Items where Subject is "Bridges and tunnels"

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| November 2024 | January 2025 | February 2025 | 10 February 2025
Number of items at this level: 498.


(1919) Field Manual, Federal and State Aid Road Work, 1919. Transportation, Department of

(1919) Field Manual, Instructions for making Bridge and Culvert Surveys, 1919. Transportation, Department of


(1926) Field Manual, Federal and State Aid Road and Bridge Work, 1926. Transportation, Department of

February 1945

(1945) Rock Island Centennial Bridge, Final Report on Construction of the Mississippi River Bridge Between Rock Island, Illinois and Davenport, Iowa, 1945. Transportation, Department of

April 1951

(1951) Scour around Bridges, April 1951. Transportation, Department of

September 1953

(1953) A Generalized Model Study of Scour Around Bridge Piers and Abutments, HR-24, 1953. Transportation, Department of

9 July 1954

(1954) A Report on Traffic and Revenue Estimates for the Proposed New South Bridge of the city of Clinton Iowa Bridge Commission, July 9, 1954. Transportation, Department of

May 1956

(1956) Scour Around Bridge Piers and Abutments, HR-30 and Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 4, 1956. Transportation, Department of

May 1957

(1957) Iowa Drainage Laws (Annotated), HR-46 and Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 6, 1957. Transportation, Department of


(1958) Computer Analysis of Continuous I-beam Cridges : Employing the IBM 650 Computer, 1958. Transportation, Department of

April 1958

(1958) Scour at Bridge Crossings by Emmett M. Laursen, August 1958. Transportation, Department of


(1959) Hydraulics of box culverts, 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1959) Location of Bridges, Overpasses and Underpasses on Primary Road System and Municipal Extensions, 1959. Transportation, Department of

14 January 1959

(1959) Structural Behavior of a Plate Resembling a Constant Thickness Bridge Abutment Wingwall, January 14, 1959. Iowa State University

25 February 1959

(1959) Moment Contours for a Bridge Abutment Wingwalls of Constant Thickness, February 25, 1959. Iowa State University

October 1959

(1959) Dynamic Tests of a Three-Span Continuous I-Beam Highway Bridge, HR-43, 1959. Transportation, Department of

December 1959

(1959) Computer Analysis of Twin Box Culverts, 1959. Transportation, Department of

November 1960

(1960) Dynamics of Highway Bridges, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin 17, 1960. Transportation, Department of

June 1961

(1961) Feasibility Study of Strengthening Existing Single Span Steel Beam Concrete Deck Bridges; HR-214, June 1961. Transportation, Department of

August 1961

(1961) Dynamics of Highway Bridges, HR-67, 1961. Transportation, Department of

October 1961

(1961) Investigation of the Loss of Prestress in Prestressed Concrete Beams due to Steam Curing, HR-62, 1961. Transportation, Department of

January 1962

(1962) Steam Curing of Portland Cement Concrete at Atmospheric Pressure, HR-40, 1962. Transportation, Department of

May 1962

(1962) The Flexural Fatigue Strength of Prestressed Steel I-Beams, HR-73, 1962. Transportation, Department of

January 1963

(1963) Definite Project Report on proposed Mississippi River Bridge, Federal Aid Interstate Route 280 near Rock Island Illinois, January 1963. Transportation, Department of

November 1963

(1963) Fatigue and Residual Stress Investigation of Composite Prestressed Steel Beams, HR-74, 1963. Transportation, Department of

December 1963

(1963) Live Load Deflections in a Prestressed Steel Beam Bridge, HR-74, 1963. Transportation, Department of


(1965) Bridge and Culvert Plan Reading, A Self-Instructional Course, 1965. Transportation, Department of

September 1965

(1965) Problems of Bridge Supporting and Expansion Devices and an Experimental Comparison of the Dynamic Behavior of Rigid and Elastomeric Bearings, HR-105, 1965. Transportation, Department of

7 September 1966

(1966) On the Aaxially-Symmetric Deformation of a Hollow Circular Cylinder of Finite Length Under the Action of Axially-Symmetric Loading, September 7, 1966. Iowa State University

January 1967

(1967) Residual Stresses and Fatigue Behavior of Welded Structural Members, HR-94, 1967. Transportation, Department of

March 1967

(1967) Axially Symmetric Wave Propagation of a Finite Solid Cylinder, March 1967. Iowa State University

April 1967

(1967) Discontinuities in a Relativistic Gas, April 1967. Iowa State University

(1967) Some Aspects of Wave-Propagation, April 1967. Iowa State University

April 1968

(1968) Muscatine Iowa Mississippi River Toll Bridge, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, April1968. Transportation, Department of

May 1968

(1968) Bridge Floor Repairs by Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1968. Transportation, Department of

June 1968

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Cassville Wisc, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

July 1968

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Lansing Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin: Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

August 1968

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Fort Madison Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Toolesboro, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Sioux City Mississippi River Toll Bridge, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1968. Transportation, Department of

September 1968

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Keokuk Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, September 1968. Transportation, Department of

October 1968

(1968) Des Moines River Toll Bridge Vincennes Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Clinton Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Davenport Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Missouri River Bridge, Nebraska-Iowa Project-(680-9(190): Definite Project Report, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

31 October 1968

(1968) Mississippi River Toll bridge Dubuque Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report, October 31, 1968. Transportation, Department of

December 1968

(1968) Distribution of Wheel Loads on Highway Bridges, 1968. Transportation, Department of

February 1969

(1969) Time-Dependent Deformation of Non-Composite and Composite Sand-Lightweight Prestressed Concrete Structures : Phase 1, February 1969.

(1969) Time-Dependent Deformation of Non-Composite and Composite Sand-Lightweight Prestressed Concrete Structures, Phase 1, HR-137, 1969. Transportation, Department of

May 1969

(1969) Piers and Abutments, Inspectors Handbook, 1969. Transportation, Department of

February 1970

(1970) Scale Effects in Hydraulic Model Tests of Rock Protected Structures, HR-119, 1970. Transportation, Department of

March 1970

(1970) Preliminary Studies of Remedial Measures for the Prevention of Bridge Deck Deterioration, HR-146, 1970. Transportation, Department of

June 1970

(1970) Loss of Prestress and Camber of Non-Composite and Composite Prestressed Concrete Structures, June 1970. University of Iowa

August 1970

(1970) Loss of Prestress, Camber, and Deflection of Non-Composite and Composite Structures Using Different Weight Concretes, HR-137, 1970. Transportation, Department of


(1971) Evolution of Design Practice at the Iowa State Highway Commission for the Determination of Peak Discharges at Bridges and Culverts, 1971. Transportation, Department of

November 1971

(1971) Evaluation of Concrete Sealers for Use on Bridge Pier Tops and Abutments, R-242, 1971. Transportation, Department of

January 1972

(1972) An Estimate of the Cost to Resurface Pavements and Bridges Damaged by Studded Tires, 1972. Transportation, Department of

January 1973

(1973) Feasibility Study of Dynamic Overload and Ultimate Load Tests of Full-Scale Highway Bridges, HR-160, 1973. Transportation, Department of

8 March 1974

(1974) Construction Progress Report No. 7: Five-in-One Bridge and Dam Structure in Cedar Rapids of Linn County, Iowa, March 8, 1974. Transportation, Department of

December 1974

(1974) Bridge Deck Waterproofing Membrane Study;MLR-74-01, R-262, 1974. Transportation, Department of


(1975) Mississippi River toll bridge. Dubuque, Iowa : supplemental report, 1975. Transportation, Department of

January 1975

(1975) Iowa Defense Bridge Log prepared by Systems Planning Department, Division of Planning, January 1975. Transportation, Department of

April 1975

(1975) An Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Surfacing in Iowa (with corrections), MLR-75-1, 1975. Transportation, Department of

May 1975

(1975) An Investigation of Concrete Setting Time, R-265 (MLR-75-4), 1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Ultimate Load Behavior of Full-Scale Highway Truss Bridges: Phase I - Ultimate Load Tests of the Hubby Bridge - Boone County, Interim Report, HR-169, 1975. Transportation, Department of

August 1975

(1975) Ultimate Load Behavior of Full-Scale Highway Truss Bridges: Phase II - Service Load and Supplementary Tests, Interim Report, HR-169, 1975. Transportation, Department of

September 1975

(1975) Ultimate Load Behavior of Full-Scale Highway Truss Bridges, Summary Report, HR-169, 1975. Transportation, Department of

November 1976

(1976) Report on Proposed Bridge Locations over the Mississippi River at Keokuk Iowa, November 1976. Transportation, Department of

22 November 1976

(1976) Interstate 129, Sergeant Floyd Memorial Bridge, dedication, Monday, November 22, 1976, 11:00 am,1976. Transportation, Department of


(1977) Structural Steel Painting Inspection Manual by the Office of Materials, 1977. Transportation, Department of

April 1977

(1977) Chloride Penetration Into LSDC (Iowa System) Resurfacing Mixes, MLR-77-05 and R-267, 1977. Transportation, Department of

December 1977

(1977) Evaluation of Dense Bridge Floor Concrete using Superplasticizer, HR-192, 1977. Transportation, Department of

April 1978

(1978) Bridge Deck Delamination Study, HR-179, 1978. Transportation, Department of

December 1978

(1978) Construction of a Bridge Floor Using High Range Water Reducer, Construction Report, HR-192, 1978. Transportation, Department of


(1979) Structural Steel Painting Inspection Manual for Zinc-silicate Systems, 1979. Transportation, Department of

January 1979

(1979) Bridge Deck Repair Using Epoxy Resin, HR-177, 1979. Transportation, Department of

March 1979

(1979) A Further Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Surfacing in Iowa, MLR-79-1, 1979. Transportation, Department of

May 1979

(1979) Design Criteria for Piers by Chuck Pestotnik, May 1979. Transportation, Department of

October 1979

(1979) Asphalt Stabilization (Asphadur)/Reduction of Reflection Cracks (Monsanto Bidim Synthetic Fabric), HR-511, 1979. Transportation, Department of


(1980) Load Distribution in Glulam Timber Highway Bridges, Final Report prepared for American Institute of Timber Construction, 1980. Transportation, Department of

5 March 1980

(1980) A Classification of the Wing and Closing Dams on the Upper Mississippi River bordering Iowa by Tom Boland, March 5, 1980. Transportation, Department of

September 1980

(1980) Alternate Methods of Stabilizing Degrading Stream Channels in Western Iowa, Phase I, HR-208, 1980. Transportation, Department of

February 1981

(1981) Protection of Structural Concrete Substructures, Construction Report, HR-220, 1981. Transportation, Department of

April 1981

(1981) Liability and Traffic Control Considerations for Low Water Stream Crossings, HR-218, 1981. Transportation, Department of

May 1981

(1981) Mississippi River Bridge Keokuk Iowa-Hamilton-Illinois Area, May 1981. Transportation, Department of

August 1981

(1981) State-of-the-Art Methods for Design of Integral Bridge Abutments, HR-227, 1981. Transportation, Department of


(1982) Bridge Deck Delamination Study Infrared Inspection, HR-244, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) The Keokuk & Hamilton Bridge : Keokuk, Iowa - Hamilton, Illinois, 1982. Transportation, Department of

21 April 1982

(1982) Federal Highway Administration finding of No Significant Impacts for Bridge Replacement over the Cedar River in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County Project No. IX-218-7(41), April 21, 1982. Transportation, Department of

10 June 1982

(1982) U.S. 18 reconstruction from Illinois Avenue east 2.8 miles in Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, June 10, 1982. Transportation, Department of

September 1982

(1982) Nonlinear Finite Element Study of Piles in Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-227, Part 2, 1982. Transportation, Department of

October 1982

(1982) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges, HR-239, 1982. Transportation, Department of

January 1983

(1983) Rural Roads and Bridges in the Midwest: The Growing Crisis and Recommendations to deal with it: 1982 Final Report, January 1983. Transportation, Department of

February 1983

(1983) Strengthening of Existing Single Span Steel Beam and Concrete Deck Bridges, HR-238, Part 1, 1983. Transportation, Department of

May 1983

(1983) Evaluation of Dense Bridge Floor Concrete using High Range Water Reducer, May 1983. Transportation, Department of

June 1984

(1984) Addendum to the Design Manual for Low Water Stream Crossings, HR-247, 1984. Transportation, Department of

August 1984

(1984) Design of Piles for Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-252, 1984. Transportation, Department of

December 1984

(1984) Protection of Structural Concrete Substructures, HR-220, Progress Report, 1984. Transportation, Department of


(1985) Effect of a Noise Wall on Snow Accumulation and Air Quality, 1985. Transportation, Department of

March 1985

(1985) Design Manual for Strengthening Single-Span Composite Bridges by Post-Tensioning Part 3, HR-238, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1985) Strengthening of Existing Single Span Steel Beam and Concrete Deck Bridges, HR-238, Part II, 1985. Transportation, Department of

31 May 1985

(1985) Revised Design Study Report Burlington Bridge Replacement Des Moines County Iowa, Henderson County, Illinois, Mississippi River bridge between Burlington, Iowa and Gulfport, Illinois, May 31,1985. Transportation, Department of

July 1985

(1985) Evaluation of Control Structures for Stabilizing Degrading Stream Channels in Western Iowa, Phases II and III, HR-208A, 1985. Transportation, Department of

September 1985

(1985) Data Acquisition and Computer Plotting of Delamtect Data, HR-269, 1985. Transportation, Department of


(1986) Structural Steel Painting Inspection Manual for Zinc-silicate Systems, 1986. Transportation, Department of

January 1986

(1986) Detection of Concrete Delamination by Infrared Thermography, HR-244, 1986. Transportation, Department of

February 1986

(1986) Long-Term Structural Movement, HR-275, 1986. Transportation, Department of

March 1986

(1986) Effects of Special Aggregate on Bridge Deck Overlay Frictional Properties, HR-205, 1986. Transportation, Department of

26 September 1986

(1986) Federal Highway Administration finding of No Significant Impacts for Bridge Replacement over the Cedar River in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County Project No. IX-218-7(41), September 26, 1986. Transportation, Department of

November 1986

(1986) Iowa System of Bridge Deck Rehabilitation with Cathodic Protection, HR-1044, 1986. Transportation, Department of

July 1987

(1987) Multiplan Spreadsheets for Highway and Hydraulic Engineering Computations in County Engineering Offices, HR-284, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Strengthening of Existing Continuous Composite Bridges, HR-287, 1987. Transportation, Department of

December 1987

(1987) Pile Design and Tests for Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-273, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) Pile Design and Tests for Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-273, Addendum, 1987. Transportation, Department of


(1988) Transportation in Iowa: A Historical Summary, 1988. Transportation, Department of

January 1988

(1988) High Molecular Weight Methacrylate Sealing of a Bridge Deck, HR-2031, Construction Report, 1988. Transportation, Department of

March 1988

(1988) Evaluation of Bond Retainage in Portland Cement Concrete Overlays by Infrared Thermography and Ground Penetrating Radar, HR-537, 1988. Transportation, Department of

August 1988

(1988) High Molecular Weight Methacrylate Sealing of a Bridge Deck, HR-2031, 1988. Transportation, Department of

September 1988

(1988) Bridge Research in Progress: Proceedings of a Symposium funded by the National Science Foundation and sponsored by the Bridge Engineering Center, Iowa State University, September 1988. Iowa State University

November 1988

(1988) Evaluation of "FIBERMESH" Synthetic Fibers in P.C. Concrete Bridge Barrier Rail, MLR-88-17, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) Field Measurement of Bridges for Long-term Structural Movement, HR-295, 1988. Transportation, Department of

January 1989

(1989) Deicing Salt Corrosion with and without Inhibitors, MLR-87-8, 1989. Transportation, Department of

February 1989

(1989) Alternate Methods of Bridge Strengthening, HR-302, 1989. Transportation, Department of

April 1989

(1989) Alternatives for Rural Roads, HR-242, 1989. Transportation, Department of

14 June 1989

(1989) Upgrading of Bridge Approach Guardrail on Primary Roads in Iowa by Walter A. Schwall, June 14, 1989. Transportation, Department of

September 1989

(1989) Validation of Design Recommendations for Integral Abutment Piles, HR-292, 1989. Transportation, Department of

December 1989

(1989) Full-Scale Vehicle Crash Test on the Iowa Steel Temporary Barrier Rail, December 1989. Transportation, Department of


(1990) Structural Steel Painting Inspection Manual for Zinc-silicate Systems, 1990. Transportation, Department of

January 1990

(1990) Full-Scale 18,000lb Vehicle Crash Test on the Iowa Retrofit Concrete Barrier Rail by Brian G. Pfeifer, January 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Full-Scale 5,400 lb. Vehicle Crash Test on the Iowa W-Beam approach Guardrail to the Concrete Safety Shape Bridge Rail by Ronald K. Faller, January 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Precast Prestressed Concrete Panel Subdecks in Skewed Bridges, Interim Report, 1990. Transportation, Department of

February 1990

(1990) Sediment Control in Bridge Waterways; HR-307, February 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Strengthening of an Existing Continuous-Span, Steel-Beam, Concrete-Deck Bridge by Post-Tensioning, HR-308, 1990. Transportation, Department of

March 1990

(1990) Investigation of Uplift Failures in Flexible Pipe Culverts, HR-306, 1990. Transportation, Department of

April 1990

(1990) Constructability in the Bridge Design Process, Progress Report, HR-320, 1990. Transportation, Department of

September 1990

(1990) Development of Evaluation, Rehabilitation, and Strengthening Concepts for Low Volume Bridges, Phase I Progress Report, HR-323, 1990. Transportation, Department of

November 1990

(1990) Bridge Deck Expansion Assembly on I-380 in Waterloo, HR-505B, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Bridge Deck Expansion Assembly on Jefferson Street in Ottumwa, HR-505C, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Bridge Deck Expansion Assembly on U.S. 20 in Sioux City, HR-505A, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Dense Concrete Layer as Top Course of Bridge Deck Construction, HR-502, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Performance of Concrete Bridge Deck Overlays, HR-501, 1990. Transportation, Department of

February 1991

(1991) Full-Scale 18,000lb Vehicle Crash Test on the Iowa Retrofit Concrete Barrier Rail by Brian G. Pfeifer, February 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Guide Specification and Commentary for Vessel Collision Design of Highway Bridges, February 1991. Transportation, Department of

May 1991

(1991) Air Formed Arch Culvert Construction: Crawford County, Construction Reports, HR-314, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Load Ratings For Secondary Bridges Final Report Highway Research Advisory Board Project HR-239, May 1991. Transportation, Department of

June 1991

(1991) Constructability in the Bridge Design Process, HR-320, 1991. Transportation, Department of

(1991) Development of an Expert System for Forecasting Frost on Bridges and Roadways in Iowa, HR-305, 1991. Transportation, Department of

August 1991

(1991) Composite Precast Prestressed Concrete Bridge Slabs, HR-310, 1991. Transportation, Department of

December 1991

(1991) Lateral Load Resistance of Diaphragms in Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges, HR-319, 1991. Transportation, Department of

June 1992

(1992) Guidelines for Preliminary Design of Bridges and Culverts, June 1992. Transportation, Department of

August 1992

(1992) Effects of Heat Straightening Structural Steel, MLR-91-3, 1992. Transportation, Department of

December 1992

(1992) Galvanized Bridge Deck Reinforcing, HR-504, 1992. Transportation, Department of

February 1993

(1993) Manual for Evaluation, Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Low Volume Bridges, HR-323, 1993. Transportation, Department of

April 1993

(1993) Cathodic Protection for a Continuous Box Girder Bridge Deck, HR-553, 1993. Transportation, Department of

July 1993

(1993) Low Permeability of Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlay, MLR-89-1, 1993. Transportation, Department of

September 1993

(1993) Design Manual for Strengthening of Continuous-Span Composite Bridges, HR-333, 1993. Transportation, Department of

(1993) Strengthening of an Existing Continuous-Span, Steel-Stringer, Concrete-Deck Bridge, HR-333, 1993. Transportation, Department of

November 1993

(1993) Evaluation of Brisco Scour Monitors, HR-551, 1993. Transportation, Department of

February 1994

(1994) Air Formed Arch Culvert Construction - Washington County, HR-313, 1994. Transportation, Department of

August 1994

(1994) Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System, HR-365 August 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Field Data Acquisition Technologies for Iowa Transportation Agencies, HR-366 August 1994. Transportation, Department of

December 1994

(1994) Precast Concrete Panel Thickness for Epoxy-Coated Prestressing Strands, Volume 1, HR-353, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Precast Concrete Panel Thickness for Epoxy-Coated Prestressing Strands, Volume 2, HR-353, 1994. Transportation, Department of


(1995) Potential-Scour Assessments and Estimates of Maximum Scour at Selected Bridges in Iowa, HR-344, 1995. Transportation, Department of

January 1995

(1995) Heat Dissipation and Crack Control in Massive Concrete at the Burlington Bridge, MLR-94-1, 1995. Transportation, Department of

February 1995

(1995) Metric Short Course for the Office of Bridges and Structures, HR-378, 1995. Transportation, Department of

April 1995

(1995) Automated Recording of Bridge Inspection Data in the Pontis Format Final Report, HR-364 April 1995. Transportation, Department of

October 1995

(1995) Elgard Cathodic Protection System, HR-553, 1995. Transportation, Department of

7 October 1995

(1995) Fred Schwengel Memorial Bridge: Signing Ceremony, August 16, 1995. Transportation, Department of

December 1995

(1995) Air Formed Arch Culvert Construction - Crawford County, HR-314, 1995. Transportation, Department of


(1996) Flood-Plain and Channel Aggradation at Selected Bridge Sites in the Iowa and Skunk River Basins, Iowa, HR-350, 1996. Transportation, Department of

July 1996

(1996) A Continuous Span Aluminum Girder Concrete Deck Bridge - Part 1 of 2: Field Test Performance and Evaluation, 1996. Transportation, Department of


(1997) Marsh rainbow arch bridges in Iowa, 1997. Transportation, Department of

April 1997

(1997) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads Volume 2 of 2 Concept 2: Beam In Slab Bridge, HR-382, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads, Volume 1 of 2 Concept 1: Precast Steel Beam Units, HR-382, 1997. Transportation, Department of

May 1997

(1997) A Continuous Span Aluminum Girder Concrete Deck Bridge - Part 2 of 2: Fatigue Tests of Aluminum Girders, Final Report, 1997. Transportation, Department of

June 1997

(1997) Metric Plan Reading Course, HR-324, 1997. Transportation, Department of

December 1997

(1997) Testing of Old Reinforced Concrete Bridges, HR-390, 1997. Transportation, Department of


(1998) Crossroads 2000 Proceedings, 1998. Transportation, Department of

February 1998

(1998) Guide Specifications for Shotcrete Repair of Highway Bridges, February 1998. Transportation, Department of

15 April 1998

(1998) Report of the Bridge Design Aesthetics Team by Ron Meyer, April 15, 1998. Transportation, Department of

June 1998

(1998) Field Testing of Integral Abutments, Interim Report, HR-399, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Preventing Cracking at Diaphragm/Plate Girder Connections in Steel Bridges, HR-393, 1998. Transportation, Department of

September 1998

(1998) Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa: Structure Evaluation and Design Manual, HR-385, 1998. Transportation, Department of

November 1998

(1998) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges, HR-239 Phase III, 1998. Transportation, Department of


(1999) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module III - Road and Bridge Design, HR-376, 1999. Transportation, Department of

March 1999

(1999) Heavy Agricultural Loads on Pavements and Bridges, HR-1073, 1999. Transportation, Department of

April 1999

(1999) Hydro-Surface Preparation and Coating for Painted Structural Steel, TR-407, 1999. Transportation, Department of

November 1999

(1999) Load Testing and Load Rating Eight State Highway Bridges in Iowa, 1999. Transportation, Department of

December 1999

(1999) Field/Laboratory Testing of Damaged Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges, HR-397, 1999. Transportation, Department of


(2000) Hibernia: An Irish Immigrant Neighborhood in Burlington, Iowa, 2000. Transportation, Department of

July 2000

(2000) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads - Phase II Volume 1 of 2 Concept 1: Steel Beam Precast Units, TR-410, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads - Phase II Volume 2 of 2, Concept 2: Beam in Slab Bridge, TR-410, 2000. Transportation, Department of

October 2001

(2001) Rubber Buffings for Bridge Approach Expansion Joints, MLR-01-01, 2001. Transportation, Department of

November 2001

(2001) Field and Laboratory Evaluation of Precast Concrete Bridges, TR-440, 2001. Transportation, Department of

December 2001

(2001) Performance of Poly-Carb, Inc. Flexogrid Bridge Overlay System, MLR-86-04, 2001. Transportation, Department of

January 2002

(2002) Retrofit Methods for Distortion Cracking Programs in Plate Girder Bridges, January 2003. Transportation, Department of

5 August 2002

(2002) Vibration Monitoring of Luminaires on the Burlington Cable-Stayed Bridge, August 5, 2002. Transportation, Department of


(2003) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary, July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003. Transportation, Department of

January 2003

(2003) Retrofit Methods for Distortion Cracking Problems in Plate Girder Bridges, TR-436, 2003. Transportation, Department of

February 2003

(2003) Demonstration Project using Railroad Flatcars for Low-Volume Road Bridges, TR-444, 2003. Transportation, Department of

April 2003

(2003) Development of Bridge Load Testing Process for Load Evaluation, TR-445, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Evaluation of Appropriate Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation Methods for Iowa Bridges, TR-429, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Highway Applications for Rammed Aggregate Piers in Iowa Soils, TR-443, 2003. Transportation, Department of

September 2003

(2003) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, TR-477, Phase 2 Supplement, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, TR-477, Phase 2, 2003. Transportation, Department of

November 2003

(2003) Evaluation of Post-Tension Strengthened Steel Girder Bridge Using FRP Bars, 2003. Transportation, Department of

December 2003

(2003) Clinton Multimodal (U. S. 30 Mississippi River Bridge) Study, 2003. Transportation, Department of


(2004) 2004 Highway Accomplishment Program, July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) 2005 Highway Accomplishment Program, July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Alternative Solutions to Meet the Service Needs of Low Volume Bridges in Iowa; TR-452, June 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Development of Abutment Design Standards for Local Bridge Designs, Volume 1 of 3, Development of Design Methodology; TR-486, August 2004. Iowa State University

(2004) Development of Abutment Design Standards for Local Bridge Designs, Volume 2 of 3, Design Manual; TR-486, August 2004. Iowa State University

(2004) Development of Abutment Design Standards for Local Bridge Designs, Volume 3 of 3, Verification of Design Methodology; TR-486, August 2004. Iowa State University

(2004) Investigation of the Modified Beam-in-Slab Bridge System, Design Guide;TR-467 , 2004, Vol. 3. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Investigation of the Modified Beam-in-Slab Bridge System, Design Manual; TR-467, 2004, Vol. 2. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Investigation of the Modified Beam-in-Slab Bridge System, Technical Report; TR-467, 2004, Vol. 1. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary - July 1, 2003, thru June 30, 2004. Transportation, Department of

(2004) Steel Diaphragms in Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges; TR-424, September 2004. Transportation, Department of

March 2004

(2004) Monitoring of the Launches Girder Bridge over the Iowa River on US 20, March 2004. Transportation, Department of

October 2004

(2004) Development of Object-Oriented Design and Specifications for Iowa DOT and Urban Standards: Phase I, TR-487, 2004. Transportation, Department of


(2005) 2006 Highway Program, July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Identification of the Best Practices for Design, Construction, and Repair of Bridge Approaches: TR-481, January 2005. Iowa State University

(2005) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary - July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005. Transportation, Department of

6 January 2005

(2005) Testing and Evaluation of the I-235 Pedestrian Bridges, January 6, 2006. Transportation, Department of

March 2005

(2005) Effectiveness of Electrochemical Chloride Extraction for the Iowa Avenue Pedestrian Bridge, TR-499, 2005. Transportation, Department of

23 May 2005

(2005) Iowa 2 bridge replacement over the Des Moines River in Farmington, Van Buren County, Iowa, May 23, 2005. Transportation, Department of

October 2005

(2005) Evaluation of High-Slump Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays, TR-427, 2005. Transportation, Department of

November 2005

(2005) Evaluation of A Steel Girder Bridge Strengthened Using FRP Plates, November 2005. Transportation, Department of


(2006) Decision Support Model for Assessing Archaeological Survey Needs for Bridge Replacement Projects in Iowa: TR-513, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Evaluation of a Bridge Constructed using High Performance Steel, May 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Field investigation of hydraulic structures facilitating fish abundance & passage through bridges in western Iowa streams;TR-521, March 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) An Illustrated Guide for Monitoring and Protecting Bridge Waterways Against Scour - Project TR-515 - Final Report, March 2006. University of Iowa

(2006) Local Roads Maintenance Workers’ Manual;TR-514, June 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Monitoring of the Launched Girder Bridge over the Iowa River on US 20, March 2004. Transportation, Department of

5 January 2006

(2006) Drilled Shaft Load Testing I-235 over Union Pacific Railroad, January 5, 2006. Transportation, Department of

February 2006

(2006) Performance Measures for Iowa Transportation Systems, 2006. Transportation, Department of

April 2006

(2006) Protecting our bridges for the future, April 2006. Transportation, Department of

May 2006

(2006) Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Different Steel Reinforcement Types, 2006. Transportation, Department of

(2006) Remote Continuous Evaluation of a Bridge Constructed Using High-Performance Steel, 2006. Transportation, Department of

July 2006

(2006) Evaluation of the Bettendorf Bridge, Iowa, Final Report, July 2006. Transportation, Department of

November 2006

(2006) Field Instrumentation, Testing, and Long-Term Monitoring of High-Mast Lighting Towers in the State of Iowa, TR-518, 2006. Transportation, Department of


(2007) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Report on Research Initiatives, Bridges and Structures, 2007. Transportation, Department of

May 2007

(2007) Evaluation of Long-Term Field Performance of Cold In-Place Recycled Roads: Field Distress Survey, TR-502, 2007. Transportation, Department of

July 2007

(2007) Construction of the Iowa Highway 60 Precast Prestressed Concrete Pavement Bridge Approach Slab Demonstration Project, HR-1085, 2007. Transportation, Department of

August 2007

(2007) Field Testing of Railroad Flatcar Bridges Volume I: Single Spans, TR-498, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Field Testing of Railroad Flatcar Bridges Volume II: Multiple Spans, TR-498, 2007. Transportation, Department of

October 2007

(2007) High Performance Concret Bridge Deck Overlays for County Bridges, October 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Investigation of Steel-Stringer Bridges: Superstructures and Substructures, Volume I, TR-522, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Investigation of Steel-Stringer Bridges: Superstructures and Substructures, Volume II, TR-522, 2007. Transportation, Department of

December 2007

(2007) Evaluation of Steel Bridges, Volumes I & II, TR-493, 2007. Transportation, Department of

25 February 2008

(2008) Laboratory Testing of Precast Paving Notch System, RB01-005, February 25, 2008. Transportation, Department of

March 2008

(2008) Testing and Evaluation of the Iowa DOT FRP Temporary Bypass Bridge, March 2008. Transportation, Department of

June 2008

(2008) Integral Bridge Abutment-to-Approach Slab Connection Final Report;TR-539/TR-530, June 2008. Transportation, Department of

19 August 2008

(2008) 2009-2013 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

September 2008

(2008) Iowa DOT Bridge Asset Management Using PONTIS: Data Integration, Performance, and Decision Support Tools, September 2008. Transportation, Department of

October 2008

(2008) The Effects of Headcut and Knickpoint Propagation on Bridges in Iowa, TR-541, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges, HR-239 Phase IV, 2008. Transportation, Department of

November 2008

(2008) Design and Performance Verification of UHPC Piles for Deep Foundations, TR-558, 2008. Transportation, Department of

(2008) Quantitative Mapping of Waterways Characteristics at Bridge Sites, TR-569, 2008. Transportation, Department of

December 2008

(2008) Best Practices for Low-Cost Safety Improvements on Iowa’s Local Roads, 2008. Transportation, Department of

January 2009

(2009) Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Contracts Letting Summary - Fiscal 2008. Transportation, Department of

June 2009

(2009) 2010- 2014 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Analysis of Safety Benefits for Shielding of Bridge Piers, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Development of Self-Cleaning Box Culvert Designs, TR-545, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Electronic Construction Collaboration - Phase 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of

September 2009

(2009) Design and Evaluation of a Single-Span Bridge Using Ultra- High Performance Concrete;TR-529, September 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2009) Field Instrumentation, Testing, and Long-Term Monitoring of High-Mast Lighting Tower No. 1 at the I-35/US 18 Interchange Near Clear Lake in the State of Iowa Phase 3, TR-562, 2009. Transportation, Department of

October 2009

(2009) The Effects of Headcut and Knickpoint Propagation on Bridges in Iowa, October 2008. Transportation, Department of


(2010) Indian Creek Channel: the evolution & significance of an historic public works administration flood control facility, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Sioux City's Grand Avenue Viaduct, 1936-2010. Transportation, Department of

January 2010

(2010) Autonomous Measurements of Bridge Pier and Abutment Scour using Motion-Sensing Radio Transmitters, TR-595, 2010. Transportation, Department of

13 January 2010

(2010) Infrastructure Annual Status Report, January 2010.

19 January 2010

(2010) Iowa Department of Transportation, Office of Contracts Letting Summary, July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009. Transportation, Department of

March 2010

(2010) Bridge Rail and Approach Railing for Low-Volume Roads in Iowa, TR-592, 2010. Transportation, Department of

April 2010

(2010) Instrumentation and Monitoring of Precast Bridge Approach Tied to an Integral Abutment Bridge in Bremer County, SPR 0000-005, 2010. Transportation, Department of

7 April 2010

(2010) History of the Benton Street Bridge, Iowa City, Iowa, April 7, 2010. Transportation, Department of

June 2010

(2010) 2011 - 2015 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa Final Report, June 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Electronic Construction Collaboration System—Phase II, SPR RB02-008, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) Iowa Bridge Backwater Software User Manual, Version 2.0, TR-564, 2010. Transportation, Department of

July 2010

(2010) On The Spot Damage Detection Methodology for Highway Bridges:TR-610, July 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) On the spot damage detection methodology for highway bridges (tech transfer summary). Transportation, Department of

October 2010

(2010) Wireless Sensor Networks for Infrastructure Monitoring, TR-611, 2010. Transportation, Department of

January 2011

(2011) Design, Construction, and Field Testing of an Ultra High Performance Concrete Pi-Girder Bridge, TR-574, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa, Volume I: An Electronic Database for PIle LOad Tests (PILOT), TR-573, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) An Experimental Validation of a Statistical-Based Damage Detection Approach, January 2011. Transportation, Department of

10 January 2011

(2011) S.F. 376 - Report on Status of Projects - Bridge Safety Fund. Transportation, Department of

June 2011

(2011) Highway Program Summary, 2012 to 2016. Transportation, Department of

14 June 2011

(2011) 2012-2016 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

19 August 2011

(2011) Performance Evaluation Of Iowa Bridge Decks Constructed With Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars, RB06-011, 2011. Transportation, Department of

September 2011

(2011) Development of LRFD Design Procedures for Bridge Piles in Iowa – Field Testing of Steel H-Piles in Clay, Sand, and Mixed Soils and Data Analysis (Volume II), TR-583, 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of LRFD Design Procedures for Bridge Piles in Iowa, Field Testing of Steel H-Piles in Clay, Sand and Mixed Soils and Data Analysis, Final Report, September 2011. Transportation, Department of

(2011) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa: Volume I: An Electronic Database for PIle LOad Tests, September 2011. Transportation, Department of

December 2011

(2011) Electronic Construction Collaboration System – Phase III, December 2011. Transportation, Department of


(2012) Iowa Historic Property Study: Iowana Farms Milk Company, 1416 State Street, City of Bettendorf, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, 2012. Transportation, Department of

January 2012

(2012) Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil for Low-Volume Bridge Abutments:TR-621, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Modified Sheet Pile Abutments for Low-Volume Road Bridges: TR-568, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Modified Sheet Pile Abutments for Low-Volume Road Bridges: Tech Transfer Summary, January 2012. Transportation, Department of

13 January 2012

(2012) Infrastructure Annual Status Report, January 2012.

February 2012

(2012) Development of LRFD Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations in Iowa Volume III: Recommended Resistance Factors with Consideration of Construction Control and Setup, TR-584, 2012. Transportation, Department of

May 2012

(2012) Iowa Historic Property Study: Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge Carrying I-74 and U.S. 6 over Mississippi River between Bettendorf, Scott County, Iowa and Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Iowa Historic Property Study: Iowana Farms Milk Company, 1416 State Street, City of Bettendorf, Scott County, Iowa, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Wind Monitoring of the Saylorville and Red Rock Reservoir Bridges with Remote, Cellular-Based Notifications, May 2012. Transportation, Department of

June 2012

(2012) Debris Mitigation Methods for Bridge Piers, Final Repory, June 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Development of a Database for Drilled Shaft Foundation Testing (DSHAFT), June 2012. Transportation, Department of

October 2012

(2012) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2013-2016: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2012. Transportation, Department of

November 2012

(2012) I-129 Missouri River Bridge Deck Condition Assessment Using Non-Destructive Testing Methods RB20-011, November 2012. Transportation, Department of


(2013) Iowa Interstate Corridor Plan, 2013. Transportation, Department of

14 January 2013

(2013) Infrastructure Annual Status Report - January 2013. Transportation, Department of

2 February 2013

(2013) Assessment of Weathering Steel Bridge Performance in Iowa and Development of Inspection and Maintenance Techniques, RB17-012, 2013. Transportation, Department of

April 2013

(2013) Feasibility Study for Detection and Quantification of Corrosion in Bridge Barrier Rails, RB11-012, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Laboratory and Field Testing of an Accelerated Bridge Construction Demonstration Bridge: US Highway 6 Bridge over Keg Creek, RB02-012, 2013. Transportation, Department of

June 2013

(2013) Design Guide for Precast UHPC Waffle Deck Panel System, including Connections, June 2013. Transportation, Department of

August 2013

(2013) Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing (4 vol), RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing: Ida County Bridge Case Study, RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing: Johnson County Bridge Case Study, RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing: Sioux County Bridge Case Study, RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Pilot Project - Demonstration of Load Rating Capabilities through Physical Load Testing: Tech Transfer Summary, RB32-013, 2013. Transportation, Department of

September 2013

(2013) Development of Self-Cleaning Box Culvert Design – Phase II, TR-619, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Investigation into Shrinkage of High-Performance Concrete Used for Iowa Bridge Decks and Overlays, TR-633, 2013. Transportation, Department of

October 2013

(2013) Integration of Bridge Damage Detection Concepts and Components (3 volumes), TR-636, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2014-2017: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2013. Transportation, Department of

November 2013

(2013) Nondestructive Evaluation and Assessment of Concrete Barriers for Defects and Corrosion, 2013. Transportation, Department of

(2013) RFID Tags for Detecting Concrete Degradation in Bridge Decks, RB08-011, 2013. Transportation, Department of


(2014) An Adaptive Field Detection Method For Bridge Scour Monitoring Using Motion-Sensing Radio Transponders (RFIDs), TR-617, 2014. Transportation, Department of

January 2014

(2014) Field Monitoring of Curved Girder Bridges with Integral Abutments, TPF-5(169), 2014. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2014

(2014) Bridge Inspection Manual, TR-646, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Bridge Maintenance Manual, TR-646, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Bridge Rating Manual, TR-646, 2014. Transportation, Department of

14 January 2014

(2014) Iowa DOT's Infrastructure Annual Status Report, 2014. Transportation, Department of

February 2014

(2014) Iowa Mass Concrete for Bridge Foundation Study - Phase II, Final Report, 2014. Transportation, Department of

July 2014

(2014) Standards for Single Span Prefabricated Bridges, Phase I - Concept Development, TR-663, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Structural Characterization of UHPC Waffle Bridge Deck and Connections, TR-614, 2014. Transportation, Department of

August 2014

(2014) Methods for Removing Concrete Decks from Bridge Girders, TR-647, 2014. Transportation, Department of

September 2014

(2014) Electronic Construction Collaboration System – Final Phase, SPR RB02-008, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Making a Modern Highway: Transformation of Iowa Roadways in the Mid-Twentieth Century, 2014. Transportation, Department of

2 September 2014

(2014) Maintenance and Design of Steel Abutment Piles in Iowa Bridges, TR-622, 2014. Transportation, Department of

October 2014

(2014) Development of Preliminary Load and Resistance Factor Design of Drilled Shafts in Iowa, RB03-012, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2015-2018: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2014. Transportation, Department of

December 2014

(2014) Investigation of Field Corrosion Performance and Bond/Development Length of Galvanized Reinforcing Steel, TR-666, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Rapid Replacement of Bridge Deck Expansion Joints Study – Phase I, RB33-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of

January 2015

(2015) Development and Integration of Advanced Timber Bridge Inspection Techniques for NBIS TR-645, January 2015. Transportation, Department of

March 2015

(2015) Iowa's Bridge and Highway Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment Pilot, March 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa’s Bridge and Highway Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment Pilot, HEPN-707, 2015. Transportation, Department of

May 2015

(2015) Laboratory Investigation of Concrete Beam-End Treatments, RB08-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of

1 May 2015

(2015) Vertical Clearance Restrictions on Primary Roads and Primary Road Extensions: Standard U.S. Measurements [Vertical Clearance Log], May 1, 2015. Transportation, Department of

June 2015

(2015) Implementation of a Pilot Continuous Monitoring System: Iowa Falls Arch Bridge, HR-1088, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Iowa ABC Connections, RB06-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of

15 June 2015

(2015) Iowa State Highway 92 Over Drainage Ditch #25: Performance Evaluation - Galvanized Reinforcing Bars -- Louisa County, Iowa, 2015. Transportation, Department of

July 2015

(2015) Improving the Accuracy of Camber Predictions for Precast Pretensioned Concrete Beams, TR-625, 2015. Transportation, Department of

August 2015

(2015) Laboratory Investigation of Grouted Coupler Connection Details for ABC Bridge Projects, RB07-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of

September 2015

(2015) Asset Management Program Enhancement Plan: Baseline Assessment Phases I and II, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Evaluation of the Need for Longitudinal Median Joints in Bridge Decks on Dual Structures, TR-661, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Investigation of Negative Moment Reinforcing in Bridge Decks, TR-660, 2015. Transportation, Department of

October 2015

(2015) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2016-2019: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2015. Transportation, Department of

November 2015

(2015) Development of Cost-Effective Timber Bridge Repair Techniques for Minnesota TR-644, November 2015. Transportation, Department of

3 November 2015

(2015) Attachment of Combination Rails to Concrete Parapets Utilizing Epoxy Adhesive Anchors, RPFP-IOWA-1, 2015. Transportation, Department of

February 2016

(2016) Laboratory Investigation of Bridge Strip Seal Joint Termination Details, SPR RB08-014, 2016. Transportation, Department of

March 2016

(2016) Investigation of High-Strength Bolt-Tightening Verification Techniques, RB07-014. Transportation, Department of

18 March 2016

(2016) Short Span Prefabricated County Bridge Standards-Phase III-TR682. Transportation, Department of

April 2016

(2016) Investigation of Techniques for Accelerating the Construction of Bridge Deck Overlays, 2016. Transportation, Department of

May 2016

(2016) Evaluation and Testing of a Lightweight Fine Aggregate Concrete Bridge Deck in Buchanan County, Iowa, TR-648, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Investigation of the Effect of Speed on the Dynamic Impact Factor for Bridges with Different Entrance Conditions, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Investigation of the Impact of Dual-Lane Axle Spacing on Lateral Load Distribution, 2016. Transportation, Department of

June 2016

(2016) Polymer Concrete Overlay Evaluation, 2016. Transportation, Department of

(2016) Upgrading Bridge Rails on Low-Volume Roads in Iowa, TR-679, 2016. Transportation, Department of

September 2016

(2016) Updating the Iowa Culvert Hydraulics and Iowa Bridge Backwater Software, TR-655 Tech Brief. Transportation, Department of

December 2016

(2016) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges TR-713, December 2016. Transportation, Department of

May 2017

(2017) Investigation of a Suitable Shear Friction Interface between UHPC and Normal Strength Concrete for Bridge Deck Applications, May 2017. Transportation, Department of

3 May 2017

(2017) Development of a New Generation High-Strength P/T Anchorage Bar, I-74 over the Mississippi River, Final Report, May 3, 2017. Transportation, Department of

June 2017

(2017) Context Sensitive Designs: Testing of Multi-Performance Level Box Beam Standards TR-681, June 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Evaluation of a Folded Plate Girder Bridge System, June 2017. Transportation, Department of

August 2017

(2017) Study of the Impacts of Implements of Husbandry on Bridges Volume I: Live Load Distribution Factors and Dynamic Load Allowances, TR-613 August 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Study of the Impacts of Implements of Husbandry on Bridges Volume II: Rating and Posting Recommendations, TR-613 August 2017. Transportation, Department of

(2017) Study of the Impacts of Implements of Husbandry on Bridges Volume III: Appendices: TR-613, August 2017. Transportation, Department of

September 2017

(2017) Evaluation of the Buchanan County IBRD Bridge on Victor Avenue over Prairie Creek, September 2017. Transportation, Department of

22 September 2017

(2017) Use of Polymer Overlays or Sealers on New Bridges 2017, TR-717. Transportation, Department of

15 February 2018

(2018) County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report, FY2017. Transportation, Department of

March 2018

(2018) Use of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays TR-683 March 2018. Transportation, Department of

August 2018

(2018) Testing, Performance Evaluation, and Documentation of the Little Silver Creek Bridge: An Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Project using Accelerated Bridge Construction, August 2018. Transportation, Department of

November 2018

(2018) Assessing Bridge Characteristics for Use and Importance as Roosting Habitats for Bats, November 2018. Transportation, Department of

January 2019

(2019) Integral Abutment Connection Details for Accelerated Bridge Construction 18-SPR0-013, January 2019. Transportation, Department of

20 January 2019

(2019) FY2018 Annual County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report. Transportation, Department of

March 2019

(2019) Overview of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks TPF-5(313). Transportation, Department of

31 April 2019

(2019) TR710 - Partially Grouted Revetment for Low-Volume Road Bridges, Interim Repoirt. Transportation, Department of

July 2019

(2019) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2019, July 2019. Transportation, Department of

August 2019

(2019) Remote Controlled Hydrographic Survey System. Transportation, Department of

27 September 2019

(2019) Connection Details and Field Implementation of UHPC Piles - Phase II TR615. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Evaluation of Alternative Abutment Piling for Low-Volume Road Bridges. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Investigation of Exterior Girder Rotation and the Effect of Skew during Deck Placement TR711. Transportation, Department of

(2019) Laboratory and Field Evaluation of an Alternative UHPC Mix and Associated UHPC Bridge TR684. Transportation, Department of


(2020) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2020, 2020. Transportation, Department of

1 January 2020

(2020) Acoustic Imaging System - RB24-014. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Development of a Structural Health Monitoring System to Evaluate Structural Capacity and Estimate Remaining Service Life for Bridges. Transportation, Department of

(2020) Evaluation of the Performance of A1010 Bridge Steel RB10-016. Transportation, Department of

31 January 2020

(2020) FY2019 Annual County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report. Transportation, Department of

1 February 2020

(2020) Implementation of Structural Health Monitoring System Final Report-RB19-016. Transportation, Department of

5 February 2020

(2020) Bridge Deck Perseveration Portal, Phase I, Final Report, February 5, 2020. Transportation, Department of

10 February 2020

(2020) DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-CLEANING BOX CULVERTS - Phase III - TR719. Transportation, Department of

1 March 2020

(2020) Design and Performance Verification of a Bridge Column/Footing/Pile System for Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) TR-673. Transportation, Department of

10 March 2020

(2020) Late Life Low Cost Deck Overlays - TR-775. Transportation, Department of

July 2020

(2020) Evaluation, Laboratory Testing, Construction Documentation, and Field Testing/Monitoring of the US 52 Overflow Bridge over the Mississippi River - 17-SPR0-014. Transportation, Department of

31 July 2020

(2020) Development of a Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Tool for Improved Maintenance and Management of Bridges. Transportation, Department of

September 2020

(2020) Beam End Repair for Prestressed Concrete Beams-TR715. Transportation, Department of

21 September 2020

(2020) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2021-2024, September 22, 2020. Transportation, Department of

October 2020

(2020) Advanced Non-Destructive Bridge Deck Condition Assessment - 20-SPR0-007. Transportation, Department of

December 2020

(2020) Rapid Bridge Deck Joint Repair Investigation – Phase III RB33-013. Transportation, Department of


(2021) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2021, 2021. Transportation, Department of

January 2021

(2021) Design and Detailing Requirements for Columns under Collision - TR-768. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Exploration of Ultrasound for the Evaluation and Preservation of Structures - TR757. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Load Rating for Standard Bridges – Final Report for TR-785. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Load Rating for Standard Bridges – Final Report for TR-785. Transportation, Department of

31 January 2021

(2021) Bank Stability Assessment Tool for Bridge and Abutment Infrastructure in Iowa - RB10-014. Transportation, Department of

3 February 2021

(2021) FY2020 Annual County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report. Transportation, Department of

April 2021

(2021) Determination of the Forces in X-Frames in Curved Girder Bridges_17-SPR0-019. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Implementation of the Negative Moment Reinforcing Detail Recommendations - TR723. Transportation, Department of

May 2021

(2021) Transportation Research Circular E-C282, Technology Exchange on Local Roads Bridge Programs, TPF-5(367), May 2021. Transportation, Department of

June 2021

(2021) Multi-Span Lateral Slide Laboratory Investigation: Phase I Project 19-SPR2-001. Transportation, Department of

July 2021

(2021) Iowa Department of Transportation Bridge and Design Manual, July 2021. Transportation, Department of

September 2021

(2021) Evaluation of the Performance of a Short-Span T-Beam Bridge - TR705. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Research Solutions - Evaluation of the Performance of a Short-Span T-Beam Bridge - TR-705. Transportation, Department of

21 September 2021

(2021) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2022-2025, September 21, 2021. Transportation, Department of

October 2021

(2021) Experimental Validation of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Pile Capacity and Stability in Response to Scour Situations - 19-SPR2-002. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Bridge Decks Project TR-767. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Research Solutions- Iowa DOT updates load capacity calculations for standard bridges. See TR785.

December 2021

(2021) Research Solutions - Fiber-Reinforced concrete makes Iowa Bridge Decks more durable - TR-767. Transportation, Department of


(2022) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2022, 2022. Transportation, Department of

15 February 2022

(2022) FY2021 Annual County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report. Transportation, Department of

March 2022

(2022) Concrete Box Culvert Earth Pressure Monitoring TR-776. Transportation, Department of

12 May 2022

(2022) Development of As-Built Model for I-80/I-380 Design 420 BIM ST-012. Transportation, Department of

June 2022

(2022) Implementation of Recommendations for Eliminating Longitudinal Median Joints in Wide Bridges-TR-752. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Iowa Transportation Improvement Program 2023-2027, June 2022. Transportation, Department of

August 2022

(2022) Assessment, Repair, and Replacement of Bridges Subjected to Fire - 20-SPR2-003. Transportation, Department of

18 August 2022

(2022) Iowa in Motion 2050: Iowa Fright Plan, Annual Implementation and Performance Report, 2022. Transportation, Department of

September 2022

(2022) Evaluation of Galvanized and Painted Galvanized Steel Piling - TR-766. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Evaluation of the Performance of A709 Grade 65 QST Bridge Steel TR-779. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Investigation of the Causes of Transverse Bridge Deck Cracking - RB04014. Transportation, Department of

(2022) Phase 1: Development of County Bridge Standards for Single Span Concrete Slab Bridges TR-812. Transportation, Department of

11 October 2022

(2022) Guide To Remediate Bridge Deck Cracking TR-782. Transportation, Department of

17 October 2022

(2022) Standards for Single Span Prefabricated Bridges - ST-811. Transportation, Department of

November 2022

(2022) Evaluation of the Use of IRI Data to Estimate Bridge Dynamic Impact Factor(DIF). Transportation, Department of

December 2022

(2022) Multi-Span Lateral Slide Laboratory Investigation: Phase II, HR-3037. Transportation, Department of


(2023) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2023, 2023. Transportation, Department of

February 2023

(2023) Field Demonstration of an Innovative Box Beam Connection - TR-743. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Shrinkage and Temperature Forces in Frame Piers, TR-738. Transportation, Department of

13 February 2023

(2023) FY 2022 County Structurally Deficient Bridges report. Transportation, Department of

March 2023

(2023) Innovation Solutions - Development of Digital As-Built Model for I-80/I-380 Design 420 BIM - ST-012. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Investigation of Unbraced Pile Height in Fully-Encased Pile Bents of Bridge Structures - SPR-RE23(008)-8H-00. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Projected Changes in Flood Peak Discharge Across Iowa: A Flood Frequency Perspective - 20-SPR2-002. Transportation, Department of

June 2023

(2023) Evaluation of the Use of Link Slabs in Bridge Projects_TR-701. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Iowa Department of Transportation Research in Progress - Statewide Historical Bridge Survey Update - TR-819. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Research Solutions - Repair options for fire-damaged concrete bridges. 20-SPR2-003. Transportation, Department of

July 2023

(2023) Transportation Research Circular E-C283: 13th International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, TPF-5(495). Transportation, Department of

August 2023

(2023) Research In Progress - Bridge Strike Detection and Reporting - HR-4002. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Research Solutions - Advanced steel offers cost-savings for Iowa's bridges - TR-779. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Research Solutions - Exploring standard plans for short-span concrete slab bridges for Iowa counties - TR-812. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Research Solutions - Understanding climate and flood predictions for resilient infrastructure design - 20-SPR2-002. Transportation, Department of

September 2023

(2023) Next Generation Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Tool for Bridges in Iowa – Phase II - TR-795. Transportation, Department of

October 2023

(2023) Evaluation of the Use of IRI Data to Estimate Bridge Dynamic Impact Factor (DIF), Part II: Verification of Proposed DIF Estimation Equation, 21-SPR2-007, 2023. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Helical Pile Foundation Guide for Bridge Structures_TR-800. Transportation, Department of

(2023) Increase Service Life at Bridge Ends through Improved Abutment and Approach Slab Details and Water Management Practices_TR-722 and TR-739. Transportation, Department of

November 2023

(2023) Research Solutions - Understanding earth pressure on concrete box culverts - TR-776. Transportation, Department of

December 2023

(2023) Research in Progress - Improving asset management with Building Information Modeling - TPF-5(480). Transportation, Department of


(2024) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2024, 2024. Transportation, Department of

February 2024

(2024) Using Helical Piles in Bridge Foundations. Transportation, Department of

2 February 2024

(2024) FY 2023 County Structurally Deficient Bridges report. Transportation, Department of

15 February 2024

(2024) Actionable Flood Warnings Based on Ground-truth Data to Support Iowa DOT BridgeWatch Platform, SPR-RE22(016)-8H-00, 2024.

27 February 2024

(2024) Research Solutions - Increasing design options with revised standards for single-span prefabricated bridges, TR-811. Transportation, Department of

29 February 2024

(2024) Research Solutions: Upgrades to Bridge Deck Assessment Tool increase Accuracy and Usability, February 2024. Transportation, Department of

March 2024

(2024) Partially Grouted Revetment for Low-Volume Road Bridges, TR-710.

21 March 2024

(2024) Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Bridges and Structures, TPF-5(372), March 21, 2024. Transportation, Department of

April 2024

(2024) Research Solutions: Evaluation of Galvanized and Painted Galvanized Steel Piling, April 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research Solutions: Increase Service Life at Bridge Ends through Improved Abutment and Approach Slab Details and Water Management Practices, April 2024. Transportation, Department of

May 2024

(2024) Development of an Implementation Plan for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure Systems in Iowa, 21-SPR1-006, 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research_Solutions_Brief-21-SPR2-007_Estimating the effects of oversize and heavy vehicles on Iowa’s bridges. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Robust Wireless Skin Sensor Networks for Long-term Fatigue Crack Monitoring of Bridges - Phase I, TPF-5(449), 2024. Transportation, Department of

June 2024

(2024) Evaluation of AASHTO T 397, Standard Method of Test for Uniaxial Tensile Response of Ultra-High Performance Concrete: Tech Transfer Summary, TPF-5(366), June 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research Solutions Brief: TR-710 - Evaluating Partially Grouted Revetment to Prevent Bridge Scour. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research Solutions Brief: Validating Floodplain Maps and Improving Flood Warnings at Iowa’s Bridges, SPR-RE22(016)-8H-00. Transportation, Department of

July 2024

(2024) Assessing the Flood Reduction Benefits of On-Road Structures, TR-792, 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Dynamic Evaluation and Design of Prefabricated Concrete Bridge Rails, TPF-5(367), 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research In Progress Brief: TR-812, Developing a Standard Design for Single Span Concrete Slab Bridges, 2024. Transportation, Department of

August 2024

(2024) Research In Progress: Developing Iowa’s Own Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Bridge Decks, TR-773, 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research In Progress: Measuring the Impact of Increasing Load Weights on Bridge Life, TR-831, 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research In Progress: Standardizing Software for a Statewide Bridge Rating System in Iowa, TR-832, 2024. Transportation, Department of

October 2024

(2024) Impact of Legalized 25-kip Axle Loads for Self-Propelled Implements of Husbandry on Iowa Bridges, TR-798, 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Performance Evaluation of Very Early Strength Latex-Modified Concrete (LMC-VE) Overlay, TR-771, 2024. Transportation, Department of

November 2024

(2024) Research In Progress Brief: Assessing Road Risks to Protected Wildlife to Guide Iowa DOT’s Mitigation Efforts, 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research In Progress Brief: HR-3053 - Exploring the Costs of Compressed Construction Schedules to Minimize Disruption, 2024. Transportation, Department of

(2024) Research Solutions Brief: Tapping into the Collective Knowledge of Low-volume Roads, 2024. Transportation, Department of

January 2025

(2025) Research In Progress Brief: Demonstrating Drone Capabilities to Meet Transportation and Infrastructure Needs, SPR-RE24(010)-8H-00, 2025. Transportation, Department of

February 2025

(2025) Research Solutions, Evaluating the Use of Prefabricated Concrete Bridge Rails, TPF-5(367), February 2025. Transportation, Department of

(2025) Research Solutions: Monitoring Bridge Fatigue Cracking with Wireless Sensors, TPF-5(449), 2025. Transportation, Department of

10 February 2025

(2025) FY2024 County Structurally Deficient Bridges Report, February 10, 2025. Transportation, Department of

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 06:04:45 2025 CDT.