Items where Year is 1995

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Number of items: 178.


(1995) 1995 Iowa State Park User Survey, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) 1995 Iowa Uniform Crime Report. Public Safety, Department of

(1995) 1995 Vehicle Fleet Summary, Office of Vehicle Services, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) 461 Task Force Final Report submitted to Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission: Volumes 1 & 2, 1995. Governor's Office

(1995) Adolescence, A Continuum from Childhood to Adulthood, 1995. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Annual Report State Library of Iowa 1994-1995. Library of Iowa, State

(1995) Annual Report Survey Results for the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1995. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1995. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(1995) Auditor's Guide to Absentee Voting, 1995. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1995) D-3 Dependent Adult Abuse Report, 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) DNR Annual Report of the Fiscal Year 1995, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Executive Order Number Fifty Eight, July 1, 1995. Governor's Office

(1995) Executive Order Number Fifty Five, June 22, 1995. Governor's Office

(1995) Executive Order Number Fifty Seven, June 28, 1995. Governor's Office

(1995) Executive Order Number Fifty Six, December 18, 1995. Governor's Office

(1995) Field of Skirts by Jo Heying, 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Geode: Iowa's State Rock, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) HIV/AIDS in Iowa 1995, 1995. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Handbook for Older Iowans: A Legal Information and Resource Guide produced by the Young Lawyers Division of the Iowa State Bar Association, 1995. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)

(1995) [Historic site] : Matthew Edel Blacksmith Shop, 1995. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1995) Household Insect Pest Management, 1995. Iowa State University Extension

(1995) IRP Instruction Manual, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Improvement of U.S. 20 Sac, Calhoun and Webster Counties in Iowa, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1995. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1995) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1995. Attorney General

(1995) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1995. Civil Rights Commission

(1995) Iowa Conservationist Index, January-December 1995, Volume 54. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1995. University of Iowa

(1995) Iowa Sales Use Tax Information: Auto Repair and Body Shops, 1995. Revenue, Department of

(1995) Iowa Schools: A Community Investment A Report from Keith Robinson, 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Iowa State Library Survey, 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Iowa Waste Reduction Center : a toolbox for pollution prevention, 1995. University of Northern Iowa

(1995) Iowa air emissions assistance program, 1995. University of Northern Iowa

(1995) Iowa bibliography: 16mm films, 1/2" VHS videotapes. 1995. Library of Iowa, State

(1995) Iowa's Tech Prep Model, Issues, Model components, "Patterns of Evidence, 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Iowa's counties : selected population trends, vital statistics, and socioeconomic data. Library of Iowa, State

(1995) Iowa, A Celebration of Land, People & Purpose, The Official Commemorative Book of the Iowa Sesquicentennial, 1995. Governor's Office

(1995) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 76th GA Vol. 1, no. 1, 1995. House of Representatives and Staff

(1995) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 76th GA Vol. 1, no. 2, 1995. House of Representatives and Staff

(1995) Journal of the Senate of the 76th GA 1 Vol. 1 of the State of Iowa, 1995. Senate and Staff

(1995) Journal of the Senate of the 76th GA 1 Vol. 2 of the State of Iowa, 1995. Senate and Staff

(1995) Lake Anita State Park, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Medicaid for the Qualified Medicare beneficiary, How Medicaid can help you pay your Medicare Premiums, Deductibles and Coinsurance, September 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Nine Eagles State Park, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (29 CFR part 1910) promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1995. Labor, Division of

(1995) Palisades-Kepler State Park, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Potential-Scour Assessments and Estimates of Maximum Scour at Selected Bridges in Iowa, HR-344, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Prairie voices: An Iowa Heritage Curriculum, 1995. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1995) Precambrian Geology of Iowa and Surrounding Area, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Roster of State Officials, 1995. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1995) Selection of Instructional Materials, A Model Policy and Rules, 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Services for At-Risk Populations: Summary of Financial Resources for Program Development 1994-95, 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1995. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1995) State Capitol building: Built in 1886, 1995. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1995) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 75, no. 1, 1995. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1995) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1995. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1995) Toolesboro Indian Mounds: 100 A.D., 1995. University of Iowa

(1995) Union Grove State Park, 1985. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Union Grove State Park, 1985. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science newsletter. 1995-1996, no. 37. University of Iowa

(1995) Yellow River Forest, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1995

(1995) Automated Collection of Sign Inventory Information by Integrating Global Positioning System (GPS) with Videologging Data Collection Activities, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Bentonite Treatment for Economical Dust Reduction on Limestone Surfaced Secondary Roads, HR-351, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Bicycle Facilities Network Identification Handbook, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) A Different Perspective for Investigation of PCC Pavement Deterioration, HR-2074, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) An Engineering Study to Update the Iowa Transportation Laws Annotated: HR 324a January 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Heat Dissipation and Crack Control in Massive Concrete at the Burlington Bridge, MLR-94-1, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Investigation of PCC Pavement Deterioration: A Few Facts are Worth More than 100 Opinions, Interim Report, HR-2074, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Iowa Conservationist, January/February 1995, Volume 54, no. 1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Iowa Development of Rubblized Concrete Pavement Base - Mills County, HR-315, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Iowa Geological, January 1995, no. 20. University of Iowa

(1995) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1993-1994, January 1995. Library of Iowa, State

(1995) A Report to the Iowa General Assembly on the Community College Funding Formula, January 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Resource Guide for Small Business Air Emission Assistance, Program for Toxic Air Pollutant Studies, January 1995. University of Northern Iowa

(1995) Self Instructional Math, HR-324, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Summary of FY 1996 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1995. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1995) Surface Water Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1986-1992: A Summary Review, January 1995. University of Iowa

1 January 1995

(1995) Kilometers Of Public Roads In Iowa By Surface Type, January 1, 1995. Transportation, Department of

11 January 1995

(1995) Transportation Research Board 1920-1995 : 75 Years of Excellence...and IOWA was there from the beginning., 1995. Transportation, Department of

31 January 1995

(1995) 1994 Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners, January 31, 1995. Medical Examiner, Iowa State

February 1995

(1995) American Gothic House : Built in the 1880's, 1995. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1995) Evaluation of Microcracking and Chemical Deterioration in Concrete Pavements: Phase II, HR-358, Progress Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Iowa Adult Literacy Profiles, Vol. 1, no.2, February 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Iowa Advisory Council on Head Injuries: Annual Report & State Plan FY1994, February 1995. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Metric Short Course for the Office of Bridges and Structures, HR-378, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Plum Grove Historic Home : Built in 1844, 1995. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1995) Technology News, February 1995. Transportation, Department of

1 February 1995

(1995) Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, 23rd Annual Report, Feb. 1, 1995. Human Rights, Department of

March 1995

(1995) Abbie Gardner Cabin : Built in 1856, 1995. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1995) Connecting the Pieces of a Growing Iowa Ethanol Industry proceedings from a One-Day Conference and Five Regional Seminars, March 1995. Iowa State University Extension

(1995) Iowa Ag Review, March 1995, Vol. 1, no. 2. Iowa State University

(1995) Iowa's "Great River Road" Scenic Byway Evaluation, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Pipe Rehabilitation with Polyethylene Pipe Liners, HR-370, Construction Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Recruiting and Retaining Women and Minorities in Public Sector Engineering Positions, HR-348, 1995. Transportation, Department of

31 March 1995

(1995) Impact of Farming Practices on Water Quality in Iowa, March 31, 1995. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 1995

(1995) Airborne GPS Final Report, HR-359, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Asphalt Resurfacing Structural Research, HR-556, Construction Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Automated Recording of Bridge Inspection Data in the Pontis Format Final Report, HR-364 April 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Coarse Aggregate Gradations for P.C. Concrete, MLR-94-8, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Iowa Conservationist, March/April 1995, Volume 54, no. 2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Iowa State University Dairy Ration, April 1985. Iowa State University

(1995) Laboratory Testing of SHRP SPS-2 P.C.C. Mixes, MLR-94-5, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Protection of your resources and income : how Medicaid can help couples pay the cost of a spouse's care in a medical facility, 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Staff Chatter, Woodward State Hospital-School, Vol. 29, no.9, April 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Technology News, April 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Ultra Thin PCC Overlays, HR-559, Construction Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

23 April 1995

(1995) The Natural History of Backbone State Park Delaware County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 23, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

May 1995

(1995) Creating Partnerships : A Handbook for Educators, May 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Freeze-Thaw Durability Testing of Oversanded Bridge Floor Concrete, MLR-95-5, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Groundwater Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1992-1993: A Summary Review, May 1995. University of Iowa

(1995) Iowa Conservationist, May/June 1995, Volume 54, no. 3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Maintenance Division Transportation Region Organizational Review, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Staff Chatter, Woodward State Hospital-School, Vol. 29, no. 10, May 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

June 1995

(1995) Design Methodology for Corrugated Metal Pipe Tiedowns, HR-362, Phase II, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Design Methodology for Corrugated Metal Pipe Tiedowns: Phase II by R.A. Lohnes, June 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Growth and Public Transportation Investments: Growth Management Strategies to Reduce Transportation Capital Costs In and Near Midwestern Urban Areas, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Iowa Ag Review, June 1995, Vol. 1, no. 3. Iowa State University

(1995) Staff Chatter, Woodward State Hospital-School, Vol. 29, no. 12, June 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Strength Development of Concrete Based on Maturity and Pulse Velocity, MLR-95-03, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Synthetic Estimates of Adult Literacy Proficiencies for Regions of Iowa, June 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Technology News, June 1995. Transportation, Department of

26 June 1995

(1995) Continuous Quality Improvement Snow Plow Accident Study Report, 1995. Transportation, Department of

July 1995

(1995) Administrative Rules of Special Education, July 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Administrative Summary: School-Based Youth Services Program: Year-End Development Report For 1993-94, July 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Ag-chemical dealers, cooperatives elevators, fertilizer dealers, 1995. Revenue, Department of

(1995) Creating Partnerships with Education : a Handbook for Business, July 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Iowa Conservationist, July/August 1995, Volume 54, no. 4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) "Making changes that Make a Difference": Iowa's Venture Capital Program for School Districts, July 1995. Commerce, Department of

(1995) Staff Chatter, Woodward State Hospital-School, Vol. 29, no. 13, July 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) A plan for an electronic library and information services program for Iowa : presented to the Honorable Terry E. Branstad and members of the Iowa General Assembly, 1995. Governor's Office

31 July 1995

(1995) Commercial Driver's License in a Nutshell, July 1995. Transportation, Department of

August 1995

(1995) Bond Development in Concrete Overlays:HR-561, August 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Developing Research Database Tools and Evaluating the Impact of Multi-Service School Programs, Administrative summary by Dr. James R. Veale, August 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Effect of Environmental Factors and Harvest Regulations upon the Crappie Sportfishery at Rathbun Lake by Larry R. Mitzner, August 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Inventory of Policies and Practices related to Student Failure and Dropping Out, August 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Medicaid for the medically needy, 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Protection of your Resources and Income, How Medicaid can Help Couples Pay the Cost of a Spouse's Care in a Medical Facility, 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Technology News, August 1995. Transportation, Department of

September 1995

(1995) Educational Equity Status Report 1994-95 School Year, September 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Iowa Ag Review, September 1995, Vol. 1, no. 4. Iowa State University

(1995) Iowa Conservationist, September/October 1995, Volume 54, no. 5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Iowa's "1000 mile corridor" Scenic Byway Evaluation, 1995. Transportation, Department of

1 September 1995

(1995) Design Manual prepared by the Methods Section, Office of Design, September 1, 1995. Transportation, Department of

October 1995

(1995) Bedrock Geology of Linn County, Iowa, October 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Cedar Rock, Lowell Walter House: Built in 1950, October 1995. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1995) Elgard Cathodic Protection System, HR-553, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Micro-Computer Based Linear Scheduling Application for Highway Construction Project Control, HR-339A, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Questions about Iowa Taxes?: Tax Specialist Speaker Service, 1995. Revenue, Department of

(1995) Surficial Geology Materials of the Cedar Rapids North Quadrangle, October 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Surficial Geology Materials of the Marion Quadrangle, October 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Technology News, October, 1995. Transportation, Department of

7 October 1995

(1995) Fred Schwengel Memorial Bridge: Signing Ceremony, August 16, 1995. Transportation, Department of

8 October 1995

(1995) Resume of Oil Exploration and Potential in Iowa, October 8, 2015. University of Iowa

28 October 1995

(1995) Geology and Hydrogeology of Floyd-Mitchell Counties, North Central Iowa: Field Guidebook, October 28, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

31 October 1995

(1995) Evaluation of Microcracking and Chemical Deterioration in Concrete Pavements Final Report, October 31, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Evaluation of Microcracking and Chemical Deterioration in Concrete Pavements, October 31, 1995. Transportation, Department of

November 1995

(1995) 1994 Iowa school health education profile, 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Assessment of Basic Skills Competencies in Iowa's Employment and Workforce Programs prepared for Iowa's Community College, Adult Basic Education Programs by CASAS, Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System, November 1995. Education, Department of

(1995) Contractors guide to Iowa sales tax Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance, Taxpayer Service Section, 1995. Revenue, Department of

(1995) Epoxy and Thermoplastic Pavement Markings on US 30 in Carroll County, HR-545, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Evaluation of Snowplowable Raised Pavement Markers, HR-558, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) The Governor's Transportation Task Force: Recommendations For Increasing Efficiency, Rough draft, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Iowa Conservationist, November/December 1995, Volume 54, no. 6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Medicaid for FIP-related persons, 1995. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1995) Minimum Retroreflectivity of Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings, HR-562, 1995. Transportation, Department of

December 1995

(1995) Air Formed Arch Culvert Construction - Crawford County, HR-314, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Evaluation of Visibeads in Epoxy markings on I-235, HR-554, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Final Report: The Economic Impact of Energy Efficiency Programs and Renewable Power for Iowa by Glen Weisbrod, December 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Iowa Ag Review, December 1995, Vol. 2, no. 1. Iowa State University

(1995) Iowa State Government Technology Assessment Project, 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Iowa tax guide for non-profit entities, 1995. Revenue, Department of

(1995) Model Farms Demonstration Project, A Case Study in promoting Integrated Crop Management, December 1995. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1995) Records Management Manual, December 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) State Aid for Main Highways, A Plan of State Aid for the purpose of Constructing a Comprehensive System of Main or State Highways, 1928. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Technology News, December 1995. Transportation, Department of

(1995) Waste Matters, December 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

7 December 1995

(1995) Compendium of Student Papers: Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, December 7, 1995. Iowa State University

This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 06:06:38 2025 CST.