Items where Year is 1997

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(1997) 1997 Dairy Report, 1997. Iowa State University

(1997) 1997 Session Fiscal Report, 1997. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1997) Annual Report of the Iowa Citizen's Aide/Ombudsman, 1997. Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman

(1997) Annual Report of the Iowa Department of Revenue FY1997. Revenue, Department of

(1997) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1997. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(1997) The Auditor's Guide to Special Elections prepared by the Elections Division, 1997. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1997) Big trees of Iowa,1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Cedar Rock, The Walter Residence, 1997. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1997) City Clerk's Guide to City Elections prepared in the Elections Division, 1997. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1997) College of Education, Iowa State University, 1979. Iowa State University

(1997) D-3 Dependent Adult Abuse Report, 1997. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1997) Election forms as prescribed by the Secretary of State, 1997. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1997) Female Juvenile Justice Report, June 1997. Human Rights, Department of

(1997) Floods of September 15-16, 1992, in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins, South-Central Iowa, HR-140, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Fort Atkinson State Preserve, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1997. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1997) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1997. Attorney General

(1997) Iowa Attorney General published opinion. Attorney General

(1997) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1997. Civil Rights Commission

(1997) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Communicator, Spring 1997, Vol. 15, no. 1. Civil Rights Commission

(1997) Iowa Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, 1997. Administrative Services

(1997) Iowa Conservationist Index, January-December 1997, Volume 56. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan 1997. Human Rights, Department of

(1997) Iowa Individual Income Tax School District, Tax Year 1997. Revenue, Department of

(1997) Iowa Uniform Crime Report, Iowa Department of Public Safety, 1997. Public Safety, Department of

(1997) Iowa's Educational Excellence Program, Phase III, 1997. Education, Department of

(1997) Iowa's counties : selected population trends, vital statistics, and socioeconomic data. Library of Iowa, State

(1997) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 77th GA Vol. 1, no. 1, 1997. House of Representatives and Staff

(1997) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 77th GA Vol. 1, no. 2, 1997. House of Representatives and Staff

(1997) Journal of the Senate of the 77th GA 1 Vol. 1 of the State of Iowa, 1997. Senate and Staff

(1997) Journal of the Senate of the 77th GA 1 Vol. 2 of the State of Iowa, 1997. Senate and Staff

(1997) Lacey-Keosauqua State Park, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Lake of Three Fires State Park, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Lake of Three Fires State Park, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Lewis and Clark State Park, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Local Option Sales Tax, 1997. Revenue, Department of

(1997) Marsh rainbow arch bridges in Iowa, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Materials Preparation Center, 1997. Iowa State University

(1997) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module I - Basic Introduction to the Use of International Units of Measure, HR-376, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Monitor Administration 1997, Technical Training & Certification Program, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Physics and Astronomy : Graduate Study / Iowa State University, 1997. Iowa State University

(1997) Pine Creek Water Quality Project, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Plum Grove Historic Home: Built in 1844, 1997. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1997) Potentially Dangerous Spiders, 1997. Iowa State University Extension

(1997) Publications for Agriculture, 1997. Iowa State University

(1997) RAPS 1997: Agricultural and Environmental Outlook: RAPS, Resource and Agricultural Policy Systems, 1997. Iowa State University

(1997) Red Hawk State Park, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Roadmap to a Responsive Government Using Technology to Create a Seamless Government prepared by Iowa Intergovernmental Information Technology & Telecommunications (IITT) Task Force, 1997. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1997) Rock Creek State Park, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Roster of State Officials, 1997. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1997) Spatial Data Systems for Transportation Planning, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1997. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1997) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 77, no. 1, 1997. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1997) State of Iowa Public Drinking Water Program 1996 Annual Compliance Report, December 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1997. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1997) Volga River State Recreation Area, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Western Historic Trails Center, 1997. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1997) Wildcat Den State Park, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1997

(1997) Community College Funding: An Investment in Iowa's Future, January 1997. Education, Department of

(1997) Freeze-Thaw Durability of Concretes with and without Class C Fly Ash, MLR-94-9 Phase I, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Iowa Child Death Review Team Report to the Governor and General Assembly Annual Report for 1997, January 1997. Medical Examiner, Iowa State

(1997) Iowa Conservationist, January/February 1997, Vol. 56, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Iowa Geological, January 1997, no. 22. University of Iowa

(1997) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1995-1996, January 1997. Library of Iowa, State

(1997) Preliminary Assessment of the Potential Use of Alternative Materials for Concrete Highway Pavement Joints, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Summary of FY 1998 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1997. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1997) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol.1, no. 6, January/February 1997. Human Rights, Department of

(1997) Vibration Study for Consolidation of Portland Cement Concrete, Preprint, MLR-95-4, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Work Rules, January 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) You are not alone...making an informed decision about your pregnancy, January 1997. Education, Department of

1 January 1997

(1997) Kilometers Of Public Roads In Iowa By Surface Type, January 1, 1997. Transportation, Department of

15 January 1997

(1997) Long Term Care Coordinating Unit Report to the Honorable Terry E. Branstad and the 77th General Assembly (1st Session). January 15, 1997. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)

31 January 1997

(1997) 1996 Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners, January 31, 1997. Medical Examiner, Iowa State

February 1997

(1997) American Gothic House : Built in the 1880's, 1997. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1997) Final Report of the Medicaid Study Committee (a subcommittee of the joint Social Services Committees) to the Sixty-Fourth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, February 1971. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1997) Iowa Gold Star Museum : established in 1985, 1997. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1997) Iowa Healthy Kids Program Study Report, February 1997. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1997) Measurement of Ice Scraping Forces on Snow-Plow Underbody Blades, HR-372, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Technology News, February 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Your guide to Medicaid, 1997. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

1 February 1997

(1997) Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, 25th Annual Report, Feb. 1, 1997. Human Rights, Department of

6 February 1997

(1997) Iowa Insurance Commissioner Bulletin, February 6, 1997. Insurance Division (Commerce)

26 February 1997

(1997) Implementation of Superpave in Iowa, Report to the Iowa Quality Management Asphalt Committee, February 26, 1997. Transportation, Department of

March 1997

(1997) 1997 Assessment and Decision Making Guide: Technical Assistance Guide for Learning Disability. Education, Department of

(1997) Crime Victim Compensation Program, A Guide to Assisting Victims of Violent Crime, May 1997. Attorney General

(1997) Environmental protection charge on petroleum diminution : Iowa information booklet, 1997. Revenue, Department of

(1997) Groundwater Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1994-1995: A Summary Review, March 1997. University of Iowa

(1997) Iowa Conservationist, March/April 1997, Vol. 56, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Latino Affairs Newsletter, Vol. 1, no. 1, March 1997. Human Rights, Department of

(1997) Reinforced Slope with Geogrids, HR-548, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) State Capitol Building : Built in 1886, March 1997. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1997) A Statewide Monitoring Strategy Supporting a Watershed-Based Approach in Iowa, March 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 2, no. 1, March/April 1997. Human Rights, Department of

25 March 1997

(1997) Railroad Abandonment, Revised March, 23, 1997. Transportation, Department of

April 1997

(1997) Assessment and Decision Making for Special Education Entitlement: Technical Assistance Guide for Mental Disability, April 1997. Education, Department of

(1997) Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle, Final Report, Phase One, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Fast Track Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, HR-538, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Freeze-Thaw Durability of Concretes with Infilling of Ettringite in Voids, Phase 2, MLR-94-9, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads Volume 2 of 2 Concept 2: Beam In Slab Bridge, HR-382, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Investigation of Two Bridge Alternatives for Low Volume Roads, Volume 1 of 2 Concept 1: Precast Steel Beam Units, HR-382, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Pooled Fund Study of Premature Concrete Pavement Deterioration, HR-1063, Final Report, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Pooled Fund Study of Premature Concrete Pavement Deterioration, HR-1063, Supplementary Study, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Study Circles Newsletter, April-May 1997. Civil Rights Commission

(1997) Technology News, April 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Thin Asphalt Concrete Pavement on Crushed Rock Base - Cass County, Construction Report, HR-2075, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) A Watershed-Based Approach for Waste Load Allocation in Iowa, April 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

27 April 1997

(1997) Geology in the Dubuque Area: Field Guidebook, April 27, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

May 1997

(1997) A Continuous Span Aluminum Girder Concrete Deck Bridge - Part 2 of 2: Fatigue Tests of Aluminum Girders, Final Report, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Field Data Collection and Reporting Study, HR-377, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Iowa Conservationist, May/June 1997, Vol. 56, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 2, no. 2, May/June 1997. Human Rights, Department of

(1997) Vibratory Effects in Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, MLR-97-2, 1997. Transportation, Department of

June 1997

(1997) A Barn Raising for Public Health, Building on Iowa's Heritage in the 21st Century, June 1997. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1997) Fall colors of Iowa: Created by Amanda Carstens,1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Iowa Capitol Complex: Department of General Services Waste Reduction Assessment Report prepared under the Waste Reduction Assistance Program administered by Waste Management Assistance Division, June 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Latino Affairs Newsletter, Vol. 1, no. 2, June 1997. Human Rights, Department of

(1997) Manipulation of Hatchery Spawning Procedures to improve Walleye Egg Fertility and Survival by Alan A. Moore, July 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Metric Plan Reading Course, HR-324, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Orientation Center Newsletter, June 1997. Blind, Department for the

(1997) Records Management System: Indexing Standard, Document Standard, Technology Standard, Laboratory Configuration, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Study Circles Newsletter, June-July 1997. Civil Rights Commission

(1997) Technology News, June 1997. Transportation, Department of

30 June 1997

(1997) Combined Report on the Institutions Under the Control of the Iowa Department of Human Services Schedules, Findings and Recommendations, June 30, 1997. Auditor of State

July 1997

(1997) Applications for Traffic Control Devices, July 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Assistance Programs for Iowa's Business and Industry by Iowa Waste Reduction Center, July 1997. University of Northern Iowa

(1997) Crack Sealing Utilizing a Heat Lance, HR-2058, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Facts about unemployment insurance, 1997-98. Iowa Workforce Development

(1997) Iowa Conservationist, July/August 1997, Vol. 56, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Iowa's Recreation Trails, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Report and Specification for Transportation Program Management System, HR-394, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 2, no.3, July/August 1997. Human Rights, Department of

15 July 1997

(1997) Iowa In Motion: State Transportation Plan, 1997. Transportation, Department of

August 1997

(1997) Basic Skills Certification Manual, Guidelines for Iowa's Adult Basic Education Program, August 1997. Education, Department of

(1997) Bedrock Geology of Northwest Iowa, August 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Iowa Ag Review, August 1997, Vol. 3, no. 3. Iowa State University

(1997) Let Me Shingle Your Roadway, HR-2079, Interim Report, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) School, Programs and Support Services for Dropouts and Dropout Prevention Including At-Risk Students, August 1997. Education, Department of

(1997) Schools, Programs, and Support Services for Dropouts & Dropout Prevention Including At-Risk Students : Application for Approval, 1998-99, August 1997. Education, Department of

(1997) A Statistical Analysis of Iowa Premature Concrete Pavement Deterioration, Supplementary Study, HR-1063, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Technology News, August 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Temporal Trends of Selected Agricultural Chemicals in Iowa's Groundwater, 1982-1995, Are Things Getting Better?, August 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

September 1997

(1997) Concrete Whiteness for Barrier Rails, MLR-97-04, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Expansive Mineral Growth and Concrete Deterioration, HR-384, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Iowa Conservationist, September/October 1997, Vol. 56, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) New Method for Breaking High Strength Prestress Cable, MLR-97-6, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) New Method for Breaking High Strength Prestress Cable, MLR-97-6, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 2, no.4, September/October 1997. Human Rights, Department of

October 1997

(1997) Field Measurements of Ice Scraping Loads on Front Mounted Plow Blades, HR-374, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Guidelines for County Engineering Decisions, HR-369, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Iowa Supreme Court Improvement Project for Child in Need of Assistance Cases: Annual Report and Proposed Policy Revisions. Judicial Branch

(1997) Report and Recommendations, S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women Coordinating Council, Subcommittee on Coordinating Responses to Violence Against Women and Children, October 1997. Governor's Office

(1997) Technology News, October 1997. Transportation, Department of

1 October 1997

(1997) Iowa Insurance Commissioner Bulletin: October 1, 1997. Insurance Division (Commerce)

November 1997

(1997) Correlation of the Roughometer to the High-Speed Laser Profiler, MLR-97-7, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Investigation of Plastic Pipes for Highway Applications, HR-373A, Phase II, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Iowa Conservationist, November/December 1997, Vol. 56, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Project Development Information Packet for Federal-Aid City and County Projects, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 2, no.5, November/December 1997. Human Rights, Department of

(1997) Traumatic Brain Injury in Iowa 1995, November 1997. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

1 November 1997

(1997) The Natural History of Wildcat Den State Park: Field Guidebook, November 1, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

14 November 1997

(1997) Compendium of Student Papers: Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, November 14, 1997. Iowa State University

18 November 1997

(1997) 1996-1997 University of Northern Iowa Annual Financial Report, November 18, 1997. Auditor of State

December 1997

(1997) 1997 CHI Poll: Iowans' Ratings of Characteristics for State Government, December 1997. Management, Department of

(1997) Access Management Awareness Program Phase II Report, TR-402, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Fiscal Update, December 23, 1997. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

(1997) Fiscal Update, December 23, 1997. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

(1997) Latino Affairs Newsletter, Vol. 1, no. 3, December 1997. Human Rights, Department of

(1997) State of Iowa Public Drinking Water Program 1996 Annual Compliance Report, December 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) State's Successful Practices Weigh-in-Motion Handbook, December 1997. Iowa State University

(1997) Technology News, December 1997-January 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1997) Testing of Old Reinforced Concrete Bridges, HR-390, 1997. Transportation, Department of

2 December 1997

(1997) Stressing Our Future, December 2, 1997. Transportation, Department of

4 December 1997

(1997) Iowa Insurance Commissioner Bulletin: December 4, 1997. Insurance Division (Commerce)

7 December 1997

(1997) County condemnation manual : manual of practice and procedure for the acquisition of real property through the exercise of the power of eminent domain; HR-389, 1995. Transportation, Department of

Spring 1997

(1997) Leopold Letter: A Newsletter of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Spring 1997. Iowa State University

Summer 1997

(1997) Leopold Letter: A Newsletter of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Summer 1997. Iowa State University

Fall 1997

(1997) Leopold Letter: A Newsletter of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Fall 1997. Iowa State University

Winter 1997

(1997) Leopold Letter: A Newsletter of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Winter 1997. Iowa State University

(1997) Study Circles Newsletter, Winter 1997-1998. Civil Rights Commission

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 06:05:42 2025 CDT.