Annotated Bibliography: Hispanic American Literature. Native American, African American, Asian American and Hispanic American Literature for Preschool Through Adult, January 1994

(1994) Annotated Bibliography: Hispanic American Literature. Native American, African American, Asian American and Hispanic American Literature for Preschool Through Adult, January 1994. Education, Department of


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This bibliography of fiction and nonfiction books was drawn from standard reviewing documents and other sources including on-line sources. It was prepared to give users an idea of the kinds of materials available. It is not meant to represent all titles or all formats which relate to the literature by authors of non European heritage writing in the United States in English or whose writing has been translated into English. While we have consulted our sources carefully and have endeavored to eliminate authors not members of the designated ethnic group, and members of the designated group who are from Canada, Mexico, Central and South America or from Africa or Asia, we acknowledge the probability of errors in this bibliography and beg the user's pardon in such cases. We have also included collections of literature and folklore even if collected by persons not members of the designated group when the literature itself was all or partly by ethnic authors and if that folklore was developed in what is now the United States or has received major modification in that area.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: education, junior high
Subjects: Education > Education programs
Education > School personnel > Teachers
ID Code: 49197
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 21 May 2024 17:13
Last Modified: 21 May 2024 17:13