black Hawk County;TR-561, January 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Precast Concrete Elements for Accelerated Bridge Construction Final Report, Volume 1-1. Laboratory Testing of Precast Substructure Components: Boone County Bridge: TR-561, January 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Synthesis of Traffic Calming Techniques in Work Zones, 2009. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2009

(2009) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

2 January 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, January 2, 2009. Transportation, Department of

16 January 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, January 16, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Report pursuant to House File 2782 (2007 Infrastructure Appropriations Act). Transportation, Department of

22 January 2009

(2009) FY 08 Recycled Content Plastic Bags and Soy Inks Report. Transportation, Department of

27 January 2009

(2009) Currently Registered Flex Fuel Vehicles as of Jan. 27, 2009. Transportation, Department of

30 January 2009

(2009) 2009 Iowa General Assembly Reception Report. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending,January 30, 2009. Transportation, Department of

February 2009

(2009) Crack Development in Ternary Mix Concrete Utilizing Various Saw Depths, TR-587, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Inside Magazine, February 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Interstate 74 Quad Cities Corridor Study Scott County, Iowa and Rock Island County, Illinois Project Number IM-74-1(122)0-13-82 FHWA-IOWA-EIS-09-01-F, February 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) MEPDG Work Plan Task No. 5: Characterization of Unbound Materials (Soils/Aggregates) for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) MEPDG Work Plan Task No. 7: Existing Pavement Input Information for the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) MEPDG Work Plan Task No. 8: Validation of Pavement Performance Curves for the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Non-Destructive Evaluation of Iowa Pavements Phase 2: Development of a Fully Automated Software System for Rapid Analysis/Processing of the Falling Weight Deflectometer Data, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Research News, February, 2009. Transportation, Department of

1 February 2009

(2009) Status Report Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, February 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

4 February 2009

(2009) Analysis of Existing Work-Zone Devices with MASH Safety Performance Criteria, TPF-5(018), 2009. Transportation, Department of

13 February 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, February,13, 2009. Transportation, Department of

20 February 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, February20, 2009. Transportation, Department of

27 February 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, February 27, 2009. Transportation, Department of

March 2009

(2009) 100 Years of Concrete Pavements in Iowa Final Report, March 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) CP Road MAP Brief 7-1, May 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Effectiveness of Dynamic Messaging on Driver Behavior for Late Merge Lane Road Closures, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Examination of Curing Criteria for Cold In-Place Recycling Phase 2: Measuring Temperature, Moisture, Deflection and Distress from CIR Test Section, TR-590, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Feasibility Investigation of Segmentally Precast Bridge Piers for Accelerated Construction, TR-556, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Road Safety Audit for I-380 through the Cities of Cedar Rapids and Hiawatha in Linn County, Iowa, 2009. Transportation, Department of

9 March 2009

(2009) Commercial Driver's License in a Nutshell, March 9, 2009. Transportation, Department of

20 March 2009

(2009) Motor Vechicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, March 20, 2009. Transportation, Department of

24 March 2009

(2009) Relocation Assistance and Advisory Services, March 24, 2009. Transportation, Department of

27 March 2009

(2009) Motor Vechicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, March 27, 2009. Transportation, Department of

April 2009

(2009) Inside Magazine, April 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Report of the Workshop on Intelligent Construction for Earthworks: April 14-16, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Spatial Scale of Clustering of Motor Vehicle Crash Types and Appropriate Countermeasures, 2009. Transportation, Department of

3 April 2009

(2009) Motor Vechicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 3, 2009. Transportation, Department of

6 April 2009

(2009) I-74 Iowa/Illinois Corridor Study Aesthetic Design Guideline April 6, 2009. Transportation, Department of

10 April 2009

(2009) Motor Vechicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 10, 2009. Transportation, Department of

17 April 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 17, 2009. Transportation, Department of

21 April 2009

(2009) Senior Drivers' Workbook, April 21, 2009. Transportation, Department of

24 April 2009

(2009) Evaluation of Safety Treatments for Roadside Culverts: TR-517, April 24, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Motor Vechicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 24, 2009. Transportation, Department of

May 2009

(2009) Field Testing of Abrasive Delivery Systems in Winter Maintenance, TR-458, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Improving Safety for Slow Moving Vehicles on Iowa's High-Speed Rural Roadways, TR-572, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Inside Magazine, May 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Investigation of Electromagnetic Gauges for Determination of In-Place Density of HMA Pavements, TR-576, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Investigation of Materials for the Reduction and Prevention of Corrosion on Highway Maintenance Equipment, TR-472, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Needs Answers, May 2009. Transportation, Department of

5 May 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 5, 2009, 2009. Transportation, Department of

8 May 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 8, 2009, 2009. Transportation, Department of

12 May 2009

(2009) Iowa DOT Quick Tour, May 12, 2009. Transportation, Department of

15 May 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 15, 2009, 2009. Transportation, Department of

21 May 2009

(2009) AWOS in Iowa, May 21, 2009. Transportation, Department of

25 May 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 25, 2009, 2009. Transportation, Department of

29 May 2009

(2009) Investing in Iowa’s Highways, May 29, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 29, 2009, 2009. Transportation, Department of

June 2009

(2009) 2010- 2014 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Analysis of Safety Benefits for Shielding of Bridge Piers, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Development of Self-Cleaning Box Culvert Designs, TR-545, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Electronic Construction Collaboration - Phase 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Evaluation of Design Flood Frequency Methods for Iowa Streams, TR-533, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Inside Magazine, June, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Investigation into Freezing-Thawing Durability of Low-Permeability Concrete with and without Air Entraining Agent, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Performance Measurement for Highway Winter Maintenance Operations, TR-491, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Road Safety Audit for County Road W-55 in Washington County, Iowa, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Road Safety Audit for County Road X-37, from the Intersection of G-62 to the East Corporate Limits of Columbus City in Louisa County, Iowa, 2009. Transportation, Department of

12 June 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 12, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 12, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 12, 2009. Transportation, Department of

19 June 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 19, 2009, 2009. Transportation, Department of

26 June 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 26, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 26, 2009. Transportation, Department of

July 2009

(2009) Evaluation of Rumble Stripes on Low-Volume Rural Roads in Iowa—Phase I, TR-577, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Inside Magazine, July 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Inside Magazine, March 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Revision to the SUDAS Traffic Signal Design Guide, TR-546, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Road Safety Audit for Intersection of US 218 and County Road C-57 (West Cedar Wapsi Road) in Black Hawk County, Iowa, 2009. Transportation, Department of

1 July 2009

(2009) Chronology of Iowa Railroad Abandonments, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Grain Facilities Map, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Railroad Base Map, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Railroad Service Map, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Railroad Traffic Density, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Rails and Trails Map, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) July 2009 Rail Company Abandonment Plans Map, 2009. Transportation, Department of

3 July 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 3, 2009. Transportation, Department of

10 July 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 10, 2009. Transportation, Department of

17 July 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending Revision, July 17, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 17, 2009. Transportation, Department of

24 July 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 24, 2009. Transportation, Department of

31 July 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 31, 2009. Transportation, Department of

August 2009

(2009) Inside magazine, August 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Historic Property Study of the Zeman Barn, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Office of Location and Environment Manual, August 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Research News, August 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Road Safety Audit for Intersection of IA 1 and County Road R-67 in Johnson County, Iowa, 2009. Transportation, Department of

7 August 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 7, 2009. Transportation, Department of

21 August 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 21, 2009. Transportation, Department of

28 August 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 28, 2009. Transportation, Department of

September 2009

(2009) Chicago to Iowa City Passenger Rail Project Financial Plan, September 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Design and Evaluation of a Single-Span Bridge Using Ultra- High Performance Concrete;TR-529, September 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Field Instrumentation, Testing, and Long-Term Monitoring of High-Mast Lighting Tower No. 1 at the I-35/US 18 Interchange Near Clear Lake in the State of Iowa Phase 3, TR-562, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Inside Magazine, September 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Report of Savings by Using Video Conferencing Through Iowa Communications Network to the Iowa General Assembly, Fiscal Year 2009. Transportation, Department of

4 September 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 4, 2009. Transportation, Department of

18 September 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 18, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 18, 2009. Transportation, Department of

22 September 2009

(2009) 2008 Road Use Tax Fund-Primary Road Fund, September 22, 2009. Transportation, Department of

25 September 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 25, 2009. Transportation, Department of

October 2009

(2009) CP Road MAP Brief 4-1, October 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Inside Magazine, October 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Managing Decisions Regarding Rural Expressway Routes and Associated Highway Bypasses, 2009. Transportation, Department of

16 October 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 16, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 16, 2009. Transportation, Department of

23 October 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 23, 2009. Transportation, Department of

29 October 2009

(2009) AWOS, Iowa Aviation Weather System, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) AWOS: Automated Weather Observing System, October 29, 2009. Transportation, Department of

30 October 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 30, 2009. Transportation, Department of

November 2009

(2009) Inside Magazine, November 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Safety Benefits of Paved Shoulders, 2009. Transportation, Department of

13 November 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 13, 2009. Transportation, Department of

20 November 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 20, 2009. Transportation, Department of

27 November 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 27, 2009. Transportation, Department of

December 2009

(2009) Annual Report of Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa FY2008-2009, December 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Evaluation of Iowa's Driver Improvement Program, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Inside Magazine, December 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2009. Revenue, Department of

(2009) Iowa Statewide Passenger Transportation Funding Study, December 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Laboratory Performance Evaluation of CIR-Emulsion and it Comparison Against CIR-Form Test Result from Phase II, Final Report TR-578 Phase III, December 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Laboratory Performance Evaluation of CIR-Emulsion and its Comparison Against CIR-Foam Test Results from Phase 2, TR-474, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Laboratory performance evaluation of CIR-emulsion and its comparison against CIR-foam test results from Phase III, TR-578. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Road Safety Audit for IA 150/US 52 from I-380 to the Minnesota Border, 2009. Transportation, Department of

2 December 2009

(2009) Equipment and Vehicle Purchase Report for Fiscal Year 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Equipment and Vehicle Purchase Report for Fiscal Year 2009 as required by Iowa Code section 307.47. Transportation, Department of

4 December 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 4, 2009. Transportation, Department of

11 December 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 11, 2009. Transportation, Department of

17 December 2009

(2009) Federal Highway Administration Finding of No Significant Impact Collins Road NE (Highway 100) Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa, December 17, 2009. Transportation, Department of

18 December 2009

(2009) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 18, 2009. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2009

(2009) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, December 31, 2009. Transportation, Department of

Winter 2009

(2009) I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Vol 6, Winter 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) News, I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study, Issue 6, Winter 2009. Transportation, Department of


(2010) Annual Average Daily Traffic on the Interstate System, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Examining Driver Behavior in Response to Work Zone Interventions: A Driving Simulator Study, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Great River Road, Endless Possibilities, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa National Highway System Map, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Report, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Sioux City's Grand Avenue Viaduct, 1936-2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Truck Traffic Map, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Vehicle Traffic Map, 2010. Transportation, Department of

January 2010

(2010) Application of Visualization and Simulation Program to Improve Work Zone Safety and Mobility, January 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Autonomous Measurements of Bridge Pier and Abutment Scour using Motion-Sensing Radio Transmitters, TR-595, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Development of an Improved Agricultural-Based Deicing Product, TR-581, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Inside Magazine, January 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Road Safety Audit for County Road H-46 from Redwood Avenue to the Southerly Corporate Limits of Fairfield in Jefferson County, Iowa, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Road Safety Audits for County Road X-23 from IA 2 to the South Corporate Limits of West Point and for County Road W-62 from US 218 to IA 27 in Lee County, Iowa, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Technology News, Janaury-Febrary 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Technology News, March-June 2010. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2010

(2010) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa State Highway Map, January 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, January 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of

5 January 2010

(2010) Iowa Code Section 307.47 Equipment and Vehicle Report. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2010 Report of Savings by Using Video Conferencing Through Iowa Communications Network to the Iowa General Assembly Pursuant to Iowa Code § II 84 Acts and Joint Resolutions Enacted at the 1994 Regular Session of the 75th General Assembly of the State of Iowa. Transportation, Department of

8 January 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, January 8, 2010. Transportation, Department of

11 January 2010

(2010) Annual Report of the Iowa Highway Research Board – Research and Development Activities FY 2010. Transportation, Department of

13 January 2010

(2010) Infrastructure Annual Status Report, January 2010.

15 January 2010

(2010) FY09 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Infrastructure Annual Status Report - DOT. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, January 15, 2010. Transportation, Department of

19 January 2010

(2010) Iowa Department of Transportation, Office of Contracts Letting Summary, July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009. Transportation, Department of

22 January 2010

(2010) Annual Report of the Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2010) FY 09 Recycle Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks Report. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, January 22, 2010. Transportation, Department of

29 January 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, January 29, 2010. Transportation, Department of

February 2010

(2010) An Assessment of Traffic Safety in Urban Deer Herd Management Zones in Iowa, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Inside Magazine, February 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Pavement Thickness Design for Local Roads in Iowa, TR-586, 2010. Transportation, Department of

1 February 2010

(2010) Status Report Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa February 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of

2 February 2010

(2010) 2009 Registered Flex Fuel Vehicles. Transportation, Department of

5 February 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, February 5, 2010. Transportation, Department of

10 February 2010

(2010) Speed Limit Questions? Here’s Your Answer, February 8, 2010. Transportation, Department of

12 February 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, February 12, 2010. Transportation, Department of

15 February 2010

(2010) All Tangled Up: How to Extricate a Vehicle from a High-Tension Cable Median Barrier, February 15, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Department of Transportation Strategic Plan, January 2008 through December 2012. Transportation, Department of

19 February 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, February 19, 2010. Transportation, Department of

24 February 2010

(2010) You Can Fly, February 24, 2010. Transportation, Department of

29 February 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, February 29, 2010. Transportation, Department of

March 2010

(2010) Bridge Rail and Approach Railing for Low-Volume Roads in Iowa, TR-592, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Evaluation of Hot Mix Asphalt Moisture Sensitivity Using the Nottingham Asphalt Test Equipment, TR-555, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Final report on the Portable Weather Station, March 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Improving Concrete Overlay Construction, TR-600, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Inside Magazine, March 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Research News, March 2010. Transportation, Department of

5 March 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, March 5, 2010. Transportation, Department of

10 March 2010

(2010) Iowa Department of Transportation Performance Results Achieved for Fiscal Year 2009. Transportation, Department of

12 March 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, March 12, 2010. Transportation, Department of

19 March 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, March 19, 2010. Transportation, Department of

24 March 2010

(2010) Discover Aviation in Iowa, March 24, 2010. Transportation, Department of

26 March 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, March 26, 2010. Transportation, Department of

April 2010

(2010) Biofuel Co-Product Uses for Pavement Geo-Materials Stabilization, TR-582, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Identification of Laboratory Techniques to Optimize Superpave HMA Surface Friction Characteristics, TR-450, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Inside Magazine, April 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Instrumentation and Monitoring of Precast Bridge Approach Tied to an Integral Abutment Bridge in Bremer County, SPR 0000-005, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Iowa's Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Impacts, TR-593, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Optimization and Management of Materials in Earthwork Construction, TR-501, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Special Events Planning, 2010. Transportation, Department of

2 April 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 2, 2010. Transportation, Department of

7 April 2010

(2010) History of the Benton Street Bridge, Iowa City, Iowa, April 7, 2010. Transportation, Department of

9 April 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 9, 2010. Transportation, Department of

23 April 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 23, 2010. Transportation, Department of

30 April 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, April 30, 2010. Transportation, Department of

May 2010

(2010) Infrastructure Plan for Iowas's Future Economy: A Strategic Direction. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2010) Inside Magazine, May 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2010. Revenue, Department of

7 May 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 7, 2010. Transportation, Department of

14 May 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 14, 2010. Transportation, Department of

21 May 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 21, 2010. Transportation, Department of

28 May 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, May 28, 2010. Transportation, Department of

June 2010

(2010) 2011 - 2015 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa Final Report, June 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Electronic Construction Collaboration System—Phase II, SPR RB02-008, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Inside Magazine, June 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Insights into the Design and Characteristics of the Sedimentation Process at Multi-Barrel Culverts in Iowa, TR-596, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Bridge Backwater Software User Manual, Version 2.0, TR-564, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) A Summary of Communications Technologies Supporting Roadway Weather Information Systems, June 2010. Transportation, Department of

4 June 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 4, 2010. Transportation, Department of

11 June 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 11, 2010. Transportation, Department of

17 June 2010

(2010) Iowa's Seat Belt Laws, July 17, 2010. Transportation, Department of

18 June 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 18, 2010. Transportation, Department of

24 June 2010

(2010) 2009 Vehicle Registrations Summary, June 24, 2010. Transportation, Department of

25 June 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, June 25, 2010. Transportation, Department of

July 2010

(2010) Inside Magazine, July 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Local Agency Pavement Marking Plan, TR-551, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) On The Spot Damage Detection Methodology for Highway Bridges:TR-610, July 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Technology News, July-September 2010. Transportation, Department of

1 July 2010

(2010) Chronology of Iowa Railroad Abandonments, July 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Grain Facilities Map, July 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of

2 July 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 2, 2010. Transportation, Department of

6 July 2010

(2010) Crash Rates and Crash Densities on Secondary Roads in Iowa by Functional Class 2001 – 2009, July 6, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Crash Rates and Crash Densities on Secondary Roads in Iowa by Surface Type 2001 – 2009, July 6, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Historical Summary of Travel, Crashes, Fatalities, and Rates 1970 – 2009, July 6, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Historical Summary of Travel, Crashes, Fatalities, and Rates 2001 – 2009, July 6, 2010. Transportation, Department of

9 July 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 9, 2010. Transportation, Department of

13 July 2010

(2010) Curb it-Click it Electronic Communication Devices Prohibited Uses While Driving. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Curb it-Click it Iowa's Seat Belt Laws. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Curb it-Click it New Safety Laws For Teen Drivers, July 13, 2010. Transportation, Department of

16 July 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 16, 2010. Transportation, Department of

23 July 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 23, 2010. Transportation, Department of

30 July 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, July 30, 2010. Transportation, Department of

August 2010

(2010) CP Road MAP Brief 13-1, August 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Inside Magazine, August, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Dealer News, August 2010, Vol. 5. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Sign Inventory Users Guide, August 2010. Transportation, Department of

6 August 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 6, 2010. Transportation, Department of

13 August 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 13, 2010. Transportation, Department of

20 August 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 20, 2010. Transportation, Department of

27 August 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, August 27, 2010. Transportation, Department of

September 2010

(2010) CP Road MAP Brief 8-1, September 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Enhancing Motorcycle Conspicuity Awareness in Iowa, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Impacts of Rural Development on Iowa’s Secondary Road Systems, TR-548, September 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Inside Magazine, September 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Transit Manager's Handbook, September, 2010. Transportation, Department of

1 September 2010

(2010) Use of Reversions Report. Transportation, Department of

10 September 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 10, 2010. Transportation, Department of

17 September 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 17, 2010. Transportation, Department of

24 September 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 24, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 24, 2010, revised. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, September 24, 2010, revised. Transportation, Department of

October 2010

(2010) Development of Non-Petroleum Based Binders for Use in Flexible Pavements, TR-594, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Development of Stage-Discharge Relations for Ungaged Bridge Waterways in Western Iowa, TR-567, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Identification of Practices, Design, Construction, and Repair Using Trenchless Technology, TR-570, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Inside Magazine, October 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program 2010 Summary Report and 2011 Continuation Funding Proposal, HR-296, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Road Safety Audit for US 151 from Amana to US 30 in Cedar Rapids in Benton, Iowa and Linn Counties, Iowa, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Technology News, October-December 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Wireless Sensor Networks for Infrastructure Monitoring, TR-611, 2010. Transportation, Department of

1 October 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of

8 October 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 8, 2010. Transportation, Department of

22 October 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, October 22, 2010. Transportation, Department of

November 2010

(2010) Inside Magazine, November 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Pavement Markings and Safety Final Report, November 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Pavement Markings and Safety: TR-580, November 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Research News, November 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Road Safety Audit for James Avenue NW and 250th Street NW, from the North Corporate Limits of Tiffin to I-380, in Johnson County, Iowa, 2010. Transportation, Department of

2 November 2010

(2010) Investing in Iowa’s Future, November 2, 2010. Transportation, Department of

4 November 2010

(2010) Relocation Assistance and Advisory Services, November 4, 2010. Transportation, Department of

5 November 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 5, 2010,. Transportation, Department of

12 November 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 12, 2010,. Transportation, Department of

19 November 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 19, 2010,. Transportation, Department of

24 November 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, November 24, 2010,. Transportation, Department of

December 2010

(2010) 2009 Iowa’s Rail System Background Prepared by the Office of Systems Planning December 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Annual Report of the Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Inside Magazine, December 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Investigation of Improved Utility Cut Repair Techniques to Reduce Settlement in Repaired Areas, Phase II, TR-566, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2010. Revenue, Department of

(2010) Review of Inconsistencies Between SUDAS and Iowa DOT Specifications Phase III: Continued Implementation of Recommendations into SUDAS Specifications, TR-607, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Roadway Alignments as Assets: Evaluating Alternatives for Valuing Major Highway Corridor Rights of Way Final Report December 2010 Sponsored. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Safety Analysis of Low-Volume Rural Roads in Iowa, 2010. Transportation, Department of

3 December 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 10, 2010,. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 3, 2010,. Transportation, Department of

10 December 2010

(2010) Study Regarding Implementation of a Uniform Statewide System to Allow for Electronic Transactions for the Registration and Titling of Motor Vehicles. Transportation, Department of

24 December 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 24, 2010,. Transportation, Department of

30 December 2010

(2010) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities for Week Ending, December 30, 2010,. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2010

(2010) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, December 31, 2010. Transportation, Department of


(2011) Estimated Target for Construction Lettings,2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Flex Fuel Vehicles, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Flex Fuel Vehicles, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Flex Fuel Vehicles, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Flying Activity Book, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Veterans Affairs Strategic Plan FY2011-2015. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of

(2011) Iowa Wildflower Calendar, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Material Thermal Inputs of Iowa Materials for MEPDG, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Midwest Transportation Consortium Annual Report, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Preparing Tomorrow's Transportation Workforce: A Midwest Summit, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Proposed Contract Letting Dates, 2011-2015. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Safety and Mobility Impacts of Winter Weather – Phase I, August 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) State Park & Institutional Roads, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) State Park & Institutional Roads, 2011-2015. Transportation, Department of

(2011) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 2011. Transportation, Department of

January 2011

(2011) Comprehensive Bridge Deck Deterioration Mapping of Nine Bridges by Nondestructive Evaluation Technologies Final Report, January 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Design, Construction, and Field Testing of an Ultra High Performance Concrete Pi-Girder Bridge, TR-574, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa, Volume I: An Electronic Database for PIle LOad Tests (PILOT), TR-573, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Evaluation of Metakaolin for HPC Deck Overlays, MLR-11-01, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) An Experimental Validation of a Statistical-Based Damage Detection Approach, January 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Highways and Your Land, January 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Inside Magazine, January 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa County Engineer's Annual Highway Report Requirements, January 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2011. Revenue, Department of

(2011) Iowa connections : get on board with passenger rail! Transportation, Department of

(2011) Stabilization Procedures to Mitigate Edge Rutting for Granular Shoulders - Phase II, TR-591, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Technology News, January-March 2011. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2011

(2011) Iowa Commercial and Industrial Network, January 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa System Classification for Planning Map, January 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

4 January 2011

(2011) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contract Letting Summary FY 2010. Transportation, Department of

7 January 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities Year End Report, January 7, 2011. Transportation, Department of

10 January 2011

(2011) FY10 Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks Report. Transportation, Department of

(2011) S.F. 376 - Report on Status of Projects - Bridge Safety Fund. Transportation, Department of

11 January 2011

(2011) FY10 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

14 January 2011

(2011) Iowa Department of Transportation’s summary of project status for infrastructure projects. Transportation, Department of

21 January 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, January 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, January 21, 2011, Part II. Transportation, Department of

24 January 2011

(2011) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

28 January 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, January 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of

February 2011

(2011) Guidelines for Development – Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) and the Iowa Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP, February 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Inside Magazine, February 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2011. Revenue, Department of

(2011) US 20 Proposed Dyersville Interchange Delaware and Dubuque Counties, IA, Environmental Assessment, February 2001. Transportation, Department of

1 February 2011

(2011) Flexible fuel vehicle registration report, February 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Status report-Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, February 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

4 February 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, February 4, 2011. Transportation, Department of

11 February 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, February 11, 2011. Transportation, Department of

18 February 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, February 18, 2011. Transportation, Department of

19 February 2011

(2011) HR-243 Production and Evaluation of Calcium Magnesium Acetate, Febrauray 19, 2001. Transportation, Department of

21 February 2011

(2011) Vendor Ranking, February 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of

25 February 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, February 25, 2011. Transportation, Department of

March 2011

(2011) Council Bluffs Interstate System Improvement Project Tier 2, Segment 3 Pottawatomie County, Iowa Environmental Assessment, March 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Inside Magazine, March 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2011. Revenue, Department of

(2011) Research News, April, 2011. Transportation, Department of

1 March 2011

(2011) Guide Specification for Highway Construction Texturing Concrete Pavement for Reduced Tire/Pavement Noise using Artificial Turf Drag, March 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Guide Specification for Highway Construction Texturing Concrete Pavement for Reduced Tire/Pavement Noise using Diamond Grinding, March 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Guide Specification for Highway Construction Texturing Concrete Pavement for Reduced Tire/Pavement Noise using Longitudinal Tining, March 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Recommended Practice for Accepting New Concrete Pavement Surfaces for Tire/Pavement Noise, March 2, 2011. Transportation, Department of

4 March 2011

(2011) Careers in Aviation, May 4, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, March 4, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, March 4, 2011, Part II. Transportation, Department of

11 March 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, March 11, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, March 11, 2011. Transportation, Department of

14 March 2011

(2011) Council Bluffs Interstate System (I-29, I-80 and I-480) Environmental Assessment, March 14, 2011. Transportation, Department of

15 March 2011

(2011) Civil Rights, Iowa Department of Contracts, March 15, 2011, Vol. 1, no. 1. Transportation, Department of

16 March 2011

(2011) Vendor Ranking, March 16, 2011. Transportation, Department of

18 March 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, March 18, 2011. Transportation, Department of

21 March 2011

(2011) Business Plan Chicago to Iowa City Intercity Passenger Rail Route, March 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Department of Transportation, Contracts Accepted, March 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of

23 March 2011

(2011) 2010 Vehicle Registrations Summary, March 23, 2011. Transportation, Department of

25 March 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, March 25, 2011. Transportation, Department of

28 March 2011

(2011) Contracts Accepted, Iowa Department of Transportation, March 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Department of Transportation, Contracts Accepted, March 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of

April 2011

(2011) Fuel Adjustment, April 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Improving Traffic Safety Culture in Iowa, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Inside Magazine, April 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Investigation of Warm-Mix Asphalt Using Iowa Aggregates Final Report; TR-599, April 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2011. Revenue, Department of

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, April 11, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) River Barge Terminal Directory, April 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Technology News, April-June 2011. Transportation, Department of

1 April 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, April 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

4 April 2011

(2011) Contracts Accepted, Iowa Department of Transportation, April 4, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Department of Transportation, Contracts Accepted, April 4, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Local Letting Information, April 4, 2011. Transportation, Department of

8 April 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, April 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

11 April 2011

(2011) Contracts Accepted, Iowa Department of Transportation, April 11, 2011. Transportation, Department of

14 April 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, April 14, 2011. Transportation, Department of

15 April 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, April 15, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, April 15, 2011. Transportation, Department of

18 April 2011

(2011) Contracts Accepted, Iowa Department of Transportation, April 18, 2011. Transportation, Department of

21 April 2011

(2011) Vendor Ranking, April 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Vendor Ranking, April 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of

22 April 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, April 22, 2011. Transportation, Department of

28 April 2011

(2011) 2006 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) 2007 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) 2008 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) 2009 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) 2010 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of

29 April 2011

(2011) Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, April 29, 2011. Transportation, Department of

May 2011

(2011) Development of Updated Specifications for Roadway Rehabilitation Techniques, May 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of Updated Specifications for Roadway Rehabilitation Techniques: TR-598, May 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of a GPS-Based Sign Inventory Tool for Iowa’s Statewide Management System, May 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Fuel Adjustment, May 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Inside Magazine, May 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa 86 from Iowa 9 to 700 feet South of 110th Street Dickinson County, Iowa, May 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2011. Revenue, Department of

(2011) Lane-Departure Safety Countermeasures: Strategic Action Plan for the Iowa Department of Transportation, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Self-Consolidating Concrete—Applications for Slip-Form Paving: Phase II, May 2011. Transportation, Department of

10 May 2011

(2011) Local Letting Information, May 10, 2011. Transportation, Department of

12 May 2011

(2011) Local Letting Information, May 12, 2011. Transportation, Department of

15 May 2011

(2011) Interstate Highway Map Indicating Vertical Clearance, May 15, 2011. Transportation, Department of

17 May 2011

(2011) Estimated Target for Construction Lettings, May 17, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, May 17, 2011. Transportation, Department of

23 May 2011

(2011) Local Letting Information, May 23, 2011. Transportation, Department of

24 May 2011

(2011) Local Letting Information, May 24, 2011. Transportation, Department of

June 2011

(2011) A Feasibility Study on Embedded Micro-Electromechanical Sensors and Systems (MEMS) for Monitoring Highway Structures, TR-575, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Greenhouse Gas and Nitrogen Fertilizer Scenarios for U.S. Agriculture and Global Biofuels, June 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Highway Program Summary, 2012 to 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Inside Magazine, June 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2011. Revenue, Department of

(2011) Missouri Work Zone Capacity: Results of Field Data Analysis, TPF-5(081), 2011. Transportation, Department of

6 June 2011

(2011) Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sequential Warning Lights in Nighttime Work Zone Tapers, TPF-5(081), 2011. Transportation, Department of

8 June 2011

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Albia Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Allison Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Ames Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Anita Municipal Airport - Kevin Burke Memorial Field, June 8,2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Ankeny Regional Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Atlantic Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Audubon Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Bedford Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Belle Plaine Municipal - Mansfield Tippie Airport, June 8,2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Belmond Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Bloomfield Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Boone Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Carroll Municipal - Arthur N Neu Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Centerville Municipal Airport, June 8,2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Chariton Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Cherokee County Regional Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Clarinda Municipal Airport - Schenck Feild, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Clarion Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Clinton Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Corning Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Council Bluffs Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Cresco Municipal Airport - Ellen Church Field, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Creston Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Davenport Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Decorah Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Denison Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Des Moines International Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Dubuque Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Eagle Grove Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Emmetsburg Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Estherville Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Fairfield Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Forest City Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Fort Dodge Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Fort Madison Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Greenfield Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Grinnell Regional Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Grundy Center Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Guthrie County Regional Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Hampton Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Harlan Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Humboldt Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Ida Grove Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Independence Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Iowa City Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Iowa Falls Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Jefferson Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Keokuk Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Keosauqua Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Knoxville Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Lake Mills Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Lamoni Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Le Mars Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Manchester Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Mapleton - James G Whiting Memorial Field Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Maquoketa Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Marshalltown Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Mason City Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Milford Municipal - Fuller Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Monona Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Monticello Regional Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Mount Ayr Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Mount Pleasant Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Muscatine Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; New Hampton Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Newton Municipal Airport, June 8,2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Northeast Iowa Regional Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Northwest Iowa Regional Airport, June 8,2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Northwood Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Oelwein Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Onawa Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Orange city Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Osage Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Osceola Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Oskaloosa Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Ottumwa Regional Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Paullina Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Pella Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Perry Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Pocahontas Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Red Oak Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Rock Rapids Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Rockwell City Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Sheldon Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Sheldon Municipal Airport, Sac City, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Sheldon Municipal Airport, Storm Lake City, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Shenandoah Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Sibley Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Sioux Center Municipal Airport, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Sioux Gateway Airport/Col. Bud Day Field, June 8,2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Southeast Iowa Regional Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Spirit Lake Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Sully Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; The Eastern Iowa Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Tipton Municipal - Mathews Memorial Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Toledo Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Traer Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Vinton Veterans Memorial Airport, June 8,2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Washington Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Waterloo Regional Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Waukon Municipal Airport, June 8,2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Waverly Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Webster City Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Winterset Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2010-2030: Individual Airport Report; Woodbine Municipal Airport, June 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

14 June 2011

(2011) 2012-2016 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Local Letting Information, June 14, 2011. Transportation, Department of

15 June 2011

(2011) Investing in Iowa’s Highways, June 15, 2011. Transportation, Department of

17 June 2011

(2011) Rural Expressway Intersection Safety Toolbox Desktop Reference, June 17, 2011. Transportation, Department of

20 June 2011

(2011) Pursuant to Section 1 of House File 466. Transportation, Department of

21 June 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, June 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Vendor Ranking, June 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of

23 June 2011

(2011) Public Transportation Takes Us There, June 23, 2011. Transportation, Department of

30 June 2011

(2011) Report for Contract Services and Training. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Vendor Ranking, June 30, 2011. Transportation, Department of

July 2011

(2011) An Integrated Study of Pervious Concrete Mixture Design for Wearing Course Applications, July 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) An Analysis of OWI Arrests and Convictions in Iowa, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Inside Magazine, July-August 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2011. Revenue, Department of

(2011) Iowa Truck Information Guide, July 2011-December 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Technology News, July-September 2011. Transportation, Department of

1 July 2011

(2011) Iowa Railroad Traffic Density, July 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Vendor Ranking, July 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of

12 July 2011

(2011) Vendor Ranking, July 12, 2011. Transportation, Department of

19 July 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, July 19, 2011. Transportation, Department of

20 July 2011

(2011) 2011 Seat Belt Usage Survey, July 20, 2011. Transportation, Department of

21 July 2011

(2011) Vendor Ranking, July 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of

August 2011

(2011) Guide to Cement-Based Integrated Pavement Solutions, August 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Public Employees Leadership Institute Final Report, August 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Public Employees Leadership Institute, August 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Substitutable Concrete Pavements: A Manual of Practice, August 2011. Transportation, Department of

3 August 2011

(2011) Vendor Ranking, August 3, 2011. Transportation, Department of

16 August 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, August 16, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Vendor Ranking, August 16, 2011. Transportation, Department of

19 August 2011

(2011) Performance Evaluation Of Iowa Bridge Decks Constructed With Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars, RB06-011, 2011. Transportation, Department of

23 August 2011

(2011) Federal Highway Administration Finding of No Significant Impact for the Council Bluffs Interstate System Improvements Project, August 23, 2012. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 August 2011

(2011) Code Section 307.46(2) - Use of Reversion Report. Transportation, Department of

September 2011

(2011) Development of LRFD Design Procedures for Bridge Piles in Iowa – Field Testing of Steel H-Piles in Clay, Sand, and Mixed Soils and Data Analysis (Volume II), TR-583, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of LRFD Design Procedures for Bridge Piles in Iowa, Field Testing of Steel H-Piles in Clay, Sand and Mixed Soils and Data Analysis, Final Report, September 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa, September 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa: Volume I: An Electronic Database for PIle LOad Tests, September 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa: Volume II: Field Testing of Steel Piles in Clay, Sand, and Mixed Soils and Data Analysis, September 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Evaluation of Electronic Speed Limit Signs on US 30, September, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Federal Highway Administration Finding of No Signification Impact, September 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Guide to Dowel Load Transfer Systems for Jointed Concrete Roadway Pavements, September 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Interim Guide for Optimum Joint Performance of Concrete Pavements, September 2011. Transportation, Department of

2 September 2011

(2011) Emergency Letting Message of September 2, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Emergency Letting Message of September 2, 2011. Transportation, Department of

7 September 2011

(2011) Vendor Ranking, September 7, 2011. Transportation, Department of

8 September 2011

(2011) Local Letting Information, September 8, 2011. Transportation, Department of

14 September 2011

(2011) Local Letting Information, September 14, 2011. Transportation, Department of

15 September 2011

(2011) 2011 Annual Employment Report on All Projects Let by the Iowa DOT Racial/Ethnic Minorities and Females, September 15, 2011. Transportation, Department of

20 September 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, September 20, 2011. Transportation, Department of

October 2011

(2011) Technology News, October-December 2011. Transportation, Department of

1 October 2011

(2011) Iowa Department of Transportation Quick Tour. Transportation, Department of

4 October 2011

(2011) Issue review : Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund (RIIF). Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

5 October 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, October 5, 2011. Transportation, Department of

10 October 2011

(2011) Need Answers, October 2011. Transportation, Department of

18 October 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, October 18, 2011. Transportation, Department of

19 October 2011

(2011) U.S. 61 From the Muscatine County Line to Two Miles south of Grandview Louisa County, Iowa NHS-61-3(48) - -19-58, October 19, 2011. Transportation, Department of

November 2011

(2011) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Red Light Running Camera Enforcement in Cedar Rapids and Developing Guidelines For Selection and use of Red Light Running Countermeasures, Midwest Transportation Consortium, Final Report November 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Evaluation of Rumble Stripes on Low-Volume Rural Roads in Iowa—Phase II Final Report, November 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Roadway Lighting and Safety: Phase II – Monitoring Quality, Durability and Efficiency, November 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Roadway Lighting and Safety: Phase II – Monitoring Quality, Durability and Efficiency;TR-601, November 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Wet-Reflective Pavement Marking Demonstration Project: TR-597, November 2011. Transportation, Department of

9 November 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, November 9, 2011. Transportation, Department of

15 November 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, November 15, 2011. Transportation, Department of

December 2011

(2011) Do fire and seed additions alter strong seed timing and priority effects on prairie establishment?, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Electronic Construction Collaboration System – Phase III, December 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Examination of Curing Criteria for Cold In-Place Recycling (Phase 3: Calibration of Moisture Loss Indices and Development of Stiffness Gain Model), TR-609, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Examination of Curing Criteria for Cold In-Place Recycling (Phase 3: Calibration of Moisture Loss Indices and Development of Stiffness Gain Model), TR-609, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) FY2011 Annual Report Research, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Technology Transfer Activities. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Inside Magazine, December 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2011 Report of Savings by Using Video Conferencing Through Iowa Communications Network to the Iowa General Assembly. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2011. Revenue, Department of

9 December 2011

(2011) CDL Self-Certification and Medical Examiner’s Certificate Reporting, December 9, 2011. Transportation, Department of

20 December 2011

(2011) List of Bid Proposal Holders, December 20, 2011. Transportation, Department of

29 December 2011

(2011) Annual Report of Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY 2011, December 2011. Transportation, Department of

30 December 2011

(2011) 2011 Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) Study A report to the Iowa Legislature, per 2011 Iowa Code Section 307.31. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2011

(2011) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, December 31, 2011. Transportation, Department of

Fall 2011

(2011) Inside Magazine, Fall 2011. Transportation, Department of


(2012) 2013-2018 Highway Program Summary, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Annual Average Daily Traffic on the Interstate System, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Anti-Icing Equipment Recommendations and Modifications, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) County Motor Vehicle Traffic Flow Maps, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Health Care and Public Transit; A Spotlight on Transportation & Access to Care, 2012. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(2012) Iowa Department of Transportation Performance Report, FY 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Historic Property Study: Iowana Farms Milk Company, 1416 State Street, City of Bettendorf, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Liquid Applicators to Combat Snow and Ice in Iowa DOT, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Public Transit Infrastructure Program, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Truck Traffic Map, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Vehicle Traffic Map, 2012. Transportation, Department of

January 2012

(2012) Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil for Low-Volume Bridge Abutments:TR-621, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Modified Sheet Pile Abutments for Low-Volume Road Bridges: TR-568, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Modified Sheet Pile Abutments for Low-Volume Road Bridges: Tech Transfer Summary, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Optimizing Cementious Content in Concrete Mixtures for Required Performance Final Report, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Optimizing Cementitious Content in Concrete Mixtures for Required Performance Final Report, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Policy for Accommodating and Adjustment of Utilities on the Primary Road System, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Sustainable Concrete Pavements: A Manual of Practice, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Utilization of Remote Traffic Monitoring Devices for Urban Freeway Work Zone Assessment Final Report, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2012

(2012) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Small business and disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) in receiving nonfederal highway funding. Transportation, Department of

13 January 2012

(2012) Equipment and Vehicle Purchase Report for Fiscal Year 2011, January 13,2 012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Infrastructure Annual Status Report, January 2012.

18 January 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, January 18, 2012. Transportation, Department of

20 January 2012

(2012) Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report, January 20, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Transportation, Department of

27 January 2012

(2012) Missouri River Flood Recovery, January 27, 2012 Vol. 1, no. 5. Transportation, Department of

30 January 2012

(2012) FY 11 Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks Report, January 30, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Registered Flex Fuel Vehicle Report, January 30, 2012. Transportation, Department of

February 2012

(2012) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa Volume III: Recommended Resistance Factors with Consideration of Construction Control and Setup, TR-584, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Evaluation of the Buena Vista IBRD Bridge: A Furthering of Accelerated Bridge Construction in Iowa;TR-605, February 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Field Testing and Evaluation of a Demonstration Timber Bridge;TR-604, February 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, February 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa DOT Quick Tour, February 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2012. Revenue, Department of

1 February 2012

(2012) Status Report Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, February 1, 2012. Transportation, Department of

3 February 2012

(2012) Information on Iowa’s Graduated Driver Licensing system for drivers under the age of 18, February 3, 2012. Transportation, Department of

15 February 2012

(2012) Iowa Department of Transportation Strategic Plan, 2012-2013. Transportation, Department of

21 February 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, February 21, 2012. Transportation, Department of

March 2012

(2012) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Application of a Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Technique to Assess Concrete Mix Proportions , TPF-5(205), 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Evaluation of the RapidAir 457 Air Void Analyzer, March 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, March 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Road Safety Audit for the Intersection of US 59 and IA 9 in Osceola County, Iowa Final Report, March 2012. Transportation, Department of

20 March 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, March 20, 2012. Transportation, Department of

21 March 2012

(2012) Business Plan Chicago to Iowa City Intercity Passenger Rail Route, March 21, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Route Planning Tool, Get There Your Way-Convenient Personalized Travel,. Transportation, Department of

22 March 2012

(2012) Vendor Ranking, March 22, 2012. Transportation, Department of

April 2012

(2012) Effects of Implements of Husbandry (Farm Equipment) on Pavement Performance, TR-563, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, April 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Risk Mitigation Strategies for Operations and Maintenance Activities, Final Report; TR-627, April 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Technology News, April-June 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Toolbox of Countermeasures to Reduce Red Light Running Final Report, April 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Traffic Safety Analysis for Local Agencies, 2012. Transportation, Department of

17 April 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, April 17, 2012. Transportation, Department of

30 April 2012

(2012) 2011 Vehicle Registrations Summary, April 30, 2012. Transportation, Department of

May 2012

(2012) Concrete Overlay Field Application Program Iowa Task Report US 18 Concrete Overlay Construction Under Traffic, May 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, May 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Historic Property Study: Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge Carrying I-74 and U.S. 6 over Mississippi River between Bettendorf, Scott County, Iowa and Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Historic Property Study: Iowana Farms Milk Company, 1416 State Street, City of Bettendorf, Scott County, Iowa, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Iowa in Motion, Planning Ahead State Transportation Plan, May 8, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Revision to the SUDAS Traffic Signal Standards - Phase 2: TR-629, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Revision to the SUDAS Traffic Signal Standards – Phase 2, Final Report, May 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Wind Monitoring of the Saylorville and Red Rock Reservoir Bridges with Remote, Cellular-Based Notifications, May 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Wind Monitoring of the Saylorville and Red Rock Reservoir Bridges with Remote, Cellular-Based Notifications, May 2012. Transportation, Department of

June 2012

(2012) 2013 - 2017 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program,. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Debris Mitigation Methods for Bridge Piers, Final Repory, June 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Development of a Database for Drilled Shaft Foundation Testing (DSHAFT), June 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Temporary Work Zone Pavement Marking Products, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Motorcycle Conspicuity – What Factors Have the Greatest Impact, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Motorcycle conspicuity: what factors have the greatest impact (tech transfer summary). Transportation, Department of

(2012) A Survey of Traffic Safety Culture Among Iowa Adults, TS-1101, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Toolbox of Countermeasures for Rural Two-Lane Curves, June 2012. Transportation, Department of

11 June 2012

(2012) US 30 Proposed Expansion Benton County, Iowa, Enviornmental Assessment and Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Finding, June 11, 2012. Transportation, Department of

19 June 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, June 19, 2012. Transportation, Department of

July 2012

(2012) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA) Guide Specification for Highway Concrete Pavements, TPF-5(205), 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Assessment of Air Void System Requirements for Durable Concrete, TPF-5(205), 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Effect of Aggregate Systems on Concrete Properties, TPF-5(205), 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Deicer Scaling Resistance of Concrete Mixtures Containing Slag Cement Phase 2: Evaluation of Different Laboratory Scaling Test Methods, TPF-5(100), 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Development of Performance Properties of Ternary Mixtures: Field Demonstrations and Project Summary, TPF-5(117), 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, July 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Technology News, July-September 2012. Transportation, Department of

1 July 2012

(2012) Iowa Railroad Service Map, July 1, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa State Railroad Map, July 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa State Railroad Map, July 1, 2012. Transportation, Department of

17 July 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, July 17, 2012. Transportation, Department of

31 July 2012

(2012) Final Report (SPR Project 90-00-RB10-012) on the Maintenance Asset Management Project Phase I, 2012. Transportation, Department of

August 2012

(2012) Development of a Conflict Analysis Methodology Using SSAM RB01-011, August 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Evaluation of Low-Cost Treatments on Rural Two-Lane Curves, TR-579, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) How to Reduce Tire-Pavement Noise: Better Practices for Constructing and Texturing Concrete Pavement Surfaces, TPF-5(139), 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, August-September. 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Investigation of Deterioration of Joints in Concrete Pavements , TPF-5(224), 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Ranking of HMA Moisture Sensitivity Tests in Iowa, RB00-012, 2012. Transportation, Department of

15 August 2012

(2012) A Comparison of Mobile Scanning to a Total Station Survey at the I-35 and IA 92 Interchange in Warren County, Iowa, August 15, 2012. Transportation, Department of

21 August 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, August 21, 2012. Transportation, Department of

September 2012

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Relationship between Speed and Lateral Position on Curves, September 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Timber Abutment Piling and Back Wall Rehabilitation and Repair, TR-616, 2012. Transportation, Department of

13 September 2012

(2012) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2012 Data Collection Methodology Report September 13, 2012. Transportation, Department of

18 September 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, September 18, 2012. Transportation, Department of

October 2012

(2012) Assessing the Costs for Hybrid versus Regular Transit Buses, October 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Development and Demonstration of a Freezing Drizzle Algorithm for Roadway Environmental Sensing Systems, Final Report, October 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Evaluation of In-Use Fuel Economy and On-Board Emissions for Hybrid and Regular CyRide Transit Buses, October 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, October 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Integrated Risk Management for Improving Internal Traffic Control, Work-Zone Safety, and Mobility during Major Construction, TPF-5(081), 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Older Driver Fact Sheet, October 2012. Public Safety, Department of

(2012) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2013-2016: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Technology News, October-December 2012. Transportation, Department of

15 October 2012

(2012) A Comparison of Iowa Crashes Involving Older Drivers Using Linked Data, October 15, 2012. Transportation, Department of

16 October 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, October 16, 2012. Transportation, Department of

18 October 2012

(2012) FY2010 Annual Report Research, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Technology Transfer Activities, October 18, 2011. Transportation, Department of

November 2012

(2012) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Red Light Running Camera Enforcement in Cedar Rapids and Developing Guidelines for Selection and Use of Red Light Running Countermeasures Final Report, November 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Evaluation of Temporary Ramp Metering for Work Zones, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) I-129 Missouri River Bridge Deck Condition Assessment Using Non-Destructive Testing Methods RB20-011, November 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, November 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) Road Safety Audit for IA 28 from the South Corporate Limits of Norwalk in Warren County through the IA 5 Interchange in Polk County, Iowa, November 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Use of Incentive/Disincentive Contracting to Mitigate Work Zone Traffic Impacts, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Visualization Resources for Iowa State University and the Iowa DOT: An Automated Design Model to Simulator Converter, November 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Visualization Resources for Iowa State University and the Iowa DOT: An Automated Design Model to Simulator Converter, November 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Visualization Resources for Iowa State University and the Iowa DOT: An Automated Design Model to Simulator Converter, November 2012. Transportation, Department of

4 November 2012

(2012) Missouri River Flood Recovery, November 4, 2012 Vol. 1, no. 1. Transportation, Department of

18 November 2012

(2012) Missouri River Flood Recovery, November 18, 2012 Vol. 1, no. 2. Transportation, Department of

December 2012

(2012) Determination of entrance loss coefficients for pre-cast reinforced Concrete Box Culverts, December 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Development of Quality Standards for Inclusion of High Recycled Asphalt Pavement Content in Asphalt Mixtures, TR-624, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) FY2012 Annual Report Research, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Technology Transfer Activities. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Financial Needs of Iowa's County Roads, TR-608, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Inside Magazine, December 2012-January 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2012. Revenue, Department of

(2012) School Bus Safety Study, Kadyn’s Law: Tech Transfer Summer, December 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) School Bus Safety Study: Kadyn’s Law, December 2012. Transportation, Department of

2 December 2012

(2012) Missouri River Flood Recovery, December 2, 2012 Vol. 1, no. 3. Transportation, Department of

14 December 2012

(2012) Transportation Coordination in Iowa, December 14, 2012. Transportation, Department of

18 December 2012

(2012) List of Bid Proposal Holders, December 18, 2012. Transportation, Department of

21 December 2012

(2012) Keep Aware Driving: Youth Need School Safety Act Educational Program (Kadyn’s law), December 21, 2012. Transportation, Department of

23 December 2012

(2012) Missouri River Flood Recovery, December 23, 2012 Vol. 1, no. 4. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2012

(2012) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, December 31, 2012. Transportation, Department of


(2013) CulvertCalc LRFD Software for Box Culverts User Manual TR-620. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Field Manager, Field Guide: User Guide Iowa Style, December 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Guide to Common Trees & Shrubs of Iowa, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Byways: The Official Guide to Iowa Byways, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Department of Transportation Performance Report, FY2014. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Driver's Manual 2013-2014. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Interstate Corridor Plan, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Veterans Affairs Performance Report, FY2014. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of

(2013) Iowa Veterans Home Performance Report, FY2014. Iowa Veterans Home

(2013) Methods for Estimating Annual Exceedance-Probability Discharges for Streams in Iowa, Based on Data through Water Year 2010, TR-519, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Veterans Transportation Survey Summary of Findings, 2013. Transportation, Department of

January 2013

(2013) 2012 Vehicle Registrations by County, January 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) Technology News, January-March 2013. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2013

(2013) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2013. Transportation, Department of

9 January 2013

(2013) Issue review : multimodal transportation funding. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

10 January 2013

(2013) FY2012 ICN report of savings. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Driver's License and Identification Cards, January 10, 2013. Transportation, Department of

14 January 2013

(2013) Infrastructure Annual Status Report - January 2013. Transportation, Department of

16 January 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, February 19, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, January 16, 2013. Transportation, Department of

22 January 2013

(2013) FY2012 Highway Construction Program Expenditures/Obligations. Transportation, Department of

24 January 2013

(2013) 2013 Flex Fuel Vehicles Registered in Iowa, January 24, 2013. Transportation, Department of

25 January 2013

(2013) Iowa Railroad Infrastructure Map, January 25, 2013. Iowa Economic Development Authority

29 January 2013

(2013) Registered Flexible Fuel Vehicles. Transportation, Department of

30 January 2013

(2013) FY'12 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures report. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Special plates report. Transportation, Department of

31 January 2013

(2013) FY12 Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks report. Transportation, Department of

February 2013

(2013) Inside Magazine, February 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) A River Run Dry, February 2013. Transportation, Department of

1 February 2013

(2013) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa Status Report. Transportation, Department of

2 February 2013

(2013) Assessment of Weathering Steel Bridge Performance in Iowa and Development of Inspection and Maintenance Techniques, RB17-012, 2013. Transportation, Department of

4 February 2013

(2013) 2013 Legislative Reception Expenditures report. Transportation, Department of

5 February 2013

(2013) Motor Vehicle-Related Deaths in Iowa 2007-2010, February 5, 2013. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

6 February 2013

(2013) Age vs. Experience: Evaluation of a Video Feedback Intervention for Newly Licensed Teen Drivers, TPF-5(207), 2013. Transportation, Department of

March 2013

(2013) Inside Magazine, March 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) Measuring Salt Retention, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Measuring Salt Retention: Tech Transfer Summary, 2013. Transportation, Department of

April 2013

(2013) Evaluation of Low Cost Traffic Calming for Rural Communities – Phase II, April 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Feasibility Study for Detection and Quantification of Corrosion in Bridge Barrier Rails, RB11-012, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Inside Magazine, April-May 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Laboratory and Field Testing of an Accelerated Bridge Construction Demonstration Bridge: US Highway 6 Bridge over Keg Creek, RB02-012, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Quality Control/Quality Assurance Testing for Joint Density and Segregation of Asphalt Mixtures, TR-623, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Speed Management Toolbox for Rural Communities, TR-630, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Technology News, April-June 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) U.S. Inland Waterway Modernization: A Reconnaissance Study, April 2013. Transportation, Department of

1 April 2013

(2013) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report - March 2013. Transportation, Department of

8 April 2013

(2013) Moving Beyond Teen Crash Fatality Statistics: The Go-Team Study, GOTM-000, 2013. Transportation, Department of

15 April 2013

(2013) Flame Hardened Snow Plow Blades. Transportation, Department of

16 April 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, April 16, 2013. Transportation, Department of

May 2013

(2013) Evaluating Roadway Subsurface Drainage Practices: TR-643, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Evaluating Roadway Subsurface Drainage Practices: Tech Transfer Summary, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Evaluation of Mitigation for Safety Concerns on Low-Volume, Unpaved Rural Roads: Tech Transfer Summary, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Improving the Accuracy and Usability of Iowa Falling Weight Deflectometer Data, May 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Improving the Accuracy and Usability of Iowa Falling Weight Deflectometer Data: Tech Transfer Summary, May 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) Training Development for Pavement Preservation, RB07-011, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Wind Loads on Dynamic Message Cabinets and Behavior of Supporting Trusses, TR-612, 2013. Transportation, Department of

6 May 2013

(2013) Diagnostic Tools for Identifying Sleepy Drivers in the Field, RB21-012, 2013. Transportation, Department of

21 May 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, May 21, 2013. Transportation, Department of

June 2013

(2013) Back Warning Sensors for Tow Plows, RB07-012, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Design Guide for Precast UHPC Waffle Deck Panel System, including Connections, June 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Glacial Trail Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan, June 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Inside Magazine, June, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Calibration of MEPDG Performance Prediction Models, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Calibration of MEPDG Performance Prediction Models: Tech Transfer Summary. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2013. Revenue, Department of

18 June 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, June 18, 2013. Transportation, Department of

July 2013

(2013) Improving Traffic Safety Culture in Iowa – Phase II, July 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Inside Magazine, July-August 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) Iowa Truck Information Guide, July 2013-July 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Technology News, July-September, 2013. Transportation, Department of

4 July 2013

(2013) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, June 30, 2013. Transportation, Department of

8 July 2013

(2013) 2014-2018 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

16 July 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, July 16, 2013. Transportation, Department of

31 July 2013

(2013) Maintenance Asset Management Project -- Phase II, July 31, 2013. Transportation, Department of

August 2013

(2013) Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing (4 vol), RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing: Ida County Bridge Case Study, RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing: Johnson County Bridge Case Study, RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing: Sioux County Bridge Case Study, RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Evaluation of Variable Advisory Speed Limits in Work Zones, TPF-5(081), 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) Pilot Project - Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing: Tech Transfer Summary, RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

7 August 2013

(2013) Final Report (SPR Project 90-00-RB10-012) on the Maintenance Asset Management Project Phase II, 2013. Transportation, Department of

20 August 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, August 20, 2013. Transportation, Department of

21 August 2013

(2013) Iowa Living Roadways:Plant Profiler, August 21,2013. Natural Resources, Department of

26 August 2013

(2013) Iowa Highway Safety Plan, July 1, 2013-December 31, 2016, August 26, 2013. Transportation, Department of

September 2013

(2013) Development of Self-Cleaning Box Culvert Design – Phase II, TR-619, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Environmental Assessment: IA 12 in Mason City From S. Monroe Ave to S. Carolina Ave, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, NHSX-122-1(14)--3H-17, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Inside Magazine, September 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Investigation into Shrinkage of High-Performance Concrete Used for Iowa Bridge Decks and Overlays, TR-633, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Investigation of Warm-Mix Asphalt for Iowa Roadways, TR-635, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) Pilot Construction Project for Granular Shoulder Stabilization, TR-634, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Synthesis of Work-Zone Performance Measures, TPF-5(081), 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Western Iowa Missouri River Flooding -- Geo-Infrastructure Damage Assessment, Repair and Mitigation Strategies, TR-638, 2013. Transportation, Department of

16 September 2013

(2013) 2013 Annual Employment Report on All Projects Let by the Iowa DOT Racial/Ethnic Minorities and Females, September 16, 2013. Transportation, Department of

17 September 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, September 17, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Use of Reversions, 2013. Transportation, Department of

25 September 2013

(2013) Evaluation of Bias in the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device, RB00-010, 2013. Transportation, Department of

26 September 2013

(2013) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2013 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 26, 2013. Transportation, Department of

30 September 2013

(2013) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, September 2013. Transportation, Department of

October 2013

(2013) Evaluation of Low Cost Traffic Calming for Rural Communities – Phase II [Updated], TR-630, October, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Inside Magazine, October 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Integration of Bridge Damage Detection Concepts and Components (3 volumes), TR-636, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) Long-Life Concrete: How Long Will My Concrete Last? A Synthesis of Knowledge of Potential Durability of Concrete, TPF-5(159), 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2014-2017: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Technology News, October-December, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Toolbox of Countermeasures for Rural Two-Lane Curves [updated], TR-579, October 2013. Transportation, Department of

1 October 2013

(2013) Educational Leave/Assistance Report FY 2013. Transportation, Department of

4 October 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, October 4, 2013. Transportation, Department of

31 October 2013

(2013) Small Businesses and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises report. Transportation, Department of

November 2013

(2013) 2013 Iowa DOT Engineering Intern Development and Management Program, 13-464, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Inside magazine, November 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports:Corrected, November 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) Nondestructive Evaluation and Assessment of Concrete Barriers for Defects and Corrosion, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) RFID Tags for Detecting Concrete Degradation in Bridge Decks, RB08-011, 2013. Transportation, Department of

19 November 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, November 19, 2013. Transportation, Department of

December 2013

(2013) Effectiveness of Work Zone Intelligent Transportation Systems, TPF-5(081), 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Inside Magazine, December 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Inside magazine, December 2013-January 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2013. Revenue, Department of

(2013) Low-Cost Rural Surface Alternatives: Literature Review and Recommendations, TR-632, 2013. Transportation, Department of

5 December 2013

(2013) Guidelines for Traffic Impact Analysis, December 5, 2013. Transportation, Department of

17 December 2013

(2013) List of Bid Proposal Holders, December 17, 2013. Transportation, Department of

27 December 2013

(2013) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, December 31, 2013. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2013

(2013) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, December 31, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report Savings Status, December 31,. Transportation, Department of


(2014) 2014 Strategic Plan, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) An Adaptive Field Detection Method For Bridge Scour Monitoring Using Motion-Sensing Radio Transponders (RFIDs), TR-617, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Commercial Driver License Manual 2005, Revised December 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Flex Fuel Vehicles, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa 2014 Transportation Map, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Byways Nomination Evaluation Guide 2014-2016, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) The Iowa Comprehensive Petroleum UST Fund Program, Program Overview and Status, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Department of Transportation Performance Report, FY 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Motor Vehicle Crashes 1925 to 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Park and Ride System Plan, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Veterans Home Performance Plan, FY2015. Iowa Veterans Home

(2014) Pilot Project for a Hybrid Road-Flooding Forecasting System on Squaw Creek, TR-642. Transportation, Department of

January 2014

(2014) Deicer Scaling Resistance of Concrete Mixtures Containing Slag Cement Phase 3, January 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Field Monitoring of Curved Girder Bridges with Integral Abutments, TPF-5(169), 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Inside magazine, January 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) Technology News, January-March 2014. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2014

(2014) Bridge Inspection Manual, TR-646, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Bridge Maintenance Manual, TR-646, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Bridge Rating Manual, TR-646, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, January 22, 2014. Transportation, Department of

14 January 2014

(2014) Iowa DOT's Infrastructure Annual Status Report, 2014. Transportation, Department of

15 January 2014

(2014) FY 2013 Highway Construction Program Expenditures/Obligations. Transportation, Department of

(2014) FY 2013 ICN Report of Savings. Transportation, Department of

27 January 2014

(2014) FY'13 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report, January 27, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Prevalence and Distribution of Young Driver Distraction Errors in Naturalistic Driving, TPF-5(207), 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Use of Recycled Products FY13, January 27, 2014. Transportation, Department of

29 January 2014

(2014) Registered Flex Fuel Vehicles. Transportation, Department of

February 2014

(2014) Development of Bio-Based Polymers for Use in Asphalt, TR-639, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Inside magazine, February 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Mass Concrete for Bridge Foundation Study - Phase II, Final Report, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) TraumaHawk: Improving Treatment for Crash Victims Using Photos and a Smartphone App. Transportation, Department of

24 February 2014

(2014) 2014 Legislative Reception Expenditures report. Transportation, Department of

March 2014

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2014. Revenue, Department of

18 March 2014

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, March 18, 2014. Transportation, Department of

31 March 2014

(2014) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, March 2014. Transportation, Department of

April 2014

(2014) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Effects of a Non-Uniform Subgrade Support on the Responses of Concrete Pavement - TPF-5(183).

(2014) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) Sensitivity Analysis - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) Technology News, April-June 2014. Transportation, Department of

15 April 2014

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, April 15, 2014. Transportation, Department of

May 2014

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) Multi-Purpose ESS/ITS Data Collection Sites, SPR72-00-0003-042, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) The Use of Ternary Mixtures in Concrete, TPF-5(117), 2014. Transportation, Department of

20 May 2014

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, May 20, 2014. Transportation, Department of

23 May 2014

(2014) Proceedings of the 2014 Iowa Tribal Summit on Cultural Preservation and Transportation, 2014. Transportation, Department of

June 2014

(2014) Calibration of Highway Safety Manual Work Zone Crash Modification Factors, TPF-5(081), 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Development of Asphalt Dynamic Modulus Master Curve Using Falling Weight Deflectometer Measurements, TR-659. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2014. Revenue, Department of

17 June 2014

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, June 17, 2014. Transportation, Department of

24 June 2014

(2014) A Comparative Policy Analysis of Seat Belt Laws, RB37-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of

26 June 2014

(2014) Development of MASH TL-3 Transition Between Guardrail and Portable Concrete Barriers, TPF-5(081), 2014. Transportation, Department of

July 2014

(2014) Iowa DOT Library Services, Collection, & Technology Assessment, TR-670, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) Iowa Veterans Affairs Strategic Plan FY2012-2014. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of

(2014) Standards for Single Span Prefabricated Bridges, Phase I - Concept Development, TR-663, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Structural Characterization of UHPC Waffle Bridge Deck and Connections, TR-614, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Technology News, July-September 2014. Transportation, Department of

7 July 2014

(2014) 2015-2019 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

15 July 2014

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, July 15, 2014. Transportation, Department of

August 2014

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) Methods for Removing Concrete Decks from Bridge Girders, TR-647, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Optimizing Pavement Base, Subbase, and Subgrade Layers for Cost and Performance of Local Roads, TR-640. Transportation, Department of

9 August 2014

(2014) Business, Industry & Technology Student Internship Program, August 9, 2014. Transportation, Department of

11 August 2014

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, August 16, 2014. Transportation, Department of

26 August 2014

(2014) Iowa Department of Transportation Performance Report, FY2015. Transportation, Department of

September 2014

(2014) Electronic Construction Collaboration System – Final Phase, SPR RB02-008, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) Making a Modern Highway: Transformation of Iowa Roadways in the Mid-Twentieth Century, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Need Answers, October 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Practical Data Collection: Establishing Methods and Procedures for Measuring Water Clarity and Turbidity of Storm Water Run-Off from Active Major Highway Construction Sites, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Safety and Mobility Impacts of Winter Weather --Phase 3, SPR RB01-012, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Statewide Heavy-Truck Crash Assessment, 2014. Transportation, Department of

2 September 2014

(2014) Maintenance and Design of Steel Abutment Piles in Iowa Bridges, TR-622, 2014. Transportation, Department of

16 September 2014

(2014) Educational Leave-Assistance Report FY 2014, September 16, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, September 16, 2014. Transportation, Department of

23 September 2014

(2014) Use of Reversions, Iowa Department of Transportation, 2014. Transportation, Department of

25 September 2014

(2014) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2014 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 25, 2014. Transportation, Department of

October 2014

(2014) Chevrons and Oversized Chevrons, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Factors Influencing Drying Shrinkage, TPF-5(205), 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Development of Preliminary Load and Resistance Factor Design of Drilled Shafts in Iowa, RB03-012, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) On-Pavement Signing, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Quantifying Uncertainty in Real Time Performance Measurement for Highway Winter Maintenance Operations – Phase 2, RB03-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2015-2018: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Synthesis of Iowa Research to Address Rural Safety, RB04-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Technology News, October-December 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Vertical Delineation, 2014. Transportation, Department of

16 October 2014

(2014) 2013 Vehicle Registrations by County, October 16, 2014. Transportation, Department of

21 October 2014

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, October 21, 2014. Transportation, Department of

November 2014

(2014) Assessment of Asphalt Interlayer Designed on Jointed Concrete, InTrans Project 13-475, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Evaluation of the Fresh and Hardened Properties of Concrete Mixtures Containing Permeability-Reducing Admixtures to Develop Standard Test Protocol, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Effects of Road Construction Intensity and Operations on Rural Freeway Work Zone Capacity, TPF-5(081), 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Guidance for Improving Foundation Layers to Increase Pavement Performance on Local Roads, TR-640, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) Multidisciplinary Safety Team (MDST) Factors of Success, 2014. Transportation, Department of

3 November 2014

(2014) 2014 Small Businesses and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises report. Transportation, Department of

18 November 2014

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, November 18, 2014. Transportation, Department of

December 2014

(2014) Investigation of Field Corrosion Performance and Bond/Development Length of Galvanized Reinforcing Steel, TR-666, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2014. Revenue, Department of

(2014) Pavement Management Performance Modeling: Evaluating the Existing PCI Equations, RB14-013 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Rapid Replacement of Bridge Deck Expansion Joints Study – Phase I, RB33-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Study of the Regulatory Issues Affecting Truck Freight Movement in the Midwest, RB29-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of

12 December 2014

(2014) 2014 Transportation Coordination in Iowa. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Iowa Commuter Transportation Study. Transportation, Department of

16 December 2014

(2014) List of Bid Proposal Holders, December 16, 2014. Transportation, Department of

22 December 2014

(2014) Uncontrolled Intersection report. Transportation, Department of

23 December 2014

(2014) 2014 Iowa Commercial Air Service Retention and Expansion Committee - Plan. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2014

(2014) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, December 31, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report Savings Status, December 31, 2014. Transportation, Department of

Summer 2014

(2014) Research News, Summer 2014. Transportation, Department of


(2015) Comparisons of Estimates of Annual Exceedance-Probability Discharges for Small Drainage Basins in Iowa, Based on Data through Water Year 2013, TR-678, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Executive summary -- 2015 Corridor Management Plan - The Iowa Great River Road. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Driver's Manual 2015-2016. Transportation, Department of

January 2015

(2015) Development and Integration of Advanced Timber Bridge Inspection Techniques for NBIS TR-645, January 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Impacts of Internal Curing on Concrete Properties, TR-676, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders, January 21, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Technology News, January-March 2015. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2015

(2015) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2015. Transportation, Department of

14 January 2015

(2015) FY2014 Highway Construction Program Expenditures/Obligations. Transportation, Department of

15 January 2015

(2015) Annual Infrastructure Status Report 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Infrastructure Annual Status Report 2015. Transportation, Department of

16 January 2015

(2015) Iowa Passenger Rail: Chicago to Council Bluffs-Omaha Regional Passenger Rail System Planning Study, January 16, 2015. Transportation, Department of

28 January 2015

(2015) Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures report FY'14. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, 2015. Transportation, Department of

30 January 2015

(2015) 2014 Registered Flex Fuel Vehicles. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Use of Recycled Products FY2014. Transportation, Department of

February 2015

(2015) Automation of DEM Cutting for Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling, TR-631, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Development of Railroad Highway Grade Crossing Consolidation Rating Formula, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Evaluation of the Confirmation Light System at Signalized Intersections in Medium to Large Iowa Communities to Reduce Red Light Running Violations”, TR-657, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Highway Work Zone Capacity Estimation Using Field Data from Kansas, TPF-5(081), 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of the MIT Scan T2 for PCC Pavement Thickness, MLR 14-01, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Modeling Merging Behavior at Lane Drops, InTrans Projects 13-466 and 06-277, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Optimization of Snow Drifting Mitigation and Control Methods for Iowa Conditions Part II, TR-626, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Proof of Concept: Examining Characteristics of Roadway Infrastructure in Various 3D Visualization Modes, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) A Smartphone-Based Prototype System for Incident/Work Zone Management Driven by Crowd-Sourced Data, 2015. Transportation, Department of

17 February 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders, February 17, 2015. Transportation, Department of

March 2015

(2015) Assessment of Nondestructive Testing Technologies for Quality Control/Quality Assurance of Asphalt Mixtures, TR-653, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): An Innovative Approach To Proportioning Concrete Mixtures, TPF-5(205), 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Development and Evaluation of Vibrating Kelly Ball Test (VKelly Test) for the Workability of Concrete, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Evaluation of Foam Drainage Test to Measure Air Void Stability in Concrete. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Development of Quality Standards for Inclusion of High Recycled Asphalt Pavement Content in Asphalt Mixtures – Phase II, TR-658, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa 2015-2016 Bicycle Map, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Iowa Transportation Map 2015-2016, March 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa's Bridge and Highway Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment Pilot, March 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa’s Bridge and Highway Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment Pilot, HEPN-707, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Report of the 4th Workshop for Technology Transfer for Intelligent Compaction Consortium, TPF-5(233), 2015. Transportation, Department of

10 March 2015

(2015) 2015 Legislative Reception Expenditures report. Transportation, Department of

12 March 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders, March 12, 2015. Transportation, Department of

April 2015

(2015) 2015 Corridor Management Plan - The Iowa Great River Road, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Alkali Content of Fly Ash – Measuring and Testing Strategies for Compliance, TR-628, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Evaluating Roadway Subsurface Drainage Practices - Phase II, TR-662, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Technology News, April-June 2015. Transportation, Department of

15 April 2015

(2015) Iowa Fatal Crashes Associated with Key Emphases - January thru December, April 15, 2015. Transportation, Department of

21 April 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders, April 21, 2015. Transportation, Department of

May 2015

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Laboratory Investigation of Concrete Beam-End Treatments, RB08-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Quantifying Salt Concentration on Pavement: Phase I, May 2015. Transportation, Department of

1 May 2015

(2015) Establishing Strategies for a Transportation MS4 [Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System], RB36-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Vertical Clearance Restrictions on Primary Roads and Primary Road Extensions: Standard U.S. Measurements [Vertical Clearance Log], May 1, 2015. Transportation, Department of

8 May 2015

(2015) Seat Belt Convictions by County of Occurrence - 2011 to 2014, May 8, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Speeding Convictions by County of Occurrence 2009-2014, May 8, 2015. Transportation, Department of

19 May 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders, May 19, 2015. Transportation, Department of

20 May 2015

(2015) 2014 Vehicle Registrations by County, May 20, 2015. Transportation, Department of

31 May 2015

(2015) Transportation Asset Management from Plans to Practice TPF-5(303), May 2015. Transportation, Department of

June 2015

(2015) Implementation Manual — 3D Engineered Models for Highway Construction: The Iowa Experience; RB33-014, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Implementation of a Pilot Continuous Monitoring System: Iowa Falls Arch Bridge, HR-1088, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa ABC Connections, RB06-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Low-Cost Rural Surface Alternatives: Demonstration Project, TR-664, 2015. Transportation, Department of

9 June 2015

(2015) 2016-2020 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

15 June 2015

(2015) Iowa State Highway 92 Over Drainage Ditch #25: Performance Evaluation - Galvanized Reinforcing Bars -- Louisa County, Iowa, 2015. Transportation, Department of

16 June 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders, June 16, 2015. Transportation, Department of

22 June 2015

(2015) CDL Classifications, June 22, 2015. Transportation, Department of

July 2015

(2015) Cement Stabilization of Embankment Materials, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Improving the Accuracy of Camber Predictions for Precast Pretensioned Concrete Beams, TR-625, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Technology News, July-September 2015. Transportation, Department of

21 July 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders, July 21, 2015. Transportation, Department of

24 July 2015

(2015) Fatal Crashes & Fatalities on Iowa Rural Interstate System 1970-2014, July 24, 2015. Transportation, Department of

29 July 2015

(2015) Public Involvement, a guide to staying informed, July 29, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Why does the Iowa DOT need to Enter MY Property?, A Guide to Understanding Filed Studies, July 29, 2015. Transportation, Department of

August 2015

(2015) Carbonate Rock Pore Size Distribution Determination through Iowa Pore Index Testing, MLR-15-01, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Jointed Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation with Injected High Density Polyurethane Foam and Dowel Bar Retrofitting – Pennsylvania US 422 Field Study - TPF-5(183).

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Laboratory Investigation of Grouted Coupler Connection Details for ABC Bridge Projects, RB07-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of

18 August 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: August 18, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: August 18, 2015. Transportation, Department of

20 August 2015

(2015) West 1 St Street/ IA 57 from Highland Drive to Center Street/Franklin Street, Blackhawk County, Iowa, Project # STP-57-2(28)--2C-07, Environmental Assessment and Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Finding, 2015. Transportation, Department of

31 August 2015

(2015) Iowa 58 Viking Road Corridor from U.S. 20 to Greenhill Road in Cedar Falls, Iowa, NHSX-U-58-1(91)--8S-07, 2015. Transportation, Department of

September 2015

(2015) Asset Management Program Enhancement Plan: Baseline Assessment Phases I and II, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Evaluation of the Need for Longitudinal Median Joints in Bridge Decks on Dual Structures, TR-661, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Investigation of Negative Moment Reinforcing in Bridge Decks, TR-660, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Reflective Crack Mitigation Guide for Flexible Pavements, TR-641, 2015. Transportation, Department of

9 September 2015

(2015) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2015 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 9, 2015. Transportation, Department of

10 September 2015

(2015) Mississippi Drive (Iowa 92) from Main Street to the Norbert F. Beckey Bridge in Muscatine, Iowa, STP-U-5330(614)—27-70, Muscatine County, 2015. Transportation, Department of

15 September 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: September 15, 2015. Transportation, Department of

18 September 2015

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Information, September 18, 2015. Revenue, Department of

20 September 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: October 20, 2015. Transportation, Department of

22 September 2015

(2015) Use of Reversions, 2015 report. Transportation, Department of

30 September 2015

(2015) Use of SHRP2 NDS Data to Evaluate Roadway Departure Characteristics, September 2015. Transportation, Department of

October 2015

(2015) Comparison of Roadway Roughness Derived from LIDAR and SFM 3D Point Clouds, HR-3001, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Comparison of Setting Time Measured Using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation with Saw-Cutting Times on Pavements, TR-675, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Development of Non-Petroleum-Based Binders for Use in Flexible Pavements – Phase II, TR-650, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Development of a Subgrade Drainage Model for Unpaved Roads, TR-654, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Flagger's Handbook, October 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Construction – Wisconsin US 10 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Iowa Pavement Asset Management Decision-Making Framework & Pavement Treatment Selection Tool for Local Agencies, TR-651, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2016-2019: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Technology News, October-December 2015. Transportation, Department of

7 October 2015

(2015) East 1 St Street Interchange and I-35 Widening, From MP 94.3 to Oralabor Road, Polk County, Iowa, Project # IM-035-4(140)92--13-77, Environmental Assessment and Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Finding, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Plates or Validation Sticker Furnished - Retained by Owner - Special Plates. Transportation, Department of

November 2015

(2015) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction with Cement Treated Base Underlain by Geotextile – Michigan I-96 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2015. Revenue, Department of

3 November 2015

(2015) Attachment of Combination Rails to Concrete Parapets Utilizing Epoxy Adhesive Anchors, RPFP-IOWA-1, 2015. Transportation, Department of

17 November 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: November 17, 2015. Transportation, Department of

24 November 2015

(2015) U.S. 61 From Memorial Park Road in Burlington North to 1 Mile North of IA 78 in Louisa County. Des Moines & Louisa County, Iowa NHS-061-2(50) - 19-58, 2015. Transportation, Department of

December 2015

(2015) Evaluation of Pavement Markings on Low-Volume Rural Roadways in Iowa, December 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction – Iowa I-29 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2015) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Field Evaluation of Premature Pavement Joint Deterioration – Iowa Urbandale Drive Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2015) Investigation of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design/DARWin-ME Performance Prediction Models for Iowa Pavement Analysis and Design, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2015. Revenue, Department of

(2015) Maintenance of Traffic for Innovative Geometric Design Work Zones, 2015.

(2015) Statistical Summaries of Selected Iowa Streamflow Data Through September 2013, TR-669. Transportation, Department of

(2015) VISSIM Calibration for Urban Freeways, 2015. Transportation, Department of

7 December 2015

(2015) Iowa Driver’s License Renewal, December 7, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Older Drivers and Risk, December 7, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Senior Drivers' Workbook, December 7, 2015. Transportation, Department of

8 December 2015

(2015) You're the Coach: A Guide for Parents of New Drivers, December 8, 2015. Transportation, Department of

15 December 2015

(2015) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: December 15, 2015. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2015

(2015) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, December 31, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report savings status, December 31, 2015. Transportation, Department of


(2016) Instruction Permit: Licensing for Drivers under the Age of 18, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Intermediate License: Licensing for Drivers under the Age of 18, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Bridge Backwater Software User Manual, Version 3.0, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Research & Analytics Guidance on Data Management Plan (DMP) Requirements for Federally Funded Research Projects. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Licensed Iowa Drivers by County 2007-2015, January 29, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Minor School License: Licensing for Drivers under the Age of 18, 2016. Transportation, Department of

January 2016

(2016) Development and Evaluation of a Portable Device for Measuring Curling and Warping in Concrete Pavements, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction – Michigan I-94 Field Study-TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2016. Revenue, Department of

(2016) Technology News, January-February 2016. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2016

(2016) Iowa Miles of Rural Secondary Roads, January 1, 2016. Transportation, Department of

7 January 2016

(2016) Average Per Vehicle Distance Chart, January 7, 2016. Transportation, Department of

10 January 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: January 10, 2016. Transportation, Department of

15 January 2016

(2016) FY2015 Highway Construction Program Expenditures/Obligations. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Infrastructure Annual Status Report 2016. Transportation, Department of

27 January 2016

(2016) Engineering Student Internship and Co-op Program, January 27, 2016. Transportation, Department of

28 January 2016

(2016) FY'15 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Use of Recycled Products FY2015. Transportation, Department of

29 January 2016

(2016) Licensed Iowa Drivers by by Age Group & Sex - 2007 to 2015, January 29, 2016. Transportation, Department of

February 2016

(2016) Embankment Quality and Assessment of Moisture Control Implementation, TR-677, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Evaluating the Relationship between the Driver and Roadway to Address Rural Intersection Safety using the SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data, RB05-013, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Assessment of Seasonal Variations in Concrete Pavement Foundation Layers – TPF-5(183) Multiple Test Sections in Iowa -.

(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Field Assessment of Jointed Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Premature Distresses – Iowa US 34 Field Study - TPF-5(183).

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2016. Revenue, Department of

(2016) Laboratory Investigation of Bridge Strip Seal Joint Termination Details, SPR RB08-014, 2016. Transportation, Department of

1 February 2016

(2016) 2016 Registered Flex Fuel Vehicles. Transportation, Department of

12 February 2016

(2016) Iowa OWI Revocations by Year and County 1996-2015, February 12, 2016. Transportation, Department of

16 February 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: February 16, 2016. Transportation, Department of

March 2016

(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Jointed Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation with Precast Concrete Pavement – California I-15 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction – Iowa US 30 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2016) Investigation of High-Strength Bolt-Tightening Verification Techniques, RB07-014. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2016. Revenue, Department of

(2016) Temporary Traffic Control Handbook, TR-694, 2016. Transportation, Department of

7 March 2016

(2016) Holiday Traffic Fatalities in Iowa 1962 to 2015, March 7, 2016. Transportation, Department of

14 March 2016

(2016) Review of Automated Vehicle Technology: Policy and Implementation Implications; Version 1.0; RB28-015, 2016. Transportation, Department of

15 March 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: March 15, 2016. Transportation, Department of

31 March 2016

(2016) 2015 Iowa Traffic Fatality Count, March 31, 2016. Transportation, Department of

April 2016

(2016) Crude Oil and Biofuels Rail Transportation Study, Final Study, April 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2016. Revenue, Department of

(2016) Technology News, April-June 2016. Transportation, Department of

2 April 2016

(2016) 2015 Vehicle Registrations by County, April 2, 2016. Transportation, Department of

19 April 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: April 19, 2016. Transportation, Department of

27 April 2016

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Refund Information, April 27, 2016. Revenue, Department of

May 2016

(2016) Evaluation and Testing of a Lightweight Fine Aggregate Concrete Bridge Deck in Buchanan County, Iowa, TR-648, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction – Iowa I-35 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2016) Investigation of the Effect of Speed on the Dynamic Impact Factor for Bridges with Different Entrance Conditions, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Investigation of the Impact of Dual-Lane Axle Spacing on Lateral Load Distribution, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2016. Revenue, Department of

(2016) Safety Assessment Tool for Construction Zone Work Phasing Plans, 2016. Transportation, Department of

11 May 2016

(2016) Iowa Crash History 2001 to 2015: Drivers Distracted by Use of Phone or Other Device, May 11, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: May 17, 2016. Transportation, Department of

18 May 2016

(2016) Motorcycle fatalities by month: 2009-2016, May 18, 2016. Transportation, Department of

20 May 2016

(2016) Iowa Passenger Rail: Passenger Rail in Iowa, Looking toward the Future, May 20, 2016. Transportation, Department of

23 May 2016

(2016) Speeding Convictions by County of Occurrence 2009-2016, May 23, 2017. Transportation, Department of

25 May 2016

(2016) 2015 Iowa Fatal Crashes and Fatalities, May 25, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Alcohol Related Fatal Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Study, 1974. Transportation, Department of

June 2016

(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction – Pennsylvania US 22 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa annual vehicle miles of travel: 30 Years, June 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Polymer Concrete Overlay Evaluation, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) RWIS Network Planning: Optimal Density and Location, June 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Upgrading Bridge Rails on Low-Volume Roads in Iowa, TR-679, 2016. Transportation, Department of

2 June 2016

(2016) Iowa Motorcycle Crash History: 1960-2014, June 2, 2016. Transportation, Department of

15 June 2016

(2016) 2017-2021 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

21 June 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: June 21, 2016. Transportation, Department of

July 2016

(2016) Impact of Curling and Warping on Concrete Pavement, TR-668, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa DOT Project Management Peer Exchange, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2016. Revenue, Department of

(2016) Technology News, July-September 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Validation of Gyratory Mix Design in Iowa, TR-667, 2016. Transportation, Department of

19 July 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: July 19, 2016. Transportation, Department of

August 2016

(2016) Development of a Wireless MEMS Multifunction Sensor System and Field Demonstration of Embedded Sensors for Monitoring Concrete Pavements, TR-637, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Draft Project Management Update to the Iowa DOT Project Development Manual, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2016. Revenue, Department of

(2016) Safety Edge Crash Modification Factors, Tech Brief, 2016. Transportation, Department of

16 August 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: August 16, 2016. Transportation, Department of

September 2016

(2016) Updating the Iowa Culvert Hydraulics and Iowa Bridge Backwater Software, TR-655 Tech Brief. Transportation, Department of

13 September 2016

(2016) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2016 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 13, 2016. Transportation, Department of

20 September 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: September 20, 2016. Transportation, Department of

October 2016

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2016. Revenue, Department of

(2016) Technology News, October-December 2016. Transportation, Department of

11 October 2016

(2016) International Fuel Tax Agreement: Carrier Manual, October 11, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) International Fuel Tax Agreement: Licensee Manual, October 11, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) International Fuel Tax Agreement: Quick Reference Guide Online Transactions, October 11, 2016. Transportation, Department of

12 October 2016

(2016) Iowa Barge: Cargo Capacity, October 12, 2016. Transportation, Department of

18 October 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: October 18, 2016. Transportation, Department of

November 2016

(2016) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2016. Revenue, Department of

15 November 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: November 15, 2016. Transportation, Department of

21 November 2016

(2016) Iowa DL and ID Cards, November 21, 2016. Transportation, Department of

December 2016

(2016) Guide to the Prevention and Restoration of Early Joint Deterioration in Concrete Pavements TR-697, July 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2016. Revenue, Department of

(2016) Legal Background Briefing: The Regulation of Transportation Network Companies — Rights, Requirements, and Limitations, December 2016. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(2016) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges TR-713, December 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) A Review of Depth of Cover Tables for Concrete and Corrugated Metal Pipe for the Iowa Department of Transportation TR-703, December 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Risk Factor Identification, December 2016. Transportation, Department of

2 December 2016

(2016) Iowa Strategic Highway Safety Plan, 2017, December 2, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Iowa Strategic Highway Safety Plan: July 1, 2013-December 31, 2016. Transportation, Department of

13 December 2016

(2016) Use of Reversions, 2016 report. Transportation, Department of

14 December 2016

(2016) Transportation Coordination in Iowa (2016). Transportation, Department of

20 December 2016

(2016) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: December 20, 2016. Transportation, Department of

30 December 2016

(2016) 2016 Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) Study. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, December 2016. Transportation, Department of


(2017) Park and Ride System Report, 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Stream-Channel and Watershed Delineations and Basin-Characteristic Measurements using Lidar Elevation Data for Small Drainage Basins within the Des Moines Lobe Landform Region in Iowa, TR-692. Transportation, Department of

January 2017

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2017. Revenue, Department of

(2017) Setting Work Zone Speed Limits, January 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Technology News, January-March 2017. Transportation, Department of

3 January 2017

(2017) 2014 Crash Facts: A Summary of Motor Vehicle Crash and Driver Statistics on Iowa Roadways, January 3, 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) 2015 Crash Facts: A Summary of Motor Vehicle Crash and Driver Statistics on Iowa Roadways, January 3, 2017. Transportation, Department of

12 January 2017

(2017) FY2016 Highway Construction Program Expenditures/Obligations. Transportation, Department of

13 January 2017

(2017) Calendar Year 2016 Vehicle Registrations Summary, January 13, 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa DOT's Infrastructure Annual Status Report 2017. Transportation, Department of

18 January 2017

(2017) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: January 18, 2017. Transportation, Department of

27 January 2017

(2017) 2017 Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Use of Recycled Products FY2016. Transportation, Department of

30 January 2017

(2017) 2017 Registered Flex Fuel Vehicles. Transportation, Department of

(2017) FY'16 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures report. Transportation, Department of

February 2017

(2017) A Decision Support System for Optimized Equipment Turnover, February 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2017. Revenue, Department of

9 February 2017

(2017) 2017 Legislative Reception Expenditures report. Transportation, Department of

21 February 2017

(2017) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: February 21, 2017. Transportation, Department of

March 2017

(2017) Data-Driven Traffic Impact Assessment Tool for Work Zones, March 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2017. Revenue, Department of

(2017) Optimal Placement of Iowa DOT Maintenance Garages: Muscatine and Dubuque Case Studies, March 2017. Transportation, Department of

3 March 2017

(2017) Careers in Aviation, May 3, 2017. Transportation, Department of

21 March 2017

(2017) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: March 21, 2017. Transportation, Department of

April 2017

(2017) Analysis of PWD Precipitation Rate Estimates Compared to Hotplate Sensors, April 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Improving Estimates of Real-Time Traffic Speeds During Weather for Winter Maintenance Performance Measurements, April 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Interstate 380 Planning Study(PEL): Goals & Guiding Principles, April 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Interstate 380 Planning Study(PEL): Public Involvement Plan, April 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2017. Revenue, Department of

(2017) Technology News, April-June 2017. Transportation, Department of

17 April 2017

(2017) Iowa OWI Revocations by Year and County 1997-2016, April 17, 2017. Transportation, Department of

18 April 2017

(2017) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: April 18, 2017. Transportation, Department of

May 2017

(2017) Investigation of a Suitable Shear Friction Interface between UHPC and Normal Strength Concrete for Bridge Deck Applications, May 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2017. Revenue, Department of

3 May 2017

(2017) Length of Need and Minimum System Length for F-Shape Portable Concrete Barrier, May 2017 TPF-5(193). Transportation, Department of

9 May 2017

(2017) Reviewing Railroad Crossings at Side Roads, May 9, 2017. Transportation, Department of

16 May 2017

(2017) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: May 16, 2017. Transportation, Department of

23 May 2017

(2017) Seat Belt Convictions by County of Occurrence - 2011 to 2016, May 23, 2017. Transportation, Department of

June 2017

(2017) Evaluation of a Folded Plate Girder Bridge System, June 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2017. Revenue, Department of

14 June 2017

(2017) 2018-2022 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

20 June 2017

(2017) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: June 20, 2017. Transportation, Department of

26 June 2017

(2017) Senior Drivers' Workbook: A Safe Driving Self-Quiz with Practical tips for driving safer and longer, June 26, 2017. Transportation, Department of

July 2017

(2017) Concrete Overlay Performance on Iowa's Roadways TR-698, July 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2017. Revenue, Department of

(2017) Small City Work Zone Sign Package Program Implementation, July 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Technology News, July-September 2017. Transportation, Department of

18 July 2017

(2017) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: July 18, 2017. Transportation, Department of

31 July 2017

(2017) Iowa Truck Information Guide, July 2017-July 2018. Transportation, Department of

August 2017

(2017) Best Practices for Managing Work Zone Data, August 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Collection of Freeze-Thaw Performance Data on Vail Avenue August 2017, HR-3013. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Evaluation of Alternative Work Zone Signing, August 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2017. Revenue, Department of

(2017) Review Synthesis of Alternative Power Supply, August 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Study of the Impacts of Implements of Husbandry on Bridges Volume I: Live Load Distribution Factors and Dynamic Load Allowances, TR-613 August 2017. Transportation, Department of

15 August 2017

(2017) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: August 15, 2017. Transportation, Department of

18 August 2017

(2017) 2017 Iowa Traffic Fatality Count, August 18, 2017. Transportation, Department of

31 August 2017

(2017) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2017 Data Collection Methodology Report, August 31, 2017. Transportation, Department of

September 2017

(2017) Crash Cushion Selection Criteria, September 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Evaluation of the Buchanan County IBRD Bridge on Victor Avenue over Prairie Creek, September 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Installation Guidance for Centerline and Edgeline Rumble Strips in Narrow Pavements TR-696, September 2017. Transportation, Department of

19 September 2017

(2017) List of Bid Proposal Holders; Letting date: September 19, 2017. Transportation, Department of

22 September 2017

(2017) Use of Polymer Overlays or Sealers on New Bridges 2017, TR-717. Transportation, Department of

30 September 2017

(2017) Implementation of Sedimentation Mitigation Using Streamlined Culvert Geometry, September 2017 ST-001. Transportation, Department of

October 2017

(2017) Calibrating the Iowa Pore Index with Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry and Petrography, October 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2017. Revenue, Department of

(2017) State Public Participation Process for Transportation Planning, October 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Technology News, October-December 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Traffic Impact Assessment of Moving Work Zone Operations, October 2017. Transportation, Department of

3 October 2017

(2017) Use of Reversions, 2017 report. Transportation, Department of

31 October 2017

(2017) Development of Crash Modification Factors for Lane Departure Countermeasures, RB13-014, 2017. Transportation, Department of

November 2017

(2017) Impacts of Internal Curing on the Performance of Concrete Materials in the Laboratory and the Field TR-676 November 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2017. Revenue, Department of

11 November 2017

(2017) How to Sell You Vehicle in Iowa: Checklist & Buyers Acknowledgement Form, November 11, 2017. Transportation, Department of

December 2017

(2017) Interstate 80 Planning Study (PEL) Toll Financing Study, December 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2017. Revenue, Department of

1 December 2017

(2017) Interstate 80 Planning Study (PEL) Toll Financing Study, December 1, 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Iowa Motor Vehicle Enforcement FFY 2017 Annual Report. Transportation, Department of

15 December 2017

(2017) Iowa DOT Performance Report FY2017. Transportation, Department of

18 December 2017

(2017) Transport Refrigeration Units: Opportunities for Electrification and Emission Reductions Incentives, December 18, 2017. Iowa Economic Development Authority

28 December 2017

(2017) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, December 2017. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2017

(2017) Inventory of Child Bicycle Education Programs, 17-SPR0-016, 2018. Transportation, Department of


(2018) Bicycle Safety: What should we Teach Children?, 2018. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(2018) Brine, 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Evaluation of Fueling our Future Program HR-3007, 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Highway Division Project Delivery Bureau, Office of Right of Way, Condemnation Manual, 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Highway Division Project Delivery Bureau, Office of Right of Way, Title and Closing Manual, 2018. Transportation, Department of

January 2018

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2018. Revenue, Department of

(2018) Understanding the Impacts of Work Zone Activities on Traffic Flow Characteristics, January 2018. Transportation, Department of

9 January 2018

(2018) FY2017 Highway Construction Program Expenditures/Obligations. Transportation, Department of

12 January 2018

(2018) Iowa DOT's Infrastructure Annual Status Report 2018. Transportation, Department of

16 January 2018

(2018) Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities. FY2018 Annual Report. Transportation, Department of

30 January 2018

(2018) Iowa Passenger Transportation Services, January 30, 2018. Transportation, Department of

31 January 2018

(2018) FY17 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

(2018) FY2017 Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks Report. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2018. Transportation, Department of

February 2018

(2018) Development of Iowa Road Safety Assessment (RSA) Guidelines, February 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Interstate 380 Planning Study(PEL): Evaluation of I-380 Resiliency and Vulnerability, February 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Interstate 380 Planning Study(PEL): Impact of Alternative Modes on Interstate 380 – Technical Memorandum, February 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2018. Revenue, Department of

1 February 2018

(2018) 2018 Flex Fuel Vehicles Registered in Iowa, February 1, 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Registered Flexible Fuel Vehicles 2018. Transportation, Department of

5 February 2018

(2018) Highway Technician: Get on the Road to a Better Career with the Iowa Department of Transportation, February 5, 2018. Transportation, Department of

12 February 2018

(2018) 2013 Crash Facts: A Summary of Motor Vehicle Crash and Driver Statistics on Iowa Roadways, February 12, 2018. Transportation, Department of

15 February 2018

(2018) County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report, FY2017. Transportation, Department of

23 February 2018

(2018) 2016 Crash Facts: A Summary of Motor Vehicle Crash and Driver Statistics on Iowa Roadways, February 23, 2018. Transportation, Department of

March 2018

(2018) Development of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Pile Capacity and Stability in Response to Scour Situations March 2018, RB29-015. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Effect of Wind Induced Unsteady Vortex Shedding, Diurnal Temperature Changes, and Transit Conditions on Truss Structures Supporting Large Highway Signs TR-687, March 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Evaluation of the Metal Fatigue Solutions Electrochemical Fatigue Sensor System, March 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2018. Revenue, Department of

(2018) Technology News, January-March 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Use of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays TR-683 March 2018. Transportation, Department of

2 March 2018

(2018) 2018-2020 Strategic Plan, March 2, 2018. Transportation, Department of

31 March 2018

(2018) Investing in Iowa’s Highways: Development and Management of Iowa’s Five-Year Transportation Improvement Program, May 31, 2018. Transportation, Department of

April 2018

(2018) Durable Pavement Marking and Grooving, April 2018 TR-652. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Feasibility of Granular Road and Shoulder Recycling, April 2018 TR-685. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements Technical Report TPF-5(183), April 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Field Assessment of Variability in Pavement Foundation Properties - T{F-5(183).

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2018. Revenue, Department of

(2018) Orange Work Zone Pavement Marking Midwest Field Test, April 2018. Transportation, Department of

May 2018

(2018) Evaluation of Successful Forested Wetland Mitigation in Iowa RB09-015, May 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) In-Service Performance Evaluation of Median Cable Barriers in Iowa, May 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Interstate 380 Planning Study(PEL): Existing Conditions and Operations, May 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2018. Revenue, Department of

4 May 2018

(2018) Iowa DOT User Guide for New or Revised Interchange Access, May 4, 2018. Transportation, Department of

9 May 2018

(2018) Calendar Year 2017 Vehicle Registrations Summary, May 9, 2018. Transportation, Department of

June 2018

(2018) Analytical Methods for Work Zone Travel Time Reliability TPF-5(295). Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2018. Revenue, Department of

(2018) Quantifying Salt Concentration on Pavement: Phase II, June 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Technology News, April-June 2018. Transportation, Department of

12 June 2018

(2018) 2019-2023 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

21 June 2018

(2018) Iowa Passenger Rail: Chicago to Iowa City Passenger Rail, Fact Sheet, June 21, 2018. Transportation, Department of

July 2018

(2018) Interstate 380 Planning Study(PEL): Automated Corridor, July 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2018. Revenue, Department of

(2018) Portable Multi-Sensor System for Intersection Safety Performance Assessment, July 2018. Transportation, Department of

August 2018

(2018) Analysis of Dynamic Advisory Messaging – Phase II, August 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Enhancing the Fundamental Knowledge and Use of Asphalt Emulsions Using Systematic Scientific and Engineering Approaches TR-708C, August 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Extension of Safety Assessment Tool For Construction Work Zone Phasing Plans, August 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Initial Characterization of Geopolymer-Based UHPC Material Properties TR-708A, August 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2018. Revenue, Department of

(2018) Performance-Based Operations Assessment of Adaptive Control Implementation in Des Moines, Iowa RB09-016, August 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Testing, Performance Evaluation, and Documentation of the Little Silver Creek Bridge: An Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Project using Accelerated Bridge Construction, August 2018. Transportation, Department of

September 2018

(2018) Develop an Improved Selection Methodology for Safety Improvements at Public Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings Project TR-732, September 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Guide to Life-Cycle Data and Information Sharing Workflows for Transportation Assets TR-714, September 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Integration of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) into Multilayer Statewide Bridge Maintenance and Management Practices – SHM-Facilitated Condition-Based Maintenance (SHM-CBM) Prioritization System TPF-5(219), 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) MASH 2016 Evaluation of a Non-Proprietary Type III Barricade, September 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Technology News, July-September 2018. Transportation, Department of

11 September 2018

(2018) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2018 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 11, 2018. Transportation, Department of

13 September 2018

(2018) DOT Performance Plan FY 2019. Transportation, Department of

October 2018

(2018) Hybrid Concrete for Advancing Pavement Performance TR-708B, October 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2018. Revenue, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2018. Revenue, Department of

(2018) Operational Data to Assess Mobility and Crash Experience during Winter Conditions, October 2018. Transportation, Department of

3 October 2018

(2018) Use of Reversions 2018. Transportation, Department of

November 2018

(2018) Assessing Bridge Characteristics for Use and Importance as Roosting Habitats for Bats, November 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Highway Division Project Delivery Bureau, Office of Right of Way, Appraisal Operational Manual, November 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Highway Division Project Delivery Bureau, Office of Right of Way, Local Public Agency Manual, November 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Highway Division Project Delivery Bureau, Office of Right of Way, Property Management Manual, November 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2018. Revenue, Department of

1 November 2018

(2018) Alternative Fuel Vehicle: Readiness Guide for Medium and Heavy Duty Fleets, November 1, 2018. Iowa Economic Development Authority

20 November 2018

(2018) Highway Division Project Delivery Bureau, Office of Right of Way, Acquisition and Relocation Manual, November 20, 2018. Transportation, Department of

December 2018

(2018) Interstate 380 Planning Study(PEL): Vision for Infrastructure Investment, Final Report, December 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Investigation of Wrong-Way Driving, 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2018. Revenue, Department of

(2018) Technology News, October-December 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Validation Study for Detection and Quantification of Corrosion in Bridge Barrier Rails RB16,015, December 2018. Transportation, Department of

3 December 2018

(2018) Motor Vehicle Enforcement Annual Report FFY 2018. Transportation, Department of

11 December 2018

(2018) Iowa Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Long Range Plan, December 11, 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Iowa Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Long Range Plan, December 11, 2018. Transportation, Department of

13 December 2018

(2018) Iowa Commercial and Industrial Network, December 13, 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Transportation Coordination in Iowa (2018). Transportation, Department of

18 December 2018

(2018) Iowa Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan: Facility Selection, December 18, 2018. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2018

(2018) 2018 Report on the Impact of Electric Vehicles to the Road Use Tax Fund. Transportation, Department of

(2018) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, December 2018. Transportation, Department of


(2019) 2019-2023 Iowa Strategic Highway Safety Plan, 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Idle Reduction Technologies, Opportunities for Fuel Savings and Emission Reduction Incentives, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2019) Iowa Motorcyclists Need You to Share the Road!, 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Iowa Rail Toolkit, 2019. Transportation, Department of

January 2019

(2019) Demonstration Project for Implementation of Performance Enhanced Mixtures (PEM) - MLR-19-10/TPF-5(368). Transportation, Department of

(2019) Integral Abutment Connection Details for Accelerated Bridge Construction 18-SPR0-013, January 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2019. Revenue, Department of

15 January 2019

(2019) 2018 Fiscal Year Letting Summary. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT 2019. Transportation, Department of

20 January 2019

(2019) FY2018 Annual County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report. Transportation, Department of

30 January 2019

(2019) 2019 Flex Fuel Vehicles Registered in Iowa, January 30, 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) ANNUAL REPORT -Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY 2018. Transportation, Department of

(2019) FY18 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures report. Transportation, Department of

(2019) FY2018 Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks report. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Registered Flexible Fuel Vehicles 2019. Transportation, Department of

February 2019

(2019) Investigation and Evaluation of Iowa Department of Transportation Bridge Deck Epoxy Injection Process, February 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2019. Revenue, Department of

(2019) Laboratory and Field Evaluation of a Composite Glued-Laminated Girder to Deck Connection TR-680, 2019. Transportation, Department of

11 February 2019

(2019) Summer Traffic Survey Program, February 11, 2019. Transportation, Department of

14 February 2019

(2019) Vehicle Mileage Reporting System User Guide, February 14, 2019. Administrative Services

March 2019

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2019. Revenue, Department of

(2019) Technology News, January-March 2019. Transportation, Department of

12 March 2019

(2019) Iowa Department of Transportation's Performance Report FY2018. Transportation, Department of

April 2019

(2019) Construction of New Substructures Beneath Existing Bridges TR-716, 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Investigation into Shrinkage of High-Performance Concrete Used for Iowa Bridge Decks and Overlays – Phase II Shrinkage Control and Field Investigation TR-690, 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2019. Revenue, Department of

3 April 2019

(2019) Licensed Drivers by Age Group Sex 2007 to 2018, April 3, 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Licensed Iowa Drivers by County 2009-2018, April 3, 2019. Transportation, Department of

17 April 2019

(2019) Calendar Year 2018 Vehicle Registrations Summary, April 17, 2019. Transportation, Department of

22 April 2019

(2019) Highways and Your Land: A guide to our Right of Way Procedure, April 22, 2019. Transportation, Department of

May 2019

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2019. Revenue, Department of

31 May 2019

(2019) Next Generation Concrete Pavement Road Map, TPF-5(286), 2019. Transportation, Department of

June 2019

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2019. Revenue, Department of

(2019) Technology News, April-June 2019. Transportation, Department of

11 June 2019

(2019) 2020-2024 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

24 June 2019

(2019) Failure to Stop for School Bus Convictions by County of Occurrence 2009-2018, June 24, 2019. Transportation, Department of

30 June 2019

(2019) Department of Transportation Budget, FY 2019. Transportation, Department of

July 2019

(2019) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2019, July 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2019. Revenue, Department of

August 2019

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2019. Revenue, Department of

(2019) Remote Controlled Hydrographic Survey System. Transportation, Department of

14 August 2019

(2019) Smart Arrow Board Deployment Plan, August 14, 2019. Transportation, Department of

21 August 2019

(2019) Iowa's Adopt-A-Highway, August 21, 2019. Transportation, Department of

26 August 2019

(2019) Immigrant & Refugee Resources: Get there your Way-Convenient Personalized Travel, August 29, 2019. Transportation, Department of

September 2019

(2019) Technology News, July-September 2019. Transportation, Department of

19 September 2019

(2019) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2019 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 19, 2019. Transportation, Department of

25 September 2019

(2019) Speeding Convictions by County of Occurrence 2009-2018, September 25, 2019. Transportation, Department of

26 September 2019

(2019) Seat Belt Convictions by County of Occurrence 2011-2018, September 26, 2019. Transportation, Department of

October 2019

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2019. Revenue, Department of

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2019. Revenue, Department of

9 October 2019

(2019) Use of Reversions. Transportation, Department of

11 October 2019

(2019) Iowa OWI Revocations by Year and County 1999-2018, October 11, 2019. Transportation, Department of

November 2019

(2019) Cooperative Automated Transportation Service Layer Plan, November 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2019. Revenue, Department of

1 November 2019

(2019) Evaluation of Speed Limit Policy Impacts on Iowa Highways Final Report 17-SPR0-012. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Petrographic and Petrophysical Analysis of Decades-Old Iowa Portland Cement Concretes - 18-SPR0-008. Transportation, Department of

4 November 2019

(2019) Fatal Crashes & Fatalities on Iowa Rural Interstate System 1970-2018, November 4, 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Iowa Interstate Crash History 2008-2018, November 4, 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Motor Vehicle Crashers in Iowa, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(2019) Number of Traffic Fatalities by County 2009-2018, November 4, 2019. Transportation, Department of

27 November 2019

(2019) Motor Vehicle Enforcement Annual Report FFY 2019. Transportation, Department of

December 2019

(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2019. Revenue, Department of

(2019) Technology News, October-December 2019. Transportation, Department of

4 December 2019

(2019) Charging Forward, Iowa' Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Support, February 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2019) Electric Vehicle Public Charging Station Host's Handbook, December 4, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority

10 December 2019

(2019) Development of Granular Roads Asset Management System. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Performance-Based Evaluation of Cost-Effective Aggregate Options for Granular Roadways TR704. Transportation, Department of

30 December 2019

(2019) CDL Skills Test Study Report. Transportation, Department of

31 December 2019

(2019) 2019 Innovations in Freight Data Workshop, TPF-5(383), 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, December 2019. Transportation, Department of


(2020) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2020, 2020. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Iowa Railroad Profiles, 2020. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Iowa State Management Plan for Administration of Funding and Grants under the Federal Transit Administration, May 2020. Transportation, Department of

January 2020

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2020. Revenue, Department of

9 January 2020

(2020) Reservationless-Plus: Mobile App Now Available, January 9, 2020. Iowa Communications Network

14 January 2020

(2020) Fiscal Year 2019 Letting Summary. Transportation, Department of

15 January 2020

(2020) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT 2020. Transportation, Department of

21 January 2020

(2020) Calendar Year 2019 Vehicle Registrations Summary, January 21, 2020. Transportation, Department of

27 January 2020

(2020) Motorcycle Fatalities by Month 2009-2019, January 27, 2020. Transportation, Department of

29 January 2020

(2020) FY 2020 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

30 January 2020

(2020) FY'19 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Iowa Department of Transportation's Performance Report, FY 2019. Transportation, Department of

31 January 2020

(2020) FY2019 Annual County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report. Transportation, Department of

(2020) FY2019 Use of Recycled Products. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2020. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Registered Flexible Fuel Vehicles 2020. Transportation, Department of

February 2020

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2020. Revenue, Department of

8 February 2020

(2020) Iowa In Motion 2045: State Transportation Plan, February 8, 2020. Transportation, Department of

March 2020

(2020) Highway Division Project Delivery Bureau, Office of Right of Way, Design Manual, March 2020. Transportation, Department of

(2020) The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Project Development Public Involvement Plan, March 2020. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2020. Revenue, Department of

(2020) Iowa's Automated Transportation Service, March 2020. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Technology News, January-March 2020. Transportation, Department of

April 2020

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2020. Revenue, Department of

1 April 2020

(2020) Field Monitoring of Erosion and Sediment Control Practices and Development of Additional Iowa DOT Design Manual Guidance 18-SPR1-001. Transportation, Department of

May 2020

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2020. Revenue, Department of

(2020) Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis - TPF-5(290). Transportation, Department of

June 2020

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2020. Revenue, Department of

(2020) Technology News, April-June 2020. Transportation, Department of

18 June 2020

(2020) Holiday Traffic Fatalities in Iowa 1962-2019, June 18, 2020. Transportation, Department of

July 2020

(2020) Corn-Based Deicers - TR754. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2020. Revenue, Department of

(2020) ST-005-Virtual Reality for Public Engagement Final Report, July 2020. Transportation, Department of

1 July 2020

(2020) Iowa State Railroad Map, July 1, 2020. Transportation, Department of

14 July 2020

(2020) Iowa Public Transit, 2050 Long Range Plan, July 14, 2020. Transportation, Department of

15 July 2020

(2020) 2021-2025 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

August 2020

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2020. Revenue, Department of

18 August 2020

(2020) Iowa Window Tinting Standards, August 18, 2020. Transportation, Department of

31 August 2020

(2020) Iowa Commercial Driver's License: Quick Guide, August 31, 2020. Transportation, Department of

September 2020

(2020) Research Solutions - TPF Program. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Technology News, July-September, 2020. Transportation, Department of

2 September 2020

(2020) 2020 Use of Reversions. Transportation, Department of

21 September 2020

(2020) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2021-2024, September 22, 2020. Transportation, Department of

25 September 2020

(2020) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2020 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 25, 2020. Transportation, Department of

28 September 2020

(2020) Iowa Crash History 2001to 2019 Drivers Distracted by Use of Phone or Other Electronic Device, September 28, 2020. Transportation, Department of

30 September 2020

(2020) Iowa DOT Transit Asset Management Group Plan, September 30, 2020. Transportation, Department of

October 2020

(2020) Assessing and Enhancing Transportation Resilience for the State of Iowa - 17-SPR0-013. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2020. Revenue, Department of

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2020. Revenue, Department of

(2020) Research Solutions - Federal STIC Incentive Program helps Iowa move transportation ideas to reality. Transportation, Department of

2 October 2020

(2020) Iowa Truck Information Guide, July 2020-July 2021, October 2, 2020. Transportation, Department of

21 October 2020

(2020) 2019 Iowa Fatal Crashes and Fatalities, October 21, 2020. Transportation, Department of

November 2020

(2020) Holding Strategies for Low-Volume State Routes – Phase II - TR-735. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2020. Revenue, Department of

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2020. Revenue, Department of

20 November 2020

(2020) Iowa Motor Vehicle Enforcement FFY 2020 Annual Report. Transportation, Department of

December 2020

(2020) Annual Report Iowa Highway Research Board - Research and Development Activities - FY2020. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Demonstration and Inter-Comparison of Seasonal Weight Restriction Models – Phase II - TPF-5(290). Transportation, Department of

(2020) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2020. Revenue, Department of

(2020) Iowa Outdoor Advertising Regulations for Interstate Highways, December 2020. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Technology News, October-December, 2020. Transportation, Department of

15 December 2020

(2020) 2021-202 Iowa Aviation Photography Contest, December 15, 2020. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Transportation Coordination in Iowa, December 15, 2020. Transportation, Department of

28 December 2020

(2020) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, December 2020. Transportation, Department of


(2021) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2021, 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Transit Manager's Handbook and Policy Manual, 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Work Zone Fatal Crashes by Fiscal Year, 2021. Transportation, Department of

January 2021

(2021) Calendar Year 2020 Vehicle Registrations Summary, January 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Design and Detailing Requirements for Columns under Collision - TR-768. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Exploration of Ultrasound for the Evaluation and Preservation of Structures - TR757. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Formal Documentation of the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Cooperative Process for Non-Metropolitan Local Officials, January 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Lessons Learned and a Framework for Mechanistic Assessment of Pavement Foundations - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2021. Revenue, Department of

(2021) Load Rating for Standard Bridges – Final Report for TR-785. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Making Lives Better Through Transportation, 2021-2025 Iowa DOT Business Plan, January 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Research Solutions - As leader of a regional AASHTO Research Committee, Iowa DOT fosters collaboration.

(2021) Weather Severity Indices – Key Issues and Potential Paths Forward_TPF-5(290). Transportation, Department of

14 January 2021

(2021) Fiscal Year 2020 Letting Summary. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Department of Transportation's Performance Report, FY 2020. Transportation, Department of

26 January 2021

(2021) 2020 Flex Fuel Vehicles Registered in Iowa, January 26, 2021. Transportation, Department of

29 January 2021

(2021) FY2020 Use of Recycled Products. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Registered Flexible Fuel Vehicles 2021. Transportation, Department of

February 2021

(2021) Asset Management, Extreme Weather, and Proxy Indicators - TR741. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2021. Revenue, Department of

(2021) Research Solutions - Corn-Based Deicers. Transportation, Department of

3 February 2021

(2021) FY2020 Annual County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Motor Vehicle Crashes 1925-2019, February 3, 2021. Transportation, Department of

March 2021

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2021. Revenue, Department of

(2021) Iowa Transportation Map 2020-2021, March 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Technology News, January-March, 2021. Transportation, Department of

April 2021

(2021) Development of Bio-Based Polymer for Use in Asphalt – Phase II - TR720. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Implementation of Low-Temperature Cracking Criteria in Iowa Project 18-SPR0-016. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2021. Revenue, Department of

May 2021

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2021. Revenue, Department of

June 2021

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2021. Revenue, Department of

(2021) Technology News, April-June, 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Using Smart Work Zone Trailer Data to Evaluate and Predict Lane Closure Impacts with a Consideration of Work Intensity Project TPF-5(438). Transportation, Department of

3 June 2021

(2021) Iowa 2020-2021 Bicycle Map, June 3, 2021. Transportation, Department of

14 June 2021

(2021) 2022-2026 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

23 June 2021

(2021) Iowa Truck Information Guide, July 2021-July 2022, June 23, 2021. Transportation, Department of

July 2021

(2021) Instructions to Prepare the FY2021 County Annual Report for the Iowa DOT, July 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Department of Transportation Bridge and Design Manual, July 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2021. Revenue, Department of

August 2021

(2021) Development of an Improved Protocol for Structural Evaluation of Dowel Load Transfer Systems for Concrete Pavements TPF-5(313). Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2021. Revenue, Department of

(2021) Optimal RWIS Sensor Density and Location – Phase III: Continuous Mapping of Winter Road Surface Conditions via Big Data and Deep Learning Project TPF-5(290). Transportation, Department of

(2021) Technology News, July- August, 2021. Transportation, Department of

September 2021

(2021) Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) for Iowa Bridges - TR773. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Evaluation of the Performance of a Short-Span T-Beam Bridge - TR705. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Fatigue Evaluation of Reinforced and Unreinforced Hand Holes in High-Mast Lighting Towers - 17-SPR0-018. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Research Solutions - Evaluation of the Performance of a Short-Span T-Beam Bridge - TR-705. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Updates to AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design Software Affecting Concrete Pavements: A Synthesis of the Changes to the Software Related to Concrete Pavements TPF-5(313). Transportation, Department of

7 September 2021

(2021) Use of Reversions 2021. Transportation, Department of

17 September 2021

(2021) On-Track Railroad Safety, Reference Guide, September 16, 2021. Transportation, Department of

21 September 2021

(2021) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2022-2025, September 21, 2021. Transportation, Department of

31 September 2021

(2021) On-Track Railroad Safety, Pocket Guide, September 30, 2021. Transportation, Department of

October 2021

(2021) Experimental Validation of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Pile Capacity and Stability in Response to Scour Situations - 19-SPR2-002. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Bridge Decks Project TR-767. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2021. Revenue, Department of

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2021. Revenue, Department of

(2021) Research Solutions- Iowa DOT updates load capacity calculations for standard bridges. See TR785.

(2021) Self-Heating Electrically Conductive Concrete Demonstration Project TR-724. Transportation, Department of

8 October 2021

(2021) Increasing pavement performance through pavement foundation design modulus verification and construction quality monitoring_ST-008. Transportation, Department of

14 October 2021

(2021) Iowa Aviation System Plan 2020: Executive Summary, October 14, 2021. Transportation, Department of

20 October 2021

(2021) DOT FY 2022 Performance Plan. Transportation, Department of

29 October 2021

(2021) Law Enforcement Careers with Motor Vehicle Enforcement, October 29, 2021. Transportation, Department of

November 2021

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2021. Revenue, Department of

(2021) Iowa State Rail Plan, Final Report, November 2021. Transportation, Department of

December 2021

(2021) IHRB At a Glance 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Instructions to Prepare the FY2023 County Secondary Road Budget and Construction Program, December 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Investigation of Autonomous/Connected Vehicles in Work Zones TPF-5(295). Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2021. Revenue, Department of

(2021) Iowa Work Zone Fatalities Sorted by Month of Occurrence, December 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Technology News, October-December, 2021. Transportation, Department of

1 December 2021

(2021) Iowa Motor Vehicle Enforcement FFY 2021 Annual Report. Transportation, Department of

9 December 2021

(2021) Iowa Outdoor Advertising Regulations for Interstate Highways, December 9, 2021. Transportation, Department of

21 December 2021

(2021) Iowa Department of Transportation's Performance Report, FY 2021. Transportation, Department of

22 December 2021

(2021) Iowa DOT Synthesis of Transverse Rumble Strips at Rural Stop-Controlled Intersections. Transportation, Department of

27 December 2021

(2021) New Staff Efficiencies Report for FY 2021. Transportation, Department of

30 December 2021

(2021) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report (2021). Transportation, Department of

31 December 2021

(2021) 2021 Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) Study. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Automated Permitting System. Transportation, Department of


(2022) IHRB At-a-Glance 2022. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2022, 2022. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY2022. Transportation, Department of

January 2022

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2022. Revenue, Department of

(2022) Research Solutions - Iowa's Modernized project management system improves coordination and collaboration - TR-726 TPMS.

11 January 2022

(2022) Fiscal Year 2021 Letting Summary. Transportation, Department of

13 January 2022

(2022) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT 2022. Transportation, Department of

24 January 2022

(2022) FY 2021 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

28 January 2022

(2022) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2022. Transportation, Department of

February 2022

(2022) In Situ Cyclic Loading of Concrete Pavement Overlays Supported on Geotextile and Asphalt Interlayers: Buchanan County Road D-16 - TPF-5(437). Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2022. Revenue, Department of

1 February 2022

(2022) FY2021 Use of Recycled Products. Transportation, Department of

8 February 2022

(2022) Registered Flexible Fuel Vehicles 2022. Transportation, Department of

15 February 2022

(2022) FY2021 Annual County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report. Transportation, Department of

March 2022

(2022) Concrete Box Culvert Earth Pressure Monitoring TR-776. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Evaluation of Non-regulated Portable Moisture Density Gauge Report 19-SPR0-007. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2022. Revenue, Department of

(2022) Technology News, January-March, 2022. Transportation, Department of

25 March 2022

(2022) CDL Classifications, March 25, 2022. Transportation, Department of

April 2022

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2022. Revenue, Department of

1 April 2022

(2022) Interstate Highway Map Indicating Vertical Clearance, April 1, 2022. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Department of Transportation, Research and Analytics Bureau, Guidance on Data Management Plan (DMP) Requirements for Federally Funded Research Projects, Version 03 2022/04/01. Transportation, Department of

7 April 2022

(2022) Effect of Seat Belt Use on Injury Severity for Adult Rear-Seat Occupants Injured in Motor Vehicle Crashes_17-SPR0-011. Transportation, Department of

May 2022

(2022) Alternative Funding Approaches for Iowa Roads TR-790. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Automated Transportation Planning Considerations, May 2022. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2022. Revenue, Department of

3 May 2022

(2022) International Registration Plan, Carrier Plan, May 3, 2022. Transportation, Department of

12 May 2022

(2022) Development of As-Built Model for I-80/I-380 Design 420 BIM ST-012. Transportation, Department of

June 2022

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2022. Revenue, Department of

(2022) Iowa Transportation Improvement Program 2023-2027, June 2022. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Non-Invasive Sensor Deployment in Aurora Member States. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Technology News, April-June, 2022. Transportation, Department of

30 June 2022

(2022) DAS Fleet Services, Fleet Policies and Procedures, June 30, 2022. Iowa Economic Development Authority

July 2022

(2022) 2021 Iowa Rail Trends, Systems Planning Bureau, July 2022. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Exploration and Evaluation of High-Resolution Imagery for Environmental Assessment and Wetland Classification Tool, 17-SPR2-002, 2022. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2022. Revenue, Department of

29 July 2022

(2022) 2023-2027 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Treasurer of State

August 2022

(2022) Assessment, Repair, and Replacement of Bridges Subjected to Fire - 20-SPR2-003. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa DOT Research Solutions_Quarry Fines for Unpaved Roads_TR-747. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2022. Revenue, Department of

(2022) Technology News, July-August, 2022. Transportation, Department of

24 August 2022

(2022) Iowa Driver's Manual, August 24, 2022. Transportation, Department of

September 2022

(2022) Evaluation of the Performance of A709 Grade 65 QST Bridge Steel TR-779. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Investigation of the Causes of Transverse Bridge Deck Cracking - RB04014. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Phase 1: Development of County Bridge Standards for Single Span Concrete Slab Bridges TR-812. Transportation, Department of

8 September 2022

(2022) Use of Reversions 2022. Transportation, Department of

October 2022

(2022) Developing a Road Map for Digital Delivery and Digital Twin in Iowa SPR-RE22(008)-8H-00. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Interstate for Hire Authority, October 2022. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2022. Revenue, Department of

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2022. Revenue, Department of

(2022) Work Zone Speed Limits and Motorist Compliance - TPF-5(438). Transportation, Department of

1 October 2022

(2022) IOWA DOT Title VI/Nondiscrimination, Ensuring Justice, October 1, 2022. Transportation, Department of

17 October 2022

(2022) Standards for Single Span Prefabricated Bridges - ST-811. Transportation, Department of

November 2022

(2022) Evaluation of the Use of IRI Data to Estimate Bridge Dynamic Impact Factor(DIF). Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2022. Revenue, Department of

10 November 2022

(2022) Iowa Automated Transportation Readiness, November 10, 2022. Transportation, Department of

29 November 2022

(2022) Iowa Motor Vehicle Enforcement FFY 2022 Annual Report. Transportation, Department of

December 2022

(2022) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2022. Revenue, Department of

(2022) Multi-Span Lateral Slide Laboratory Investigation: Phase II, HR-3037. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Performance Engineered Concrete Paving Mixtures - TPF-5(368). Transportation, Department of

(2022) Technology News, October-December, 2022. Transportation, Department of

6 December 2022

(2022) FY 2023 Department of Transportation Performance Plan. Transportation, Department of

15 December 2022

(2022) 2022 Transportation Coordination in Iowa. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority Alternative Funding Advisory Committee. Treasurer of State

30 December 2022

(2022) 2022 Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report. Transportation, Department of

(2022) FY 2022 DOT Staff Efficiency Report. Transportation, Department of


(2023) FY 2023 Research At-a-Glance, 2023. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Fiscal Year 2023 Transportation Funding, 2023. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2023, 2023. Transportation, Department of

January 2023

(2023) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2023. Revenue, Department of

(2023) Roadway Friction Modeling: Improving the Use of Friction Measurements in State DOTs TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of

(2023) State Freight Plan, January 2023. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Use of Concrete Grinding Residue as a Soil Amendment, TR-764. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2023

(2023) 2023-2027 State Park & Institutional Roads, January 1, 2023. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Iowa Department of Transportation ADA Transition Plan, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, January 1, 2023. Transportation, Department of

12 January 2023

(2023) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT. Transportation, Department of

13 January 2023

(2023) Highway Construction Program FY 2022. Transportation, Department of

20 January 2023

(2023) Iowa Department of Transportation Performance Report, FY2022. Transportation, Department of

23 January 2023

(2023) Need Answers, January 3, 2023. Transportation, Department of

24 January 2023

(2023) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa 2023. Transportation, Department of

26 January 2023

(2023) FY 2022 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures Report. Transportation, Department of

30 January 2023

(2023) Registered Flexible Fuel Vehicles 2023 report. Transportation, Department of

31 January 2023

(2023) FY 2022 Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks report. Transportation, Department of

February 2023

(2023) Automated Extraction of Weather Variables from Imagery - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of

(2023) Field Demonstration of an Innovative Box Beam Connection - TR-743. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2023. Revenue, Department of

(2023) Shrinkage and Temperature Forces in Frame Piers, TR-738. Transportation, Department of

6 February 2023

(2023) Demonstration of Innovative Technologies for Pavement Foundation Layer Construction: Pavement Foundation Mapping Projects - TPF-5(478). Transportation, Department of

13 February 2023

(2023) FY 2022 County Structurally Deficient Bridges report. Transportation, Department of

March 2023

(2023) Determination of U-Bolt Connection Load Capacities in Overhead Sign Support Structures - Phase II - SPR-RE23(010)-8H-00. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Early Identification and Location of Utility Facilities within Iowa DOT Project Footprints - RE22013. Transportation, Department of
