Items where Year is 1998

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(1998) 1978 Iowa National Crime Rate Comparison, 1978. Public Safety, Department of

(1998) 1998 Annual Report of the Iowa Utilities Board, 1998. Utilities Division (Commerce)

(1998) 1998 Energy Analysis Guidelines, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) 1998 Session Fiscal Report, 1998. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1998) 1998-2002 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Affirmative Action in the Executive Branch of the Iowa state Government, 1998. Management, Department of

(1998) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Annual Report of the Iowa Department of Revenue FY1998. Revenue, Department of

(1998) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1998. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(1998) Bedrock Geologic Map of Iowa, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Black Hawk State Park, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed, July 1977. Iowa Workforce Development

(1998) Commission News, Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service, Vol. 7, no. 7, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Constitution of the State of Iowa - Codified. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1998) Continuous Quality Iowa, Managing and Continuously Improving Processes in Iowa State Government to Achieve Results for Iowans written by Linda Leto, 1998. Management, Department of

(1998) Crossroads 2000 Proceedings, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) D-3 Dependent Adult Abuse Report, 1998. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Eight, November 23, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Five, May 20, 1988. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Four, May 18, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Seven, August 21, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Six, May 20, 1988. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Three, Februray 10, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Two, January 9, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Field and State Staff, ISU Extension to Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1998. Iowa State University Extension

(1998) Flood of June 15-17, 1998, Nishnabotna and East Nishnabotna Rivers, Southwest Iowa, HR-140. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Green Valley State Park, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) HIV/AIDS in Iowa Epidemiological Profile for 1998, 1998. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1998) Highway Performance and Time-Sensitive Industries, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) How current Tax Laws affect Woodlands Owners, August 1998. Iowa State University Extension

(1998) How to Get Your Bearings - How to Get A Job: A Guide for Women who are Unemployed, Underemployed, or Underpaid. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1998. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1998) An Integrated Approach to School Improvement, Success4, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Interstate Route Flow Map, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Investigation of how the Des Moines Police Department Handles Complaints about its Officers, 1998. Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman

(1998) Investigation of the Department of Natural Resources Response to Water Pollution complaints involving Lynndana Acres Subdivision, 1998. Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman

(1998) Iowa Attorney General Published Opinions, 1998. Attorney General

(1998) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1998. Attorney General

(1998) Iowa Boating Regulations, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) The Iowa Capitol, 1998. University of Iowa

(1998) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1998. Civil Rights Commission

(1998) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Communicator, June 1998, Vol. 16, no. 2. Civil Rights Commission

(1998) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Communicator, Winter 1998, Vol. 16, no. 1. Civil Rights Commission

(1998) Iowa Community College Funding Formula Task Force Report A Report to the Iowa General Assembly Regarding the Community College Funding Formula, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Iowa Community College Funding Formula Task Force Report Executive Summary: A Report to the Iowa General Assembly Regarding the Community College Funding Formula, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Iowa Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, 1998. Administrative Services

(1998) Iowa Conservationist Index, January-December 1998, Volume 57. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Iowa Crime Rate Comparisons Report, Iowa Department of Public Safety,1998. Public Safety, Department of

(1998) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan 1998 Update. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan, 1998. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Iowa Fish and Wildlife news, Special Fall Hunting Issue, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Iowa Individual Income Tax Annual Statistical Report, 1998. Revenue, Department of

(1998) Iowa Individual Income Tax School District, Tax Year 1998. Revenue, Department of

(1998) The Iowa Official Register, 1997-1998. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1998) Iowa Statewide Waste Characterization Study, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Iowa Uniform Crime Report, Iowa Department of Public Safety, 1998. Public Safety, Department of

(1998) Iowa programs providing and financing children's care and services, 1988. Education, Department of

(1998) Iowa's counties : selected population trends, vital statistics, and socioeconomic data. Library of Iowa, State

(1998) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 77th GA Vol. 2, no. 1, 1998. House of Representatives and Staff

(1998) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 77th GA Vol. 2, no. 2, 1998. House of Representatives and Staff

(1998) Journal of the Senate of the 77th GA 2 Vol. 1 of the State of Iowa, 1998. Senate and Staff

(1998) Journal of the Senate of the 77th GA 2 Vol. 2 of the State of Iowa, 1998. Senate and Staff

(1998) Lake Ahquabi State Park, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Lake Darling State Park, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Learning Iowa : a report from Iowa's ambassador for education, 1997-98. Education, Department of

(1998) Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Annual Report 1997-1998, 1988. Iowa State University

(1998) Loess Hills State Forest, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Making a Difference for our Children: Readying our schools and our children for a new century of leadership Issues for today, planning for tomorrow, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Managing Storm Damaged Woodlands, August 1998. Iowa State University Extension

(1998) Medicaid for People in Nursing Homes and Other Care Facilities, 1998. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1998) Medicaid for the Qualified Medicare beneficiary, How Medicaid can help you pay your Medicare Premiums, Deductibles and Coinsurance, September 1998. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1998) Message from the Ombudsman, 1998. Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman

(1998) Metric Training for the Transportation Industry Module II - Construction and Maintenance Operations and Reporting, HR-376, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Natural Regeneration of Oak in Iowa, December 1998. Iowa State University Extension

(1998) No Big Deal, A Sexual Harassment Training Manual for Middle School and High School Students, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Office of Affirmative Action, Questions and answers, 1998. University of Iowa

(1998) Pilot Knob State Park, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Quality of Ground Water used for Selected Municipal Water Supplies in Iowa, 1982-96 Water Years, 1998. University of Iowa

(1998) Roster of State Officials, 1998. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1998) STAWRS: IOWAccess Project 9, Iowa Workforce Development, 1998. Iowa Workforce Development

(1998) Safety and Health Program Guidelines for the State of Iowa, 1998. Labor, Division of

(1998) Soil Survey of Ida County, Iowa , 1998. Iowa State University

(1998) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1998. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1998) State Indicators of Student Success, State Board of Education, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) State Library of Iowa FY1997-1998 Annual Report. Library of Iowa, State

(1998) State Planning, Research, Development and Technology Transfer Work Program: Project SPR-PL-33, July 1, 1996-June 30, 1997. Transportation, Department of

(1998) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 77, no. 2, 1998. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1998) State of Iowa Public Drinking Water Program 1997 Annual Compliance Report, June 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Statistical Summaries of Selected Iowa Streamflow Data Through September 1996, HR-395, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1998. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1998) The Annual Condition of Education Report, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Trabajando juntos hacia una transicion exitosa : de la escuela a la vida adulta, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science newsletter. 1998-1999, no. 40. University of Iowa

(1998) Vehicular Traffic Flow Map, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Volga River State Recreation Area, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Wapsipinicon State Park, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) White Cane Update, Fall 1998. Blind, Department for the

January 1998

(1998) Benefiting Iowa’s Economy, 2012. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Commission on Urban Planning Growth Management of Cities and Protection of Farmland, January 1998. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1998) Evaluation of Photoacoustic Spectroscopy for Quality Control of Cement, TR-409, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Fiscal Update, January 20, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

(1998) Guidelines For Development of the Statewide. Transportation Improvement Program, January 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Iowa Community College Funding Formula Task Force Report Funding Study Recommendations to the Iowa General Assembly Regarding the Community College Funding Formula Report, January 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Iowa Conservationist, January/February 1998, Vol. 57, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Iowa Geological, January 1998, no. 23. University of Iowa

(1998) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1996-1997, January 1998. Library of Iowa, State

(1998) Iowa Rail Route Alternatives Analysis, June 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Lighting improvements for I-235 corridor, Polk County Iowa, January 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Population Movement at the Hospital-Schools for the Mentally Retarded, Standard Reporting Unit, Bureau of Research and Statistics, January 1998. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1998) Proceedings of the Watershed Partnerships, Protecting Our Water Resources Conference, January 20-21, 1998. Iowa State University

(1998) Progress Report Task Force to Study Iowa's System of State and Local Taxation presented to the Legislative Council and the Iowa General Assembly, January 1998. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1998) Retaining Wall - Modular Unit Reinforced Earth Tensar Geogrid Reinforcement, HR-549, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Summary of FY 1999 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1998. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1998) A Supplemental Report on the Performance Levels of Iowa's Adult Basic Education Target Populations, Division of Community Colleges and Workforce Preparation, January 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) A Supplemental Report on the Performance Levels of Iowa's Adult Basic Education Target Populations, January 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Surficial Geology Materials of Linn County, January 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Surficial Geology Materials of the Bertram Quadrangle, January 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 2, no.6, January/February 1998. Human Rights, Department of

1 January 1998

(1998) Iowa Vehicle Registrations Statistics, January 1, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Miles of Public Roads in Iowa by Surface Type, January 1, 1998. Transportation, Department of

10 January 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, January 20, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

(1998) Fiscal Update, January 20, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

15 January 1998

(1998) Location Referencing System Team Report, Final Report, January 15, 1998. Transportation, Department of

26 January 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, January 26, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

February 1998

(1998) BEST Measurement Survey Results, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Bedrock Geology of Linn County Iowa, February 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Depth to Bedrock - Linn County Iowa, February 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Electronic Bulletin Board System, HR-345, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Groundwater Vulnerability Linn County Iowa, February 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Guide Specifications for Shotcrete Repair of Highway Bridges, February 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Potential Aggregate Resources Linn County Iowa, February 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) The Potential of Friction as a Tool for Winter Maintenance, TR-400, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Review of Cold In-Place Recycled Asphalt Concrete Projects, HR-392, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Soft Photogrammetry for Highway Engineering, HR-387, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Technology News, February-March 1998. Transportation, Department of

1 February 1998

(1998) Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, 26th annual report, Feb. 1 1998. Human Rights, Department of

2 February 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, February 2, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

9 February 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, February 9, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

13 February 1998

(1998) Justice Data Warehouse Assessment, Summary Report, February 13, 1998. Human Rights, Department of

16 February 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, February 16, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

(1998) Fiscal Update, February 16, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

18 February 1998

(1998) Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY1997 of the Department of Administrative Services, February 18, 1998. Revenue, Department of

23 February 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, February 23, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

(1998) Fiscal Update, February 23, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

March 1998

(1998) Evaluation of Maturity and Pulse Velocity Measurements for PCC Traffic Opening Decisions, HR-380, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) The Governor's Blue Ribbon Transportation Task Force: Implementation Report for Maximizing the Efficient Use of Iowa's Road Use Tax Fund, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Iowa Community College Accounting Manual, March 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Iowa Conservationist, March/April 1998, Vol. 57, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Shallow Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring of the Silver Creek Sub-Basin within the Big Spring Basin 1986-1995, March 1998. University of Iowa

(1998) State Capitol building : built in 1886, 1998. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1998) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 3, no.1, March/April 1998. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 3, no.1, March/April 1998. Human Rights, Department of

2 March 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, March 2, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

10 March 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, March 10, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

16 March 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, March 16, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

30 March 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, March 30, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

(1998) Fiscal Update, March 30, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

April 1998

(1998) 1998 Iowa Public Transit Directory, April 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) GIS-Based Accident Location and Analysis System (GIS-ALAS) Project Report: Phase 1, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Guide for state accreditation of Iowa Community Colleges, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Managing Risk with Crop Insurance prepared by William Edwards, April 1998. Iowa State University

(1998) Policy Brief Cost of Sexual Violence in Iowa,. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) School to Adult Life, 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Technology News, April-May 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Their future ... our guidance : Iowa IEP guidebook, April 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Uniform Crime Reports as a Vehicle For Reporting State Wide Data on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, April 1998. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Video Inspection of Highway Edgedrain Systems, HR-317, 1998. Transportation, Department of

6 April 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, April 6, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

13 April 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, April 13, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

15 April 1998

(1998) Aggregate Tests related to Performance of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, final Report, April 15, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Report of the Bridge Design Aesthetics Team by Ron Meyer, April 15, 1998. Transportation, Department of

20 April 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, April 20, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

28 April 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, April 28, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

May 1998

(1998) Effect of Mix Times on PCC Properties, HR-1066, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Embankment Quality, TR-401, Phase I, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Iowa Conservationist, May/June 1998, Vol. 57, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Records Management System: Pilot Projects Functional Report, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 3, no.2, May/June 1998. Human Rights, Department of

19 May 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, May 19, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

June 1998

(1998) Attitudes and Opinions on Iowa's Beverage Container Recycling Law, June 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Des Moines, June 1977. Iowa Workforce Development

(1998) Field Testing of Integral Abutments, Interim Report, HR-399, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Image Analysis for Evaluating Air Void Parameters of Concrete, HR-396, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) An Index to Place Names Found in the A.T. Andreas Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Iowa, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) IowAccess Project 10: Electronic Commerce Business Plan, June 1998. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1998) IowAccess Project 10: Electronic commerce Business Plan: Application Workbook, June 1998. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1998) The Mormon Trail: Historic Byway Inventory and Evaluation, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Performance Based Specifications, TR-403, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Preventing Cracking at Diaphragm/Plate Girder Connections in Steel Bridges, HR-393, 1998. Transportation, Department of

2 June 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, June 2, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

26 June 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, June 26, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

July 1998

(1998) CTAMS GeoMedia User Tool Documentation and Technical GIS Concepts, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Definitions and Essential Elements: Student Discipline Provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 1997, July 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Field Evaluation of Quality Management Concrete, MLR-97-3, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Iowa DOT GeoMedia Training Manual,1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 3, no.3, July/August 1998. Human Rights, Department of

20 July 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, July 20, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

August 1998

(1998) Bedrock Geology of Northeast Iowa, August 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Demonstration and Field Evaluation of Alternative Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Reinforcement Materials, Construction Report, HR-1069, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Directory of Iowa's teacher preparation institutions, August 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) First year evaluation of Iowa's Basic Skills certification program, August 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) Iowa Conservationist, July/August 1998, Vol. 57, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Reuse of Waste Truck Tires as Drainage Culverts, August 1998. Iowa State University

(1998) Technology News, August-September 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) US Highway 65 / IA-330 Improvements Polk and Jasper Counties, Iowa : Limited Phase I, Environmental Site Assessment, 1998. Transportation, Department of

10 August 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, August 10, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

28 August 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, August 28, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

September 1998

(1998) Assistive technology creating a pathway: Iowa Assistive Technology Guidebook, 1998. General Services, Department of

(1998) Design manual: streambed degradation and streambank widening in western Iowa (US Army corps of Engineers, Omaha District and Loess Hills Development & Conservation Authority.

(1998) Identification of Hardwood Trees in Iowa, September 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Iowa Conservationist, September/October 1998, Vol. 57, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Maximizing the Use of Roadway Weather Information Systems: Final Report, TR-404, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa: Structure Evaluation and Design Manual, HR-385, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 3, no.4, September/October 1998. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Team Diversity Newsletter, Vol 3, no.5, November/December 1998. Human Rights, Department of

1 September 1998

(1998) Evaluation of Iowa's public mental health system : task two report, 1998. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

3 September 1998

(1998) Implementing a District-Wide Standards-Referenced Assessment System, A Report from the Assessment Literacy Task Group at the request of the Iowa Department of Education, September 3, 1998. Education, Department of

11 September 1998

(1998) Building Communities for Tomorrow, September 1998. Iowa State University Extension

16 September 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, September 16, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

22 September 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, September 22, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

25 September 1998

(1998) Identification of Conifer Trees in Iowa, September 22, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) IowAccess Project 8 : statewide geographic information systems (GIS) support, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

October 1998

(1998) Child's Play, Art by Kathy Reschke and Lesia Oesterreich, October 1998. Iowa State University Extension

(1998) Child's Play, Fingerplays Plus by Kathy Reschke and Lesia Oesterreich, October 1998. Iowa State University Extension

(1998) Education on Urban Corridor Issues Through Computer Animation, TR-419, October 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Improved Employment Data for Transportation Planning, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Simulation and Analysis of Arterial Traffic Operations Along the U.S. 61 Corridor in Burlington, Iowa, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Technology News, October-November 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Technology News, October-November 1998. Transportation, Department of

5 October 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, October 5, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

21 October 1998

(1998) Iowa Insurance Commissioner Bulletin: October 21, 1998. Insurance Division (Commerce)

29 October 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, October 29, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

November 1998

(1998) Coming into Focus A Needs Assessment and State Plan for Iowans with Brain Injury, November 1998. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1998) Iowa Conservationist, November/December 1998, Vol. 57, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Load Ratings for Standard Bridges, HR-239 Phase III, 1998. Transportation, Department of

13 November 1998

(1998) 1997-1998 University of Northern Iowa Annual Financial Report, November 13, 1998. Auditor of State

20 November 1998

(1998) Compendium of Student Papers: Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, November 20, 1998. Iowa State University

(1998) Fiscal Update, November 20, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

December 1998

(1998) Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle, Final Report, Phase Two, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Feasibility of Using Automated Distress Data in the County Need Study, TR-418, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Iowa Child Death Review Team Report to the Governor and General Assembly Annual Report for 1998, December 1998. Medical Examiner, Iowa State

(1998) Multimodal Investment Analysis Methodology, Phase One: The Conceptual Model, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Not your ordinary 9 to 5, December, 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Orientation Center Newsletter, December 1998. Blind, Department for the

(1998) Retail Sales and Use Tax Annual Report FY 1998, December 1998. Revenue, Department of

(1998) Retail Sales and Use Tax Annual Report FY 1998, December 1998. Revenue, Department of

(1998) Robust Estimates of Value of a Statistical Life for Developing Economies: An Application to Pollution and Mortality in Santiago, December 1998. Iowa State University

3 December 1998

(1998) Annual Governance Report on Faculty Tenure, Board of Regents, December 3, 1998. Board of Regents, State of Iowa

7 December 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, December 7, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

8 December 1998

(1998) Fiscal Update, December 8, 1998. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

23 December 1998

(1998) Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY1998 of the Department of Administrative Services, December 23, 1998. Revenue, Department of

31 December 1998

(1998) An Analysis of the Area Education Agencies as required by House File 2533, 77th General Assembly, December 31, 1998. Education, Department of

Spring 1998

(1998) Homelessness in Iowa, Findings from the 1997 Statewide Study by Paula W. Dail, Spring 1998. Education, Department of

(1998) I-35 Corridor Trade Study Newsletter, Spring 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Leopold Letter: A Newsletter of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Spring 1998. Iowa State University

(1998) Study Circles Newsletter, Spring 1998. Civil Rights Commission

Summer 1998

(1998) Leopold Letter: A Newsletter of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Summer 1998. Iowa State University

(1998) Study Circles Newsletter, Summer 1998. Civil Rights Commission

Fall 1998

(1998) I-35 Corridor Trade Study Newsletter, Fall 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Iowa Ag Review, Fall 1998, Vol. 4 , no. 1. Iowa State University

(1998) Leopold Letter: A Newsletter of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Fall 1998. Iowa State University

Winter 1998

(1998) I-35 Corridor Trade Study Newsletter, Winter 1998. Transportation, Department of

(1998) Leopold Letter: A Newsletter of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Winter 1998. Iowa State University

This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 06:05:48 2025 CST.