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(1965) Fort Dodge Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Iowa State Highway Commission, February 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) A Survey of Physical Facilities at Colleges and Universities in Iowa, Fall 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Behavior of Asphalts During Production of Asphaltic Concrete Mixes, HR-107, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Housekeepers Almanac for the year 1866; a facsimile reproduction, slightly enlarged of an 1866 Almanac: Reprinted with an introduction by William J. Petersen for members of the State Historical Society of Iowa, December 1965. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1965) The Methodist Almanac a facsimile Reproduction, slightly enlarged of an 1866 Almanac, Reprinted, with an introduction by William J. Petersen for members of the State Historical Society of Iowa, December 1965. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1965) Subgrade Insulation to Prevent Soil Freezing, HR-87, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Survey of environmental radioactivity by Milo D. Voss, December 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Time-Temperature Strength-Reaction Product Relationships in Lime-Bentonite-Water Mixtures, HR-111, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) An Exploratory Econometric Study of Dairy Bargaining Cooperatives, November 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Market Profiles: Iowa Far East Trade Mission countries: Hong Kong, Japan, The Philippines, Taiwan (Formosa), Thailand prepared by Research Division, Iowa Development Commission, November 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Selected Proceedings of the Workshop on Social Gerontology for Home Economists, November 1964. University of Iowa
(1965) A handbook for Iowa mayors, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Evaluation of Alternative Market Organizations in a Simulated Livestock-Meat Economy, October 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Ida County Manpower Occupational Potential Inventory: Part 1, Community Development Program, Iowa Employment Security Commission, October 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Understanding our city, Des Moines : third grade social studies / a tentative sourcebook compiled and written by John H. Kilgore ... Robert Denny, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Water vapor-sodium montmorillonite interaction : progress report to Iowa State Highway Commission; Iowa Highway Research Board Project HR-97; Iowa Engineering Experiment Station Project 505-S, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Estate Planning Iowa Joint Tenancies, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Problems of Bridge Supporting and Expansion Devices and an Experimental Comparison of the Dynamic Behavior of Rigid and Elastomeric Bearings, HR-105, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) A Study to Correlate Soil Consistency Limits with Soil Moisture Tensions, HR-27, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) This is Humboldt County: Manpower Resources, Manpower Occupational Potential Inventory, Area Skill Study, Facts about Humboldt County, September 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Yield Response of Corn in a Planosol Soil to Subsurface Drainage with Variable Tile Spacings, September 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Report on the water pollution investigation of the Humboldt-Wright Drainage Ditch No. 3-47 and the Boone River below Renwick, Iowa, 1961. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1965) Report on the water pollution investigation of the Yellow River below Volney, Iowa, 1965. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1965) Foreign trade potential Latin America : a preliminary report, 1965. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1965) Aeromagnetic Map of Central Iowa, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Competencies in agriculture mechanics needed by vocational agriculture instructors, 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) An Economic Base Report of Washington County: Part 2, Community Development Program, Iowa Employment Security Commission, August 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) The Economic Base of Seven Southern Iowa Counties: Adair, Adams, Clarke, Decatur, Ringgold, Taylor, Union, August 1965. Iowa State University Extension
(1965) Floristic Relationships of New Caledonia Vascular Plants collected by R.F. Thorne, August 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Projections of U.S. Agricultural Capacity and Interregional Adjustments in Production and Land Use with Spatial Programming Models, August 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Report of area district activities for improvement of education in Iowa schools, 1964-1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Troublesome Creek Watershed; Audubon, Cass, and Guthrie counties Iowa, August 1972. University of Iowa
(1965) Washington County Manpower Occupational Potential Inventory: Part I / Community Development Program, Iowa Employment Security Commission, August 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Labor laws of the State of Iowa : revised to July 4, 1965. Labor, Division of
(1965) Employment Security Activities: Research and Statistics, Iowa Employment Security Commission, July 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) National Accelerator Laboratory prepared for Atomic Energy Commission, July 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) A Programming Analysis of Interregional Competition and Surplus Capacity of American Agriculture, July 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) A Proposal for Vocational Education for the Counties of Benton, Cedar, Delaware, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn and Washington, State of Iowa, July 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Employment Security Activities: Research and Statistics, Iowa Employment Security Commission, June 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Iowa's Comprehensive Plan to Combat Mental Retardation, June 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Employment Security Activities: Research and Statistics, Iowa Employment Security Commission, May 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Performance Evaluation Report, Explanation for Employees, May 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) A Study on the Effect of an Increase in the Taxable Wage Base under the Iowa Unemployment Insurance Program, May 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Behavior of Asphalts in the Production of Asphaltic Concrete, HR-107, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Employment Security Activities: Research and Statistics, Iowa Employment Security Commission, April 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Relationship of Tree Survival and Yield to Coal-Spoil Characteristics, April 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Report of the Legislative Advisory Committee on the Study of Tax Revision by the Tax Revision Advisory Committee, April 1965. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1965) Role of habitat in the distribution and abundance of marsh birds, 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Compositional and Mechanical Properties of Carbonate Rocks, Progress Report, HR-110, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Factors Influencing Stability of Granular Base Course Mixes, Progress Report, HR-99, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Farm Migrants to the City: A Comparison of the Status, Achievement, Community, and Family Relations of Farm Migrants with Urban Migrants and Urban Natives in Des Moines Iowa, March 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Adequacy of Benefits under the Iowa Unemployment Insurance Program prepared by Research & Statistics Division, Iowa Employment Security Commission, February 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Experiments with Autoregressive Error Estimation by George W. Ladd, February 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Motion pictures produced by the University of Iowa, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) The American Educational Series and Almanac, A facsimile reproduction, slightly enlarged of an 1867 almanac. Reprinted with an introduction by William J. Petersen for members of the State Historical Society of Iowa, January 1965. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1965) The Influence of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization on Nutrient Status and Profitability of Bromegrass on Ida Soils, January 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Panora Origin and Destination Traffic Study, Iowa State Highway Commission, January 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Projections of Iowa's Economy and People in 1974 by Wilbur R. Maki, January 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Soils and Soil Stabilizers, HR-106, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) The 1965 Mississippi River flood in Iowa, 1965. University of Northern Iowa
(1965) 1965. This is your job: Iowa Employment Commission. Personnel, Department of
(1965) Alcohol and Alcoholics in Iowa, 1965 by Harold A. Mulford, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Analysis of traffic volumes and weights at Iowa loadometer stations for operational period July 12, 1965 to August 31, 1965 prepared by Traffic and Highway Planning Department, Division of Planning, Iowa State Highway Commission, in cooperation with the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Bridge and Culvert Plan Reading, A Self-Instructional Course, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) A Brief History of Unemployment Insurance, Iowa Employment Security Commission, 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Capital Improvement Program Ankeny, Iowa, 1965. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1965) Chemistry For Iowa Schools, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Coal Resources of Iowa: Technical Paper No. 4, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Communications, Coordination, and Control among Local Governments in the Siouxland, A Study of Intergovernmental Relations, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) The Community Survey: Its Use in Development and Action Programs prepared by C. Phillip Baumel, Daryl J. Hobbs and Ronald C. Powers, 1965. Iowa State University Extension
(1965) Competencies Needed by Farm Credit Agency Employees, 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Competencies in animal science needed by vocational agriculture instructors, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Competencies in farm credit needed by farmers, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Competencies in livestock marketing needed by farmers, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Competencies in soil management and use of fertilizers needed by farmers, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Comprehensive Plan, Ankeny, Iowa, 1965. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1965) Contents and Index of Special Report Bulletins of the Iowa State University, Special Report Bulletins 1-19, April 1935 to September 1957, 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Copy into Print, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) The Establishment of a Higher Education Facilities Commission, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Extension and Service Activities, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Factors related to employment opportunities in retail fertilizer distribution in Iowa, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) A Guide for Developing School Bus Purchasing Specifications, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Income Tax Information by School District for 1965 Personal Income Tax Returns compiled and distributed by the Research and Statistics Division, 1965. Revenue, Department of
(1965) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1965. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1965) The Individual in the Modern Community A Report on the Newton Survey, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Industry is on the move to Iowa, 1965. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1965) Information for Workers about Unemployment Insurance in Iowa, 1965. Governor's Office
(1965) Installment Land Contracts in Iowa by Marshall Harris and N. William Hines, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) The Iowa Annie Wittenmyer Home, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1965. Attorney General
(1965) Iowa Commission for the Blind tape catalog : tapes 1-3399, 1965. Blind, Department for the
(1965) Iowa State Implementation Plan Revisions to Control Air Pollution, 1965. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Iowa, 1965. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1965) Legal aspects of the small watershed program in Iowa, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Legislative changes in IPERS, 1965. Iowa Workforce Development
(1965) Looking for a Plant Site, 1965. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1965) MSEIP, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Mental Health Planning in Iowa, Summary Report, July 1963 to December 1965, 1965. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1965) Methods of Instruction Training Department, Iowa Employment Security Commission, 1965. Administrative Services
(1965) New Facts about IPERS, 1965. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(1965) Performance Evaluation Report: Supervisor's Handbook, 1965. Administrative Services
(1965) Plants Producing Basic Fertilizer Materials in Iowa and Contiguous States, 1964, and Planned for 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Quarterly Biology Report, 1965, Vol. 17 no. 1. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Quarterly Biology Report, 1965, Vol. 17 no. 3. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Quarterly Biology Report, 1965, Vol. 17 no. 4. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Report of Proposed Scenic Highways by Iowa State Highway Commission as requested by Presidential Executive Order 11017 in Cooperation with the United States Department of Commerce, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Roster of State Officials, 1965. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)
(1965) Roster of State Officials, 1965. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)
(1965) School Business, A Manual for School Officials for School Officials, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) School Nursing Manual, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) The Social and Technological Revolution of the Sixties, 1965. Management, Department of
(1965) State Tax Commission: Copy of : 1. individual income tax law; 2. corporation income tax law; 3. retail sales tax law; and 4. use tax law. / reproduction pamphlet by the Iowa State Tax Commission, 1965. Revenue, Department of
(1965) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 61st, 1965. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1965) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1965. Transportation, Department of
(1965) Status 6 WOI-TV, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Training and supervision of the school bus driver, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Twelfth Annual Midwest Correctional Conference, 1965. Corrections, Department of
(1965) Urban Development, Proceedings of the Second Annual Urban Policy Conference, November 4-6, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) The Water Story in Central Iowa, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, December 1965, Vol. 24, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, November 1965, Vol. 24, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, October 1965, Vol. 24, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, September 1965, Vol. 24, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, August 1965, Vol. 24, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, July 1965, Vol. 24, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, June 1965, Vol. 24, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, May 1965, Vol. 24, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, April 1965, Vol. 24, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, March 1965, Vol. 24, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, February 1965, Vol. 24, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) Iowa Conservationist, January 1965, Vol. 24, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) An Act to Prevent Consumer Fraud, 1965. Attorney General
(1965) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1964-December 1965, Vol. 23 and 24. Natural Resources, Department of
(1965) The Population Change of Eight Southern Iowa Counties, September 1965. Iowa State University
(1965) Driver Education for Iowa Schools, 1965. Education, Department of
(1965) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 61st General Assembly, 1965. House of Representatives and Staff
(1965) Journal of the Senate of the 61st General Assembly of the State of Iowa, 1965. Senate and Staff
(1965) Trends and Variations in Local Finances, The Case of Iowa counties by Deil S. Wright, 1965. University of Iowa
(1965) Your Invitation to Iowa...Beautiful Land Between Two Rivers, 1965. Governor's Office