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(1989) Restructuring Series XIX-A: Summary of Effects of managed Progression Plan. Education, Department of
(1989) Looking Toward the Future, A Five Year Plan for The Iowa Department of Corrections, December 14, 1989. Corrections, Department of
(1989) Report of the Legislative Committee of the Iowa State Teachers' Association, December 1898. Governor's Office
(1989) Strategic Planning : First-Level Unit Plan, December 1, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Assessment of Iowa's Artificial and Natural Lakes, Part I : Report Prepared Pursuant to a Legislative Council Study Request, December 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Fast Track and Fast Track II - Cedar Rapids, Iowa, HR-544, Construction Report, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Final Report of Condition of Education Task Force, December 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Full-Scale Vehicle Crash Test on the Iowa Steel Temporary Barrier Rail, December 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Full-Scale Vehicle Crash Tests on the Iowa Retrofit Concrete Barrier Rail, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Homeless and At-Rick Information, December, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, December 1989, Vol. 48, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa 175/U.S. 59 Dedication, Ida Grove, Iowa, November 17, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Groundwater Monitoring in Big Spring Basin 1984-1987: A Summary Review, November 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, November 1989, Vol. 48, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Model Policy on Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the Enrolled Student, November 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Soil Tracking Paint Test, MLR-89-13, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Technology News, November, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Geologic Reconnaissance of the Coralville Lake Area; Field Guidebooks, October 28, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) "Celebration 169", Dedication U.S. 169, Algona, Iowa, October 19, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Strategic Planning : First-Level Draft Unit Plan, October 1, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, October 1989, Vol. 48, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 4, October 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Technology News, April, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Osage-Mitchell County RISE projects dedication, September 27, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Highway to the Airways, Dedication U.S. 218, Waterloo, Iowa, September 26, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Highway to the airways, dedication, U.S. 218, Waterloo, Iowa, September 26, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) City of Des Moines Street System Study, September 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, September 1989, Vol. 48, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Northwest Regional Library-Deaf Services, September 1989, Vol. 4, no.2. Library of Iowa, State
(1989) Technology News, September, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Validation of Design Recommendations for Integral Abutment Piles, HR-292, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) A Babysitter in your Home prepared by Dorothy Labensohn and Cindy Fletcher, August 1989. Iowa State University Extension
(1989) Current Population Reports Series P-26, Federal-State cooperative program for population estimates, August 1989. Library of Iowa, State
(1989) Current Population Reports: Series P-26, Population estimates and projections: July 1, 1988, 1987, and 1986, August 1989. Library of Iowa, State
(1989) A Fifteen Year Performance Summary of Fibrous PC Concrete Overlay Research in Greene County, Iowa, HR-165, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, August 1989, Vol. 48, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) The Iowa Grain Flow Survey: A Comparison of Iowa Corn and Soybean Movements in 1977 and 1985 by C. Phillip Baumel, Shawn R. Ferriss, and Craig O'Riley, August 1989. Iowa State University Extension
(1989) Needs Assessment Study of the Iowa DOT Maintenance Facility Construction Needs, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Preschool or Nursery School prepared by Dorothy Labensohn, August 1989. Iowa State University Extension
(1989) Regional Transit Commission Employee Comprehensive Manual Update prepared by Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments, August 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) School District, Area and Coordinating Council Directory, August 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) State Rail Program Survey, An Informal Report, August 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Control of Concrete Deterioration Due to Trace Compounds in Deicers, Phase II, HR-299, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Day Care Centers prepared by Dorothy Labensohn in cooperation with Harold Poore, July 1989. Iowa State University Extension
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, July 1989, Vol. 48, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 3, July 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Relocated US 20 Newsletter, No. 1, July 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Technology News, July, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Upgrading of Bridge Approach Guardrail on Primary Roads in Iowa by Walter A. Schwall, June 14, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Information About Mental Health Institute Independence, Iowa, June 12, 1989. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1989) Fly Ash Affect on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity, MLR-88-7, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Head for COHO 1989: Congress of Historical Organizations Annual Meeting State Historical Society of Iowa, June 1989. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, June 1989, Vol. 47, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa Motor Vehicle Fuel Reduction Program, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 2, June 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Project Evaluation: Iowa Motor Vehicle Fuel Reduction Program, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) European Corn Borer: Development and Management, 1989. Iowa State University Extension
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, May 1989, Vol. 48, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa SHRP Update, No. 1, May 1988. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Pavement Evaluation Using the Road Rater Deflection Dish, MLR-89-2, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) An Excursion to the Historic Gilmore City Quarries; Field Guidebooks, April 29, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Alternatives for Rural Roads, HR-242, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Iowa : index to topographic and other map coverage / published and distributed by United States Geological Survey, National Mapping Program, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, April 1989, Vol. 48, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Outlook for the 90s, 1989. Management, Department of
(1989) Correlation of Locally-Based Performance of Asphalts with Their Physicochemical Parameters, Progress Report 2, HR-298, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Fine Sand for Use in PC Concrete, MLR-88-6, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, March 1989, Vol. 48, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa Development of Roller Compacted Concrete, HR-300, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Low Cost Techniques of Base Stabilization, HR-312, Construction Report, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Maintaining Iowa's Secondary Road Environment, HR-289, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Managing your Diabetes, 1989. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1989) Mississippi River Investigations: Annual Performance Report, Project No. F-109-R-4 prepared by John Pitlo, Jr, March 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) State of Iowa Commodity Organizations, March 1989. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1989) Faculty Workload Study, Framework Report, February 28, 1989. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(1989) Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, 17th Annual Report, Feb. 1, 1989. Human Rights, Department of
(1989) Iowa School Transportation Program, A Description and Discussion, February 1, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Alternate Methods of Bridge Strengthening, HR-302, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) An Investigation of Emulsion Stabilized Limestone Screenings, HR-309, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Macbride nature recreation area : environmental education, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Polymerized Asphalt Cement, HR-533, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Technology News, February, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) 1988 Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners, January 30, 1989. Medical Examiner, Iowa State
(1989) Evaluation of Bond Retainage in Portland Cement Concrete Overlays Using Infrared Thermography and Ground Penetrating Radar, HR-537, Final Report, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Study of Iowa's Corrections System prepared for the Iowa Corrections System Review Task Force, January 30, 1989. Corrections, Department of
(1989) Piping plover and least tern populations and habitat in western Iowa : final report, 1989. Iowa State University
(1989) Blanket Curing to Promote Early Strength Concrete, MLR-87-7, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Bridge Deck Rehabilitation Rebonding a Delaminated PCC Overlay By Epoxy Injection, HR-1036, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Deicing Salt Corrosion with and without Inhibitors, MLR-87-8, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Evaluation of Carbonate Aggregate Using X-Ray Analysis, HR-266, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Integrated Roadside Vegetation, Policies for Planting and Management, January 1989. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, February 1989, Vol. 48, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa Conservationist, January 1989, Vol. 48, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa Geological, January 1989, no. 14. University of Iowa
(1989) Iowa's People: a resource for extension educators, June 1989. Iowa State University Extension
(1989) Overall Review of the Governor's FY 1990 Budget Recommendations, January 1989. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1989) A Summary of Iowa DOT attendee Comments from the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 22-26, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) 1989 Session Fiscal Report, 1989. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1989) Abandoned Underground Coal Mines of Des Moines, Iowa and Vicinity, December 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Air and Mobile Critical Care Services, Family Guide by Beverly J. Ringenberg, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Airport Development Plan for Webster City Iowa, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Airport Development Plan, Algona Airport, Algona Iowa, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Airport Feasibility Study, Northwood Municipal Airport, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1989. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1989) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Arttalk, Vol. 1 no 10, 1989. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1989) Arttalk, Vol. 1 no 11, 1989. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1989) Arttalk, Vol. 1 no 9, 1989. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1989) Certificate in International Business, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Cornpath: A Data Retrieval System for Corn Diseases, 1989. Iowa State University
(1989) Criterion Validity of Curriculum Based Assessment and correlation with teacher ratings and scores. Education, Department of
(1989) D-3 Dependent Adult Abuse Report, 1988-1989. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1989) DNR Annual Report of the Fiscal Year 1989, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) DOT Pay Schedule, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Demonstration Project No. 74, Field Management of Asphalt Mixes, Study No. 112 Iowa, Mix Verification and Acceptance Simulations, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Depression Among the Rural Elderly, 1989. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1989) Directory of Community Action Organization Personnel for the State of Iowa, 1989. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1989) Doesn't Anybody Care?, How Iowa has responded to Human Needs in the 1980s, 1989. Governor's Office
(1989) Duties and Responsibilities of Iowa Assessors by Local Government Services Division, 1989. Revenue, Department of
(1989) Executive Order Number Thirty Eight, March 17, 1989. Governor's Office
(1989) Executive Order Number Thirty Nine, September 12, 1989. Governor's Office
(1989) Executive Order Number Thirty Seven, Febraury 13, 1989. Governor's Office
(1989) Executive Order Number Thirty Six, Febraury 13, 1989. Governor's Office
(1989) Faculty Workload at the University of Northern Iowa, 1989. University of Northern Iowa
(1989) Faculty Workload at the University of Northern Iowa, 1989b. University of Northern Iowa
(1989) A Feasibility Study of an Ames to Des Moines International Airport Shuttle Service, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Final Report, Evaluation of Bond Retainage in Portland Cement Concrete Overlays by Infrared Thermography and Ground Penetrating Radar, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Fort Atkinson, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Functional Organization, May 1989. Revenue, Department of
(1989) Handbook for New Students 1988-89, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Hepatitis B virus (HBV)/Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Policy and Procedures,. Iowa Workforce Development
(1989) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1989. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1989) Information and Application for Prospective Freshman Students, 1982-83, 1982. Iowa State University
(1989) Information and Application for Prospective Minority students, 1982-83, 1982. Iowa State University
(1989) Information and Application for Prospective Transfer Students, 1982-83, 1982. Iowa State University
(1989) Information for Prospective Graduate Students in English, 1989. Iowa State University
(1989) Interpretive History Series at Springbrook State Park, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Inventory of Policies and Practices related to Student Failure and Dropping Out, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1989. Attorney General
(1989) Iowa Bird Study by Iowa Conservation Commission, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1989. Civil Rights Commission
(1989) Iowa History and Culture : A Bibliography of Materials Published Between 1952 and 1986, 1989. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1989) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Decisions,, July 1, 1988-June 30, 1989. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(1989) The Iowa Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1987-88, 1989. Library of Iowa, State
(1989) Iowa Visitors Guide, 1989. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1989) Iowa's counties : selected population trends, vital statistics, and socioeconomic data. Library of Iowa, State
(1989) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 73rd GA Vol. 1 no. 1, 1989. House of Representatives and Staff
(1989) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 73rd GA Vol. 1 no. 2, 1989. House of Representatives and Staff
(1989) Journal of the Senate of the 73rd GA 1 Vol.1 of the State of Iowa, 1989. Senate and Staff
(1989) Journal of the Senate of the 73rd GA 1 Vol.2 of the State of Iowa, 1989. Senate and Staff
(1989) The Local Rural Road System: Alternative Investment Strategies, HR-242, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Medical Museum, Discover Our Past, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Model Policy on Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Model Policy and Rules on Procedures for Investigating Allegations of Abuse of Students by School Employees, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) The National Resource Center on Family Based Services, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) New Iowa Standards for Library Media Program: Ideas for Implementation, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Our Children's Future, A Plan for Funding Elementary and Secondary Education in Iowa, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Personal Computing at the University of Iowa, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) Prairie Rose State Park, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of
(1989) Region II Transit Development Plan, 1989 prepared by North Iowa Area Council of Governments, 1989. Transportation, Department of
(1989) Revenue Summary, 1987-88 Data, State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1989. Education, Department of
(1989) Roster of State Officials, 1989. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)
(1989) A Showcase of Iowa Treasures: The Time is Right, Discover Iowa's Treasures, 1989. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1989) Staff Health Screening and Sick Call Service, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1989. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1989) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1989. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1989) The Szathmary collection of culinary arts : relating to the culinary arts, food production, and service, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) To Know Ourselves: The Report of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Teaching of Iowa History, 1989. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1989) Water Resources of Northeast Iowa, 1989. University of Iowa
(1989) We, the people : conserving Iowa's constitution. 1989. Secretary of State, Iowa
(1989) Your Emergency Treatment Center Care, 1989. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)