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(1875) Catalogue of the Iowa State University at Iowa City, 1867-1875. University of Iowa
(1876) Iowa Education at the International Exhibition, 1876 : Suggestions Respecting the Preparation of Material, 1876. Governor's Office
(1900) Organization and early history of the Iowa College for the Blind / T. F. McCune, Superintendent of the College, 1900. Corrections, Department of
(1917) The Boy and the School, a Partial Survey of the Public Schools of Fort Dodge, Iowa, August 15, 1917. Iowa State University
(1918) An Outline of Courses in Industrial Arts, 1918. Iowa State University
(1930) Courses of Study for High Schools : Industrial Arts, 1930. Education, Department of
(1932) Courses of Study for High Schools : Home Economics, 1932. Education, Department of
(1932) State Plans for Vocational Education in Iowa for the Five Year period 1932-1937: Adopted by the State Board for Vocational Education and approved by the Federal Board for Vocational Education, June 1932. Education, Department of
(1935) Report on visual instruction service of Iowa colleges and universities : April, 1935. Education, Department of
(1936) Progress report of Iowa State Planning Board projects, February 1-15, 1936. Governor's Office
(1936) Progress report of Iowa State Planning Board projects, February 15-29, 1936. Governor's Office
(1936) Progress report of Iowa State Planning Board projects, March 1-15, 1936. Governor's Office
(1936) Progress report of Iowa State Planning Board projects, March 16-31, 1936. Governor's Office
(1936) Progress report of Iowa State Planning Board projects, April 1-15, 1936. Governor's Office
(1938) Coordination in the Part-Time School : A Handbook on Coordination for use by Supervisors, Coordinators and Teachers of Part-Time Vocational School Students. October, 1938. Education, Department of
(1939) A Technique for a Vocational Education Survey of a Local Community, December 1939. Education, Department of
(1940) Course of study for high schools : agriculture: non-vocational course for grades 9 and 10, 1940. Education, Department of
(1940) Instructional units in safety for elementary grades and junior high schools / prepared, reviewed, and approved by a Committee of Iowa Teachers and School Administrators under the direction of Jessie M. Parker, Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1940. Education, Department of
(1943) Iowa Elementary Teachers Handbook, Arithmetic, 1943. Education, Department of
(1943) Science and nature study, 1943. Education, Department of
(1945) Progress report of the Iowa Home Economics Curriculum Program. N. 3 / issued by the Board of Vocational Education, Jessie M. Parker, chairman, L.H. Wood, director, 1945. Vocational Rehabilitation
(1947) Development of Paper-and-Pencil Tests to Evaluate the Ability to Apply Generalizations in Home Economics, 1947. Vocational Rehabilitation
(1948) General Agriculture for Secondary Schools, 1948. Education, Department of
(1948) Industrial Arts for Secondary Schools, 1948. Education, Department of
(1954) A Guide for Developing a Curriculum in Housing, 1954. Education, Department of
(1955) Strengthening Human Values in Our Schools, 1955. Education, Department of
(1956) A guide for planning industrial arts departments in Iowa, 1956. Iowa State University
(1958) Iowa and the New Education : the Story of Iowa State College, 1858-1958, 1958. Iowa State University
(1963) Pilot Study of Vocational-Technical Education in Twelve North Iowa Counties, March 1963. Iowa State University
(1964) Child abuse and neglect : the role of protective services, 1964. Education, Department of
(1965) Driver Education for Iowa Schools, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) A Proposal for Vocational Education for the Counties of Benton, Cedar, Delaware, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn and Washington, State of Iowa, July 1965. Education, Department of
(1966) Safety Education for Iowa Schools, 1966. Education, Department of
(1967) Speech Improvement, 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) Training Needs for Metal Tradesmen in Iowa, 1987. Education, Department of
(1967) Vocational-Technical Education and School District Organization, November 28, 1967. Iowa State University
(1967) Focus / Iowa Home Economics Extension, December 1967. Iowa State University Extension
(1968) Homemaking for the Educable Mentally Retarded Girl by Iowa State Dept. of Public Instruction, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Improving Instruction for Trainable Mentally Retarded, A Working Document, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Life Experience Starter Unit, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Skilled Needs Survey of All Employers of Four or More Persons Within the Area Ten Community College District, 1968. Iowa Workforce Development
(1968) Special Education and Pupil Services in RESA X 1968, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) A guide for developing a curriculum in human development and the family, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Law and authority : An Essential Part of the Social Sudies Program for the Educable Mentally Retarded (Awareness, knowledge, Respect, Observance, Enforcement), February 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Peoples, Places, Perspectives: The Great Plains States by Ellis G. Hanson, February 8, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Reporting Pupil Progress in Special Classes for the Mentally Retarded, October 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Planning an Arithmetic Curriculum for the Educable Mentally Retarded, November 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Worker Education in Denmark by Robert E. Belding, 1968. Education, Department of
(1969) 1969 Vocational Education Student Follow-up: students terminating 1967-68:status as of October 15, 1968, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Improving guidance services for all handicapped pupils enrolled in Iowa's public schools : phase I. Identification and direction, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) The Use of Overhead Projection in Classrooms for the Mentally Retarded, March 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Art Integration: A Teaching Program for the Mentally Retarded, August 1969. University of Iowa
(1969) Understanding the Law : A Guide for Teaching the Mentally Retarded, August 1969. University of Iowa
(1969) Exploring Prejudice: Suggestions for Developing Attitudes in the Mentally Retarded, December 1969. University of Iowa
(1970) Expanded Programs of Educational Research and Evaluation, Department of Public Instruction, 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) Management and Maintenance in the Home: A Guide for Teaching the Handicapped, 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) Title I in Iowa : A Report on Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in Iowa's Public and Private schools, 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) A Preliminary Study of Educational Delivery Systems for the State of Iowa prepared by Administrative Consultant Services, July 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) Vocational Preparation : Suggestions for Teachers of the Handicapped, October 1970. Education, Department of
(1971) Governor's Educational Advisory Committee Preliminary Recommendations for Governance of Area Schools, 1971. Governor's Office
(1971) Preliminary Recommendations of the Governor's Educational Advisory Committee, Higher Education and Western Iowa, 1971c. Governor's Office
(1972) An Information Exchange System for Teachers of Government, 1972. Education, Department of
(1972) Quality Math Experiences, January 1972. University of Iowa
(1972) Role and Scope of Iowa's Merged Area Schools, November 8, 1972. Education, Department of
(1973) Guidelines for Achieving a Multi-cultural, Sex Bias Free, Curriculum in Iowa Schools, 1973. Education, Department of
(1974) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, Spencer Iowa, 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, Washington Iowa, 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) Strong Programs of Education and Services for Children and Adults requiring Special Kinds of Instruction, 1974. Education, Department of
(1975) Children with Learning Disabilities ... : "I Would if I Could.", 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Models for Career Education in Iowa, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Proposal: "Program Research in Driver Education" Iowa Project P.R.I.D.E., 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) A philosophy for career education, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) The way we work : some notes on the philosophical base of career education, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Final Evaluation of the Iowa Career Education Project, July 1, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Iowa State Plan for Title IV, Consolidation, P.L. 93-380, September 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Testimony before House Education Subcommittee on Vocational Education hearing by Robert D. Benton, September 16, 1975. Education, Department of
(1976) Annual Report of Private Gift Support for the University of Iowa, 1976. University of Iowa
(1976) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, Council Bluffs Iowa, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1976) Gifted and Talented: Commentary and Review of Selected Document Abstracts and Journal Article Citations on Gifted and Talented, 1976. Education, Department of
(1976) The Iowa Plan for Curriculum Improvement in Industrial Arts, K-12, 1976. Education, Department of
(1976) Vocational Education, An Opportunity for the Gifted and the Talented Students, 1976. Education, Department of
(1976) Vocational Education, Developing a Written Plan for Implementing the Vocational Preparation of the Gifted and the Talented Students in Secondary and Post-Secondary Education, 1976. Education, Department of
(1976) INFORMS: Selected Abstracts and Resources on Consumer Education; Consumer Economics, Department of Public Instruction, May 1976. Education, Department of
(1976) Summary reports : State Schools of Iowa. July 1976. Education, Department of
(1977) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) Mainstreaming prepared by Jean P. Beard with assistance from Merry Maitre, August 1977. Management, Department of
(1977) Interim Bulletin on the Certification and Approval of Iowa School Personnel, 1966. Education, Department of
(1978) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, Council Bluffs Iowa, 1978. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1978) Guide, Iowa Association, Future Homemakers of America, FHA and HERO chapters : the vocational student organization of home economics education, 1978. Education, Department of
(1978) Planning Information for Vocational Education, Fort Dodge, 1978. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1978) Programs serving emotionally disabled and chronically disruptive pupils in Iowa : 1978-1979. Education, Department of
(1978) Iowa Vocational Education/Special Needs Assessment Project: Summary Report Iowa State Department of Public Information Special Needs Section in Cooperation with Drake University College of Education, October 1978. Education, Department of
(1979) Planning Information for Vocational Education, Council Bluffs Iowa, 1979. Education, Department of
(1979) Self-Evaluative Criteria for Iowa Schools, August 1979. Education, Department of
(1979) Driver Education Data, 1978-1979, Simmer, 1979. Education, Department of
(1980) Iowa programs for the gifted and talented, 1980. Education, Department of
(1980) Prioritizing Iowa's Training Needs, Occupations requiring Specialized Training of less than Baccalaureate Degree, 1980. Education, Department of
(1981) Parent's guide to the University of Iowa, 1981. University of Iowa
(1981) A Tool for Assessing and Designing Comprehensive School Health Education in Iowa schools, Department of Public Instruction, 1981. Education, Department of
(1982) 1982-83 Administrative Handbook for Mini-Grant initiatives. Education, Department of
(1982) Annual report: Iowa State Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute, July 1, 1981 - June 10, 1982, 1982. Iowa State University
(1982) Iowa Monograph: Current Issues in Behavior Disorders-1982, 1982. Education, Department of
(1983) Guidelines for Area Planning Councils in Iowa, September, 1983. Education, Department of
(1984) Report on Student and Employer Follow-Up : 1983 Sample Survey : Secondary and Merged Area Schools, January 1984. Education, Department of
(1984) Adequacy of Preparation for Higher Education as Perceived by Graduates of Iowa High Schools, September 1984. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1984) Career Education Relating the Basics to Life, Fall 1984. Education, Department of
(1986) New Dimensions in Learning, Academic and Career Counseling, Tutorial Services and Special Support Services, 1986. University of Iowa
(1986) Iowa School Fire Safety Education Program, Level K Activity Sheet, May 1986. Iowa State University Extension
(1986) Iowa School Fire Safety Education Program. Operation EDITH, May 1986. Iowa State University Extension
(1987) Cost of living at Iowa State University, 1987. Iowa State University
(1987) The University of Iowa, A Visitor's Guide, 1987. University of Iowa
(1987) Master Plan: Iowa State University Research Park, March 1987. Iowa State University
(1987) Teaching of Adults offered Statewide this fall by the University of Iowa, Fall 1987. Education, Department of
(1988) 4-H'ers Dare to Dream, 1988. Iowa State University Extension
(1988) Statistics and Actuarial Science, 1988. University of Iowa
(1988) New Directions: A Report of the Task Force on Teacher Preparation/Participation, December 1988. Education, Department of
(1989) Strategic Planning : First-Level Draft Unit Plan, October 1, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Final Report of Condition of Education Task Force, December 1989. Education, Department of
(1990) Dropout Prevention Interim Study Committee, Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, 1990. Education, Department of
(1990) Global Activities : Teaching Ideas for K-12 Educators : Catalog of Global Education, Classroom Activities, Lesson Plans, and Resources, 1990. Education, Department of
(1990) Evaluation of the Iowa Renewed Service Delivery System by Daniel J. Reschly, September 10, 1990. Education, Department of
(1991) An Educational Odyssey: David Hunt, 1991 Iowa Teacher of the Year, 1991. Education, Department of
(1991) A Journey Through Iowa Schools, 1990-91, 1991. Education, Department of
(1991) Plan 1990-91, 1991. Education, Department of
(1991) Iowa's Educational Excellence Program, Phase III, 1989-90 State Report, January 1991. Education, Department of
(1991) Iowa Commission on Foreign Language Studies and International Education Progress Report: 1988-1990, March 1991. Education, Department of
(1991) A Study of the Impact of Iowa Community College Continuing Education Programs, 1991. Education, Department of
(1991) Mandated Staff Development, August 1991. Education, Department of
(1992) Annotated Bibliography for Junior High/Middle School Reading: A Suggested Bibliography for 6-9 Students, 1992. Education, Department of
(1992) Implementing RSDS: State of the Art Survey Summaries, 1992. Education, Department of
(1992) Not All Engineers Drive Trains, 1992. Iowa State University
(1992) Special Education Interim Study Committee, Final Report, January 1992. Education, Department of
(1994) Adult Literacy in Iowa, Results of the State Literacy Survey, 1994. Education, Department of
(1994) The Community Catalyst, The Community Education Newsletter of Iowa, 1994. Education, Department of
(1994) Annotated Bibliography: Hispanic American Literature. Native American, African American, Asian American and Hispanic American Literature for Preschool Through Adult, January 1994. Education, Department of
(1994) Iowa Adult Literacy Profiles, Vol. 1, no.1, November 1994. Education, Department of
(1995) Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1995. University of Iowa
(1995) Iowa's Tech Prep Model, Issues, Model components, "Patterns of Evidence, 1995. Education, Department of
(1995) Iowa Adult Literacy Profiles, Vol. 1, no.2, February 1995. Education, Department of
(1995) Iowa State University Dairy Ration, April 1985. Iowa State University
(1995) Creating Partnerships : A Handbook for Educators, May 1995. Education, Department of
(1995) Inventory of Policies and Practices related to Student Failure and Dropping Out, August 1995. Education, Department of
(1996) Let's Get it together!, A Training Sequence created by Jane E. Bell and Joyce D. Shaffer for the Bureau of Special Education, 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) The Role of Community College Adult and Continuing Education in Iowa's Workforce Development Centers: Iowa Association of Adult and Continuing Education Deans and Directors, 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) Benchmarks for Adult Basic Education Programs in Iowa's Community Colleges, March 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) Creating Partnerships with Parents to Improve Schools, A Handbook for Educators, June 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) Taking the Next Steps Together Transition for Children Birth through Age Eight in Iowa, June 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) Educational Equity Review Summary 1995-96 School Year, October 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) Educational Equity Review Summary : 1995-96 School Year, October 1996. Education, Department of
(1997) 1997 Dairy Report, 1997. Iowa State University
(1997) College of Education, Iowa State University, 1979. Iowa State University
(1997) Iowa's Educational Excellence Program, Phase III, 1997. Education, Department of
(1997) Physics and Astronomy : Graduate Study / Iowa State University, 1997. Iowa State University
(1998) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 1998. Education, Department of
(1998) A Supplemental Report on the Performance Levels of Iowa's Adult Basic Education Target Populations, Division of Community Colleges and Workforce Preparation, January 1998. Education, Department of
(1998) First year evaluation of Iowa's Basic Skills certification program, August 1998. Education, Department of
(1999) Celebrating Diversity in Iowa, 1999. Education, Department of
(1999) Models and approaches for environmental education in Iowa, 1999. Education, Department of
(1999) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 1999. Education, Department of
(1999) Iowa Speech-Language Services ASHA National Outcomes Measurement System (NOMS) Report, 1997-1998, March 1999. Education, Department of
(1999) Iowa's state plan for adult basic education : fiscal years 2000-2004, July 1999. Education, Department of
(1999) 3-4-5 thrive, A Guide to Providing Educational Opportunities in the Least Restrictive Environment for Iowa's Preschoolers with Disabilities, Family and Community Services, August 1999. Education, Department of
(1999) Iowa Head Start & Child Care Partnerships, November 1999. Education, Department of
(2000) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2000. Education, Department of
(2000) Model Core Curriculum for Iowa High Schools Final Report to the State Board of Education, May 2006. Education, Department of
(2001) The Annual Report of Education Report, 2001. Education, Department of
(2001) Iowa's Adult Basic Education Program Annual Benchmark Report Executive Summary, 2001. Education, Department of
(2001) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2001. Education, Department of
(2001) College of Engineering strategic plan : academic years 2000-2005. University of Iowa
(2002) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2002. Education, Department of
(2002) Iowa Adult Basic Education Program Benchmark Objective for Program Year, 2002. Education, Department of
(2002) Iowa College Student Aid Commission Annual Report, 2002-2003. Education, Department of
(2002) Iowa GED Statistical Report, 2002. Education, Department of
(2002) Iowa's Adult Basic Education Program Annual Benchmark Report Executive Summary, 2002. Education, Department of
(2002) Master Your Career Potential: Evening MBA in Des Moines, Saturday MBA in Ames, Iowa State University, 2002. Iowa State University
(2002) A White Paper on Performance Assessment in Teacher Education: The Iowa ePortfolio Model, 2002. Education, Department of
(2003) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2003. Education, Department of
(2003) Iowa Adult Literacy Program Annual Benchmark Report, 2003. Education, Department of
(2003) Iowa Speech-Language Pathologist: English Language Learner Guidelines Manual, Iowa Department of Education, Speech-Language Services, Bureau of Children, Family and Community Services, December 2003. Education, Department of
(2004) Iowa GED Statistical Report, 2004. Education, Department of
(2004) Iowa Speech-Language Pathologist : Educationally Related Guidelines Manual, 2004. Education, Department of
(2004) Iowa Speech-Language Service Delivery Model Training : Service Delivery Options 2, 3 and 4 / Presented by the Iowa Statewide SLP SDO Workgroup and Iowa Department of Education, 2004. Education, Department of
(2004) Iowa's Community College Basic Literacy Skills Credential Program Annual Report, 2004. Education, Department of
(2004) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2004. Education, Department of
(2005) Condition of Education in Iowa The Future for Education in Iowa, 2005. Education, Department of
(2005) Iowa Adult Literacy Program Annual Benchmark Report, 2005. Education, Department of
(2005) Iowa Adult Literacy Program Benchmark Presentation, 2005. Education, Department of
(2005) Iowa's Adult Basic Education Program Annual Benchmark Report Executive Summary, 2005. Education, Department of
(2005) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2005. Education, Department of
(2006) Family Literacy in Iowa Community Colleges, Final Report, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Iowa Adult Literacy Program Annual Benchmark Report, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Iowa GED Statistical Report, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Iowa's Adult Literacy Program Annual Benchmark Report Executive Summary, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Iowa's Adult Literacy Program Annual Benchmark Report, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Iowa's Adult Literacy Program State Plan Extension, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Iowa's Community College Basic Literacy Skills Credential Program Annual Report, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Progress monitoring for teachers of students who have visual disabilities, Fall 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Special Education Eligibility Standards, July 2006. Education, Department of
(2007) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) Improving Transition Outcomes: Promising Transition Practices. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2007) Iowa Adult Literacy Local Program Monitoring Guidelines Revised, July 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) Iowa TOPSpro Data Dictionary, 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) Iowa’s Adult Literacy Program State Plan Extension, 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) State Library of Iowa, Sustaining a State of Learners, Highlights - January 1999 to November 2006. Library of Iowa, State
(2008) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2008. Education, Department of
(2009) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, Code of Iowa 272.29 Annual Administrative Rules Review Report, 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, Code of Iowa 272.10 Fees, January 1, 2009. Education, Department of
(2010) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2010. Education, Department of
(2010) Issue review : projected impact of elimination of the Federal Family Education Loan Program. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2011) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2011. Education, Department of
(2011) Science Bound, Spring 2011, Vol. 10, no. 2. Iowa State University
(2011) Science Bound, Fall 2011, Vol. 11, no. 1. Iowa State University
(2012) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Iowa Core: Mathematics, December 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Science Bound, Spring 2012, Vol. 11, no. 2. Iowa State University
(2013) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) Iowa Board of Educational Examiners Licensure Handbook, January 15, 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) Iowa Core Curriculum K–12 Mathematics: Essential Skills in a World-Class Curriculum in Mathematics, May 22, 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) Essential Elements, English Language Arts For Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Iowa Core, October 8, 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) Essential Elements Science For Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Iowa Core, December 29, 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) Science Bound, Spring 2013, Vol. 12, no. 1. Iowa State University
(2014) Adult Education and Literacy in Iowa, FY2014. Education, Department of
(2014) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) The VOP Voice, December 2014. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2014) Science Bound, Winter 2014, Vol. 12, no. 1. Iowa State University
(2015) Adult Education and Literacy in Iowa, FY2015. Education, Department of
(2015) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) Volunteer Ombudsman Program. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2015) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, February 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) Iowa Science Standards, August 6, 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2015. Education, Department of
(2016) Adult Education and Literacy in Iowa, FY2016. Education, Department of
(2016) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, February 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, March 2020. Education, Department of
(2016) Recommendations to Create a Systemic Approach to Improving the Teaching and Learning of Iowa History in Iowa’s K-12 Schools / Iowa History Advisory Council (2016). Education, Department of
(2016) Iowa Science Standards Foundation Boxes and Evidence Statements: 6-8 Grades, September 27, 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) Iowa Science Standards Foundation Boxes and Evidence Statements: 9-12 Grades, September 27, 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) Iowa Science Standards Foundation Boxes and Evidence Statements: K-5 Grades, September 27, 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects: Iowa Core, December 1, 2016. Education, Department of
(2017) 2017 Annual Report: Condition of Education Report, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, February 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) 1st Grade My Guide's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) 2nd Grade My Guide's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) 3rd Grade My Guide's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) 4th Grade My Guide's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) 5th Grade My Guide's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) 6th Grade My Guide's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) 7th Grade My Child's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) 8th Grade My Child's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) High School My Child's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) Kindergarten My Child's Learning: A Parent's Guide to the Iowa Core, August 21, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2017. Education, Department of
(2018) 2018 Annual Report: Condition of Education Report, 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) Adult Education and Literacy in Iowa, FY2018. Education, Department of
(2018) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) Tu Camino a la Universidad 2018-19. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2018. Education, Department of
(2019) 2019 Annual Report: Condition of Education Report, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Adult Education and Literacy, Data Specialist Handbook, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, March 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) 2019 Annual Report Iowa State Rehabilitation Council: Advising IVRS on a Future Ready Iowa Workforce, December 30, 2019. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2020) 2020 Annual Report: Condition of Education Report, 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, February 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Early Literacy Alternate Assessment, August 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Iowa School Performance Profiles: User Guide, September 16, 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) 2020 Annual Report Iowa State Rehabilitation Council and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation, December 29, 2020. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2021) Iowa Work-Based Learning Guide, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa Core: Unpacking Iowa’s Essential Elements for Social Studies for Students with Significant Cognitive, January 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa’s Essential Elements for Social Studies for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, January 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, July 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Dynamic Learning Maps Aligned K–6 Early Literacy Alternate Assessment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), August 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) The Dynamic Learning Maps Aligned K-6 Early Literacy Alternate Assessment Iowa Manual, September 8, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa Core: Essential Elements Mathematics For Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities “Unpacked”, October 20, 2015. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa Department of Aging: Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, November 18, 2021. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2021) Opportunities in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources: Iowa Career Pathways, December 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa Statewide Assessment System Accessibility Manual: How to Select, Administer, and Evaluate Use of Accessibility Supports for Instruction and Assessment of All Students, December 3, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Building your Future, Spring 2021. University of Iowa
(2022) 2022 Adult Education and Literacy in Iowa, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Iowa Adult Education & Literacy (AEL) Overview PY2021-2022, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Iowa Department of Aging, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Volunteer Handbook & Guidelines, January 2022. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2022) State Rehabilitation Council Annual Report 2021, January 3, 2022. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2022) Iowa Early Childhood Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Annual Report 2020-21, February 23, 2022. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2022) Developing Professional Skills in CTE Toolkit: A Toolkit for Improving Student Skill Development, April 12, 2022. Education, Department of
(2023) Teacher Shortage Loan Forgiveness Research Brief. College Student Aid Commission
(2023) Educational Examiners Newsletter, December 2023. Education, Department of
(2024) Adult Education and Literacy, Assessment Policy, FY2024. Education, Department of