Items where Subject is "Environment"

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Jump to: April 1951 | September 1953 | May 1956 | May 1957 | 1959 | September 1960 | October 1960 | December 1960 | February 1961 | August 1964 | 1965 | December 1965 | July 1966 | September 1966 | October 1967 | 1968 | March 1968 | June 1968 | February 1969 | July 1971 | July 1972 | August 1972 | September 1972 | December 1972 | 1974 | January 1974 | September 1974 | July 1975 | September 1975 | December 1976 | April 1977 | July 1977 | March 1978 | June 1978 | November 1978 | January 1979 | June 1979 | October 1979 | September 1980 | July 1982 | 1983 | January 1983 | May 1983 | 28 February 1984 | August 1984 | September 1984 | November 1984 | December 1984 | 1985 | January 1985 | June 1985 | February 1986 | 1987 | March 1987 | 1988 | March 1989 | July 1989 | May 1990 | January 1991 | February 1991 | June 1991 | 1992 | July 1992 | February 1994 | December 1994 | March 1995 | 1996 | April 1996 | 28 June 1996 | 1997 | February 1997 | October 1997 | 1998 | February 1998 | April 1998 | June 1998 | August 1998 | 1999 | February 2000 | 2001 | March 2001 | April 2001 | June 2001 | October 2001 | November 2001 | 2002 | November 2002 | 2003 | April 2003 | September 2003 | October 2003 | November 2003 | 2004 | August 2004 | September 2004 | November 2004 | December 2004 | April 2005 | May 2007 | November 2007 | December 2007 | February 2008 | April 2008 | 30 April 2008 | May 2008 | May 2009 | June 2009 | April 2010 | October 2010 | June 2011 | December 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | May 2013 | 21 August 2013 | May 2014 | September 2014 | 2015 | March 2015 | 1 May 2015 | 20 August 2015 | 31 August 2015 | 10 September 2015 | 7 October 2015 | 24 November 2015 | December 2015 | February 2016 | 21 August 2019 | 1 April 2020 | 10 September 2020 | October 2020 | December 2020 | 31 January 2021 | February 2021 | May 2021 | March 2022 | July 2022 | February 2023 | March 2023 | July 2023 | September 2023 | November 2023 | February 2024 | 15 February 2024 | May 2024 | June 2024 | July 2024 | August 2024 | September 2024 | November 2024 | January 2025 | March 2025
Number of items at this level: 204.

April 1951

(1951) Scour around Bridges, April 1951. Transportation, Department of

September 1953

(1953) A Generalized Model Study of Scour Around Bridge Piers and Abutments, HR-24, 1953. Transportation, Department of

May 1956

(1956) Scour Around Bridge Piers and Abutments, HR-30 and Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 4, 1956. Transportation, Department of

May 1957

(1957) Iowa Drainage Laws (Annotated), HR-46 and Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 6, 1957. Transportation, Department of


(1959) Erosion Control on Highway Backslopes, HR-64, Progress Report, 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Hydraulics of box culverts, 1959. Transportation, Department of

September 1960

(1960) Determination of Flood Dischard Characteristics of Small Drainage Areas, HR-3, Progress Report, 1960. Transportation, Department of

October 1960

(1960) Missouri River Studies: Alluvial Morphology and Engineering Soil Classification, HR-1, Progress Report, 1960. Transportation, Department of

December 1960

(1960) Geologic and Engineering Properties of Pleistocene Materials in Iowa, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 20, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Methods for Testing Engineering Soils, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin no. 21, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Soil Stabilization With Chemicals, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 22, 1960. Transportation, Department of

February 1961

(1961) Frost Boils, 1961. Transportation, Department of

(1961) Soil Stabilization with Cement, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 23, 1961. Transportation, Department of

(1961) Soil Stabilization with Lime Fly Ash, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 26, 1961. Transportation, Department of

(1961) Soil Stabilization with Lime, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 25, 1961. Transportation, Department of

August 1964

(1964) Subgrade Insulation to Prevent Soil Freezing, August 1964. Transportation, Department of


(1965) The 1965 Mississippi River flood in Iowa, 1965. University of Northern Iowa

December 1965

(1965) Subgrade Insulation to Prevent Soil Freezing, HR-87, 1965. Transportation, Department of

July 1966

(1966) Magnitude and Frequency of Iowa Floods: HR-2 – Part 1, July 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Magnitude and Frequency of Iowa Floods:HR-2, 1966. Transportation, Department of

September 1966

(1966) Investigation of the Lane-Wells Road Logger, HR-113, 1966. Transportation, Department of

October 1967

(1967) Iowa Highway Commission field inspection trip of the Iowa Great River Road: in cooperation with the Iowa Mississippi River Parkway Commission, October 1967. Transportation, Department of


(1968) Iowa Mississippi River Resource: A Preliminary Planning Report, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Seismic Wave Velocity as a Means of In-Place Density Measurement, HR-114, Final Report, Part 2 of 2, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Seismic Wave Velocity as a Means of In-Place Density Measurement, Part 1, HR-114, 1968. Transportation, Department of

March 1968

(1968) Great River Road Iowa: Development Report, March 1968. Transportation, Department of

June 1968

(1968) Flood Profile Study, Squaw Creek, Linn County, Iowa prepared by U.S. Geological Survey, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

February 1969

(1969) X-Ray Diffraction of Highway Materials, HR-128, 1969. Transportation, Department of

July 1971

(1971) Consolidation of Loess, 1971. Transportation, Department of

July 1972

(1972) Comparison Between Leaded and Nonleaded Gasoline as Used in Iowa State Highway Commission Vehicles, HR-1002, 1972. Transportation, Department of

August 1972

(1972) Effects of Cement on Moisture Migration in Concrete, Phase A, Laboratory Study of Moisture Migration in Hardened Cement Paste, HR-141, 1972. Transportation, Department of

September 1972

(1972) Proceedings Seminar in applied Remote Sensing, September 1972. University of Iowa

December 1972

(1972) Data Processing Systems Manual: Highway Noise Prediction, 1972. Transportation, Department of


(1974) Data Processing Orientation "EIT" Program, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Statistical summaries of Iowa streamflow data through September 30, 1971, 1974. Transportation, Department of

January 1974

(1974) Minimum Floodway and Flood Protection Requirements, Skunk River-Squaw Creek, Ames Iowa, January 1974. Transportation, Department of

September 1974

(1974) Davenport, Iowa to La Crosse, Wisconsin: Highway Corridor Study, 1974. Transportation, Department of

July 1975

(1975) Visibility and Speed Estimation of Iowa State Highway Commission Snowplows, HR-174, 1975. Transportation, Department of

September 1975

(1975) Evaluation of Crushed Limestone Rock as a Mulch Material, HR-171, 1975. Transportation, Department of

December 1976

(1976) Arterial Highway 500 in Polk County from Iowa 5 to Interstate 80, Administrative Action, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, December 1976. Transportation, Department of

April 1977

(1977) Low Profile Marker for Wet/Night Visibility, HR-1005, 1977. Transportation, Department of

July 1977

(1977) Arterial Highway 520 Hamilton and Hardin Counties from 0.5 Mile East of I-35 to 0.5 Mile East of U.S. 65, July 1977. Transportation, Department of

March 1978

(1978) Final Environmental Statement, U.S. 30 Benton and Linn Counties, March 1978. Transportation, Department of

June 1978

(1978) Iowa Application for Discretionary Priority Primary Funding U.S. 61 from I-80 at Davenport to Wisconsin state line at Dubuque, June 1978. Transportation, Department of

November 1978

(1978) Evaluation of an Epoxy Pavement Marking System, HR-180, 1978. Transportation, Department of

January 1979

(1979) Arterial 561 Couler Valley, Dubuque, IA Part II: Draft Environmental Impact Statement Appendix - Cultural Resources Assessment, January 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) Arterial 561, Couler Valley, Dubuque, Iowa, Draft Environmental Impact Statement Appendix, Cultural Resources Assessment, January 1979. Transportation, Department of

(1979) U.S. 71 from Milford North to Iowa 9 in Spirit Lake, Dickinson County : Administrative Action, Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Transportation, Department of

June 1979

(1979) Wind Tunnel Analysis of the Effects of Planting at Highway Grade Separation Structures, HR-202, 1979. Transportation, Department of

October 1979

(1979) Railroad Rights-of-Way as Wildlife Habitat in Iowa by Lynn Braband and Erwin E. Klaas, October 1979. Iowa State University

September 1980

(1980) Maintenance Equipment Lighting Manual, September 1980. Transportation, Department of

July 1982

(1982) Row Crop Response to Topsoil Restored on Borrow Areas, HR-186, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Row Crop Response to Topsoil Restored on Borrow Areas, HR-186, Supplemental Report, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Sieve Analysis of Combined Aggregate Samples by Different Test Methods, MLR-84-05, 1982. Transportation, Department of


(1983) CBD Loop Arterial, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa : Administrative Action : Draft Environmental Impact Statement, 1983. Transportation, Department of

January 1983

(1983) Factors Relating to Aggregate Durability in Portland Cement Concrete, HR-2022, Interim Report, 1983. Transportation, Department of

May 1983

(1983) Evaluation of Dense Bridge Floor Concrete using High Range Water Reducer, May 1983. Transportation, Department of

28 February 1984

(1984) Federal Highway Administration finding of No Significant Impact for the Improvement of U.S. 218 in Janesville, Black Hawk and Bremer Counties, Iowa project no. F-218-8, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Federal Highway Administration finding of no significant impact for the improvement of U.S. 63 from Denver to Iowa 3 Bremer County, Iowa, February 28, 1984. Transportation, Department of

August 1984

(1984) Highway Runoff Study, HR-1037, Progress Report, 1984. Transportation, Department of

September 1984

(1984) Experimental Use of Calcium Magnesium Acetate, Addendum, HR-253, 1984. Transportation, Department of

November 1984

(1984) Recycled Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in Iowa, HR-506, 1984. Transportation, Department of

December 1984

(1984) Snow Removal on Iowa's Secondary Roads, HR-267, 1984. Transportation, Department of


(1985) Effect of a Noise Wall on Snow Accumulation and Air Quality, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Great River Road: Mississippi, 1985. Transportation, Department of

January 1985

(1985) Cultural Resources Assessment: Tracts 1 and 1A Relocated U.S. 61 Dubuque, Iowa, January 1985. Transportation, Department of

June 1985

(1985) Highway Runoff Study, HR-1037, Final Report, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Iowa Transportation Laws, HR-234, 1985. Transportation, Department of

February 1986

(1986) The Use of Remote Sensing Techniques Compared to Traditional Archaeological Phase II Testing Methods: A Cost-Benefit Analysis, HR-524, 1986. Transportation, Department of


(1987) CBD Loop Arterial, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa : Administrative Action : Final Environmental Impact Statement, 1987. Transportation, Department of

March 1987

(1987) Effect of Anti-Strip Agents on Temperature Susceptibility of Asphalt Cements, MLR-87-01, 1987. Transportation, Department of


(1988) Transportation in Iowa: A Historical Summary, 1988. Transportation, Department of

March 1989

(1989) Correlation of Locally-Based Performance of Asphalts with Their Physicochemical Parameters, Progress Report 2, HR-298, 1989. Transportation, Department of

July 1989

(1989) Relocated US 20 Newsletter, No. 1, July 1989. Transportation, Department of

May 1990

(1990) Emission Control in Diesel Engines by Alcohol Fumigation, 1990. Transportation, Department of

January 1991

(1991) Video Evaluation of Highway Drainage Systems, HR-317, 1991. Transportation, Department of

February 1991

(1991) Arterial Street Plan for the Iowa City Urbanized Area, February 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Manual of Engineering Procedures for determining Arterial Street Needs, 1959. Transportation, Department of

June 1991

(1991) Relocated U.S. 20 in Hardin and Grundy Counties, Draft Environmental Impact Statement by the U.S. Department of Transportation, June 1991. Transportation, Department of


(1992) Floods of 1986 and 1990 in the Raccoon River Basin, West-Central Iowa, HR-140, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Scenic Byway Evaluation, 1992. Transportation, Department of

July 1992

(1992) Supplemental Pre-Location Report, U.S. 18, Mason City Bypass I-35 to Rudd : Cerro Gordo and Floyd Counties, 1992. Transportation, Department of

February 1994

(1994) Recycled Paper Erosion Control Mat, HR-349, 1994. Transportation, Department of

December 1994

(1994) Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa, HR-352, 1994. Transportation, Department of

March 1995

(1995) Iowa's "Great River Road" Scenic Byway Evaluation, 1995. Transportation, Department of


(1996) Flood of May 19, 1990, Along Perry Creek in Plymouth and Woodbury Counties, Iowa, HR-140, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Flood-Plain and Channel Aggradation at Selected Bridge Sites in the Iowa and Skunk River Basins, Iowa, HR-350, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Floods of July 12, 1972, March 19, 1979, and June 15, 1991, in the Turkey River, Northeast Iowa, HR-140, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Floods of June 17, 1990 and July 9, 1993, Along Squaw Creek and the South Skunk River in Ames, Iowa, and Vicinity, HR-140, 1996. Transportation, Department of

April 1996

(1996) A Laboratory Evaluation of Tungsten Carbide Inserts for Snowplow Blades, MLR-95-6, 1996. Transportation, Department of

28 June 1996

(1996) Improvement of U.S. 61 in Des Moines and Louisa Counties, June 28, 1996. Transportation, Department of


(1997) Floods of September 15-16, 1992, in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins, South-Central Iowa, HR-140, 1997. Transportation, Department of

February 1997

(1997) Measurement of Ice Scraping Forces on Snow-Plow Underbody Blades, HR-372, 1997. Transportation, Department of

October 1997

(1997) Guidelines for County Engineering Decisions, HR-369, 1997. Transportation, Department of


(1998) Flood of June 15-17, 1998, Nishnabotna and East Nishnabotna Rivers, Southwest Iowa, HR-140. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Statistical Summaries of Selected Iowa Streamflow Data Through September 1996, HR-395, 1998. Transportation, Department of

February 1998

(1998) The Potential of Friction as a Tool for Winter Maintenance, TR-400, 1998. Transportation, Department of

April 1998

(1998) Video Inspection of Highway Edgedrain Systems, HR-317, 1998. Transportation, Department of

June 1998

(1998) The Mormon Trail: Historic Byway Inventory and Evaluation, 1998. Transportation, Department of

August 1998

(1998) US Highway 65 / IA-330 Improvements Polk and Jasper Counties, Iowa : Limited Phase I, Environmental Site Assessment, 1998. Transportation, Department of


(1999) Floods of July 19-25, 1999, in the Wapsipinicon and Cedar River Basins, Northeast Iowa, HR-140, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Floods of May 17-20, 1999, in the Volga and Wapsipinicon River Basins, Northeast Iowa, HR-140, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Iowa 2 east bypass of Sidney, Fremont County / by U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Iowa Department of Transportation, Planning and Programming Division, Office of Project Planning, 1999. Transportation, Department of

February 2000

(2000) Iowa Scenic/Heritage Byway Evaluation, 2000. Transportation, Department of


(2001) 2001 Roadside Litter Characterization Study, Summary, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) CAN-DO Reference Manual: Guideline for implementing Iowa Department of Transportation's CAN-DO Project Development Process, Revised 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Techniques for Estimating Flood-Frequency Discharges for Streams in Iowa, HR-395A, 2001. Transportation, Department of

March 2001

(2001) Highway Maintenance Concept Vehicle Final Report: Phase Three, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) The Use of Abrasives in Winter Maintenance, TR-434, 2001. Transportation, Department of

April 2001

(2001) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the Proposed State Highway 60 Bypass Around Le Mars, Iowa, Plymouth County, Abridged Phase I, 2001. Transportation, Department of

June 2001

(2001) Environmental Assessments: A How-To Manual, 2001. Transportation, Department of

October 2001

(2001) CAN-DO Reference Manual: Guideline for implementing Iowa Department of Transportation's CAN-DO Project Development Process, October 2001. Transportation, Department of

November 2001

(2001) Iowa Scenic/Heritage Byway Evaluation, 2001. Transportation, Department of


(2002) 2002 Roadside Litter Characterization Study, Summary, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Finding of No Significant Impact and Final Section 4(f) Statement for the Capacity of U.S. 20 across the Mississippi River, Dubuque County, Iowa and Jo Daviess County, 2002. Transportation, Department of

(2002) Highway 60 Reconstruction Project, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, 2002. Transportation, Department of

November 2002

(2002) Iowa as a Litter-Free State : Findings, Implications & Recommendations from the Statewide Litter Surveys, 2002. Transportation, Department of


(2003) Capacity improvement to U.S. 20 in Dubuque County, Iowa, 2003. Transportation, Department of

April 2003

(2003) Asphalt Rubber Cement Concrete Webster County, HR-555, Final Report, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Iowa's Mississippi River Trail Plan, 2003. Transportation, Department of

September 2003

(2003) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, TR-477, Phase 2 Supplement, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, TR-477, Phase 2, 2003. Transportation, Department of

October 2003

(2003) Use of LIDAR-based Elevation Data for Highway Drainage Analysis: A Qualitative Assessment, 2003. Transportation, Department of

November 2003

(2003) Deploying the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) in Iowa, 2003. Transportation, Department of


(2004) Introducing A Key Travel Service to the Metro Area: Trip Guide, 2004. Transportation, Department of

August 2004

(2004) Evaluation of the Iowa Department of Transportation's Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Program, TR-500, 2004. Transportation, Department of

September 2004

(2004) Field Evaluation of Compaction Monitoring Technology: Phase I, 2004. Transportation, Department of

November 2004

(2004) Highway 60 Reconstruction Project : Final Environmental Impact Statement, 2004. Transportation, Department of

December 2004

(2004) Reuse of Lime Sludge from Water Softening and Coal Combustion Byproducts, TR-459, 2004. Transportation, Department of

April 2005

(2005) Iowa Drainage Law Manual, TR-497, 2005. Transportation, Department of

May 2007

(2007) Evaluation of Deicing Materials and Corrosion Reducing Treatments for Deicing Salts, TR-471, 2007. Transportation, Department of

November 2007

(2007) The Adoption of Technologies, Policies, and Systems for Improving Fleet Fuel Performance, 2007. Transportation, Department of

December 2007

(2007) Improved Methods for Determining Wind Loads on Highway Sign and Traffic-Signal Structures, TR-559, 2007. Transportation, Department of

February 2008

(2008) Economics of Using Calcium Chloride vs. Sodium Chloride for Deicing/Anti-Icing, TR-488, 2008. Transportation, Department of

April 2008

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, TR-480, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, TR-480, Executive Summary, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, TR-480, Implementation Guide, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, Technical Appendices, TR-480, 2008. Transportation, Department of

30 April 2008

(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, Literature Review, TR-480, 2008. Transportation, Department of

May 2008

(2008) Case Study of Seasonal Variation in the Subgrade and Subbase Layers of Highway US 20, TR-516, 2008. Transportation, Department of

May 2009

(2009) Field Testing of Abrasive Delivery Systems in Winter Maintenance, TR-458, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Investigation of Materials for the Reduction and Prevention of Corrosion on Highway Maintenance Equipment, TR-472, 2009. Transportation, Department of

June 2009

(2009) Evaluation of Design Flood Frequency Methods for Iowa Streams, TR-533, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Performance Measurement for Highway Winter Maintenance Operations, TR-491, 2009. Transportation, Department of

April 2010

(2010) Optimization and Management of Materials in Earthwork Construction, TR-501, 2010. Transportation, Department of

October 2010

(2010) Identification of Practices, Design, Construction, and Repair Using Trenchless Technology, TR-570, 2010. Transportation, Department of

June 2011

(2011) A Feasibility Study on Embedded Micro-Electromechanical Sensors and Systems (MEMS) for Monitoring Highway Structures, TR-575, 2011. Transportation, Department of

December 2011

(2011) Do fire and seed additions alter strong seed timing and priority effects on prairie establishment?, 2011. Transportation, Department of


(2012) Anti-Icing Equipment Recommendations and Modifications, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Liquid Applicators to Combat Snow and Ice in Iowa DOT, 2012. Transportation, Department of


(2013) Iowa Interstate Corridor Plan, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Methods for Estimating Annual Exceedance-Probability Discharges for Streams in Iowa, Based on Data through Water Year 2010, TR-519, 2013. Transportation, Department of

May 2013

(2013) Wind Loads on Dynamic Message Cabinets and Behavior of Supporting Trusses, TR-612, 2013. Transportation, Department of

21 August 2013

(2013) Iowa Living Roadways:Plant Profiler, August 21,2013. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2014

(2014) Multi-Purpose ESS/ITS Data Collection Sites, SPR72-00-0003-042, 2014. Transportation, Department of

September 2014

(2014) Practical Data Collection: Establishing Methods and Procedures for Measuring Water Clarity and Turbidity of Storm Water Run-Off from Active Major Highway Construction Sites, 2014. Transportation, Department of


(2015) Comparisons of Estimates of Annual Exceedance-Probability Discharges for Small Drainage Basins in Iowa, Based on Data through Water Year 2013, TR-678, 2015. Transportation, Department of

March 2015

(2015) Iowa’s Bridge and Highway Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment Pilot, HEPN-707, 2015. Transportation, Department of

1 May 2015

(2015) Establishing Strategies for a Transportation MS4 [Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System], RB36-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of

20 August 2015

(2015) West 1 St Street/ IA 57 from Highland Drive to Center Street/Franklin Street, Blackhawk County, Iowa, Project # STP-57-2(28)--2C-07, Environmental Assessment and Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Finding, 2015. Transportation, Department of

31 August 2015

(2015) Iowa 58 Viking Road Corridor from U.S. 20 to Greenhill Road in Cedar Falls, Iowa, NHSX-U-58-1(91)--8S-07, 2015. Transportation, Department of

10 September 2015

(2015) Mississippi Drive (Iowa 92) from Main Street to the Norbert F. Beckey Bridge in Muscatine, Iowa, STP-U-5330(614)—27-70, Muscatine County, 2015. Transportation, Department of

7 October 2015

(2015) East 1 St Street Interchange and I-35 Widening, From MP 94.3 to Oralabor Road, Polk County, Iowa, Project # IM-035-4(140)92--13-77, Environmental Assessment and Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Finding, 2015. Transportation, Department of

24 November 2015

(2015) U.S. 61 From Memorial Park Road in Burlington North to 1 Mile North of IA 78 in Louisa County. Des Moines & Louisa County, Iowa NHS-061-2(50) - 19-58, 2015. Transportation, Department of

December 2015

(2015) Statistical Summaries of Selected Iowa Streamflow Data Through September 2013, TR-669. Transportation, Department of

February 2016

(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Assessment of Seasonal Variations in Concrete Pavement Foundation Layers – TPF-5(183) Multiple Test Sections in Iowa -.

21 August 2019

(2019) Iowa's Adopt-A-Highway, August 21, 2019. Transportation, Department of

1 April 2020

(2020) Field Monitoring of Erosion and Sediment Control Practices and Development of Additional Iowa DOT Design Manual Guidance 18-SPR1-001. Transportation, Department of

10 September 2020

(2020) Reducing Uncertainties in Snow Fence Design: Development of Methods for Estimation of Snow Drifting and the Snow Relocation Coefficient - TR760. Transportation, Department of

October 2020

(2020) Assessing and Enhancing Transportation Resilience for the State of Iowa - 17-SPR0-013. Transportation, Department of

December 2020

(2020) Demonstration and Inter-Comparison of Seasonal Weight Restriction Models – Phase II - TPF-5(290). Transportation, Department of

31 January 2021

(2021) Bank Stability Assessment Tool for Bridge and Abutment Infrastructure in Iowa - RB10-014. Transportation, Department of

February 2021

(2021) Asset Management, Extreme Weather, and Proxy Indicators - TR741. Transportation, Department of

May 2021

(2021) Economic Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers in the Transportation Sector: Methodology and Case Studies_TPF-5(290). Transportation, Department of

March 2022

(2022) Evaluation of Non-regulated Portable Moisture Density Gauge Report 19-SPR0-007. Transportation, Department of

July 2022

(2022) Exploration and Evaluation of High-Resolution Imagery for Environmental Assessment and Wetland Classification Tool, 17-SPR2-002, 2022. Transportation, Department of

February 2023

(2023) Automated Extraction of Weather Variables from Imagery - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of

March 2023

(2023) Evaluating Alternative Fuels in Snowplow/Maintenance Vehicles and Identified Barriers to Adoption - SPR-RE22(017)-8H-00. Transportation, Department of

(2023) National Road Research Alliance - Phase II - TPF-5(466). Transportation, Department of

July 2023

(2023) Transportation Research Circular E-C283: 13th International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, TPF-5(495). Transportation, Department of

September 2023

(2023) Research Solutions - Improving roadway friction measurement methods to keep winter roads clear - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of

November 2023

(2023) Research Solutions - Stabilization strategies for Iowa's unpaved roads may save money and increase durability - TR-721. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Research in Progress - An Intelligent Human-Centric Communication System for Adverse Weather and Road Conditions - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of

(2023) Research in Progress - Crowdsourcing road friction data to support witner operations - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of

(2023) Research in Progress - Leveraging connected vehicle technology for use in road weather management - TPF-5(535). Transportation, Department of

(2023) Research in Progress - Standardizing communication on road conditions to improve safety - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of

February 2024

(2024) Roadway Ice and Snow Detection using a Novel Infrared Thermography Technology, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of

15 February 2024

(2024) Actionable Flood Warnings Based on Ground-truth Data to Support Iowa DOT BridgeWatch Platform, SPR-RE22(016)-8H-00, 2024.

May 2024

(2024) Development of an Implementation Plan for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure Systems in Iowa, 21-SPR1-006, 2024. Transportation, Department of

June 2024

(2024) Integration of Connected Vehicle and RWIS Technologies, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Iowa DOT Riverine Infrastructure Data Base (RIDB) for Rapid Assessment of Vulnerable Infrastructure, 21-SPR0-004, 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research Solutions Brief: Validating Floodplain Maps and Improving Flood Warnings at Iowa’s Bridges, SPR-RE22(016)-8H-00. Transportation, Department of

July 2024

(2024) Assessing the Flood Reduction Benefits of On-Road Structures, TR-792, 2024. Transportation, Department of

August 2024

(2024) Real User Friction for Winter Maintenance Operation and Evaluation, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research In Progress: Evaluating the Performance of Current Rock Check Dam Standards, SPR-RE24(007)-8H-00, 2024. Transportation, Department of

September 2024

(2024) Use of Iowa Eggshell Waste as Bio-Cement Materials in Pavement and Gravel Road Geo-Material Stabilization, TR-810, 2024. Transportation, Department of

November 2024

(2024) Optimal RWIS Sensor Density and Location – Phase IV, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research In Progress Brief: Assessing Road Risks to Protected Wildlife to Guide Iowa DOT’s Mitigation Efforts, 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research Solutions Brief: Tapping into the Collective Knowledge of Low-volume Roads, 2024. Transportation, Department of

January 2025

(2025) Beneficial Use of Iowa Waste Ashes in Concrete through Carbon Sequestration, TR-807, 2025. Transportation, Department of

March 2025

(2025) Resarch Solutions: Using Connected Vehicle Data to Enhance Winter Safety, TPF-5(435), 2025. Transportation, Department of

(2025) Research Solutions: Committing to Sustainable Practices in Iowa’s Transportation Infrastructure, 21-SPR1-006, 2025. Transportation, Department of

(2025) Research Solutions: Integrating Connected Vehicle and Road Weather Technologies for Enhanced Safety, TPF-5(435), March2025. Transportation, Department of

(2025) Research Solutions: Riverine Infrastructure Database Assesses Infrastructure Flood Risk Enhances Safety, 21-SPR0-004, 2025. Transportation, Department of

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 06:02:17 2025 CDT.