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(2025) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, January 28, 2025. Transportation, Department of
(2025) DOT’s Infrastructure Annual Status Report, January 14, 2025. Transportation, Department of
(2024) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2024) DOT's Infrastructure Annual Status Report. Transportation, Department of
(2023) 2022 Iowa Freight Rail Service Map, October 26, 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2023) 2022 Iowa Railroad Traffic Density, October 26, 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Iowa Grain Facilities Map, December 6, 2022. Transportation, Department of
(2022) 2021 Chronology of Iowa Railroad Abandonments, November 4, 2022. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Iowa Biorefineries Map, November 2, 2022. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Iowa Railroad Map, October 27, 2022. Transportation, Department of
(2022) 2021 Iowa Rail Trends, Systems Planning Bureau, July 2022. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2022. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT 2022. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Iowa State Rail Plan, Final Report, November 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2021) On-Track Railroad Safety, Pocket Guide, September 30, 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2021) On-Track Railroad Safety, Reference Guide, September 16, 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Iowa State Railroad Map, July 1, 2020. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2020. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT 2020. Transportation, Department of
(2020) Iowa Railroad Profiles, 2020. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Rail Toolkit, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2018) Develop an Improved Selection Methodology for Safety Improvements at Public Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings Project TR-732, September 2018. Transportation, Department of
(2018) Iowa Passenger Rail: Chicago to Iowa City Passenger Rail, Fact Sheet, June 21, 2018. Transportation, Department of
(2018) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2018. Transportation, Department of
(2018) Iowa DOT's Infrastructure Annual Status Report 2018. Transportation, Department of
(2017) Reviewing Railroad Crossings at Side Roads, May 9, 2017. Transportation, Department of
(2017) 2017 Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report. Transportation, Department of
(2017) Iowa DOT's Infrastructure Annual Status Report 2017. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Iowa Passenger Rail: Passenger Rail in Iowa, Looking toward the Future, May 20, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Infrastructure Annual Status Report 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Development of Railroad Highway Grade Crossing Consolidation Rating Formula, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Iowa Passenger Rail: Chicago to Council Bluffs-Omaha Regional Passenger Rail System Planning Study, January 16, 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Annual Infrastructure Status Report 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Infrastructure Annual Status Report 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) Iowa DOT's Infrastructure Annual Status Report, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa Status Report. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Iowa Railroad Infrastructure Map, January 25, 2013. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2013) Infrastructure Annual Status Report - January 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Iowa Railroad Service Map, July 1, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Iowa State Railroad Map, July 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Iowa State Railroad Map, July 1, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA) Guide Specification for Highway Concrete Pavements, TPF-5(205), 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Status Report Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, February 1, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Infrastructure Annual Status Report, January 2012.
(2011) Iowa Railroad Traffic Density, July 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2011) Status report-Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, February 1, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2011) Iowa connections : get on board with passenger rail! Transportation, Department of
(2010) 2009 Iowa’s Rail System Background Prepared by the Office of Systems Planning December 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Chronology of Iowa Railroad Abandonments, July 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Iowa Grain Facilities Map, July 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) 2011 - 2015 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Status Report Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa February 1, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) Infrastructure Annual Status Report, January 2010.
(2009) Chicago to Iowa City Passenger Rail Project Financial Plan, September 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Chronology of Iowa Railroad Abandonments, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Iowa Grain Facilities Map, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Iowa Railroad Base Map, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Iowa Railroad Service Map, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Iowa Railroad Traffic Density, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Iowa Rails and Trails Map, July 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) July 2009 Rail Company Abandonment Plans Map, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) 2010- 2014 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Status Report Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa, February 1, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) 2008 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of
(2009) 2009 Iowa Railroad System Plan, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Part I. Iowa Railroad Investment Plan, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Part II. Iowa railroad resource guide, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) Part III. Iowa railroad resource guide, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2008) 2009-2013 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of
(2008) Iowa Biodiesel and Ethanol Processing Plants, July 1, 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2008) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa Status Report. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Feasibility Study on Proposed Amtrak service from Chicago, to Iowa City, Iowa via Quad Cities, December 5, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Workshop on Nanotechnology for Cement and Concrete, September 5, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Field Testing of Railroad Flatcar Bridges Volume I: Single Spans, TR-498, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Field Testing of Railroad Flatcar Bridges Volume II: Multiple Spans, TR-498, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Iowa Rails and Trails Map, July 1, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) 2007 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of
(2006) Cedar-Iowa River Rail Transit Project Feasibility Study, November 9, 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2006) Using Scanning Lasers for Real-Time Pavement Thickness Measurement, TR-538, 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2006) Performance Measures for Iowa Transportation Systems, 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2006) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative Status Report December 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Iowa Railroad Activity Book, July 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) 2005 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of
(2005) 2006-2010 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Iowa Railroad Safety: 2005 Safety Analysis and 2006 Preliminary Safety Statistics, 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative (MWRRI) Status Report, December 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Railroads are on Track to keep Iowa's Economy Healthy and Growing, 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Iowa’s Railroads and You, July 28, 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Iowa State Railroad Map, July 1, 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2004) 2004 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Exposure List by Company and FRA Number Iowa Department of Transportation, 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative Status Report, December 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Public Railroad Crossings Cross Reference List, 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Thin Maintenance Surfaces - Phase II, TR-435, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2003) 2003 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative Status Report, December 2003. Transportation, Department of
(2002) 2002 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of
(2002) 2003-2007 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Close-Clearance Conditions Near Railroad Tracks: A report to the Iowa Legislature as per Section 24, HF2614, Seventy-Ninth General Assembly, December 6, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Safety Policy Considerations in Truck and Rail Freight Transportation by David J. Forkenbrock, Paul F. Hanley, 2002. University of Iowa
(2001) Durable, Cost-Effective Pavement Markings Phase I: Synthesis of Current Reseaech; TR-454, June 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) The Chicago-Iowa City Passenger Rail Program, February 23, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2001) Chicago to Iowa City Passenger Rail Service, January 12, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2001) 2001 Annual Report of the Iowa Railway Finance Authority. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Iowa 2000 Railroad Service Map, July 1, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Use of Railroad Flat Cars for Low-Volume Road Bridges; TR-421, August 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1999) Discovering Historic Iowa Transportation Milestones, February 1999. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Benefiting Iowa’s Economy, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Iowa Rail Route Alternatives Analysis, June 1998. Transportation, Department of
(1998) 1998-2002 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Expansive Mineral Growth and Concrete Deterioration, HR-384, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1997) Railroad Abandonment, Revised March, 23, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1996) Bond Enhancement Techniques for PCC Whitetopping, HR-341, 1996. Transportation, Department of
(1996) East central Iowa Commuter Rail Feasibility Study, May 10 1996. Transportation, Department of
(1996) Quantities of Corn and Soybeans requiring Transportation Out of Iowa Counties: September 1, 1994-August 31, 1995, 1996. Iowa State University
(1994) Polymer Additive Ductilad D1002 in a Bituminous Seal Coat, HR-2035, 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1994) Impacts on Safety of Left-Turn Treatment at High Speed Signalized Intersections, HR-347, 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1994) Trainwatcher's Guide for the C&NW by Dana L. Grefe, 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Cracking and Seating to Retard Reflective Cracking - Hamilton County, HR-277, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Cracking and Seating to Retard Reflective Cracking - Fremont County, HR-279, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Innovative Leak Test for Pavement Joint Seals, Progress Report, HR-318, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Evaluation of Asphalt Mix Permeability, MLR-90-2, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Control of Concrete Deterioration Due to Trace Compounds in Deicers, HR-299, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1992) Drivers' Behavior at Railroad Grade Crossings: Before and After Safety Campaign, HR-335, 1992. Transportation, Department of
(1991) Alternative Investments in the Rural Branch Railroad and county Road Systems by C. Phillip Baumel, March 1991. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Rails to a County Seat by David Lotz and Charles Franzen, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1988) The Freight Transportation System in the United States of America: Structure, Operations, and Status, June 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Lexan Gate Arm, HR-536, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Iowa Railroad Map, January 1, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Highway/Railroad Grade Crossings Identification and Signing, HR-254, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) Pavement Texturing by Milling, HR-283, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1987) 1987 amendment to 1986 Iowa Rail Plan, 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1986) Field Evaluation of Bonded Concrete Overlays, HR-288, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1986) Exposure Index List by Company and FRA Number at Grade X-ings Only, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1986) Public Railroad Crossings Cross Reference List, Rail and Water Division, 1986. Transportation, Department of
(1985) Estimates of Total Fuel Consumption in Transporting Grain from Iowa to Major Grain-Importing Countries by Alternative Modes and Routes, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1985) Iowa Transportation Laws, HR-234, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1985) Amendment to 1985 Iowa Railroad Analysis Update, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1984) Railroad Map Iowa: Exhibit 1, November 1, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1983) A Nondestructive Method for Determining the Thickness of Sound Concrete on Older Pavements, HR-250, 1983. Transportation, Department of
(1983) Rail service map : [Iowa], 1983. Transportation, Department of
(1983) Dubuque Urban Area Rail Plan, 1983. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Data Bank for Recycled Bituminous Concrete Pavements by D.Y. Lee, July 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) 1980 railroad traffic density, Iowa, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Chronology of Iowa railroad abandonments, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Locations of new industry, 1971-1980. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Use of Longitudinal Subdrains in the 3R Program, HR-509, Progress Report #2, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) 1981 train operating speeds : [Iowa],1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Public Railroad Crossings Cross Reference List/Rail and Water Division, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Phase III, October 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Phase II, July 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Phase I, January 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1980) Iowa Falls Gateway, Short Line Railroad Study, 1980. Transportation, Department of
(1979) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Chapters I through V, November 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1979) Comprehensive Railroad Study for Linn County Iowa: Preliminary Draft, Chapters I through V, November 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1979) Railroad Rehabilitation Cost Estimating Methodology Study: Phase 1 Report, February 1979. Transportation, Department of
(1978) Iowa Railroad Track Geometry Ratings, July 1978. Transportation, Department of
(1978) Iowa Rail Assistance: Self Help that Works by Iowa Railroad Division, 1978. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Vehicle Delay Times at Railroad Crossings prepared by Planning and Research Division, September 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Iowa Rail Plan prepared by Planning & Research Division in cooperation with the Railroad Transportation Division, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1977) Ups and Downs of Iowa's railroads by William Nelson Whitehill, 1977. Transportation, Department of
(1976) State of Iowa Rail Planning Work Statement, December 1976. Transportation, Department of
(1976) 1976-1980 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of
(1976) Before the Interstate Commerce Commission, Ex Parte 270 Investigation of Railroad Freight Rate Structure, Grain and Grain Products, 1976. Transportation, Department of
(1975) An Information System Design Framework for State Rail Planning, March 1975. Transportation, Department of
(1974) Energy Policy Council Railroad Report by Iowa Energy Policy Council, August 6, 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of application for installation of automatic highway-railroad grade crossing signal protection at the location where main street crossed the tracks of the Burlington Northern Inc. in the town of Lucas, Iowa: Docket No. A-6901 decision and order decided April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of installation and maintenance of railroad-highway crossing signals on secondary road and Chicago and North Western Transportation Company railway tracks in Westgate, Iowa: docket no. A-6911 : decision and order decided April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of
(1973) An Economic Analysis of Alternative Grain Transportation Systems A Case Study: Executive Summary, November 1973. Iowa State University
(1973) An Economic Analysis of Alternative Grain Transportation Systems: A Case Study, 1973. Iowa State University
(1969) Inspectors Handbook, Highway Signing by Paul McGuffin, 1969. Transportation, Department of
(1956) Electric Railways of Iowa: Trolley Sparks, 1956. Transportation, Department of
(1902) Thirtieth Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 23 1901. Governor's Office
(1897) Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa Executive Council of the State, March 3, 1879. Treasurer of State
(1878) Topical Index of all reports of the board, 1878 to 1921 inclusive, 1878. Governor's Office
(1875) Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 1, 1875. Treasurer of State
(1860) Report of the president and directors of the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Rail Road, 1860. Transportation, Department of
(1850) Davenport & Iowa City Railroad, Engineer's Report, 1850. Governor's Office
(2021) Making Lives Better Through Transportation, 2021-2025 Iowa DOT Business Plan, January 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Business Plan Chicago to Iowa City Intercity Passenger Rail Route, March 21, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2011) Business Plan Chicago to Iowa City Intercity Passenger Rail Route, March 21, 2011. Transportation, Department of
(2008) Railroad Ties, April 2008. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Iowa Railroad Ties, Fall 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Iowa Railroad Ties, Fall 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Iowa Railroad Ties, May 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) Iowa Railroad Ties, January 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2006) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, July 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2006) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, March 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Iowa Railroad Ties, December 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, September 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, Spring 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2005) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, Winter 2005. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Iowa Railroad Ties Newsletter, Fall 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative Status Report, December 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2003) Clinton, Iowa: Railroad Town, 2003. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Transportation in Iowa: A Historical Summary, 1988. Transportation, Department of
(2021) Iowa Transportation Map 2020-2021, March 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2015) Iowa Transportation Map 2015-2016, March 2015. Transportation, Department of
(2004) July 2004 Rail Company Abandonment Plans Map, 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Iowa 2002 Railroad Service Map. Transportation, Department of
(1985) Railroad Map Iowa, January 1, 1985. Transportation, Department of
(1984) Iowa Railroad Service Map Iowa, November 1, 1984. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Locations of New Industry, 1971-1980, January 1, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Iowa Railroad Map, July 1, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1981) Iowa Rail company abandonment plans: Railroad Map, January 1, 1981. Transportation, Department of
(1978) 1978 Railroad Traffic Density Iowa Map, 1978. Transportation, Department of
(1977) 1977 Railroad Traffic Density prepared by the Iowa Division of Planning and Research, 1977. Transportation, Department of