Items where Year is 1984

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(1984) 1958 Sufficiency rating of Bridges on the Primary Road System and Extensions, Highway Planning Section, Safety and Traffic Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, 1958. Transportation, Department of

(1984) 1984 January thru November, Labor Force Employment and Unemployment Data, 1984. Iowa Workforce Development

(1984) 1984 Session Fiscal Report, 1984. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1984) Affirmative Action, 1984. University of Northern Iowa

(1984) Airport Development Plan, Boone Municipal Airport prepared for the Boone Airport Commission, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Alcohol Related Fatal Crash, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1984, Vol. 54. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Butterfly Garden and South Bluff Nature Center, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Condition of the State of Iowa, 1984 (70th General Assembly). Governor's Office

(1984) Cool Hollow Interpretive Trail, Palisades-Kepler State Park, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Element Geochemistry of Cherokee Group Coals ( middle Pennsylvanian) from South-Central and Southeastern Iowa: Technical Paper No. 5, 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Executive Order Number Eight, January 27, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Eleven, March 30, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Fifteen, January 29, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Fourteen, September 21, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Nine, February 8, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Ten, March 22, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Thirteen, September 21, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Twelve, September 6, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Summary of the Airport Development Plan, Boone Municipal Airport prepared for the Boone Airport Commission, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) First Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission, 1984. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(1984) Geological Society of Iowa Trip Guidebooks Sixteen through Twenty-Four 1967 through 1972; compiled and reprinted 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Geological Society of Iowa Trip Guidebooks Twenty-nine through Thirty 1977 through 1978; compiled and reprinted 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Geological Society of Iowa Trip Guidebooks Two through Fifteen 1959 through 1965; compiled and reprinted 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) In Iowa's Job Insurance Program, Employers have Rights, too, 1984. Iowa Workforce Development

(1984) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1984. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1984) An Introduction to the Stratgraphic Palynology of the Cherokee Group Coals of Iowa: Technical Paper No. 6, 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Iowa 1983 Corn and Soybean Data compiled and issued by Iowa Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, 1984. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1984) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1984. Attorney General

(1984) Iowa Birds by James J. Dinsmore, 1984. Iowa State University

(1984) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1984. Civil Rights Commission

(1984) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1983-December 1984, Volume 43. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Iowa Farm land Rental Rates: Iowa Crop & Livestock Reporting Service, 1984. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1984) Iowa Great Lakes Region State Recreation Area, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions on Selected Cases, Volume IV, July 1, 1983-June 30, 1984. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1984) The Iowa Official Register, 1983-1984. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1984) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 70th GA Vol. 2 no. 1, 1984. House of Representatives and Staff

(1984) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 70th GA Vol. 2 no. 2, 1984. House of Representatives and Staff

(1984) Journal of the Senate of the 70th GA 1 of the State of Iowa, 1984. Senate and Staff

(1984) Journal of the Senate of the 70th GA 2 no.1 of the State of Iowa, 1984. Senate and Staff

(1984) Journal of the Senate of the 70th GA 2 no.2 of the State of Iowa, 1984. Senate and Staff

(1984) Journal of the Senate of the 70th GA 2 of the State of Iowa, 1984. Senate and Staff

(1984) Keeping Iowa Out of the Mud: A Primer of Iowa Highway Financing, 1984. Iowa State University

(1984) Library media skills sampler: Vol. 1, 1984. Education, Department of

(1984) Metropolitan Transit in the 1980s: An Intergovernmental Challenge, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Mines of Spain, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Mini-vacation guide of Iowa, 1984. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1984) New Federal Laws Manual prepared by Office of Policy, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Old Capitol, Iowa City, 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Pavement Surface on Macadam Base: Adair County Final Report, Iowa Highway Reserach Board Project HR-209. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1982-83, 1984. Library of Iowa, State

(1984) Questions and Answers about Tear Problems and their Management prepared by the Department of Nursing, 1984. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1984) Report on Traffic Control Plan Reviews, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Report on student and employer follow-up : 1984 sample survey : secondary and merged area schools, 1984. Education, Department of

(1984) Revenue Summary, 1983-84 Data, Department of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1984. Education, Department of

(1984) Revenue Summary, 1984-85 Data, Department of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1986. Education, Department of

(1984) Roster of State Officials, 1984. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1984) Rules for Teacher Education and Certification, 1984. Education, Department of

(1984) Seven Bridges Interpretive Trail, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1984. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1984) State Funded Services for Victims of Domestic Violence and their Families, Fiscal Year 1984: Executive Summary, 1984. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1984) State Library of Iowa: Biennial Report, FY1983-1984, 1984. Library of Iowa, State

(1984) State funded services to displaced homemakers in Iowa : Who are they? What services do they receive? At what cost? And with what outcomes? November 1984. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1984) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 70, no. 1, 1984. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1984) Summary of Findings of the Fiscal Year 1984 application for the General Allocation Portion of the Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services Fund, 1984. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1984) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1984. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1984) Teacher Supply and Demand Study 1971-1982, 1983. Education, Department of

(1984) Temporal Changes in Nitrates in Groundwater in Northwestern Iowa, 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Together We Educate by Joan Braunagel McShane, 1984. Education, Department of

(1984) Trail Guide, Elk Rock State Park: South Side, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Underground Mines and Related Subsidence Potential, What Cheer Iowa, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) University of Iowa Special Support Services, 1983-1984, 1984. Education, Department of

(1984) Water Supply Bulletin No. 14; Potential Water-Supple Impoundment Sites in Southwest Iowa, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1984

(1984) Asphalt Concrete Plant Inspection Manual, January 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Childcare Consumers Assessing Information Needs of Iowa's Parents, January 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Childcare Consumers Assessing Information Needs of Iowa's Parents: Executive Summary, January 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) An Evaluation of the Second Generation Consolidation Monitoring Device, HR-1013, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Improving Subgrade Support Values with Longitudinal Drains, MLR-84-3, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, January 1984, Vol. 43, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Iowa Geological, January 1984, no. 9. University of Iowa

(1984) The Relationship of Aggregate Durability to Trace Element Content, Interim Report, HR-266, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Report of the Governor's Committee on the Iowa Public Records Law, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Report on Student and Employer Follow-Up : 1983 Sample Survey : Secondary and Merged Area Schools, January 1984. Education, Department of

(1984) Roadway Lighting on Secondary Roads in Iowa, HR-251, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Sprinkle Treatment of Asphalt Surfaces, HR-199, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, January 1984. Transportation, Department of

6 January 1984

(1984) 1983 Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners, January 6, 1984. Medical Examiner, Iowa State

February 1984

(1984) Iowa "50 States Project": A Review of the 1983 Code for Sexuality Discrimination, February 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, February 1984, Vol. 43, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) A Ten Year Performance Summary of Fibrous PC Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) An illustration of the ALLOC 6B location-allocation analysis system, 1984. University of Iowa

28 February 1984

(1984) Federal Highway Administration finding of No Significant Impact for the Improvement of U.S. 218 in Janesville, Black Hawk and Bremer Counties, Iowa project no. F-218-8, 1985. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Federal Highway Administration finding of no significant impact for the improvement of U.S. 63 from Denver to Iowa 3 Bremer County, Iowa, February 28, 1984. Transportation, Department of

March 1984

(1984) Development of EDMI Calibration Baseline, HR-241, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) FY'85 Consolidated Application for Section 18, Section 16 (b)(2), and State Transit Assistance Grants Plus Section 9 Allocations, March 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Investigation of the Effect of Reheating Asphalts on the Test Results, MLR-84-09, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, March 1984, Vol. 43, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Perception and Interpretation of Advance Warning Signs on County Roads, HR-256, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, March 1984. Transportation, Department of

9 March 1984

(1984) A New Farm Bill?: Some Tough Policy Issues A Summary of Seminars held in Waverly, Iowa, March 6-7, and Rochester, Minn., March 8-9, 1984. Iowa State University

April 1984

(1984) Airport Development Plan, Emmetsburg Municipal Airport prepared for Emmetsburg Airport Commission, April 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, April 1984, Vol. 43, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Iowa Farm land Rental Rates: Iowa Crop & Livestock Reporting Service, April 1984. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1984) Study to establish an evaluation system for State of Iowa Merit Employment System classifications on the basis of comparable worth, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Study to establish an evaluation system for State of Iowa Merit Employment System classifications on the basis of comparable worth, Statistical Supplement, 1984. Governor's Office

27 April 1984

(1984) Geology of the University of Iowa Campus Area, Iowa City: A Walking Tour Along the Iowa River; Field Guidebook, April 27, 1984. University of Iowa

29 April 1984

(1984) Underburden - Overburden An Examination pf Paleozoic and Quaternary Strata an the Conklin Quarry Near Iowa City; Field Guidebooks, April 29, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

May 1984

(1984) Final Report, State Board of Regents Committee on Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness, May 1984. Board of Regents, State of Iowa

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, May 1984, Vol. 43, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Landscape Plants for Iowa, May 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) An Overview of Program Eligibility and Funding Streams for the Iowa Department of Human Services prepared by Dianne Milobar and Mary Reavely, May 1984. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1984) Reducing the Adverse Effects of Transverse Cracking, HR-217, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Settlement At Culverts; HR-219, May 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, May (Nebraska Edition), 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, May, 1984. Transportation, Department of

15 May 1984

(1984) Dubuque Transportation Coordination Project, Plan for Coordinated Pupil Transportation 1984-1985, May 15, 1984. Education, Department of

June 1984

(1984) Addendum to the Design Manual for Low Water Stream Crossings, HR-247, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Guidelines for Selecting Projects for Maintenance Contract Work prepared by Office of Maintenance, Highway Division, September 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, June 1984, Vol. 43, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Transportation Improvement Program for the Iowa City Urbanized Area FY'85-'89, June 1984. Transportation, Department of

1 June 1984

(1984) Long Term Pavement Monitoring Evaluation of the FHWA sponsored Program by James K. Cable, June 1, 1984. Transportation, Department of

7 June 1984

(1984) Iowa Refugee Service Centers Program and Financial Report for October 1, 1983-March 31, 1984, June 7, 1984. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1984) Iowa Refugee Service Centers Program and Financial Report for October 1, 1984 through February 28, 1985, 1985. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

July 1984

(1984) AASHTO highway sub-committee on maintenance, July 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, July 1984, Vol. 43, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Iowa population projections, 1980-2000, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) More about Buxton prepared by Dorothy Schwieder, July 1984. Iowa State University Extension

(1984) Signing on Very Low Volume Rurd Roads Iowa DOT Project HR-262, July, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Submerged Vanes for Flow Control and Bank Protection in Streams, HR-255, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, July 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, July, 1984. Transportation, Department of

August 1984

(1984) 1984 Quad-City Street/Highway Intersection Traffic Accident Report, August 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Deer in Iowa 1983, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 34, August 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Design of Piles for Integral Abutment Bridges, HR-252, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Directory of Iowa Nurseries that deal in Forestry and Ornamental Planting Stock, August 1984. Iowa State University Extension

(1984) Highway Runoff Study, HR-1037, Progress Report, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, August 1984, Vol. 43, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Strength-Temperature Study of Fly Ash Concrete, MLR-84-6, 1984. Transportation, Department of

14 August 1984

(1984) I-380 dedication : Boyson Road to Iowa 101, August 14, 1984. Transportation, Department of

15 August 1984

(1984) Iowa Child Health Specialty Clinics Report of Intended use of Payments 1985-1986 State Plan, August 1984. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

September 1984

(1984) Adequacy of Preparation for Higher Education as Perceived by Graduates of Iowa High Schools, September 1984. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1984) County written findings of land use factors guidebook : County Land Use Act chapter 1245, 1982 Iowa acts and land preservation and use, chapter 93A, code of Iowa, 1983, 1984. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1984) Evaluation of a Mobile Rut Depth Device for the Pavement Management Program, HR-248, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Experimental Use of Calcium Magnesium Acetate, Addendum, HR-253, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Iowa Commission on the Aging Seventh Annual Older Iowan's Legislature Bills and Resolutions, September 1984. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, September 1984, Vol. 43, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) List of School Districts in Each of the 15 Areas for the improvement of education in Iowa Schools, September 1984. Education, Department of

(1984) List of School Districts in each of the 15 areas for the Improvement of Education in Iowa schools, Iowa Department of Public Instruction, September 1984. Education, Department of

(1984) Technology News, September, 1984. Transportation, Department of

22 September 1984

(1984) The Cedar Valley Formation (Devonian), Black Hawk and Buchanan Counties: Carbonate Facies and Mineralization; Field Guidebooks, September 22, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

October 1984

(1984) Evaluation of fly ash in water reduced paving mixtures, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) First in the Nation in Education : Final Report,1984. Education, Department of

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, October 1984, Vol. 43, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Stratigraphy of the Cherokee Group and Revision of Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy Nomenclature in Iowa, October 1984. University of Iowa

November 1984

(1984) Black Hawk Lake Inlet Study, Sac County Iowa prepared by Scott Cline, November 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Hydrogeology and water Quality of the Upper Des Moines River Alluvial Aquifer, November 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, November 1984, Vol. 43, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Iowa Resources and Fluidized Bed Combustion, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Recycled Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in Iowa, HR-506, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Synthetic Fabric to Improve Structural Capacity in Asphalt Overlays, HR-516, 1984. Transportation, Department of

1 November 1984

(1984) Iowa Railroad Service Map Iowa, November 1, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Railroad Map Iowa: Exhibit 1, November 1, 1984. Transportation, Department of

December 1984

(1984) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending, December 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Effect of Wildlife Highway Warning Reflectors on Deer-Vehicle Accident; HR-210, December 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Impact of Agricultural Drainage Wells on Groundwater Quality, December 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Iowa Conservationist, December 1984, Vol. 43, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Protection of Structural Concrete Substructures, December 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Protection of Structural Concrete Substructures, HR-220, Progress Report, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Snow Removal on Iowa's Secondary Roads, HR-267, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News, December 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) Technology News,(Nebraska Edition) December 1984. Transportation, Department of

13 December 1984

(1984) U.S. 61 Dedication, December 13, 1984. Transportation, Department of

(1984) U.S. 61 dedication, December 13, 1984. Transportation, Department of

31 December 1984

(1984) Forty-Fifth Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1984. Governor's Office

Spring 1984

(1984) Highway Bond Financing in Iowa, An Examination of the Issues by Gary R. Rubenstein, Spring 1984. Transportation, Department of

Fall 1984

(1984) Career Education Relating the Basics to Life, Fall 1984. Education, Department of

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