Items where Year is 1974

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(1974) Fortieth Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1974. Governor's Office

(1974) Bridge Deck Waterproofing Membrane Study;MLR-74-01, R-262, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Communication System : Employing the IBM 370 Computer System, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Des Moines-Raccoon River Basin characteristics related to Red Rock and Saylorville Reservoirs, Special Report, December 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) An Experiment to Derive Predictive Models of Public Response to Policy Manipulations in Public Bus Transportation by J.J. Louviere, December 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Fertilizer Phosphorous, Use it Efficiently prepared by R.D. Voss, J.R. Webb and R.W. Bohling, December 1974. Iowa State University Extension

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, December 1974, Vol. 33, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Report on Cold Water Cave, December 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) A preliminary study of dredging programs, benefits, costs, and effects for eight Iowa lakes, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) IoWoman, November 1974. Human Rights, Department of

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, November 1974, Vol. 33, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Juvenile Probation Resources in Iowa, November 1974. Corrections, Department of

(1974) Projected Quantities of Grain and Fertilizer Requiring Transportation Services in Iowa in 1979-80 and 1984-85, by Counties: CARD Report 51, November 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) Economic Analysis of Advance 4-Lane Right of Way Acquisition, October 8, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, October 1974, Vol. 33, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) The Marshalltown Area: Past, Present and Future Population Trends with Social and Economic Characteristics, October 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) Mississippi River Flood Plain Information, Mile 549.4 to Mile 608.5 prepared for the Iowa Natural Resources Council, October 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Organization of Feedlot Operations prepared by Neil E. Harl, October 1974. Iowa State University Extension

(1974) Current Population Reports Series P-26, Federal-State cooperative program for population estimates, September 1974. Library of Iowa, State

(1974) Davenport, Iowa to La Crosse, Wisconsin: Highway Corridor Study, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Guide to Aerial Imagery of Iowa, September 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, September 1974, Vol. 33, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Summary of Multispectral Flood Inundation Mapping in Iowa, September 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) Energy Policy Council Railroad Report by Iowa Energy Policy Council, August 6, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, August 1974, Vol. 33, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Patterns of Living related to Income Poverty in Disadvantaged Families, A Basebook, August 1974. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1974) Prescribed Drugs in the Medicaid Program, August 1974. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1974) Des Moines River (east and west forks to Des Moines, Iowa) Winter Water Quality Study by the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory, July 25, 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) 1974 Survey of Dentists. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1974) Attachments to report of Professional Salary Study Committee, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Considerations of Airport and Secondary Road Abandonment by Eugene Wilson Prepared for Dept. of Transportation, July 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Current Population Reports Series P-26, Federal-State cooperative program for population estimates, July 1974. Library of Iowa, State

(1974) Home Rule for Iowa Counties by Peter T. Gardner, July 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, July 1974, Vol. 33, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Measurement of Pavement Surface Variations;HR-152, July 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Methane Generation from Livestock Wastes, July 1974. Iowa State University Extension

(1974) Models of Soil Loss, Land and Water Use, Spatial Agricultural Structure, and The Environment, July 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) Preliminary Iowa population projection: 1970-2020, July 1974. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1974) A Report Of A Survey Of Iowa Public School Districts To Determine The Present Status Of Health Education, July 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Natural resources : final report to the Governor's Conference on Iowa in the Year 2000, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Civil Rights Orientation Training; A Self-Study Guide, Iowa Employment Security Commission, June 1974. Iowa Workforce Development

(1974) IoWoman, June 1974. Human Rights, Department of

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, June 1974, Vol. 33, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Job Competency Needs of Sanitarian Aides, June 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Location Study for Freeway 518 and Expressway 18W from Iowa 3 in Bremer County to Iowa 107 in Cerro Gordo County Iowa State Highway Commission, June 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Study Completion Report Wildlife Research and Surveys Projects Federal Aid Project No. W-115-R-1: Pheasant Nesting Studies on Public Lands, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Available-Sulfur Status of Some Representative Iowa Soils, May 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) Evaluating and selecting instructional materials for specific learners, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Evaluation of Chemically Stabilized Secondary Roads, May 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) High-Moisture Corn Storage prepared by Larry Van Vossen, May 19074. Iowa State University

(1974) Introduction To Radiological Monitoring for Accidents or Incidents, May 1974. Iowa National Guard

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, May 1974, Vol. 33, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Iowa Highway Patrol Manpower Study prepared by the State Planning Agency of the Iowa Crime Commission, 1974. Public Safety, Department of

(1974) Land use policy : guide for a growing Iowa, 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) Occupational Classification, May 1974. Iowa Workforce Development

(1974) Sprinkler Irrigation Systems for Waste Disposal from Lagoons prepared by Jeff Lorimor, May 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of application for installation of automatic highway-railroad grade crossing signal protection at the location where main street crossed the tracks of the Burlington Northern Inc. in the town of Lucas, Iowa: Docket No. A-6901 decision and order decided April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of installation and maintenance of railroad-highway crossing signals on secondary road and Chicago and North Western Transportation Company railway tracks in Westgate, Iowa: docket no. A-6911 : decision and order decided April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission: in the matter of application for installation of automatic highway-railroad grade crossing signal protection at the location where North Maple Street crosses the tracks of the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company in the City of Carroll, Iowa: Docket no. A-6898 : decision and order decided April 30, 1974, April 30, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission in the matter of application for the commission's approval of the transfer of liquid transport carrier certificate of convenience and necessity no. LC-25. : Marion H. Pthoven, D/B/A Pothoven Oil Company, Oskaloosa, Iowa, Transfer and Pothoven Transport, Inc., Oskaloosa, Iowa, Transferee: Docket No. DLC-418: decision and order decided April 26, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Civil Defense Training and Education Catalog, April 1974. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

(1974) Iowa Civil Defense: Iowa Warning System Operations Plan, April 10, 1974. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, April 1974, Vol. 33, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Iowa Emergency Plan, Department of Public Defense, Civil Defense Division, 1974. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

(1974) Iowa Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Operations Plan,. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

(1974) The Northern Pike Population in Brown's Lake, Iowa following a Winterkill by Kay Hill, April 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Radiological Defense DCPA Training Source Set Procedures Manual, April 2974. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

(1974) Survey No. 1, Fibrous Concrete Resurfacing Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Construction Progress Report No. 7: Five-in-One Bridge and Dam Structure in Cedar Rapids of Linn County, Iowa, March 8, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) A Unified Approach to A Criminal Justice Problem, March 8, 1974. Human Rights, Department of

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, March 1974, Vol. 33, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Route Improvement Study of Iowa 148 through Anita in Cass County from the South City Limits of Anita Northerly to Iowa 148 in North Anita compiled by the Project Planning Section of the Corridor Planning Department, March 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Survey of Dentists Iowa, 1973. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1974) A manual on low-income housing programs in Iowa: Card Report 47, March 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) A Computerized Method for the Hydrologic Design of Culverts;HR-164, February 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Estimating Farm Fuel requirements for Crop Production and Livestock Operations, February 1974. Iowa State University Extension

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, February 1974, Vol. 33, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Iowa Forestry Bulletin,1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Route Improvement Study of Iowa 44 in Harrison County from U.S. 30 easterly to the Shelby County compiled by the Project Planning Section of the Corridor Planning Department, February 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Small Volume Mixing of Fungicides prepared A.H. Epstein, February 1974. Iowa State University Extension

(1974) Traffic Engineering Study for the Forest City Iowa, February 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Bibliography of fisheries publications of the Iowa Conservation Commission, 1935-74. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Fisheries Recommendations for Iowa by Carl L. Hubbs & J. Clark Salyer, 1932. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Guidelines for Newborn Care prepared by Herman A. Hein, January 28, 1974. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1974) Iowa Library Information Teletype Exchange, Regulations and Operational Techniques: A Manual for Library Administrators TWX Operators, January 1, 1974. Library of Iowa, State

(1974) Campaign Finance Disclosure Commission rules and accounting procedures, 1974. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1974) Cash Flow and Project Management Programming and Scheduling Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Corn Planting Dates, July 1974. Iowa State University Extension

(1974) Final Report of Professional Salary Study Committee, July 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Final Report-Freeway Operations Analysis of I-80 to I-29 Interchange;HR-166, January 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Getting the Most Out of N for Corn, January 1974. Iowa State University Extension

(1974) Iowa Conservationist, January 1974, Vol. 33, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Minimum Floodway and Flood Protection Requirements, Skunk River-Squaw Creek, Ames Iowa, January 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Selecting an Environment for Swine prepared by Larry Van Fossen, January 1974. Iowa State University Extension

(1974) State Cost Sharing for Soil Conservation in Iowa, January 1974. Iowa State University Extension

(1974) 165 of the Top 500 Operate 455 Plants in Iowa compiled by the Iowa Development Commission, 1974. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1974) 1973 Public Library Statistics, State Library of Iowa, 1974. Library of Iowa, State

(1974) Adult Corrections in Iowa, Division of Correctional Institutions, 1974. Corrections, Department of

(1974) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1974, Vol. 45. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, Spencer Iowa, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Annual Report on State and Area Occupational Requirements for Vocational Education, Washington Iowa, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Annual Report, Highway Research and Development in Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1972-June 30, 1974, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Area Education Agencies, Department of Public Instruction, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Badger, 1974, A Community & Neighborhood Recreation Plan, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Cedar River, Waste Load Allocation Study, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Community Resource Materials, 1974. Drug Control Policy, Office of

(1974) Consolidated Law Enforcement in Iowa prepared by South Iowa Area Crime Commission, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) A County-Wide Conservation, Open Spaces & Outdoor Recreation Plan for Humboldt County, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Data Processing Orientation "EIT" Program, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Deferred Compensation Program for Employees of the State of Iowa, 1974. Governor's Office

(1974) Deferred Compensation Program for: Employees of the State of Iowa, 1974. Governor's Office

(1974) Development and Application of a Model for Multi-County Rural Community Development: Card Report 52T, 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) The Effects of Cage Reared and Released Channel Catfish on established Fish and Benthic Fish Food Populations by Larry Mitzner, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Effects of Flood Water Management and Fish Species Introduction on Fish Populations in Large Reservoirs by Vaughn L. Paragamian, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Equal Employment and Unions by Edgar R. Czarnecki, 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) Evaluation of Biological Control of Nuisance Aquatic Vegetation by White Amur by Larry Mitzner, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) An Evaluation of Several Types of Gear for Sampling Fish Populations, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Executive Order Number Nineteen, February 1974. Governor's Office

(1974) The Golden Dome, 1974. Senate and Staff

(1974) A Guide to Educationally related Organizations in Iowa: A Summary of the Role of and a Listing of the Key Personnel in Iowa Organizations which Supplement the efforts of those charged with the Formal Education of Iowa Citizens, 1973-1974. Office for Planning and Programming, 1974. Management, Department of

(1974) A Guide to the Iowa Public Employment Relations Act of 1974, 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) A Handbook for Recruiting, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) The Impact of Declining Enrollment on Education with Recommendations for Action by Robert D. Benton, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Improved Spelling through Scientific Investigation, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) In No Time at All, 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1974. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1974) Inventory of Iowa Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities, 1974. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1974) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1974. Civil Rights Commission

(1974) Iowa Community Mental Health Services State Plan, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1974-December 1974, Volume 33. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Iowa Drug Information Service, College of Pharmacy, 1965. University of Iowa

(1974) Iowa Election Handbook with Election Laws of Iowa, 1974. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1974) Iowa Employment Security Law including revisions by the Sixty-Fifth General Assembly and Rules for Administration administered by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, 1974. Iowa Workforce Development

(1974) Iowa Highway Safety Program: Legislative Summary, 65th General Assembly, September 1, 1974. Public Safety, Department of

(1974) Iowa Merit System Handbook for Selection Device: Validation and Construction, 1974. Governor's Office

(1974) Iowa Motorcycle Accident Study, 1971-1973, 1974. Public Safety, Department of

(1974) Iowa Municipal Salaries Cities between 3,500-7,500 Population, Division of Municipal Affairs, 1974. Iowa Workforce Development

(1974) Iowa Municipal Salaries Cities over 7,500 Population, Division of Municipal Affairs, 1974. Iowa Workforce Development

(1974) The Iowa Official Register, 1973-1974. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1974) Iowa Public Library Information, State Library of Iowa, 1973. Library of Iowa, State

(1974) Iowa River Basin, Waste Load Allocation Study, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Iowa Statewide Highway Transportation Study: Trip Data Analysis, Vol. 1-D, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) The Iowa state psychopathic hospital. University of Iowa

(1974) Iowa's Highway Safety Comprehensive Plan prepared by the Iowa Highway Commission FY1974-77,. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Iowa's Statement on Project Independence, 1974. Office of Energy Independence

(1974) Job Analysis Questionnaire, 1974. Administrative Services

(1974) Job Analysis Questionnaire, 1974b. Administrative Services

(1974) Job Analysis Questionnaire, 1974c. Administrative Services

(1974) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 65th GA Vol. 2, 1974. House of Representatives and Staff

(1974) Journal of the Senate of the 65th GA 2 of the State of Iowa, 1974. Senate and Staff

(1974) Merchandising Your Job Talents, 1974. Iowa Workforce Development

(1974) The Metric System, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) The Minerals of Iowa, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Missouri River Tributaries, Waste Load Allocation Study, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Nishnabotna River Basin, Waste Load Allocation Study, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Plan Now to Help Iowa Celebrate the Nation's 200th Anniversary, 1776-1976,1974. Governor's Office

(1974) Policy & Guidelines on Non-Discrimination in Iowa Schools, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1974. Library of Iowa, State

(1974) Raccoon River Basin, Waste Load Allocation Study, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Report of the Pari-Mutuel Racing Study Committee to the Second Session of the Sixty-Fifth General Assembly, 1974. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(1974) Reports of Study Committees created by the Iowa Legislative Council to the Second Session of the sixty-fifth General Assembly meeting in the year 1974, 1974. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1974) Reservoir Investigations Project No. F-94-R-4 prepared by Larry Mitzner, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Rockwell City, 1974, A Community & Neighborhood Recreation Plan, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Roster of State Officials, 1974. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1974) Rules and Regulations relating to Air Pollution Control, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Rules and Regulations, by Iowa Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Commission, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Rules of Special Education, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) The School Bus : Minimum Standards for Construction of School Transportation Equipment (Legal Requirements and Regulations), 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) The School Bus, Minimum Standards for Construction of School Transportation Equipment, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Shovelnose Sturgeon in the Mississippi River Iowa by Don Helms, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Skunk River Basin, Waste Load Allocation Study, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) Special Report: Federal Administrations Waiver Strategy for Planned Variation Cities. Transportation, Department of

(1974) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1974, 1974. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1974) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 65 no. 2, 1974. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1974) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) State of Social and Economic Development in the North Central Region of the United States, 1974. General Services, Department of

(1974) Statistical summaries of Iowa streamflow data through September 30, 1971, 1974. Transportation, Department of

(1974) Strong Programs of Education and Service for Children and Adults requiring Special Kinds of Instruction, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Strong Programs of Education and Services for Children and Adults requiring Special Kinds of Instruction, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Strong programs of education and service for children and adults requiring special kinds of instruction, Task Force Two, 1974. Education, Department of

(1974) Studies in Labor and Manpower, 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1974. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1974) Thirty-First Biennial Report of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1974. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1974) Toward the Development of a Statewide Land Use Information System for Iowa: System Characteristics and Criteria, 1974. University of Northern Iowa

(1974) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1974. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1974) Value of Crop Production, Iowa Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, 1974. Iowa State University

(1974) Waste Load Allocation Study: Point Source Waterwater Discharges, 1971. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1974) Water Quality in the Iowa Great Lakes, A Report to the Iowa Great Lakes Water Quality Control Plan, 1974. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1974) Women and Public Policy, A Humanistic Perspective by Mildred H. Lavin and Clara H. Oleson, 1974. University of Iowa

(1974) Your State Employment Service: A Division of the Iowa Employment Security Commission, 1974. Iowa Workforce Development

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