Items where Year is 1992

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Number of items: 186.

(1992) Market Information, Your Key to Higher Profits, February 1992. Iowa State University Extension

(1992) Effectiveness of Rural Iowa Middle and High School Programs for Students at Risk, Research Report by Barbara L. Licklider, September 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Forty-Ninth Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1992. Governor's Office

(1992) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete - Black Hawk County, HR-330B, Construction Report, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Galvanized Bridge Deck Reinforcing, HR-504, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Community College Accounting Manual, December 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) The Iowa State-Wide Rural Well-Water Survey: Site and Well Characteristics and Water Quality, December 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) Protection of Structural Concrete Substructures, HR-220, December 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Technology News, December 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Quaternary Drainage Evolution of the Maquoketa River Valley: Field Guidebooks, November 21, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Choose a Healthy Weight, November 1992. Iowa State University Extension

(1992) Image Analysis for the Characterization of Materials for Highway Construction : Phase I, Progress Report, HR-346, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Conservationist, November/October 1992, Vol. 51, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Iowa Economic Trends, November 1992. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1992) Research Report #22, Building Assistance Teams, Intervention and Outcomes, November 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Scenic Byways: Their Selection, Designation, Protection and Safety, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Shotblasting to Improve Frictional Properties, HR-1057, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Waverly Municipal Airport, Airport Development Plan, November 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Motorcycle Operator Manual,1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Economic Trends, October 1992. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1992) Iowa three-year state plan for vocational education amendments : fiscal years 1993-1994, October 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Management of Urban Freeways, A Project involving Traffic Flow & Safety on Interstate 380 within the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 12, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Technology News, October 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Thermoset Composite Concrete Reinforcement, HR-325, Part 2, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Progress Report for HR-332, Design Methodology for Corrugated Metal Pipe Tiedowns, September 14, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete - Black Hawk County, HR-330D, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Experimental Project No. 621, Pavement Instrumentation, HR-293, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Conservationist, September/October 1992, Vol. 51, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Iowa Economic Trends, September 1992. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1992) State Nonpoint Source Management Program Iowa, September 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Technology News, September 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Effects of Heat Straightening Structural Steel, MLR-91-3, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Engineering Fabric Repair Prior to Resurfacing - Roadglas - US 30, HR-525, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Evaluation of Asphalt Mix Permeability, MLR-90-2, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete - Dubuque County, HR-330C, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Evaluation of Recycled Rubber in Asphalt Concrete - Plymouth County, HR-330A, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Economic Trends, August 1992. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1992) Iowa Statewide Follow-up Study : Adult Adjustment of Individuals with Behavioral Disorders, Three vs. One Year Out of School, August 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Sny Magill Watershed Nonpoint Source Pollution Monitoring Project Workplan, August 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) Additional Investigations oh the Cook Farm NRHP Property and Four Potentially Related Historic Sites, St. Charles Township, Floyd County, Iowa, July 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) The Illinois-Iowa Quad Cities Area Joint Plan of Compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, July 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Conservationist, July/August 1992, Vol. 51, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Iowa Economic Trends, July 1992. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1992) Supplemental Pre-Location Report, U.S. 18, Mason City Bypass I-35 to Rudd : Cerro Gordo and Floyd Counties, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Transportation Policy Options for Employed Rural Women, July 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner, July 1, 1991 through June 30, 1992. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1992) Iowa School Reorganization, Principles and Practices of Reorganization by Guy Ghan, June 30, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Study of the Role of the Telecommunications Industry in Iowa's Economic Development: Step 2 Report, Survey of Iowa's Current Telecommunications Infrastructure, June 26, 1992. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1992) Engineering Study for Reducing Sign Vandalism Final Report Highway Research Advisory Board Projec HR 246, June 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Guidelines for Preliminary Design of Bridges and Culverts, June 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Conservationist, June 1992, Vol. 51, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Iowa Economic Trends, June 1992. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1992) Iowa needs assessment for vocational education : supplemental, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) The Self-Sufficiency Project, Practice Manual by Marcia S. Allen, June 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) Technology News, June 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Control of Concrete Deterioration Due to Trace Compounds in Deicers, HR-299, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Environmental Geology of the Big Spring Groundwater Basin, Northeast Iowa, Iowa; Field Guidebook, May 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) Investigation of Video Crack and Patch Surveying for Pavement Management, MLR-92-01, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Conservationist, May 1992, Vol. 51, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) The Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Middle-Upper Devonian Cedar Valley Group of Central and Eastern Iowa; Field Guidebook, May 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) A Study on the Use of Fabric to Retard Reflective Cracking Over Widened Joints, MLR-88-4, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Thermoset Composite Concrete Reinforcement, HR-325, Part 1, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Development Study - Report C: Final Screening of Alternative Candidate Improvements, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Review of Race Equity Districts for the 1990-1991 School Year Report to State Board of Education. April 1, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Investigation of Rapid Thermal Analysis Procedures for Prediction of the Service Life of PCCP Carbonate Coarse Aggregate: Phase I, Progress Report, HR-337, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Conservationist, April 1992, Vol. 51, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) The Raccoon River Valley Trail user study: summary and recommendations,1992. Iowa State University

(1992) Sales tax on industrial machinery, equipment and computers, 1992. Revenue, Department of

(1992) Correlation of the IJK Roadmeter to the International Roughness Index, MLR-91-5, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Drivers' Behavior at Railroad Grade Crossings: Before and After Safety Campaign, HR-335, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Drivers' Behavior at Railroad Grade Crossings: Before and After Safety Campaign, HR-335, Survey Data Summaries, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Evaluation of the Chemical Durability of Iowa Fly Ash Concretes, HR-327, Phase II Progress Report, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) FY-93 transit development plan for the Clinton Municipal Transit Administration Clinton, Iowa, March, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) GIS Demonstration Project prepared by Office of Transportation Inventory, Planning and Research Division, March 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Guidelines for Selecting Projects for Maintenance Contract Work prepared by Office of Maintenance, Highway Division, March 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Investigation of Video Crack and Patch Surveying for Pavement Management by Kevin Jones, May 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa Conservationist, March 1992, Vol. 51, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Iowa Economic Trends, March 1992. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1992) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 7, March 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Multiflora rose and its control,1992. Iowa State University Extension

(1992) Review of Civil Penalty Process Interim Study Committee, Final Report, March 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Stratigraphy and Cyclic Sedimentation of Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian Strata around Winterset, Iowa; Field Guidebook, May 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) U.S. 63 Corridor Study, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Changing Economics of Locally Owned Agribusiness Firms and Impacts on Rural Communities presented at American Association for Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Chicago, February 11, 1992. Iowa State University

(1992) Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, 20th Annual Report, Feb. 1, 1992. Human Rights, Department of

(1992) Emergency Medical Services Interim Study Committee, Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, February 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Final Report: Improving Government Efficiency and Operations Interim Study Committee prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, February 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Franchise Regulation Study Committee: Final Report, February 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Iowa Advisory Council on Head Injuries: Annual Report & State Plan FY1991, February 1992. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1992) K-12 Education Reform Study Committee: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, February 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Laboratory Evaluation of Polymer and Multi-Grade Asphalt Binders, MLR-90-5, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Preservation of Family Farms and Small Businesses Interim Study Committee: Final Report, February 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Progress Report presented to the Legislative Council and the General Assembly, June 1999. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Progress Report presented to the Legislative Council and the Iowa General Assembly, January 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Public Retirement Systems Study Committee: Final Report, February 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Recognition and Support for Caregivers Interim Study Committee; Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, February 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) State Budget and Budgeting Practices Interim Study Committee: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, February 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Technology News, February 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) 1991 Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners, January 29, 1992. Medical Examiner, Iowa State

(1992) Long Term Care Coordinating Unit Report to the Honorable Terry E. Branstad and the 74th General Assembly (2nd Session). January 1992. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)

(1992) Agricultural Chemical Site Remediation Interim Study Committee, Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, January 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Americans with Disabilities Act Para Transit Plan, City of Cedar Rapids Iowa by William Hoekstra, January 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Centralized Communication Between Excavators and Pipeline Operators Study Committee, Final Report, January 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Curtailing Youth and Gang Violence Study Committee: Final Report, January 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Infant Mortality in Iowa Interim Study Committee, January 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Iowa Conservationist: Special 50th Anniversary Issue 1942-1992, January and February 1992, Vol. 51, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Iowa Geological, January 1992, no. 17. University of Iowa

(1992) Medipass Implementation Oversight Study Committee, Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, January 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Performance of a Nongrouted Thin Bonded PCC Overlay, HR-291, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Plan for Compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, City of Muscatine Prepared by Bi-State regional Commission, January 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) State of Iowa FY 1993 Governor's Recommendations Summary, January 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) 1992 Session Fiscal Report, 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) 1992 Vehicle Fleet Summary, Office of Vehicle Services, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Age Group in Iowa and Its Counties: 1940-2010, 1992. Iowa State University

(1992) Annotated Bibliography for High School Reading: A Suggested Bibliography for 9-12 Students, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Annotated Bibliography for Junior High/Middle School Reading: A Suggested Bibliography for 6-9 Students, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1992. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(1992) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Assuring Efficient Delivery of Social Services Interim Study Committee: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Best Practices in the Supervision of School Social Work Programs edited by James P. Clark, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Challenging Trends, Indicators of Well-Being for Iowa Children, 1992. Governor's Office

(1992) D-3 Dependent Adult Abuse Report, 1992. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1992) DNR Annual Report of the Fiscal Year 1992, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Daniel Lehman Farm, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Degree Requirements, Admission, College of Nursing, 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) Dorothy A. Abbas and Iowa Civil Rights Commission vs. City of Hampton, 1992. Civil Rights Commission

(1992) Elk Rock State Park, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) An Examination of Suspension and Expulsion Issues for Students with Disabilities in Iowa, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Executive Order Number Forty Five, August 27, 1992. Governor's Office

(1992) Executive Order Number Forty Four, April 30, 1992. Governor's Office

(1992) Executive Order Number Forty Three, April 30, 1992. Governor's Office

(1992) Final Report, Governor's Commission on Health Care Costs, 1992. Governor's Office

(1992) Floods of 1986 and 1990 in the Raccoon River Basin, West-Central Iowa, HR-140, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Geode State Park, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Implementing RSDS: State of the Art Survey Summaries, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Technical Manual by the County Roadside Assistance Office, Department of Biology, 1992. Iowa State University

(1992) Interstate Route Flow Map, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Investigation of Des Moines Police Department, use of force in the Arrest of Larry Milton, 1992. Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman

(1992) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1992. Civil Rights Commission

(1992) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1992-December 1992, Volume 51. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Iowa Historical Moments: Fact Sheets: Volume 3, 1992. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1992) Iowa LSCA long range plan, 1992-1996. Library of Iowa, State

(1992) Iowa Land Use Planning Notebook prepared by Stuart H. Huntington, 1992. Iowa State University

(1992) The Iowa Official Register, 1991-1992. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1992) Iowa Scenic Byway Evaluation, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Iowa State Capitol Tour Quiz, 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Iowa's counties : selected population trends, vital statistics, and socioeconomic data. Library of Iowa, State

(1992) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 74th GA Vol. 2 no. 1, Extra Session, 1992. House of Representatives and Staff

(1992) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 74th GA Vol. 2 no. 2, Extra Session, 1992. House of Representatives and Staff

(1992) Journal of the Senate of the 74th GA 2 Vol. 1 of the State of Iowa, 1992. Senate and Staff

(1992) Journal of the Senate of the 74th GA 2 Vol. 2 of the State of Iowa, 1992. Senate and Staff

(1992) Journal of the Senate of the 74th GA 2 no. 1 of the State of Iowa: Extra Session, 1992. Senate and Staff

(1992) Journal of the Senate of the 74th GA 2 no. 2 of the State of Iowa: Extra Session, 1992. Senate and Staff

(1992) Learn to Use the Iowa Locator - It's Easy, 1992. Library of Iowa, State

(1992) Lewis and Clark State Park, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) A Literature Review of Urban Bypass Studies, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Mason City Transit ADA Plan 1992-1997, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Not All Engineers Drive Trains, 1992. Iowa State University

(1992) Plan Reading Course, HR-324, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Plan for Complementary Paratransit Service, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Plan for Progress in the Library Media Center PK-12, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) QuIP, Iowa Quality Government Team, 1992. Management, Department of

(1992) Revenue Summary, 1990-91 Data, State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) The Roadside Almanac, Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management, 1992. University of Northern Iowa

(1992) Roster of State Officials, 1992. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1992) Rules of Excursion Boat Gambling by Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1992. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(1992) Rules of Racing, 1992. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(1992) School, Programs and Support Services for Dropouts and Dropout Prevention Including At-Risk Students 1992-1993,. Education, Department of

(1992) The Self-Sufficiency Project, Practice Manual by Marcia S. Allen, 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) Shimek State Forest Area, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Special Education Interim Study Committee, Final Report, January 1992. Education, Department of

(1992) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1992. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1992) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 74, First and Second Extra Sessions, 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 74, First and Second Extraordinary Sessions, 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 74, no. 2, 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1992) Thomas V. Axtell Farm, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Time of Travel and Dispersion in a selected Reach of Roberts Creek, Clayton County, Iowa by D.W. Kolpin and S.J. Kalkhoff; Prepared in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Traffic Sign Inventory System, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Development Study, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Development Study, Report B: Improvement Alternatives, Costs and Traffic, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Development Study, Task A Report, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Vegetation Control for Safety, A Guide for Street and Highway Maintenance Personnel, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 1992. Transportation, Department of

(1992) Yellow River Forest, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 06:06:08 2025 CST.