Items where Subject is "Gravel and aggregates"

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Jump to: 20 March 1916 | 1959 | October 1960 | November 1960 | 30 June 1961 | 1962 | June 1962 | September 1963 | April 1964 | October 1964 | November 1964 | March 1965 | September 1965 | 1966 | July 1967 | August 1967 | November 1967 | February 1968 | July 1968 | August 1968 | September 1968 | 4 November 1968 | 1969 | February 1969 | June 1969 | 17 September 1969 | 1970 | February 1970 | August 1970 | September 1970 | March 1971 | December 1971 | 26 April 1972 | July 1972 | December 1972 | February 1973 | July 1973 | 15 August 1973 | July 1975 | January 1976 | 1977 | March 1977 | November 1977 | January 1978 | December 1978 | January 1979 | February 1979 | 1980 | May 1980 | December 1980 | 1981 | March 1981 | May 1982 | July 1982 | December 1982 | January 1983 | January 1984 | January 1985 | November 1985 | January 1986 | March 1986 | June 1986 | July 1986 | January 1987 | April 1987 | July 1987 | June 1988 | September 1988 | 1989 | January 1989 | February 1989 | June 1989 | January 1990 | June 1990 | April 1992 | January 1993 | February 1993 | June 1993 | February 1994 | November 1994 | January 1995 | April 1995 | January 1996 | 2 October 1996 | 2001 | 2 October 2001 | December 2001 | 2002 | 2004 | May 2004 | April 2005 | November 2005 | 2007 | March 2007 | 2008 | July 2008 | 2009 | December 2012 | September 2013 | June 2015 | August 2015 | May 2016 | November 2017 | 30 June 2018 | 1 November 2019 | 10 December 2019 | 1 March 2020 | October 2021 | November 2021 | April 2022 | July 2023 | October 2023 | November 2023 | February 2024
Number of items at this level: 128.

20 March 1916

(1916) Concrete Sidewalk Construction, March 20, 1916. Iowa State University


(1959) Report on Cooperative Freezing-and-Thawing Tests of Concrete, 1959. Transportation, Department of

October 1960

(1960) Chemical Reactions Involving Aggregates, HR-15, 1960. Transportation, Department of

(1960) Missouri River Studies: Alluvial Morphology and Engineering Soil Classification, HR-1, Progress Report, 1960. Transportation, Department of

November 1960

(1960) Bituminous Mixes Prepared with Ungraded Local Aggregates, Iowa Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 19, 1960. Transportation, Department of

30 June 1961

(1961) Properties of Carbonate Rocks in Iowa by Leo A. Thomas and Donald L. Biggs, June 30, 1961. Transportation, Department of


(1962) Studies on Soil-Aggregate-Sodium Chloride Stabilized Roads in Franklin County, Iowa, HR-33, 1962. Transportation, Department of

June 1962

(1962) Behavior of Carbonate Rocks as Concrete Aggregates, HR-15, 1962. Transportation, Department of

September 1963

(1963) Characteristics of Chemical Treated Roadway Surfaces, HR-33, 1963. Transportation, Department of

April 1964

(1964) Clay Mineralogy of a Gumbotil, HR-106, 1964. Transportation, Department of

(1964) Factors Influencing Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes, Progress Report, HR-99, 1964 (April). Transportation, Department of

October 1964

(1964) Modification of Ca-Montmorillonite by Low-Temperature Heat Treatment, HR-106, 1964. Transportation, Department of

November 1964

(1964) Factors Influencing Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes, Progress Report, HR-99, 1964 (November). Transportation, Department of

March 1965

(1965) Compositional and Mechanical Properties of Carbonate Rocks, Progress Report, HR-110, 1965. Transportation, Department of

(1965) Factors Influencing Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes, Progress Report, HR-99, 1965. Transportation, Department of

September 1965

(1965) A Study to Correlate Soil Consistency Limits with Soil Moisture Tensions, HR-27, 1965. Transportation, Department of


(1966) Effect of CA-Montmorillonite Expansion on X-Ray Diffraction Intensities, Progress Report, HR-111, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Stability of Granular Base Course Materials containing Bituminous Admixtures by John Charles Whisler, 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes compacted to Modified Proctor Density by Thomas William Best, 1966. Transportation, Department of

July 1967

(1967) Compositional and Mechanical Properties of Carbonate Rocks, HR-110, 1967. Transportation, Department of

August 1967

(1967) Relationship of Carbonate Aggregates to Concrete Aging, HR-116, 1967. Transportation, Department of

November 1967

(1967) Shear Strength of Granular Materials, 1967. Transportation, Department of

February 1968

(1968) Evaluation of Limestone Filler in Gravel Mixtures "Asphaltic Concrete", R-228, 1968. Transportation, Department of

July 1968

(1968) Evaluation of Cohesion and Swell Characteristics of Asphalt Treated Base Mixtures, R-223, 1968. Transportation, Department of

August 1968

(1968) Evaluation of Experimental Data Obtained from Lightweight Aggregate Bridge Girders, HR-104, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Study of Type 'A' Asphaltic Concrete Surface Mix Design, R-232, 1968. Transportation, Department of

September 1968

(1968) Evaluation Study of Pit Run Gravel Asphalt Treated Base Mixtures with Various Percentages of Crushed Limestone, R-217, 1968. Transportation, Department of

4 November 1968

(1968) Iowa State Highway Commission, Materials Department, Special Investigations final report of R-233 : method "A" freeze-thaw studies of concrete quality aggregates at various moisture contents, November 4, 1968. Transportation, Department of


(1969) Field Observation of Five Lightweight Aggregate Pretensioned Prestressed Bridge Beams, HR-104, 1969. Transportation, Department of

February 1969

(1969) Time-Dependent Deformation of Non-Composite and Composite Sand-Lightweight Prestressed Concrete Structures : Phase 1, February 1969.

June 1969

(1969) A Study of Curing Methods and Type II Cements on the Durability of Concrete, R-11-Z(1), 1969. Transportation, Department of

17 September 1969

(1969) Effects of Aggregates upon Asphalt Extraction Tests,September 17, 1969. Transportation, Department of


(1970) Final Report Research Project HR-155 by M. J. Mausbach and W. D. Shrader, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Soil Erosion Control for Secondary Roads, HR-155, 1970. Transportation, Department of

February 1970

(1970) Absorption of Asphalt by Aggregate, HR-142, Progress Report, 1970. Transportation, Department of

August 1970

(1970) Granular Base Materials for Flexible Pavements, HR-131, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Loss of Prestress, Camber, and Deflection of Non-Composite and Composite Structures Using Different Weight Concretes, HR-137, 1970. Transportation, Department of

September 1970

(1970) Abrasion of Aggregates as Affected by Grading, 1970. Transportation, Department of

March 1971

(1971) An Investigation of the Chemical Method of Determining the Cement Content of Hardened Concrete, MLR-71-01 and R-248, 1971. Transportation, Department of

December 1971

(1971) Absorptive Aggregates in Asphalt Paving Mixtures, HR-142, 1971. Transportation, Department of

26 April 1972

(1972) Laboratory Evaluation of Gilson Porta Splitter : Final Report of R-257, April 26, 1972. Transportation, Department of

July 1972

(1972) Special Project Report: Production & Placement of Bituminous Treated Aggregate Base and Type B Asphalt Concrete Produced by a Drum Mixing Process prepared by Bernard H. Ortgies, July 1972. Transportation, Department of

December 1972

(1972) Evaluation of Gap-Graded Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Vol. 3. Appendix, HR-157, Volume 3 (Part 3), 1972 (1973). Transportation, Department of

(1972) Evaluation of Gap-Graded Asphalt Concrete Mixtures, Vol. 1. Physical Properties (Part I: Mechanical Properties), HR-157, Volume 1, 1972 (1973). Transportation, Department of

February 1973

(1973) Evaluation of Gap-Graded Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Part II: Statistical Design and Analysis, HR-157, 1973. Transportation, Department of

July 1973

(1973) An Investigation of Portland Cement Concrete Utilizing 70% Class V Aggregate and 30% Calcareous Coarse Aggregate, R-255, 1973. Transportation, Department of

15 August 1973

(1973) Methods to Increase Durability of Reactive ("D" Cracking) Coarse Aggregate in Portland Cement Concrete, MLR-73-01, 1973. Transportation, Department of

July 1975

(1975) Durability of Concrete as Affected by Variations in Air and W/C Ratio, R-258, 1975. Transportation, Department of

January 1976

(1976) A Laboratory Investigation of An Accelerated Polishing Method for Determining the Skid Resistance Potential of Aggregates, MLR-76-02 and R-264, 1976. Transportation, Department of


(1977) Sprinkle Treatment (Bristowes Spreader), HR-512. Transportation, Department of

March 1977

(1977) An Evaluation of Cover Aggregate Stripping Characteristics, Progress Report, HR-182, 1977. Transportation, Department of

November 1977

(1977) Dust Control Using an Asphalt Emulsion, HR-196, 1977. Transportation, Department of

January 1978

(1978) General Aggregate Source Information, January 1978. Transportation, Department of

December 1978

(1978) The Economic Potential of the Spergen Formation in Seven Southeastern Iowa Counties, HR-189, 1978. Transportation, Department of

(1978) Recycling of Asphalt Concrete From I-80 in Cass County, HR-1011, 1978. Transportation, Department of

January 1979

(1979) General Aggregate Source Information, 1979. Transportation, Department of

February 1979

(1979) Evaluation of Cover Aggregate Stripping Characteristics, HR-182, 1979. Transportation, Department of


(1980) Preview of Iowa Asphalt Treated Base Construction by Richard P. Henely, 1980. Transportation, Department of

May 1980

(1980) Treating Iowa's Marginal Aggregates and Soils by Foamix Process, HR-212, 1980. Transportation, Department of

December 1980

(1980) Field Performance and Evaluation of Slurry Seals, HR-195, 1980. Transportation, Department of


(1981) Evaluation of Changes in Productivity Resulting from Removal of Soil for Highway Construction, HR-186, 1981. Transportation, Department of

March 1981

(1981) A Review of the Frictional Classification of Iowa Aggregates, MLR-81-04, 1981. Transportation, Department of

May 1982

(1982) Effect of Density on Marshall Stability of Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete, MLR-82-01, 1982. Transportation, Department of

July 1982

(1982) Effect of Oven Heating Time of Asphaltic Concrete on Marshall Stability, MLR-82-02, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1982) Sieve Analysis of Combined Aggregate Samples by Different Test Methods, MLR-84-05, 1982. Transportation, Department of

December 1982

(1982) Performance of Randomly Oriented, Fiber-Reinforced Roadway Soils, HR-211, 1982. Transportation, Department of

January 1983

(1983) Factors Relating to Aggregate Durability in Portland Cement Concrete, HR-2022, Interim Report, 1983. Transportation, Department of

January 1984

(1984) The Relationship of Aggregate Durability to Trace Element Content, Interim Report, HR-266, 1984. Transportation, Department of

January 1985

(1985) The Effect of Deicing Salt on Aggregate Durability, Progress Report HR-266, 1985. Transportation, Department of

November 1985

(1985) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Bridge Deck Concrete, MLR-84-2, 1985. Transportation, Department of

January 1986

(1986) Evaluation of Asphalt Mixes Made from Reclaimed Concrete Aggregates, MLR-85-07, 1986. Transportation, Department of

March 1986

(1986) Effects of Special Aggregate on Bridge Deck Overlay Frictional Properties, HR-205, 1986. Transportation, Department of

June 1986

(1986) Effect of Compaction on the Aggregate Fracturing of Asphalt Concrete, MLR-86-07, 1986. Transportation, Department of

July 1986

(1986) An Evaluation of the Troxler 3241-B Nuclear Asphalt Gauge, MLR-85-11, 1986. Transportation, Department of

January 1987

(1987) The Relationship of Ferroan Dolomite Aggregate to Rapid Concrete Deterioration, HR-266, 1987. Transportation, Department of

April 1987

(1987) Ammonium Phosphate/Fly Ash Road Base Construction, HR-294, Construction Report, 1987. Transportation, Department of

July 1987

(1987) Frictional Properties of Asphalt Concrete Pavements in Iowa, MLR-87-5, 1987. Transportation, Department of

June 1988

(1988) Gradation Analysis of Cold Feed and Extracted Bituminuous Mix Samples, MLR-88-2, 1988. Transportation, Department of

September 1988

(1988) Laboratory Evaluation of Roller-Compacted Concrete, MLR-86-6, 1988. Transportation, Department of


(1989) Demonstration Project No. 74, Field Management of Asphalt Mixes, Study No. 112 Iowa, Mix Verification and Acceptance Simulations, 1989. Transportation, Department of

January 1989

(1989) Evaluation of Carbonate Aggregate Using X-Ray Analysis, HR-266, 1989. Transportation, Department of

February 1989

(1989) An Investigation of Emulsion Stabilized Limestone Screenings, HR-309, 1989. Transportation, Department of

(1989) Polymerized Asphalt Cement, HR-533, 1989. Transportation, Department of

June 1989

(1989) Fly Ash Affect on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity, MLR-88-7, 1989. Transportation, Department of

January 1990

(1990) The Effects of Crushed Particles in Asphalt Mixtures, HR-311 and MLR-88-16, Part 1, 1990. Transportation, Department of

June 1990

(1990) Evaluation of Alternative Methods to Obtain Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate, MLR-89-7, 1990. Transportation, Department of

April 1992

(1992) Investigation of Rapid Thermal Analysis Procedures for Prediction of the Service Life of PCCP Carbonate Coarse Aggregate: Phase I, Progress Report, HR-337, 1992. Transportation, Department of

January 1993

(1993) Instruction Text for Aggregate Inspectors and Technicians Training, Office of Materials, Highway Division, January 1993. Transportation, Department of

February 1993

(1993) Foamed Asphalt Shoulders City of Muscatine, HR-529, 1993. Transportation, Department of

June 1993

(1993) Investigation of Rapid Thermal Analysis Procedures for Prediction of the Service Life of PCCP Carbonate Coarse Aggregate, HR-337, 1993. Transportation, Department of

February 1994

(1994) Thermogravimetric Analysis of Carbonate Aggregate, HR-336, 1994. Transportation, Department of

November 1994

(1994) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 1994, Technical Training and Certification Program, November 1994. Transportation, Department of

January 1995

(1995) Investigation of PCC Pavement Deterioration: A Few Facts are Worth More than 100 Opinions, Interim Report, HR-2074, 1995. Transportation, Department of

April 1995

(1995) Coarse Aggregate Gradations for P.C. Concrete, MLR-94-8, 1995. Transportation, Department of

January 1996

(1996) Structural Analysis of Aggregate Blends Using the SHRP Gyratory Compactor, MLR-95-8, 1996. Transportation, Department of

2 October 1996

(1996) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 1996-1997, Technical Training and Certification Program, October 31, 1996. Transportation, Department of


(2001) Level I Hot Mix Asphalt 2001-2002 Instruction Manual, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) Level II Portland Cement Concrete 2001-2002, Instruction Manual, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2001. Transportation, Department of

2 October 2001

(2001) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 2001-2002, Technical Training and Certification Program, October 2, 2001. Transportation, Department of

December 2001

(2001) Performance of Poly-Carb, Inc. Flexogrid Bridge Overlay System, MLR-86-04, 2001. Transportation, Department of


(2002) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 2001-2002, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2002. Transportation, Department of


(2004) Level I & II Aggregate Instruction Text, Technical Training and Certification Program 2004-2005, 2004. Transportation, Department of

May 2004

(2004) Determination of the Optimum Base Characteristics for Pavements, TR-482, 2004. Transportation, Department of

April 2005

(2005) Fly Ash Soil Stabilization for Non-Uniform Subgrade Soils, Volume I: Engineering Properties and Construction Guidelines, TR-461, 2005. Transportation, Department of

November 2005

(2005) Self-Consolidating Concrete—Applications for Slip-Form Paving: Phase I (Feasibility Study), 2005. Transportation, Department of


(2007) Level I & II Aggregate Instruction Text, Technical Training and Certification Program 2007-2008, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 2007-2008, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2007. Transportation, Department of

March 2007

(2007) Air Content and Permeability of PCC Pavements: 1909 to 2006, MLR-05-02, 2007. Transportation, Department of


(2008) Examination of Curing Criteria for Cold In-Place Recycling, February 2008. Transportation, Department of

July 2008

(2008) Performance Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Granular Subbase - Pavement Surface Condition Evaluation, TR-554, 2008. Transportation, Department of


(2009) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 2009-2010, Technical Training and Certification Program, 2009. Transportation, Department of

December 2012

(2012) Development of Quality Standards for Inclusion of High Recycled Asphalt Pavement Content in Asphalt Mixtures, TR-624, 2012. Transportation, Department of

September 2013

(2013) Pilot Construction Project for Granular Shoulder Stabilization, TR-634, 2013. Transportation, Department of

June 2015

(2015) Low-Cost Rural Surface Alternatives: Demonstration Project, TR-664, 2015. Transportation, Department of

August 2015

(2015) Carbonate Rock Pore Size Distribution Determination through Iowa Pore Index Testing, MLR-15-01, 2015. Transportation, Department of

May 2016

(2016) Evaluation and Testing of a Lightweight Fine Aggregate Concrete Bridge Deck in Buchanan County, Iowa, TR-648, 2016. Transportation, Department of

November 2017

(2017) Impacts of Internal Curing on the Performance of Concrete Materials in the Laboratory and the Field TR-676 November 2017. Transportation, Department of

30 June 2018

(2018) Prevention of Longitudinal Cracking in Iowa Widened Concrete Pavement - TR-700. Transportation, Department of

1 November 2019

(2019) Petrographic and Petrophysical Analysis of Decades-Old Iowa Portland Cement Concretes - 18-SPR0-008. Transportation, Department of

10 December 2019

(2019) Performance-Based Evaluation of Cost-Effective Aggregate Options for Granular Roadways TR704. Transportation, Department of

1 March 2020

(2020) Role of Coarse Aggregate Porosity on Chloride Intrusion in HPC Bridge Decks - TR-728. Transportation, Department of

October 2021

(2021) Evaluation of the Retsch Technology Camsizer P4 to assess the shape of crushed particles proposed to be added to natural sand fine aggregate used in Portland Cement Concrete - 20-SPR1-001. Transportation, Department of

November 2021

(2021) Use of Waste Quarry Fines as a Binding Material on Unpaved Roads Project TR-747. Transportation, Department of

April 2022

(2022) Low-Cost Rural Surface Alternatives Phase III: Demonstration Project TR-721. Transportation, Department of

July 2023

(2023) Cold In-Place Recycling Project Selection and Guidance for Iowa Roadways - TR-774. Transportation, Department of

October 2023

(2023) Research in Progress- Sustainable dust suppressants on gravel roads may reduce health and environmental impacts - TR-813. Transportation, Department of

November 2023

(2023) Research Solutions - Stabilization strategies for Iowa's unpaved roads may save money and increase durability - TR-721. Transportation, Department of

February 2024

(2024) Research Solutions - Selecting and repairing roads in Iowa suitable for cold in-place recycling, TR-774. Transportation, Department of

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 06:04:15 2025 CDT.