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(1973) 159 of the Top 500 Operate 436 Plants in Iowa compiled by the Iowa Development Commission, 1973. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1973) 1973 Iowa Bill Drafting Guide. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1973) 1973. Iowa County Zoning Law Explained: Iowa Code Chapter 358A. Iowa State University Extension

(1973) Agribusiness and Natural Resource Education, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Ames Reservoir Environmental Study, Appendix 2: Economic and Social Impact by Institute of Urban and Regional Research, University of Iowa in cooperation with the Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Ames Reservoir Environmental Study, Appendix 4: Physical Relationships with the Agricultural Sector by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute and Engineering Research Institute, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Ames Reservoir Environmental Study, Appendix 6: Detailed Economic Review and Project Evaluation by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute and Engineering Research Institute, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Ames Reservoir Environmental study, Appendix 1, Vol. 2: Natural and Archaeological Resources of the Reservoir Site and Stream System by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute and Engineering Research Institute, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1973, Vol. 43-44. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Cedar Rapids I-380: Freeway Noise Multiple Land Use and Aesthetics Study Final Report by Charles E. Dare and R.L. Carstens submitted to the City of Cedar Rapids, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) A Century of Patient Care: 1873-1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Contempoary Public Affairs: Amnesty, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Curriculum information network for the social studies, 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Cutting the Loss to Bad Checks by Richard L. Holcomb, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Cutting the Loss to Shoplifting, 1973. Attorney General

(1973) Directory of Iowa Educational Institutions and Training Establishments approved for the Enrollment of Veterans and other persons eligible under Title 38, U.S. Code, 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) An Economic Analysis of Alternative Grain Transportation Systems: A Case Study, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) An Emergency Medical Services Communications Plans for the State of Iowa, 1973. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1973) Entry Level Jobs for College Grads, 1973. Administrative Services

(1973) Executive Order Number Eighteen, December 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) Executive Order Number Fitteen, April 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) Executive Order Number Seventeen, november 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) Executive Order Number Sixteen, November 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) For Better Fishing, Rathbun Fish Hatchery, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Guidelines : state and personal cars used on official business, 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Guidelines for Achieving a Multi-cultural, Sex Bias Free, Curriculum in Iowa Schools, 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Handbook of Resource Material for the Task Force on the Modernization of Iowa's Transportation System, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Highways and Your Land, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Historical highlights of Polk County, Iowa, by Robert R. Denny and Le Roy G. Pratt, 1973. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1973) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1973. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1973) Introduction to Snowmobile Ordinance, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Inventory of Selected Community Programs and Services for Older Residents and Others, Ames, Iowa, 1973. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)

(1973) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1973. Civil Rights Commission

(1973) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1973-December 1973, Volume 32. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Iowa Municipal Salaries Cities over 7,500 Population, Division of Municipal Affairs, 1973. Iowa Workforce Development

(1973) Iowa Pupil Transportation Workshop, 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Iowa Region five, Outdoor Recreation & Open Spaces, Humboldt County Conservation Board, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) The Iowa Society for the Preservation of Historic Landmarks, 1973. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1973) Iowa State Guidelines for the Development of Local Solid Waste Management Plan, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Iowa's Coal Mining Heritage including Supplementary Material for the Film The Last Pony Mine, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Iowa's Natural Prairies: A Living Heritage, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin Study : Inventory Report, Cedar River Subbasin, 1973. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1973) Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin Study : Inventory Report, Flint River Subbasin, 1973. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1973) Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin Study : Inventory Report, Shell Rock River Subbasin, 1973. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1973) Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin Study : Inventory Report, West Fork Cedar River Subbasin, 1973. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1973) Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin Study : inventory Report, Iowa River Subbasin, 1973. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1973) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 65th GA Vol. 1, 1973. House of Representatives and Staff

(1973) Journal of the Senate of the 65th GA 1 of the State of Iowa, 1973. Senate and Staff

(1973) Media now, Teacher Activity Book by written by Bill Hohlfeld, 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Mississippian Aquifer of Iowa, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Organization, Storage and Distribution of Non-Book Materials in the School Library Media Center, Revised Edition 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Potential for Growth and Development in the Insurance Industry: An Exploratory Research Project for the Industrial Development Division, Iowa Development Commission, 1973. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1973) Preliminary Report, Governor's Conference on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) Progress Report on the Second Year Study of Shovelnose Sturgeon in the Mississippi River by Don R. Helms, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Proposed Iowa Tollway Highway System Pre-Preliminary Feasibility Statement, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Protection Against Burglary by Richard L. Holcomb, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Report to the Legislative Council and the Members of the First Session of the Sixty-Fifth General Assembly, Health Maintenance Organizations Study Committee, 1973. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1973) Report to the Legislative Council and the Members of the First Session of the Sixty-Fifth General Assembly, School Systems and Standards Study Committee, 1973. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1973) Reports of Subcommittees of Standing Committees of the Iowa General Assembly which conducted Studies during the 1972 Legislative Interim submitted to the Members of the First Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly meeting in the year 1973, 1973. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1973) Resource Development Land and Water Use Management South Central Iowa Eleven County Region, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Resurfacing and Asphalt Concrete Paving by Kermit L. Farrier, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Roster of State Officials, 1973. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1973) Rules, 1973. Iowa Workforce Development

(1973) SHAD: A Computer Program for Computation of Age and Growth Statistics of Fish by James Mayhew, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Selected Models of Worker Education in Europe by Robert E. Belding, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Sport Fishery Harvest at Spirit Lake, 1973-74 by R.H. McWilliams, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) State Hygienic Laboratory Manual of Services prepared for Practicing Physicians and Public Agencies of Iowa, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) State Plumbing Code, Rules and Regulations of the State Department of Health governing the Installation of Plumbing, 1973. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1973) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 65 no. 1, 1973. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1973) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Summary Report, Ames Reservoir Environmental Study by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute, Iowa State University, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1973. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1973) Tattler, 1969-1973. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1973) Terrorism, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Traffic Safety Study Mason City, Iowa, 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1973. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1973) Vertical Mixing of Heated Effluents in Open-Channel Flow by E.J. Schiller and W.W. Sayre, 1873. Iowa State University

(1973) Working Papers on the Iowa City Civil Service Law, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) A guide to historic Iowa. Education, Department of

January 1973

(1973) Commission on Compensation, Expenses and Salaries of Elected State Officials: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, January 1973. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1973) Feasibility Study of Dynamic Overload and Ultimate Load Tests of Full-Scale Highway Bridges, HR-160, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) IoWoman, January, 1973. Human Rights, Department of

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, January 1973, Vol. 32, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Oakland Origin and Destination Traffic Report prepared by Highway Planning Surveys Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Preliminary Interpretation Report Airborne Magnetometer Survey of Southern Iowa, January, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Prepackaged Abstracts on Teacher Evaluation, January 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Set-Aside Acres and wildlife, What the Individual Farmer Can Do, Iowa Conservation Commission, January 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) A selected bibliography on the relationships between agriculture and water quality, 1973. Iowa State University

31 January 1973

(1973) Guidelines for the Preparation of Sanitary Landfill Permit Applications, January 31, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

February 1973

(1973) Evaluation of Gap-Graded Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Part II: Statistical Design and Analysis, HR-157, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Flood Inundation Mapping in Southwestern Iowa: A Preliminary Report: Analysis of ERTS-1 imagery, February 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Functional Statements and Staffing Patterns, Iowa Employment Security Commission, February 1973. Iowa Workforce Development

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, February 1973, Vol. 32, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Planning for interagency cooperation in rural development: Card Report 45, February 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) A Review of Urban Geocoding,1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Utility accommodation policy of the Iowa State Highway Commission, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Waverly Origin and Destination Traffic Report, Iowa State Highway Commission, February 1973. Transportation, Department of

28 February 1973

(1973) Fatal Bicycle Accident Statistics in Iowa for 1971-1972, February 28, 1973. Public Safety, Department of

30 February 1973

(1973) Survey of Environmental Radioactivity by Milo D. Voss, February 1973. Iowa State University

March 1973

(1973) IoWoman, March, 1973. Human Rights, Department of

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, March 1973, Vol. 32, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Iowa Livestock and Poultry: County Estimates 1965-1972, Iowa Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, March 1973. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1973) A Traffic Study for the Bridgeport Industrial Area Sioux City, Iowa, March 1973. Transportation, Department of

7 March 1973

(1973) Air Quality Survey Report on the Air Quality in Dubuque, March 7, 1973. University of Iowa

April 1973

(1973) Deer in Iowa 1972, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 3, April 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) IoWoman, April, 1973. Human Rights, Department of

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, April 1973, Vol. 32, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

1 April 1973

(1973) Pioneer life in Iowa : interesting glimpses recipes & poems, 1973. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

3 April 1973

(1973) Missouri riverfront parkway & scenic highway design study, 1973. Transportation, Department of

May 1973

(1973) Econometric and Programming Analyses of the Beef-Pork Marketing Sector, July 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, May 1973, Vol. 32, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Iowa's Grain-Elevator Industry factors Affecting its Organization and Structural Adjustment, May 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Projecting Iowa's Outdoor-Recreation Needs to 1980 by Glenn H. Manning, May 1973. Iowa State University

17 May 1973

(1973) Iowa Crime Commission Audit Report, May 17, 2973. Public Safety, Department of

June 1973

(1973) Agricultural Research, Impact on Swine prepared by Thomas R. Hargrove, June 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, June 1973, Vol. 32, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Report of the technical task force Saylorville Reservoir environmental impact study : a review conducted for the Inter-Agency Resource Council Office of The Governor, 1973. Governor's Office

13 June 1973

(1973) Geology of Pikes Peak State Park, Clayton County, Iowa, June 13, 1973. University of Iowa

July 1973

(1973) Dedicated to Better and Safer Highways, Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Howard County Overall Economic Development Program Report: A Guide to Local Decision-Making for Growth and Development, July 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Inspectors Handbook, Surface Treatments and Bituminous Seal Coats, July 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) An Investigation of Portland Cement Concrete Utilizing 70% Class V Aggregate and 30% Calcareous Coarse Aggregate, R-255, 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, July 1973, Vol. 32, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Iowa Speed Study 1973 prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, July 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Minimum Curriculum Requirements for Approval of Iowa Elementary and Secondary Schools and Curriculum required by Law in Iowa Schools, July 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Minimum curriculum requirements for approval of Iowa elementary and secondary schools and curriculum required by law in Iowa schools, July 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) A One-Year Survey of Public use on State Wildlife Management Areas in Iowa, July 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Residential Corrections: Alternative to Incarceration, July 1973. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1973) Surface Improvement and Dust Palliation of Unpaved Secondary Roads and Streets, HR-151, 1973. Transportation, Department of

August 1973

(1973) The Action Plan: System Planning, Location Planning, Project Development, August 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, August 1973, Vol. 32, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Social Cost Internalization and Environmental Planning, "Steady state" and "Optimal" Economic Assumptions, August 1973. University of Iowa

15 August 1973

(1973) Methods to Increase Durability of Reactive ("D" Cracking) Coarse Aggregate in Portland Cement Concrete, MLR-73-01, 1973. Transportation, Department of

30 August 1973

(1973) Water Quality Survey of the Maquoketa River by the State Hygienic Laboratory, August 30, 1973. University of Iowa

September 1973

(1973) The Bobwhite in Iowa 1972 by Charles C. Schwartz, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 5, September 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Burlington: Past, Present and Future Population Trends with Social and Economic Characteristics, September 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) The Cottontail and White-Tailed Jackrabbit in Iowa - 1963 to 1972 by Charles C. Schwartz, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 6, September 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Council Bluffs: Past, Present and Future Population Trends with Social and Economic Characteristics, September 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Final Report: Commodity Development Research Project, September 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) Flood of August 2, 1972, in the Little Maquoketa River Basin, Dubuque County, Iowa by Albert J. Heinitz, September 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, September 1973, Vol. 32, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Noise Study Middle Road, Bettendorf, Iowa: City Project 73.8, State Project M-5004 (401)--81-82, September 1974. Iowa State University

(1973) A Proposal for Comprehensive River Basin Development: A Project Measure for Proper Land Use and Treatment and Environmental Improvement, September 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Solid waste management plan for Iowa, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Traffic Engineering Study for the Oelwein, Iowa Central Business District, Iowa, September 1973. Transportation, Department of

October 1973

(1973) The Action Plan: Pursuant to PPM 90-4 prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, October 1973. Transportation, Department of

(1973) Analysis of Aggregation Error in Supply Functions based on Farm-Programming Models, October 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Economic development in Iowa's future : a reference paper / Planning Committee for Governor's Conference on Iowa in the Year 2000, 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, October 1973, Vol. 32, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Natural Resources in Iowa's Future: Reference Paper to the Governor's Conference on Iowa in the Year 2000, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

November 1973

(1973) An Economic Analysis of Alternative Grain Transportation Systems A Case Study: Executive Summary, November 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, November 1973, Vol. 32, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) A Skills Training Package on Providing for Individual Differences in your Classroom: An Interest Center Approach by Alan R. Frank, November 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) Social Services Laws, State of Iowa, November 1973. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

1 November 1973

(1973) Study of the Iowa Annie Wittenmyer Home and Alternative Care Resources: in Compliance with House File No. 739, November 1, 1973. University of Iowa

(1973) A Summary of Progress made in Expanding the National School Lunch Program to all of Iowa's Public School Children from 1946 to 1973 by Vern Carpenter, November 1, 1973. Iowa State University

9 November 1973

(1973) The Iowa Criminal Justice System Program sponsored by Bureau of Adult Correction Services, November 5-9, 1973. Corrections, Department of

13 November 1973

(1973) Transcript of Public Hearing on Proposed Rules for Reporting Livestock Poisoning, November 13, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

December 1973

(1973) Energy Conservation in Industrial Plants by Donald McKeown, December 1973. Iowa State University

(1973) Iowa Conservationist, December 1973, Vol. 32, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Training Manual for Job Analysis, Merit Employment Department, December 1973. Iowa Workforce Development

Summer 1973

(1973) Goals and objectives for implementation of career education in grades 7-12 : Mason City Community School District, 1973. Education, Department of

(1973) IoWoman, Summer, 1973. Human Rights, Department of

Fall 1973

(1973) Census data for Iowa by Loren N. Horton, Fall 1973. Cultural Affairs, Department of

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