Handbook of Resource Material for the Task Force on the Modernization of Iowa's Transportation System, 1973

(1973) Handbook of Resource Material for the Task Force on the Modernization of Iowa's Transportation System, 1973. Transportation, Department of


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Probably the oldest mode (method) of transportation is walking. The term mode as applied to transportation is often used to describe the vehicle (airplane, truck, public transit) or the guideway upon which the vehicle travels (highway, rail, waterway). The history of transportation has seen periodic emphasis on one mode -and then another, usually as the result of some technological advancement. The technology of domesticating animals necessitated the widening of paths through the forest. The wheel necessitated the development of smoother, less precipitous pathways. Through the years, thousands of technological advancements have influenced the development of our transportation system. Although many of these find application in many modes, as for example the internal combustion engine, transportation development has been a series of emphasis on one mode at a time. One may speak of the age of the steamship, the age of the railroad, and the age of the highway. These ages came about as a result of the combined influence of technology and perceived transportation need.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: transportation system management plan, planning transportation system, rural Iowa, evaluation of transportation systems, rural transportation systems
Subjects: Natural resources and environment > Ecology > Types of environments > Rural environments
Transportation > Design and Construction
Transportation > Data and Information Technology
Transportation > Maintenance and preservation
ID Code: 49078
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 14 May 2024 19:26
Last Modified: 14 May 2024 19:26
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/49078