Items where Year is 1994

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Number of items: 161.


(1994) Adult Literacy in Iowa, Results of the State Literacy Survey, 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Annotated Bibliography for Upper Elementary, A Suggested Bibliography for Students Grades 3-6, 1993. Education, Department of

(1994) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Annual Report of Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal year Ending June 30, 1989-June 30, 1994, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1994. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(1994) The Best Hug you can give ... Buckle up Your Loved Ones, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Biotechnology Information series. Porcine Somatotropin (pST), 1994. Iowa State University Extension

(1994) Chromium Emission Reduction for Electroplaters and Anodizers, Program for Toxic Air Pollutant Studies, 1994. University of Northern Iowa

(1994) The Community Catalyst, The Community Education Newsletter of Iowa, 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Consumer's Use Tax, 1994. Revenue, Department of

(1994) D-3 Dependent Adult Abuse Report, 1994. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1994) DNR Annual Report of the Fiscal Year 1994, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Diverting the Future: The Funding of Iowa's Infrastructure: A History and Analysis of the Public Policy Debate Surrounding Iowa's Road Use Tax Fund, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Drive home your support for Iowa's natural resources, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Enhancement of Statewide Data Collection, Technical Assistance, and Accountability, 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty Four, December 23, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty One, May 19, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty Three, July 29, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty Two, July 1, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty, May 2, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Forty Eight, February 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Forty Nine, March 4, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Family Functioning of Neglectful Families, Family Assessment Manual by The National Resource Center on Family Based Services, 1994. University of Iowa

(1994) Farm Machinery and Equipment Purchases, 1994. Iowa State University

(1994) Flood of June 17, 1990 in the Clear Creek Basin, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Fort Atkinson State Preserve, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) A Guide to Non-Commercial Use of Official Iowa Sesquicentennial Marks, 1994. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1994) Home Composting, Turning your Spoils to Soil, 1994. Iowa State University

(1994) Hydrologic data for the Big Spring basin, Clayton County, Iowa: Water Year 1989: Open-File Report 94-56, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Improvement of U.S. 151 Jones County Anamosa to Monticello: Environmental Assessment submitted pursuant to 42 USC 4332(2)(c) by the U.S. Department of Transportation, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1994. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1994) Interstate Route Flow Map, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Interstate Route Flow Map, 1996. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1994. Attorney General

(1994) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1994. Civil Rights Commission

(1994) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1994-December 1994, Volume 53. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Iowa Program Initiatives, 1993-1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Iowa Programs Providing Respite and Other Home Health Support Services compiled by Jane Holland, 1994. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1994) Iowa Programs Providing and Financing Children's Care and Services, 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Iowa's counties : selected population trends, vital statistics, and socioeconomic data. Library of Iowa, State

(1994) Journal of the Senate of the 75th GA 2 Vol. 1 of the State of Iowa, 1994. Senate and Staff

(1994) Journal of the Senate of the 75th GA 2 Vol. 2 of the State of Iowa, 1994. Senate and Staff

(1994) Matters Relating to a Forced Move of, Use of a Chemical Agent on and Withdrawal of Medication for Inmate Craig Gardner, 1994. Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman

(1994) Montauk Historic Governor's Home: Built in 1874, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) Organization of Iowa Fire Departments, The How and How Much of providing Fire Protection and Emergency Services to the Citizens of Iowa, 1994. Iowa State University

(1994) Pikes Peak State Park, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Pine Lake State Park, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Plum Grove Historic Home : Built in 1844, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) Roster of State Officials, 1994. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1994) School Transportation Issues, 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1994. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1994) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 75, no. 2, 1994. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1994) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1994. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1994) Sustainable Agriculture, People, Products, Profits, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture 1994 Conference Proceedings, 1994. Iowa State University

(1994) Toolesboro Indian Mounds: 100 A.D., 1994. University of Iowa

(1994) Trail Riding in Iowa: A Guide to Iowa's Equestrian Trails, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Trainwatcher's Guide for the C&NW by Dana L. Grefe, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science newsletter. 1994-1995, no. 36. University of Iowa

(1994) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Walnut Creek Watershed Research Protocol Report, Bulletin Number: 94-1, 1994. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1994) Wilson Island State Recreation Area, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1994

(1994) ADA Paratransit Plan Update, January 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Annotated Bibliography: Hispanic American Literature. Native American, African American, Asian American and Hispanic American Literature for Preschool Through Adult, January 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Annotated Bibliography: Native American Literature. Native American, African American, Asian American and Hispanic American Literature for Preschool Through Adult. Asian American Literature, 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Annotated Bibliogrpahy: Native Amereican, African American, Asian American and Hispanic American Literature. Native American Literature, 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) An Assessment of On-Farm Application of the Late-Spring Soil Nitrate Test in Iowa, January 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) An Assessment of On-Farm Applications of the Late-Spring Soil Nitrate Test in Iowa, January 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Enhancing the Participation of Individuals with Disabilities on Public Boards, A Resource Annual: A Project of The Iowa Governor's Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities prepared by Institute for Social and Economic Development, January 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Image Analysis of PCC and AC Pavements Using SEM Images, HR-346, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Impacts on Safety of Left-Turn Treatment at High Speed Signalized Intersections, HR-347, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Iowa Conservationist, January/February 1994, Vol. 53, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Iowa Geological, January 1994, no. 19. University of Iowa

(1994) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1992-1993, January 1994. Library of Iowa, State

(1994) Iowa's Fiscal Year 1995 State Enforcement Plan for Continuation in the Federal Highway Administration Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program, July 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Low Cost Techniques of Base Stabilization, HR-312, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Summary of FY 1995 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1994. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

12 January 1994

(1994) Big Spring: Anatomy of Environmental Cooperation, January 12, 1994. University of Iowa

13 January 1994

(1994) Big Spring: Anatomy of Environmental Cooperation, January 13, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

31 January 1994

(1994) 1993 Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners, January 31, 1994. Medical Examiner, Iowa State

February 1994

(1994) Air Formed Arch Culvert Construction - Washington County, HR-313, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) American Gothic House : Built in the 1880's, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) An Investigation of Emulsion Stabilized Limestone Screenings, HR-309, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 8, February 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Precast Concrete Panel Thickness for Epoxy-Coated Prestressing Strands, HR-353, Interim Report, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Recycled Paper Erosion Control Mat, HR-349, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) State of Iowa Historical Building : Built in 1987, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) Thermogravimetric Analysis of Carbonate Aggregate, HR-336, 1994. Transportation, Department of

1 February 1994

(1994) Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, 22nd Annual Report, Feb. 1, 1994. Human Rights, Department of

March 1994

(1994) Abbie Gardner Cabin : Built in 1856, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) Integrated Pest Management of First Generation European Corn Borer, March 1994. Iowa State University Extension

(1994) Iowa Conservationist, March/April 1994, Vol. 53, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) A Multi-Project Scheduling Procedure for Transportation Projects, Part II, HR-339, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) State Capitol building : built in 1886, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) Technology News, March 1994. Transportation, Department of

15 March 1994

(1994) Presenting and touring : needs and critical issues study conducted for the Iowa Arts Council / report submitted March 15, 1994 by Barbara Schaffer Bacon, independent consultant with Pam Korza, Arts Extension Service, Division of Continuing Education, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, March 15, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) School Reorganization and taxing by Guy Ghan, March 15, 1994. Education, Department of

April 1994

(1994) Field Evaluation of Engineering Fabrics for Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing - Audubon County, HR-360, Construction Report, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Groundwater Quality, Hydrogeology, and Agricultural Drainage Wells, April 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Iowa Behavioral Initiative Concept Paper, April 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Production of Asphalt Rubber Concrete by the Dry Process, HR-1062, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Scott County Work Zone Enforcement Study by Patrick Marsh, April 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) U.S. 151 Cascade to Dubuque, Dubuque County : project concept and assessment of impacts, 1994. Transportation, Department of

24 April 1994

(1994) Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Quad-Cities Region East-Central Iowa, Northwestern Illinois: Field Guidebook, April 24, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

May 1994

(1994) Evaluation of Asphalt Stabilizing Additives, HR-542, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Evaluation, Selection and Planning the Implementation of a Pavement Management Optimization Model, Phase II Report, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Farmers guide : Iowa tax information booklet / Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance, Taxpayer Services Section, 1994. Revenue, Department of

(1994) The Floods of 1993, Iowa Flood Disaster Report, Part 1. Governor's Office

(1994) The Floods of 1993, Iowa Flood Disaster Report, Part 2. Governor's Office

(1994) Iowa Conservationist, May/June 1994, Vol. 53, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Report to Management Team on Research, May 1994. Transportation, Department of

24 May 1994

(1994) Iowa Infrastructure '95: A Report of Infrastructure Needs in The State of Iowa: Final Report/Prepared for: Capital Projects Committee of the Legislative Council, May 24, 1994. Iowa State University

June 1994

(1994) Evaluation, Selection and Planning the Implementation of a Pavement Management Optimization Model: Optimization Recommendations, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Technology News, June 1994. Transportation, Department of

30 June 1994

(1994) Reorganization and Litigation by Guy Ghan, June 30, 1994. Education, Department of

July 1994

(1994) Iowa Conservationist, July/August 1994, Vol. 53, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Iowa's Recreation Trails, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Parent Involvement in Education : A Resource for Parents, Educators, and Communities. Education, Department of

(1994) Polymer Additive Ductilad D1002 in a Bituminous Seal Coat, HR-2035, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Ralumac Latex Modified Asphalt, HR-2041, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Taxonomy of Institutional Issues that Act as Barriers to the Implementation of Pavement Management Systems, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Technology News, July 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) An introduction to Iowa income tax withholding, 1994. Revenue, Department of

1 July 1994

(1994) List of Current Reorganization Activities, July 1, 1994. Education, Department of

August 1994

(1994) Automatic data processing : Iowa tax rules, 1994. Revenue, Department of

(1994) Comparison of Marshall and SUPERPAVE Level I Mix Design for Asphalt Mixes MLR-95-01, August 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Comparison of Marshall and SUPERPAVE Level I Mix Design for Asphalt Mixes MLR-95-01, August 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System, HR-365 August 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Field Data Acquisition Technologies for Iowa Transportation Agencies, HR-366 August 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) The History of Big Spring, August 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Infant and Toddlers Development? August 1994. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

11 August 1994

(1994) Educational Equity Status Report 1993-94 School Year, August 11, 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Educational equity status report 1992-93 school year, August 11, 1994. Education, Department of

15 August 1994

(1994) Developmental Disabilities Three Year State Plan FY'95-'97, Submitted by the State Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities, August 15, 1994. Governor's Office

September 1994

(1994) Iowa CASAS Pilot Project Reports An Initial Evaluation of CASAS Effectiveness in Iowa's Adult Basic Education Programs, September 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Iowa Conservationist, September/October 1994, Vol. 53, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

15 September 1994

(1994) Assessment of the Random Samples for Evaluating Iowa's Family Investment Program and Food Stamp Program, September 15, 1994. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

28 September 1994

(1994) Findings: the dynamics of diversity in Iowa schools: an educational round table. Education, Department of

October 1994

(1994) Analysis of Policies for Safety Improvements on Low-Volume Rural Roadways,1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Animal Waste Control Programs of Iowa and Eight Other States, October 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Cedar Rock, Lowell Walter House : Built in 1950, October 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) Evaluation of Preformed Neoprene Joint Seals, HR-318, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) [Historic site] : Matthew Edel Blacksmith Shop, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) Technology News, October 1994. Transportation, Department of

18 October 1994

(1994) High School Graduation Requirements Policy Study, October 18, 1994. Education, Department of

November 1994

(1994) Farm Flood Response Workshop, Implications for Agricultural Safety and Health, Midwest Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Resource Guide, November 1994. University of Iowa

(1994) Iowa Adult Literacy Profiles, Vol. 1, no.1, November 1994. Education, Department of

(1994) Iowa Conservationist, November/December 1994, Vol. 53, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Level I & II Aggregate Reference Manual 1994, Technical Training and Certification Program, November 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) ProScan Automated Profilogram Reduction System, MLR-94-7, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) The Role of Magnesium in Concrete Deterioration, HR-355, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) The Role of Magnesium in Concrete Deterioration, HR-355, Appendix, 1994. Transportation, Department of

5 November 1994

(1994) Classic Geological Exposure Old and New, Coralville Lake and Spillway, Devonian Fossil Gorge: Field Guidebook, November 5, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

December 1994

(1994) Geologic Overview, Description of Map Units, and Correlation Chart for the Surficial Geologic Materials Maps of the Letts Quadrangle, Iowa and the Blanchard Island Quadrangle, Illinois - Iowa, December 1994. University of Iowa

(1994) Iowa Ag Review, December 1994, Vol. 1, no. 1. Iowa State University

(1994) Planning, Implementation and Operation of a Statewide Pavement Management System, Workplan Development and System Design prepared for Statewide Pavement Management Steering Committee, December 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Precast Concrete Panel Thickness for Epoxy-Coated Prestressing Strands, Volume 1, HR-353, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Precast Concrete Panel Thickness for Epoxy-Coated Prestressing Strands, Volume 2, HR-353, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Sny Magill Nonpoint Source Pollution Monitoring Project Clayton County, Iowa: Water Years 1992 and 1993, December 1994. University of Iowa

(1994) Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa, HR-352, 1994. Transportation, Department of

(1994) Technology News, December 1994. Transportation, Department of

31 December 1994

(1994) Fiftieth Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1994. Governor's Office

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