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(1977) 1977 Dentist Survey. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1977) 1977 Iowa Barge Terminal Study prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Division of Planning and Research, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) 1977 Iowa Bill Drafting Guide. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1977) 1977 Railroad Traffic Density prepared by the Iowa Division of Planning and Research, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) 1977 economic impact studies, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1977) 1978 Iowa Barge Terminal Study prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Division of Planning and Research, 1978. Transportation, Department of
(1977) The Action Plan: System Planning, Location Planning, Project Development, August 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Affirmative Action Report to the Governor A statistical Analysis of the Utilization of Minorities and Females in Iowa State Government Employment for Fiscal Year 1977 prepared and written by Garrett (Gary) W. Martin, 1977. Civil Rights Commission
(1977) Airport Development Plan, Clarion Municipal Airport, Clarion Iowa, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Airport Development Plan, Clarion Municipal Airport, Clarion Iowa, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Alcohol Related Fatal Crash, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1977, Vol. 48. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) Assistance expenditures for needy Indians,1973-1977. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1977) Backbone State Park, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Dubuque, July 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Continued Service for Iowa's Elderly by Iowa Commission on the Aging, 1977. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(1977) Creston Iowa Traffic Safety Study, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Criminal Justice Plan by Iowa Eastern Iowa Area Crime Commission, 1977. Human Rights, Department of
(1977) The Des Moines Urbanized Area Transportation System Management Plan 1978-79, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Economics of Mining Coal in Iowa, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Evaluation: Iowa Training School for Boys, Eldora Iowa, completed by Department of Social Services Evaluation Task Force, 1977. Corrections, Department of
(1977) Executive Order Number Thirty, December 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Eight, November 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Five, July 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Four, June 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Nine, December 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Seven, September 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Six, July 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Three, April 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) Extension of Interstate 380 from junction of Interstate 380, Freeway 520 and U.S. 218 in Waterloo, Iowa to junction of Freeway 518 and U.S. 20 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Black Hawk County, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Future Land Use in Iowa A Working Paper prepared by State of Iowa, Office for Planning and Programming 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Geohydrology of Muscatine Island, Muscatine County, Iowa, 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Guidelines for Preparing and Disseminating DE Documents, 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1977. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1977) Industrial Development 1977 year-end report, Iowa Development Commission, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1977) Interim standards for libraries in residential institutions for the mentally retarded in Missouri and Iowa, 1977. Library of Iowa, State
(1977) Iowa D.O.T's Experience with Recycling Portland Cement Pavement and Asphalt Cement Pavement, MLR-77-4, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa DOT, FTA Title VI Program, December 1, 2024. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 6, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1977) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 9, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1977) Iowa Employment Security Law administered by the Iowa Department of Job Service, 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Iowa Open Meetings Law Handbook, Iowa Freedom of Information Council, 1977. Iowa Public Information Board
(1977) Iowa Rail Plan prepared by Planning & Research Division in cooperation with the Railroad Transportation Division, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) The Iowa Supplemental Energy Conservation Plan: 1977-1980 prepared by the Staff of the Iowa Energy Policy Council, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa local History: A Teacher's Guide, 1977. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1977) Iowa's Public Hunting Areas, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 67th GA Vol. 1, 1977. House of Representatives and Staff
(1977) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 67th GA Vol. 1, Extra Session 1977. House of Representatives and Staff
(1977) Journal of the Senate of the 67th GA 1 of the State of Iowa, 1977. Senate and Staff
(1977) Journal of the Senate of the 67th GA 1 of the State of Iowa: Extra Session, 1977. Senate and Staff
(1977) Mainstreaming prepared by Jean P. Beard with assistance from Merry Maitre, August 1977. Management, Department of
(1977) Management Aid: Do I have a Marketing Problem?, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Management Aid: Preparing Marketing Plans, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 20, 1977. Human Rights, Department of
(1977) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 21, 1977. Human Rights, Department of
(1977) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 22, 1977. Human Rights, Department of
(1977) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 23, 1977. Human Rights, Department of
(1977) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 24, 1977. Human Rights, Department of
(1977) Northern Pike Investigations prepared by Tom Gengerke, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Occupational Safety and Health Ctandards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR part 1926) promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, United States Department of Labor with amendments as of January 1, 1977, 1977. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1977) Opinions about Highway Safety Iowa Drivers, November 29- December 7, 1977, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Paddlefish Investigations, prepared by Thomas W. Gengerke, 1978. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) A Perspective of Iowa 2000: The Time of Our Lives, 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Reading: Developing a Curriculum, 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) Recycling of Portland Cement Concrete Roads in Iowa, MLR-77-6, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Regional Transit Development Plan, Region I, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Regional Transit Development Program for Mills and Pottawattamie Counties Iowa prepared by Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Agency, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Regional Transit Development Program, Region VI, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Regional Transit Development Program, Region VI, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Resources for career education, 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) Roster of State Officials, 1977. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)
(1977) Sixty-eighth Annual Report of the State Fire Marshall for the Year 1977, 1977. Public Safety, Department of
(1977) Speakers Directory: Find Out What's Going on in Government, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Sprinkle Treatment (Bristowes Spreader), HR-512. Transportation, Department of
(1977) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1977. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1977) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 67, no. 1, 1977. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1977) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 67, no. 1, Extra Session, 1977. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1977) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Structural Steel Painting Inspection Manual by the Office of Materials, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Summary of Battered Women Hearings by Shelley Smith, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1977. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1977) A Tax Manual for County Treasurers of Iowa Institute of Public Affairs, September 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Traffic Safety Study for Denison Iowa, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Transit Development Program Update for the Iowa Northland Regional Area VII, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Transit Development Program for the Mid-Iowa Area 5 Region, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Travel Development Division Year-End Review, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1977) Truck Weight Survey Instructions and Schedules, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Truck Weight Survey: Instructions and Schedules, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Under the Golden Dome: The Story of Iowa's State Capitol and What Goes on Inside, 1977. Senate and Staff
(1977) Ups and Downs of Iowa's railroads by William Nelson Whitehill, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Waterfowl in Iowa, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Welcome to Iowa, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1977) A guide to resources for the study of the recent history of the United States in the libraries of the University of Iowa, the State Historical Society of Iowa, and in the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Floods in the Big Creek Basin Linn County, Iowa by Albert J. Heinitz, Janaury 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, January 1977, Vol. 36, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Geological Survey Newsletter, January 1977, Vol.1, no.2. University of Iowa
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, January 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Iowa Manpower Review: Research and Statistics Department, Iowa Employment Security Commission, January 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) A Multigoal Linear Programming Analysis of Trade-Offs Between Production Efficiency and Soil Loss Control in U.S. Agriculture, January 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Portland Cement Concrete Utilizing Recycled Pavement, MLR-77-3, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Recycling Portland Cement Concrete and Asphaltic Concrete by George Calvert, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Student Suspension and Expulsion Procedures, A Model Policy & Rules, January 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) A Survey of Community Based Arts Organizations in Iowa prepared for the Iowa Arts Council, January 1977. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1977) The impact of restricting beverage container use in Iowa, 1/1/77. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Consumptive water requirements of Iowa power plants as a factor in energy management. Executive summary, January 6, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Physical Desulfurization of Iowa Coal by Flotation, June 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Position Statement, January 31, 1977. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1977) Alternative Crop Exports and Fertilizer Restrictions in 1980: Effects on Farm Prices Food Costs and Farm Income, February 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, February 1977, Vol. 36, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, February 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Acreage Diversion Response Under the 1961-70 Feed Grain Program, March 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Animal Waste Regulations for Iowa: A Condensation and Clarification of Rules affecting Animal Feeding Operations prepared jointly by Iowa Department of Environmental Quality, March 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Annual Planning Report for Sioux City SMSA and Woodbury County for FY1978, Iowa Department of Job Service, March 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Estimated Impacts of Two Environmental Alternatives in Agriculture: A Quadratic Programming Analysis, March 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) An Evaluation of Cover Aggregate Stripping Characteristics, Progress Report, HR-182, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Interim Bulletin on the Certification and Approval of Iowa School Personnel, 1966. Education, Department of
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, March 1977, Vol. 36, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, March 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Iowa Track Geometry Car Operators Safety Manual, March 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Proposed Iowa segments, Great River Road, March 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Special education support service programs : personnel approval standards and training program criteria, 1977-78 school year. 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) Water Quality Survey of a Coal Mining Watershed Muchakinock Creek, October 26, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Water Quality Survey of the Soldier River and its Tributaries, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Water resource availability : executive summary, 1978. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Winter Water Quality Survey of the North Raccoon River, April 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Winter Water Quality Survey of the Rock River, March 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Performance Evaluation: Participant's Training Manual, March 7, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Community Betterment Grant Program, Iowa Energy Policy Council, March 8, 1977. Office of Energy Independence
(1977) Winter Water Quality Evaluation of the Lower Cedar during Low Flow periods, March 23, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Alcohol Related Fatal Traffic Accidents, April 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Chloride Penetration Into LSDC (Iowa System) Resurfacing Mixes, MLR-77-05 and R-267, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) A Compendium of Fishery Research in Iowa, April 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Fiscal Year 1987 Transportation Improvement Program for the Iowa City Urbanized Area, April 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, April 1977, Vol. 36, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, April 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Low Profile Marker for Wet/Night Visibility, HR-1005, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Strip-mining and small mammals in southern Iowa. 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Bonded, Thin-Lift, Non-Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Resurfacing, MLR-77-2, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Detection of Steel Corrosion in Bridge Decks and Reinforced Concrete Pavement, HR-156, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Dynamic Pavement Deflection Measurements, Progress Report, HR-178, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Fluvial Sediment Data for Iowa: Suspended-sediment Concentrations, Loads and Sizes; Bed-materials Sizes; and Reservoir Siltation, May 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, May 1977, Vol. 36, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, May 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Prevention of Reflection Cracking in Asphalt Overlays with Structofors, Petromate, and Cerex, HR-158, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Suggested Guidelines for Local Boards of Education in Electing a Superintendent of Schools, May 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) Water Supply Bulletin No. 11; Geology and Ground Water Resources of Muscatine County, Iowa, May 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Cedar Rapids, June 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Fish Population Development in Two Iowa Flood Control Reservoirs and the Impact of Fish Stocking and Floodwater Management by Vaughn L. Paragamian, June 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Guttenberg to Cassville Ferry Service: A Feasibility Study, June 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Air Transportation Statistics, June 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, June 1977, Vol. 36, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, June 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Pretrial decision-making in Iowa : comparisons of pretrial programs in Polk County (fifth judicial district) and Linn County (sixth judicial district), 1977. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1977) Range and Forage Research Needs for Red Meat Production in the North Central Region, June 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Regional Transit Development Program, Region VIII, FY78-80, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Skid Resistance of the Secondary Road System in Iowa; HR-168, MLR-77-1, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Transportation Improvement Program for the Waterloo Metropolitan Area: FY 1978 Annual Element & 1979-1982, July 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Fertilizer: Consumption by Class, Iowa Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, June 2, 1977. Iowa State University Extension
(1977) Statewide Cost Allocation Plan, June 30, 1977. Public Defense, Department of
(1977) Arterial Highway 520 Hamilton and Hardin Counties from 0.5 Mile East of I-35 to 0.5 Mile East of U.S. 65, July 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Sioux City, July 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Wapello County, July 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Waterloo-Cedar Rapids, Iowa Labor Area Black Hawk, July 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Civil War Documents in the Library of the Division of Historical Museum and Archives, July 1977. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1977) Fatigue Behavior of Air-Entrained Concrete, HR-183, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, July 1977, Vol. 36, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, July 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Official Directory of Contributors to the Iowa Emergency Resource Management Plan, July 1977. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(1977) The Air Quality Standards Attainment-Maintenance Analysis for Suspended Particulates in Dubuque, Iowa, July 1, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) American Agriculture in 1980 Under a Fertilizer Allocation System, August 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Estate Planning, Planning for Tomorrow prepared by Neil E. Harl, August 1997. Iowa State University Extension
(1977) Guidelines for Team Members, August 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) IWARDS (Iowa Water Resources Data System) Data Catalog, August 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Intercity Passenger Carrier Improvement Study, Final Report, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, August 1977, Vol. 36, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, August 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) List of School Districts in each of the 15 areas for the Improvement of Education in Iowa schools, Iowa Department of Public Instruction, August 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) A forms Manual for Affirmative Action Planning and Programming prepared by Affirmative Action Division, Iowa Civil Rights Commission, August 1977. Civil Rights Commission
(1977) Hazardous substances and pesticide survey and training program. Volume 1, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Hazardous substances and pesticide survey and training program. Volume 1, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Des Moines, September 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Experimental Macadam Stone Base Des Moines County, HR-175, Construction Report, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, September 1977, Vol. 36, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, September 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) National and Regional Water Production Functions Reflecting Weather Conditions, September 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Sioux City Signal System Evaluation Study: Draft Final Report, September 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Technical and Regulatory Status of the Placement of Sanitary Landfills in Iowa, Completion Report, September 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Vehicle Delay Times at Railroad Crossings prepared by Planning and Research Division, September 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Fiscal year 1978-1982 Transportation Improvement Program for the Des Moines Urbanized Area, Clive, Des Moines, Johnston, Pleasant Hill, Polk County, Urbandale, West Des Moines, Windsor Heights, September 20, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) 1978 Report on Interlibrary Cooperation in Iowa Submitted to Association of State Library Agencies, September 27, 1977. Library of Iowa, State
(1977) Agricultural Supply Response in Northeast Thailand: Production, Resource, Income and Policy Implications, October 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Dubuque County, October 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Day Care Centers prepared by Dorothy Pinsky, October 1977. Iowa State University Extension
(1977) Endangered and Threatened Fish of Iowa compiled by Dean M. Roosa; in Cooperation with the Wildlife Section of the Iowa Conservation Commission, October 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Endangered and Threatened Mammals of Iowa compiled by Dean M. Roosa; in Cooperation with the Wildlife Section of the Iowa Conservation Commission, October 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) A Guide to Energy Efficient Central Air Conditioners, October, 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) A Guide to Energy Efficient Heat Pumps, October, 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) A Guide to Energy Efficient Room Air Conditioners, October, 1977. Governor's Office
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, October 1977, Vol. 36, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, October 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Preschool or Nursery School prepared by Dorothy Pinsky, October 1977. Iowa State University Extension
(1977) Recycling of Cass County I-80 Asphalt Concrete, Progress Report, HR-1011, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Utilizing Animal Waste as A Source of Nitrogen, October 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Water Quality Survey of the Cedar River-Charles City area prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, October, 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Water Quality Survey of the Shellrock River prepared for the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality by the University of Iowa, State Hygienic Laboratory, October 26, 1977. University of Iowa
(1977) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Wapello County, November 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Dust Control Using an Asphalt Emulsion, HR-196, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Effects of Reduced Intersection Lighting on Nighttime Accident Frequency, HR-1003A, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Information Needs: The Interstate Highway Motorist in Iowa, November 1967. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, November 1977, Vol. 36, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, November 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Iowa Manpower Review: Research and Statistics Department, Iowa Employment Security Commission, November 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Macadam Base Shoulders, HR-181, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Traffic Engineering Study: Oskaloosa, Iowa, November 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Land, Water and Energy in Century III, A Citizen's Guide to Public Organization, An Iowa Directory, November 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) Evaluation of Air Pollution Control Devices for Asphalt Pavement Recycling Operations, HR-188, Progress Report, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Evaluation of Dense Bridge Floor Concrete using Superplasticizer, HR-192, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Conservationist, December 1977, Vol. 36, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, December 1977. Iowa Workforce Development
(1977) Parental Rights in Special Education, December 1977. Education, Department of
(1977) Update: Proposed Rules of Special Education, October 1994. Education, Department of
(1977) Water Quality Survey of the Catfish Creek Basin, December 6, 1977. Iowa State University
(1977) The Impact of Type of Basic Nursing Education on the Practice of Registered Nurses in the States of Iowa, A Research Report commissioned by the Iowa Board of Nursing, December 31, 1977. Nursing, Board of
(1977) Family Day Care Homes The Babysitter's Home prepared by Dorothy Pinsky prepared by Dorothy Pinsky, September 1977. Iowa State University Extension
(1977) Directory of women's organizations, 1977. Human Rights, Department of
(1977) Primary Road Extension Service in Major Urban Areas by Office of Advance Planning, Planning and Research Division, February 1977. Transportation, Department of