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(0190) Good Roads by Paul Beer, 1900z. Transportation, Department of
(1914) Surface Oiling of City Streets. Iowa State University
(1915) Service Bulletin: Recent Road Legislation of Iowa, 1915. Transportation, Department of
(1915) Some Points on Carburetion : Including Mechanical Features of Carburetors, July 10, 1915. Iowa State University
(1915) The Wear and Care of Automobile Tires, July 20, 1915. Iowa State University
(1918) Report of Traffic Committee of the League of Iowa Municipalities, on the Use of Road Oil. Iowa State University
(1927) Service Bulletin, Primary Road Laws, No. 27, no. 5, May 1927. Transportation, Department of
(1936) Abstract of the Iowa Conference on Planning, sponsored by the Iowa State Planning Board, Ames, April 16, 1936. Transportation, Department of
(1949) Primary Roads and Their Municipal Extensions, 1949. Transportation, Department of
(1951) Scour around Bridges, April 1951. Transportation, Department of
(1951) Accelerated Testing Track, HR-7, 1951. Transportation, Department of
(1951) Iowa Highway Programs, Finances, and Progress, 1951. Transportation, Department of
(1952) Iowa Highway Programs, Finances, and Progress, 1952. Transportation, Department of
(1953) A Generalized Model Study of Scour Around Bridge Piers and Abutments, HR-24, 1953. Transportation, Department of
(1954) Iowa Highway Program, Finances and Progress, 1954. Transportation, Department of
(1956) Thin Bonded Concrete Resurfacing U.S. 34 West Burlington, Iowa, HR-34,. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Highway Finance in Iowa, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1959) Erosion Control on Highway Backslopes, HR-64, Progress Report, 1959. Transportation, Department of
(1959) Electronic Warning Signal Research at Hidden Intersections, June 1959. Transportation, Department of
(1960) Determination of Flood Dischard Characteristics of Small Drainage Areas, HR-3, Progress Report, 1960. Transportation, Department of
(1960) Chemical Reactions Involving Aggregates, HR-15, 1960. Transportation, Department of
(1961) Frost Boils, 1961. Transportation, Department of
(1961) Soil Stabilization with Lime Fly Ash, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 26, 1961. Transportation, Department of
(1962) Curb Removal Study, HR-76, Progress Report, 1962. Transportation, Department of
(1962) The Flexural Fatigue Strength of Prestressed Steel I-Beams, HR-73, 1962. Transportation, Department of
(1963) Planning: Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Evansdale, 1963. Transportation, Department of
(1963) Live Load Deflections in a Prestressed Steel Beam Bridge, HR-74, 1963. Transportation, Department of
(1964) Subgrade Insulation to Prevent Soil Freezing, August 1964. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Compositional and Mechanical Properties of Carbonate Rocks, Progress Report, HR-110, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) National Accelerator Laboratory prepared for Atomic Energy Commission, July 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Problems of Bridge Supporting and Expansion Devices and an Experimental Comparison of the Dynamic Behavior of Rigid and Elastomeric Bearings, HR-105, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Subgrade Insulation to Prevent Soil Freezing, HR-87, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1966) Maintenance Control Sections, 1966. Transportation, Department of
(1966) Construction Records: A Guide for Inspectors, March 1966. Transportation, Department of
(1966) Investigation of the Lane-Wells Road Logger, HR-113, 1966. Transportation, Department of
(1967) Design and Operation of the Traffic Simulator, HR-100, 1967. Transportation, Department of
(1967) Service Correlation of the Traffic Simulator, HR-100, 1967. Transportation, Department of
(1967) Iowa Field Conference on "D"-Cracking: Nov. 20 & 21, 1967. Transportation, Department of
(1968) Stability of Granular Base Course Materials Containing Bituminous Admixtures, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1968) Creep and Shrinkage Properties of Lightweight Concrete Used in the State of Iowa, HR-136, Phase I, 1968. Transportation, Department of
(1968) Durability of P.C. Concrete as Affected by Aggregate Size, Curing and Proportions, R-214, 1968. Transportation, Department of
(1968) Optimum Enforcement Level for Traffic Weight Operations, HR-138, Appendices, 1968. Transportation, Department of
(1969) Inspector's Manual, Grading, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1969) Inspectors Handbook, Highway Signing by Paul McGuffin, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1969) Traffic and Revenues proposed Muscatine Bridge prepared for Iowa State Highway Commission, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1969) Criteria for the Evaluation and Disposition of Low-Traffic-Count Secondary Roads, HR-139, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1969) Time-Dependent Deformation of Non-Composite and Composite Sand-Lightweight Prestressed Concrete Structures, Phase 1, HR-137, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1969) X-Ray Diffraction of Highway Materials, HR-128, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1969) Road Profile Adjustment Computer Program, HR-143, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1969) Durability and Durability Tests for Paving Asphalt: A State-of-the-Art Report, HR-124, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1969) Concept Manual for Inventory and Purchasing System for the Iowa State Highway Commission, December 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1970) Final Report Research Project HR-155 by M. J. Mausbach and W. D. Shrader, 1970. Transportation, Department of
(1970) Soil Erosion Control for Secondary Roads, HR-155, 1970. Transportation, Department of
(1970) Scale Effects in Hydraulic Model Tests of Rock Protected Structures, HR-119, 1970. Transportation, Department of
(1970) Preliminary Studies of Remedial Measures for the Prevention of Bridge Deck Deterioration, HR-146, 1970. Transportation, Department of
(1970) A Study of the Need for Traffic Signals at Selected Intersections, May 1970. Transportation, Department of
(1970) A Study of Portland Cement Maintenance Mix and Set Accelerators, R-249, 1970. Transportation, Department of
(1971) Resurfacing and Asphalt Concrete Paving by Kermit L. Farrier, 1971. Transportation, Department of
(1971) Surface Improvement and Dust Palliation of Unpaved Secondary Roads and Streets, Progress Report, HR-151, 1971. Transportation, Department of
(1972) Effects of Cement on Moisture Migration in Concrete, Phase A, Laboratory Study of Moisture Migration in Hardened Cement Paste, HR-141, 1972. Transportation, Department of
(1972) Proceedings Seminar in applied Remote Sensing, September 1972. University of Iowa
(1973) Handbook of Resource Material for the Task Force on the Modernization of Iowa's Transportation System, 1973. Transportation, Department of
(1973) Resurfacing and Asphalt Concrete Paving by Kermit L. Farrier, 1973. Transportation, Department of
(1973) An Investigation of Portland Cement Concrete Utilizing 70% Class V Aggregate and 30% Calcareous Coarse Aggregate, R-255, 1973. Transportation, Department of
(1974) Construction Progress Report No. 7: Five-in-One Bridge and Dam Structure in Cedar Rapids of Linn County, Iowa, March 8, 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1974) Survey No. 1, Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of application for installation of automatic highway-railroad grade crossing signal protection at the location where main street crossed the tracks of the Burlington Northern Inc. in the town of Lucas, Iowa: Docket No. A-6901 decision and order decided April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of installation and maintenance of railroad-highway crossing signals on secondary road and Chicago and North Western Transportation Company railway tracks in Westgate, Iowa: docket no. A-6911 : decision and order decided April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1974) Bridge Deck Waterproofing Membrane Study;MLR-74-01, R-262, 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Maintenance Control Sections, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Corrosion of Steel in CRCP, HR-1004, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) An Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Surfacing in Iowa (with corrections), MLR-75-1, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) 1958 Sufficiency rating of Bridges on the Primary Road System and Extensions, Highway Planning Section, Safety and Traffic Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Considerations in Planning and Operating Transportation Systems for Older Americans and Public Systems in Rural Areas by Douglas J. McKelvey, May 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) History of Expansion Joint Use on Iowa's Primary Road System, May 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Thermoplastic Pavement Markings, HR-172, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Transportation System Management Plan: Waterloo Metropolitan Area prepared by Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments, July 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Evaluation of Chemically Stabilized Secondary Roads, Linn County, Iowa, December, 1975. Iowa State University
(1976) Signal System study for the Central Business District, Burlington Iowa, February 1976. Transportation, Department of
(1976) The IJK Ride Indicator, 1976. Transportation, Department of
(1976) Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1976. Transportation, Department of
(1976) Iowa Construction and Maintenance Traffic Control Handbook, 1976. Transportation, Department of
(1976) Investigation of Highway Lighting, HR-154, 1976. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Sprinkle Treatment (Bristowes Spreader), HR-512. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Structural Steel Painting Inspection Manual by the Office of Materials, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Track Geometry Car Operators Safety Manual, March 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Proposed Iowa segments, Great River Road, March 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Chloride Penetration Into LSDC (Iowa System) Resurfacing Mixes, MLR-77-05 and R-267, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Low Profile Marker for Wet/Night Visibility, HR-1005, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Detection of Steel Corrosion in Bridge Decks and Reinforced Concrete Pavement, HR-156, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Prevention of Reflection Cracking in Asphalt Overlays with Structofors, Petromate, and Cerex, HR-158, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Guttenberg to Cassville Ferry Service: A Feasibility Study, June 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Sioux City Signal System Evaluation Study: Draft Final Report, September 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Vehicle Delay Times at Railroad Crossings prepared by Planning and Research Division, September 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Recycling of Cass County I-80 Asphalt Concrete, Progress Report, HR-1011, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Dust Control Using an Asphalt Emulsion, HR-196, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Information Needs: The Interstate Highway Motorist in Iowa, November 1967. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Primary Road Extension Service in Major Urban Areas by Office of Advance Planning, Planning and Research Division, February 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1978) Bridge Deck Delamination Study, HR-179, 1978. Transportation, Department of
(1978) Iowa Railroad Track Geometry Ratings, July 1978. Transportation, Department of
(1978) Evaluation of an Epoxy Pavement Marking System, HR-180, 1978. Transportation, Department of
(1978) An Evaluation of the Consolidation Monitoring Device, HR-1013, 1978. Transportation, Department of
(1979) Maintenance Area Responsibility Maps, 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1979) Office of Materials prepared by Office of Materials, Iowa Department of Transportation, 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1979) Structural Steel Painting Inspection Manual for Zinc-silicate Systems, 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1979) Bridge Deck Repair Using Epoxy Resin, HR-177, 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1979) Crack Survey for Fibrous P.C. Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1979) A Further Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Surfacing in Iowa, MLR-79-1, 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1979) Asphalt Stabilization (Asphadur)/Reduction of Reflection Cracks (Monsanto Bidim Synthetic Fabric), HR-511, 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Lubrication Manual, 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Des Moines Fleur Drive/Army Post Road Signal System Study, April 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Bonded, Thin-Lift, Non-Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Resurfacing, HR-191, 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Alternate Methods of Stabilizing Degrading Stream Channels in Western Iowa, Phase I, HR-208, 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Maintenance Equipment Lighting Manual, September 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Field Performance and Evaluation of Slurry Seals, HR-195, 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Maintenance Area Responsibility Maps, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Transverse Cracking Study of Asphalt Pavement, HR-1020, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Mission-Oriented Dust Control and Surface Improvement Processes for Unpaved Roads, HR-194, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Mission-Oriented Dust Control and Surface Improvement processes for Unpaved Roads, Final report, May 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Fly Ash Concrete Compressive Strength and Freeze-Thaw Durability, MLR-81-06, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) An Optimum Allocation Approach to Closing or Relocating Highway Maintenance Garages in Iowa, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) State-of-the-Art Methods for Design of Integral Bridge Abutments, HR-227, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1982) The Keokuk & Hamilton Bridge : Keokuk, Iowa - Hamilton, Illinois, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Traffic Control Inventory Manual, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Nonlinear Pile Behavior in Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-227, Part 1, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Recycled Asphalt Pavement Kossuth County Iowa, HR-176, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Iowa's Experience with Sprinkle Treatment of Asphalt Pavements, Progress Report for Project HR-199, July 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) A County Response to the IDOT Study to Determine Alternative Primary and Secondary Road System Sizes, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Examination of Existing Highway Maintenance Garage Locations in Two Study Areas in Iowa, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges, HR-239, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1983) Evaluation of Dense Bridge Floor Concrete using High Range Water Reducer, May 1983. Transportation, Department of
(1983) Examination of Closing the Existing Highway Maintenance Garage at Hamlin, Iowa, 1983. Transportation, Department of
(1983) Examination of Existing Highway Maintenance Garage Locations in Tama and Blairstown Study Area, 1983. Transportation, Department of
(1983) Transverse Joint Sealing with Various Sealants, HR-203, 1983. Transportation, Department of
(1984) 1958 Sufficiency rating of Bridges on the Primary Road System and Extensions, Highway Planning Section, Safety and Traffic Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1984) An Evaluation of the Second Generation Consolidation Monitoring Device, HR-1013, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1984) A Ten Year Performance Summary of Fibrous PC Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1984) Reducing the Adverse Effects of Transverse Cracking, HR-217, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1984) AASHTO highway sub-committee on maintenance, July 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1984) Highway Runoff Study, HR-1037, Progress Report, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1984) Strength-Temperature Study of Fly Ash Concrete, MLR-84-6, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1984) Evaluation of a Mobile Rut Depth Device for the Pavement Management Program, HR-248, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1984) Experimental Use of Calcium Magnesium Acetate, Addendum, HR-253, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1984) Synthetic Fabric to Improve Structural Capacity in Asphalt Overlays, HR-516, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1985) The Effect of Deicing Salt on Aggregate Durability, Progress Report HR-266, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1985) A Sufficiency Rating System for Secondary Roads in Iowa, HR-264, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1985) Evaluation of Control Structures for Stabilizing Degrading Stream Channels in Western Iowa, Phases II and III, HR-208A, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1985) Engineering Study for the Evaluation of Public Road Administration and Maintenance Alternatives, Executive Summary for HR-265, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1985) Engineering Study for the Evaluation of Public Road Administration and Maintenance Alternatives, HR-265, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1985) Asphalt Cement Containing AC-13, HR-522, Construction Report, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1986) Structural Steel Painting Inspection Manual for Zinc-silicate Systems, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1986) Structural Analysis and Overlay Design of Pavements Using the Road Rater, MLR-84-3, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1986) User's Manual for the County Road Evaluation Program - Volume I, HR-242, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1986) The Use of Remote Sensing Techniques Compared to Traditional Archaeological Phase II Testing Methods: A Cost-Benefit Analysis, HR-524, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1986) Effects of Special Aggregate on Bridge Deck Overlay Frictional Properties, HR-205, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1986) Effect of Compaction on the Aggregate Fracturing of Asphalt Concrete, MLR-86-07, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1986) The Use of Fly Ash in Highway Construction, HR-1031, Progress Report, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1986) Iowa System of Bridge Deck Rehabilitation with Cathodic Protection, HR-1044, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Highway/Railroad Grade Crossings Identification and Signing, HR-254, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Pressure Relief and Other Joint Rehabilitation Techniques, HR-1042, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Iowa DOT Evaluation of the PASCO Road Survey System, HR-539, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Length Change of P. C. Concrete Due to Moisture Content, MLR-85-09, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Improved Asphalt Surfaces and Asphalt Resurfacing Performance through Crack Maintenance, HR-213, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Evaluation of the Consolid System of Soil Stabilization, MLR-86-10, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Determination of Tension Crack Development in Plastic P.C. Concrete with Retarding Admixtures, MLR-86-12, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Iowa's CHLOE Profilometer Correlation Procedure, MLR-87-10, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Training Aids to Reduce Potential County Liability, HR-289, Draft, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Investment Analysis of the U.S. Highway 20 Corridor in Hardin and Grundy Counties in Iowa by Jeff Agee, Spring 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Transportation in Iowa: A Historical Summary, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Correlation of Locally-Based Performance of Asphalts with their Physicochemical Parameters, Task 1 Report, HR-298, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) High Molecular Weight Methacrylate Sealing of a Bridge Deck, HR-2031, Construction Report, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Asphalt Cement Containing AC-13, HR-522, Final Report, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Evaluation of Bond Retainage in Portland Cement Concrete Overlays by Infrared Thermography and Ground Penetrating Radar, HR-537, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Examination of Highway Maintenance Garages in the U.S. 30 Corridor between Ames and Cedar Rapids, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Pavement Instrumentation, HR-293, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Production of Acetic Acid for CMA Deicer, HR-304, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Control of Concrete Deterioration Due to Trace Compounds in Deicers, HR-299 Phase I, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Pavement Profiling by Milling, Addendum to HR-283, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Development of an Economic Dust Palliative for Limestone Surfaced Secondary Roads, HR-297, Progress Report, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Full-Scale Vehicle Crash Tests on the Iowa Box-Aluminum Bridge Rail by Ronald K. Faller, December 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Blanket Curing to Promote Early Strength Concrete, MLR-87-7, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Deicing Salt Corrosion with and without Inhibitors, MLR-87-8, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Alternatives for Rural Roads, HR-242, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 1, May 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 2, June 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 3, July 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) A Fifteen Year Performance Summary of Fibrous PC Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Needs Assessment Study of the Iowa DOT Maintenance Facility Construction Needs, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 4, October 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Fast Track and Fast Track II - Cedar Rapids, Iowa, HR-544, Construction Report, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Full-Scale Vehicle Crash Tests on the Iowa Retrofit Concrete Barrier Rail, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Structural Steel Painting Inspection Manual for Zinc-silicate Systems, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Iowa Development of Rubblized Concrete Pavement Base Mills County, Construction Report, HR-315, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) St. Louis to St. Paul Corridor Feasibility and Necessity Study: Consultant's Report to the States, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) St. Louis to St. Paul Corridor Feasibility and Necessity Study: Consultant's Summary Report, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Demonstration Project 85, Video Imagery Systems for Highway Applications, HR-1047, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 5, August 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) 1990 Planning and Research Program, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Development of Evaluation, Rehabilitation, and Strengthening Concepts for Low Volume Bridges, Phase I Progress Report, HR-323, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Pottawattamie County Bonded Overlay Study, HR-513, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Crushed Stone Granular Surfacing Materials, HR-2046 and MLR-90-07, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Dense Concrete Layer as Top Course of Bridge Deck Construction, HR-502, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Glasgrid Fabric to Control Reflective Cracking, HR-535, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Performance of Concrete Bridge Deck Overlays, HR-501, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Field Evaluation of Cold In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Concrete, HR-303, Construction Report, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1991) Evaluation of Deterioration on US 20 in Webster County, MLR-91-1, 1991. Transportation, Department of
(1991) Evaluation of the Chemical Durability of Iowa Fly Ash Concretes, HR-327, Phase I Progress Report, 1991. Transportation, Department of
(1991) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 6, April 1991. Transportation, Department of
(1991) Air Formed Arch Culvert Construction: Crawford County, Construction Reports, HR-314, 1991. Transportation, Department of
(1991) Motor Grader Operator Maintenance of Granular Surfaced Roads : Tips from Iowa Operators, 1991. Transportation, Department of
(1991) Ice-Retardant Pavement, HR-290, 1991. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Vegetation Control for Safety, A Guide for Street and Highway Maintenance Personnel, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Evaluation of the Chemical Durability of Iowa Fly Ash Concretes, HR-327, Phase II Progress Report, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) GIS Demonstration Project prepared by Office of Transportation Inventory, Planning and Research Division, March 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 7, March 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) U.S. 63 Corridor Study, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Development Study - Report C: Final Screening of Alternative Candidate Improvements, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Engineering Fabric Repair Prior to Resurfacing - Roadglas - US 30, HR-525, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Management of Urban Freeways, A Project involving Traffic Flow & Safety on Interstate 380 within the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 12, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Shotblasting to Improve Frictional Properties, HR-1057, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete - Black Hawk County, HR-330B, Construction Report, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Galvanized Bridge Deck Reinforcing, HR-504, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Innovative Leak Test for Pavement Joint Seals, Progress Report, HR-318, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Non-Grouted Bonded PCC Overlay City of Oskaloosa, HR-528, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Evaluation of the Chemical Durability of Iowa Fly Ash Concretes, HR-327, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) A Multi-Project Scheduling Procedure for Transportation Projects, Final Report, HR-339, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Evaluation of Brisco Scour Monitors, HR-551, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1994) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 8, February 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1994) Taxonomy of Institutional Issues that Act as Barriers to the Implementation of Pavement Management Systems, 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1994) Planning, Implementation and Operation of a Statewide Pavement Management System, Workplan Development and System Design prepared for Statewide Pavement Management Steering Committee, December 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1995) Bentonite Treatment for Economical Dust Reduction on Limestone Surfaced Secondary Roads, HR-351, 1995. Transportation, Department of
(1995) Maintenance Division Transportation Region Organizational Review, 1995. Transportation, Department of
(1996) A Different Perspective for Investigation of PCC Pavement Deterioration, HR-2074, Interim Report, 1996. Transportation, Department of
(1996) Investigation of High Density Polyethylene Pipe for Highway Applications, HR-373, Phase 1, 1996. Transportation, Department of
(1996) Development of a TL-3 F-Shape Temporary Concrete Median Barrier by Ronald K. Faller, October 1996. Transportation, Department of
(1996) Iowa Ultra Thin Whitetopping at Two Years of Age, HR-559, 1996. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Reinforced Slope with Geogrids, HR-548, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle, Final Report, Phase One, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Fast Track Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, HR-538, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads Volume 2 of 2 Concept 2: Beam In Slab Bridge, HR-382, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Pooled Fund Study of Premature Concrete Pavement Deterioration, HR-1063, Supplementary Study, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) A Continuous Span Aluminum Girder Concrete Deck Bridge - Part 2 of 2: Fatigue Tests of Aluminum Girders, Final Report, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Crack Sealing Utilizing a Heat Lance, HR-2058, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Report and Specification for Transportation Program Management System, HR-394, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Iowa In Motion: State Transportation Plan, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Let Me Shingle Your Roadway, HR-2079, Interim Report, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Crossroads 2000 Proceedings, 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module II - Construction and Maintenance Operations and Reporting, HR-376, 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Statistical Summaries of Selected Iowa Streamflow Data Through September 1996, HR-395, 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Guide Specifications for Shotcrete Repair of Highway Bridges, February 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) The Potential of Friction as a Tool for Winter Maintenance, TR-400, 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Video Inspection of Highway Edgedrain Systems, HR-317, 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Field Evaluation of Quality Management Concrete, MLR-97-3, 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) US Highway 65 / IA-330 Improvements Polk and Jasper Counties, Iowa : Limited Phase I, Environmental Site Assessment, 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Education on Urban Corridor Issues Through Computer Animation, TR-419, October 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle, Final Report, Phase Two, 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Instrumentation of Paver Vibrators, MLR-95-10, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Effect of Waterproofing Admixture Ipanex on Concrete Durability (includes Addendum), MLR-98-2, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Hydro-Surface Preparation and Coating for Painted Structural Steel, TR-407, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Thin Maintenance Surfaces - Phase I, TR-435, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) 1999 Highway Accomplishment Program, Draft, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Thin Bonded Overlay Evaluation, Construction Report, HR-559, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) US Highway 30 Corridor Study, (Phase I & Phase II), October 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Load Testing and Load Rating Eight State Highway Bridges in Iowa, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Deterioration of Iowa Highway Concrete Pavements: A Petrographic Study, HR-1065, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Field/Laboratory Testing of Damaged Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges, HR-397, 1999. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module IV - Transportation Planning and Traffic Monitoring, HR-376, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Impact of Deck Cracking on Durability, TR-405, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Ultrathin Portland Cement Concrete Overlay Extended Evaluation, Construction Report, TR-432, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2000) 2000 Transportation Scholars Conference: Compendium of Papers, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2001) Techniques for Estimating Flood-Frequency Discharges for Streams in Iowa, HR-395A, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) Highway Maintenance Concept Vehicle Final Report: Phase Three, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) The Use of Abrasives in Winter Maintenance, TR-434, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the Proposed State Highway 60 Bypass Around Le Mars, Iowa, Plymouth County, Abridged Phase I, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) Traffic Signal Inventory Project, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) Plastic Air Content versus Hardened Air Content by High Pressure Air Meter, MLR-99-03, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) Performance of Poly-Carb, Inc. Flexogrid Bridge Overlay System, MLR-86-04, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2002) For Increased Pavement Durabilty: Paver Vibrator Monitors, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Iowa Great River Road, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Evaluation of DuroTrim Vegetation Control Mats, HR-2090, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, HR-388, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Total Cost of Transportation Analysis of Road and Highway Issues, HR-388, Supplement, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Determination and Evaluation of Alternate Methods for Managing and Controlling Highway-Related Dust, TR-449, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Iowa Historic Property Study of the Thomas A. Graham House (86-00024) : Tama, Iowa, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Ultrathin Portland Cement Concrete Overlay Extended Evaluation, Interim Report, TR-432, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Evaluation of Unbonded Ultrathin Whitetopping of Brick Streets, TR-466, Construction Report, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Iowa as a Litter-Free State : Findings, Implications & Recommendations from the Statewide Litter Surveys, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2003) History and Design of Iowa's Highway Maintenance and Weighing Facilities, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Quantitative Guidelines for Thin Maintenance Surfaces, TR-435, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Retrofit Methods for Distortion Cracking Problems in Plate Girder Bridges, TR-436, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Education on Urban Corridor Issues Through Computer Animation, TR-419, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Asphalt Rubber Cement Concrete Webster County, HR-555, Final Report, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Development of Bridge Load Testing Process for Load Evaluation, TR-445, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Evaluation of Appropriate Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation Methods for Iowa Bridges, TR-429, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Longitudinal Joint Forming in PCC Pavements, MLR-00-05, Construction Report, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Prediction and Monitoring of a Superload Passage, August 15, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Evaluation of Post-Tension Strengthened Steel Girder Bridge Using FRP Bars, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Evaluation of Weather Forecasting Services for the Iowa Department of Transportation, CTRE Project 02-126, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Development of Object-Oriented Design and Specifications for Iowa DOT and Urban Standards: Phase I, TR-487, 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Highway 60 Reconstruction Project : Final Environmental Impact Statement, 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Blended Cement Patching Research, MLR-04-01, 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Iowa 2 bridge replacement over the Des Moines River in Farmington, Van Buren County, Iowa, May 23, 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Evaluation of A Steel Girder Bridge Strengthened Using FRP Plates, November 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2006) Investigation of High Performance Concrete Pavement, MLR-05-01, 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2006) Evaluation of Unbonded Ultrathin Whitetopping of Brick Streets, TR-466, 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2006) Field Instrumentation, Testing, and Long-Term Monitoring of High-Mast Lighting Towers in the State of Iowa, TR-518, 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2007) 2007-2008 Technical Training & Certification Program, Information and Registration Booklet for Highway Materials & Construction, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Air Content and Permeability of PCC Pavements: 1909 to 2006, MLR-05-02, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Investigation of PCC Pavement Sections from I-29 Pottawattamie County, MLR-06-01, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Evaluation of Deicing Materials and Corrosion Reducing Treatments for Deicing Salts, TR-471, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Evaluation of Long-Term Field Performance of Cold In-Place Recycled Roads: Field Distress Survey, TR-502, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Evaluation of Long-Term Field Performance of Cold In-Place Recycled Roads: Field and Laboratory Testing, TR-502, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Evaluation of Long-Term Field Performance of Cold In-Place Recycled Roads: Summary Report, TR-502, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Thin Maintenance Surfaces for Municipalities, TR-507, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Improving Portland Cement Concrete Mix Consistency and Production Rate through Two-Stage Mixing, TR-505, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Level I Portland Cement Concrete 2007-2008, Instruction Manual; Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Level II Portland Cement Concrete 2007-2008, Instruction Manual; Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Portland Cement Concrete Reference Manual 2007-2008, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Embankment Quality Phase IV: Application to Unsuitable Soils, TR-492, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Investigation of Steel-Stringer Bridges: Superstructures and Substructures, Volume II, TR-522, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Evaluation of Steel Bridges, Volumes I & II, TR-493, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2008) Examination of Curing Criteria for Cold In-Place Recycling, February 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, TR-480, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, TR-480, Executive Summary, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, TR-480, Implementation Guide, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, Technical Appendices, TR-480, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) The Deleterious Chemical Effects of Concentrated Deicing Solutions on Portland Cement Concrete, Literature Review, TR-480, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) The Utilization of Agriculturally Derived Lignin as an Antioxidant in Asphalt Binder, TR-557, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) Design and Performance Verification of UHPC Piles for Deep Foundations, TR-558, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) Quantitative Mapping of Waterways Characteristics at Bridge Sites, TR-569, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) Best Practices for Low-Cost Safety Improvements on Iowa’s Local Roads, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Construction Inspectors Grading Reference Guide, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Field Testing of Abrasive Delivery Systems in Winter Maintenance, TR-458, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Investigation of Materials for the Reduction and Prevention of Corrosion on Highway Maintenance Equipment, TR-472, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Performance Measurement for Highway Winter Maintenance Operations, TR-491, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Iowa Historic Property Study of the Zeman Barn, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Field Instrumentation, Testing, and Long-Term Monitoring of High-Mast Lighting Tower No. 1 at the I-35/US 18 Interchange Near Clear Lake in the State of Iowa Phase 3, TR-562, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Laboratory performance evaluation of CIR-emulsion and its comparison against CIR-foam test results from Phase III, TR-578. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Great River Road, Endless Possibilities, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Local Agency Pavement Marking Plan, TR-551, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Development of Non-Petroleum Based Binders for Use in Flexible Pavements, TR-594, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program 2010 Summary Report and 2011 Continuation Funding Proposal, HR-296, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Wireless Sensor Networks for Infrastructure Monitoring, TR-611, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Investigation of Improved Utility Cut Repair Techniques to Reduce Settlement in Repaired Areas, Phase II, TR-566, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Review of Inconsistencies Between SUDAS and Iowa DOT Specifications Phase III: Continued Implementation of Recommendations into SUDAS Specifications, TR-607, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2011) A Feasibility Study on Embedded Micro-Electromechanical Sensors and Systems (MEMS) for Monitoring Highway Structures, TR-575, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Timber Abutment Piling and Back Wall Rehabilitation and Repair, TR-616, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2013-2016: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Financial Needs of Iowa's County Roads, TR-608, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Iowa Interstate Corridor Plan, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Methods for Estimating Annual Exceedance-Probability Discharges for Streams in Iowa, Based on Data through Water Year 2010, TR-519, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Wind Loads on Dynamic Message Cabinets and Behavior of Supporting Trusses, TR-612, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Glacial Trail Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan, June 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Final Report (SPR Project 90-00-RB10-012) on the Maintenance Asset Management Project Phase II, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Pilot Construction Project for Granular Shoulder Stabilization, TR-634, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2014-2017: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Nondestructive Evaluation and Assessment of Concrete Barriers for Defects and Corrosion, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) RFID Tags for Detecting Concrete Degradation in Bridge Decks, RB08-011, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Pilot Project for a Hybrid Road-Flooding Forecasting System on Squaw Creek, TR-642. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Field Monitoring of Curved Girder Bridges with Integral Abutments, TPF-5(169), 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) Sensitivity Analysis - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of
(2014) Effect of Video Camera-Based Remote Roadway Condition Monitoring on Snow Removal-Related Maintenance Operations. 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Structural Characterization of UHPC Waffle Bridge Deck and Connections, TR-614, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Methods for Removing Concrete Decks from Bridge Girders, TR-647, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Making a Modern Highway: Transformation of Iowa Roadways in the Mid-Twentieth Century, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Safety and Mobility Impacts of Winter Weather --Phase 3, SPR RB01-012, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Maintenance and Design of Steel Abutment Piles in Iowa Bridges, TR-622, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Concrete Pavement Preservation Guide, Second Edition, September 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Quantifying Uncertainty in Real Time Performance Measurement for Highway Winter Maintenance Operations – Phase 2, RB03-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2015-2018: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Assessment of Asphalt Interlayer Designed on Jointed Concrete, InTrans Project 13-475, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Investigation of Field Corrosion Performance and Bond/Development Length of Galvanized Reinforcing Steel, TR-666, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Pavement Management Performance Modeling: Evaluating the Existing PCI Equations, RB14-013 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Rapid Replacement of Bridge Deck Expansion Joints Study – Phase I, RB33-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Executive summary -- 2015 Corridor Management Plan - The Iowa Great River Road. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Optimization of Snow Drifting Mitigation and Control Methods for Iowa Conditions Part II, TR-626, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Assessment of Nondestructive Testing Technologies for Quality Control/Quality Assurance of Asphalt Mixtures, TR-653, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) 2015 Corridor Management Plan - The Iowa Great River Road, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Evaluating Roadway Subsurface Drainage Practices - Phase II, TR-662, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Laboratory Investigation of Concrete Beam-End Treatments, RB08-013, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Implementation of a Pilot Continuous Monitoring System: Iowa Falls Arch Bridge, HR-1088, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Low-Cost Rural Surface Alternatives: Demonstration Project, TR-664, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Iowa State Highway 92 Over Drainage Ditch #25: Performance Evaluation - Galvanized Reinforcing Bars -- Louisa County, Iowa, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Asset Management Program Enhancement Plan: Baseline Assessment Phases I and II, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Evaluation of the Need for Longitudinal Median Joints in Bridge Decks on Dual Structures, TR-661, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Reflective Crack Mitigation Guide for Flexible Pavements, TR-641, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Comparison of Roadway Roughness Derived from LIDAR and SFM 3D Point Clouds, HR-3001, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Development of a Subgrade Drainage Model for Unpaved Roads, TR-654, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Construction – Wisconsin US 10 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of
(2015) Iowa Pavement Asset Management Decision-Making Framework & Pavement Treatment Selection Tool for Local Agencies, TR-651, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2016-2019: Sorted by MPO and RPA, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction with Cement Treated Base Underlain by Geotextile – Michigan I-96 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of
(2015) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction – Iowa I-29 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of
(2015) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Field Evaluation of Premature Pavement Joint Deterioration – Iowa Urbandale Drive Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of
(2015) Maintenance of Traffic for Innovative Geometric Design Work Zones, 2015.
(2015) Statistical Summaries of Selected Iowa Streamflow Data Through September 2013, TR-669. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Development and Evaluation of a Portable Device for Measuring Curling and Warping in Concrete Pavements, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction – Michigan I-94 Field Study-TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of
(2016) Laboratory Investigation of Bridge Strip Seal Joint Termination Details, SPR RB08-014, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Pavement Foundation Layer Reconstruction – Iowa US 30 Field Study - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of
(2016) Temporary Traffic Control Handbook, TR-694, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Investigation of Techniques for Accelerating the Construction of Bridge Deck Overlays, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Investigation of the Impact of Dual-Lane Axle Spacing on Lateral Load Distribution, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Upgrading Bridge Rails on Low-Volume Roads in Iowa, TR-679, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Impact of Curling and Warping on Concrete Pavement, TR-668, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Development of a Wireless MEMS Multifunction Sensor System and Field Demonstration of Embedded Sensors for Monitoring Concrete Pavements, TR-637, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2018) Durable Pavement Marking and Grooving, April 2018 TR-652. Transportation, Department of
(2018) Evaluation of Otta Seal Surfacing for Low-Volume Roads in Iowa - TR-674. Transportation, Department of
(2018) Prevention of Longitudinal Cracking in Iowa Widened Concrete Pavement - TR-700. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Demonstration Project for Implementation of Performance Enhanced Mixtures (PEM) - MLR-19-10/TPF-5(368). Transportation, Department of
(2019) Overview of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks TPF-5(313). Transportation, Department of
(2019) Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Pavement Overlays: Technical Overview TPF-5(313). Transportation, Department of
(2019) TR710 - Partially Grouted Revetment for Low-Volume Road Bridges, Interim Repoirt. Transportation, Department of
(2019) TR709 - Effectiveness of Pavement Preservation Techniques. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Remote Controlled Hydrographic Survey System. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Transportation Research Circular E-C248: 12th International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, TPF-5(379), September 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Evaluation of Alternative Abutment Piling for Low-Volume Road Bridges. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Scientific Innovations in Microsurfacing and Slurry Seal Mixture Design. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Petrographic and Petrophysical Analysis of Decades-Old Iowa Portland Cement Concretes - 18-SPR0-008. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Development of Granular Roads Asset Management System. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Optimizing Maintenance Equipment Life-Cycle for Local Agencies TR727. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Performance-Based Evaluation of Cost-Effective Aggregate Options for Granular Roadways TR704. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Development of a Structural Health Monitoring System to Evaluate Structural Capacity and Estimate Remaining Service Life for Bridges. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Evaluation of the Performance of A1010 Bridge Steel RB10-016. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Implementation of Structural Health Monitoring System Final Report-RB19-016. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Iowa DOT Office of Maintenance Snowplow Optimization - Project # 18-SPR0-007. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Optimal RWIS Sensor Density and Location – Phase II_TPF-5(290). Transportation, Department of
(2020) Bridge Deck Perseveration Portal, Phase I, Final Report, February 5, 2020. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Iowa In Motion 2045: State Transportation Plan, February 8, 2020. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Evaluate, Modify, and Adapt the ConcreteWorks Software for Iowa’s Use - TR-712. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Late Life Low Cost Deck Overlays - TR-775. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Field Monitoring of Erosion and Sediment Control Practices and Development of Additional Iowa DOT Design Manual Guidance 18-SPR1-001. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Winter Operations Decision Support Tools for the Iowa DOT Maintenance Bureau 17-SPR0-010. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Corn-Based Deicers - TR754. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Development of a Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Tool for Improved Maintenance and Management of Bridges. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Beam End Repair for Prestressed Concrete Beams-TR715. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Reducing Uncertainties in Snow Fence Design: Development of Methods for Estimation of Snow Drifting and the Snow Relocation Coefficient - TR760. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2021-2024, September 22, 2020. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Advanced Non-Destructive Bridge Deck Condition Assessment - 20-SPR0-007. Transportation, Department of
(2020) FY 2020 Research At-a-Glance. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Holding Strategies for Low-Volume State Routes – Phase II - TR-735. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Rapid Bridge Deck Joint Repair Investigation – Phase III RB33-013. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Holding Strategies for Low-Volume State Routes – Phase I RB35-013. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Research Solutions - Corn-Based Deicers. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Development of Bio-Based Polymer for Use in Asphalt – Phase II - TR720. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Impacts of Internally Cured Concrete Paving on Contraction Joint Spacing Phase II: Field Implementation of Internally Cured Concrete for Iowa Pavement Systems - TR746. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Use of Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying for Repair of Steel Structures - TR758. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Transportation Research Circular E-C282, Technology Exchange on Local Roads Bridge Programs, TPF-5(367), May 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Iowa Pavement Analysis Techniques (IPAT) Tool. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Development of an Improved Protocol for Structural Evaluation of Dowel Load Transfer Systems for Concrete Pavements TPF-5(313). Transportation, Department of
(2021) Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) for Iowa Bridges - TR773. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2022-2025, September 21, 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Experimental Validation of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Pile Capacity and Stability in Response to Scour Situations - 19-SPR2-002. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Research Solutions - Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) for Iowa Bridges - TR-773. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Self-Heating Electrically Conductive Concrete Demonstration Project TR-724. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Increasing pavement performance through pavement foundation design modulus verification and construction quality monitoring_ST-008. Transportation, Department of
(2022) FY 2022 Research At-a-Glance. Transportation, Department of
(2022) In Situ Cyclic Loading of Concrete Pavement Overlays Supported on Geotextile and Asphalt Interlayers: Buchanan County Road D-16 - TPF-5(437). Transportation, Department of
(2022) Concrete Box Culvert Earth Pressure Monitoring TR-776. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Evaluation of Sediment Basin Performance Using Large Scale Testing Techniques_20-SPR2-001. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Low-Cost Rural Surface Alternatives Phase III: Demonstration Project TR-721. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Implementation of Recommendations for Eliminating Longitudinal Median Joints in Wide Bridges-TR-752. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Iowa Transportation Improvement Program 2023-2027, June 2022. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Non-Invasive Sensor Deployment in Aurora Member States. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Improving Concrete Patching Practices on Iowa Roadways TR-731. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Assessment, Repair, and Replacement of Bridges Subjected to Fire - 20-SPR2-003. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Iowa in Motion 2050: Iowa Fright Plan, Annual Implementation and Performance Report, 2022. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Evaluation of Galvanized and Painted Galvanized Steel Piling - TR-766. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Investigation of the Causes of Transverse Bridge Deck Cracking - RB04014. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Guide To Remediate Bridge Deck Cracking TR-782. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Research Solutions - Advanced Technologies ensure Iowa’s pavement foundations are built as designed - ST-008. Transportation, Department of
(2023) FY 2023 Research At-a-Glance, 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Automated Extraction of Weather Variables from Imagery - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of
(2023) National Road Research Alliance - Phase II - TPF-5(466). Transportation, Department of
(2023) Iowa Department of Transportation Research in Progress - Statewide Historical Bridge Survey Update - TR-819. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research Solutions - Repair options for fire-damaged concrete bridges. 20-SPR2-003. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Cold In-Place Recycling Project Selection and Guidance for Iowa Roadways - TR-774. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Mitigation of Chloride-Induced Corrosion through Chemisorption, July 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Transportation Research Circular E-C283: 13th International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, TPF-5(495). Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research In Progress - Bridge Strike Detection and Reporting - HR-4002. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Next Generation Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Tool for Bridges in Iowa – Phase II - TR-795. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research Solutions - Geotextiles used in road rehab may help extend pavement life - TPF-5(437). Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research Solutions - Improving roadway friction measurement methods to keep winter roads clear - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of
(2023) Helical Pile Foundation Guide for Bridge Structures_TR-800. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Increase Service Life at Bridge Ends through Improved Abutment and Approach Slab Details and Water Management Practices_TR-722 and TR-739. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research Solutions - Stabilization strategies for Iowa's unpaved roads may save money and increase durability - TR-721. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research Solutions - Understanding earth pressure on concrete box culverts - TR-776. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research in Progress - An Intelligent Human-Centric Communication System for Adverse Weather and Road Conditions - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research in Progress - Crowdsourcing road friction data to support witner operations - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research in Progress - Leveraging connected vehicle technology for use in road weather management - TPF-5(535). Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research in Progress - Standardizing communication on road conditions to improve safety - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of
(2023) Development of a Smartphone-Based Road Performance Data Collection Tool, TPF-5(438), 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Evaluation of Otta Seal Surfacing for Low-Volume Roads in Iowa, Phase II Study: Comprehensive Laboratory Evaluation and Characterization and Full-Scale Field Implementation, TR-753, 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Research in Progress - Improving asset management with Building Information Modeling - TPF-5(480). Transportation, Department of
(2024) Evaluation of Spring Load Restriction Removal Protocols, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions - Selecting and repairing roads in Iowa suitable for cold in-place recycling, TR-774. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Roadway Ice and Snow Detection using a Novel Infrared Thermography Technology, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Using Helical Piles in Bridge Foundations. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions: Upgrades to Bridge Deck Assessment Tool increase Accuracy and Usability, February 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research In Progress: Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Bridges and Structures - Phase II, TPF-5(523). Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions: Increase Service Life at Bridge Ends through Improved Abutment and Approach Slab Details and Water Management Practices, April 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions: TR-760-Designing Snow Fences That Are Efficient and Cost-effective. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Development of an Implementation Plan for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure Systems in Iowa, 21-SPR1-006, 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Integration of Connected Vehicle and RWIS Technologies, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions Brief: TR-710 - Evaluating Partially Grouted Revetment to Prevent Bridge Scour. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions Brief: TR-788-Evaluating the anti-corrosive effects of deicer additives. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions: TR-777 - Using smartphones to efficiently assess road conditions. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions Brief: TPF-5(435) - Taking the Guesswork out of Updating Spring Load Restrictions, July 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions: Otta Seal Surfacing Supports Cost-Effective, Sustainable Roads, TR-753, 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Real User Friction for Winter Maintenance Operation and Evaluation, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Development of Approaches to Quantify Superloads and Their Impacts on the Iowa Road Infrastructure System, TR-781, 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research in Progress: Developing a Model for Improving Roadway Friction Forecasts, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Technology Exchange on Managing Pavements, TPF-5(439), 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Optimal RWIS Sensor Density and Location – Phase IV, TPF-5(435), 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research In Progress: Assessing the Cost Impacts of Preservation Treatments on Pavements, TR-784, 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research In Progress: Evaluating Fine Aggregates for Use in Iowa Road Construction, 20-SPR1-003, 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Research Solutions Brief: Tapping into the Collective Knowledge of Low-volume Roads, 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2025) Bridges Designed for Minimum Maintenance, TR-791, 2025. Transportation, Department of
(2025) Resarch Solutions: Using Connected Vehicle Data to Enhance Winter Safety, TPF-5(435), 2025. Transportation, Department of
(2025) Research Solutions: Committing to Sustainable Practices in Iowa’s Transportation Infrastructure, 21-SPR1-006, 2025. Transportation, Department of
(2025) Research Solutions: Integrating Connected Vehicle and Road Weather Technologies for Enhanced Safety, TPF-5(435), March2025. Transportation, Department of