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(0020) A Safe School, 20--. Education, Department of
(1905) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State of Iowa for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1905. Education, Department of
(1905) Report of the Secretary of State relating to Criminal Convictions of the State of Iowa for the Year ending September 30, 1904, and the Year ending September 30, 1905. Education, Department of
(1905) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department July 1, 1903 to June 30, 1905, 1905. Education, Department of
(1905) U.S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau in Co-operation with the Iowa Weather and Crop Service Annual Report for 1904, 1905. Education, Department of
(1906) Hand-book for Iowa schools, 1906, A Course of Study for Iowa Rural and Village Schools, 1906. Education, Department of
(1906) Report by the Governor of Iowa of Pardons Suspensions and Commutations of Sentence and Remissions of Fines from January 1, 1904 to December 31, 1905, 1906. Education, Department of
(1906) U.S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau in Co-operation with the Iowa Weather and Crop Service Annual Report for 1905, 1906. Education, Department of
(1906) Biennial Message of Albert B. Cummins Governor of the State of Iowa to the Thirty First General Assembly, January, 1906. Education, Department of
(1906) Report of the Custodian of Public Buildings and Property to the Governor of Iowa for the Years 1904 and 1905, January 1, 1906. Education, Department of
(1908) Report of the Educational Commission to the Thirty-third General Assembly as provided in Chapter 222, Acts of the thirty-second General Assembly. Education, Department of
(1912) Iowa's Educational Problem, The State Board of Education and its Report to the Governor by James B. Weaver, Jr, 1912. Education, Department of
(1915) Text-book legislation in Iowa, 1915. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1917) The Boy and the School, a Partial Survey of the Public Schools of Fort Dodge, Iowa, August 15, 1917. Iowa State University
(1918) An Outline of Courses in Industrial Arts, 1918. Iowa State University
(1921) Course in American Citizenship in the Grades for the Public Schools of Iowa, For the Intermediate Grades-Grades IV, V, 1921. Education, Department of
(1921) Regulations for Standardizing the Common Schools, 1921. Education, Department of
(1922) Biennial report of the Department of Public Instruction,1922. Education, Department of
(1923) A Syllabus for the Study of Civics in the High Schools of Iowa, 1923. Education, Department of
(1924) Physical Education Bulletin. by May E. Francis, Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1924. Education, Department of
(1924) Physical Education for Elementary Schools, 1924. Education, Department of
(1925) Regulations for Standardizing Common Schools by May E. Francis, 1925. Education, Department of
(1926) Consolidated Schools in Iowa by H.E. Stone, 1926. Education, Department of
(1926) The Administrative Functions of the Department of Public Instruction in Iowa by Herbert Clare Cook, July 1926. Education, Department of
(1930) Courses of Study for High Schools: Sociology, 1930. Education, Department of
(1930) Courses of study for high schools : American History, 1930. Education, Department of
(1930) Courses of study for high schools : chemistry, 1930. Education, Department of
(1930) Courses of study for high schools : economics, 1930. Education, Department of
(1930) Courses of study for high schools : general science, 1930. Education, Department of
(1930) Courses of study for high schools : physics, 1930. Education, Department of
(1930) Courses of study for high schools : vocations, 1930. Education, Department of
(1930) Courses of study for high schools : world history, 1930. Education, Department of
(1931) Questions Teachers ask about Reading and Study in Intermediate and Upper Grades prepared by Clara M. Wallace issued by the Department of Public Instruction, 1931. Education, Department of
(1932) Courses of Study for Grades and High School-Safety Education, 1932. Education, Department of
(1932) Courses of Study for High Schools-Biology, 1932. Education, Department of
(1932) Courses of Study for High Schools-Shorthand, 1932. Education, Department of
(1932) Salaries in the Public Schools of Iowa, 1931-1932 by R.C. Williams, January 1932. Education, Department of
(1932) A Check List of Financial Economies for a Local School District by R.C. Williams, April 1932. Education, Department of
(1932) Some Facts about Iowa schools A Brief Tabular Summary of Various Reports concerning the Operation of Iowa's Public Schools for the Biennium by R.C. Williams, June 30, 1932. Education, Department of
(1933) Courses of Study for High Schools, Health and Physical Education for Girls by the Department of Public Instruction, 1933. Education, Department of
(1933) Courses of Study for High Schools-Health and Physical Education For Boys, 1933. Education, Department of
(1934) Robbins-The Small Town and It's School, 1934. Education, Department of
(1935) Survey of Out-of-School Rural Youth in Iowa, 1935. Education, Department of
(1935) School laws from the Code of 1935 : with notes, forms, annotations and decisions for use and government of directors and school officers / Agnes Samuelson, superintendent of public instruction ; prepared by Fred L. Mahannah, deputy, 1935. Education, Department of
(1936) A Guide for Teaching History in the Elementary Grades: Grades One to Five Inclusive Issued by the Department of Public Instruction, 1936. Education, Department of
(1936) A Guide for Teaching History in the Elementary Grades: Grades One to Five Inclusive Issued by the Department of Public Instruction, 1936. Education, Department of
(1937) Early Childhood Special Education Least Restrictive Environment Study, 3 Through 5 Year Olds, spring 1994. Education, Department of
(1937) The Evening School Instructor and His Job, June 1937. Education, Department of
(1938) Cost of Pupil Transportation in Consolidated Schools of Iowa by R.C. Williams and Agnes Samuelson, February 1938. Education, Department of
(1940) Safety education : course of study for grades and high school, 1940. Education, Department of
(1941) Iowa Plan of Physical Education for Use in Elementary School, Iowa Public Instruction Department, 1941. Education, Department of
(1943) Spelling and Handwriting, Volume 3, Iowa Elementary Teacher Handbook, 1943. Education, Department of
(1946) Iowa elementary teachers handbook Volume XII American History Grades 7-8, 1946. Education, Department of
(1947) Iowa Secondary School Cooperative Curriculum Program, 1947. Education, Department of
(1950) Report of the Education Committee, Iowa Commission on Children and Youth, 1950. Education, Department of
(1952) Survey of Public School Facilities in Iowa: Inventory of Existing Public School Facilities, Needs and Resources, 1952. Education, Department of
(1954) School Calendar for the School Year 1953-1954, 1954. Education, Department of
(1955) Music Bulletin for Elementary Classroom Teachers, including Iowa Choir Lists 1955-1960, 1955. Education, Department of
(1955) Pupil and Financial Accounting for School Transportation, 1955. Education, Department of
(1955) A guide for planning homemaking departments in Iowa, 1955. Iowa State University
(1957) How Good is your Local School System, A Guide for Examining the Quality of your Local School System, 1957. Education, Department of
(1957) Progress Report on School District Reorganization in Iowa by J.C. Wright, 1957. Education, Department of
(1958) How Good is your Local School System?, A Guide for Examining the Quality of your Local school System, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) Progress Report on School District Reorganization in Iowa by J.C. Wright, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) A Report to the People of Iowa on the Progress and Goals of School District Reorganization: Your School District, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) Salary Study in the Districts Maintaining Approved Public Four Year High Schools for School Year, February 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) Some Characteristics of Good Schools, 1958. Education, Department of
(1959) Guide for Guidance; Counseling and Testing: Identification and Encouragement of Able Students, 1959. Education, Department of
(1959) Guide for Purchase of Equipment and Minor Remodeling Suitable for the Improvement of Instruction in Science; Mathematics; or Modern Foreign Languages in the Elementary or Secondary Schools, 1959. Education, Department of
(1959) A Study of the Financial Resources of Students at Public Institutions of Higher Education in Iowa by Clifford Mason Baumback, 1959. Education, Department of
(1959) Suggestions for Organizing Vocational-Technical Area Schools in Iowa, Department of Public Instruction, Division of Vocational Education, 1959. Education, Department of
(1959) A Suggested Guide for Improvement of Instruction through a Continuous Program of In-Service Education, February 1959. Education, Department of
(1960) Amendments to the School laws of Iowa Enacted at the Regular Session of the ... General Assembly published for the Use and Government of School Officers prepared by Area Schools Division, Iowa Department of Public Instruction, 1960. Education, Department of
(1960) Automation aids education, 1960. Education, Department of
(1960) Iowa's Analysis of Reporting Forms prepared by Marvin Ingle, Le Roy Pratt, Ralph van Dusseldorp, 1960. Education, Department of
(1960) Progress report on school district reorganization in Iowa, school years 1954-1955 to 1959-1960, 1960. Education, Department of
(1960) Transportation for Iowa Public Schools. May 1960. Education, Department of
(1960) State aid funds for improvement of public instruction in Iowa, 1960. Education, Department of
(1960) Iowa School Insurance, October 1960. Education, Department of
(1961) Mathematics in Iowa High Schools, 1959-1960, 1961. Education, Department of
(1961) Policy Statement, Future Goals for Public Schools in Iowa, Board of Public Instruction, 1961. Education, Department of
(1962) Educational Program Accounting for Iowa Schools, A Handbook on Educational Program Accounting, 1962. Education, Department of
(1962) The educational program : a curriculum design, 1962. Education, Department of
(1962) A Suggested Guide for Improvement of Instruction through a Continuous Program of In-Service Education, February 1962. Education, Department of
(1962) Tuition Costs Per Year, December 1962. Education, Department of
(1963) A Review of School District Reorganization in Iowa, July 1, 1960 through June 30, 1962. Education, Department of
(1963) Time Allotment for Elementary School Subjects, 1963. Education, Department of
(1963) 1963. Report of the Legislative Advisory Committee on the Study of State Aid to Schools. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1963) Pilot Study of Vocational-Technical Education in Twelve North Iowa Counties, March 1963. Iowa State University
(1964) A suggested approach for teaching about communism in the Iowa public schools, 1964. Education, Department of
(1965) The Establishment of a Higher Education Facilities Commission, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) MSEIP, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Report of area district activities for improvement of education in Iowa schools, 1964-1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Understanding our city, Des Moines : third grade social studies / a tentative sourcebook compiled and written by John H. Kilgore ... Robert Denny, 1965. Education, Department of
(1966) Directory of County and Local Historical Societies and Museums in Iowa, 1966. Education, Department of
(1966) Kindergarten Handbook, 1966. Education, Department of
(1966) Physics for Iowa schools, 1966. Education, Department of
(1966) School Social Work: A Service of Iowa Schools, 1966. Education, Department of
(1966) Standards for the approval of schools : standards, regulations, and rules for the approval of all public and nonpublic nursery, kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high schools, 1966. Education, Department of
(1967) The First 511 Study of Iowa High School Equivalency Test by Phil Langerman, 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) Proposal for progress, Iowa Cooperative Study of Post High School Education, 1967. University of Iowa
(1967) Report of Iowa Conference I : planning for school district organization in Iowa, 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) Secondary education for the handicapped, 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) The Supportive Role of School Social Work Services in helping the Seriously Disturbed Child, 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) A great American institution : your Iowa public schools, suggested unit in the social studies, 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) The kindergarten music series, 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) Educational Standards, A report to the Sixty-Second General Assembly filed by the State Board of Public Instruction, January 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) Occupational Education Program Serving Iowa Students, January 1, 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) Report of area district activities for improvement of education in Iowa schools, 1966-1967. Education, Department of
(1967) Community School Districts in Iowa by William H. Dreier, August 1967. University of Northern Iowa
(1967) Self Evaluative Criteria for Iowa Schools, September 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) Elementary Education and School District Organization, October 23, 1967. Education, Department of
(1967) Vocational-Technical Education and School District Organization, November 28, 1967. Iowa State University
(1968) Centennial Historical Review, 1868-1968, 1968. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1968) Data on Distribution of State Funds to Public High School Districts: 1967-1968 School Year, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Elementary Education in Missouri Public Schools, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) The First grade music series, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Library-instructional materials center skills, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) School Social Work prepared by Larry D. Pool, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Selected School Laws and Standards: A Summary, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Special Education and Pupil Services in RESA X 1968, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) The Classroom Teacher's Concept of an Optimum Education Situation, March 8, 1968. Education, Department of
(1968) Project social studies; a directory, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Administrative and Instructional Practices in Iowa Public School Districts for the 1968-1969 School Year, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Are You Tornado Ready?, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Calendar of Forms Due to the DPI from High School Districts, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Data on Distribution of State Funds to Public High School Districts: 1968-1969 School Year, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) ESEA Title II in Iowa: a pilot Evaluation, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Music for the EMR, Teacher's Handbook, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Organization, Storage and Distribution of Non-Book Material in the School Library Media Center, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Planning for Rehabilitation Facilities in Iowa 1969: State of Iowa Department of Public Instruction, Division of Rehabilitation Education and Services, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Regional Educational Resource Center, Training-Service-Research, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Report of area district activities for improvement of education in Iowa schools, 1968-1969. Education, Department of
(1969) A Searching look at School Finance in Iowa by Wayne P. Truesdell, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Selected School Laws and Standards: A Summary, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Calendar of Forms Due to the DPI from County Units, July 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Calendar of Forms Due to the DPI from Other Agencies, July 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Minimum Curriculum Requirements for Approval of Iowa Elementary and Secondary Schools, September 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Report of a Study of the Operations and Costs of the Instructional Materials Centers in Iowa, as supported by Title II of the Elementary-Secondary Education Act for the period July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1969, October 2, 1969. Education, Department of
(1969) Research Report #44: Annual Statistical Report on Member Schools. University of Iowa
(1970) Expanded Programs of Educational Research and Evaluation, Department of Public Instruction, 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) Focus on progress in Iowa Schools during the 1960's, 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) Midwestern States Educational Information Report, July 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) A Report Of A Survey Of Iowa Public School Districts To Determine The Present Status Of Health Education, 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) Strong Programs of Education and Service for Children of Pre-Kindergarten and Early Childhood, 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) Strong Programs of Education and Service for Children of Pre-Kindergarten and Early Childhood, 1970. Education, Department of
(1970) Title I in Iowa, 1970. Education, Department of
(1971) Administrative and Instructional Practices in Iowa Public School Districts for the 1970-1971 School Year, 1971. Education, Department of
(1971) Computerized Vocational Information System, 1971. Education, Department of
(1971) Guidance Services Suggested Policies for Iowa Schools, 1971. Education, Department of
(1971) Strong programs of teacher education in all areas, with special emphasis on the preparation of teachers for work with disadvantaged and handicapped pupils, Task Force Five, 1971. Education, Department of
(1971) Self Evaluative Criteria for Iowa Schools, February 1971. Education, Department of
(1971) Educational Standards for Iowa Schools, August 1971. Education, Department of
(1971) Minimum Curriculum Requirements for approval of Iowa Elementary and Secondary Schools and Curriculum required by Law in Iowa Schools, August 1971. Education, Department of
(1971) Social Services Laws, State of Iowa, December 1971. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1972) An Information Exchange System for Teachers of Government, 1972. Education, Department of
(1972) Iowa Pilot Program for Information Dissemination: INFORMS, Iowa Network for Obtaining Resource Materials for Schools, 1972. Education, Department of
(1972) School Bus Driver's Handbook, 1972. Education, Department of
(1972) Selected School Laws and Standards: A Summary containing Specific School Laws relating to Area Schools, 1972. Education, Department of
(1972) Teachers Guide for School Bus Passenger Safety, 1972. Education, Department of
(1972) Iowa Title III, ESEA Assessment Report to U.S.O.E., January 1972. Education, Department of
(1972) Explorations, Title III ESEA Programs in Iowa, May 1972. Education, Department of
(1973) Curriculum information network for the social studies, 1973. Education, Department of
(1973) Guidelines for Achieving a Multi-cultural, Sex Bias Free, Curriculum in Iowa Schools, 1973. Education, Department of
(1973) Minimum Curriculum Requirements for Approval of Iowa Elementary and Secondary Schools and Curriculum required by Law in Iowa Schools, July 1973. Education, Department of
(1973) Minimum curriculum requirements for approval of Iowa elementary and secondary schools and curriculum required by law in Iowa schools, July 1973. Education, Department of
(1973) Social Services Laws, State of Iowa, November 1973. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1973) A Summary of Progress made in Expanding the National School Lunch Program to all of Iowa's Public School Children from 1946 to 1973 by Vern Carpenter, November 1, 1973. Iowa State University
(1974) The Impact of Declining Enrollment on Education with Recommendations for Action by Robert D. Benton, 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) Improved Spelling through Scientific Investigation, 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) Policy & Guidelines on Non-Discrimination in Iowa Schools, 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) The School Bus : Minimum Standards for Construction of School Transportation Equipment (Legal Requirements and Regulations), 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) The School Bus, Minimum Standards for Construction of School Transportation Equipment, 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) Strong Programs of Education and Services for Children and Adults requiring Special Kinds of Instruction, 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) Strong programs of education and service for children and adults requiring special kinds of instruction, Task Force Two, 1974. Education, Department of
(1974) A Report Of A Survey Of Iowa Public School Districts To Determine The Present Status Of Health Education, July 1974. Education, Department of
(1975) Final Report, Curriculum Development, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) What is the DPI?, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Final Evaluation of the Iowa Career Education Project, July 1, 1975. University of Iowa
(1975) Self Evaluative Criteria for Iowa Schools, August 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Selected School Laws and Standards, A Summary containing Specific School Laws relating to Area Schools, Standards for Area Community Colleges and Area Vocational Schools prepared by Area Schools Division, Iowa Department of Public Instruction, August 20, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Selected School Laws and Standards, Relating to School Libraries and Media Centers prepared by Area Schools Division, Iowa Department of Public Instruction, September 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Directory of Full and Part-Time Adult and Continuing Education Administrators in Iowa's Area Schools, November 1975. Education, Department of
(1976) 1976-77 Teacher Salary Schedules, Scattergram, December 1976. Education, Department of
(1976) A guideline : steps in a school bond election / State of Iowa, Department of Public Instruction, 1976. Education, Department of
(1976) Elementary Open-Space Schools, Administrator and Teacher Perceptions, 1976. Education, Department of
(1976) Iowa Vocational-Technical Teacher Retention Study, Fall 1976. Education, Department of
(1978) Case Studies of Reorganized Districts since 1968, State of Iowa Department of Public Instruction, State Equalization Project, 1978. Education, Department of
(1978) A Cost Projection for Special Education funding in the State of Iowa, 1975-76 through 1985-86 by Clifford E. Howe, 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) Educator's Guide to Spelling Research and Practice by Bradley M. Loomer, 1978. Education, Department of
(1978) Library Report for Fiscal Year 1978 for Area Schools, 1978. Education, Department of
(1978) School Social Work Services: A service of the Area Education Agency, 1978. University of Iowa
(1978) 1977 Iowa ADC Characteristics, October 1978. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1979) School Transportation Report, Vol. 14, December 1979. Education, Department of
(1979) Driver Education Data, 1978-1979, Simmer, 1979. Education, Department of
(1980) Teacher Salary Reports K-12 School Districts prepared by Iowa Association of School Boards, July 1980. Education, Department of
(1981) Final report, Summary of Budget Reduction Task Force Recommendations and DSS action, 1981. Education, Department of
(1981) A Profile for Music Programs in Iowa Schools, Department of Public Instruction, 1981. Education, Department of
(1981) Model Policy and Rules for Assistance to Local Boards in their compliance with the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, February 1981. Education, Department of
(1982) Additions and revisions to the Three year state plan for vocational education within career education, 1982. Education, Department of
(1982) Revenue Summary, 1981-82 Data, Department of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1982. Education, Department of
(1983) School psychology in Iowa : an agenda for the future, 1983. Education, Department of
(1983) Guidelines for Area Planning Councils in Iowa, September, 1983. Education, Department of
(1983) List of School Districts in Each of the 15 Areas for the improvement of education in Iowa Schools, September 1983. Education, Department of
(1984) Library media skills sampler: Vol. 1, 1984. Education, Department of
(1984) Revenue Summary, 1983-84 Data, Department of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1984. Education, Department of
(1984) Revenue Summary, 1984-85 Data, Department of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1986. Education, Department of
(1984) List of School Districts in Each of the 15 Areas for the improvement of education in Iowa Schools, September 1984. Education, Department of
(1984) First in the Nation in Education : Final Report,1984. Education, Department of
(1985) Appendix to Final Report of Ad Hoc Task Force to Study School Finance, 1985. Education, Department of
(1985) List of School Districts in Each of the 15 Areas for the improvement of education in Iowa Schools, September 1985. Education, Department of
(1987) Revenue Summary, 1985-86 Data, Department of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1987. Education, Department of
(1987) List of School Districts in Each of the 15 Areas for the improvement of education in Iowa Schools, September 1987. Education, Department of
(1987) Report on Survey of Iowa School Districts providing Child care Services, 1987. Education, Department of
(1988) Revenue Summary, 1986-87 Data, State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1988. Education, Department of
(1988) List of School Districts in Each of the 15 Areas for the improvement of education in Iowa Schools, September 1988. Education, Department of
(1988) Accountability Plan for the Focal Areas, 1988-89, November 1988. Education, Department of
(1988) Guaranteeing our children's future a plan for funding Iowa Elementary and Secondary Education, December 16, 1988. Education, Department of
(1989) Our Children's Future, A Plan for Funding Elementary and Secondary Education in Iowa, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Revenue Summary, 1987-88 Data, State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Iowa School Transportation Program, A Description and Discussion, February 1, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) School District, Area and Coordinating Council Directory, August 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Restructuring Series XIX-A: Summary of Effects of managed Progression Plan. Education, Department of
(1990) Dropout Prevention Interim Study Committee, Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, 1990. Education, Department of
(1990) Research Report #1, Evaluation of the Iowa Renewed Service Delivery System, February 12, 1990. Education, Department of
(1990) Revenue Summary, 1988-89 Data, State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1990. Education, Department of
(1990) School District, Area and Coordinating Council Directory, August 1990. Education, Department of
(1990) Research Report #3, Baseline Comparison of Year 1 & year 2 Renewed Service Delivery System Trial Sites, December 3, 1990. Education, Department of
(1991) A Journey Through Iowa Schools, 1990-91, 1991. Education, Department of
(1991) Revenue Summary, 1989-90 Data, State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1991. Education, Department of
(1991) Financial Access to Higher Education Study Committee, Final Report, January 1991. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1991) Highlights of Iowa's Progress toward the National Education Goals, October 1991. Education, Department of
(1992) Assuring Efficient Delivery of Social Services Interim Study Committee: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1992) Best Practices in the Supervision of School Social Work Programs edited by James P. Clark, 1992. Education, Department of
(1992) Revenue Summary, 1990-91 Data, State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1992. Education, Department of
(1992) School, Programs and Support Services for Dropouts and Dropout Prevention Including At-Risk Students 1992-1993,. Education, Department of
(1992) Iowa three-year state plan for vocational education amendments : fiscal years 1993-1994, October 1992. Education, Department of
(1992) Research Report #22, Building Assistance Teams, Intervention and Outcomes, November 1992. Education, Department of
(1993) Revenue Summary, 1991-92 Data, State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Implementing the Board Vision for Vocational-Technical Education in Iowa, Recommendations for Adoption, June 17, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) A Report Card and Assessment of Iowa's School Finance Plan 1993-94 by George A. Chambers, November 5, 1993. Education, Department of
(1994) School Transportation Issues, 1994. Education, Department of
(1995) Administrative Rules of Special Education, July 1995. Education, Department of
(1995) Inventory of Policies and Practices related to Student Failure and Dropping Out, August 1995. Education, Department of
(1996) Parenting Pipeline: A Newsletter for Parents of Fourth Grade Children, 1996. Iowa State University Extension
(1996) Parenting Pipeline: A Newsletter for Parents of Kindergarten Children, 1996. Iowa State University Extension
(1996) Parenting Pipeline: A Newsletter for Parents of Second Grade Children, 1996. Iowa State University Extension
(1996) Parenting Pipeline: A Newsletter for Parents of Sixth Grade Children, 1996. Iowa State University Extension
(1996) Report on Harassment and Multicultural Nonsexist Education for Iowa State Board of Education, 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) Truancy Report for the 1994-95 School Year, January 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) Educational Equity Review Summary : 1995-96 School Year, October 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) A Workforce Basic Skills Norming Study of Iowa's JTPA and PROMISE JOBS Target Populations, Final Report prepared for Iowa's Community College Adult Basic Education Program, October 1996. Education, Department of
(1997) Basic Skills Certification Manual, Guidelines for Iowa's Adult Basic Education Program, August 1997. Education, Department of
(1997) School, Programs and Support Services for Dropouts and Dropout Prevention Including At-Risk Students, August 1997. Education, Department of
(1997) Schools, Programs, and Support Services for Dropouts & Dropout Prevention Including At-Risk Students : Application for Approval, 1998-99, August 1997. Education, Department of
(1998) An Integrated Approach to School Improvement, Success4, 1998. Education, Department of
(1998) Learning Iowa : a report from Iowa's ambassador for education, 1997-98. Education, Department of
(1998) Making a Difference for our Children: Readying our schools and our children for a new century of leadership Issues for today, planning for tomorrow, 1998. Education, Department of
(2000) Transportation Issues in Special Education, Commonly Asked Questions, 2000. Education, Department of
(2002) 2002 Final Report from the Energy Efficiency in Schools Study Committee. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2003) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, August 2003. Education, Department of
(2004) The Lunch Line, January 2004. Education, Department of
(2004) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, August 2004. Education, Department of
(2004) Iowa Speech-Language Services Entitlement & Exit Considerations Practice Guidelines : Technical Assistance Guide, September 2004. Education, Department of
(2005) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, August 2005. Education, Department of
(2006) Academic Court Schoolbased Lisison Statewide Date, 2006. Human Rights, Department of
(2006) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, December 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Toolbox to Address Safety and Operations on School Grounds and Public Streets Adjacent to Elementary and Middle Schools in Iowa, August 2006. Iowa State University
(2006) Safe Routes to School, June 7, 2006. Transportation, Department of
(2007) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, October 2007. Education, Department of
(2008) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, September 2008. Education, Department of
(2009) Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, Code of Iowa 272.29 Annual Administrative Rules Review Report, 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, Code of Iowa 272.10 Fees, January 1, 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Issue review : Regents universities and the 2008 summer floods. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2009) Issue review : Area Education Agency review update. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2009) Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Annual Report, FY 2009. Iowa Law Enforcement Academy
(2009) Iowa Farm to School Program, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, August 28, 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2009) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, September 2009. Education, Department of
(2010) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, September 2010. Education, Department of
(2010) Issue review : school formula funding -- supplementary weightings. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2010) Iowa IDEA Eligibility Document. Part B, Policies, December 2010. Education, Department of
(2011) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, December 2011. Education, Department of
(2011) Rising to Greatness An Imperative for Improving Iowa’s Schools, 2011. Education, Department of
(2011) One Unshakable Vision: World Class Schools for Iowa, October 3, 2011. Governor's Office
(2011) Issue review : Instructional support program funding inequities. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2012) Iowa School Emergency Procedure Flip Chart, 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Brief on Branstad-Reynolds administration Recommendations for World-Class School, January 6, 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Iowa School Safety Guide, April 6, 2012. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(2012) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, September 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) School Bus Safety Study, Kadyn’s Law: Tech Transfer Summer, December 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) School Bus Safety Study: Kadyn’s Law, December 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2012) Keep Aware Driving: Youth Need School Safety Act Educational Program (Kadyn’s law), December 21, 2012. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Iowa Board of Educational Examiners Licensure Handbook, January 15, 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) Building World-Class Schools for Iowa: A Legislative Brief, January 14, 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, September 2013. Education, Department of
(2014) Suggestions for Budget Preparation in 1968-1970. Education, Department of
(2014) The State Report Card for No Child Left Behind Iowa Department of Education, September 2014. Education, Department of
(2015) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, February 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2015. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, February 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, March 2020. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2016. Education, Department of
(2017) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, February 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) Annual Assessment Results Reporting Requirement under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, November 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2017. Education, Department of
(2018) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) Auditor of State Mary Mosiman today released a report on a special investigation of the Collins-Maxwell Community School District (District) for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2018) Auditor of State Mary Mosiman today released a report on a special investigation of the Marshalltown Community School District (District) for the period November 28, 2016 through June 15, 2018. Auditor of State
(2018) Auditor of State Mary Mosiman today released a report on a special investigation of the Mason City Community School District for the period July 1, 2009 through August 31, 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, March 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Locking Classroom Doors, October 1, 2019. Public Safety, Department of
(2019) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2019. Education, Department of
(2020) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, February 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Iowa PBS Newsletter, April/May 2020. Iowa Public Television
(2020) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, August 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, September 4, 2020. Iowa Public Television
(2020) Iowa School Performance Profiles: User Guide, September 16, 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, September 18, 2020. Iowa Public Television
(2020) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, October 2, 2020. Iowa Public Television
(2020) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, October 16, 2020. Iowa Public Television
(2020) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, October 30, 2020. Iowa Public Television
(2020) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, November 13, 2020. Iowa Public Television
(2020) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, December 11, 2020. Iowa Public Television
(2020) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, December 21, 2020. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Iowa School Districts Map 2020-2021, January 5, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, January 8, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, February 5, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, February 22, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to Support Learners Anywhere, March 8, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Digital Opportunity, Hemingway and Iowa's support of the arts, March 18, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Digital Opportunity, Podcast and Snacks, April 5, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Celebrate Earth Day with Iowa PBS, April 16, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Donkey Hodie + provide engagement feedback, April 30, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Make reading fun + time to get in the garden!, May 15, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Family movie nights + fun ways to get moving, May 28, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, July 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) ESSER III and Evidence-Based Interventions, July 23, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: PBS KIDS Read-Alongs, October 15, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to support learners anywhere, November 15, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to support learners anywhere, December 16, 2021. Iowa Public Television
(2021) District Maintenance of Equity Requirements: American Rescue Plan Guidance, November 17, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Legislative Report: Charter and Innovation Zone Schools in Iowa, November 17, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) ARP Homeless Children and Youth Program: American Rescue Plan Guidance, December 2, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa e-Learning Central Fact Sheet, December 15, 2021. Education, Department of
(2022) Legislative Report: Iowa Reading Research Center, January 1, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Charter School Rule Comparison, January 3, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Legislative Report: FY 2021 Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) Annual Report, January 26, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Legislative Report: Fiscal Year 2021 School Association Reporting, January 26, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Iowa Farm to School Local Purchase Report, January 31, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2022) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to support learners anywhere, February 15, 2022. Iowa Public Television
(2022) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to support learners anywhere, March 22, 2022. Iowa Public Television
(2022) Education Iowa PBS: Resources and Strategies to support learners anywhere, May 17, 2022. Iowa Public Television
(2023) Educational Examiners Newsletter, December 2023. Education, Department of