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(1975) Engineering Research Highlights, Fall 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Proposed Dickinson County Trail, Milford to Spirit Lake: Project Report and Case Estimate, December 30,1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Pedestrian Accident Study Iowa, 1972-1974, December 1, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) The 1975 Iowa Corn Yield Test Report: District 1 prepared by Cooperative Extension Service, December 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) The 1975 Iowa Corn Yield Test Report: District 4 Bottomland prepared by Cooperative Extension Service, December 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) The 1975 Iowa Corn Yield Test Report: District 5 prepared by Cooperative Extension Service, December 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) The 1975 Iowa Corn Yield Test Report: District 6 prepared by Cooperative Extension Service, December 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Annual Performance Report, Cold Springs and Spirit Lake Research Stations, 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Evaluation of Chemically Stabilized Secondary Roads, Linn County, Iowa, December, 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Identification of Flathead, Channel & Blue Catfish, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, December 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Iowa Fisheries Research Technical Series No. 75-1 Variations in the abundance of channel catfish year classes in the upper Mississippi River and causative factors Don R. Helms, Fishery Research Biologist Fisheries Section Jerry M. Conley, Superintendent of Fisheries December, 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin Study, Iowa and Minnesota : Report on Environmental Corridors, December 1975. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1975) A Research Report on Roadside Vegetation Management:HR-159, December 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) U.S. Agricultural Export Capabilities Under Various Price Alternatives, Regional Production Variations, and Fertilizer-use Restrictions: Card Report 63, December 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Directory of Full and Part-Time Adult and Continuing Education Administrators in Iowa's Area Schools, November 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) For the Record: A Report of Our Activities for the year July 1, 1974-June 30, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Gerontology and Iowa Post High School Education: A Resource Survey prepared for GAP, Gerontological Assistance Program, Inc., November 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, November 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Iowa Manpower Review: Research and Statistics Department, Iowa Employment Security Commission, November 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Water Quality Survey of Beaver Creek, October 22, 1975. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1975) A Bicentennial Reading List, October 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) An Employee's Handbook in support of the Iowa Older Americans Public Water Systems Inventory A Senior Employment Project, October 1975. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, October 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) The Lainett News, October 1975. Treasurer of State
(1975) Determining the Loss of Service Life on Secondary Roads or City Streets used for Primary Road Detours by Ronald D. Less September 24, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Testimony before House Education Subcommittee on Vocational Education hearing by Robert D. Benton, September 16, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Karst Topography Along the Silurian Escarpment in Southern Clayton County, Iowa; Field Guidebooks, September 13, 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Water Needs for Electrical Energy Production in Iowa, September 1, 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) 1975 Iowa Barge Terminal Study prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Division of Planning and Research, September 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Current Population Reports Series, Federal-State cooperative program for population estimates July 1, 1973 and 1974, September 1975. Utilities Division (Commerce)
(1975) Current Population Reports Series, P-26 Federal-State cooperative program for population estimates, September 1975. Utilities Division (Commerce)
(1975) Evaluation of Crushed Limestone Rock as a Mulch Material, HR-171, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Final Environmental Statement and Location Study Report : U.S. 61 and Iowa 2 Fort Madison in Lee County, September 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, September 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Iowa State Plan for Title IV, Consolidation, P.L. 93-380, September 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Kossuth County Iowa Recycled Asphalt Pavement, Open House, August 10 & 11, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Recycled Asphalt Pavements - Kossuth County Iowa, HR-176, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) School Psychological Services, Guidelines and Resource Material, September 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Traffic Safety Study: Shenandoah, Iowa, September 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Ultimate Load Behavior of Full-Scale Highway Truss Bridges, Summary Report, HR-169, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Community Involvement in Project Development: Proceedings of a Panel Discussion, Office of Environmental Policy, August 4, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, August 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Know Your Iowa Lawmaker, Public Information Office, August 1975. House of Representatives and Staff
(1975) Planning for disaster : local government's role in civil preparedness,1975. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(1975) Self Evaluative Criteria for Iowa Schools, August 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Strippable Coal Reserve Study in Seven Iowa Counties, August 1976. University of Iowa
(1975) Ultimate Load Behavior of Full-Scale Highway Truss Bridges: Phase II - Service Load and Supplementary Tests, Interim Report, HR-169, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Your Office, Public Information Office, August 1975. Senate and Staff
(1975) Economic Development Strategy, July 28, 1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1975) Transportation System Management Plan: Waterloo Metropolitan Area prepared by Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments, July 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Final Evaluation of the Iowa Career Education Project, July 1, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) American Classic by Laurence Lafore, 1975. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1975) A Computer Based Information System for County Equipment Cost Records, Final Report, HR-173, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Durability of Concrete as Affected by Variations in Air and W/C Ratio, R-258, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Freeway Controversies and Their Implications for Transportation Planning: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, A Case Study in a Small Metropolitan Area by Robert M. Donnelly, July 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Land Use Strategy Report for Region Six prepared by Region Six Planning Commission, July 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) A Model for Regional Agricultural Analysis of Land and Water Use, Agricultural Structure, and The Environment, A Documentation, July 1975. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1975) Off-Peak hour Transit Routing, July 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Thermoplastic Pavement Markings, HR-172, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Visibility and Speed Estimation of Iowa State Highway Commission Snowplows, HR-174, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Community Corrections in Iowa An Alternative to Tradition Correctional Evaluation, Bureau Division of Management & Planning, Department of Social Services, June 1975. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1975) Financial Statements, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, June 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Iowa Transit: A Report on Urban, Regional, Intercity and Taxicab Operations for 1975, Public Transit Division,. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Iowa's Full Service Agency: A Review of its Management and Operation prepared for the Iowa Department of Social Services, February 1977. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1975) State Land Use Planning Process Issues by Kenneth J. Dueker and Richard Talcott, June 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Statements of Positions of the Iowa Department of Social Services on Vital Issues Affecting it and its Clients, December 1977. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1975) A Survey of Energy Conservation Practices in Iowa Local Governments : a Supplement to Response to Crisis, June, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Transit Assistance Program for Iowa, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) 1958 Sufficiency rating of Bridges on the Primary Road System and Extensions, Highway Planning Section, Safety and Traffic Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Considerations in Planning and Operating Transportation Systems for Older Americans and Public Systems in Rural Areas by Douglas J. McKelvey, May 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Creating Interorganizational Coordination for Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, May 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) History of Expansion Joint Use on Iowa's Primary Road System, May 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) An Investigation of Concrete Setting Time, R-265 (MLR-75-4), 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, May 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Iowa Livestock and Poultry: County Estimates 1972-1974, Iowa Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, May 1975. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1975) Outlying Experimental Farms, May 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Presenter's Guide to Perspectives (Law-Related Education), 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Report:Ansel Briggs Project, May 1975. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1975) Ultimate Load Behavior of Full-Scale Highway Truss Bridges: Phase I - Ultimate Load Tests of the Hubby Bridge - Boone County, Interim Report, HR-169, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Encephalomyelitis in Horses, 1975. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1975) State Aircraft Study Report to members of the 75th Session of the 66th G.A. prepared by Iowa Department of General Services, April 1, 1975. Administrative Services
(1975) Community Corrections in Iowa, Preliminary Findings, Executive Summary, April 1975. Public Safety, Department of
(1975) An Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Surfacing in Iowa (with corrections), MLR-75-1, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) From show-and-tell to make-and-do : a mini-manual, 1975. Library of Iowa, State
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, April 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Water Quality Report prepared by the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality, April 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) West African Urbanization: Patterns of Convergence or Divergence?, May 10, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) A Computer Based Information System for County Equipment Cost Records, Interim Report, HR-173, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) An Information System Design Framework for State Rail Planning, March 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Iowa Disaster Preparedness Program, March 1975. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, March 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) PC Concrete Texturing, R-246;MLR-75-03, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Seventh Avenue Study Interim Report City of Marion Iowa, March 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Annual Manpower Planning Report Cedar Rapids: Iowa Labor Area FY1976, February 1975. Governor's Office
(1975) Corrosion of Steel in CRCP, HR-1004, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Evaluation of the Argentine Nondestructive Test for Determining Concrete Compressive Strength, R-269 and MLR-75-2, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, February 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Protecting Chrysanthemums from Disease by A.H. Epstein, February 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Report on the Statewide Medical Education System for Training Resident Physicians in Family Practice, January 15, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Evaluation of Feedlot Systems prepared by Michael D. Boehlje and Larry D. Trede, January 1975. Iowa State University Extension
(1975) Field Welding Inspection Manual: Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Fusarium Wilt of Tomato prepared by A.H. Epstein, January 1975. Iowa State University Extension
(1975) How to Plant Tomatoes prepared by Iowa State University Extension Horticulturists, January 1975. Iowa State University Extension
(1975) Iowa Roads and Streets Functional Classification Manual, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Iowa's Forest Reserve Laws revised by Randall Heiligmann, January 1975. Iowa State University Extension
(1975) Suggested Vegetable Varieties for 1975, January 1975. Iowa State University Extension
(1975) Weed Control Guide for 1975 prepared by Vivan M. Jennings, January 1975. Iowa State University Extension
(1975) 1975 Iowa Farm Fuel and Equipment Survey, 1975. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1975) 1975 Northeast Iowa Criminal Justice Support by Northeast Iowa Area Crime Commission, 1975. Human Rights, Department of
(1975) Alcohol Related Fatal Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Study, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Alternative Futures for American Agricultural Structure, Policies, Income, Employment, and Exports : A Recursive Simulation: Card Report 56, 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Annual Report Iowa Board of Landscape Architectural Examiners, 1975-1976. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1975, Vol. 46. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Attitudes Toward and Evaluation of Carpooling, August 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1975) CONOCEME EN IOWA:The Official Report of the Governor's Spanish Speaking Task Force, 1975. Human Rights, Department of
(1975) The Cage Culture of Channel Catfish in Iowa and related Management Implications by Larry Mitzner and Robert Middendorf, 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Capitol Building emergency handbook, 1975. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(1975) Children with Learning Disabilities ... : "I Would if I Could.", 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Commercial Dock and TOFC Survey Instructions prepared by Iowa Department of Transportation, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Community Services Handbook, A Guide to Job Related Services in the Davenport-Bettendorf Area, 1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1975) Comparison of state tourism agencies, 1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1975) Comprehensive Statewide Emergency Medical Services Plan prepared by Governor's Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council, 1975. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1975) Conoceme en Iowa: The Official Report of the Governor's Spanish Speaking Task Force, 1975. Governor's Office
(1975) Economies of Size in Swine Production Under Different Production Methods and Phases: Card Report 61, 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Employment of Older Workers in the environmental Field of Pesticides: A Model Program prepared for Iowa Department of Agriculture, 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Energy Consumption and Production in Iowa, 1975. Governor's Office
(1975) Estimated Traffic and Vehicle-Miles of Travel on Iowa's Proposed Interstate System 1956-1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) An Evaluation of Present Conditions at Iowa State Penitentiary, Fort Madison Iowa conducted by the American Correctional Association, 1975. Corrections, Department of
(1975) Executive Order Number Twenty, December 1975. Governor's Office
(1975) Federal Aid to Fish Restoration Annual Performance Report, Man-Made Lakes Fisheries Investigations, 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Federal Aid to Fish Restoration Annual Performance Report, Man-Made Lakes Fisheries Investigations, 1975b. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Final Report of the Mental Health and Juvenile Institutions Study Committee submitted by its Subcommittee on Commitment Laws, 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Final Report, Curriculum Development, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) For the record : a report of our activities for the year July 1, 1974-June 30, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Forecasts of the Population of the United States: 1945-1975, 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) The Guide to Vocational Exploration, 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Guidelines : state and personal cars used on official business, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) The Highway Mode: Principal Routes as proposed January 1975 prepared by multilane highway system Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1975. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1975) Indexes to Fact Finding Recommendations and Arbitration Awards 1975 to Present, Iowa Public Employment Relations Board, 1975. Labor, Division of
(1975) The Indians called it beautiful land : your quick-fact book : Iowa, a place to grow,1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1975) Information and Referral Resource Book, Iowa, 1975. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(1975) Inside the Capitol, 1975. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1975) Iowa : Four seasons of fun, 1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1975) The Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965, as amended through June 30, 1975. Civil Rights Commission
(1975) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1975. Civil Rights Commission
(1975) The Iowa Criminal Justice System Program sponsored by Division of Adult Corrections, Iowa Crime Commission, 1977. Judicial Branch
(1975) The Iowa Criminal Justice System Program sponsored by Division of Correctional Institutions, Bureau of Community Correction Services, Office of Staff Development, Iowa Crime Commission,1975. Judicial Branch
(1975) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 1, 1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1975) Iowa Public and Nonpublic School Enrollment, 1974-75 School year by Merged Area Districts, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Iowa area command operation plan number 1 : military support of civil defense, 1975. Iowa National Guard
(1975) Iowa, Where the Tall Corn Grows: (and everything else!) 1975. Iowa State University Extension
(1975) Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin Study, Iowa and Minnesota: Drainage Report of the Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin prepared by United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Economic Research Service, 1975. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1975) Job Competency Needs of Sanitarian Aides, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Law and the Family, 1975. Human Rights, Department of
(1975) Maintenance Control Sections, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Make A Match: A Guide to Career Selection, 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) A Manual for County Auditors of Iowa, Institute of Public Affairs, The University of Iowa, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Minimum Qualifications Guide, Iowa Merit Employment Department, 1975. Personnel, Department of
(1975) Mississippi River toll bridge. Dubuque, Iowa : supplemental report, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Models for Career Education in Iowa, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) NEBIT: Cost Sharing for New and Expanding Business and Industry Training, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) The Placement Process, 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Progress Report on the First Year Study of Northern Pike in the Mississippi River by Don R. Helms, 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1975. Library of Iowa, State
(1975) Pupil Transportation Manual: A Guide for Transportation Supervisors, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Report of the Governor's Commission to Study Nursing in Iowa prepared by Office for Planning and Programming, 1975. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1975) Report on River Bank Protection Study, Wapello, Iowa, 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Report on the Federal Highway Administration Carpool Demonstration Project: Region VII: Blackhawk, Bremer, Butler, Chickasaw, and Grundy Counties, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Revised state plan, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Roster of State Officials, 1975. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)
(1975) School Library Media Centers and Public Libraries: Cooperation, Joint-Use and/or Combination to Expand Services, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Shelter House Community-Based Juvenile Corrections Project, 1975. Public Safety, Department of
(1975) Sixty-Sixth General Assembly Code Revisions submitted by Iowa State Developmental Disabilities Council, 1975. Public Safety, Department of
(1975) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1975. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1975) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 66 no. 1, 1975. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1975) State of Iowa Scholarship Program and Iowa Tuition Grant Program State Aid for Iowa College Students for 1974-75, 1975. Vocational Rehabilitation
(1975) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1975) Strippable Coal Reserve Study in Selected Iowa Counties, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1975. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1975) Title IX: Questions and Answers, Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, 1975. Human Rights, Department of
(1975) Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Disposal, June 1975. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) We can help place and recruit health personnel, 1975. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1975) What is the DPI?, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Where are you Going?: What will you Do?, 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) A World Food Analysis: Grain Supply and Export Capacity of American Agriculture Under Various Production and Consumption Alternatives: Card Report 60, 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Your community college : an investment in Iowa's future, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) The energy challenge : a multi-faceted educational 4-H TV energy series, 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) A philosophy for career education, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) The way we work : some notes on the philosophical base of career education, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, December 1975, Vol. 34, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) IoWoman, November, 1975. Human Rights, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, November 1975, Vol. 34, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, October 1975, Vol. 34, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, September 1975, Vol. 34, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) IoWoman, August, 1975. Human Rights, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, August 1975, Vol. 34, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, July 1975, Vol. 34, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, June 1975, Vol. 34, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, May 1975, Vol. 34, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, April 1975, Vol. 34, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, March 1975, Vol. 34, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, February 1975, Vol. 34, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Iowa Conservationist, January 1975, Vol. 34, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Selected School Laws and Standards, A Summary containing Specific School Laws relating to Area Schools, Standards for Area Community Colleges and Area Vocational Schools prepared by Area Schools Division, Iowa Department of Public Instruction, August 20, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Selected School Laws and Standards, Relating to School Libraries and Media Centers prepared by Area Schools Division, Iowa Department of Public Instruction, September 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Rules of the Iowa Merit System, August 1975. Iowa Workforce Development
(1975) Region V: Past, Present and Future Population Trends and Social Characteristics, July 1975. Iowa State University
(1975) Geographic Data Encoding Issues by Kenneth J. Dueker, April 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 66th GA Vol. 1, 1975. House of Representatives and Staff
(1975) Journal of the Senate of the 66th GA 1 of the State of Iowa, 1975. Senate and Staff
(1975) Report to the Legislative Council and the Members of the First Session of the Sixty-Sixth General Assembly, State of Iowa, 1975. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1975) What are Developmental Disabilities, 1975. Disabilities, Iowa Division of Persons with