Implementing a District-Wide Standards-Referenced Assessment System, A Report from the Assessment Literacy Task Group at the request of the Iowa Department of Education, September 3, 1998

(1998) Implementing a District-Wide Standards-Referenced Assessment System, A Report from the Assessment Literacy Task Group at the request of the Iowa Department of Education, September 3, 1998. Education, Department of


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The purpose of this document is to provide information, outline the necessary steps and present supporting references so that a local school district can successfully implement a district-wide standards-referenced assessment system (DSRAS.) Such a system is different from a district-wide testing program, program evaluation or other monitoring program in several regards. The goal of such an assessment system is improved learning through informed instruction. Be assured, this is a very challenging goal, and one that will require the commitment and dedication of all those involved: state agency personnel, local administrators, local teachers, and students. With the help of this document and the additional resources identified within, this task should be achievable. This document is not the final word regarding what represents a "good" or a "bad" assessment program. This document is neither all-inclusive nor exhaustive. The committee responsible for this document sees it evolving, as examples of district-wide assessment systems become available.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: accreditation standards, School Rules, schools, students
Subjects: Education
Education > School personnel > Teachers
Education > Students
ID Code: 47244
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 15 Dec 2023 16:22
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2023 16:22