Items where Subject is "Weather and climate"

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Number of items at this level: 84.


(1909) Report for the Iowa Section of the Climatological Service of the Weather Bureau, 1906-1909, 1909. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1910) Report for the Iowa Section of the Climatological Service of the Weather Bureau, 1906-1910, 1910. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1917) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1917. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1918) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1918. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1919) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1919. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1920) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1920. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1921) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1921. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1922) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1922. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

January 1923

(1923) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, January 1923. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1924) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1924. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1925) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1925. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1926) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1926. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1927) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1927. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1928) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1928. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1929) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1929. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1930) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1930. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1931) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1931. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1932) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, January/February 1932. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1937) Iowa Facts, 1937. General Services, Department of


(1944) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, August 1944. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1946) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1945-1946. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(1950) Climatological Data, Iowa by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1948-1950. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

August 1954

(1954) The Climate of Iowa, Introduction by Gerald L. Barger, Special Report No. 7, August 1954. Iowa State University

(1954) The Climate of Iowa, The Occurrence of Freezing Temperatures in Spring and Fall, August 1954. Iowa State University

April 1960

(1960) The Climate of Iowa, Soil Temperatures at Ames by C.R. Elford and R.H. Shaw, Special Report No. 24, April 1960. Iowa State University

July 1966

(1966) Magnitude and Frequency of Iowa Floods: HR-2 – Part 1, July 1966. Transportation, Department of

(1966) Magnitude and Frequency of Iowa Floods:HR-2, 1966. Transportation, Department of

15 May 1967

(1967) Climatological Studies, Final Report prepared by Robert H. Shaw, May 15, 1967. Iowa State University

June 1968

(1968) Flood Profile Study, Squaw Creek, Linn County, Iowa prepared by U.S. Geological Survey, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

January 1974

(1974) Minimum Floodway and Flood Protection Requirements, Skunk River-Squaw Creek, Ames Iowa, January 1974. Transportation, Department of

July 1975

(1975) Visibility and Speed Estimation of Iowa State Highway Commission Snowplows, HR-174, 1975. Transportation, Department of

November 1978

(1978) Evaluation of an Epoxy Pavement Marking System, HR-180, 1978. Transportation, Department of

June 1979

(1979) Wind Tunnel Analysis of the Effects of Planting at Highway Grade Separation Structures, HR-202, 1979. Transportation, Department of


(1980) A Statewide Screening for Acid Rainfall, April-October 1980, 1980. Iowa State University

July 1982

(1982) Sieve Analysis of Combined Aggregate Samples by Different Test Methods, MLR-84-05, 1982. Transportation, Department of

September 1984

(1984) Experimental Use of Calcium Magnesium Acetate, Addendum, HR-253, 1984. Transportation, Department of

December 1984

(1984) Snow Removal on Iowa's Secondary Roads, HR-267, 1984. Transportation, Department of


(1985) Effect of a Noise Wall on Snow Accumulation and Air Quality, 1985. Transportation, Department of

May 1988

(1988) Production of Acetic Acid for CMA Deicer, HR-304, 1988. Transportation, Department of

January 1989

(1989) Deicing Salt Corrosion with and without Inhibitors, MLR-87-8, 1989. Transportation, Department of


(1991) Floods in the Nishnabotna River Basin, Iowa, HR-140, 1991. Transportation, Department of


(1996) Floods of July 12, 1972, March 19, 1979, and June 15, 1991, in the Turkey River, Northeast Iowa, HR-140, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1996) Floods of June 17, 1990 and July 9, 1993, Along Squaw Creek and the South Skunk River in Ames, Iowa, and Vicinity, HR-140, 1996. Transportation, Department of

April 1996

(1996) A Laboratory Evaluation of Tungsten Carbide Inserts for Snowplow Blades, MLR-95-6, 1996. Transportation, Department of


(1997) Floods of September 15-16, 1992, in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins, South-Central Iowa, HR-140, 1997. Transportation, Department of

February 1997

(1997) Measurement of Ice Scraping Forces on Snow-Plow Underbody Blades, HR-372, 1997. Transportation, Department of

October 1997

(1997) Guidelines for County Engineering Decisions, HR-369, 1997. Transportation, Department of


(1998) Flood of June 15-17, 1998, Nishnabotna and East Nishnabotna Rivers, Southwest Iowa, HR-140. Transportation, Department of

February 1998

(1998) The Potential of Friction as a Tool for Winter Maintenance, TR-400, 1998. Transportation, Department of


(1999) Floods of July 19-25, 1999, in the Wapsipinicon and Cedar River Basins, Northeast Iowa, HR-140, 1999. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Floods of May 17-20, 1999, in the Volga and Wapsipinicon River Basins, Northeast Iowa, HR-140, 1999. Transportation, Department of

March 2000

(2000) Impact of Deck Cracking on Durability, TR-405, 2000. Transportation, Department of

March 2001

(2001) Highway Maintenance Concept Vehicle Final Report: Phase Three, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2001) The Use of Abrasives in Winter Maintenance, TR-434, 2001. Transportation, Department of

November 2003

(2003) Deploying the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) in Iowa, 2003. Transportation, Department of

December 2007

(2007) Improved Methods for Determining Wind Loads on Highway Sign and Traffic-Signal Structures, TR-559, 2007. Transportation, Department of

February 2008

(2008) Economics of Using Calcium Chloride vs. Sodium Chloride for Deicing/Anti-Icing, TR-488, 2008. Transportation, Department of

May 2008

(2008) Case Study of Seasonal Variation in the Subgrade and Subbase Layers of Highway US 20, TR-516, 2008. Transportation, Department of

June 2009

(2009) Performance Measurement for Highway Winter Maintenance Operations, TR-491, 2009. Transportation, Department of


(2010) Indian Creek Channel: the evolution & significance of an historic public works administration flood control facility, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 2010. Transportation, Department of

June 2010

(2010) A Summary of Communications Technologies Supporting Roadway Weather Information Systems, June 2010. Transportation, Department of

June 2011

(2011) A Feasibility Study on Embedded Micro-Electromechanical Sensors and Systems (MEMS) for Monitoring Highway Structures, TR-575, 2011. Transportation, Department of


(2012) Anti-Icing Equipment Recommendations and Modifications, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(2012) Liquid Applicators to Combat Snow and Ice in Iowa DOT, 2012. Transportation, Department of

May 2013

(2013) Wind Loads on Dynamic Message Cabinets and Behavior of Supporting Trusses, TR-612, 2013. Transportation, Department of

May 2014

(2014) Multi-Purpose ESS/ITS Data Collection Sites, SPR72-00-0003-042, 2014. Transportation, Department of

June 2014

(2014) Effect of Video Camera-Based Remote Roadway Condition Monitoring on Snow Removal-Related Maintenance Operations. 2014. Transportation, Department of

October 2014

(2014) Quantifying Uncertainty in Real Time Performance Measurement for Highway Winter Maintenance Operations – Phase 2, RB03-013, 2014. Transportation, Department of

February 2015

(2015) Optimization of Snow Drifting Mitigation and Control Methods for Iowa Conditions Part II, TR-626, 2015. Transportation, Department of

March 2015

(2015) Iowa’s Bridge and Highway Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment Pilot, HEPN-707, 2015. Transportation, Department of

April 2017

(2017) Analysis of PWD Precipitation Rate Estimates Compared to Hotplate Sensors, April 2017. Transportation, Department of

August 2017

(2017) Review Synthesis of Alternative Power Supply_TPF-3(042). Transportation, Department of

August 2018

(2018) Analysis of Dynamic Advisory Messaging – Phase II, August 2018. Transportation, Department of

October 2018

(2018) Operational Data to Assess Mobility and Crash Experience during Winter Conditions, October 2018. Transportation, Department of

1 February 2020

(2020) Optimal RWIS Sensor Density and Location – Phase II - TPF-5(290) Aurora Project2016-03. Transportation, Department of

January 2021

(2021) Weather Severity Indices – Key Issues and Potential Paths Forward_TPF-5(290). Transportation, Department of

February 2021

(2021) Asset Management, Extreme Weather, and Proxy Indicators - TR741. Transportation, Department of

April 2021

(2021) Implementation of Low-Temperature Cracking Criteria in Iowa Project 18-SPR0-016. Transportation, Department of

August 2021

(2021) Optimal RWIS Sensor Density and Location – Phase III: Continuous Mapping of Winter Road Surface Conditions via Big Data and Deep Learning Project TPF-5(290). Transportation, Department of

April 2022

(2022) Low-Cost Rural Surface Alternatives Phase III: Demonstration Project TR-721. Transportation, Department of

July 2022

(2022) Navigation System for Snowplows in Low Visibility Situations - RE-22007. Transportation, Department of

March 2023

(2023) Projected Changes in Flood Peak Discharge Across Iowa: A Flood Frequency Perspective - 20-SPR2-002. Transportation, Department of

August 2023

(2023) Research Solutions - Understanding climate and flood predictions for resilient infrastructure design - 20-SPR2-002. Transportation, Department of

November 2023

(2023) Research Solutions - Stabilization strategies for Iowa's unpaved roads may save money and increase durability - TR-721. Transportation, Department of

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 06:03:47 2025 CDT.