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(1915) Service Bulletin: Recent Road Legislation of Iowa, 1915. Transportation, Department of
(1915) Iowa and her Roads, 1915. Transportation, Department of
(1915) Better Roads Commission, Report to Governor G. W. Clarke, August 17, 1915. Governor's Office
(1957) Iowa Drainage Laws (Annotated), HR-46 and Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 6, 1957. Transportation, Department of
(1959) Iowa Roads : Historical Sketch of Development in Administration 1838-1929, 1959. Transportation, Department of
(1962) Iowa Study of No Passing Zone Signing, 1962. Transportation, Department of
(1963) Central Stores Inventory: Employing the IBM 1410 Magnetic Tape Computer System. Transportation, Department of
(1967) Iowa's State Plan for Title II: Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Education, Department of
(1968) Review of Geometric Design Criteria and Lighting Design Criteria, 1968. Transportation, Department of
(1968) Evaluation of Experimental Data Obtained from Lightweight Aggregate Bridge Girders, HR-104, 1968. Transportation, Department of
(1968) Optimum Enforcement Level for Traffic Weight Operations, HR-138, Appendices, 1968. Transportation, Department of
(1969) Field Observation of Five Lightweight Aggregate Pretensioned Prestressed Bridge Beams, HR-104, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1970) Iowa Roads and Streets Functional Classification Manual, 1970. Transportation, Department of
(1970) Guidelines for the Inclusion of Left-Turn Lanes at Rural Highway Intersections, HR-147, 1970. Transportation, Department of
(1971) Organization and Coordination of the Highway Planning Function in Iowa, HR-150, 1971. Transportation, Department of
(1973) Utility accommodation policy of the Iowa State Highway Commission, 1973. Transportation, Department of
(1974) Cash Flow and Project Management Programming and Scheduling Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Iowa Roads and Streets Functional Classification Manual, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) 1958 Sufficiency rating of Bridges on the Primary Road System and Extensions, Highway Planning Section, Safety and Traffic Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1975) History of Expansion Joint Use on Iowa's Primary Road System, May 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1977) The Iowa Supplemental Energy Conservation Plan: 1977-1980 prepared by the Staff of the Iowa Energy Policy Council, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Community Betterment Grant Program, Iowa Energy Policy Council, March 8, 1977. Office of Energy Independence
(1979) Iowa Energy Policy Council Gasoline Emergency Plan for Iowa : a Compendium of Measures Under Consideration by the EPC Staff, 1979. Office of Energy Independence
(1979) Revised Iowa State Energy Conservation Plan : 1979 - 1980, 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Parrott's Manual of Road and Drainage Laws of Iowa, 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Mission-Oriented Dust Control and Surface Improvement Processes for Unpaved Roads, HR-194, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Preliminary Engineering Work Area, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1982) A County Response to the IDOT Study to Determine Alternative Primary and Secondary Road System Sizes, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1984) New Federal Laws Manual prepared by Office of Policy, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1985) Iowa Transportation Laws, HR-234, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1986) Buckle up for life, we care! : Iowa's safety belt law, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Transportation in Iowa: A Historical Summary, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1989) The Local Rural Road System: Alternative Investment Strategies, HR-242, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Dynamic Simulation Methods for Evaluating Motor Vehicle and Roadway Design and Resolving Policy Issues, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Development of Evaluation, Rehabilitation, and Strengthening Concepts for Low Volume Bridges, Phase I Progress Report, HR-323, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1991) U. S. 61 Muscatine Bypass Corridor, 1991. Transportation, Department of
(1991) Commercial and Industrial Network Improvement and Programming Policy, Summary, 1991. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Transportation and Iowa's Economic Future, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1994) The Best Hug you can give ... Buckle up Your Loved Ones, 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1994) Diverting the Future: The Funding of Iowa's Infrastructure: A History and Analysis of the Public Policy Debate Surrounding Iowa's Road Use Tax Fund, 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1994) Analysis of Policies for Safety Improvements on Low-Volume Rural Roadways,1994. Transportation, Department of
(1995) The Governor's Transportation Task Force: Recommendations For Increasing Efficiency, Rough draft, 1995. Transportation, Department of
(1995) Records Management Manual, December 1995. Transportation, Department of
(1996) Document Management System: Strategic Plan, 1996. Transportation, Department of
(1996) Distributing State Road Use Tax Funds to Counties, HR-386, 1996. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Metric Plan Reading Course, HR-324, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) County condemnation manual : manual of practice and procedure for the acquisition of real property through the exercise of the power of eminent domain; HR-389, 1995. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Records Management System: Pilot Projects Functional Report, 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1999) 1998 Seat Belt Usage Survey, February 18, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(2000) 1999 Seat Belt Usage Survey, March 15, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Evaluation of Work Zone Speed Reduction Measures, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Development of a Transportation and Land Use Public Policy Education Program for Iowa, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Iowa Transportation Commissioners : Handbook, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Red Light Running in Iowa: The Scope, Impact, and Possible Implications, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2001) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module V - Motor Vehicle Licensing and Enforcement, HR-376, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) Traffic Signal Inventory Project, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) 2000 Seat Belt Usage Survey, September 13, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Temporary Speed Hump Impact Evaluation, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Iowa as a Litter-Free State : Findings, Implications & Recommendations from the Statewide Litter Surveys, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2003) 2002 Seat Belt Usage Survey, February 26, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) 2001 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 23, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Transportation Policy Strategies for Iowa to Advance the Quality of Life, 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Sure. It's the Law. And, yes, There's a Fine for Breaking It. But That's Not Why You Do It, 2005. Public Safety, Department of
(2005) Iowa Drainage Law Manual, TR-497, 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) 2004 Seat Belt Usage Survey, August 15, 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Guidelines for Removal of Traffic Control Devices in Rural Areas, TR-527, 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2006) 2005 Seat Belt Usage Survey, June 12, 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2008) Buckle up, Baby!: 6 Cool Tips for using Infant and Toddler Safety Seats Correctly, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Iowa Truck Information Guide, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2011) 2006 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2011) 2007 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2011) 2008 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2011) 2009 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2011) 2010 Seat Belt Usage Survey, April 28, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2011) 2011 Seat Belt Usage Survey, July 20, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Policy for Accommodating and Adjustment of Utilities on the Primary Road System, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) A Survey of Traffic Safety Culture Among Iowa Adults, TS-1101, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2012 Data Collection Methodology Report September 13, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Iowa Interstate Corridor Plan, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2013 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 26, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Proceedings of the 2014 Iowa Tribal Summit on Cultural Preservation and Transportation, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) A Comparative Policy Analysis of Seat Belt Laws, RB37-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2014 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 25, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Study of the Regulatory Issues Affecting Truck Freight Movement in the Midwest, RB29-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Establishing Strategies for a Transportation MS4 [Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System], RB36-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Seat Belt Convictions by County of Occurrence - 2011 to 2014, May 8, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Speeding Convictions by County of Occurrence 2009-2014, May 8, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2015 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 9, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) U.S. 61 From Memorial Park Road in Burlington North to 1 Mile North of IA 78 in Louisa County. Des Moines & Louisa County, Iowa NHS-061-2(50) - 19-58, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Research & Analytics Guidance on Data Management Plan (DMP) Requirements for Federally Funded Research Projects. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Review of Automated Vehicle Technology: Policy and Implementation Implications; Version 1.0; RB28-015, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Investigation of the Effect of Speed on the Dynamic Impact Factor for Bridges with Different Entrance Conditions, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Speeding Convictions by County of Occurrence 2009-2016, May 23, 2017. Transportation, Department of
(2017) Seat Belt Convictions by County of Occurrence - 2011 to 2016, May 23, 2017. Transportation, Department of
(2017) State Public Participation Process for Transportation Planning, October 2017. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Immigrant & Refugee Resources: Get there your Way-Convenient Personalized Travel, August 29, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Iowa State Management Plan for Administration of Funding and Grants under the Federal Transit Administration, May 2020. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Formal Documentation of the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Cooperative Process for Non-Metropolitan Local Officials, January 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Iowa Department of Transportation, Research and Analytics Bureau, Guidance on Data Management Plan (DMP) Requirements for Federally Funded Research Projects, Version 03 2022/04/01. Transportation, Department of
(2023) State Freight Plan, January 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Unticketing: An Upside-Down Approach to Speed Compliance, TR-759, 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research In Progress Brief: Updating an Iowa Law Manual for Local Road Departments: TR-833, June 2024. Transportation, Department of