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(0190) Assessment Instruments for use with Staff, Students, Community, 1990z. Education, Department of
(1937) The Iowa Public Junior College, Its Academic, Social, and Vocational Effectiveness by Malcolm A. Love, August 1937. University of Iowa
(1939) A Technique for a Vocational Education Survey of a Local Community, December 1939. Education, Department of
(1948) Iowa Public Junior Colleges, Department of Public Instruction, 1948. Education, Department of
(1951) Educational needs : Iowa's young adults, 1951. Education, Department of
(1952) Iowa Public Junior Colleges, Department of Public Instruction, 1952. Education, Department of
(1962) Education beyond high school age the community college: a summary report, 1962. Education, Department of
(1962) Education beyond high-school age, the community college, 1962. Education, Department of
(1963) Consultant's Report on Public Community or Junior Colleges 1962-1963, April 1963. Education, Department of
(1965) A Proposal for Vocational Education for the Counties of Benton, Cedar, Delaware, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn and Washington, State of Iowa, July 1965. Education, Department of
(1966) Directory of Trade and Industrial Education _Personnel in Iowa for 1966-67, 1966. Education, Department of
(1966) Status of Vocational Teacher Education in Iowa, 1966. Education, Department of
(1966) Coordination & Governance : A Preliminary Report of Committee "G". University of Iowa
(1966) Area community college, and area vocational schools; construction guidelines, September 1966. Education, Department of
(1967) Training Needs for Metal Tradesmen in Iowa, 1987. Education, Department of
(1968) Skilled Needs Survey of All Employers of Four or More Persons Within the Area Ten Community College District, 1968. Iowa Workforce Development
(1968) Iowa's Developing Pattern for Area Schools, March 7, 1968. Education, Department of
(1969) Guidelines for comprehensive self-study area vocational schools and area community colleges, 1969. Education, Department of
(1971) Governor's Educational Advisory Committee Preliminary Recommendations for Governance of Area Schools, 1971. Governor's Office
(1972) Role and Scope of Iowa's Merged Area Schools, November 8, 1972. Education, Department of
(1975) Iowa Public and Nonpublic School Enrollment, 1974-75 School year by Merged Area Districts, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Your community college : an investment in Iowa's future, 1975. Education, Department of
(1975) Selected School Laws and Standards, A Summary containing Specific School Laws relating to Area Schools, Standards for Area Community Colleges and Area Vocational Schools prepared by Area Schools Division, Iowa Department of Public Instruction, August 20, 1975. Education, Department of
(1982) A History of the First Fifteen years of Community Colleges in Iowa 1965-1980, 1982. Iowa State University
(1982) The transition from school to work : a sourcebook for administrators of rural Iowa schools. 1982. Education, Department of
(1984) Report on Student and Employer Follow-Up : 1983 Sample Survey : Secondary and Merged Area Schools, January 1984. Education, Department of
(1987) Performance Report for Vocational Education in Iowa FY1986, 1987. Education, Department of
(1988) Performance Report for Vocational Education in Iowa FY1987, 1988. Education, Department of
(1988) Vocational Education Minimum Standards and Requirements S.F.449, Questions & Answers, October 1991. Education, Department of
(1990) Perceptions of Mission and Governance of Iowa's Area community Colleges by Mavis E. Kelley, 1990. Iowa State University
(1990) Strengthening Community College Linkages Recommendations on Strengthening Relationships between the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and the Area Colleges, 1990. Education, Department of
(1991) A Study of the Impact of Iowa Community College Continuing Education Programs, 1991. Education, Department of
(1992) Iowa needs assessment for vocational education : supplemental, 1992. Education, Department of
(1993) The Perkins Funds and Iowa's community Colleges : Vocational Education, February 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Recommendation on Distribution of Funds to Address State Needs and Goals for Fiscal Year 1994 and Beyond, March 1993. Education, Department of
(1994) Iowa CASAS Pilot Project Reports An Initial Evaluation of CASAS Effectiveness in Iowa's Adult Basic Education Programs, September 1994. Education, Department of
(1996) Iowa CASAS Pilot Project Reports, The Third Year: An Evaluation of CASAS Effectiveness in Iowa's Adult Basic Education Programs, A 353 Project Report, 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) The Role of Community College Adult and Continuing Education in Iowa's Workforce Development Centers: Iowa Association of Adult and Continuing Education Deans and Directors, 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) Benchmarks for Adult Basic Education Programs in Iowa's Community Colleges, March 1996. Education, Department of
(1996) Iowa workforce training study : executive summary, 1996. Education, Department of
(1997) Community College Funding: An Investment in Iowa's Future, January 1997. Education, Department of
(1998) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 1998. Education, Department of
(1998) Iowa Community College Funding Formula Task Force Report A Report to the Iowa General Assembly Regarding the Community College Funding Formula, 1998. Education, Department of
(1998) Iowa Community College Funding Formula Task Force Report Executive Summary: A Report to the Iowa General Assembly Regarding the Community College Funding Formula, 1998. Education, Department of
(1998) Guide for state accreditation of Iowa Community Colleges, 1998. Education, Department of
(1998) First year evaluation of Iowa's Basic Skills certification program, August 1998. Education, Department of
(1999) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 1999. Education, Department of
(1999) Year End Reporting Manual, Bureau of Community Colleges, August 1999. Education, Department of
(1999) Iowa administrator retirement intentions study, Iowa Department of Education, October 1999. Education, Department of
(1999) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, Fall 1999. Education, Department of
(2000) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2000. Education, Department of
(2000) Final Report Community College Governance System Study Committee, January 2000. Education, Department of
(2000) Iowa Community Colleges Student Enrollment Report, December 2000. Education, Department of
(2000) Iowa Community Colleges Student Enrollment Report, December 2000. Education, Department of
(2001) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2001. Education, Department of
(2001) Iowa Community College Programs, 2001. Education, Department of
(2001) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, December 2001. Education, Department of
(2002) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2002. Education, Department of
(2003) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2003. Education, Department of
(2003) Condition of Iowa Community Colleges, 2003. Education, Department of
(2003) Directory of Iowa Community Colleges, 2003. Education, Department of
(2003) Iowa College Student Aid Commission, Agency Performance Plan. College Student Aid Commission
(2003) Annual Progress Report to the Iowa State Board of Education, August 2003. Education, Department of
(2003) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, November 2003. Education, Department of
(2003) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, November 2003. Education, Department of
(2003) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, December 2003. Education, Department of
(2003) Annual Diversity Report, December 4, 2003. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2004) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2004. Education, Department of
(2004) 2004-2005 Academic Year Iowa Community Colleges Tuition and Fees Report, November 2004. Education, Department of
(2004) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, December 2004. Education, Department of
(2004) Annual Diversity Report, December 1, 2004. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2005) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2005. Education, Department of
(2005) A Compilation of the Bioscience Professional Development Opportunities Offered to K-12 Teachers in Iowa, September 14, 2005. Education, Department of
(2005) Board of Regents, Approval of 2006-2007 Tuition and Fee Rates, December 6, 2005. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2005) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, Fall 2005. Education, Department of
(2006) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Family Literacy in Iowa Community Colleges, Final Report, 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Final Report : Vocational Education Accountability, Iowa Department of Education Sponsored Research. Education, Department of
(2006) Iowa Community Colleges High School Enrollment Report, February 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, February 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Second Annual Iowa Community Colleges High School Enrollment Report, February 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Annual Diversity Report, February 1-2, 2006. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2006) Annual Student Financial Aid report, Board of Regents, March 20-21, 2006. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2006) 2006-2007 Academic Year Iowa Community Colleges Tuition and Fees Report, July 2006. Education, Department of
(2006) Board of Regents, Approval of 2007-2008 Tuition and Fee Rates, December 11, 2006. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2007) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) Third Annual Iowa Community Colleges High School Enrollment Report, January 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) Annual Diversity Report, February 6, 2007. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2007) Annual Diversity Report, February 6, 2007. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2007) Annual Student Financial Aid report, Board of Regents, March 13, 2007. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2007) Transfer Behavior Transfer Among Iowa Community College Students and Post-college Earnings of Iowa Community College Students, May 15, 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) Transfer Behavior Transfer Among Iowa Community College Students and Post-college Earnings of Iowa Community College Students, May 15, 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) 2007-2008 Academic Year Iowa Community Colleges Tuition and Fees Report, July 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) Basic Skill Assessment Requirements for Placement into Courses and Programs at Iowa Community Colleges, September 26, 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) Iowa Community Colleges Student Enrollment Report, December 2007. Education, Department of
(2007) Board of Regents, Approval of 2008-2009 Tuition and Fee Rates, December 4, 2007. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2007) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, Fall 2007. Education, Department of
(2008) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2008. Education, Department of
(2008) Joint Enrollment 2008. Education, Department of
(2008) Iowa Community Colleges FY2009 Certified Budgets, May 2008. Education, Department of
(2008) Iowa Community Colleges High School Enrollment Report, July 2008. Education, Department of
(2008) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, July 2008. Education, Department of
(2008) Iowa Community Colleges Tuition and Fees Report 2009, August 2008. Education, Department of
(2008) Annual Diversity Report, December 10-11, 2008. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2008) Board of Regents, Approval of 2009-2010 Tuition and Fee Rates, December 10-11, 2008. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2008) Community College Leader Bulletin, Summer 2008, Vol. 1, Issue 2. Education, Department of
(2008) Community College Leader Bulletin, Fall 2008, Vol. 1, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2008) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, 2008. Education, Department of
(2009) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Iowa Professional Development Model; Technical Guide, 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Joint Enrollment Report, 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Iowa Community Colleges FY2010 Certified Budgets, April 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Your Course to College, 2009-10 Edition. College Student Aid Commission
(2009) Tuition and Fees Report 2010, September 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, December 2009. Education, Department of
(2009) Community College Leader Bulletin, Spring 2009, Vol. 2, Issue 2. Education, Department of
(2009) Community College Leader Bulletin, Summer 2009, Vol. 2, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2009) Community College Leader Bulletin, Winter 2009, Vol. 2, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2010) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, 2010. Education, Department of
(2010) Annual Diversity Report, February 3-4, 2010. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2010) Joint Enrollment 2010. Education, Department of
(2010) Certified Budget Report FY 2011, April 20, 2010. Education, Department of
(2010) Economic Returns & Career Transitions for Iowa Community College Students, May 2010. Education, Department of
(2010) Your Course to College, 2010-11 Edition. College Student Aid Commission
(2010) Tuition and Fees Report 2011, September 2010. Education, Department of
(2010) Iowa Law Enforcement Academy 2010 Annual Report. Iowa Law Enforcement Academy
(2010) Iowa College Student Aid Commission Annual Report FY 2010. College Student Aid Commission
(2011) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2011. Education, Department of
(2011) Joint Enrollment Report, 2011. Education, Department of
(2011) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2010. Education, Department of
(2011) Annual Diversity Report, February 3, 2011. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2011) Proposed 2011-12 Tuition and Fees, March 23, 2011. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2011) Quick Look: Education Outcomes, April 2011. Iowa Workforce Development
(2011) Certified Budget Report FY 2012, April 20, 2011. Education, Department of
(2011) Tuition and Fees Report 2012, September 2011. Education, Department of
(2011) Fall Enrollment Report, 2011. Education, Department of
(2011) Board of Regents: Proposed 2012-2013 Tuition and Fees, December 8, 2011. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2012) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2014. Education, Department of
(2012) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Quick Look: Education Outcomes, February 2012. Iowa Workforce Development
(2012) Annual Diversity Report, February 6-7, 2012. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2012) Joint Enrollment 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Joint Enrollment 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Certified Budget Report FY 2013, April 25, 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Your Course to College, 2012-13 Edition. College Student Aid Commission
(2012) Tuition and Fees Report 2012-2013, September 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Fall Enrollment Report, 2012. Education, Department of
(2012) Career & Technical Student Organizations Guide for Postsecondary Enrollment: Iowa Department of Education, Revised December 2021. College Student Aid Commission
(2012) Board of Regents: Proposed 2013-2014 Tuition and Fees, December 5, 2012. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2012) Community College Leader Bulletin, Winter 2013, Vol. 3, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2013) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges: 2012. Education, Department of
(2013) Annual Diversity Report, February 6-7, 2013. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2013) Joint Enrollment 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges: 2011. Education, Department of
(2013) Tuition and Fees Report 2013-2014, September 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) Fall Enrollment Report, 2013. Education, Department of
(2013) Board of Regents: Proposed 2015-2015 Tuition and Fees, December 4, 2013. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2013) Community College Leader Bulletin, Summer 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2014) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges: 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges: 2013. Education, Department of
(2014) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges 2014: Tables. Education, Department of
(2014) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges 2013: Tables. Education, Department of
(2014) Annual Diversity Report, February 5-6, 2014. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2014) Iowa College Aid Student & Faculty Diversity Report 2014. College Student Aid Commission
(2014) Joint Enrollment 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) Certified Budget Report FY 2015, May 15, 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) Certified Budget Report FY 2015, May 15, 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) Certified Budget Report FY 2014, May 19, 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) Income and EFC 2014.
(2014) Tuition and Fees Report 2014-2015, September 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) Iowa Community Colleges Student Fall Enrollment Report, November 18, 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) Gap Tuition Program, FY2014,. Education, Department of
(2014) Pathways for Academic Career and Employment (PACE) Program, FY 2014 Report,. Education, Department of
(2014) Statewide Work-Based Learning Intermediary Network, FY2014, November 26, 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) Board of Regents: Proposed 2015-2016 Tuition and Fees, December 3, 2014. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2014) Workforce Training and Economic Development Fund Annual Progress Report, 2014 December 9, 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) Adult Education and Literacy Program, FY2014, December 11, 2014. Education, Department of
(2014) Community College Leader Bulletin, Spring 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 2. Education, Department of
(2014) Community College Leader Bulletin, Fall 2014, Vol. 4, Issue 4. Education, Department of
(2015) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) A Report to the Legislature Additional Data, 2014. Education, Department of
(2015) Fact-sheet National Comparison of Jointly Enrolled Students, February 3, 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) Iowa College Aid Student & Faculty Diversity Report 2015. College Student Aid Commission
(2015) Certified Budget Report FY 2016, June 4, 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) State of Iowa Scholarship and Grant Programs End-of-Year Report 2014-15. College Student Aid Commission
(2015) Tuition and Fees Report FY2016, September 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) Iowa: Education and Workforce Trends through 2025, September 29, 2015. Education, Department of
(2015) Kibbie Grant Report 2015. College Student Aid Commission
(2015) Prevalence of Receipt of Multiple State of Iowa Awards 2014-15. College Student Aid Commission
(2015) Board of Regents, Approval of 2016-2017 Tuition Rates, December 2, 2015. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2015) How to Apply for Financial Aid: A Guide for Students (2015-16). College Student Aid Commission
(2015) Community College Leader Bulletin, Summer 2015, Vol. 5, Issue 2. Education, Department of
(2015) Community College Leader Bulletin, Fall 2015, Vol. 5, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2015) Your Course to College (2015-16). College Student Aid Commission
(2015) Community College Leader Bulletin, Winter 2015, Vol. 5, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2016) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2016. Education, Department of
(2016) Annual Diversity Report, February 24-25, 2016. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2016) Iowa College Aid Student & Faculty Diversity Report 2016. College Student Aid Commission
(2016) Certified Budget Report FY 2017, May 2,2016. Education, Department of
(2016) The 2016 Condition of Higher Education in Iowa Report. College Student Aid Commission
(2016) How to Apply for Financial Aid (2016-17). College Student Aid Commission
(2016) How to Apply for Scholarships and Grants (2016). College Student Aid Commission
(2016) Tu Camino a la Universidad (Your Course to College). College Student Aid Commission
(2016) Your Course to College 2016-17. College Student Aid Commission
(2016) Executive Order Number Eighty-Eight, August, 2016. Governor's Office
(2016) Prevalence of Receipt of Multiple State of Iowa Awards 2015-16. College Student Aid Commission
(2016) State of Iowa Scholarship and Grant Programs End-of-Year Report 2015-16. College Student Aid Commission
(2016) Income and EFC 2016.
(2016) Kibbie Grant Report 2106. College Student Aid Commission
(2016) Community College Leader Bulletin, Summer 2016, Vol. 6, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2016) Community College Leader Bulletin, Fall 2016, Vol. 6, Issue 2. Education, Department of
(2016) Community College Leader Bulletin, Winter 2016, Vol. 5, Issue 4. Education, Department of
(2017) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) Analysis of the economic impact and return on investment of education : the economic value of Iowa's community colleges. Education, Department of
(2017) Fact Sheet: The Economic Value of Iowa's Community Colleges, February 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) Fact Sheet: The Economic Value of Iowa’s Community Colleges. Education, Department of
(2017) Iowa College Aid Student & Faculty Diversity Report 2017. College Student Aid Commission
(2017) Community College Certified Budget Report FY 2018, May 25, 2017. Education, Department of
(2017) Community College Leader Bulletin, June 2017, Vol. 6, Issue 5. Education, Department of
(2017) Income and EFC 2017. College Student Aid Commission
(2017) Annual Student Financial Aid report, Board of Regents, June 7-8, 2017. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2017) Board of Regents, Approval of 2017-2018 Tuition Rates, June 7-8, 2017. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2017) Community College Leader Bulletin, July 2017, Vol. 7, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2017) Community College Leader Bulletin, August 2017, Vol. 7, Issue 2. Education, Department of
(2017) Tu Camino a la Universidad 2017-18. College Student Aid Commission
(2017) Your Course to College 2017-18. College Student Aid Commission
(2017) Community College Leader Bulletin, September 2017, Vol. 7, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2017) Prevalence of Receipt of Multiple State of Iowa Awards 2016-17. College Student Aid Commission
(2017) State of Iowa Scholarship and Grant Programs End-of-Year Report 2016-17. College Student Aid Commission
(2017) Community College Leader Bulletin, October 2017, Vol. 7, Issue 4. Education, Department of
(2017) Community College Leader Bulletin, November 2017, Vol. 7, Issue 5. Education, Department of
(2017) Iowa College and University Enrollment Report 2017. College Student Aid Commission
(2017) State Grants and Community College Student Postsecondary Outcomes. College Student Aid Commission
(2017) Community College Leader Bulletin, Spring 2017, Vol. 6, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2018) Kibbie Grant Report 2107. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) Executive Order Number One, January, 2018. Governor's Office
(2018) Community College Leader Bulletin, February 2018, Vol. 7, Issue 6. Education, Department of
(2018) Annual Diversity Report, February 21-22, 2018. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2018) Community College Leader Bulletin, March 2018, Vol. 7, Issue 7. Education, Department of
(2018) Community College Leader Bulletin, May 2018, Vol. 7, Issue 9. Education, Department of
(2018) Iowa College Aid Student & Faculty Diversity Report 2018. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) Directory of Iowa Community Colleges 2017-2018, Revised March 1, 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) Joint Enrollment Annual Report: Academy Year 2016-2017, March 14, 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) Community College Leader Bulletin, April 2018, Vol. 7, Issue 8. Education, Department of
(2018) Annual Student Financial Aid report, Board of Regents, April 11-12, 2018. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2018) Community College Certified Budget Report FY2019, May 15, 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) Community College Leader Bulletin, June 2018, Vol. 7, Issue 10. Education, Department of
(2018) Proposed 2018-19 Tuition and Fees, June 5-7, 2018. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2018) Community College Leader Bulletin, July 2018, Vol. 8, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2018) Community College Leader Bulletin, August 2018, Vol. 8, Issue 2. Education, Department of
(2018) Tu Camino a la Universidad 2018-19. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) Your Course to College 2018-19. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) Community College Leader Bulletin, September 2018, Vol. 8, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2018) Condition of Higher Education in Iowa 2018. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) State of Iowa Scholarship and Grant Programs End-of-Year Report 2017-18. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) Community College Leader Bulletin, October 2018, Vol. 8, Issue 4. Education, Department of
(2018) Prevalence of Receipt of Multiple State of Iowa Awards 2017-18. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) Adult Education and Literacy Coordinator Handbook Program Year 2091-2020, October 30, 2018. Education, Department of
(2018) Iowa College Aid Annual Report FY 2018. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) Iowa College and University Enrollment Report 2018. College Student Aid Commission
(2018) Kibbie Grant Report 2018. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, January 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 6. Education, Department of
(2019) Impact of Verification on Iowa FAFSA Filers. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Impact of Verification on Iowa FAFSA Filers: APPENDIX. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, February 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 7. Education, Department of
(2019) Annual Diversity Report, February 27-28, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Annual Student Financial Aid report, Board of Regents, February 27-28, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Iowa College Aid Student & Faculty Diversity Report 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Joint Enrollment Annual Report: Academy Year 2017-2018, March 15, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, April 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 8. Education, Department of
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, June 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 9. Education, Department of
(2019) Proposed 2019-2020 Tuition and Fees, June 4-6, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, July 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, September 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2019) Tuition and Fees Report Iowa Community Colleges FY2020, September 10, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, October 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 4. Education, Department of
(2019) KIBBIE GRANT Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant Program REPORT FY 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, November 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 5. Education, Department of
(2019) 2018-19 Annual Report Board of Regents, November 20, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Fall Enrollment Iowa Community Colleges 2020, November 20, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Fall Enrollment Iowa Community Colleges, November 20, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) KIBBIE GRANT Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant Program FY 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2020) Community College Leader Bulletin, January 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 6. Education, Department of
(2020) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges 2019, January 13, 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Condition of Higher Education in Iowa 2019. Education, Department of
(2020) Community College Leader Bulletin, February 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 7. Education, Department of
(2020) Annual Student Financial Aid report, Board of Regents, February 5, 2020. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2020) Community College Partnership: Second Chances through Education, Community College program prepare incarcerated citizens for successful reentry, February 17, 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) The Annual Condition of Secondary Career and Technical Education: Courses, Programs, Students and Faculty, March 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Community College Leader Bulletin, March 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 8. Education, Department of
(2020) Student and Faculty Diversity Report 2020. College Student Aid Commission
(2020) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2018-19, March 9, 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Community College Leader Bulletin, April 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 9. Education, Department of
(2020) Annual Diversity Report, April 1, 2020. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2020) Condition of Higher Education in Iowa 2020. College Student Aid Commission
(2020) Condition of Higher Education in Iowa 2020. College Student Aid Commission
(2020) Community College Leader Bulletin, June 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 10. Education, Department of
(2020) Iowa Community College Certified Budget Report FY2021, July 5, 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Iowa Community Colleges Tuition and Fees FY2021, September 10, August 24, 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) Annual Report of Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges, September 2020. Education, Department of
(2020) GEAR UP Iowa: ACT Initiatives and Outcomes. College Student Aid Commission
(2020) Receipt of Multiple Scholarship and Grant Awards 2019-20. College Student Aid Commission
(2020) Iowa College Aid Annual Report FY 2020.
(2020) Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant & Iowa Vocational Technical Tuition Grant - FY 2020 Report. College Student Aid Commission
(2020) 2019-20 Annual Report Board of Regents, November 3, 2020. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2020) The Annual Condition of Education in Iowa 2020, November 24, 2020. Education, Department of
(2021) 2020-21 Annual Report Board of Regents, 2021. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2021) 2021 Pathways for Academic & Career Employment (PACE), 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa Community Colleges Joint Enrollment Annual Report, Academic Year 2021, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) College Dreams Dissolved: An Examination of Factors Tied to “Summer Melt” in Iowa. College Student Aid Commission
(2021) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges 2020, January 11, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Adult Education and Literacy Annual Report 2020FY, January 12, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, February 2021, Vol. 10, Issue 7. Education, Department of
(2021) Pathways for Academic Career and Employment (PACE) Program, FY 2020, February 4, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2019-2020, February 5, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Gap Tuition Assistance Program: FY2020, February 15, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa’s Community Colleges, Education in Correctional Facilities Report: Employment & Recidivism Outcomes, May 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Student and Faculty Diversity Report 2021. College Student Aid Commission
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, April 2021, Vol. 11, Issue 9. Education, Department of
(2021) Secondary Career and Technical Education: Courses, Programs, Students and Faculty, April 13, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa Community College Certified Budget Report FY2022, April 21, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, May 2021, Vol. 11, Issue 10. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, June 2021, Vol. 11, Issue 11. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, March 2021, Vol. 10, Issue 8. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, July 2021, Vol. 11, Issue 12. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, August 2021, Vol. 12, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2021) Annual Report of Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges, September 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, September 2021, Vol. 12, Issue 2. Education, Department of
(2021) Summer College Credit Program: High school students earn college credit in high-demand fields over the summer, September 14, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa Internship Toolkit: Resource to Plan, Launch & Manage High School Internship Programs, September 15, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, October 2021, Vol. 12, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, November 2021, Vol. 12, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2021) Community College Leader Bulletin, December 2021, Vol. 12, Issue 5. Education, Department of
(2021) The Annual Condition of Education in Iowa 2021, December 1, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) 2021 Workforce Training and Economic Development Fund Annual Progress Report, December 2, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Community Colleges Additional Information Report, FY 2021, December 27, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2021, December 29, 2021. Education, Department of
(2021) Iowa Intermediary Network Annual Report, FY2021, December 29, 2021. Education, Department of
(2022) Adult Education and Literacy 2022 Annual Report, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) The Annual Condition of Secondary Career and Technical Education: Courses, Programs, Students and Faculty, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Career Academy Incentive Fund (CAIF), 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Fall Enrollment Iowa Community Colleges 2022, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Gap Tuition Assistance Program: FY2022, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Iowa Community Colleges Joint Enrollment Annual Report, Academic Year 2022, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Iowa Community Colleges Tuition and Fees FY2023, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Iowa Intermediary Network Annual Report, FY2022, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Joint Enrollment in Iowa, Report Highlights, AY2021-2022, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Pathways for Academic Career and Employment (PACE) Program, FY2022, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Workforce Training and Economic Development Fund 2022 Annual Progress Report, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Workforce Training and Economic Development Fund 2022 Annual Progress Report, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges AY 2021-2022: Tables, January 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, January 2022, Vol. 12, Issue 6. Education, Department of
(2022) Iowa Department of Education: Community College Accreditation Guidance – Nondiscrimination Statements, January 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Career & Technical Student Organizations: Quick Reference Toolkit 2021-22, January 3, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Adult Education and Literacy Coordinator Handbook Program Year 2021-2022, January 4, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Adult Education and Literacy Annual Report 2021, January 7, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Gap Tuition Assistance Program: FY2021, January 18, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Pathways for Academic Career and Employment (PACE) Program, FY 2021, January 21, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Guidance Impacting Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) and the Senior Year Plus Concurrent Enrollment Program, January 25, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2022, February 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, February 2022, Vol. 12, Issue 7. Education, Department of
(2022) The Economic Value of Iowa’s Community Colleges FY2019-20, February, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) The Iowa Community Colleges State Accreditation Guide: A Resource for Administrators and Accreditation Reviewers, February 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) 2021 Work-Based Learning Intermediary Network, February 2, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Gap Tuition Assistance Program: FY2021, February 2, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges: Annual Report 2021, February 23, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, March 2022, Vol. 12, Issue 8. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, April 2022, Vol. 12, Issue 9. Education, Department of
(2022) Senior Year Plus Postsecondary Course Audit Committee, Audit Plan for 2022-2023, April 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Iowa Community College Education Outcomes Certificate, Diploma and Associate Degree Programs Academic Year 2014 to Academic Year 2019, April 4, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) The Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges, 2021, April 5, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, May 2022, Vol. 12, Issue 10. Education, Department of
(2022) Iowa Community College Certified Budget Report FY2023, May 4, 2022. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, June 2022, Vol. 12, Issue 11. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, July 2022, Vol. 12, Issue 12. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, August 2022, Vol. 13, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, September 2022, Vol. 13, Issue 2. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, October 2022, Vol. 13, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, November 2022, Vol. 13, Issue 4. Education, Department of
(2022) Community College Leader Bulletin, December 2022, Vol. 13, Issue 5. Education, Department of
(2022) Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant & Iowa Vocational Technical Tuition Grant FY 2022 Report. College Student Aid Commission. College Student Aid Commission
(2023) Iowa College Student Aid Commission Agency Performance Plan FY2023. College Student Aid Commission
(2023) Condition of Higher Education In Iowa 2022. College Student Aid Commission
(2023) Estimating the Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship Under the Student Aid Index. College Student Aid Commission
(2023) Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant & Iowa Vocational Technical Tuition Grant FY 2023 Report. College Student Aid Commission. College Student Aid Commission