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Departmental Report

(1980) Forty-Third Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Uniform Data Management System, Iowa Department of Transportation, December 1, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Uniform Data Management System: System Implementation #1, December 1, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) A Bibliography of Pennsylvanian Geology and Coal in Iowa, December 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Evaluation of 1977 Asphalt Concrete Sprinkle Treatments; HR-1012, December 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Field Performance and Evaluation of Slurry Seals, HR-195, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, November 1980. Iowa Workforce Development

(1980) Reinforced Earth and Stone Columns for Weak Subsoil Conditions, HR-510, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Special Report on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in Iowa, MLR-80-03, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) A networking primer, 1980. Library of Iowa, State

(1980) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Phase III, October 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Deer in Iowa 1978, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 30, October 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) The Iowa Offender Risk Assessment Scoring System, October 1980. Human Rights, Department of

(1980) Stratigraphy and Conondonts of the Upper Devonian Sequence from Two Core in Northern Iowa, September 11, 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Governor's Conference on Recreation, September 3, 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Uniform Data Management System, Iowa Department of Transportation, September 1, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Uniform Data Management System: System Development/Testing, September 1, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Alternate Methods of Stabilizing Degrading Stream Channels in Western Iowa, Phase I, HR-208, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Annual Statistical Report to Iowa School Districts 1980-81, 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Geomorphic History of the Little Sioux River Valley; Field Guidebooks, September 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, September 1980. Iowa Workforce Development

(1980) List of School Districts in each of the 15 areas for the Improvement of Education in Iowa schools, Iowa Department of Public Instruction, September 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Maintenance Equipment Lighting Manual, September 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Traffic Safety Study: Ottumwa, Iowa, September 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) Life Cycle Procurement Book, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Production Price and Income Estimates and Projections for the Feed-Livestock Economy under Specified Control and Market-Clearing Conditions by Geoffrey Shepherd: Special Report No. 27, August 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) Anerobic Biological Treatment of Liquid Wastes from Pyrolysis Processes, Final Report, 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Phase II, July 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Heuristic Solutions to Location-Allocation Problems: A User's Guide to ALLOC IV, V and VI / by Edward L. Hillsman, July 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, July 1980. Iowa Workforce Development

(1980) Labor Market Information Review, Southeast Iowa Ten-County Labor Area, FY1980 July 1980. Iowa Workforce Development

(1980) Bonded, Thin-Lift, Non-Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Resurfacing, HR-191, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Calendar of Forms 1980-1981 School Year: Area Education Agency, June 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Calendar of Forms 1980-1981 School Year: Area Schools, June 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Calendar of Forms 1980-1981 School Year: Institution, June 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Calendar of Forms 1980-1981 School Year: Nonpublic School, June 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Calendar of Forms 1980-1981 School Year: Public School, June 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Health Care Expenditures in Iowa, 1966-1976 prepared by Henri Minette, June 1980. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1980) Individualizing Instruction for Handicapped Students at the Secondary Level, June 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) A Transit Assistance Program for State Employees: Final Report, June 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Preliminary 1981-86 State Health Plan for Iowa by the Iowa State Health Department and the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, May 5, 1980. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1980) Master Plan Report: Volga River State Recreation Area, May 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) 27th Field Conference Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene: Yarmouth Revisited, May/June 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Alas-Base Record Interface prepared by Office of Transportation Research, Planning and Research Division, May 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Iowa Labor Market, Iowa Department of Job Service, May 1980. Iowa Workforce Development

(1980) Little Maquoketa River Mounds, Dubuque County, Site Description and Recommendations for Development, May 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Organizing a local historical society, 1980. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1980) Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Iowa State University Regulatory Conference on Public Utility Valuation and the Rate Making Process, May 21, 22, 23, 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) Treating Iowa's Marginal Aggregates and Soils by Foamix Process, HR-212, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Use of Longitudinal Subdrains in the 3R Program, Progress Report 1, HR-509, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Field Guide to Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems in South Central Iowa; Field Guidebooks, April 20, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Des Moines Fleur Drive/Army Post Road Signal System Study, April 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Paving in Woodbury County, Iowa, Final Report, HR-201, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Freeway 518 Master Plan Cedar Fall, Iowa, April 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Summary of Permanent Continuous Automatic Traffic Count Stations of Iowa prepared by Iowa Department of Transportation, April 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Traffic Count Manual for the Des Moines Urbanized Area, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Natural resources inventory of Pikes Peak/Point Ann State Park, Clayton County, Iowa, March 29, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) A Classification of the Wing and Closing Dams on the Upper Mississippi River bordering Iowa by Tom Boland, March 5, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) 1980 Traffic Line Marking Program, March 3, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) 1975 DRIM Area Transportation Model Check prepared by Office of Advance Planning, March 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) 1980 Pavement Smoothness Measurements, February 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) 1982 Pavement Smoothness Measurements, February 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Division on Purchasing, Department of General Services: A Limited Program Evaluation-Program Evaluation Division, Legislative Fiscal Bureau, February 1980. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1980) Evaluation of Recycled Asphalt Concrete Pavements: Final Report for Kossuth County, Iowa, HR-1008, February 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Gypsum Resource: Fort Dodge Area, February 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Survey of D.O.T.'s Traffic Paint Costs in 1979, HR-515, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) 1979 Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners, January 16, 1980. Medical Examiner, Iowa State

(1980) Petroleum Conservation Measures Assessment : Final Report Submitted to the Iowa Energy Policy Council, January 15, 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Phase I, January 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Dispute Settlement Centers: Program Implementation Manual, January 1980. Judicial Branch

(1980) Evaluation of Extent of Hazardous Waste Contamination in Charles City,. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Evaluation of Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in Monona County, Iowa, HR-200, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Financial management control system : employing the IBM 370 computer system developed for the Offices of Accounting and Budget, Iowa Department of Transportation / by Nile C. Johnson, Senior Systems Analyst, Supervisor, January 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Iowa Motorcycle Ride Meter, HR-1019, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Iowa Pore Index Test, MLR-80-2, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Iowa Subdivision Law Explained, Chapter 409 Iowa Code, January 1980. Iowa State University Extension

(1980) Location of Sites for Hazardous Waste Repositories in Iowa:Phase 1: Geological Reconnaissance Mapping Progress Report 1, January 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) New Evidence of Early Ordovician Tectonism in the Upper Mississippi Valley, January 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Pleistocene Stratigraphy in East-Central Iowa, January 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Regional Gravity data for Southwest Iowa, January 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Teacher Salary Reports K-12 School Districts prepared by Iowa Association of School Boards, July 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) 136 of the Top 500 Operate 303 Plants in Iowa compiled by the Iowa Development Commission, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) 137 of the Top 500 Operate 320 Plants in Iowa compiled by the Iowa Development Commission, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) 137 of the Top 500 Operate 320 Plants in Iowa compiled by the Iowa Development Commission, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) 1979 Iowa AFDC Characteristics, 1980. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1980) 1980 Iowa 4H Foundation Annual Report, 1980. Iowa State University Extension

(1980) 1980 Iowa 4H Foundation Annual Report, 1980. Iowa State University Extension

(1980) 1980 Iowa 4H Foundation Annual Report, 1980. Iowa State University Extension

(1980) 1980 Session Fiscal Report, 1980. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1980) An Architectural and Historical Survey of Public Libraries in Iowa 1870-1940, 1980. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1980) Asphalt Concrete Plant Inspection Manual, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Asphalt Emulsions for Highway Construction (Emulsion Seal Coat), HR-1028, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Bur Oak Nature Trail Viking Lake State Park, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Desorption of Pollutants from Mississippi River Sediments in the GREAT II Study Reach Lab Simulation Study, 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Directory of CETA Funded Educational Programs, 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Division of Pharmaceutics Graduate Program, 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Eagle Grove Municipal Airport, Eagle Grove Iowa, Airport Development Plan prepared for Eagle Grove Airport Commission, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Estimated Water Use in Iowa, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Executive Order Number Thirty Eight, August 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Executive Order Number Thirty Nine, August 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Executive Order Number Thirty Seven, July 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Executive Order Number Thirty Six, July 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Field Population: Planter Calibration prepared by S. Elwynn Taylor, 1980. Iowa State University Extension

(1980) Fort Atkinson Historic Preserve: Technical Report, Historical Analysis and Planning Recommendations, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Green Valley State Park, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) A Handbook for Iowa Council Members, 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) A Handbook for Iowa board and Commission Members prepared by the Volunteer Advisory Council, 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) High Range Water Reducer in Portland Cement Concrete Made with D-Cracking Susceptible Coarse Aggregate, HR-1021, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Hogsback Nature Trial, Pink Lake State Park, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) How to Commute by Bike, 1980. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1980) Hushed Moments in the Senate, 1980. Senate and Staff

(1980) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1980. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1980) Industrial Development 1980 year-end report, Iowa Development Commission, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) Iowa : juvenile justice system and substance abuse, 1980. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1980) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1980. Attorney General

(1980) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1980. Civil Rights Commission

(1980) Iowa Depository for Iowa Publications, 1980. Library of Iowa, State

(1980) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 18, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 19, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 20, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 21, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) Iowa Falls Gateway, Short Line Railroad Study, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Iowa International Directory, Products for Export 1979-1980, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) Iowa Observation Well Network, Past, Present, and Future by John D. Logel, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) The Iowa Official Register, 1979-1980. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1980) Iowa Transit: A Report of Urban, Regional, Intercity and Taxicab Operations for 1978, 1979, and 1980, Public Transit Division, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) An Iowa Vacation Kind of a Feeling, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1980) Iowa programs for the gifted and talented, 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Lake Keomah Fitness Trail, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Lake View Nature Trail, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Lamoni Airport Development Plan, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Load Distribution in Glulam Timber Highway Bridges, Final Report prepared for American Institute of Timber Construction, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Low Temperature & Solar Grain Drying Handbook, 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) Master of Science in Industrial Administrative Sciences, A Graduate Business Program, Iowa State University,1980-1981, 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) Parrott's Manual of Road and Drainage Laws of Iowa, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Pavement Surface on Macadam Base, Adair County, HR-209, Construction Report, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Physical Education Programs for Handicapped Students in Iowa, 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Preview of Iowa Asphalt Treated Base Construction by Richard P. Henely, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Prioritizing Iowa's Training Needs, Occupations requiring Specialized Training of less than Baccalaureate Degree, 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1978-1979, 1980. Library of Iowa, State

(1980) Revised Stratigraphic Column of Iowa, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Roster of State Officials, 1980. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1980) Solid Waste Management in the State of Iowa, September 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1980. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1980) State Cost-Sharing for Soil Conservation in Iowa, 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 68, no. 2, 1980. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1980) State of Iowa Department of Public Instruction Employee Handbook, 1980. Education, Department of

(1980) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) A Statewide Screening for Acid Rainfall, April-October 1980, 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) A Study of Pennsylvanian Sandstones in the Mayflower Residence Hall Area Iowa City, Iowa, 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1980. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1980) Summary of the Dubuque, Iowa Agricultural Lands Workshop: November 7-9, 1979, 1980. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1980) Suspended Sediment Modeling of Dredge-Disposal Effluent in the GREAT-II Study Reach, 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Taking a Closer Look. Glenwood State Hospital-School, 1980. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1980) Taking a closer look : Cherokee Mental Health Institute, 1980. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1980) Third Biennial Report of the Iowa State Historical Department, 1979-1980, 1980. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1980) Thirty-Fourth Biennial Report of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1980. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1980) Traffic Survey sponsored by the Fort Madison Jaycees and the Fort Madison Transportation Committee, 1980. Iowa State University

(1980) Traffic Volume Studies, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Visitor's Guide to Cayler Prairie Wildlife Management Area and State Botanical Preserve, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) We're Number 1. Iowa State University Extension

(1980) Woodland Interpretive Trail: Honey Creek State Park, 1980. Transportation, Department of


(1980) Iowa Conservationist, December 1980, Vol. 39, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, November 1980, Vol. 39, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, October 1980, Vol. 39, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, September 1980, Vol. 39, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, August 1980, Vol. 39, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, July 1980, Vol. 39, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, June 1980, Vol. 39, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, May 1980, Vol. 39, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, April 1980, Vol. 39, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, March 1980, Vol. 39, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, February 1980, Vol. 39, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Conservationist, January 1980, Vol. 39, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Iowa Geological Survey Newsletter, January 1980, Vol. 1, no. 5. University of Iowa

(1980) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1979-December 1980, Volume 38 & Volume 39. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Newsletter, University of Iowa, School of Library and Information Science, 1966-1980. University of Iowa


(1980) House Republican Staff Analysis: Constitutional Convention Proposition, August 1, 1980. House of Representatives and Staff

(1980) Every Eighth Iowan prepared for the University of Iowa Committee on Aging, 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 68th GA Vol. 2, 1980. House of Representatives and Staff

(1980) Journal of the Senate of the 68th GA 2 of the State of Iowa, 1980. Senate and Staff

(1980) Lubrication Manual, 1980. Transportation, Department of

(1980) Volunteer and Volunteer Programs, Iowa Department of Social Services, 1980. Corrections, Department of

This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 06:05:50 2025 CST.