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Jump to: 0200 | January 1870 | 1892 | 1893 | 1894 | 1895 | 1896 | 1897 | 1898 | 1899 | 1900 | 1901 | 1902 | 1903 | 1904 | 1905 | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 | 1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 10 October 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1920 | 23 June 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 15 October 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | June 1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1939 | 1941 | September 1942 | 7 March 1950 | May 1952 | 1 May 1953 | 1 September 1955 | 1 November 1956 | 1959 | 1961 | June 1961 | 25 June 1961 | 1 May 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1 June 1967 | July 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | April 1969 | 1970 | April 1970 | May 1970 | 1971 | July 1971 | 1972 | 6 May 1972 | 29 July 1972 | September 1972 | 25 November 1972 | 1973 | January 1973 | February 1973 | 13 June 1973 | September 1973 | 1974 | September 1974 | December 1974 | 1975 | February 1975 | August 1975 | 13 September 1975 | 1976 | January 1976 | April 1976 | July 1976 | August 1976 | 11 September 1976 | 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Number of items at this level: 1402.


(0200) Ophiogomphus Smithi in Northeast Iowa by Steve Hummel, 2000. University of Iowa

January 1870

(1870) Report on the Geological Survey on the State of Iowa, January 1870.


(1892) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1892, Vol. 1. Natural Resources, Department of


(1893) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1893, Vol. 3. Natural Resources, Department of


(1894) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1894, Vol. 2. Natural Resources, Department of

(1894) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1894, Vol. 4. Natural Resources, Department of


(1895) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1895, Vol. 5. Natural Resources, Department of

(1895) Cretaceous Deposits of the Sioux Valley, 1895. University of Iowa


(1896) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1896, Vol. 7. Natural Resources, Department of


(1897) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1897, Vol. 6. Natural Resources, Department of

(1897) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1897, Vol. 8. Natural Resources, Department of

(1897) Artesian Wells of Iowa by William Harmon Norton, 1897. Natural Resources, Department of

(1897) Relations of the Wisconsin and Kansan Drift Sheets in Central Iowa and Related Phenomena, 1897. University of Iowa


(1898) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1898, Vol. 9. Natural Resources, Department of


(1899) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1899, Vol. 10. Natural Resources, Department of


(1900) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1900, Vol. 11. Natural Resources, Department of

(1900) Geology of Hardin County by Samuel Walker Beyer, 1900. Natural Resources, Department of


(1901) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1901, Vol. 12. Natural Resources, Department of


(1902) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1902, Vol. 13. Natural Resources, Department of


(1903) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1903, Vol. 14. Natural Resources, Department of


(1904) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1904, Vol. 15. Natural Resources, Department of


(1905) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1905, Vol. 16. Natural Resources, Department of

(1905) The Geology of Emmet, Palo Alto and Pocahontas Counties by Thomas H. Macbride, 1905. University of Iowa

(1905) A Preliminary List of Fossil Mastodon and Mammoth Remains in Illinois and Iowa by Netta C. Anderson; On the Proboscidean Fossils of the Pleistocene deposits in Illinois and Iowa by Johan August Udden, 1905. University of Iowa


(1906) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1906, Vol. 17. Natural Resources, Department of


(1907) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1907, Vol. 18. Natural Resources, Department of


(1908) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1908, Vol. 19. Natural Resources, Department of


(1910) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1910-1911, Vol. 20. Natural Resources, Department of


(1911) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1911, Vol. 22. Natural Resources, Department of


(1912) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1912, Vol. 23. Natural Resources, Department of


(1913) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1913, Vol. 24. Natural Resources, Department of


(1914) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1914, Vol. 25. Natural Resources, Department of


(1915) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1915, Vol. 26. Natural Resources, Department of


(1916) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1916, Vol. 27. Natural Resources, Department of

(1916) New Fossil Coleoptera from the Florissant beds by Henry Frederick Wickham, 1916. University of Iowa

10 October 1916

(1916) Practical Handling of Iowa Clays with Application of Ceramic Principles by Homer F. Staley, October 10, 1916. Natural Resources, Department of


(1917) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1917, Vol. 28. Natural Resources, Department of


(1918) A Description of the Region about Camp Dodge, 1918. University of Iowa

(1918) Reports on certain Anthropods and Polychaetous Annelids of the Barbados-Antigua Expedition of 1918, 1918. University of Iowa


(1920) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1919-1920, Vol. 29. Natural Resources, Department of

23 June 1920

(1920) Possibilities of Pottery Manufacture from Iowa Clays, June 23, 1920. Natural Resources, Department of


(1921) Development of the Foliaceous Cotyledons of Cucurbita Maxima by Hilmer C. Nelson, 1932. University of Iowa

(1921) Reports on the Crinoids, Pphiurans, Brachyura, Tanidacea and Isopoda, Amphipods, & Echinoidea of the Barbados-Antigua expedition of 1918, 1921. University of Iowa


(1922) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1912-1922, Vol. 30. Natural Resources, Department of


(1924) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1923-1924, Vol. 31. Natural Resources, Department of

(1924) Fiji-New Zealand Expedition, Narrative and Preliminary Report of a Scientific Expedition, 1924. Natural Resources, Department of


(1925) Entomological and Geological Papers, 1925. University of Iowa


(1926) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1925-1926, Vol. 32. Natural Resources, Department of

(1926) Sketch of the Geology of Iowa, 1926. University of Iowa

15 October 1926

(1926) Methods of Mechanical Analysis of Sediments by Chester K. Wentworth, October 15, 1926. University of Iowa


(1927) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1927, Vol. 33. Natural Resources, Department of

(1927) Report on Odonata, including notes on some Internal Organs of the Larvae, collected by the Barbados-Antigua expedition from the University of Iowa in 1918 by Philip P. Calvert, 1927. University of Iowa


(1928) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1928, Vol. 34. Natural Resources, Department of

(1928) Cenozoic History of the Northern Black Hills by Louise Fillman, 1928. University of Iowa

(1928) Dinoflagellates from Marine and Brackish Waters of New Jersey by G.W. Martin, 1928. University of Iowa


(1929) Analyses of Iowa Coals, 1929. University of Iowa

(1929) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1929, Vol. 35. Natural Resources, Department of

(1929) The Pre-Illinoian Pleistocene Geology of Iowa, 1929. University of Iowa


(1930) Iowa Coal Studies: Technical Paper No. 2, 1930. University of Iowa

June 1930

(1930) Microbiological Studies of some Typical Iowa Soil Profiles by P.E. Brown and T.H. Benton, June 1930. Iowa State University


(1931) Botanical Papers II, 1931. University of Iowa

(1931) Botanical Papers, 1931. University of Iowa

(1931) The Development of the Gonads in the Gold Fish, Carassius Auratus by Frank A. Stromsten, 1931. University of Iowa

(1931) Field Notes on Connecticut Birds by Clinton Mellen Jones, 1931. University of Iowa

(1931) Miscellaneous Papers by Bohumil Shimek, Ph. D, 1931. University of Iowa

(1931) Pacific Island Sediments by C.K. Wentworth and H.S. Ladd, 1931. University of Iowa


(1932) The Development of Foliage Leaves by Beryl Taylor Mounts, 1932. University of Iowa

(1932) The Mixochoanitic Cephalopods by A.K. Miller, 1932. University of Iowa


(1933) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1930-1933, Vol. 36. Natural Resources, Department of

(1933) A Comparative Morphological Study of the Myxomycete Fructification by Gladys E. Baker, 1933. University of Iowa

(1933) Sedimentation in Red River below the Mouth of Washita River by Victor H. Jones, 1933. University of Iowa


(1935) Contributions to the Stratigraphy and Structure of the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1935. University of Iowa

(1935) Notes on the Lower Basidiomycetes by Donald P. Rogers, 1935. University of Iowa


(1936) Iowa Coal Studies: Technical Paper No. 3, 1936. University of Iowa

(1936) A Key to the Families of Fungi Exclusive of the Lichens by G.W. Martin, 1936. University of Iowa

(1936) On the Plasmodium of Myxomycetes by P. U. Indira. University of Iowa


(1937) An Addition to Bibliographies of the Genus Cuscuta by Henry Lee Dean, The Morphology of Podaxis Pistillaris by Travis W. Brasfield, 1937. University of Iowa

(1937) The Use of Iowa Clays in Small-Scale Production of Ceramic Art by Paul E. Cox, 1937. Natural Resources, Department of


(1939) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1934-1939, Vol. 37. Natural Resources, Department of


(1941) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1940-1941, Vol. 38. Natural Resources, Department of

September 1942

(1942) Summaries of Yearly and Flood Flow Relating to Iowa Streams 1873-1840; Water Supply Bulletin No. 1, 1942. Natural Resources, Department of

7 March 1950

(1950) Water Resources of Iowa, A Symposium held at the Iowa State College, March 7, 1950. University of Iowa

May 1952

(1952) Report on a management improvement study of the State Conservation Commission, May 1952. Natural Resources, Department of

1 May 1953

(1953) Surface Water Resources of Iowa for the Period October 1, 1942 to September 30, 1950; Water Supply Bulletin No. 3, July 1, 1953. Natural Resources, Department of

(1953) Water Supply Bulletin No. 9; Geology and Ground Water Resources of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1970. Natural Resources, Department of

1 September 1955

(1955) Water Supply Bulletin No. 4; Geology and Ground Water Resources of Webster County, Iowa, September 1, 1955. Natural Resources, Department of

1 November 1956

(1956) Surface Water Resources of Iowa October 1, 1950 to September 30, 1955, November 1, 1956. University of Iowa


(1959) Guide for County Conservation Boards, 1959. Natural Resources, Department of


(1961) It's your soil too!, 1961. Iowa State University Extension

June 1961

(1961) Geology and Ground Water Resources of Clayton County, Iowa; Water Supply Bulletin No. 7, June 1961. Natural Resources, Department of

(1961) Surface Water Resources of Iowa for the Period Octobe r1, 1940 to September 30, 1942; Water Supply Bulletin No. 2, 1944. Natural Resources, Department of

25 June 1961

(1961) Accumulation of Moisture in Soil Under an Impervious Surface, June 25, 1961. Iowa State University

1 May 1963

(1963) Surface Water Resources of Iowa for the Period October 1, 1955 to September 30, 1960; Water Supply Bulletin No. 8, May 1, 1963. Natural Resources, Department of


(1964) Relict Nature of the Flora of White Pine Hollow Forest Reserve, Dubuque County, Iowa by Robert F. Thorne, 1964. University of Iowa

(1964) Stratigraphy of the Osage Series in Southeastern Iowa: Report of Investigations 1, 1964. University of Iowa


(1965) Coal Resources of Iowa: Technical Paper No. 4, 1965. University of Iowa

(1965) The Water Story in Central Iowa, 1965. University of Iowa


(1966) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1966, Vol. 39. Natural Resources, Department of

(1966) A Decade of Experience Under the Iowa Water Permit System by N. William Hines, 1966. University of Iowa

(1966) Glacial Drift in the :Driftless Area" of Northeast Iowa: Report of Investigations 2, 1966. University of Iowa


(1967) Bibliography of the Geology of Iowa 1960-1964, 1967. University of Iowa

(1967) La Porte City Chert - Devonian Subsurface Formation in Central Iowa: Report of Investigations 4, 1967. University of Iowa

(1967) Preliminary Report on Basement Complex Rocks of Iowa: Report of Investigations 3, 1967. University of Iowa

1 June 1967

(1967) The Fossils and Rocks of Eastern Iowa: A half-billion years of Iowa history, June 1, 1967. University of Iowa

July 1967

(1967) Highway guide of Iowa soil associations, 1967. Iowa State University Extension


(1968) Iowan Drift Problem, Northeastern Iowa: Report of Investigations 7, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) A New Upper Devonian Cystoid Attached to a Discontinuity Surface: Report of Investigations 5, 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Outdoor Recreation Plan Adams County Iowa, 1968. Natural Resources, Department of


(1969) Iowa Gravity Base Station Network: Report of Investigations 8, 1969. University of Iowa

(1969) Iowa River Study: A Study of the Recreation Potential of the Iowa River form Alden to Union, IA 1969. Iowa State University

(1969) The Yellow Spring Group of the Upper Devonian in Iowa: Report of Investigations 9, 1969. University of Iowa

April 1969

(1969) Mineral Deposits of Iowa by John Lemish, April 1969. Iowa State University


(1970) Stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian Shell Rock Formation of North Central Iowa: Report of Investigations 10, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) The Umbelliferae of Iowa by Daniel J. Crawford, 1970. University of Iowa

(1970) Water Supply Bulletin No. 10; Geology and Ground Water Resources of Linn County, Iowa, 1970. Natural Resources, Department of

April 1970

(1970) Floods in the Upper Des Moines River Basin Iowa by Harlan H. Schwob, April 1970. University of Iowa

May 1970

(1970) Flood Profile Study, Morgan Creek, Linn County, Iowa by Harlan H. Schwob, May 1970. University of Iowa


(1971) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1971, Vol. 42. Natural Resources, Department of

(1971) Environmental Geology and Land Use Planning in the Sioux City Region, Iowa, 1971. University of Iowa

July 1971

(1971) Optimal Well Plugging Procedures, July 1971. University of Iowa


(1972) A Gravity Interpretation of Black Hawk County: Report of Investigations, 19672. University of Iowa

6 May 1972

(1972) Revision of Galena Stratigraphy; Field Guidebooks, May 6, 1972. Natural Resources, Department of

29 July 1972

(1972) The General Geology of Black Hawk County and Adjacent Areas; Field Guidebooks, July 29, 1972. Natural Resources, Department of

September 1972

(1972) The Water Pollution Hazard in the Iowa River Basin, A Descriptive Study of Attitudes and Opinions, September 1972. University of Iowa

25 November 1972

(1972) Soil Moisture available for Plant Growth in Iowa by R.H. Shaw, R.E. Felch, and E.R. Duncan, November 1972. Iowa State University


(1973) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1973, Vol. 43-44. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Iowa Region five, Outdoor Recreation & Open Spaces, Humboldt County Conservation Board, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

(1973) Resource Development Land and Water Use Management South Central Iowa Eleven County Region, 1973. University of Iowa

January 1973

(1973) Preliminary Interpretation Report Airborne Magnetometer Survey of Southern Iowa, January, 1973. University of Iowa

February 1973

(1973) Flood Inundation Mapping in Southwestern Iowa: A Preliminary Report: Analysis of ERTS-1 imagery, February 1973. University of Iowa

13 June 1973

(1973) Geology of Pikes Peak State Park, Clayton County, Iowa, June 13, 1973. University of Iowa

September 1973

(1973) Flood of August 2, 1972, in the Little Maquoketa River Basin, Dubuque County, Iowa by Albert J. Heinitz, September 1973. University of Iowa


(1974) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1974, Vol. 45. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) A County-Wide Conservation, Open Spaces & Outdoor Recreation Plan for Humboldt County, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

(1974) The Minerals of Iowa, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of

September 1974

(1974) Summary of Multispectral Flood Inundation Mapping in Iowa, September 1974. University of Iowa

December 1974

(1974) Report on Cold Water Cave, December 1974. University of Iowa


(1975) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1975, Vol. 46. Natural Resources, Department of

(1975) Strippable Coal Reserve Study in Selected Iowa Counties, 1975. University of Iowa

February 1975

(1975) Protecting Chrysanthemums from Disease by A.H. Epstein, February 1975. Iowa State University

August 1975

(1975) Strippable Coal Reserve Study in Seven Iowa Counties, August 1976. University of Iowa

13 September 1975

(1975) Karst Topography Along the Silurian Escarpment in Southern Clayton County, Iowa; Field Guidebooks, September 13, 1975. Natural Resources, Department of


(1976) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1976, Vol. 47. Natural Resources, Department of

(1976) A Biohermal Facies in the Silurian of Eastern Iowa: Report of Investigations 6, 1975. University of Iowa

(1976) Development of Iowa Coal, A Systems Analytic Approach, October 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Environmental Analysis concerning ICP Coal Beneficiation Plant for Iowa Coal Research Project, 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Gravity Survey of the Randalia Magnetic Anomaly Fayette County, Iowa: Report of Investigations 11, 1975. University of Iowa

(1976) Land-Use in Iowa, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Land-Use in Iowa: 1976 An Explanation of the Map, 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) A Model to Analyze the Costs of Strip Mining and Reclamation, August 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) An Optimizing Model to Match Mining Equipment Sets, August 1976. Iowa State University

January 1976

(1976) Iowa Geological Survey Newsletter, January 1976, Vol.1, no.1. University of Iowa

April 1976

(1976) Coal microstructure and the significance of pyrite inclusions. Iowa State University

July 1976

(1976) A Late-Glacial Pollen Sequence from Northeastern Iowa; Sumner Bog Revisited, July 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) Report on the Location and Distribution of Coal Strip Mines in Iowa and Implications for Future Coal Explorations, July 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Selected Geologic Information from Drill Holes in Northeastern Iowa, July 1076. University of Iowa

(1976) A Thermal Model for the Surface Temperature of Materials on the Earth's Surface, July 1976. University of Iowa

(1976) An analysis of the National Coal Economy and a Marginal Producing Region, 1976-1990, July 1976. Iowa State University

August 1976

(1976) Irrigation in Iowa, August 1976. University of Iowa

11 September 1976

(1976) Geological Points of Interest in the Fort Dodge Area; Field Guidebooks, September 11, 1976. Natural Resources, Department of

October 1976

(1976) Desulfurization of Coal in a Fluidized Bed Reactor at Elevated Temperatures, October 1976. Iowa State University

(1976) Flood of June 27, 1975 in City of Ames Iowa, October 1976. University of Iowa

November 1976

(1976) Summary of Oil & Gas Test Wells in Iowa, November 1976. University of Iowa


(1977) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1977, Vol. 48. Natural Resources, Department of

(1977) Northern Pike Investigations prepared by Tom Gengerke, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of

(1977) Paddlefish Investigations, prepared by Thomas W. Gengerke, 1978. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1977

(1977) Floods in the Big Creek Basin Linn County, Iowa by Albert J. Heinitz, Janaury 1977. University of Iowa

(1977) Iowa Geological Survey Newsletter, January 1977, Vol.1, no.2. University of Iowa

13 January 1977

(1977) Physical Desulfurization of Iowa Coal by Flotation, June 1977. Iowa State University

April 1977

(1977) Strip-mining and small mammals in southern Iowa. 1977. Iowa State University

May 1977

(1977) Fluvial Sediment Data for Iowa: Suspended-sediment Concentrations, Loads and Sizes; Bed-materials Sizes; and Reservoir Siltation, May 1977. University of Iowa

(1977) Water Supply Bulletin No. 11; Geology and Ground Water Resources of Muscatine County, Iowa, May 1977. Natural Resources, Department of


(1978) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1978, Vol. 49. Natural Resources, Department of

(1978) Dynamics of Predator-Prey Relationship in DeSoto Bend Lake, Completion Report by author Kay Hill, 1978. Natural Resources, Department of

(1978) Lake Macbride State Park: Master Plan Study, Iowa Conservation Commission, 1978. Natural Resources, Department of

(1978) Water Resources of East-Central Iowa, 1978. University of Iowa

January 1978

(1978) Iowa Geological Survey Newsletter, January 1978, Vol.1, no.3. University of Iowa

1 February 1978

(1978) Full Scale Coal Preparation Research on High Sulfur Iowa Coal, February 1, 1978. Iowa State University

September 1978

(1978) The Effect of Chemical Pretreatment on the Desulfurization of Coal by Selective Oil Agglomeration, September 1978. Iowa State University

13 September 1978

(1978) Physical and Physiochemical Removal of Sulfur from Coal, September 13, 1978. Iowa State University

October 1978

(1978) 42nd Annual Tri-State Geological Field Conference Guidebook, October 1978. University of Iowa

December 1978

(1978) Highway Soil Engineering Data for Major Soils in Iowa, December 1978. University of Iowa

(1978) Plugging Procedures for Domestic Wells, December 1978. University of Iowa

(1978) Standard Procedures for Evaluation of Quaternary Materials in Iowa, December 1978. University of Iowa


(1979) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1979, Vol. 50. Natural Resources, Department of

(1979) Changes in the Channel Area of the Missouri River in Iowa, 1879-1976. University of Iowa

(1979) Ground Water Resources of Dallas County, 1979-1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1979) Northwest Iowan's [sic] share their memories: anthologies written, typed and illustrated by area residents, 1987. Natural Resources, Department of

(1979) Preliminary Report - Matlock Tachonite Body, March 9, 1979. University of Iowa

January 1979

(1979) Coal Resource Program Report, January 1979. University of Iowa

(1979) Iowa Geological Survey Newsletter, January 1979, Vol.1, no.4. University of Iowa

(1979) Water Resources Development by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Iowa, North Central Division, January 1979. University of Iowa

September 1979

(1979) Review of Geotechnical Investigations of Loess in North American, September 1979. University of Iowa

(1979) Status of Hydrogeologic Studies in Northwest Iowa, September 1979. University of Iowa

1 September 1979

(1979) Environmental assessment of climate, soils and tetrapod vertebrates of Volga River State Recreation Area, Fayette County Iowa, September 1, 1979. Natural Resources, Department of

20 October 1979

(1979) Fields Trip Guidebook to the Cambrain Stratigraphy of Allamakee County; Field Guidebooks, October 20, 1979. Natural Resources, Department of


(1980) Iowa Observation Well Network, Past, Present, and Future by John D. Logel, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) A Study of Pennsylvanian Sandstones in the Mayflower Residence Hall Area Iowa City, Iowa, 1980. University of Iowa

January 1980

(1980) Iowa Geological Survey Newsletter, January 1980, Vol. 1, no. 5. University of Iowa

(1980) New Evidence of Early Ordovician Tectonism in the Upper Mississippi Valley, January 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Pleistocene Stratigraphy in East-Central Iowa, January 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Regional Gravity data for Southwest Iowa, January 1980. University of Iowa

29 March 1980

(1980) Natural resources inventory of Pikes Peak/Point Ann State Park, Clayton County, Iowa, March 29, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

20 April 1980

(1980) Field Guide to Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems in South Central Iowa; Field Guidebooks, April 20, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

May 1980

(1980) 27th Field Conference Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene: Yarmouth Revisited, May/June 1980. University of Iowa

(1980) Little Maquoketa River Mounds, Dubuque County, Site Description and Recommendations for Development, May 1980. University of Iowa

1 May 1980

(1980) Master Plan Report: Volga River State Recreation Area, May 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

September 1980

(1980) Geomorphic History of the Little Sioux River Valley; Field Guidebooks, September 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

11 September 1980

(1980) Stratigraphy and Conondonts of the Upper Devonian Sequence from Two Core in Northern Iowa, September 11, 1980. University of Iowa

December 1980

(1980) A Bibliography of Pennsylvanian Geology and Coal in Iowa, December 1980. University of Iowa


(1981) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1980-1981, Vol. 51. Natural Resources, Department of

(1981) Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Iowa,1981. Natural Resources, Department of

(1981) Cherokee Sandstones and Related Facies of Central Iowa: An Examination of Tectonic Setting and Depositional Environments; Field trip guidebook, 1981. University of Iowa

(1981) Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Sedimentation in Northwest Iowa, northwest Nebraska an d Southeast South Dakota, 1981. University of Iowa

(1981) Depositional Environments of Glacial Sediments and Landforms on the Des Moines Lobe, Iowa; Field trip guidebook, 1981. University of Iowa

(1981) Rediscovering Ledges State Park: A Master Plan for Redeveloping, 1981. Natural Resources, Department of

(1981) Report on the Examination of the Peterson #1 and Hummel 1 #4 Cores, 1981. University of Iowa

(1981) Wing Dam Investigations, Project Completion Report prepared by John Pitlo, Jr, 1981. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1981

(1981) Iowa Geological Survey Newsletter, January 1981, Vol. 1, no. 6. University of Iowa

April 1981

(1981) Supplementary Regional Gravity data for Southwest Iowa, April 1981. University of Iowa

26 April 1981

(1981) Silurian Stratigraphy of Eastern Lin and Western Jones Counties, Iowa; Field Guidebooks, April 26, 1981. Natural Resources, Department of

26 September 1981

(1981) Glacial Sedimentation and the Algona Moraine in Iowa; Field Guidebooks, September 26, 1981. Natural Resources, Department of


(1982) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1982, Vol. 52. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1982

(1982) Iowa Geological, January 1982, Vol. 1, no. 7. University of Iowa

18 April 1982

(1982) Mississippi Biofacies-Lithofacies Trends Northcentral Iowa; Field Guidebooks, April 18, 1982. Natural Resources, Department of

July 1982

(1982) The Subsurface Devonian Lithostratrigrapy of Southeastern Iowa, July 1982. University of Iowa

September 1982

(1982) Hydrology of the Surficial Aquifer in the Floyd River Basin, Iowa; Water Supply Bulletin No. 12, 1982. Natural Resources, Department of

December 1982

(1982) Devonian Stragtigraphy and Conondont Biostratigraphy from Portions of Two Cores in Central Iowa, Dcember 1982. University of Iowa


(1983) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1983, Vol. 53. Natural Resources, Department of

(1983) Des Moines River Basin, A Water and Related Land Resources Study of the Des Moines River Basin, 1983. University of Iowa

January 1983

(1983) Iowa Geological, January 1983, no. 8. University of Iowa

15 April 1983

(1983) Additional Regional Groundwater Quality Data for the Karst-Carbonate Aquifers of Northeast Iowa, April 15, 1983. University of Iowa

24 April 1983

(1983) New Stratigraphic Interpretations of the Middle Devonian Rocks of Winneshiek and Fayette Counties, Northwestern Iowa; Field Guidebooks, April 24, 1983. Natural Resources, Department of

June 1983

(1983) Hydro-geology, Water Quality and Land Management in the Big Spring Basin, Clayton County, Iowa, June 1983. University of Iowa

August 1983

(1983) Computer Simulation Prognosis for the Degradation of the Missouri River between Gavins Point Dam and Iowa's Southern Border, August 1983. University of Iowa

September 1983

(1983) Hydrogeology and Straigraphy of the Dakota Formation in Northwest Iowa, 1983. Natural Resources, Department of

22 October 1983

(1983) Karstification on the Silurian Escarpment in Fayette County, Northwastern Iowa; Field Guidebooks, October 22, 1983. Natural Resources, Department of


(1984) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1984, Vol. 54. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Element Geochemistry of Cherokee Group Coals ( middle Pennsylvanian) from South-Central and Southeastern Iowa: Technical Paper No. 5, 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Geological Society of Iowa Trip Guidebooks Sixteen through Twenty-Four 1967 through 1972; compiled and reprinted 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Geological Society of Iowa Trip Guidebooks Twenty-nine through Thirty 1977 through 1978; compiled and reprinted 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) Geological Society of Iowa Trip Guidebooks Two through Fifteen 1959 through 1965; compiled and reprinted 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

(1984) An Introduction to the Stratgraphic Palynology of the Cherokee Group Coals of Iowa: Technical Paper No. 6, 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Temporal Changes in Nitrates in Groundwater in Northwestern Iowa, 1984. University of Iowa

(1984) Water Supply Bulletin No. 14; Potential Water-Supple Impoundment Sites in Southwest Iowa, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1984

(1984) Iowa Geological, January 1984, no. 9. University of Iowa

27 April 1984

(1984) Geology of the University of Iowa Campus Area, Iowa City: A Walking Tour Along the Iowa River; Field Guidebook, April 27, 1984. University of Iowa

29 April 1984

(1984) Underburden - Overburden An Examination pf Paleozoic and Quaternary Strata an the Conklin Quarry Near Iowa City; Field Guidebooks, April 29, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

22 September 1984

(1984) The Cedar Valley Formation (Devonian), Black Hawk and Buchanan Counties: Carbonate Facies and Mineralization; Field Guidebooks, September 22, 1984. Natural Resources, Department of

October 1984

(1984) Stratigraphy of the Cherokee Group and Revision of Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy Nomenclature in Iowa, October 1984. University of Iowa

November 1984

(1984) Hydrogeology and water Quality of the Upper Des Moines River Alluvial Aquifer, November 1984. University of Iowa


(1985) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1985, Vol. 55. Natural Resources, Department of

(1985) Conodont Distribution, Palececology, and Preliminary Biostratigraphy of the Upper Cherokee and Marmaton Groups, 1985. University of Iowa

(1985) Hydrogeologic Observations from Multiple Core Holes and Piezometers in the Devonian-Carbonate Aquifers in Floyd and Mitchell Counties, IA. University of Iowa

(1985) The Plum River Fault Zone and The Structural and Stragtigraphic Framework of Eastern Iowa, 1985. University of Iowa

(1985) Water Resources of North-Central Iowa, 1978. University of Iowa

January 1985

(1985) Iowa Geological, January 1985, no. 10. University of Iowa

August 1985

(1985) Ground-water Date for the Alluvial, Buried Channel, Basel Pleistocene and Dakota Aquifer in West-Central Iowa, August 1985. University of Iowa

(1985) Ground-water Date for the Alluvial, Buried Channel, Basel Pleistocene and Dakota Aquifer in West-Central Iowa, August 1985. University of Iowa

2 November 1985

(1985) After the Great Flood; Exposures in the Emergency Spillway, Saylorville Dam; Field Guidebooks, November 2, 1985. Natural Resources, Department of


(1986) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1986, Vol. 56. Natural Resources, Department of

(1986) Hydrology of Carbonate Aquifers in Southwestern Linn County and Adjacent part of Benton, Iowa, and Johnson Counties, Iowa; Water Supply Bulletin No. 15, 1986. Natural Resources, Department of

(1986) Underground Coal Mines of Centerville, Iowa and Vicinity Mine Related Problems and Subsidence Potential, 1986. University of Iowa

January 1986

(1986) Iowa Geological, January 1986, no. 11. University of Iowa

March 1986

(1986) Late Wisconsinan and Holocene landscape Evolution and Alluvial Stragtighraphy in the Saylorville Lake Area, Central Des Moines River Valley, Iowa, March 1986. University of Iowa

(1986) Little Sioux River Synthetic Organic Compound Municipal Well Sampling Survey, March 1986. Natural Resources, Department of

27 April 1986

(1986) Upper Cedar Valley Stratigraphy North-Central Iowa; Lithography City Formation; Field Guidebooks, April 27, 1986. Natural Resources, Department of

11 October 1986

(1986) Water Quality and The Galena Group in the Big Spring Area Clayton County; Field Guidebooks, October 11, 1986. Natural Resources, Department of

December 1986

(1986) Paylnostratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian Coals of Iowa, 1986. University of Iowa

(1986) Water Resources of the Ocheyeden-Little Sioux Alluvial Aquifer: Date Report, December 1986. University of Iowa


(1987) Holocene Alluvial Stratigraphy and Landscape Development in Soap Creek Watershed Appanoose, Davies, Monroe and Wappello, Iowa. University of Iowa

(1987) Water Quality monitoring of the Nishanbotna River Alluvial System, 1988. University of Iowa

January 1987

(1987) Iowa Geological, January 1987, no. 12. University of Iowa

(1987) Water Resources of the Rock River Alluvial Aquifer, January 1987. University of Iowa

26 April 1987

(1987) Early Tetrapods, Stragtigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Upper St. Louis Formation; Western Keokuk County, Iowa; Field Guidebooks, April 26, 1987. Natural Resources, Department of

May 1987

(1987) Illinoian and Pre-Illinoian Stratigraphy of Southeast Iowa and Adjacent Illinois, May 1980. University of Iowa

August 1987

(1987) Classic Rocks Associated with the Mid-continent Rift System North Central USA, August 1987. University of Iowa

7 November 1987

(1987) Mississippi Carbonates of the Le Grand Area; Ancient Analogs of the Bahama Banks; Field Guidebooks, November 7, 1987. Natural Resources, Department of


(1988) Proper Gluing of Wood, May 1988. Iowa State University Extension

January 1988

(1988) Iowa Geological, January 1988, no. 13. University of Iowa

24 April 1988

(1988) Natural History of Ledges State Park and The Des Moines Valley in Boone County; Field Guidebooks, April 24, 1988. Natural Resources, Department of

October 1988

(1988) Guidelines for Plugging Abandoned Water Wells, October 1988. Natural Resources, Department of

(1988) New Perspectives on the Paleozoic History of the Upper Mississippi Valley: An Examination of the Plum River Fault Zone; Field Guidebook, October 1988. University of Iowa

8 October 1988

(1988) Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Cherokee Group -South Central Iowa; Field Guidebooks, October 8, 1988. Natural Resources, Department of


(1989) Abandoned Underground Coal Mines of Des Moines, Iowa and Vicinity, December 1989. University of Iowa

(1989) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of

(1989) Water Resources of Northeast Iowa, 1989. University of Iowa

January 1989

(1989) Iowa Geological, January 1989, no. 14. University of Iowa

April 1989

(1989) Iowa : index to topographic and other map coverage / published and distributed by United States Geological Survey, National Mapping Program, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of

29 April 1989

(1989) An Excursion to the Historic Gilmore City Quarries; Field Guidebooks, April 29, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of

28 October 1989

(1989) Geologic Reconnaissance of the Coralville Lake Area; Field Guidebooks, October 28, 1989. Natural Resources, Department of

December 1989

(1989) Assessment of Iowa's Artificial and Natural Lakes, Part I : Report Prepared Pursuant to a Legislative Council Study Request, December 1989. Natural Resources, Department of


(1990) Improvement of U.S. 18 and U.S. 218 Floyd County, Environmental Assessment, 1990. Transportation, Department of

January 1990

(1990) Iowa Geological, January 1990, no. 15. University of Iowa

February 1990

(1990) The Iowa State-Wide Rural Well-Water Survery Design Report: A Systematic Sample of Domestic Drinking Water Quality, February 1990. University of Iowa

April 1990

(1990) The Amoco M.G. Eisched #1 Deep Petroleum Test Carroll County, IA, April 1990. University of Iowa

(1990) The Deforest Formation of Western Iowa: Lithologic Properties, Stratigraphy, and Chronology, April 1990. Natural Resources, Department of

22 April 1990

(1990) A.M.Q.T.E.U.R; A Marmaton, Amateur-led Trek to Exposures Unexplored near the Raccoon River (Southeast Dallas County) Field Guidebooks, April 22, 1990. Natural Resources, Department of

May 1990

(1990) Holocene Alluvial Stratigraphy and Selected Aspects of the Quaternary History of Western Iowa; Field Guidebook, May 1990. University of Iowa

June 1990

(1990) Glacial Landmarks Trail: Iowa's Heritage of Ice, June 1990. Natural Resources, Department of

October 1990

(1990) Development of a Coal Resource Database in the Iowa Natural Resources Geographic Information System for Monroe County, IA, October 1990. University of Iowa

(1990) The Iowa State-Wide Rural Well-Water Survey:Repeat Sampling of the 10% Subset, October 1990. University of Iowa

(1990) Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of Mississippi Strata in Keokuk and Washington Counties, South Iowa; Field Guidebook, October 1990. University of Iowa

November 1990

(1990) The Iowa State-Wide Rural Well-Water Survey Water-quality Data: Initial Analysis, November 1990. University of Iowa

December 1990

(1990) Hydrogeological Observations from Bedrock Monitoring Well Nests in the Big Spring Basin, December 1990. University of Iowa


(1991) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1991. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1991

(1991) Iowa Geological, January 1991, no. 16. University of Iowa

April 1991

(1991) Groundwater Quality Observations for the Bluegrass Watershed Audubon County, Iowa, April 1991. University of Iowa

20 April 1991

(1991) Natural and Cultural History of the Mines of Spain; Dubuque County, Iowa:Field Guidebooks, April 20, 1991. Natural Resources, Department of

June 1991

(1991) Groundwater Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1988-1989: A Summary Review, June 1991. University of Iowa

July 1991

(1991) Big Spring Basin Water-Quality Monitoring Program: Design and Implementation, July 1991. University of Iowa


(1992) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

(1992) Time of Travel and Dispersion in a selected Reach of Roberts Creek, Clayton County, Iowa by D.W. Kolpin and S.J. Kalkhoff; Prepared in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1992

(1992) Iowa Geological, January 1992, no. 17. University of Iowa

March 1992

(1992) Stratigraphy and Cyclic Sedimentation of Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian Strata around Winterset, Iowa; Field Guidebook, May 1992. University of Iowa

May 1992

(1992) Environmental Geology of the Big Spring Groundwater Basin, Northeast Iowa, Iowa; Field Guidebook, May 1992. University of Iowa

(1992) The Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Middle-Upper Devonian Cedar Valley Group of Central and Eastern Iowa; Field Guidebook, May 1992. University of Iowa

August 1992

(1992) Sny Magill Watershed Nonpoint Source Pollution Monitoring Project Workplan, August 1992. University of Iowa

September 1992

(1992) State Nonpoint Source Management Program Iowa, September 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

21 November 1992

(1992) Quaternary Drainage Evolution of the Maquoketa River Valley: Field Guidebooks, November 21, 1992. Natural Resources, Department of

December 1992

(1992) The Iowa State-Wide Rural Well-Water Survey: Site and Well Characteristics and Water Quality, December 1992. University of Iowa


(1993) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1993

(1993) Iowa Geological, January 1993, no. 18. University of Iowa

April 1993

(1993) Data Collection and Processing Parameters for the Malvern Seismic Reflection Traverse, April 1993. University of Iowa

25 April 1993

(1993) Selected Aspects of Lower Ordovician and Upper Cambrian Geology in Allamakee and Northern Clayton Counties: Field Guidebooks, April 25, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of

(1993) Water, Water, Everywhere.... 57th Annual Tri-State Geological Feild Conference, Ames, Iowa: Field Guidebooks, April 25, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of

September 1993

(1993) Groundwater Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1990-1991: A Summary Review, September 1993. University of Iowa


(1994) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Flood of June 17, 1990 in the Clear Creek Basin, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Hydrologic data for the Big Spring basin, Clayton County, Iowa: Water Year 1989: Open-File Report 94-56, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Improvement of U.S. 151 Jones County Anamosa to Monticello: Environmental Assessment submitted pursuant to 42 USC 4332(2)(c) by the U.S. Department of Transportation, 1994. Transportation, Department of

January 1994

(1994) An Assessment of On-Farm Application of the Late-Spring Soil Nitrate Test in Iowa, January 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

(1994) Iowa Geological, January 1994, no. 19. University of Iowa

24 April 1994

(1994) Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Quad-Cities Region East-Central Iowa, Northwestern Illinois: Field Guidebook, April 24, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

5 November 1994

(1994) Classic Geological Exposure Old and New, Coralville Lake and Spillway, Devonian Fossil Gorge: Field Guidebook, November 5, 1994. Natural Resources, Department of

December 1994

(1994) Geologic Overview, Description of Map Units, and Correlation Chart for the Surficial Geologic Materials Maps of the Letts Quadrangle, Iowa and the Blanchard Island Quadrangle, Illinois - Iowa, December 1994. University of Iowa

(1994) Sny Magill Nonpoint Source Pollution Monitoring Project Clayton County, Iowa: Water Years 1992 and 1993, December 1994. University of Iowa


(1995) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Precambrian Geology of Iowa and Surrounding Area, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1995

(1995) Iowa Geological, January 1995, no. 20. University of Iowa

(1995) Surface Water Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1986-1992: A Summary Review, January 1995. University of Iowa

23 April 1995

(1995) The Natural History of Backbone State Park Delaware County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 23, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

May 1995

(1995) Groundwater Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1992-1993: A Summary Review, May 1995. University of Iowa

October 1995

(1995) Bedrock Geology of Linn County, Iowa, October 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Surficial Geology Materials of the Cedar Rapids North Quadrangle, October 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

(1995) Surficial Geology Materials of the Marion Quadrangle, October 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

28 October 1995

(1995) Geology and Hydrogeology of Floyd-Mitchell Counties, North Central Iowa: Field Guidebook, October 28, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1996

(1996) Iowa Geological, January 1996, no. 21. University of Iowa

April 1996

(1996) Water Quality from the Bluegrass Watershed, Audubon County, Iowa: 1987-1992, April 1996. University of Iowa

11 April 1996

(1996) Successfully Plugging Your Abandoned Well Safeguarding Your Water:, April 11, 1996. Iowa State University

May 1996

(1996) Geology of the Fort Dodge Formation ( Upper Jurassic) Webster County, Iowa; Field Guidebook, May 1996. Natural Resources, Department of

(1996) Greenfield Quadrangle Revisited; Field Guidebook, May 1996. Natural Resources, Department of

(1996) Hogs, Bogs & Logs: Quaternary Deposits and Environmental Geology of the Des Moines Lobe; Field Guidebook, May 1996. Natural Resources, Department of

(1996) Mid-Cretaceous Fluvial Deposits of the Eastern Margin, Western Interior Basin: Nishnabotna Memeber, Dakota Formation; a Field Guide to the Cretaceous of Guthrie County, May 1996. University of Iowa

(1996) Sny Magill Nonpoint Source Pollution Monitoring Project Clayton County, Iowa: Water Years 1994, May 1996. University of Iowa

September 1996

(1996) Surficial Geology Materials of the Cedar Rapids South Quadrangle, September 1996. Natural Resources, Department of

(1996) Surficial Geology Materials of the Central City Quadrangle, September 1996. Natural Resources, Department of

October 1996

(1996) General and Environmental Geology of Cedar Falls/Waterloo and Surrounding Area, Northeast Iowa; Field Guidebook, October 1996. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1997

(1997) Iowa Geological, January 1997, no. 22. University of Iowa

March 1997

(1997) Groundwater Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1994-1995: A Summary Review, March 1997. University of Iowa

27 April 1997

(1997) Geology in the Dubuque Area: Field Guidebook, April 27, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

August 1997

(1997) Bedrock Geology of Northwest Iowa, August 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) Temporal Trends of Selected Agricultural Chemicals in Iowa's Groundwater, 1982-1995, Are Things Getting Better?, August 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

1 November 1997

(1997) The Natural History of Wildcat Den State Park: Field Guidebook, November 1, 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1998

(1998) Iowa Geological, January 1998, no. 23. University of Iowa

(1998) Surficial Geology Materials of Linn County, January 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Surficial Geology Materials of the Bertram Quadrangle, January 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

February 1998

(1998) Bedrock Geology of Linn County Iowa, February 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Depth to Bedrock - Linn County Iowa, February 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Groundwater Vulnerability Linn County Iowa, February 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

(1998) Potential Aggregate Resources Linn County Iowa, February 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

March 1998

(1998) Shallow Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring of the Silver Creek Sub-Basin within the Big Spring Basin 1986-1995, March 1998. University of Iowa

August 1998

(1998) Bedrock Geology of Northeast Iowa, August 1998. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1999

(1999) Iowa Geological, January 1999, no. 24. University of Iowa

March 1999

(1999) Walnut Creek Nonpoint Source Monitoring Project Jasper County, Iowa: Water Years 1995-1997, March 1999. University of Iowa

17 April 1999

(1999) The Geology of the Jurassic Fort Dodge Formation, Webster County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 17, 1999. Natural Resources, Department of

6 November 1999

(1999) The Natural History of Palisades-Kepler State Park, Linn County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, November 6, 1999. Natural Resources, Department of

January 2000

(2000) Iowa Geological, January 2000, no. 25. University of Iowa

(2000) Patterns of Discharge and Suspended Sediment Transport in the Walnut and Squaw Creek Watersheds: Jasper County, Iowa, Water Years 1996-1998, June 2000. University of Iowa

April 2000

(2000) Tree Fruit Pollination by Linda Naeve, April 2000. Iowa State University Extension

22 April 2000

(2000) Iowa - Portrait of the Land, 2000. Natural Resources, Department of

29 April 2000

(2000) From Brachiopods to Big Bluestem: The Cyclothems, Startigrphy, and Structures of Madison and Warren Counties, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 29, 2000. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2000

(2000) Surficial Geology of the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa Hamilton and Webster Counties, May 2000. Natural Resources, Department of

June 2000

(2000) Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring in the Bugenhagen Sub-Basin 1986-1995: A Summary Review, June 2000. University of Iowa

September 2000

(2000) Water Level Monitoring of an Existing Wetland and a Restored Wetland at Camp Dodge 1996-1999: A Summary Review, September 2000. Natural Resources, Department of

4 November 2000

(2000) The Natural History of Pikes Peak State Park, Clayton County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, November 4, 2000. Natural Resources, Department of

December 2000

(2000) Groundwater Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1996-1999: A Summary Review, December 2000. University of Iowa

January 2001

(2001) Iowa Geological, January 2001, no. 26. University of Iowa

3 January 2001

(2001) County Precipitation Estimates, January 2001. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 April 2001

(2001) Classic Geology of the Burlington Area, Des Moines County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 28, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2001

(2001) Bedrock Geology of North-Central Iowa, May 2001. Natural Resources, Department of

(2001) Sny Magill Nonpoint Source Pollution Monitoring Project Clayton County, Iowa: Water Years 1995-1998, May 2001. Natural Resources, Department of

September 2001

(2001) Surficial Geology of the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa Boone and Story Counties, September 2001. Natural Resources, Department of

(2001) Surficial Geology of the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa Slater and Huxley 7.5' Quadrangles, September 2001. Natural Resources, Department of

October 2001

(2001) Weather by Districts, October 2001. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 October 2001

(2001) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2001. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

November 2001

(2001) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2001. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2001) County Snowfall Estimates, November 2001. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2001) Weather by Districts, November 2001. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 November 2001

(2001) The Natural History of Maquoketa Caves State Park, Jackson County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, November 10, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of

December 2001

(2001) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2001. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2001) County Snowfall Estimates, December 2001. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2001) Weather by Districts, December 2001. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(2002) Successful Tree Planting, March 2002. Natural Resources, Department of

January 2002

(2002) Weather by Districts, January 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2002

(2002) County Snowfall Estimates, February 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Weather by Districts, February 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 February 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, February 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, March 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, March 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) County Snowfall Estimates, March 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Weather by Districts, March 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, April 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) County Snowfall Estimates, April 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Weather by Districts, April 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 April 2002

(2002) Prairies to Coal Swaps: Geological Features in South-Central Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 27, 2002. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, May 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Weather by Districts, May 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2002

(2002) Bedrock Geology of South-Central Iowa, June 2002. Natural Resources, Department of

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, June 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Weather by Districts, June 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

July 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, July 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Weather by Districts, July 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

August 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, August 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Weather by Districts, August 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, September 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Surficial Geology Materials of Dallas County, September 2002. Natural Resources, Department of

(2002) Surficial Geology Materials of Humboldt County, September 2002. Natural Resources, Department of

(2002) Surficial Geology Materials of the Ely and Swisher Quadrangles, September 2002. Natural Resources, Department of

(2002) Weather by Districts, September 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

October 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) County Snowfall Estimates, October 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Pleistocene, Mississippi, & Devonian Stratigraphy of the Burlington, Iowa, Area; Field Guidebook, October 2002. Natural Resources, Department of

(2002) Weather by Districts, October 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

November 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) County Snowfall Estimates, November 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Weather by Districts, November 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2002

(2002) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) County Snowfall Estimates, December 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2002) Weather by Districts, December 2002. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(2003) Trees for Kids & Teens, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of

January 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, January 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, January 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, February 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Snowfall Estimates, February 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, February 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, March 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Snowfall Estimates, March 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, March 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, April 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Snowfall Estimates, April 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, April 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 April 2003

(2003) High Quality Water Resources: A list for manure applicators and producers who need a construction permit, April 3, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, May 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, May 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, June 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, June 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

July 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, July 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, July 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

August 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, August 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, August 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2003

(2003) Bedrock Geology of East-Central Iowa, September 2003. Natural Resources, Department of

(2003) Bedrock Geology of Southwest Iowa, September 2003. Natural Resources, Department of

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, September 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, September 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Surficial Geology Materials of Polk County, September 2003. Natural Resources, Department of

(2003) Surficial Geology Materials of the Tiffin and Iowa City West 7.5' Quadrangles, September 2003. Natural Resources, Department of

(2003) Weather by Districts, September 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

October 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Snowfall Estimates, October 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, October 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

November 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Snowfall Estimates, November 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, November 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 November 2003

(2003) Natural History of The Volga River State Recreation Area and Echo Valley State Park; Fayette County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, November 8, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of

December 2003

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) County Snowfall Estimates, December 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2003) Weather by Districts, December 2003. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

January 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, January 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) County Snowfall Estimates, January 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, January 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, February 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) County Snowfall Estimates, February 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, February 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, March 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) County Snowfall Estimates, March 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, March 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, April 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, April 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 April 2004

(2004) From Ocean to Ice: An examination of the Devonian bedrock and overlying Pleistocene sediments at Messerly & Morgan Quarries, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 24, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, May 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, May 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, June 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, June 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, June 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

July 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, July 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, July 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

August 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, August 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, August 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2004

(2004) Bedrock Geology of Southeast Iowa, September 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, September 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Surficial Geology Materials of Dickinson and Emmet Counties, September 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

(2004) Surficial Geology Materials of the Iowa City East 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

(2004) Surficial Geology Materials of the McCausland 7.5' Quadrangle Scott County, September 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

(2004) Weather by Districts, September 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

October 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, October 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 October 2004

(2004) The Natural History of Lacey-Keosauqua State Park, Van Buren County Iowa: Field Guidebook, October 30, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

November 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) County Snowfall Estimates, November 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, November 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2004

(2004) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) County Snowfall Estimates, December 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2004) Weather by Districts, December 2004. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

January 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, January 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) County Snowfall Estimates, January 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Weather by Districts, January 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, February 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) County Snowfall Estimates, February 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Weather by Districts, February 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, March 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) County Snowfall Estimates, March 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Weather by Districts, March 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, April 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Weather by Districts, April 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 April 2005

(2005) Quaternary and Silurian Geology at the Martin Marietta Cedar Rapids Quarry, Linn County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 30, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, May 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Sny Magill Nonpoint Source Pollution Monitoring Project Clayton County, Iowa: Final Report, May 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

(2005) Weather by Districts, May 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, June 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Surficial Geology Materials of the Eldridge 7.5' Quadrangle Scott County, Iowa, June 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

(2005) Surficial Geology of the Decorah (Iowa)7.5' Minute Quadrangle, June 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

(2005) Weather by Districts, June 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

July 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, July 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Surficial Geology Materials of Clay County, Iowa, July 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

(2005) Surficial Geology Materials of Osceola County, Iowa, July 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

(2005) Surficial Geology Materials of the Dixon 7.5' Quadrangle Scott County, Iowa, July 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

(2005) Weather by Districts, July 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

August 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, August 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Weather by Districts, August 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, September 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Facets of the Ordovician Geology of the Upper Mississippi Valley Region; Field Guidebook, September 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

(2005) Weather by Districts, September 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

October 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Living in Karst; Field Guidebook, October 2005. Natural Resources, Department of

(2005) Weather by Districts, October 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

November 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) County Snowfall Estimates, November 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Weather by Districts, November 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2005

(2005) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) County Snowfall Estimates, December 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2005) Weather by Districts, December 2005. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Fall 2005

(2005) Department of Biological Sciences Newsletter, Fall 2005. University of Iowa


(2006) Geology of the Precambrian Surface of Iowa and surrounding area, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

January 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, January 200. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) County Snowfall Estimates, January 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, January 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, February 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) County Snowfall Estimates, February 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Our Common Ground, 2006-2. Natural Resources, Department of

(2006) Weather by Districts, February 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, March 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) County Snowfall Estimates, March 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, March 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, April 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) County Snowfall Estimates, April 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, April 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 April 2006

(2006) Quaternary Geology of the Storm Lake Area, Iowa: Storm Lake Outlet, Des Moines Lobe Moraines, Kames, Valley Trains, Minor Moraines and Tazewell Till Plan: Field Guidebook, April 22, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, May 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, May 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, June 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, June 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

July 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, July 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Surficial Geology Materials of Hardin County, Iowa, July 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

(2006) Surficial Geology of the Bennett(Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, July 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

(2006) Surficial Geology of the Bluffton (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, July 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

(2006) Surficial Geology of the Freeport (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, July 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

(2006) Surficial Geology of the Rochester (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, July 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

(2006) Weather by Districts, July 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

August 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, August 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, August 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, August 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, September 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, September 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

October 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) New Perspectives and Advances in the Understanding of Lower and Middle Paleozoic Epeiric Carbonate Depositional Systems of the Iowa and Illinois Basins; Field Guidebook, October 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

(2006) Weather by Districts, October 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 October 2006

(2006) The Natural History of Lake Macbride State Park, Johnson County Iowa: Field Guidebook, October 14, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

November 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) County Snowfall Estimates, November 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, November 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2006

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) County Snowfall Estimates, December 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2006) Weather by Districts, December 2006. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Fall 2006

(2006) Department of Biological Sciences Newsletter, Fall 2006. University of Iowa

January 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, January 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2007) County Snowfall Estimates, January 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, February 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2007) County Snowfall Estimates, February 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, March 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2007) County Snowfall Estimates, March 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, April 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2007) County Snowfall Estimates, April 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 April 2007

(2007) Geology of the Read Rock Dam and Visitor Center Area, Marion County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 28, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, May 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, June 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

July 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, July 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2007) Surficial Geology of the Bremer (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, July 2007. Natural Resources, Department of

(2007) Surficial Geology of the Burr Oak (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, July 2007. Natural Resources, Department of

(2007) Surficial Geology of the Cedar Bluff (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, July 2007. Natural Resources, Department of

(2007) Surficial Geology of the Highlandville (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, July 2007. Natural Resources, Department of

(2007) Surficial Geology of the Standwood (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, July 2007. Natural Resources, Department of

August 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, August 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, September 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 September 2007

(2007) The Natural History of Dolliver Memorial State Park, Webster County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, September 29, 2007. Natural Resources, Department of

October 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

November 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2007) County Snowfall Estimates, November 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2007

(2007) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2007) County Snowfall Estimates, December 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(2008) 2008 Statewide Monthly Temperature Monthly Extremes, 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Iowa Annual Weather Summary, 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Iowa Annual Weather Summary, 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Iowa Annual Weather Summary, 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Iowa County Precipitation Estimates, 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Iowa County Precipitation Estimates, Departure from Normal 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Iowa County Precipitation Estimates, Departure from Normal 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

January 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, January 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) County Snowfall Estimates, January 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, January 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, January 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, February 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) County Snowfall Estimates, February 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, February 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, February 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, March 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) County Snowfall Estimates, March 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, March 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, March 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, April 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, April 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts,April 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 April 2008

(2008) Geologic Features in Southeastern Linn County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 12, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, May 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, May 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, May 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, June 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, June 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, June 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

July 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, July 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, July 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, July 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

August 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, August 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Surficial Geology of the Cedar County, Iowa, August 2008. Natural Resources, Department of

(2008) Surficial Geology of the Cresco NE (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, August 2008. Natural Resources, Department of

(2008) Surficial Geology of the Ridgeway (Iowa)7.5' Quadrangle, August 2008. Natural Resources, Department of

(2008) Weather by Districts, August 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, August 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, September 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, September 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, September 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 September 2008

(2008) Groundwater Issues in the Paleozoic Plateau A Taste of Karst, a Modicum of Geology, and a Whole Lot of Scenery; Field Guidebook, September 29, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of

October 2008

(2008) Carbonate Platform Facies and Faunas of the Middle and Upper Devonian Cedar Valley Group and Lime Creek Formation, Northern Iowa; Field Guidebook, September 29, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, October 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, October 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, October 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 October 2008

(2008) The Natural History of Bellevue State Park, Jackson County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, October 25, 2008. Natural Resources, Department of

November 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, November 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) County Snowfall Estimates, November 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) County Snowfall Estimates, November 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, November 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, November 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2008

(2008) County Precipitation Estimates, December 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Our Common Ground, 2009-1. Natural Resources, Department of

(2008) Weather by Districts, December 2007. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2008) Weather by Districts, December 2008. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Fall 2008

(2008) Department of Biology Newsletter, Fall 2008. University of Iowa

January 2009

(2009) County Precipitation Estimates, January 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) County Snowfall Estimates, January 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Weather by Districts, January 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2009

(2009) County Precipitation Estimates, February 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) County Snowfall Estimates, February 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Weather by Districts, February 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 February 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, February 2, 2009, Vol. 9, no.2. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2009

(2009) County Precipitation Estimates, March 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) County Snowfall Estimates, March 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Weather by Districts, March 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 March 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, March 2, 2009, Vol. 9, no.3. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 2009

(2009) County Precipitation Estimates, April 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) County Snowfall Estimates, April 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Weather by Districts, April 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 April 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 2, 2009, Vol. 9, no.4. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 April 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 6, 2009, Vol. 9, no.5. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 April 2009

(2009) Geology of the Saylorville Spillway; After The Flood of 2008: Field Guidebook, April 18, 2009. Natural Resources, Department of

20 April 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 20, 2009, Vol. 9, no.7. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 April 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 26, 2009, Vol. 9, no.8. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

May 2009

(2009) County Precipitation Estimates, May 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Weather by Districts, May 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 May 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 4, 2009, Vol. 9, no.9. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 May 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 11, 2009, Vol. 9, no.10. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 May 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 17, 2009, Vol. 9, no.11. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 May 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 26, 2009, Vol. 9, no.12. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2009

(2009) County Precipitation Estimates, June 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Maximum Loess Thickness of Western Iowa, June 2009. Natural Resources, Department of

(2009) Surficial Geology of the Davenport West (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, June 2009. Natural Resources, Department of

(2009) Surficial Geology of the Shell Rock (Iowa) 75.' Quadrangle, June 2009. Natural Resources, Department of

(2009) Weather by Districts, June 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 June 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 1, 2009, Vol. 9, no.13. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 June 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 8, 2009, Vol. 9, no.14. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 June 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 15, 2009, Vol. 9, no.15. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 June 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 22, 2009, Vol. 9, no.16. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 June 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 29, 2009, Vol. 9, no.17. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

July 2009

(2009) County Precipitation Estimates, July 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Iowa Preliminary County Precipitation Estimates, July 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Iowa Preliminary County Precipitation Estimates, July 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Iowa Preliminary Monthly Weather Summary, July 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Weather by Districts, July 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 July 2009

(2009) Weather by Districts, July 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 July 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 6, 2009, Vol. 9, no.18. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 July 2009

(2009) Phnerozoic Structural Development in the Area of the Forest City Basin, Southwestern Iowa: A brief Overview, July 8, 2009. Natural Resources, Department of

13 July 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 13, 2009, Vol. 9, no.19. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 July 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 20, 2009, Vol. 9, no.20. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 July 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 27, 2009, Vol. 9, no.21. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 August 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 3, 2009. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 3, 2009, Vol. 9, no.22. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 August 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 10, 2009, Vol. 9, no.23. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 August 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 17, 2009, Vol. 9, no.24. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 August 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 24, 2009, Vol. 9, no.25. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 August 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 31, 2009, Vol. 9, no.26. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 September 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 8, 2009, Vol. 9, no.27. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 September 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 14, 2009, Vol. 9, no.28. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 September 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 21, 2009, Vol. 9, no.29. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 September 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 28, 2009, Vol. 9, no.30. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 October 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 5, 2009, Vol. 9, no.31. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 October 2009

(2009) The Natural History of Wapsipinicon State Park, Jones County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, October 10, 2009. Natural Resources, Department of

13 October 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 13, 2009, Vol. 9, no.32. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 October 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 19, 2009, Vol. 9, no.33. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 October 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 26, 2009, Vol. 9, no.34. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 November 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 2, 2009, Vol. 9, no.35. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 November 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 9, 2009, Vol. 9, no.36. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 November 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 16, 2009, Vol. 9, no.37. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 November 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 23, 2009, Vol. 9, no.38. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 November 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 30, 2009, Vol. 9, no.39. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 December 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, December 7, 2009, Vol. 9, no.40. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 December 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, December 14, 2009, Vol. 9, no.41. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 December 2009

(2009) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, December 22, 2009, Vol. 9, no.42. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 January 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, February 1, 2010, Vol. 10, no.2. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 January 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, January 8, 2010, Vol. 10, no.1. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 March 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, March 1, 2010, Vol. 10, no.3. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 April 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 1, 2010, Vol. 10, no.4. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 April 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 5, 2010, Vol. 10, no.5. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 April 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 12, 2010, Vol. 10, no.6. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 April 2010

(2010) The Pennsylvanian Geology of South-Central Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 17, 2010. Natural Resources, Department of

19 April 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 19, 2010, Vol. 10, no.7. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 April 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 26, 2010, Vol. 10, no.8. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 May 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 3, 2010, Vol. 10, no.9. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 May 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 10, 2010, Vol. 10, no.10. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 May 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 17, 2010, Vol. 10, no.11. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 May 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 24, 2010, Vol. 10, no.12. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 June 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 1, 2010, Vol. 10, no.13. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 June 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 7, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 14. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 June 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 14, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 15. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 June 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 21, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 16. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 June 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 28, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 17. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 July 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 6, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 18. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 July 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 12, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 19. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 July 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 26, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 21. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

August 2010

(2010) Surficial Geology of the Bremer County, Iowa, August 2010. Natural Resources, Department of

2 August 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 2, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 22. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 August 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 9, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 23. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 August 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 16, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 24. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 August 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 23, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 25. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 August 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 30, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 26. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2010

(2010) Surficial Geology of the Fertile SE (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2010. Natural Resources, Department of

(2010) Surficial Geology of the Manly (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2010. Natural Resources, Department of

7 September 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 7, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 27. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 September 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 13, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 28. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 September 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 20, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 29. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 September 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 27, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 27. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 October 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 4, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 31. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 October 2010

(2010) The Geology of Klein and Conklin Quarries, Johnson County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, October 9, 2010. Natural Resources, Department of

12 October 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 12, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 32. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 October 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 18, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 33. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 October 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 25, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 34. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 November 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 1, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 35. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 November 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 18 2010, Vol. 10, no. 36. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 November 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 15, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 37. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 November 2010

(2010) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 22, 2010, Vol. 10, no. 38. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Fall 2010

(2010) Department of Biology Newsletter, Fall 2010. University of Iowa

1 January 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, January 1, 2011, Vol. 11, no. 1. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, January 3, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 1. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 January 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, January 31, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 2. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2011

(2011) Our Common Ground, 2010-1. Natural Resources, Department of

(2011) Our Common Ground, 2011-1. Natural Resources, Department of

28 February 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, February 28, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 3. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2011

(2011) Our Common Ground, 2011-2. Natural Resources, Department of

28 March 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, March 28, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 4. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 April 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 4, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 5. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 April 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 11, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 6. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 April 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 18, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 7. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 April 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 25, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 8. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 April 2011

(2011) The Geological Wonders of Bremer County: Field Guidebook, April 30, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2011

(2011) Our Common Ground, 2011-3. Natural Resources, Department of

2 May 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 2, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 9. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 May 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 9, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 10. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 May 2011

(2011) DNR Trail Assessment Factors and Guidelines For the Sustainable and Safe Use of Trails, May 11, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

16 May 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 16, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 11. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 May 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 23, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 12. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 May 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 31, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 13. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 June 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 6, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 14. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 June 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 12, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 15. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 June 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 27, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 17. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 June 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 19, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 16. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 July 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 3, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 18. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 July 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 11, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 19. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 July 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 18, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 20. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 August 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 8, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 23. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 August 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 15, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 24. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 August 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 21, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 25. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 August 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 1, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 22. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 August 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 25, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 23. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 August 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 28, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 26. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2011

(2011) Surficial Geology of Adams County, September 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

(2011) Surficial Geology of Scott County, September 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

(2011) Surficial Geology of the Fertile NE (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

(2011) Surficial Geology of the Fertile NE (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

(2011) Surficial Geology of the Gilbertville (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

(2011) Surficial Geology of the Northwood (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

6 September 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 6, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 27. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 September 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 12, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 28. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 September 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 18, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 29. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 September 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 26, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 30. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 October 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 3, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 31. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 October 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 11, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 32. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 October 2011

(2011) Iowa Biological Sciences Transition Guide: For A Successful Transfer Experience from Iowa's Community Colleges to Public Universities in Biology, October 16, 2011. University of Northern Iowa

17 October 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 17, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 33. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 October 2011

(2011) Geology of the Moscow Quarry, Northwest Muscatine County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, October 22, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

24 October 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 24, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 34. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 October 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 31, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 35. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 November 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 7, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 36. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 November 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 14, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 37. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 November 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 21, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 38. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 November 2011

(2011) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 27, 2011, Vol. 11. no. 39. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Fall 2011

(2011) Department of Biology Newsletter, Fall 2011. University of Iowa

3 January 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, January 3, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 1. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2012

(2012) The Cedar Falls Groundwater Investigation, February 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

6 February 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, February 6, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 2. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 2012

(2012) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, March 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

(2012) Our Common Ground, 2012-1. Natural Resources, Department of

5 March 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, March 5, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 3. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 April 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 2, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 5. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 April 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 9, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 6. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 April 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 16, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 7. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 April 2012

(2012) Cedar Valley Group: The Lithograph City-Shellrock Formation Contact at Mason City, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 2, 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

23 April 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 23, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 8. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 April 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 30, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 9. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 May 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 7, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 10. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 May 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 14, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 11. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 May 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 21, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 12. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 May 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 29, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 13. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 June 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 4, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 14. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 June 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 11, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 15. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 June 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 18, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 16. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 June 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 25, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 17. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 July 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 2, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 18. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 July 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 9, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 19. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 July 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 16, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 20. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 July 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 23, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 21. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 July 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 30, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 22. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 August 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 6, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 23. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 August 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 12, 2012, Vol. 12, no. 24. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 August 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 20, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 25. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 August 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 24, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 24. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 August 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 26, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 26. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2012

(2012) Surficial Geology of Fremont County, September 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

(2012) Surficial Geology of Mills County, September 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

(2012) Surficial Geology of Montgomery County, September 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

(2012) Surficial Geology of Page County, September 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

(2012) Surficial Geology of Taylor County, September 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

(2012) Surficial Geology of Worth County, September 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

(2012) Surficial Geology of the Cedar Falls (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

(2012) Surficial Geology of the Okoboji (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

5 September 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 5, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 27. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 September 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 10, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 28. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 September 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 17, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 29. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 September 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 24, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 30. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 October 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 9, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 32. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 October 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 14, 2012, Vol. 12, no. 33. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 October 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 15, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 33. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 October 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 12, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 34. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 22, 2012, Vol. 12, no. 34. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 October 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 29, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 35. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 November 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 5, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 36. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 November 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 11, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 37. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 November 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 19, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 38. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 November 2012

(2012) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 25, 2012, Vol. 12. no. 39. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2012

(2012) Description of Pennsylvanian Units, Revision of Stratigraphic Nomenclature, and Reclassification of the Morrowan, Atokan, Desmoinesian, Missourian, and Virgilian stages in Iowa, December 2012. University of Iowa

7 January 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, January 7, 2013, Vol.13, no.1. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 February 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, February 4, 2013, Vol.13, no.2. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 February 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, February 25, 2013, Vol.13, no.3. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 April 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 2, 2013 Vol 13, no.4. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 April 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 8, 2013 Vol 13, no.5. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 April 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 15, 2013 Vol 13, no.6. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 April 2013

(2013) Pennsylvanian Exposures in the White Breast Recreation Area, Marion County, Iowa: Field Guidebook, April 20, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

22 April 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 22, 2013 Vol 13, no.7. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 April 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, April 29, 2013 Vol 13, no.8. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 May 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 6, 2013 Vol 13, no.9. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 May 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 20, 2013 Vol 13, no.11. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 May 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 13, 2013 Vol 13, no.10. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 May 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, May 28, 2013 Vol 13, no.12. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 June 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 3, 2013 Vol 13, no.13. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 June 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 10, 2013 Vol 13, no.14. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 June 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 17, 2013 Vol 13, no.15. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 June 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, June 24, 2013 Vol 13, no.16. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 July 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 1, 2013 Vol 13, no.1. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 July 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 15, 2013 Vol 13, no.19. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 8, 2013 Vol 13, no.18. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 July 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 22, 2013 Vol 13, no.20. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 July 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, July 29, 2013 Vol 13, no.21. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 August 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 5, 2013 Vol 13, no.22. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 August 2013

(2013) Phnerozoic History of the Central Mid-continent United States, August 8, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

12 August 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 12, 2013 Vol 13, no.23. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 August 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 19, 2013 Vol 13, no.24. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 August 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, August 26, 2013 Vol 13, no.25. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2013

(2013) Bedrock Geology of Black Hawk County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of Audubon County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of Black Hawk County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of Carroll County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of Cass County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of Crawford County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of Harrison County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of Monona County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of Shelby County, Iowa, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Surficial Geology of the Clear Lake East (Iowa) 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

3 September 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 3, 2013 Vol 13, no.26. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 September 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 9, 2013 Vol 13, no.27. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 September 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 16, 2013 Vol 13, no.28. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 September 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, September 29, 2013, Vol. 13, no. 30. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 October 2013

(2013) Aspects of the Paleozoic History of Epeiric Seas of the Iowa Basin; Field Guidebook, October 5, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

21 October 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 21, 2013 Vol 13, no.33. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 October 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, October 28, 2013 Vol 13, no.34. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 November 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 4, 2013 Vol 13, no.35. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 November 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 10, 2013 Vol 13, no.36. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 November 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 18, 2013, Vol. 13, no. 37. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 November 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, November 24, 2013 Vol 13, no.38. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2013

(2013) Jefferson Groundwater Investigation Green County, Iowa, December 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

30 December 2013

(2013) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, Issued January 6, 2014 for the month of December 2013. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Summer 2013

(2013) Department of Biology Newsletter, Summer 2013. University of Iowa

Winter 2013

(2013) Department of Biology Newsletter, Winter 2013. University of Iowa

4 January 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, Issued February 4, 2014, For the month of January 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop and Weather Report, Issued March 4, 2014 For the month of February 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

April 2014

(2014) Hydrologic Recovery with Prairie Reconstruction at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge, Jasper County, Iowa, April 2014. University of Iowa

12 April 2014

(2014) Highlights of the Unique Geology of the Fort Dodge, Iowa, Area: Field Guidebook, April 12, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

20 April 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 20, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 April 2014

(2014) Ground Water Resources of Des Moines County, April 25, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Ground Water Resources of Grundy County, April 25, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Ground Water Resources of Hamilton County, April 25, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Ground Water Resources of Hardin County, April 25, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Ground Water Resources of Henry County, April 25, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Ground Water Resources of Madison County, April 25, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Ground Water Resources of Warren County, April 25, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Ground Water Resources of Washington County, April 25, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

28 April 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 28, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 May 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 5, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 May 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 12, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 May 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 19, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 May 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 27, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 June 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 2, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 June 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 6, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 June 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 16, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 June 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 23, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 June 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 29, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 July 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 7, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 July 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 14, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 July 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 21, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 July 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 28, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 August 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 3, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 August 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 11, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 August 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 18, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 August 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 25, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

September 2014

(2014) Bedrock Geology of the Mason City, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Bedrock Geology of the Nora Springs, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Bedrock Geology of the Osage, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Bedrock Geology of the St. Ansgar, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Surficial Geology of the Mason City, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Surficial Geology of the Mitchell County, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Surficial Geology of the Nora Springs, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Surficial Geology of the Osage, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

(2014) Surficial Geology of the St, Ansgar, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, September 2014. Natural Resources, Department of

2 September 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 2, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 September 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 8, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 September 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 15, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 September 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 22, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 October 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 6, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 October 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 14, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 October 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 20, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 October 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 27, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 November 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 3, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 November 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 10, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 November 2014

(2014) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 24, 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2014

(2014) 2014 Iowa Crop Progress Progress Review, December 2014. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Summer 2014

(2014) Biology Newsletter, Summer 2014. University of Iowa

(2014) Department of Biology Newsletter, Winter 2014. University of Iowa

5 January 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, January 5, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 February 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, February 3, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 March 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, March 3, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 April 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 2, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 April 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 6, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 April 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 13, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 April 2015

(2015) Return to Klein Quarry - Glaciers, Carbonates and Fossils, April 18, 2015. University of Iowa

19 April 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 19, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 April 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 27, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 May 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 4, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 May 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 11, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 May 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 18, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 May 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 26, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2015

(2015) Bedrock Geology of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, June 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Bedrock Geology of the New Haven, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, June 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Surficial Geology of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, June 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

1 June 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 1, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 June 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 8, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 June 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 15, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 June 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 22, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 June 2015

(2015) Geologic Evaluation of the Buried Sand and Gravel Aquifers in Western Iowa, Water Resources Investigation Report 14, June 29, 2015. University of Iowa

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 29, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 July 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 6, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 July 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 13, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 July 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 20, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 July 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 27, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 August 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 3, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 August 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 10, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 August 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 17, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 August 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 24, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 August 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 31, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 September 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 8, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 September 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 14, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 September 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 21, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 September 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 28, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 October 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 5, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 October 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 12, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 October 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 19, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 October 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 26, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 November 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 2, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 November 2015

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Appanoose County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Boone County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Davis County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Iowa County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Jefferson County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Keokuk County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Lee County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Louisa County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Lucas County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Marion County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Monroe County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Polk County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Van Buren County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Wapello County, November 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

9 November 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 9, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 November 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 15, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 November 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 23, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 November 2015

(2015) Ground Water Resources of Story County, November 25, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

30 November 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 30, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2015

(2015) 2015 Iowa Crop Progress Progress Review, December 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 December 2015

(2015) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, December 31, 2015. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 February 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, February 3, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 March 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, March 3, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 March 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, March 4, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 March 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, March 5, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 April 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 11, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 April 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 18, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 April 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 25, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 May 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 2, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 May 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 9, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 May 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 15, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 May 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 23, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 May 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 31, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

June 2016

(2016) Bedrock Geology of the Charles City, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, June 2016. Natural Resources, Department of

(2016) Bedrock Geology of the Mitchell County, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, June 2016. Natural Resources, Department of

(2016) Bedrock Geology of the Orchard, Iowa 7.5' Quadrangle, June 2016. Natural Resources, Department of

6 June 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 6, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 June 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 13, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 June 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 19, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 June 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 27, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 July 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 3, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 July 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 11, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 July 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 17, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 July 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 25, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 August 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 1, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 August 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 8, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 August 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 14, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 August 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 21, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 August 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 28, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 September 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 6, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 September 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 12, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 September 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 19, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 September 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 26, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 October 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 3, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 October 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 9, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 October 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 16, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 October 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 24, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 October 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 31, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 November 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 7, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 November 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 14, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 November 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 21, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 November 2016

(2016) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 28, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 December 2016

(2016) 2016 Iowa Crop Progress Review, December 13, 2016. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 April 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 3, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 April 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 10, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 April 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 17, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 April 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 24, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 May 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 1, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 May 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 8, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 May 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 15, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 May 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 22, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 May 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 30, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 June 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 5, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 June 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 12, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 June 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 18, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 June 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 26, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 July 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 5, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 July 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 10, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 July 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 17, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 July 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 24, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 July 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 31, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 August 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 7, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 August 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 14, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 August 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 21, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 August 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 28, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 September 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 5, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 September 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 11, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 September 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 18, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 September 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 25, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 October 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 2, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 October 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 8, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 October 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 16, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 October 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 23, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 October 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 30, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 November 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 6, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 November 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 13, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 November 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 20, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 November 2017

(2017) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 27, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 December 2017

(2017) 2016 Iowa Crop Progress Review, December 12, 2017. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(2018) Iowa Annual Weather Summary, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 April 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 2, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 April 2018

(2018) The Iowa Well Survey 2017 Survey Report, April 3, 2018. University of Iowa

9 April 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 9, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 April 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 15, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 April 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 22, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 April 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 29, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 May 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 7, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 May 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 13, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 May 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 20, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 May 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 27, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 June 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 4, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 June 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 11, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 June 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 16, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 June 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 24, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 July 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 2, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 July 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 9, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 July 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 15, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 July 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 22, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 July 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 30, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 August 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 5, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 August 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 13, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 August 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 20, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 August 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 27, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 September 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 2, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 September 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 10, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 September 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 16, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 September 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 24, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 October 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 1, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 October 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 9, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 October 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 14, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 October 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 21, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 October 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 29, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 November 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 4, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 November 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 11, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 November 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 18, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 November 2018

(2018) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 25, 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2018

(2018) 2018 Iowa Crop Progress Review, December 2018. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(2019) Iowa Annual Weather Summary, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 March 2019

(2019) Plugging Abandoned Wells in Iowa, March 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of

1 April 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 1, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 April 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 8, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 April 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 15, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 April 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 22, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 April 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 29, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 May 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 6, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 May 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 13, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 May 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 20, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 May 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 28, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 June 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 3, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 June 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 10, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 June 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 17, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 June 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 23, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 July 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 1, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 July 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 8, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 July 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 15, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 July 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 22, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 July 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 29, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 August 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 5, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 August 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 12, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 August 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 19, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 August 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 26, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 September 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 3, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 September 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 9, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 September 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 16, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 September 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 23, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 September 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 30, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 October 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 7, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 October 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 15, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 October 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 21, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 October 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 28, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 November 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 3, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 November 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 12, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 November 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 18, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 November 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 25, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 December 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, December 2, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 December 2019

(2019) 2019 Iowa Crop Progress Review, December, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 December 2019

(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, December 9, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(2020) Iowa Annual Weather Summary, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 April 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 5, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 April 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 6, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 April 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 13, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 April 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 20, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 April 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 27, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 May 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 4, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 May 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 11, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 May 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 18, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 May 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 26, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 June 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 8, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 June 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 15, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 June 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 22, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 June 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 26, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 June 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 29, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 July 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 6, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 July 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 13, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 July 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 20, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 July 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 27, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 August 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 3, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 August 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 10, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 August 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 17, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 August 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 24, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 August 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 31, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 September 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 13, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 September 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 20, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 September 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 28, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 October 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 5, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 October 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 13, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 October 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 19, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 October 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 26, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 November 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 2, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 November 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 9, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 9, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 November 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 15, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 November 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 23, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 November 2020

(2020) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 30, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 December 2020

(2020) 2020 Iowa Crop Progress Review, December 7, 2020. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(2021) Iowa Annual Weather Summary, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 April 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 5, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 April 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 12, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 April 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 19, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 April 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 25, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 May 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 3, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 May 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 9, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 May 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 16, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 May 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 23, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 June 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 1, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 June 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 21, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 June 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 27, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 July 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 6, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 July 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 12, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 July 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 26, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 August 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 2, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 August 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 9, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 August 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 16, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 August 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 21, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 August 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 23, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 August 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 30, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 September 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 13, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 September 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 19, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 September 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 27, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 October 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 4, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 October 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 12, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 October 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 18, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 October 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 25, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 November 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 1, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 November 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 8, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 November 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 15, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 November 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 22, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 November 2021

(2021) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 28, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 December 2021

(2021) 2021 Iowa Crop Progress Review, December 7, 2021. Agriculture and Land Stewardship


(2022) Iowa Annual Weather Summary, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 April 2022

(2022) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 4, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 April 2022

(2022) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April11, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 April 2022

(2022) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 18, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 April 2022

(2022) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 25, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 May 2022

(2022) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 2, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 May 2022

(2022) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 9, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 May 2022

(2022) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 23, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 May 2022

(2022) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 31, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 June 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 6, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 June 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 13, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 June 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 21, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 June 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 27, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 July 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 5, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 July 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 11, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 July 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 18, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 July 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 25, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 August 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 1, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 August 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 8, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 August 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 15, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 August 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 22, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 August 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 29, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 September 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 6, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 September 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 12, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 September 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 20, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 September 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 26, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 October 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 3, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 October 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 11, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 October 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 17, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 October 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 24, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 October 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 31, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 November 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, November 7, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 November 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, November 21, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 November 2022

(2022) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, November 29, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 December 2022

(2022) 2022 Iowa Crop Progress Review, December 5, 2022. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 April 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, April 3, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 April 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, April 17, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 April 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, April 24, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 May 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, May 1, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 May 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, May 8, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 May 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, May 15, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 May 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, May 22, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 May 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, May 30, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 June 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 5, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 June 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 12, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 June 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 20, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 June 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 26, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 July 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 3, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 July 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 10, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 July 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 17, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 July 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 24, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

31 July 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 31, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 August 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 7, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

14 August 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 14, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

21 August 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 21, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 August 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 28, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 September 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 5, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

11 September 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 11, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

18 September 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 18, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 September 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 25, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

2 October 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 2, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 October 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 10, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 October 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 16, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 October 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 23, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 October 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 30, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 November 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, November 6, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 November 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, November 13, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

27 November 2023

(2023) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, November 27, 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

December 2023

(2023) 2023 Iowa Crop Progress Review, December 2023. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 April 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, April 1, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 April 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, April 8, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 April 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, April 15, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 April 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, April 22, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

29 April 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, April 29, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

6 May 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, May 6, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

13 May 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, May 13, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

20 May 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, May 20, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 May 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, May 28, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

3 June 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 3, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

10 June 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 10, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

17 June 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 17, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 June 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, June 24, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

1 July 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 1, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

8 July 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 8, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 July 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 15, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

22 July 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 22, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 July 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, July 30, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

5 August 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 5, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

19 August 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 19, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

26 August 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 26, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, August 26, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

9 September 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 9, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

16 September 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 16, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

23 September 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 23, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

30 September 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, September 30, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

7 October 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 7, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

15 October 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 15, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

28 October 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, October 28, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

4 November 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, November 4, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

12 November 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, November 12, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

25 November 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, November 252, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

24 December 2024

(2024) Iowa Ag News: Crop Progress & Condition, December 24, 2024. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 06:02:08 2025 CDT.