Items where Year is 1976

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Departmental Report

(1976) Iowa Vocational-Technical Teacher Retention Study, Fall 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) Des Moines Heritage; A Survey of Significant Architecture, Summer 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Guidelines for Maternal Care, September 1976. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1976) Forty-First Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1976. Governor's Office

(1976) Arterial Highway 500 in Polk County from Iowa 5 to Interstate 80, Administrative Action, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, December 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, December 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Iowa and The U.S. Bicentennial, 1776-1976:The Final Report/Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, December 1976. Governor's Office

(1976) Program in Health Occupations Education, December 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) State of Iowa Rail Planning Work Statement, December 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) User Education Programs, The University of Iowa Libraries, 1986. University of Iowa

(1976) Interstate 129, Sergeant Floyd Memorial Bridge, dedication, Monday, November 22, 1976, 11:00 am,1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Water Quality for Animals, November 18, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) An Evaluation of Bonded, Thin-lift, Non-reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Resurfacing and Patching. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Data Supplement, Land Use: Ongoing Developments in the North Central Region, November 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) An Evaluation of the Roto-Mill Profiler on Concrete Pavements in Iowa, MLR-76-1, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Floods in Iowa : stage and discharge,1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) The Impact of Water Rights and Legal Institutions on Land and Water Use in 2000, November 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Implementing Metropolitan Reform Some Alternatives by Marcia L. Claxton, November 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Investigation of Highway Lighting, HR-154, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, November 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Report on Proposed Bridge Locations over the Mississippi River at Keokuk Iowa, November 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Status Report of the Land Use Analysis Laboratory for the period November 1, 1973 through November 1, 1974, November 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Summary of Oil & Gas Test Wells in Iowa, November 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) U. S. Agricultural Production under Limited Energy Supplies, High Energy Prices, and Expanding Agricultural Exports, November 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Venereal Disease, A Resource Guide written and compiles by M. Ann Weir, November 1976. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1976) Desulfurization of Coal in a Fluidized Bed Reactor at Elevated Temperatures, October 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Flood of June 27, 1975 in City of Ames Iowa, October 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Iowa Construction and Maintenance Traffic Control Handbook, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Iowa DOT staff waterway user charge proposal,1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Proposed Job Descriptions and Personnel Policies for Webster County Iowa, September 20, 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Proposed Job Descriptions for Cherokee Iowa, 1978. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Geological Points of Interest in the Fort Dodge Area; Field Guidebooks, September 11, 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Area Manpower Review: Mason City, Iowa Employment Security Commission, September 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, September 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Opportunities in Apprenticeship: Research and Statistics Department of Iowa Department of Job Service, August 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Concepts and Surveys for Area Health Care Planners by Marvin R. Duncan and Robert W. Crown, August 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Homemaker-Home Health Aide Education, Program Development, Teaching and Evaluation, August 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) An Hourly Precipitation Model for Ralston Creek, August 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, August 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Irrigation in Iowa, August 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Report on West Okoboji Lake Dickinson County, Iowa, EPA Region VII: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Area Correctional Centers: Preliminary Study, July 20, 1976. Corrections, Department of

(1976) A Proposed Personnel Management System for Muscatine County, July 12, 1976. Administrative Services

(1976) A study of the underemployment and underutilization of women in Iowa, Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, July 10, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Des Moines River Basin, Iowa Water Quality Management Report, July 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Elementary Open-Space Schools, Administrator and Teacher Perceptions, 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, July 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Land Use Policy Plan prepared by East Central Iowa Association of Regional Planning Commissions, July 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) A Late-Glacial Pollen Sequence from Northeastern Iowa; Sumner Bog Revisited, July 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Northeastern Iowa Basin, Iowa Water Quality Management Plan, July 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) "Pandora's Box" : a survey of reactions to a statewide data system, 1976. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1976) Report on the Location and Distribution of Coal Strip Mines in Iowa and Implications for Future Coal Explorations, July 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Selected Geologic Information from Drill Holes in Northeastern Iowa, July 1076. University of Iowa

(1976) Skunk River Basin, Iowa Water Quality Management Plan, July 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Southern Iowa Basin, Iowa Water Quality Management Plan, July 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Summary reports : State Schools of Iowa. July 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) A Thermal Model for the Surface Temperature of Materials on the Earth's Surface, July 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Western Iowa Basin, Iowa Water Quality Management Plan, July 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) An analysis of the National Coal Economy and a Marginal Producing Region, 1976-1990, July 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, June 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) A Regional Guide to Iowa Landforms, June 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) U.S. Agricultural Production in Relation to Alternative Water, Environmental, and Export Policies, June 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Proposed Job Descriptions and Personnel Policies for Dallas County Iowa, May 28, 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) INFORMS: Selected Abstracts and Resources on Consumer Education; Consumer Economics, Department of Public Instruction, May 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, May 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Selected Abstracts and Resources on Consumer Education/Consumer Economics , May 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) The Use of SIMPLOTEER, A High Level Plotting System, May 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Des Moines River Winter Water Quality Study by the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory, April 8, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Iowa River Water Quality Survey, April 6, 1976. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1976) Employee handbook, 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) Coal microstructure and the significance of pyrite inclusions. Iowa State University

(1976) The Conceptualization and Quantification of a Water Supply Sector for a National Agricultural Analysis Model involving Water Resources, April 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Guidelines for Handling Disciplinary Actions, April 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, April 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Maintenance of Pavement Skid Resistance (Open Graded Asphalt Friction Courses), Progress Report, HR-170, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Duane Arnold Energy Center, Cedar River Operational Ecological Study, Annual Report, March 20, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) The IJK Ride Indicator, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, March 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Under the Golden Dome: The Story of Iowa's State Capitol and What Goes on Inside published under the direction of Arthur A. Neu, March 1976. Senate and Staff

(1976) Winter Survey of the South Skunk River by the State Hygienic Laboratory, March 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, February 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Signal System study for the Central Business District, Burlington Iowa, February 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) A Laboratory Investigation of An Accelerated Polishing Method for Determining the Skid Resistance Potential of Aggregates, MLR-76-02 and R-264, January 22, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, January 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) A Laboratory Investigation of An Accelerated Polishing Method for Determining the Skid Resistance Potential of Aggregates, MLR-76-02 and R-264, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Water Quality Management Planning Progress: Approved Work Plan, June 1976-November 1978. Iowa State University

(1976) 1976 Iowa Barge Terminal Study prepared by Office of Advance Planning, Division of Planning and Research, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) 1976-1980 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(1976) 1976-77 Teacher Salary Schedules, Scattergram, December 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) An Abstract of Employment of Older Workers in the Environmental Field of Pesticides: A Model Program prepared for Iowa Department of Agriculture, 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1976, Vol. 47. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Annual Report for the Office of the State Fire Marshall, 1976. Public Safety, Department of

(1976) Annual Report of Private Gift Support for the University of Iowa, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, Council Bluffs Iowa, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1976) Archaeological Resources in the Iowa-Cedar River Basin, 1976. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1976) Beautiful Land: Your Iowa Quick-Fact Book, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1976) Before the Interstate Commerce Commission, Ex Parte 270 Investigation of Railroad Freight Rate Structure, Grain and Grain Products, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Biennial Report State Library Commission of Iowa: June 1974 to July 1976. Library of Iowa, State

(1976) A Biohermal Facies in the Silurian of Eastern Iowa: Report of Investigations 6, 1975. University of Iowa

(1976) Campus Masterplans for the State of Iowa, Glenwood State Hospital School, Woodward State Hospital School, 1976. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1976) City of Keokuk, Iowa: Traffic Safety Study, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Clerical careers, 1976z. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) Development of Iowa Coal, A Systems Analytic Approach, October 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) The Economic Impact of Travel on Iowa Counties, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1976) Effects of Reynolds Number and Corner Radius on Two-Dimensional Flow Around Octagonal, Dodecagonal, and Hexdecagonal Cylinders HR-162, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) An Election Manual for County Auditors of Iowa, Institute of Public Affairs, The University of Iowa, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Environmental Analysis concerning ICP Coal Beneficiation Plant for Iowa Coal Research Project, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Executive Order Number Twenty One, April 1976. Governor's Office

(1976) Executive Order Number Twenty Two, December 1976. Governor's Office

(1976) Federal Aid to Fish Restoration Annual Performance Report, Man-Made Lakes Fisheries Investigations, 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Final Draft, Report of the Advisory Committee on Rules of Criminal Procedure, 1976. Governor's Office

(1976) Final Legislative Summary for the Sixty-sixth General Assembly 1975-1976, 1976. Public Safety, Department of

(1976) Foot Trimming: Fact Sheet No. 6, Sheep Management prepared by Dan Morrical and Gene Hettel. Iowa State University Extension

(1976) Geologic Map Index of Iowa compiled by Willard L. McIntosh and Margaret F. Eister, 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Gifted and Talented: Commentary and Review of Selected Document Abstracts and Journal Article Citations on Gifted and Talented, 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) Gravity Survey of the Randalia Magnetic Anomaly Fayette County, Iowa: Report of Investigations 11, 1975. University of Iowa

(1976) Greenfield, Iowa labor area (Adair County): Manpower Information for Affirmative Action Programs, 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) A Guide to Land Use Planning and Zoning in Airport Vicinities prepared by Aeronautics Division, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Historic places in Iowa, 1976. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1976) Homemaker-Home Health Aide Supervision, 1976. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1976) The Impact of Coyote Predation on the Sheep Industry in Southern Iowa, 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa 1950-1973 Vital Statistics Index, 1976. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1976) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1976. Civil Rights Commission

(1976) Iowa Civil Rights Commission, Departmental Rules, 1976. Civil Rights Commission

(1976) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 2, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1976) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 4, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1976) Iowa Economic Indicators, No. 5, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1976) Iowa Mini Vacations, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1976) The Iowa Official Register, 1975-1976. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1976) The Iowa Plan for Curriculum Improvement in Industrial Arts, K-12, 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) Iowa Survey of Licensed Barbers, 1976. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1976) Iowa Title XIX ICF/MR Statewide Policy Planning Report by State Policy Planning Group, 1976. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1976) Iowa World Trade Guide compiled by Iowa Development Commission, International Division, 1976. Iowa Workforce Development

(1976) A Laboratory Investigation of the Mechanics and Hydraulics of River Ice Jams by J.C. Tatinclaux, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Land-Use in Iowa, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Land-Use in Iowa: 1976 An Explanation of the Map, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Larval Walleye and Yellow Perch Population Dynamics in Spirit Lake and the Contribution of Stocked Sac-Fry to the Larval Walleye Density, 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Larval Walleye and Yellow Perch Population Dynamics in Spirit Lake and the contribution of Stocked Sac-Fry to the Larval Walleye Density by R.H. McWilliams, 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Library laws of Iowa, State Library of Iowa, 1976. Library of Iowa, State

(1976) A Model to Analyze the Costs of Strip Mining and Reclamation, August 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Old Capitol, Iowa City, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) An Optimizing Model to Match Mining Equipment Sets, August 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Paddlefish Investigations, Northern Pike Investigations, by Don Helms, 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) A Practical guide for City Development Actions, City Development Board, State of Iowa, 1976. Governor's Office

(1976) Proceedings Northwestern Iowa Rural Public Transportation Conference sponsored by: Iowa Central Community College, Iowa Department of Transportation, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Proposal to the Iowa Energy Policy Council for the Iowa State Energy Orientation Film Series, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1976-77. Library of Iowa, State

(1976) Que lejos hemos venido? = How Far Have We Come?; Migrant Farm Labor in Iowa, 1975: A Report of the Iowa Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Report on traffic safety study Le Mars, Iowa in cooperation with Iowa Department of Transportation, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Road Map Math, 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) Roster of State Officials, 1976. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1976) Rules for Teacher Education and Certification, 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1976. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1976) State Hygienic Laboratory Manual of Services prepared for Practicing Physicians and Public Agencies of Iowa, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 66 no. 2, 1976. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1976) State of Iowa Plan for Mental Health Services, 1977-1978. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1976) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) A Study of Traffic Accidents in Council Bluffs Iowa, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1976. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1976) The Thermal Regimes of the Upper Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Thirty-Second Biennial Report of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1976. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1976) Traffic Engineering Study, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Traffic Safety Study Carroll, Iowa, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Transportation System Management: Des Moines Urbanized Area 1977-1978: Appendix, 1976. Transportation, Department of

(1976) Visit Old Capitol: Located on the University of Iowa, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Vocational Education, An Opportunity for the Gifted and the Talented Students, 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) Vocational Education, Developing a Written Plan for Implementing the Vocational Preparation of the Gifted and the Talented Students in Secondary and Post-Secondary Education, 1976. Education, Department of

(1976) World food problems : an interdisciplinary view, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) A guideline : steps in a school bond election / State of Iowa, Department of Public Instruction, 1976. Education, Department of


(1976) Iowa Conservationist, December 1976, Vol. 35, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, November 1976, Vol. 35, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, October 1976, Vol. 35, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, September 1976, Vol. 35, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, August 1976, Vol. 35, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, July 1976, Vol. 35, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, June 1976, Vol. 35, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, May 1976, Vol. 35, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, April 1976, Vol. 35, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, March 1976, Vol. 35, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, February 1976, Vol. 35, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Conservationist, January 1976, Vol. 35, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) Iowa Geological Survey Newsletter, January 1976, Vol.1, no.1. University of Iowa

(1976) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1975-December 1976, Volume 34 & Volume 35. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 12, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 13, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 14, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 15, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 16, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 17, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 18, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) New pioneers: Dẫn đạo, No. 19, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 10, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 11, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 2, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 3, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 4, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 5, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 6, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 7, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 8, 1976. Human Rights, Department of

(1976) Tai Dam Newsletter, No. 9, 1976. Human Rights, Department of


(1976) Questions and Answers in the Certification of Special Education Personnel. Education, Department of

(1976) Soil Survey Worth County, January 1976. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1976) Farm Size and Cost Functions in Relation to Machinery Technology in North Central Iowa, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 66th GA Vol. 2, 1976. House of Representatives and Staff

(1976) Journal of the Senate of the 66th GA 2 of the State of Iowa, 1976. Senate and Staff


(1976) George Washington Carver, April, 1976. Iowa State University

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