Items where Year is 1970

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(1970) 1970 Iowa Hunting and Trapping Laws Synopsis (effective until June 30, 1971, 1970. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Annexation in Iowa Planning and Procedures prepared by the League of Iowa Municipalities and the Division of Local Affairs, State Office for Planning & Programming, 1970. Iowa State University

(1970) Application and reporting procedures for Title III, ESEA grantees : title III of Public Law 89-10, The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, 1973. Education, Department of

(1970) Average Traffic Expansion Factors by Road System: Derived from Permanent Automatic Traffic Recorder Data prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, 1968-1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Budget Review Information Report No. 1, Financing Public Education by Sam W. Wiley, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Cable Television, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Commercial Feed Report by Iowa Department of Agriculture, 1970. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(1970) Condition of the State of Iowa, 1970 (63rd General Assembly). Governor's Office

(1970) Corrections masterplan report, 1970. Corrections, Department of

(1970) Courses of Study for High Schools, Physics, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Crime and Affluence by Walter A. Lunden, 1970. Public Safety, Department of

(1970) Des Moines River Flood Plain Information : Des Moines, Iowa, 1970. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Employee handbook: Iowa Homemaker Standards, 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Enrollment in Post Secondary Education in Iowa, Prospects and Potential Problems for 1977 to 1990 by Duane D. Anderson. University of Iowa

(1970) Executive Order Number Two, November 1970. Governor's Office

(1970) Expanded Programs of Educational Research and Evaluation, Department of Public Instruction, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Final Report Research Project HR-155 by M. J. Mausbach and W. D. Shrader, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Financing Public Elementary and Secondary Education in Iowa prepared by Wayne P. Truesdell, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Focus on progress in Iowa Schools during the 1960's, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Food Service Careers, 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Geology and ground-water resources of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) A Guide to Iowa Laws Concerning Children and Youth, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) An Idea Bank for Older Iowans from Commission on the Aging, 1970. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)

(1970) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1970. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1970) Iowa Board of Nursing Departmental Rules and Regulations pursuant to Authority of Section 147.109 of the Code of Iowa, filed May 12, 1970, amended August 11, 1970. Nursing, Board of

(1970) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1970. Civil Rights Commission

(1970) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1970-December 1970, Volume 29. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Development Commission, 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) The Iowa Official Register, 1969-1970. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1970) Iowa Water Pollution Control Law: Code of Iowa 1966 by Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission, 1970. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1970) Iowa and some Iowans : a bibliography of enrichment books, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Iowa's heritage in water pollution control, including a history of the Iowa Water Pollution Control Association, 1974. Iowa State University

(1970) Iowa, a place to grow,1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) Job Evaluation Manual, Iowa Merit System, 1970z. Administrative Services

(1970) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 63rd GA Vol. 2, 1970. House of Representatives and Staff

(1970) Journal of the Senate of the 63rd-2 General Assembly of the State of Iowa, 1970. Senate and Staff

(1970) Language Development Activities for the Educable Mentally Retarded, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Law of Iowa as it pertains to the Practice of Nursing issued by the Iowa Board of Nurse Examiners, 1970. Nursing, Board of

(1970) Licensed occupations in Iowa, 1970: An Index of Current Occupational Licensing Requirements compiled by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Lime or Chloride Treatment of Granular Base Course Materials, HR-99, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Management and Maintenance in the Home: A Guide for Teaching the Handicapped, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Marshalltown Iowa Traffic Safety Study, 197z. Iowa State University

(1970) Midwestern States Educational Information Report, July 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Mineral Resource of Iowa, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Mississippi River Water Quality Survey Report, Burlington Iowa Area, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Modifying Behavior : Suggestions for Teachers of the Handicapped, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) A Motorcycle Accident Study, 1970. Public Safety, Department of

(1970) National Health Care, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) A National Presidential Primary Election, 1970. Auditor of State

(1970) Phase II planning studies for continuing the state planning and programming process for the State of Iowa. Administrative Services

(1970) Population of Iowa places, 1970. Governor's Office

(1970) Quarterly Biology Report, 1970, Vol. 22 no. 1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Quarterly Biology Report, 1970, Vol. 22 no. 2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Quarterly Biology Report, 1970, Vol. 22 no. 3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Quarterly Biology Report, 1970, Vol. 25 no. 4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Quick facts about Iowa: A Place to Grow, 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) Racial Equality: The Myth and the Reality, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Regional Land Use and Zoning Plan Prepared for the Johnson County Regional Planning Commission, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) A Report Of A Survey Of Iowa Public School Districts To Determine The Present Status Of Health Education, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) The Road Ahead, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Roster of State Officials, 1970. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)

(1970) Safety Rule for Electrical Installations in Hazardous Locations, 1970. Labor, Division of

(1970) Safety Rule for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings, and Toe Boards. Labor, Division of

(1970) Septic Tank Care, 1970. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1970) Sheeder Prairie Preserve A Natural Prairie Landscape in Guthrie County, Iowa. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Skywarn: A Plan for Timely, Effective, Local Severe Weather Warnings, 1970. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

(1970) Soil Erosion Control for Secondary Roads, HR-155, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) State Plan, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Title III, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) State of Iowa traffic Records and Criminal Justice Information Systems (TRACIS), 1970. Judicial Branch

(1970) Status of Traffic Engineering in Iowa: A Report to the Iowa State Highway Commission, 1970. Iowa State University

(1970) Stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian Shell Rock Formation of North Central Iowa: Report of Investigations 10, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Strong Programs of Education and Service for Children of Pre-Kindergarten and Early Childhood, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Strong Programs of Education and Service for Children of Pre-Kindergarten and Early Childhood, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1970. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1970) Test Development Guide for the Local Office Iowa Employment Security Commission, Iowa State Employment Service, 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Title I in Iowa : A Report on Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in Iowa's Public and Private schools, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Title I in Iowa, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Town of Smithland, Iowa Comprehensive Plan, August, 1970, 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) Two training programs / Glenwood State School, 1970. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1970) The Umbelliferae of Iowa by Daniel J. Crawford, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) User's Guide to ACCESS, 1970. Administrative Services

(1970) Water Supply Bulletin No. 10; Geology and Ground Water Resources of Linn County, Iowa, 1970. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) What is Iowa Commission for the Blind, 1970. Blind, Department for the

(1970) Where Opportunities Knock Forever, 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Where the Iowa Jobs are 1970-75, 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Women's Reformatory Rockwell City, Iowa 50579, 1970. Corrections, Department of

(1970) Worker Education in Germany, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) A traveling exhibition of relief prints, 1970. Arts Division (Council)

January 1970

(1970) Interstate Highway 29 Usage Study: Sioux City-Sioux Falls, January, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, January 1970, Vol. 29, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, January 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Report of the Iowa Legislative Council to the Second Session of the Sixty-Third General Assembly, January 1970. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1970) South Dakota Interstate Highway 29: I-29 Usage Study Planning Report, January 1970. Transportation, Department of

1 January 1970

(1970) Its establishment, policies, objectives, organization, funds, functions and accomplishments, January 1, 1970. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 January 1970

(1970) Report of 226A Road Meter & Improvements, MLR-68-2, January 30, 1970. Transportation, Department of

February 1970

(1970) Absorption of Asphalt by Aggregate, HR-142, Progress Report, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Davenport Rock Island Moline Urbanized Area Transportation Study: Comprehensive Plan Report, February 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) An Economic Base Study of Iowa's Sioux City Area, February 1970. Iowa State University Extension

(1970) An Economic Base Study of Iowa's Southeast Area, February 1970. Iowa State University Extension

(1970) Flood Plain Information Report, Prairie Creek Iowa, February 1970. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Improving Budget Procedures for Higher Education in Iowa, Summary Report, February 1970. Education, Department of

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, February 1970, Vol. 29, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, February 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) New Hampton Origin and Destination Traffic Report prepared by Highway Planning Surveys Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, February 1970. Iowa State University

(1970) Report of the Governor's Cities and Towns Committee, February 1970. Management, Department of

(1970) Scale Effects in Hydraulic Model Tests of Rock Protected Structures, HR-119, 1970. Transportation, Department of

March 1970

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, March 1970, Vol. 29, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, March 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Preliminary Studies of Remedial Measures for the Prevention of Bridge Deck Deterioration, HR-146, 1970. Transportation, Department of

20 March 1970

(1970) 1969 Annual Report: Metropolitan Planning Commission of Black Hawk County, March 20, 1970. Transportation, Department of

28 March 1970

(1970) Location and Efficiency of the Iowa Feed-Manufacturing Industry, March 1970. Iowa State University

31 March 1970

(1970) Pesticides in the Edible Portion of Fish from Iowa Waters by the State Hygienic Laboratory in cooperation with the Iowa State Conservation Commission, March 31, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Population Dynamics of Smallmouth Bass in the Maquoketa River and other Iowa Streams, 1978. Natural Resources, Department of

April 1970

(1970) Des Moines River Flooding Des Moines, Iowa, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, April 1970. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Floods in the Upper Des Moines River Basin Iowa by Harlan H. Schwob, April 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, April 1970, Vol. 29, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, April 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

May 1970

(1970) 1970-75 Overall Program Design, Comprehensive Statewide Planning Program State of Iowa, May 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) An Economic Base Study of Iowa's Northeast Area, May 1970. Iowa State University Extension

(1970) An Economic Base Study of Iowa's Sioux City Area, May 1970. Iowa State University Extension

(1970) Flood Profile Study, Morgan Creek, Linn County, Iowa by Harlan H. Schwob, May 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, May 1970, Vol. 29, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, May 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Iowa State Department of Health, An Explanation of the Health Department's Organization; Services; and Activities, May 1970. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1970) Newton Origin and Destination Traffic Report prepared by Highway Planning Surveys Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1970. Iowa State University

(1970) A Study of the Need for Traffic Signals at Selected Intersections, May 1970. Transportation, Department of

12 May 1970

(1970) Iowa Board of Nursing, Rules and Regulations< May 12, 1970. Nursing, Board of

June 1970

(1970) Image and Impact of Community Action Agencies in Iowa, June 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, June 1970, Vol. 29, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, June 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Loss of Prestress and Camber of Non-Composite and Composite Prestressed Concrete Structures, June 1970. University of Iowa

1 June 1970

(1970) Opportunities for College Graduates in Iowa State Government, June 1, 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

8 June 1970

(1970) The Iowa scene, 1970. Iowa State University

30 June 1970

(1970) Books, publications, project completion reports, M.S. and Ph. D. theses : research supported by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute under the Water Resources Research Act of 1964, U.S. Public Law 88-379, U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research, 1970. Iowa State University

July 1970

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, July 1970, Vol. 29, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, July 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Iowa Roads and Streets Functional Classification Manual, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) List of Signs and Illustrations of Use for Primary and Interstate Highways by Traffic and Safety Department, July 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) A Preliminary Study of Educational Delivery Systems for the State of Iowa prepared by Administrative Consultant Services, July 1970. Education, Department of

August 1970

(1970) Charles City Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Contractor Payment System: employing the IBM 360 Computer System by Kenneth L. Shafer, Data Processing Department, Iowa State Highway Commission, August 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Granular Base Materials for Flexible Pavements, HR-131, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, August 1970, Vol. 29, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, August 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Loss of Prestress, Camber, and Deflection of Non-Composite and Composite Structures Using Different Weight Concretes, HR-137, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) The Prediction of Creep and Shrinkage Properties of Concrete, HR-136, 1970. Transportation, Department of

1 August 1970

(1970) Behavior of Granular Materials Under Triaxial Compression with Pulsating Deviator Stress, HR-131, Special Report, August 1, 1970. Transportation, Department of

September 1970

(1970) Abrasion of Aggregates as Affected by Grading, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Catalog of State Services to Local Governments prepared by the Division of Local Affairs, Office for Planning and Programming, September 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Guidelines for the Inclusion of Left-Turn Lanes at Rural Highway Intersections, HR-147, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, September 1970, Vol. 29, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, September 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) State Office for Planning and Programming Report, Vol. 1, no. 1, September 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) A donde vamos ahora? : (where are we going now) : a report on the problems of the Spanish surnamed and migrant population in Iowa,1970. Civil Rights Commission

1 September 1970

(1970) A Survey of License & Permit Fees in selected Iowa Cities and Towns; prepared by The League of Iowa Municipalities and the Division of Municipal Affairs Office for Planning and Programming, September 1, 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

October 1970

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, October 1970, Vol. 29, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, October 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Red Oak--Corning, U.S. 34 relocation / prepared by the Highway Planning Surveys Department, Division of Planning, Iowa State Highway Commission in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) State Office for Planning and Programming Report, Vol. 1, no. 2, October 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) Vocational Preparation : Suggestions for Teachers of the Handicapped, October 1970. Education, Department of

27 October 1970

(1970) Limnology of the Iowa Reach of the Mississippi River by Jack H. Gakstatter and Robert L. Morris, October 27, 1970. University of Iowa

November 1970

(1970) An Economic Base Study of Iowa's Cedar Rapids Area, February 1970. Iowa State University Extension

(1970) An Economic Base Study of Iowa's Waterloo Area, February 1970. Iowa State University Extension

(1970) Final Report: Highway Commission Funding Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committees on Transportation submitted to the Iowa Legislative Council, November 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, November 1970, Vol. 29, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, November 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Iowa State Highway Commission Office Procedures Handbook, November 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Irrigated Corn Yields in the North Central Region of the United States, November 1970. Iowa State University

(1970) State Office for Planning and Programming Report, Vol. 1, no. 3, November 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) A Study of Portland Cement Maintenance Mix and Set Accelerators, R-249, 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Watershed Work Plan: Bacon Creek Watershed, Woodbury & Plymouth Counties, Iowa prepared by Woodbury County Soil Conservation District, November 1970. University of Iowa

5 November 1970

(1970) Mercury Concentrations in Surface Waters Public Water supplies and Catfish in Iowa submitted to the Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission by the State Hygienic Laboratory, November 5, 1970. University of Iowa

9 November 1970

(1970) Pesticide Levels in Fish from Iowa Streams by R. L. Morris, Lauren Johnson, November 9, 1970. University of Iowa

December 1970

(1970) Air Pollution Survey, Report on the Air Quality in Fort Madison, December 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Dickinson County and Iowa Great Lakes Region Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Highway Planning Section, Iowa State Highway Commission, May 1959. Transportation, Department of

(1970) An Inventory of Highways in Iowa using the Photo/File System, December 1970. Transportation, Department of

(1970) Iowa Conservationist, December 1970, Vol. 29, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of

(1970) Iowa Employment and Earnings published Monthly by the Iowa Employment Security Commission, December 1970. Iowa Workforce Development

(1970) Iowa Urban Policy Study: Submitted to the Iowa Office for Planning and Programming, December, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Plant Size and Frequency of Strike, December 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) State Office for Planning and Programming Report, Vol. 1, no. 4, December 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

31 December 1970

(1970) Thirty-Eighth Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1970. Governor's Office

Spring 1970

(1970) Iowa Soldiers' Home Quarterly, Spring, 1970. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of

Summer 1970

(1970) Iowa Soldiers' Quarterly, Summer, 1970. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of

Fall 1970

(1970) Iowa Soldiers' Home Quarterly, Fall 1970. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of

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