Items where Subject is "Concrete"

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Jump to: 20 March 1916 | May 1954 | 1956 | October 1960 | August 1964 | July 1965 | December 1965 | August 1967 | 20 November 1967 | October 1968 | 4 November 1968 | 1969 | 17 September 1969 | November 1970 | March 1971 | August 1972 | July 1973 | April 1974 | September 1975 | October 1976 | November 1976 | 1977 | April 1977 | July 1977 | October 1977 | November 1977 | November 1978 | December 1978 | January 1979 | February 1979 | March 1979 | May 1979 | July 1979 | August 1979 | October 1979 | January 1980 | April 1980 | June 1980 | 1981 | July 1981 | December 1981 | May 1982 | January 1983 | June 1983 | July 1983 | August 1983 | September 1983 | January 1984 | February 1984 | August 1984 | 1985 | May 1985 | January 1986 | March 1986 | July 1986 | October 1986 | December 1986 | January 1987 | March 1987 | July 1987 | November 1987 | May 1988 | June 1988 | 1989 | March 1989 | August 1989 | March 1990 | May 1990 | November 1990 | September 1991 | April 1992 | October 1992 | January 1993 | February 1993 | June 1993 | November 1993 | January 1994 | April 1994 | November 1994 | January 1995 | April 1995 | May 1995 | January 1996 | August 1996 | November 1996 | January 1997 | April 1997 | August 1997 | March 1998 | 15 April 1998 | August 1998 | January 1999 | December 1999 | July 2000 | November 2000 | April 2001 | December 2001 | July 2002 | October 2002 | April 2003 | June 2003 | 2005 | March 2005 | October 2005 | November 2005 | February 2006 | April 2006 | March 2007 | May 2007 | February 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 | July 2008 | November 2008 | February 2009 | June 2009 | January 2011 | February 2014 | May 2014 | August 2014 | 14 September 2014 | October 2014 | November 2014 | December 2014 | January 2015 | February 2015 | March 2015 | April 2015 | 15 June 2015 | October 2015 | December 2015 | January 2016 | 18 March 2016 | May 2016 | July 2016 | December 2016 | June 2017 | November 2017 | March 2018 | 31 May 2019 | 27 September 2019 | 1 November 2019 | 1 March 2020 | January 2021 | April 2021 | September 2021 | October 2021 | February 2022 | September 2022 | February 2023 | June 2023 | September 2023 | December 2023
Number of items at this level: 182.

20 March 1916

(1916) Concrete Sidewalk Construction, March 20, 1916. Iowa State University

May 1954

(1954) A Progress Report on Treating Loess, Fine Sands and Soft Limestones with Liquid Binders, HR-20, 1954. Transportation, Department of


(1956) Thin Bonded Concrete Resurfacing U.S. 34 West Burlington, Iowa, HR-34,. Transportation, Department of

October 1960

(1960) Chemical Reactions Involving Aggregates, HR-15, 1960. Transportation, Department of

August 1964

(1964) Subgrade Insulation to Prevent Soil Freezing, August 1964. Transportation, Department of

July 1965

(1965) National Accelerator Laboratory prepared for Atomic Energy Commission, July 1965. Transportation, Department of

December 1965

(1965) Subgrade Insulation to Prevent Soil Freezing, HR-87, 1965. Transportation, Department of

August 1967

(1967) Relationship of Carbonate Aggregates to Concrete Aging, HR-116, 1967. Transportation, Department of

20 November 1967

(1967) Iowa Field Conference on "D"-Cracking: Nov. 20 & 21, 1967. Transportation, Department of

October 1968

(1968) Durability of P.C. Concrete as Affected by Aggregate Size, Curing and Proportions, R-214, 1968. Transportation, Department of

4 November 1968

(1968) Iowa State Highway Commission, Materials Department, Special Investigations final report of R-233 : method "A" freeze-thaw studies of concrete quality aggregates at various moisture contents, November 4, 1968. Transportation, Department of


(1969) Improvement of Granular Base Course Materials with Portland Cement, Special Report, HR-99, 1969. Transportation, Department of

17 September 1969

(1969) Effects of Aggregates upon Asphalt Extraction Tests,September 17, 1969. Transportation, Department of

November 1970

(1970) A Study of Portland Cement Maintenance Mix and Set Accelerators, R-249, 1970. Transportation, Department of

March 1971

(1971) An Investigation of the Chemical Method of Determining the Cement Content of Hardened Concrete, MLR-71-01 and R-248, 1971. Transportation, Department of

August 1972

(1972) Effects of Cement on Moisture Migration in Concrete, Phase A, Laboratory Study of Moisture Migration in Hardened Cement Paste, HR-141, 1972. Transportation, Department of

July 1973

(1973) An Investigation of Portland Cement Concrete Utilizing 70% Class V Aggregate and 30% Calcareous Coarse Aggregate, R-255, 1973. Transportation, Department of

April 1974

(1974) Survey No. 1, Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1974. Transportation, Department of

September 1975

(1975) Kossuth County Iowa Recycled Asphalt Pavement, Open House, August 10 & 11, 1977. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Recycled Asphalt Pavements - Kossuth County Iowa, HR-176, 1975. Transportation, Department of

October 1976

(1976) Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1976. Transportation, Department of

November 1976

(1976) An Evaluation of the Roto-Mill Profiler on Concrete Pavements in Iowa, MLR-76-1, 1976. Transportation, Department of


(1977) Sprinkle Treatment (Bristowes Spreader), HR-512. Transportation, Department of

April 1977

(1977) Chloride Penetration Into LSDC (Iowa System) Resurfacing Mixes, MLR-77-05 and R-267, 1977. Transportation, Department of

July 1977

(1977) Fatigue Behavior of Air-Entrained Concrete, HR-183, 1977. Transportation, Department of

October 1977

(1977) Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1977. Transportation, Department of

November 1977

(1977) Macadam Base Shoulders, HR-181, 1977. Transportation, Department of

November 1978

(1978) A Study of the Frictional Properties of New Asphaltic Concrete Pavements in Iowa, MLR-78-03, 1978. Transportation, Department of

December 1978

(1978) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in Monona County, Iowa, Construction Report, HR-200, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Recycling of Asphalt Concrete From I-80 in Cass County, HR-1011, 1978. Transportation, Department of

January 1979

(1979) Crack Survey for Fibrous P.C. Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1979. Transportation, Department of

February 1979

(1979) Dynamic Deflections for Determining Structural Rating of Flexible Pavements, HR-178, 1979. Transportation, Department of

March 1979

(1979) A Further Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Surfacing in Iowa, MLR-79-1, 1979. Transportation, Department of

May 1979

(1979) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Paving in Woodbury County, Iowa, HR-201, Construction Report, 1979. Transportation, Department of

July 1979

(1979) Transverse Joint Sealing with Various Sealants, Progress Report, HR-203, 1979. Transportation, Department of

August 1979

(1979) Performance of Various Thicknesses of P.C. Concrete Secondary Pavement, HR-9, 1979. Transportation, Department of

October 1979

(1979) Asphalt Stabilization (Asphadur)/Reduction of Reflection Cracks (Monsanto Bidim Synthetic Fabric), HR-511, 1979. Transportation, Department of

January 1980

(1980) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in Monona County, Iowa, HR-200, 1980. Transportation, Department of

April 1980

(1980) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Paving in Woodbury County, Iowa, Final Report, HR-201, 1980. Transportation, Department of

June 1980

(1980) Bonded, Thin-Lift, Non-Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Resurfacing, HR-191, 1980. Transportation, Department of


(1981) Pavement Management and Rehabilitation of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements, MLR-80-01, 1981. Transportation, Department of

July 1981

(1981) Performance of Various Thicknesses of Portland Cement Concrete, HR-9, 30 Year Report, 1981. Transportation, Department of

December 1981

(1981) Use of Longitudinal Subdrains in the 3R Program, Final Report, HR-509, 1981. Transportation, Department of

May 1982

(1982) Effect of Density on Marshall Stability of Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete, MLR-82-01, 1982. Transportation, Department of

January 1983

(1983) Factors Relating to Aggregate Durability in Portland Cement Concrete, HR-2022, Interim Report, 1983. Transportation, Department of

June 1983

(1983) Longitudinal Grinding and Transverse Grooving to Improve Frictional and Profile Properties, HR-1035, 1983. Transportation, Department of

(1983) Performance of Reinforcement Fabric Used Under Asphaltic Concrete Overlays, MLR-83-03, 1983. Transportation, Department of

July 1983

(1983) Effect of Grooved Concrete on Curing Efficiency, MLR-83-4, 1983. Transportation, Department of

August 1983

(1983) Use of Reagent Grade Versus Industrial Grade Trichlorethylene in Asphalt Recoveries, MLR-83-05, 1983. Transportation, Department of

September 1983

(1983) Transverse Joint Sealing with Various Sealants, HR-203, 1983. Transportation, Department of

January 1984

(1984) An Evaluation of the Second Generation Consolidation Monitoring Device, HR-1013, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) The Relationship of Aggregate Durability to Trace Element Content, Interim Report, HR-266, 1984. Transportation, Department of

February 1984

(1984) A Ten Year Performance Summary of Fibrous PC Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1984. Transportation, Department of

August 1984

(1984) Strength-Temperature Study of Fly Ash Concrete, MLR-84-6, 1984. Transportation, Department of


(1985) Establishing Load Transfer in Existing Jointed Concrete Pavements, HR-1041, 1985. Transportation, Department of

May 1985

(1985) Evaluation of Additives for Extruded Asphalt Curbs, MLR-85-06, 1985. Transportation, Department of

January 1986

(1986) Detection of Concrete Delamination by Infrared Thermography, HR-244, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Evaluation of Asphalt Mixes Made from Reclaimed Concrete Aggregates, MLR-85-07, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Structural Analysis and Overlay Design of Pavements Using the Road Rater, MLR-84-3, 1986. Transportation, Department of

March 1986

(1986) Effects of Special Aggregate on Bridge Deck Overlay Frictional Properties, HR-205, 1986. Transportation, Department of

July 1986

(1986) Effect of Delay in Testing Asphalt Concrete Specimens for Marshall Stability, MLR-86-08, Draft, 1986. Transportation, Department of

October 1986

(1986) Asphalt cement concrete pavement recycling, Cass and Montgomery Counties : final report for Iowa DOT project HR-1018, Federal Highway Administration demonstration project no. 39, contract no. DOT-FH-15-336, 1986. Transportation, Department of

December 1986

(1986) Cracking and Seating PCC Pavement Prior to Resurfacing, HR-527, 1986. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Sprinkle Treatments for Asphalt Concrete, HR-507, 1986. Transportation, Department of

January 1987

(1987) Effects of Deicing Salt Trace Compounds on Deterioration of Portland Cement Concrete, HR-271, 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1987) The Relationship of Ferroan Dolomite Aggregate to Rapid Concrete Deterioration, HR-266, 1987. Transportation, Department of

March 1987

(1987) Length Change of P. C. Concrete Due to Moisture Content, MLR-85-09, 1987. Transportation, Department of

July 1987

(1987) Thin Bonded Concrete Overlay with Fast Track Concrete, HR-531, Condition and Performance Report, 1987. Transportation, Department of

November 1987

(1987) Early Strengths of Class F, C, and B Portland Cement Concrete, MLR-87-07, 1987. Transportation, Department of

May 1988

(1988) Automated Traffic/Truck Weight Monitoring Equipment (Weigh-in-Motion), HR-282, 1988. Transportation, Department of

(1988) A Study of Fine Sand from Nine Mile Island at Dubuque, MLR-88-08, 1988. Transportation, Department of

June 1988

(1988) Special Cements for Fast Track Concrete, MLR-87-4, 1988. Transportation, Department of


(1989) Demonstration Project No. 74, Field Management of Asphalt Mixes, Study No. 112 Iowa, Mix Verification and Acceptance Simulations, 1989. Transportation, Department of

March 1989

(1989) Fine Sand for Use in PC Concrete, MLR-88-6, 1989. Transportation, Department of

August 1989

(1989) A Fifteen Year Performance Summary of Fibrous PC Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1989. Transportation, Department of

March 1990

(1990) Iowa Development of Rubblized Concrete Pavement Base Mills County, Construction Report, HR-315, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) The Use of Fly Ash in Highway Construction, HR-1031, 1990. Transportation, Department of

May 1990

(1990) Design, Fabrication, and Operation of the Pavement Crack Monitor Gauge, HR-1054, 1990. Transportation, Department of

November 1990

(1990) Dense Concrete Layer as Top Course of Bridge Deck Construction, HR-502, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Thin Bonded Concrete Overlay with Fast Track Concrete, Final Report, HR-531, 1990. Transportation, Department of

(1990) Thin Bonded Portland Cement Concrete Overlay, HR-520, 1990. Transportation, Department of

September 1991

(1991) Transverse Joint Sealing with Improved Sealers, HR-276, 1991. Transportation, Department of

April 1992

(1992) Investigation of Rapid Thermal Analysis Procedures for Prediction of the Service Life of PCCP Carbonate Coarse Aggregate: Phase I, Progress Report, HR-337, 1992. Transportation, Department of

October 1992

(1992) Thermoset Composite Concrete Reinforcement, HR-325, Part 2, 1992. Transportation, Department of

January 1993

(1993) Bond Contribution to Whitetopping Performance on Low Volume Roads, Construction Report, HR-341, 1993. Transportation, Department of

February 1993

(1993) Non-Grouted Bonded PCC Overlay City of Oskaloosa, HR-528, 1993. Transportation, Department of

June 1993

(1993) Investigation of Rapid Thermal Analysis Procedures for Prediction of the Service Life of PCCP Carbonate Coarse Aggregate, HR-337, 1993. Transportation, Department of

November 1993

(1993) Fast Track and Fast Track II Cedar Rapids, Iowa, HR-544, 1993. Transportation, Department of

January 1994

(1994) Image Analysis of PCC and AC Pavements Using SEM Images, HR-346, 1994. Transportation, Department of

April 1994

(1994) Field Evaluation of Engineering Fabrics for Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing - Audubon County, HR-360, Construction Report, 1994. Transportation, Department of

November 1994

(1994) ProScan Automated Profilogram Reduction System, MLR-94-7, 1994. Transportation, Department of

January 1995

(1995) A Different Perspective for Investigation of PCC Pavement Deterioration, HR-2074, 1995. Transportation, Department of

April 1995

(1995) Ultra Thin PCC Overlays, HR-559, Construction Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

May 1995

(1995) Freeze-Thaw Durability Testing of Oversanded Bridge Floor Concrete, MLR-95-5, 1995. Transportation, Department of

January 1996

(1996) A Different Perspective for Investigation of PCC Pavement Deterioration, HR-2074, Interim Report, 1996. Transportation, Department of

August 1996

(1996) Variations of Tine Texturing of PCC Pavement, MLR-93-4, 1996. Transportation, Department of

November 1996

(1996) Iowa Ultra Thin Whitetopping at Two Years of Age, HR-559, 1996. Transportation, Department of

January 1997

(1997) Vibration Study for Consolidation of Portland Cement Concrete, Preprint, MLR-95-4, 1997. Transportation, Department of

April 1997

(1997) Fast Track Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, HR-538, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Freeze-Thaw Durability of Concretes with Infilling of Ettringite in Voids, Phase 2, MLR-94-9, 1997. Transportation, Department of

August 1997

(1997) A Statistical Analysis of Iowa Premature Concrete Pavement Deterioration, Supplementary Study, HR-1063, 1997. Transportation, Department of

March 1998

(1998) Evaluation of Maturity and Pulse Velocity Measurements for PCC Traffic Opening Decisions, HR-380, 1998. Transportation, Department of

15 April 1998

(1998) Aggregate Tests related to Performance of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, final Report, April 15, 1998. Transportation, Department of

August 1998

(1998) Demonstration and Field Evaluation of Alternative Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Reinforcement Materials, Construction Report, HR-1069, 1998. Transportation, Department of

January 1999

(1999) Instrumentation of Paver Vibrators, MLR-95-10, 1999. Transportation, Department of

December 1999

(1999) Deterioration of Iowa Highway Concrete Pavements: A Petrographic Study, HR-1065, 1999. Transportation, Department of

July 2000

(2000) Ultrathin Portland Cement Concrete Overlay Extended Evaluation, Construction Report, TR-432, 2000. Transportation, Department of

November 2000

(2000) 2000 Transportation Scholars Conference: Compendium of Papers, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Evaluation of Mini Slump Cone Test, MLR-97-01, 2000. Transportation, Department of

April 2001

(2001) Field Evaluation of Engineering Fabrics for Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing - Audubon County, HR-360, Final Report, 2001. Transportation, Department of

December 2001

(2001) Performance of Poly-Carb, Inc. Flexogrid Bridge Overlay System, MLR-86-04, 2001. Transportation, Department of

July 2002

(2002) Ultrathin Portland Cement Concrete Overlay Extended Evaluation, Interim Report, TR-432, 2002. Transportation, Department of

October 2002

(2002) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Cement Concrete - Field Testing, Final Report for HR-330, 330A, 330B, 330C, 330D, 2002. Transportation, Department of

April 2003

(2003) Portland Cement Concrete Curing Compound Performance Phase I and Phase II, MLR-02-03, 2003. Transportation, Department of

June 2003

(2003) Demonstration and Field Evaluation of Alternative Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Reinforcement Materials, HR-1069, 2003. Transportation, Department of

(2003) Longitudinal Joint Forming in PCC Pavements, MLR-00-05, Construction Report, 2003. Transportation, Department of


(2005) The First 5 Years, April 2000 - March 2005, 2005. Transportation, Department of

March 2005

(2005) Blended Cement Patching Research, MLR-04-01, 2005. Transportation, Department of

(2005) Evaluation of PCC Specification Changes Impact on Durability: 1992 - 1997 Core Study, MLR-98-06, 2005. Transportation, Department of

October 2005

(2005) Evaluation of High-Slump Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays, TR-427, 2005. Transportation, Department of

November 2005

(2005) Self-Consolidating Concrete—Applications for Slip-Form Paving: Phase I (Feasibility Study), 2005. Transportation, Department of

February 2006

(2006) Mix Design Development for Pervious Concrete in Cold Weather Climates. Transportation, Department of

April 2006

(2006) Investigation of High Performance Concrete Pavement, MLR-05-01, 2006. Transportation, Department of

March 2007

(2007) Air Content and Permeability of PCC Pavements: 1909 to 2006, MLR-05-02, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Investigation of PCC Pavement Sections from I-29 Pottawattamie County, MLR-06-01, 2007. Transportation, Department of

May 2007

(2007) Evaluation of Long-Term Field Performance of Cold In-Place Recycled Roads: Field and Laboratory Testing, TR-502, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Thin Maintenance Surfaces for Municipalities, TR-507, 2007. Transportation, Department of

February 2008

(2008) Evaluation of Dowel Bar Retrofits for Local Road Pavements, TR-520, 2008. Transportation, Department of

March 2008

(2008) Material and Construction Optimization for Prevention of Premature Pavement Distress in PCC Pavements, Phase III Final Report, 2008. Transportation, Department of

April 2008

(2008) Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Utilizing Rubblization and Crack and Seat Methods (Phase II): Performance Evaluation of Rubblized Pavements in Iowa, TR-550, 2008. Transportation, Department of

July 2008

(2008) Performance Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Granular Subbase - Pavement Surface Condition Evaluation, TR-554, 2008. Transportation, Department of

November 2008

(2008) Design and Performance Verification of UHPC Piles for Deep Foundations, TR-558, 2008. Transportation, Department of

February 2009

(2009) Crack Development in Ternary Mix Concrete Utilizing Various Saw Depths, TR-587, 2009. Transportation, Department of

June 2009

(2009) Investigation into Freezing-Thawing Durability of Low-Permeability Concrete with and without Air Entraining Agent, 2009. Transportation, Department of

January 2011

(2011) Evaluation of Metakaolin for HPC Deck Overlays, MLR-11-01, 2011. Transportation, Department of

February 2014

(2014) Iowa Mass Concrete for Bridge Foundation Study - Phase II, Final Report, 2014. Transportation, Department of

May 2014

(2014) The Use of Ternary Mixtures in Concrete, TPF-5(117), 2014. Transportation, Department of

August 2014

(2014) Optimizing Pavement Base, Subbase, and Subgrade Layers for Cost and Performance of Local Roads, TR-640. Transportation, Department of

14 September 2014

(2014) Concrete Pavement Preservation Guide, Second Edition, September 2014. Transportation, Department of

October 2014

(2014) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Factors Influencing Drying Shrinkage, TPF-5(205), 2014. Transportation, Department of

November 2014

(2014) Assessment of Asphalt Interlayer Designed on Jointed Concrete, InTrans Project 13-475, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Evaluation of the Fresh and Hardened Properties of Concrete Mixtures Containing Permeability-Reducing Admixtures to Develop Standard Test Protocol, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Guidance for Improving Foundation Layers to Increase Pavement Performance on Local Roads, TR-640, 2014. Transportation, Department of

December 2014

(2014) Investigation of Field Corrosion Performance and Bond/Development Length of Galvanized Reinforcing Steel, TR-666, 2014. Transportation, Department of

(2014) Pavement Management Performance Modeling: Evaluating the Existing PCI Equations, RB14-013 2014. Transportation, Department of

January 2015

(2015) Impacts of Internal Curing on Concrete Properties, TR-676, 2015. Transportation, Department of

February 2015

(2015) Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of the MIT Scan T2 for PCC Pavement Thickness, MLR 14-01, 2015. Transportation, Department of

March 2015

(2015) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): An Innovative Approach To Proportioning Concrete Mixtures, TPF-5(205), 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Development and Evaluation of Vibrating Kelly Ball Test (VKelly Test) for the Workability of Concrete, 2015. Transportation, Department of

(2015) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Evaluation of Foam Drainage Test to Measure Air Void Stability in Concrete. Transportation, Department of

April 2015

(2015) Alkali Content of Fly Ash – Measuring and Testing Strategies for Compliance, TR-628, 2015. Transportation, Department of

15 June 2015

(2015) Iowa State Highway 92 Over Drainage Ditch #25: Performance Evaluation - Galvanized Reinforcing Bars -- Louisa County, Iowa, 2015. Transportation, Department of

October 2015

(2015) Comparison of Setting Time Measured Using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation with Saw-Cutting Times on Pavements, TR-675, 2015. Transportation, Department of

December 2015

(2015) Investigation of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design/DARWin-ME Performance Prediction Models for Iowa Pavement Analysis and Design, 2015. Transportation, Department of

January 2016

(2016) Development and Evaluation of a Portable Device for Measuring Curling and Warping in Concrete Pavements, 2016. Transportation, Department of

18 March 2016

(2016) Short Span Prefabricated County Bridge Standards-Phase III-TR682. Transportation, Department of

May 2016

(2016) Evaluation and Testing of a Lightweight Fine Aggregate Concrete Bridge Deck in Buchanan County, Iowa, TR-648, 2016. Transportation, Department of

July 2016

(2016) Impact of Curling and Warping on Concrete Pavement, TR-668, 2016. Transportation, Department of

December 2016

(2016) Guide to the Prevention and Restoration of Early Joint Deterioration in Concrete Pavements TR-697, July 2017. Transportation, Department of

June 2017

(2017) Context Sensitive Designs: Testing of Multi-Performance Level Box Beam Standards TR-681, June 2017. Transportation, Department of

November 2017

(2017) Impacts of Internal Curing on the Performance of Concrete Materials in the Laboratory and the Field TR-676 November 2017. Transportation, Department of

March 2018

(2018) Use of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays TR-683 March 2018. Transportation, Department of

31 May 2019

(2019) Next Generation Concrete Pavement Road Map, TPF-5(286), 2019. Transportation, Department of

(2019) TR698 - Optimized Joint Spacing for Concrete Overlays with and without Structural Fiber Reinforcement. Transportation, Department of

27 September 2019

(2019) Laboratory and Field Evaluation of an Alternative UHPC Mix and Associated UHPC Bridge TR684. Transportation, Department of

1 November 2019

(2019) Petrographic and Petrophysical Analysis of Decades-Old Iowa Portland Cement Concretes - 18-SPR0-008. Transportation, Department of

1 March 2020

(2020) Role of Coarse Aggregate Porosity on Chloride Intrusion in HPC Bridge Decks - TR-728. Transportation, Department of

January 2021

(2021) Exploration of Ultrasound for the Evaluation and Preservation of Structures - TR757. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements: Lessons Learned and a Framework for Mechanistic Assessment of Pavement Foundations - TPF-5(183). Transportation, Department of

(2021) Investigation of Performance Enhanced Mixtures (PEM) with Reduced Cement_MLR-21-01. Transportation, Department of

April 2021

(2021) Impacts of Internally Cured Concrete Paving on Contraction Joint Spacing Phase II: Field Implementation of Internally Cured Concrete for Iowa Pavement Systems - TR746. Transportation, Department of

September 2021

(2021) Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) for Iowa Bridges - TR773. Transportation, Department of

October 2021

(2021) Evaluation of the Retsch Technology Camsizer P4 to assess the shape of crushed particles proposed to be added to natural sand fine aggregate used in Portland Cement Concrete - 20-SPR1-001. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Research Solutions - Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) for Iowa Bridges - TR-773. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Self-Heating Electrically Conductive Concrete Demonstration Project TR-724. Transportation, Department of

February 2022

(2022) In Situ Cyclic Loading of Concrete Pavement Overlays Supported on Geotextile and Asphalt Interlayers: Buchanan County Road D-16 - TPF-5(437). Transportation, Department of

September 2022

(2022) Investigation of the Causes of Transverse Bridge Deck Cracking - RB04014. Transportation, Department of

February 2023

(2023) Field Demonstration of an Innovative Box Beam Connection - TR-743. Transportation, Department of

June 2023

(2023) Evaluation of the Use of Link Slabs in Bridge Projects_TR-701. Transportation, Department of

September 2023

(2023) Research Solutions - Geotextiles used in road rehab may help extend pavement life - TPF-5(437). Transportation, Department of

(2023) Research Solutions - Improving roadway friction measurement methods to keep winter roads clear - TPF-5(435). Transportation, Department of

December 2023

(2023) Interstate and Primary PCC Pavement Overlays Review. Transportation, Department of

This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 06:03:05 2025 CST.