Items where Year is 1968

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(1968) Worker Education in Denmark by Robert E. Belding, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Local government training programs, problems and needs in Iowa, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Guidelines for the development of life experience units applicable for use in special classes for the educable mentally retard, Spring Semester 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Thirty-Seventh Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1968. Governor's Office

(1968) Distribution of Wheel Loads on Highway Bridges, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Flood Plain Information Black Hawk Creek, Black Hawk County Iowa by Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Rock Island District, December 1968. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, December 1968, Vol. 27, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Iowa State Highway Commission, Materials Department, Special Investigations final report of R-233 : method "A" freeze-thaw studies of concrete quality aggregates at various moisture contents, November 4, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) 1968 Wage Rate Manual: Iowa Building Trades, November 1968. Iowa Workforce Development

(1968) Correlation Studies BPR Type Roughometer vs. PCE Type Road Meter, MLR-68-2, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Final Report of the State Mental Health Institutions Study Committee, November 1968. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, November 1968, Vol. 27, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Manual of Instructions for Rural Road Inventory, November 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Planning an Arithmetic Curriculum for the Educable Mentally Retarded, November 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll bridge Dubuque Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report, October 31, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Optimum Enforcement Level for Traffic Weight Operations Executive Summary, October 31, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Optimum Enforcement Level for Traffic Weight Operations Final Report, October 31, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Chicken and Egg Production: State and County Patterns in Iowa 1960-1967, October 1968. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1968) Creep and Shrinkage Properties of Lightweight Concrete Used in the State of Iowa, HR-136, Phase I, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Des Moines River Toll Bridge Vincennes Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Durability of P.C. Concrete as Affected by Aggregate Size, Curing and Proportions, R-214, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, October 1968, Vol. 27, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Manpower Developments: Problems and Prospects by Edgar R. Czarnecki, October 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Clinton Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Davenport Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Missouri River Bridge, Nebraska-Iowa Project-(680-9(190): Definite Project Report, October 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) More cover means more game, 1968. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Optimum Enforcement Level for Traffic Weight Operations, HR-138, Appendices, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Reporting Pupil Progress in Special Classes for the Mentally Retarded, October 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Advance of Irrigation Water on the Soil Surface in Relation to Soil Infiltration Rate: A Mathematical and Laboratory Model Study, September 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Evaluation Study of Pit Run Gravel Asphalt Treated Base Mixtures with Various Percentages of Crushed Limestone, R-217, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Factors Affecting Farmland Values in the United States, September 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Iowa Application for Additions to National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, September 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa Conservationist,September 1968, Vol. 27, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) A Kid in Trouble Juveniles and the Law, Teacher's Manual by Edward L. Meyen, September 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Keokuk Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, September 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Pig Crops: Geographic Patterns in Iowa 1967, September 1968. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1968) Seasonal Price Patterns of selected Agricultural Commodities by Allan P. Rahn, September 1968. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1968) The Construction Grants Program of the Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963; The Equipment Grants Program of the Higher Education Act of 1965; A Biennium Report, August 1968. Board of Regents, State of Iowa

(1968) Evaluation of Experimental Data Obtained from Lightweight Aggregate Bridge Girders, HR-104, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, August 1968, Vol. 27, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Fort Madison Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Toolesboro, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Position Papers prepared for the Project Office in Iowa by Ralph D. Purdy, August 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Scott County Development Controls County and Municipalities, August 1968. Governor's Office

(1968) A Seminar on Serving the Older Worker, August 1968. Iowa Workforce Development

(1968) Sioux City Mississippi River Toll Bridge, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Study of Type 'A' Asphaltic Concrete Surface Mix Design, R-232, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Optimum Level of Enforcement of Regulations Governing the Size and Weight of Motor Vehicles operated of Iowa Highways, July 3, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Hydrologic Study of Intermediate Size Watersheds in Iowa : Progress Report, July 1, 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Bloomfield Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Cost Economies in Cattle Feeding and Combinations for Maximization of Profit and Stability, July 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Urbanized Area Transportation Study: Interim Report Number 1: Transportation Facilities Inventory: Work Item 1-2, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Econometric Analysis of the Cattle Cycle in the United States, July 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Estimation and Imputation of Crop Yield advances by States and Regions, July 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Evaluation of Cohesion and Swell Characteristics of Asphalt Treated Base Mixtures, R-223, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, July 1968, Vol. 27, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Lansing Iowa, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin: Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Sabula Iowa, Mississippi River Toll Bridge: Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Special Origin and Destination Study Benton County, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Proposed State Planning Legislation for the State of Iowa prepared by the Office for Planning and Programming for consideration by the Subcommittee on Governmental Reorganization of the Iowa, June 27, 1968. Management, Department of

(1968) Iowa Trends Actual and Projected 1960-1980: Preliminary Report, June 1, 1968. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1968) Flood Profile Study, Squaw Creek, Linn County, Iowa prepared by U.S. Geological Survey, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Hampton Origin and Destination Traffic Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Hampton Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Ida Grove Origin Destination Traffic Report prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, June 1968, Vol. 27, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Mississippi River Toll Bridge Cassville Wisc, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa State Highway Commission Highway: Needs Studies, May 1, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Bridge Floor Repairs by Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Comprehensive plan, Fort Madison, Iowa : prepared for Fort Madison Planning & Zoning Commission and the Iowa Development Commission, 1968. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, May 1968, Vol. 27, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Review of Geometric Design Criteria and Lighting Design Criteria, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Storm Lake Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Storm Lake Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Study of Alternate Pavement Designs, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, April 1968, Vol. 27, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Iowa Emergency Plan, Department of Public Defense, Civil Defense Division, 1968. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

(1968) Muscatine Iowa Mississippi River Toll Bridge, Preliminary Engineering Report by the Iowa State Highway Commission, April1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Parent classes : a manual for Iowa nurses to use when preparing to teach classes for childbirth, 1968. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1968) The Classroom Teacher's Concept of an Optimum Education Situation, March 8, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Project social studies; a directory, 1969. Education, Department of

(1968) Iowa's Developing Pattern for Area Schools, March 7, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Survey of Environmental Radioactivity by Milo D. Voss, March 1, 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Centralized Processing for Iowa's Public Libraries: A Report to the Iowa State Traveling Library, 1968. Library of Iowa, State

(1968) Field Testing of Asphaltic Concrete Mixes, HR-101 and R-183, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Great River Road Iowa: Development Report, March 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, March 1968, Vol. 27, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Nematology in the North Central Region, 1956-1966: Special Report No. 58, May 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Peoples, Places, Perspectives: The Great Plains States by Ellis G. Hanson, February 8, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Asbestos Fibers in Type B Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course, MLR-67-1, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Evaluation of Limestone Filler in Gravel Mixtures "Asphaltic Concrete", R-228, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, February 1968, Vol. 27, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Iowa Trout Fishing-State Conservation Commission, 1968. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Law and authority : An Essential Part of the Social Sudies Program for the Educable Mentally Retarded (Awareness, knowledge, Respect, Observance, Enforcement), February 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) A Mechanistic Explanation of The Physical Properties of Undisturbed Loess, February;HR-126, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Survey of Environmental Radioactivity by Milo D. Voss, January 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Evaluation of a Firm Model in Estimating Aggregate Supply Response, January 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) Iowa Conservationist, January 1968, Vol. 27, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Pain-killer Almanac: a facsimile reproduction, slightly enlarged of an 1868 almanac, reprinted, with an introduction by William J. Petersen for members of the State Historical Society of Iowa, January 1968. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1968) Scaling Juvenile Delinquency by Lyle W. Shannon, January 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) A Survey of Timber Resources, the State of Iowa, for Pulp Mills, Veneer & Plywood Plants and other Wood using Plants: Report to Iowa Development Commission, January 1968. Iowa State University

(1968) 1968 laws rules and regulations governing the handling, storage and transportation of flammable liquids, 1968. Public Safety, Department of

(1968) Calendar of Forms due to the DPI from all Agencies, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Camping in Iowa, 1968. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1968) A Cartoon History of Iowa, 1968. University of Northern Iowa

(1968) Centennial Historical Review, 1868-1968, 1968. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1968) Competencies in animal nutrition needed by farmers, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Comprehensive Plan Fort Madison Iowa prepared for Fort Madison Planning & Zoning Commission and the Iowa Development Commission prepared by Don C. Shafer & Associates, 1968. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1968) Comprehensive Plan for Oelwein Iowa and its One-Mile Planning Area in Fayette County Prepared for Oelwein Planning and Zoning Commission, 1968. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1968) A Comprehensive Planning Process for the State Department of Public Instruction : Suitable for Application in Iowa Education Systems. Education, Department of

(1968) Conodont Zonation of the Kinderhookian Series, Washington County Iowa by Joseph J. Straka, II, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Data on Distribution of State Funds to Public High School Districts: 1967-1968 School Year, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) A Descriptive Study of a Selected Sample of Illegitimately Pregnant Women who Delivered at Broadlawns Polk County Hospital and Kept their Babies, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Elementary Education in Missouri Public Schools, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Executive Order Number Eleven, February 1968. Governor's Office

(1968) Executive Order Number Ten, February 1968. Governor's Office

(1968) The First grade music series, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) The Governor's Office, 1968. Governor's Office

(1968) Guided Individualized Reading, Department of Public Instruction, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Guidelines for the development of life experience units applicable for use in special classes for the educable mentally retard, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) History of Institutional Libraries in Iowa, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Homemaking for the Educable Mentally Retarded Girl by Iowa State Dept. of Public Instruction, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) In-Service Training Materials for Teacher of the Educable Mentally Retarded: Experience Unit, Family and Home Intermediate Level, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) In-Service Training Materials for Teachers of the Educable Mentally Retarded, Session I. Education, Department of

(1968) Inviting Iowa, Beautiful Land Between Two Great Rivers,1968. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1968) Iowa Business Patters by County Groupings, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1967-68. Civil Rights Commission

(1968) Iowa Cooperative Area Manpower Plan, Fiscal 68, 1968. Governor's Office

(1968) Iowa Mississippi River Resource: A Preliminary Planning Report, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) The Iowa Official Register, 1967-1968. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1968) Iowa Public Health Bulletin:Sanitary Standards for Water Wells Residential and other small installations, 1968. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1968) Iowa State Plan for Attracting and Qualifying Teachers to meet Critical Teacher Shortages under Part B, Subpart 2 of the Education Professions Development Act (Title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965), 1968. Board of Regents, State of Iowa

(1968) Iowa in the World: A Report on international Cooperation to the Governor and the People of Iowa, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Iowa's Public Fishing and Fishing Access Areas, 1968. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Iowan Drift Problem, Northeastern Iowa: Report of Investigations 7, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Labor Laws of the State of Iowa, 1966 Code, Bulletin No. 21, 1968. Labor, Division of

(1968) Library-instructional materials center skills, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Life Experience Starter Unit, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Local government training programs, problems and needs in Iowa : summary report, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) A New Upper Devonian Cystoid Attached to a Discontinuity Surface: Report of Investigations 5, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Occupational & Manpower Information developed by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, 1968. Iowa Workforce Development

(1968) Occupational research : selected bibliography of Iowa research in vocational-technical education and related areas -- 1960-1967. Education, Department of

(1968) Occupational research supplement no. 1 : selected bibliography of Iowa research in vocational-technical education and related areas -- 1963-1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Occupational research: Abstracts of Vocational Research Iowa, 1969. Education, Department of

(1968) Office Practice Manual: Office of the Governor, 1968. Governor's Office

(1968) Operational Policy by Iowa State Conservation Commission, 1968. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Outdoor Recreation Plan Adams County Iowa, 1968. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Practical Nursing in Iowa, A Study of the Developments, Trends, and Current Status of Practical Nursing in Iowa, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Quarterly Biology Report, 1968, Vol. 20 no. 1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Quarterly Biology Report, 1968, Vol. 20 no. 2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Quarterly Biology Report, 1968, Vol. 20 no. 3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Quarterly Biology Report, 1968, Vol. 20 no. 4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1968) Resource Materials System using the KWIC Indexing System. Education, Department of

(1968) School Social Work prepared by Larry D. Pool, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Seismic Wave Velocity as a Means of In-Place Density Measurement, HR-114, Final Report, Part 2 of 2, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Seismic Wave Velocity as a Means of In-Place Density Measurement, Part 1, HR-114, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Selected School Laws and Standards: A Summary, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Skilled Needs Survey of All Employers of Four or More Persons Within the Area Ten Community College District, 1968. Iowa Workforce Development

(1968) Special Education and Pupil Services in RESA X 1968, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) Specification for Window Replacement, State Historical and Library Building, 1968. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1968) Stability of Granular Base Course Materials Containing Bituminous Admixtures, 1969. Transportation, Department of

(1968) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Strengthening Government Organizations in Changing Communities, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Urban Policy Conference, October 3-4, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Summer 68: The Report of the Summer Youth Employment Demonstration Projects Operated by The Ottumwa, Iowa, Experimental and Development Project, 1968. Iowa Workforce Development

(1968) This is YOUR Highway Commission,1968. Transportation, Department of

(1968) Unions and Federal Elections; A Social and Legal Analysis, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Vocational Education Student Follow-up Report, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) What is Iowa Commission for the Blind, 1968. Blind, Department for the

(1968) Your IPERS Benefits, Iowa Public Employees Retirement System, 1968. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System

(1968) Zoning and Planning, Condemnation-Valuation: Practical Analysis of an Active Field Modern Developments Practical Experience of Experts, The University of Iowa College of Law and The Continuing Legal Education Committee of the Iowa State Bar Association, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) A guide for developing a curriculum in human development and the family, 1968. Education, Department of

(1968) A traveling exhibition of intaglio prints, 1968. Arts Division (Council)

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