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(2024) 2023 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses, October 25, 2024. Natural Resources, Department of
(2024) Investing in Iowa's Water: FY2025 Clean Water State Revolving Fund, June 18, 2024. Natural Resources, Department of
(2023) Methodology for Iowa’s 2024 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act, September 29, 2023. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) Investing in Iowa's Water: FY2022 Annual Report Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, December 2022. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) 2019 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) 2020 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) Iowa’s 2022 305(b) Supplemental Information Report. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) Methodology for Iowa’s 2022 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) Public Participation Responsiveness Summary for Iowa 2022 Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) 2021 Annual Report, Iowa Water Quality Initiative, Iowa's Nutrient Reduction Strategy in Action, 2021. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) 2022 Annual Report, Iowa Water Quality Initiative, Iowa's Nutrient Reduction Strategy in Action, 2022. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) $500 Million in Public and Private Water Quality Funding Identified in Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy Annual Report, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2021) Methodology for Iowa’s 2020 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2021) 2020 USEPA Approval Letter of Iowa's Integrated Report. Natural Resources, Department of
(2021) Public Participation Responsiveness Summary for Iowa 2020 Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) Iowa DNR Ambient Groundwater Quality Monitoring Program Summary for Fiscal Year 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) Stocking & Managing Iowa Ponds, July 2, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) 2018-2019 Nutrient Reduction Strategy Annual Report Shows Record Conservation Engagement by Iowans, July 1, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2020) Methodology for Iowa’s 2018 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) Public Participation Responsiveness Summary for Iowa 2018 Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. February 21, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) Iowa Fish, ID Guide, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) Prairie Seedling and Seeding Evaluation Guide, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Investing in Iowa's Water: FY2019 Annual Report Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, October 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2016 Trout Angler Survey, September 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Surface Water Classification July 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Investing in Iowa's Water:FY 2020 Intended Use Plans, Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, June 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Investing in Iowa's Water: FY2020 Annual Report Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, June 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2017 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Flooded Private Well Recommendations, March 20, 2019. University of Iowa
(2019) Recommendations for Water Consumption, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2018) Iowa DNR Ambient Groundwater Quality Monitoring Program Summary for Fiscal Year 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Microcystin Surveillance Study of Iowa’s Public Water Supply Systems July 11, 2016-June 26, 2017, July 10, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) 2016 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2018) Methodology for Iowa’s 2016 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) 1246-022 Middle Buffalo Creek Watershed Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2018) 1301-001 Yellow River Headwaters Watershed Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2018) 1318-007 Rathbun Lake Watershed Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2018) 1323-011 Little Lick Creek Watershed Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy annual progress report. Reporting period: June 1, 2016 through May 30, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) Project AWARE 2017 Upper Cedar River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy Annual Progress Report, December 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy Updates, December 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) Public Participation Responsiveness Summary for Iowa's 2016 Section 303 (d) list of Impaired Waters, November 28, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Pond Plant Identification, November 21, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Results from water quality monitoring conducted during Project AWARE 2017 on the upper Cedar River in north-central Iowa. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa DNR Ambient Groundwater Quality Monitoring Program Summary for Fiscal Year 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) A Quick Guide for Ag Producers Response to a Swine Disease Outbreak, June 30, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Pitching In to Reduce Piles: Team “Pitch Forks” Moves from Paper to Paperless—to create an online Manure Management Plan, June 8, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) 1319-008 Silver Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) 1325-012 Lake Miami Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) Ambient Water Monitoring Strategy for Iowa: 2016-2021. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Stream Water Quality Summary, 2000-2016. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) 2016 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Handling Manure Management Plans, Looking for a Better Way, February 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Stream Water Quality Summary 2016. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) The Iowa Water Quality Initiative:2016: Three Years of Progress Through the WQI, January 27,2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) 1114-006 Walnut Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) 1242-019 Lake Meyer Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) 1335-016 Hickory Grove Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) Project AWARE 2016 Lower Des Moines River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Iowa Department of Natural Resources Animal Feeding Operations, December 15, 2016. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Confinement Site Manure Applicator Certification, November 8, 2016. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy stream water quality monitoring in Iowa : measuring progress (2016). Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy annual progress report. Reporting period: June 1, 2015 through May 30, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 1248-023 Dry Run Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 1415-007 Lake LaVerne Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy : a science and technology-based framework to assess and reduce nutrients to Iowa waters and the Gulf of Mexico (2016). Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Results from Water Quality Monitoring Conducted during Project AWARE 2016 on the Lower Des Moines River in Southeast Iowa. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) IDNR Ambient Groundwater Quality Monitoring: Summary for Fiscal Year 2016, August 31, 2016. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy annual progress report. Reporting period: June 1, 2015 through May 30, 2016. Appendix D. 2015 Partner Organizations' Reports on NRS-Related Efforts. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) Stream water‐quality monitoring conducted in support of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (2016). Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) 1221-010 Rathbun Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 1245-021 West Tarkio River Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 1302-002 Clear Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy annual progress report. Reporting period: June 1, 2015 through May 30, 2016. Appendix C. 2015 Iowa cover crop user survey. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) Ambient Lake Monitoring Program Summary. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) 1234-016 Honey-Lindsey-Dry Run Creeks Watersheds. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 1304-003 Honey-Lindsey-Allison Creeks Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 1311-004 Central Park Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 2015 Lake Water Quality Summary. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) 2000-2015 Lake Water Quality Summary. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Descriptions of Water Quality Parameters for Lakes in the Ambient Lake Monitoring Program. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Stream Water Quality Summary, 2000-2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Stream Water Quality Summary, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) 1210-007 Central Park Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 1223-011 South Chequest Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 1243-020 Fox River Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 2015 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Iowa Public Water Supply Lead and Copper Sampling Plan Requirements, March 2016. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) Project AWARE Sets New Records in 2015: 1,000 to Service, Friendships & Community. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) 2015 Annual Report for Appropriations from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund and Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund to the Watershed Improvement Review Fund. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 2015 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) 08010-006 Camp Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2016) Iowa Fen Rapid Assessment Method for Wetlands v. 1 Quantitative Rating, 2016. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) 1209-006 Waterloo Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 1201-001 Sands Timber Watershed Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 1206-004 Dry Run Creek Watershed: Baker Hall Bioretention Cell Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 1224-012 Competine Creek Partnership Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 1231-014 Twelve Mile Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) Riverine Wetland Summary Report, November 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) Fish Iowa! An Introduction to Fly-fishing, October 15, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) 1240-017 Little Bear Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) Methodology for Iowa’s 2014 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) FY2015 Ambient Groundwater Quality Monitoring Summary, September 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy 2014-2015 annual progress report. Reporting period: June 1, 2014 through May 30, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 07024-009 Volunteer Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 09008-005 Hewitt Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 09014-010 Lytle Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 1228-013 Center Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 1208-005 North Raccoon Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) Surface Water Classification June 17, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) 09018-011 Rathbun Lake Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 09018-011IJ Lake Rathbun Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) Stream Water Quality Summary, 2000-2014. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) Stream Water Quality Summary, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) 2014 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) 2000-2014 Lake Water Quality Summary. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) 2014 Lake Water Quality Summary. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) 1102-001 Twelve Mile Lake Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) Drought Assessment and Local Scale Modeling of Osceola County Rural Water District: Water Resources Investigation Report 11, February 23, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) Groundwater Resource Evaluation of the Lowa Dakota Aquifer in North-Central and Southwest Iowa: Water Resources Investigation Report 12, February 23, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) 2014 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 09020-012 Fox River Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 1204-003 North Fork Maquoketa Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 1214-008 Clear Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 2013 Annual Report for Appropriations from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund and Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund to the Watershed Improvement Fund. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) 2014 Annual Report for Appropriations from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund and Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund to the Watershed Improvement Fund. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2015) Water Quality Monitoring Report - 2005-2009 Monitoring of Prairie Pothole Wetlands. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) Stream Water Quality Summary, 2000-2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) 1233-015IJ Miller Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) Iowa Source Water Protection: Guidebook, November, 18, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) Iowa Source Water Protection: Workbook, November, 18, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) Stream Water Quality Summary, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) 09007-004 Upper Buffalo Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 1241-018 Swan Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy 2013-2014 annual progress report (From Strategy Release through May 30th, 2014). Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy : a science and technology-based framework to assess and reduce nutrients to Iowa waters and the Gulf of Mexico (2014). Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) 1004-002 Rathbun Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 1016-010 Iowa Great Lakes Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 1210-007IJ Central Park Lake Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) Iowa Great Lakes Sanitary District,. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) 08005-002 Silver Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 09032-017 Miller Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 1014-008 Walnut Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 1245-02IJ West Tarkio Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) Aquifer Characterization and Drought Assessment Ocheyedan River Alluvial Aquifer: Iowa Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 10, June 27, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) Application Summary Awarded Projects – 2011, June 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 09012-009 Little River Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) Application Summary Awarded Projects – 2013, May 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 09005-002 Silver Creek Watershed Final Report.
(2014) 1017-011 Tuttle Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) Aquifer Characterization and Drought Assessment Rock River Alluvial Aquifer: Iowa Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 9, February 2014. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) 2013 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 1003-001 Williamson Pond Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 1022-013 Dry Run Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 1113-005 Duck Creek Wateshed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 1119-008 Lake Icaria Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) Watershed Improvement Fund and Watershed Improvement Review Board, 2013. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2014) 2013 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) Groundwater Availability Modeling for the Hudson Aquifer Sioux County, Iowa: Iowa Geological and Water Survey Open File Report OFR-13-2, January 2014. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) Project AWARE 2014 Big Sioux River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) Project AWARE 2013 Des Moines River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) 09029-015 Otter Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 1011-006 Competine Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) Iowa Department of Natural Resources AFO Desk‐top Assessment Standard Operating Procedure, October 18, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) Iowa Department of Natural Resources Comprehensive Survey Standard Operating Procedure, October 18, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) Iowa Department of Natural Resources Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation NPDES On‐Site Inspection Standard Operating Procedure, October 18, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) Iowa Department of Natural Resources Confinement Facility (non‐NPDES) On‐Site Inspection Standard Operating Procedure, October 18, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) Iowa Department of Natural Resources Open Feedlot (non‐NPDES) On‐Site Inspection Standard Operating Procedure, October 18, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) 09006-003 Bear Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) Groundwater Availability Modeling for the City of Shenandoah, Iowa: Iowa Geological and Water Survey Open File Report OFR-13-1, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) 09033-018 Camp Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 1015-009 Indian Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 1109-003 Coe Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 1118-007 Lake Hendricks Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 2012 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) Quality of Ground Water Used For Selected Municipal Water Supplies in Iowa, 1997-2002 Water Years, July 29, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) 06015-008 Bear Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 09002-001 Indian Springs Pond Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy : a science and technology-based framework to assess and reduce nutrients to Iowa waters and the Gulf of Mexico (2013). Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) Methodology for Iowa’s 2012 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) 07020-007 Hurley Creek Watershed/McKinley Lake Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 08009-005 Storm Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 09011-008 Walnut Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) Water Quality Summary, 2000-2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) Water Quality Summary, 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) Iowa’s Water Monitoring Plan, March 2000, January 23, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) 07017-006 Little Clear Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 08013-009 Muchakinock Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) 2012 Annual Report for Appropriations from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund and Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund to the Watershed Improvement Fund. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2013) Project AWARE 2012 Iowa River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) Iowa’s Water Planning History, 2009, December 26, 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) Comprehensive Water Planning In Iowa: Past Efforts, February 2009, December 24, 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy : a science and technology-based framework to assess and reduce nutrients to Iowa waters and the Gulf of Mexico (2012). Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) The Economics of Dead Zones: Linking Externalities from the Land to their Consequences in the Sea, October 2012,. Iowa State University
(2012) Geological and Geophysical Field Investigation Deer Creek Lake: Plymouth County, Iowa, September 6, 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) 08008-004 Rathbun Lake Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 08019-011 Staff Beaver Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 08021-012 Sands Timber Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 08027-016 Competine Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) Development of a Coldwater Benthic Index in Iowa. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) 1009-004 Lost Island Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) Planning for Water Quality, July 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) 2011 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) 07014-005 Maple River Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 07042-016 Kettle Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 08018-010 Walnut Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 09031-016 Duck Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 1010-005 Bloody Run Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) Testing the Waters: A Beef and Dairy Producer's Guide to Check Water Quality Below Open Lots, April 3, 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) 07031-011 Brushy Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 08004-001 Summit Lake Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 08012-008 Lake Morris Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 2012 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) Lake Water Quality Summary, 2000-2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) Lake Water Quality Summary, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) 2011 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 07021-008 Sand Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 07025-010 College Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 08006-003 East Okoboji Beach Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 08011-007 Ludlow Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 08024-14 Duck Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 09028-014 Tributary B to Fourmile Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) 2011 Annual Report for Appropriations from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund and Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund to the Watershed Improvement Fund. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2012) Health consultation : Des Moines (Ex) Ordnance Site Landfill and Lagoon Complex Prairie Trail Development Site [Ankeny] (2012). Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2012) Health consultation : Hills, Iowa Perchlorate Groundwater Contamination Site 2012 Update Hills, Johnson County, Iowa CERCLIS No. IAN000704368 (2012). Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2012) Project AWARE 2011 Turkey River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) Water Quality Summary, 2000-2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) Water Quality Summary, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) East Okoboji Lakefront Technical Assessment, December 15, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) 07013-004 Rathbun Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) 07039-014 Miners Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) 07043-017 North Fork Maquoketa Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) 2010 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) Geologic Mapping for Water Quality Projects in the Upper Iowa River Watershed, September 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) 05024-009 Muchakinock Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) 08023-013 DMACC Lake Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) Confinement Dry Manure Stockpiling Regulations, July 21, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) Dry-Bedded Manure Stockpiling Regulations: For Cattle and Swine Confinement Feeding Operations, July 21, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) Methodology for Iowa’s 2010 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) 06017-009 Saylor Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) Water Quality Summary, 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) 08025-015 Remsen Source Water Protection Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) Remsen source water protection project : agreement no. 8025-015 between the Iowa Watershed Improvement Review Board and the City of Remsen final report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) Water Quality Summary, 2000-2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) 2010 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) 07040-015 Saylor Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) Project AWARE 2010 Nishnabotna River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) Application Summary Awarded Projects – 2010, January 2011. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2011) 1008-003 White Oak Watershed Final Report, 2011. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06025-012 Rathbun Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06034-016 Lake Colchester/Middle Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 07011-003 Keg Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 05044-016 Upper Miller Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 05046-017 Dry Run Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06004-003 Big Sioux River Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 07008-002 Yellow River Watershed Improvement Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06009-004 Price Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06033-015 Fox River Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 07003-001 Clear Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 2009 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Application Summary Awarded Projects – 2009, June 2010. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) The Iowa State-Wide Trace Element Soil Sampling Project: Design and Implementation: A Report of the Iowa Component of the United States Geological Survey National Geochemical Survey Open-File Report 10-1, June 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) 06003-002 Upper Catfish Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06012-006 Lime Creek NPS Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06014-007 Lower Coldwater-Palmer Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 07033-013 Dry Run Creek Sub-watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) IOWATER Program: Summary of Recent Reports. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Water Quality Impairments in Iowa. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Water Quality Summary, 2000-2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Water Quality Summary, 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Floods of 2008: How Did Aquatic Life in Streams Fare? Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) 2009 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06001-001 Norfolk Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06027-013 Leisure Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) 06031-014 City of Carpenter Sewage Treatment System Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) Community Water Sampling Event. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Iowa Participates in National Lake Assessment. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Iowa's Beach Monitoring Program, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Iowa's Beach Monitoring Program, 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Project AWARE 2009 Cedar River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) What in the World are Benthic Macroinvertebrates? Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) Division of Soil Conservation Soil and Water Quality Review, January 2010. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2010) Water Rights and Allocation, January 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) IOWATER, Vol. 1, Spring 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) 07032-012 Lake MacBride Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) Iowa's Jordan Aquifer: current Status and Future Conditions, December 11, 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) 05036-013 Joint Drainage District 1-10 Fnial Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) Recommendations and Funding Options to Mitigate Flood Risk, November 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) 05017-006 Lake Storm Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) 2008 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) Water Quality Summary 2000-2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) Application Summary Awarded Projects – 2008, August 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) Geology of Lower Dakota Aquifer, June 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) Hydrology of Lower Dakota Aquifer, June 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) Water Quality of Lower Dakota Aquifer, June 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) 05037-014 Elk River Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) 05011-055 Yellow River Watershed Improvement Project Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) 05031-011 Rathbun Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) Methodology for Iowa’s 2008 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) 2006/2007 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) Water Quality Summary 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) 05021-008 Clear Creek Watershed Final Report Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) 05028-010 Urban Watershed of Dickinson Cty Lakes Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) 2008 Calendar Year Report of the Watershed Improvement Reviw Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) 05002-001 Little Pony Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) 05005-002 Farmers Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) 05007-003 Hewitt Creek Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) 05040-015 Viking Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) Division of Soil Conservation Soil and Water Quality Review, 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2008) IOWATER, Vol. 3, Fall 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) IOWATER, Vol. 3, Summer 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) IOWATER, Vol. 1, Spring 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Application Summary Awarded Projects – 2007, December 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2008) Water Planning Law and Government, November 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) 05035-012 Clear Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2008) 06010-005 Holiday Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2008) 05018-007 Storm Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2008) 06018-010 Storm Lake Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2008) Surface Water Classification June 11,2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) 05008-004 Mill-Picayune (Manteno Lake) Watershed Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2008) 2007 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2008) CLEAR: Community Leaders Enhancing Area Rivers, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Common Iowa Fish, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Fish Kills in Iowa, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Groundwater Availability Modeling: Lower Dakota Aquifer, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Groundwater Quality: Dakota Aquifer, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Iowa's Beach Monitoring Program 2007, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Project AWARE 2007 Raccoon River, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Results of Wetland Monitoring 2005-2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Shallow Lakes in Iowa: Water Quality and Biological Assessments, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Water Level Changes in Iowa's Aquifers, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Water Level Changes in Iowa's Aquifers, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Water Quality Summary for 2000-2007, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Water Quality Summary for 2007, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Water planning law and government. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) IOWATER, Vol. 2, Winter 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) IOWATER, Vol. 4, Fall 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) IOWATER, Vol. 3, Summer 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) IOWATER, Vol. 2, Spring 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Management Strategy for Iowa’s Water Resources, December 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Water Quality Water Advocacy, September 14, 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) Methodology for Iowa’s 2006 Water Quality Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Water Quality Monitoring in the Hoover Creek Watershed 2004-2006, September 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) 2006 Calendar Year Annual Report of the Watershed Improvement Review Board. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2007) Project AWARE 2006 Iowa River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-Big Spirit Lake, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-Center Lake, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-East Okoboji Lake, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-Lake Minnewashta, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-Little Spirit Lake, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-Lower Gar Lake, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-Silver Lake, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-Upper Gar Lake, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-West Okoboji Lake, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Fens of Iowa, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Iowa Beach Monitoring Program, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) The Iowa Beach Study Experience, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Iowa Wetland Monitoring, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Project AWARE 2006 Iowa River, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) REMAP - A Probabilistic Survery of Iowa's Perennial Rivers and Streams, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Water Quality Summary, 2000-2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Water Quality Summary, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) A success story: The rebirth of Iowa’s trout streams, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) IOWATER, Vol. 1, Winter 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) IOWATER, Vol. 4, Fall 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) IOWATER, Vol. 3, Summer 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) IOWATER, Vol. 2, Spring 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Wellhead Protection in Iowa, June 26, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Water Quality Monitoring in the Yellow River Watershed 2005, June 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Hydrogeology of Pre-Illinoian Till at the I-380 Rest Site, Linn County, June 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) 2005 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Project AWARE 2005 Little Sioux River. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Brushy Creek Lake: Improving Our Lake for the Future, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) DNR Interactive Mapping: A tool for Iowa Agriculture, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Farmers Creek: Our Stream Needs Your Help, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Highlights, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Lake Darling: A Snapshot of Success, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Restoring Our Pride in Badger Creek Lake, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) A Return to Clear Creek, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) IOWATER, Vol. 1, Winter 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) IOWATER, Vol. 4, Fall 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) IOWATER, Vol. 3, Summer 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) IOWATER, Vol. 2, Spring 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) 2004 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Water Quality Summary 2000-2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Railroad Avenue Groundwater Contamination Site, July 26, 2005. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2005) Health consultation : Rolfe aboveground storage tank petroleum bulk plant targeted brownfields assessment, Railroad Street and 300th Avenue, Rolfe, Pocahontas County, Iowa (2005). Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2005) Methodology for Iowa’s 2004 water quality assessment, listing, and reporting pursuant to Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Bacteria Source Tracking in Lake Darling Watershed, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Citizens Monitoring Bacteria, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Cyanobacteria in Iowa Waters, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Intensive Watershed Investigations at Iowa Beaches, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Iowa's Beach Monitoring Program, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Iowa's Wetland Monitoring Program, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Muchakinock Creek: Improving Water Quality for the Future, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Repairing the Impaired: Two Iowa Success Stories, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Snapshot Events, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Tillage Manure Managemen and Water Quality, April 2005. Iowa State University
(2005) Water Quality Summary, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Year 5 Accomplishments, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) IOWATER, Vol. 3, Spring 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) IOWATER, Vol. 4, Spring 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Manure Management Plans Required by the DNR, December 8, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Nitrogen and Phosphorus Budgets for Iowa and Iowa Watersheds, December 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) 2003 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program; Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Hills, Iowa, Perchlorate Groundwater Contamination Site Fact Sheet, July 26, 2004. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2004) Health consultation : Hills, Iowa perchlorate groundwater contamination site, Hills, Johnson County, EPA facility ID: IAN 000704368 (2004). Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2004) Lake Ahquabi: An Impressive Pedigree, April 15, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Biological Assessment of Iowa's Wadeable Streams, October 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Cedar Lake Watershed Project, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Fecal Source Tracking in Iowa, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) GIS Mapping: Creating Solutions for Rock Creek Lake, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Groundwater Monitoring in Iowa, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Iowa Beach Monitoring, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Iowa Community Private Well Study, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Nutrient Monitoring in the Cedar Rapids Wastershed, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Social dynamics of Water Quality, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Water Quality Summary, 2000-2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Water Quality Summary, 2000-2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Water Quality Summary, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Water Quality Summary, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2004) Year 4 Accomplishments, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) IOWATER, Vol. 4, no.1, Winter 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) IOWATER, Vol. 4, no. 3, Fall 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) IOWATER, Vol. 4, no. 4, Fall 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) IOWATER, Vol. 4, no. 3, Summer 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) IOWATER, Vol. 4, no. 2, Spring 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) 2002 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Methodology for developing Iowa’s 2002 Section 303(d) list of Impaired Waters. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Accessing Iowa's Water Quality Information, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Bacteria in Iowa's Water Resources, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Bouncing Back, Recovery of Fish Productions, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Frequently asked Questions about Beach Monitoring for Environmental Prefessionals, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Frequently asked Questions about Beach Monitoring, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Iowa Beach Monitoring, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Nutrients in Iowa Lakes, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Water Quality Summary 2000-2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Year 3 Accomplishments, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) IOWATER, Vol. 3, no.1, Winter 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) IOWATER, Vol. 3, no.3, Summer 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) IOWATER, Vol. 3, no.2, Spring 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) 2001 Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program; Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Stream Fish Kill Follow-up Assessment, Fish Community Sampling Results, February 28, 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) IOWATER Sustaining the Wave. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Big Spring Retrospective, March 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Cooperative Lakes Area Monitoring Project-Project Overview, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Iowa Beach Monitoring, 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Iowa Beach Monitoring, 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Iowa STORET Data Retrieval, 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Water Quality Summary, 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Year One Accomplishments, 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Year Two Accomplishments, 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) IOWATER, Vol. 2, no.1, Winter 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) IOWATER, Vol. 2, no.1, Winter 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) IOWATER, Vol. 2, no.4, Fall 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) IOWATER, Vol. 2, no.1, Summer 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) IOWATER, Vol. 2, no.3, Summer 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) IOWATER, Vol. 2, no.2, Spring 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Prairie Seedling Guidelines, May 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Biological Assessment of Iowa's Streams and Rivers, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) IOWATER Makes a Splash, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Bacterial Monitoring of Iowa's Beaches, 2000. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Guide to Conducting a Wellhead Contaminant Source Inventory, January 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Assessment of Iowa Lakes, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Emerging Water Quality Issues, March 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Historic Alteration of Surface Hydrology on the Des Moines Lobe, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Iowa's Hidden Water Resources, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Iowa's Water - Ambient Monitoring Program: Bacterial Monitoring of Iowa's Beaches, January 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Iowa's Water - Ambient Monitoring Program: IOWATER Makes a Splash, February 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Managing Iowa's Water Quality Information. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Monitoring Iowa's Beaches, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Nitrate Nitrogen in Iowa Rivers, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) A Plan for Monitoring Iowa's Water, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) River and Stream Health in Iowa, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Water Quality Assessment in Iowa During 1998 and 1999, Assessment Methodology and Summary Data, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Water Quality Summary, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Watersheds, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2000) IOWATER, Vol. 1, no.1, Winter 2000. Natural Resources, Department of
(2000) IOWATER, Vol. 1, no.2, Summer 2000. Natural Resources, Department of
(2000) The Iowa water quality initiative : better water for a better Iowa, 2000. Natural Resources, Department of
(2000) IOWATER, Vol. 1, no.3, Fall 2000. Natural Resources, Department of
(2000) Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Nonpoint Source Needs Assessment for Iowa, The Cost of Improving Iowa's Water Quality by Catherine Kling, 2000. Natural Resources, Department of
(2000) Water Quality Summary, 2000. Natural Resources, Department of
(1999) Groundwater Quality Response to Closure of Agricultural Drainage Wells in Floyd County Iowa, July 1999. Natural Resources, Department of
(1999) Aquatic Pest Control prepared by Bob Hartzler and Joe Morris, January 1999. Iowa State University Extension
(1998) Proceedings of the Watershed Partnerships, Protecting Our Water Resources Conference, January 20-21, 1998. Iowa State University
(1995) Impact of Farming Practices on Water Quality in Iowa, March 31, 1995. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1994) The History of Big Spring, August 1994. Natural Resources, Department of
(1994) Groundwater Quality, Hydrogeology, and Agricultural Drainage Wells, April 1994. Natural Resources, Department of
(1994) Big Spring: Anatomy of Environmental Cooperation, January 13, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Agricultural Drainage Wells in Iowa: Hydrogeologic Settings and Water-Qaulity Implications, April 1993. Natural Resources, Department of
(1991) A Progress Review of Iowa's Agricultural-Energy-Environmental Initiatives: Nitrogen Management in Iowa, December 1991. Natural Resources, Department of
(1990) Nitrate and Pesticide Distribution in the West Fork Des Moines River Alluvial Aquifer, April 1990. Natural Resources, Department of
(1990) Effect of Split N-fertilizer applications on Drainage Water Quality and NOb3s-N Leaching, February 1990. Iowa State University
(1990) Effects on Water Quality prepared by Vincent J. McFadden, 1990. Iowa State University Extension
(1989) Groundwater Monitoring in Big Spring Basin 1984-1987: A Summary Review, November 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1988) Effluent Biomonitoring at Selected Iowa Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Facilities, September 1988. University of Iowa
(1987) Iowa Drainage Guide, March 1987. Iowa State University
(1985) The State Water Plan 1985. Natural Resources, Department of
(1983) Biological and Recreational Aspects of Water Level Management for Clear Lake Iowa, Technical Completion Report, 1983. Iowa State University
(1981) Field Study and Tests of Several One-Dimensional Sediment-Transport Computer Models for Pool 20, Mississippi River, July 1981. University of Iowa
(1981) Iowa's Wetland: The proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, 1981. Natural Resources, Department of
(1980) Desorption of Pollutants from Mississippi River Sediments in the GREAT II Study Reach Lab Simulation Study, 1980. University of Iowa
(1980) A Statewide Screening for Acid Rainfall, April-October 1980, 1980. Iowa State University
(1980) Suspended Sediment Modeling of Dredge-Disposal Effluent in the GREAT-II Study Reach, 1980. University of Iowa
(1979) Drought in Iowa: Pattern, Frequency, Intensity, December 1979. Natural Resources, Department of
(1978) Summer Water Quality Survey of the Maple River Basin of the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa, State Hygienic Laboratory, October 25, 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Water Quality Survey of Muchakinock Creek prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, October 25, 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Water Quality Survey of the Yellow River prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, October 6, 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Water Quality Survey of the Mississippi River at Dubuque Iowa prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, September 26, 1974. University of Iowa
(1978) Water Quality Survey of the Floyd River prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa, State Hygienic Laboratory, March 28, 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Water Quality Survey of the Big Sioux River prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, January 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Water Quality Survey of the Rock River prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, January 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Iowa Water Plan '78 The Framework Study - Summary Report. Natural Resources, Department of
(1978) Water Quality Survey of the East Fork Wapsipinicon River prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa, State Hygienic Laboratory, 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Water Quality Survey of the East Middle and West Nodaway Rivers prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Water Quality Survey of the Lizard Creek prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Water Quality Survey of the Timber Creek prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, 1978. University of Iowa
(1977) Water Quality Survey of the Catfish Creek Basin, December 6, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Water Quality Survey of the Shellrock River prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa, State Hygienic Laboratory, October 26, 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Water Quality Survey of the Cedar River-Charles City area prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, October, 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Winter Water Quality Evaluation of the Lower Cedar during Low Flow periods, March 23, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Water Quality Survey of a Coal Mining Watershed Muchakinock Creek, October 26, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Water Quality Survey of the Soldier River and its Tributaries, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Winter Water Quality Survey of the North Raccoon River, April 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Winter Water Quality Survey of the Rock River, March 1977. Iowa State University
(1976) Water Quality for Animals, November 18, 1976. Iowa State University
(1976) Report on West Okoboji Lake Dickinson County, Iowa, EPA Region VII: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1976. Natural Resources, Department of
(1976) Des Moines River Winter Water Quality Study by the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory, April 8, 1976. University of Iowa
(1976) Iowa River Water Quality Survey, April 6, 1976. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1976) Winter Survey of the South Skunk River by the State Hygienic Laboratory, March 1976. University of Iowa
(1976) Water Quality Management Planning Progress: Approved Work Plan, June 1976-November 1978. Iowa State University
(1976) A Laboratory Investigation of the Mechanics and Hydraulics of River Ice Jams by J.C. Tatinclaux, 1976. University of Iowa
(1976) The Thermal Regimes of the Upper Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, 1976. University of Iowa
(1975) Water Quality Survey of Beaver Creek, October 22, 1975. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1975) An Employee's Handbook in support of the Iowa Older Americans Public Water Systems Inventory A Senior Employment Project, October 1975. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(1975) Water Quality Report prepared by the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality, April 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Disposal, June 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1974) Des Moines River (east and west forks to Des Moines, Iowa) Winter Water Quality Study by the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory, July 25, 1974. University of Iowa
(1974) Inventory of Iowa Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities, 1974. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1974) Waste Load Allocation Study: Point Source Waterwater Discharges, 1971. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1974) Water Quality in the Iowa Great Lakes, A Report to the Iowa Great Lakes Water Quality Control Plan, 1974. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1973) Water Quality Survey of the Maquoketa River by the State Hygienic Laboratory, August 30, 1973. University of Iowa
(1973) A selected bibliography on the relationships between agriculture and water quality, 1973. Iowa State University
(1973) Ames Reservoir Environmental Study, Appendix 2: Economic and Social Impact by Institute of Urban and Regional Research, University of Iowa in cooperation with the Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute, 1973. Iowa State University
(1973) Ames Reservoir Environmental Study, Appendix 4: Physical Relationships with the Agricultural Sector by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute and Engineering Research Institute, 1973. Iowa State University
(1973) Ames Reservoir Environmental Study, Appendix 6: Detailed Economic Review and Project Evaluation by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute and Engineering Research Institute, 1973. Iowa State University
(1973) Ames Reservoir Environmental study, Appendix 1, Vol. 2: Natural and Archaeological Resources of the Reservoir Site and Stream System by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute and Engineering Research Institute, 1973. Iowa State University
(1973) Summary Report, Ames Reservoir Environmental Study by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute, Iowa State University, 1973. Iowa State University
(1972) Water Quality Survey of the Shellrock River by the State Hygienic Laboratory, October 26, 1972. University of Iowa
(1972) West Fork Des Moines River Water Quality Survey, Estherville area by the State Hygienic Laboratory, February 24, 1972. University of Iowa
(1972) Population Studies of Bigmouth Buffalo in Coralville Reservoir with Special Reference to Commercial Harvest,. Natural Resources, Department of
(1971) Winter Water Quality of the North Raccoon River from Storm Lake to Van Meter, Iowa by the State Hygienic Laboratory, March 26, 1971. University of Iowa
(1969) Mississippi River Water Quality Survey Report Keokuk Iowa area submitted to the Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission by the State Hygienic Laboratory, May 12, 1969. University of Iowa
(1969) 1969. Statement in Support of the Iowa Water Quality Standards and Plan for Implementation and Enforcement: Missouri River Basin. Natural Resources, Department of
(1969) Preimpoundment Water Quality Study, Saylorville Reservoir, Des Moines River Iowa by E. Robert Baumann, 1969. Iowa State University
(1968) Iowa Public Health Bulletin:Sanitary Standards for Water Wells Residential and other small installations, 1968. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1967) Preliminary Projections of Income, Employment and Population in Iowa Portions of Missouri and Upper Mississippi Basins 1980, 2000 & 2020, June 1967. Natural Resources, Department of
(1967) Certification of Water Supply System and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators, 1967. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1964) State of Iowa 1964 Census of Public Water Supplies for Iowa Communities prepared by Division of Public Health Engineering, March 1964. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1963) Report on the Water Pollution Investigation of Deck's Hollow Creek Below Stratford, Iowa, 1963. Natural Resources, Department of
(1961) State of Iowa 1961 Census of Public Water Supplies for Iowa Communities prepared by Division of Public Health Engineering, 1961. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1958) Report on the Water Pollution investigation of Spring Creek below Strawberry Point Iowa by the Division of Public Health Engineering, June 1958. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1958) Iowa Public Health Bulletin:Sanitary Standards for Water Wells Residential and other small installations, 1958. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1954) Report on the Water Pollution Investigation of a Tributary of the Volga River near Hawkeye Iowa by Division of Public Health Engineering, 1954. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1951) Report on the Investigation of Pollution of the Little Sioux River from Spencer to Peterson, 1950-1951' Division of Public Health Engineering, 1951. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1945) 1945. Proceedings of the Organizational Meeting of the Upper Mississippi Valley Water Use Council. Natural Resources, Department of
(1936) A Report on Water Use and Conservation, The Water Resources Committee, Iowa State Planning Board, July 18, 1936. Natural Resources, Department of
(1933) Water Supply for the Isolated Home, May 31, 1933. Iowa State University
(1931) Report on the Investigation of Pollution of the Cedar River from Waverly to Columbus Junction, 1926-1931, September 1931. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1931) Report on the investigation of pollution of the Cedar River from Waverly to Columbus Junction, 1926-1931. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1930) Water Softening for the Home, October 1, 1930. Iowa State University
(2009) Iowa CREP News, March 18, 2009, Issue 3. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2008) Working with Iowans building a culture of conservation, Program Summary, November 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2007) Division of Soil Conservation Soil and Water Quality Review, October 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2005) Our Common Ground, 2005-2. Natural Resources, Department of
(1990) Preserving Adequate Water Supplies Study Committee : final report, January 1990. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) 2018 USEPA Approval Letter of Iowa's Integrated Report. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) USEPA Region 7 2018 Decision Document. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) 2018 305(b) Integrated Report Submittal Letter to EPA. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) 2016 303(d) Impaired Waters List EPA Approval Letter. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) 2016 Iowa Integrated Report EPA Submittal Letter.
(2015) Iowa Habitat and Access Program(IHAP), October 22, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) Biological Sampling and Physical Habitat Assessment Standard Operating Procedure for Iowa Wadeable Streams and Rivers, July 24, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) Iowa Habitat and Access Program: Practice Incentive Payment for Habitat Improvement in Exchange for Hunter Access, January 29, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) Project AWARE 2015 Wapsipinicon River. Natural Resources, Department of