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(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Adams County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2019 All Iowa Reads Discussion Guide, A Land of Permanent Goodbyes by Atia Abawi: State Library of Iowa, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) 2019 All Iowa Reads Discussion Guide, Amina's Voice by Hena Khan: State Library of Iowa, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) 2019 All Iowa Reads Discussion Guide, This Blessed Earth: A Year in the Life of an American Family Farm by Ted Genoways: State Library of Iowa, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) 2019 All Iowa Reads Program Resources: State Library of Iowa, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) 2019 Annual Report of the Iowa Utilities Board. Utilities Division (Commerce)
(2019) 2019 Annual Report of the Office to Combat Human Trafficking, 2019. Public Safety, Department of
(2019) 2019 Annual Report: Condition of Education Report, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) 2019 Cancer in Iowa Report, 2019. University of Iowa
(2019) 2019 I-CASH Annual Report, 2019. University of Iowa
(2019) 2019 Iowa Factbook, Iowa Legislative Fiscal Bureau, 2019. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2019) 2019 Iowa Fishing Regulations, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019 Session Fiscal Report, 2019. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2019) 2019-2023 Iowa Strategic Highway Safety Plan, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Adult Education and Literacy, Data Specialist Handbook, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Cumulative index of the Iowa Conservationist and Iowa Outdoors magazines. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Department of Public Health Strategic Plan Status Report (January - June 2019). Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) Dependent Adult Abuse A Guide for Mandatory Reporters, July 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) How Our Gardens Grow: Iowa School for the Deaf year in review 2017-2018, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) IOWA PMP Prescriber Report User Guide, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Idle Reduction Technologies, Opportunities for Fuel Savings and Emission Reduction Incentives, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Index for Senate and House Journals, 2019. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2019) Iowa Animal Industry News, 2019, Vol. 20, no. 1. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Annual Weather Summary, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Bow Hunter Observation Survey, 2019 Summary, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Budget Report Fiscal Year 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, FY2019. Civil Rights Commission
(2019) Iowa Communications Network Performance Report, FY 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa Dental Board 2019 Annual Report, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Economic Development Performance Plan FY2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Immunization Program Immunization Audit 2018-19 School Year Child Care Immunization by County Summary Report, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Immunization Program Immunization Audit 2018-2019 School Year Kindergarten to 12th Grade Summary Report by School percent Vaccinated with Vaccines Required by Law, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Revenue Performance Report FY2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Individual Income Tax Annual Statistical Report 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Individual Income Tax School District Report, Tax Year 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Motorcyclists Need You to Share the Road!, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Rail Toolkit, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Riverside Plant Selection Tool, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Utilities Board FY2002 Annual Report July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020,. Utilities Division (Commerce)
(2019) Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services: SFY 20 Agency Performance Report, 2019. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2019) Iowa Wildlife Tracks, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 88th GA 1 Supplement, 2019. House of Representatives and Staff
(2019) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 88th GA 1, 2019. House of Representatives and Staff
(2019) Journal of the Senate of the 88th GA 1 of the State of Iowa, 2019. Senate and Staff
(2019) Journal of the Senate of the 88th GA 1 of the State of Iowa: Reports Received after Adjournment, 2019. Senate and Staff
(2019) Legislative Updates: Fall Interim Update 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Roster of State Officials, 2019. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)
(2019) State Average Grain Prices for the year 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) State Fire Marshall Surge Protector Policy, Non-Health Care Facilities, 2019. Public Safety, Department of
(2019) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 88, no. 1, 2019. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2019) State of Iowa Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) End-of-Year 2019 Surveillance Report, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State of Iowa Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) End-of-Year 2020 Surveillance Report, 2020. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Subjective Cognitive Decline Indicators and Chronic Diseases, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 2019. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2019) 2019 Iowa Adult Blood Lead Data Adults Tested for Lead by County, January 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, January 2019, Vol. 23, no. 3. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) Bullseye: Iowa Targeted Small Business Newsletter, January 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, January 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 6. Education, Department of
(2019) Demonstration Project for Implementation of Performance Enhanced Mixtures (PEM) - MLR-19-10/TPF-5(368). Transportation, Department of
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, January 2019, Vol. 5, no.1. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, January 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) I-Smart Date Entry User Guide, January 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Immunizations Schedule with Combination Vaccines, January 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Impact of Verification on Iowa FAFSA Filers. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Impact of Verification on Iowa FAFSA Filers: APPENDIX. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Integral Abutment Connection Details for Accelerated Bridge Construction 18-SPR0-013, January 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Attorney General's Crime Victim Assistance Division Annual Report 2018, January 2019. Attorney General
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of Women, January 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Facilitator's Guide, January 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Iowa’s Opioid Crisis: An Update, January 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, January 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, January 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Sex Offender Research Council Annual Report, January 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, January 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Legislative Updates, Pre-session Preview - January 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) The Link E-Newsletter, January 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) A Matter of Substance, January 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) School Leader Update, January 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, February 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Board of Nursing Summary of Annual Report, July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018, January 2, 2019. Nursing, Board of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, January 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, January 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Status of Lake Restoration Project, State Fiscal Year 2019, January 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, January 4, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Early Childhood Iowa 2018 Annual Report. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, January 4, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, January 4, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 52, December 29, 2018. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Library of Iowa: New Resource for Career Services, Test Prep, Software Tutorials for Iowa Libraries January 4, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, Jan 4, 2018. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Education for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Insurance Division’s Annual Health Costs Report, January 7, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Procurement Source, Department of Administrative Services, FY19/Q3, January 7, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Flood Mitigation Board Annual Report 2018, January 8, 2019. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, December 2018. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, January 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Energy Center 2018 Annual Report, January 9, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, January 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Prison Industries Annual Report FY2017, January 10, 2019. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, January 11, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, January 11, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Agriculture and Land Stewardship Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Auditor of State Budgets Iowa Budget Report 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Civil Rights Commission Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Civil Rights Commission
(2019) College Student Aid Commission Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Department of Commerce Budgets, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Commerce, Department of
(2019) Department of Corrections Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Department of Inspections & Appeals Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Department of Management Budgets Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Department of Public Health Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Department of Revenue Budgets Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Department of Veterans Affairs Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of
(2019) Executive Council Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) IPERS Administration Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Iowa Board of Regents Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Budget Report Dept. of Administrative Services Budgets 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa Budget Report, Economic Development Authority Budgets, 2020-2021. January 13, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Iowa Budget Report, Homeland Security and Emergency Management Budgets 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(2019) Iowa Department of Natural Resource Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(2019) Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board Budgets Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Iowa Finance Authority Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Iowa Finance Authority
(2019) Iowa Lottery Authority Budgets Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Iowa Lottery
(2019) Iowa Treasurer of State Board Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Judicial Branch Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Judicial Branch
(2019) Legislative Branch Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2019) Office of the Chief Information Officer Budgets Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Office of the Chief Information Officer
(2019) Public Employment Relations Board Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Public Information Board Budgets Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2019, January 13, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Secretary of State Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Secretary of State, Iowa
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, December 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Program and Budget Fiscal Years 2020-2021, January 14, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) SFY 2018 Budget Report from the Plumbers, Mechanical Professionals, and Contractor Licensing Board, January 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2018 Fiscal Year Letting Summary. Transportation, Department of
(2019) FY 2018 Equipment and Vehicle Report. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Governor Reynolds’s 2019 Condition of the State Address, January 15, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Infrastructure Annual Status Report DOT 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, January 16, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Dog Swims, January 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education Newsletter from the State Library of Iowa, January 16, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, January 17, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Child Advocacy Board Annual Report: FY 2018, JULY 1, 2017-JUNE 30, 2018, January 17, 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 17, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Brainfuse Implementation Update, January 17, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, January 18, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Services: Medicaid e-News, January 18, 2019, Vol.1 no.4. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa's Unemployment Rate Remains at 2.4 Percent for Third Month, January 18, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) State Library of Iowa FY18 Annual Report, January 19, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Water Summary Update, January 19, 2019, No. 92. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) FY2018 Annual County Structurally Deficient Bridges Summary Report. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Fair Housing: Know Your Rights, January 22, 2019. Civil Rights Commission
(2019) Fair Housing: Know your Rights, January 22, 2019. Civil Rights Commission
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 22, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Acute Disease Monthly Update, December, 2018. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Early Learning Standards 2018. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Early Learning Standards 2018 Spanish. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Audit report on Dickinson County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2018 State of Iowa Analysis of Impediments to Fair House Choice: Final Report, January 25, 2019. Civil Rights Commission
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Dallas Center, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Hartwick, Iowa for the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, January 25, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Prescription Monitoring Program, January 25, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Stanhope’s Periodic Examination Report dated July 18, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Steamboat Rock’s Periodic Examination Report dated June 22, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, January 2020. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Harvey, Iowa for the period April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, January 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Child and Family Services Reviews: Iowa Final Report 2018, January 28, 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Buckeye, Iowa for the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR News, January 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, January 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office of Asian and Pacific Islanders, January 29, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office of Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs, January 29, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) 2019 Flex Fuel Vehicles Registered in Iowa, January 30, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) ANNUAL REPORT -Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY 2018. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Audit report on O’Brien County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) FY18 Biodiesel Fuel Revolving Fund Expenditures report. Transportation, Department of
(2019) FY2018 Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks report. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY 2018. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Midwest Regional Rail Passenger Initiative and Passenger Rail Service in Iowa status report 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Registered Flexible Fuel Vehicles 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, January 31, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 31, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey, February 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) African-Americans in Iowa, February 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, February 2019, Vol. 23, no. 4. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, February 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, February 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 7. Education, Department of
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, February 2019, Vol. 6, no.2. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, February 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Investigation and Evaluation of Iowa Department of Transportation Bridge Deck Epoxy Injection Process, February 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa ADAP Formulary Exclusion List, February 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Board of Nursing Newsletter, February-March-April 2019, Vol. 38, no. 1. Nursing, Board of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of Women, February 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Facilitator's Guide, February 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, February 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Gambling Treatment Program I-SMART Problem Gambling Domain Data Entry User Guide and Manual, February 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, February 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa School for the Deaf: The Bobcat, February 2019, Vol. 33, no. 3. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, February 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Laboratory and Field Evaluation of a Composite Glued-Laminated Girder to Deck Connection TR-680, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) The Link E-Newsletter, February 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) Need-Based Aid for Private, Not-for-Profit Colleges—The Iowa Tuition Grant. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Partners & Services in Employment for Transition Aged Youth, February 2019. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2019) School Leader Update, February 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa River Water Trail Plan, Embracing the River: Johnson and Louisa Counties, February 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019 Annual Report, Iowa Collaboration for Youth Development, February 1, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) 2019 Iowa Economic Development Authority Annual Report, February 1, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Audit report on the City of Jesup, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, February 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 5, February 2, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Chelsea, Iowa for the period April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, February 4, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) January 2019 General Fund Receipts, February 4, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, February 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, January 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Your Life Iowa SFY 2018 Annual Report, February 6, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Brighton, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Pocahontas County Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, February 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, February 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Lost Nation’s Periodic Examination Report dated April 18, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) 2018 Annual Report and Recommendations, Department of Natural Resources, February 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, February 8, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Hartford’s Periodic Examination Report dated March 24, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 6, February 9, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, February 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Brainfuse Implementation, February 11, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Summer Traffic Survey Program, February 11, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, February 12, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the City of Denison, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Riverside, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, February 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, February 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Searsboro’s Periodic Examination Report dated March 23, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Vehicle Mileage Reporting System User Guide, February 14, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, February 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Morrison, Iowa for the period April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, February 15, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Quick Reads, February 15, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education Newsletter from the State Library of Iowa, February 15, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Audit report on the Butler County Area Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Brainfuse Update, February 18, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Audit report on Muscatine County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Independence, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Prairie Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Wayne-Ringgold-Decatur County Solid Waste Management Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Acute Disease Monthly Update, January 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, February 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Dexter’s Periodic Examination Report dated March 21, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, February 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, February 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, February 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Beaman’s Periodic Examination Report dated March 31, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Casey for the period ending June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, February 22, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 8, February 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, February 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, February 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, February 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Brainfuse Update, February 25, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, February 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, February 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Annual Diversity Report, February 27-28, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, February 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2018 Outstanding Obligations Details, February 7, 2019. Treasurer of State
(2019) Annual Report on Span of Control, February 27-28, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Annual Report on Student Retention and Graduation Rates, February 27-28, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Annual Student Financial Aid report, Board of Regents, February 27-28, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Board Regents: 2017-2018 Distance Education Report, February 28, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, February 28, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, February 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, February 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, February 28, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, February 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa’s Good Samaritan Law Protection for Responders Providing Bleeding Control, February 28, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Potential for Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens or Bodily Fluids When Implementing Bleeding Control Measures, February 28, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, March 2019, Vol. 23, no. 5. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, March 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Business Enterprises Program Policy & Procedure Manual, Iowa Department of the Blind, March 2019. Blind, Department for the
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, March 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Farm Families Alive and Well, March 2019, Vol. 25, no. 2. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Pavement Overlays TPF-5(313). Transportation, Department of
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, March 2019, Vol. 6, no. 3. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, March 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa - FY2019 Title II Application, March 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa AgriNews, March, 2019, Vol. 19, no. 3. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Board of Pharmacy News, March 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa College Aid Student & Faculty Diversity Report 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights Online Newsletter, March 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of Women, March 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office of Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs, March/April 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Facilitator's Guide, March 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, March 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, March 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, March 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa's First Update for Compliance with the Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Core Requirement of the Federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, March 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) The Link E-Newsletter, March 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) Overview of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks TPF-5(313). Transportation, Department of
(2019) Quick Fishing Facts, March 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) School Leader Update, March 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Technology News, January-March 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, March 1, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) February 2019 General Fund Receipts, March 1, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Optimal Community Water Fluoridation in Iowa: Strategic Plan 2018-2023, March 1, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, March, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Zika Virus Update, March 1, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office of Asian and Pacific Islanders, March 2, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office of Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs, March 2, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2017-18 Annual Report Board of Regents, March 5, 2019.
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Glidden, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Decatur County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Colfax, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Incident Response & Forensic Investigation, March 6, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Communications Network: DDoS Mitigation, March 6, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Trophy Deer 2019, March 6, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the City of West Branch, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the North Central Iowa Regional Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, March 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, March 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, March 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, February 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa AgriNews, March 8, 2019, Vol. 19, no. 4. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 9, March 2, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Audit report on the City of Van Meter, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, March 11, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) State of Iowa Department of Education, 2017 – 2018 Biennial Report, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services, March 11, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 12, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Transportation's Performance Report FY2018. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, March 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the Crawford County Area Solid Waste Agency Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Unemployment Benefits to be Delayed One Day, March 13, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa's Public Employees Retirement System, Risk Analysis Report, March 13, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Report on a special investigation of the Shelby County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) for the period July 1, 2013 through September 30, 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Page County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, March 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, March 14, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, March 14, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, March 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Summary Update, March 14, 2019, No. 93. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Immunization Recommendations During Floods, March 15, 2018. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 10, March 9, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Joint Enrollment Annual Report: Academy Year 2017-2018, March 15, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Quick Reads, March 15, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) REC Projections, March 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Tax Credits Contingent Liabilities Brief, March 15, 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, March 16, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) FAQ About What to Do After a Drinking Water Advisory (Residential), March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Flooded Private Sewage Systems Safety, Sanitation, and Clean-Up Concerns, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: After the Flood: Cleaning Playground Equipment, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: After the Flood: What to do about Personal Items, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Bureau of Environmental Health Services: Cleaning and Disinfecting After a Flood, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Bureau of Environmental Health Services: Food Safety During a Power Outage, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Bureau of Environmental Health Services: Frequently Asked Questions About Boil Water Advisories (Residential), March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Bureau of Environmental Health Services: When Flooding Occurs – Food Salvage, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Cleaning Clothing and Linens Contaminated by Flood Water, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Frequently Asked Questions About Cleaning Flooded Basements, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Frequently Asked Questions About Flooding and Child Care, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Frequently Asked Questions about Mold, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Personal Hygiene During and After a Flood, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Plugging Abandoned Wells in Iowa, March 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Public Health Exclusion Requirements for High Risk Settings, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Public Health Exclusion Requirements for High Risk Settings, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Re-entering Your Flooded Home, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Recommendations for Water Consumption, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Sandbag Disposal Fact Sheet, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR's Interactive Paddling Map, March 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program, March 19, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) 2018-19 Annual Report Board of Regents, November 20, 2019.
(2019) Audit report on Grundy County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Flooded Private Well Recommendations, March 20, 2019. University of Iowa
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, March 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Proper Management of Flooded Grain and Hay, March 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Sanitation Recommendations During Floods, March 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, March 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the City of Monticello, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Great River Regional Waste Authority for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, March 22, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, March 22, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Dental Board 2018 Annual Report, March 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 11, March 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Mosquito Bite Prevention, March 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, March 22, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Use of Mosquito Repellent on Children, March 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Final PREA Audit Report Iowa Correctional Institution for Women. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Dallas County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Ida County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Fairfield, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Heat Related Illness: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety, March 25, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Brainfuse Update, March 25, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, March 26, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Asbestos Information for Cleaning UP Disaster Debris, March 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Washington County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Clinton, Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Washington, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, March 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Five Counties Eligible to Apply for Disaster Unemployment Insurance Benefits, March 27, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Sidney, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Page County Landfill Association for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, March 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Guidance for Transferring Pharmacies, March 28, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, March 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, March 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, March 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, March 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Ackley, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Granger, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Hills, Iowa for the period July 31, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Hospers, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Manly, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Urbana, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Brooklyn, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Nevada, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Red Oak, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Holiday Lake Rural Improvement Zone for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Immunization Program Immunization Audit 2018-19 School Year Kindergarten Summary Report by County, March 29, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Immunization Program Immunization Audit 2018-19 School Year Kindergarten to 12th Grade Summary Report by County, March 29, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Report of Recommendations on Iowa Public Employees Retirement System year end June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) State of Iowa’s Single Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Quick Facts 3rd Quarter FY19. Corrections, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Eighth Judicial District Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Fifth Judicial District Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: First Judicial District Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Fourth Judicial District Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Second Judicial District Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Seventh Judicial District Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Sixth Judicial District Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Third Judicial District Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Retailers Motor Fuel Gallons Annual Report, April 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) 2019 Hawk-I Parent Brochure ver. 1, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2019 Hawk-I Parent Brochure ver. 2, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2019 Hawk-I Teen Brochure, April 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Adult Lead Exposure: A Guide for Health Care Providers, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Adult Lead Safety: What you should know to protect yourself and your family, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, April 2019, Vol. 23, no. 6. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) Bullseye: Iowa Targeted Small Business Newsletter, April 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, April 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Chronic Disease Connections, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, April 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 8. Education, Department of
(2019) Construction of New Substructures Beneath Existing Bridges TR-716, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Pavement Overlays: Technical Overview TPF-5(313). Transportation, Department of
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, April 2019, Vol. 6, no.4. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, April 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) How Iowa and Its Citizens Benefit from Higher Education. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Investigation into Shrinkage of High-Performance Concrete Used for Iowa Bridge Decks and Overlays – Phase II Shrinkage Control and Field Investigation TR-690, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa 2018 Disease Surveillance Data Report for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office of Asian and Pacific Islanders, March/April 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health Immunization Program: Helping Adults Pay for Vaccines, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Facilitator's Guide, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, April 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, April 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, April 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa Youth Adult Survey: Methodology and item Frequencies for the 2019 Iowa Young Adult Survey, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa’s 2018 Report on Community Water Fluoridation, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) The Link E-Newsletter, April 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) A Matter of Substance, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) School Leader Update, April 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education Newsletter from the State Library of Iowa, April, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) State of Iowa Laborshed Analysis: A Study of Workforce Characteristics, April 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Transition to Adult Health Care Quick Guide: Handbook for Youth, Youth Adult and their Families, April 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2018 Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners, April 1, 2019. Medical Examiner, Iowa State
(2019) 2019 Hawki Dental only Fact Sheet, April 1, 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2019 Hawki Fact with 2 Hawkibird, April 1, 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Blue Grass, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Palo, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Riverdale, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Shellsburg, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Harrison County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Monona County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Palo Alto County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Farnhamville, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Wilton, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Evansdale Water Works, Evansdale, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, April 1, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 1, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 12, March 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services Independent Living Manual, April 1, 2019. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa Workforce Development Selects Three Organizations to Expand Registered Apprenticeship Opportunities, April 1, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Office of Ombudsman 2018 Annual Report, April 1, 2019. Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Census Day 2020: One Year Out, April 1, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Census Day Is Here – Make It Count!, April 1, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, April 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, April 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) March 2019 General Fund Receipts, April 2, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Procurement Source, Department of Administrative Services, FY19/Q4, April 2, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, March 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, April 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Licensed Drivers by Age Group Sex 2007 to 2018, April 3, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Licensed Iowa Drivers by County 2009-2018, April 3, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) 2019 Water Trails & Water Trail Study Areas, April 4, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019 Water Trails & Water Trail Study Areas, April 4, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, March 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, April 4, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, April 4, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Insurance Commissioner Bulletin:19-02, April 4, 2019. Insurance Division (Commerce)
(2019) Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan 2017-2022, April 4, 2019. University of Northern Iowa
(2019) Water Summary Update, April 4, 2019, No. 94. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, April 5, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, April 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 8, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 13, March 30, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) DNR Licensing Agent Hard Card FAQ, April 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, April 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Sexual Expression Policy Development: A Guide for Long-Term Care Facilities & Assisted Living Programs, April 9, 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, April 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, April 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, April 11, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, April 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, April 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, April 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) FFY 2018 EPSDT Dental Services Report Age 0-14, April 12, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) FFY 2018 EPSDT Dental Services Report Age 0-20, April 12, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) FFY 2018 EPSDT Dental Services Report Age 0-5, April 12, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) FFY 2018 EPSDT Dental Services Report Age 1-20, April 12, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) FFY 2018 EPSDT Dental Services Report Age 1-5, April 12, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, April 12, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, April 12, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 14, April 6, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Executive Order Number Four, April 15, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 15, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Workers Memorial Day Honors Iowans Who Lost Their Lives in the Workplace, April 15, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 16, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 16, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Calendar Year 2018 Vehicle Registrations Summary, April 17, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Final PREA Audit Report Iowa State Penitentiary. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Additional Counties Eligible to Apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, April 17, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) 2018-2019 Faculty Tenure Report, April 18, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) 2019-20 Proposed Promotional Tenure Action, Board of Regents, April 18, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Annual Report on Competition with Private Enterprise, April 18, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, April 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, April 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Proposed Residence System Rates for 2019-2020 Academic Year, April 18, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, April 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2017 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program Summary of Analyses. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, April 19, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Disaster Debris Disposal Options, April 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, April 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) FFY 2018 EPSDT Dental Services Report Age 0 - 5, April 12, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 15, April 13, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Remains at 2.4 Percent in March, April 19, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Highways and Your Land: A guide to our Right of Way Procedure, April 22, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 22, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 22, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, April 23, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 23, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa Workforce Development Announces Registered Apprenticeship Program with Jabil Packaging Solutions, April 23, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, April 24, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, April 24, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, April 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, April 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Legislative Updates, April 25, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Advisory Bulletin, Alcoholic Beverages Division, April 26, 2019. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2019) Advisory Bulletin: Missouri Manufacturer’s Bottled Wines Pose Risk of Exploding, April 26, 2019. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, April 26, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Capitol Complex Mail Guide, April 26, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 16, April 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Workers’ Memorial Day Honors Iowans Who Lost Their Lives In The Workplace, April 26, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, April 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and Amendment to the Nicotine Listing, April 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, April 29, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, April 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) TR710 - Partially Grouted Revetment for Low-Volume Road Bridges, Interim Repoirt. Transportation, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Adair County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Allamakee County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Appanoose County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Audubon County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Benton County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Black Hawk County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Boone County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Bremer County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Buchanan County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Buena Vista County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Butler County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Calhoun County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Carroll County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Cass County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Cedar County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Cerro Gordo County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Cherokee County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Chickasaw County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Clarke County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Clay County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Clayton County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Clinton County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Crawford County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Dallas County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Davis County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Decatur County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Delaware County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Des Moines County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Dickinson County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Dubuque County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Emmet County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Fayette County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Floyd County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Franklin County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Greene County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Grundy County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Guthrie County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Hamilton County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Hancock County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Hardin County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Harrison County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Henry County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Howard County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Humboldt County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Ida County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Iowa County Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Jackson County Results (May 2019). Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Jasper County Results (May 2019). Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Johnson County Results (May 2019). Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Jones County Results (May 2019). Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Kossuth County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Lee County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Linn County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Louisa County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Lyon County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Madison County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Mahaska County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Marion County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Marshall County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Mills County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Mitchell County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Monona County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Monroe County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Montgomery County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Muscatine County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Osceola County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Page County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Palo Alto County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Plymouth County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Pocahontas County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Polk County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Pottawattamie County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Poweshiek County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Ringgold County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Sac County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Scott County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Shelby County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Sioux County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Story County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Tama County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Taylor County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Union County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Van Buren County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Wapello County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Warren County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Washington County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Webster County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Winnebago County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Winneshiek County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Woodbury County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Worth County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Wright County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2019 Iowa Youth Survey: Obrien County Results, May 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, May 2019, Vol. 23, no. 7. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, May 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, May 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Chronic Disease Connections, May 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, May 2019, Vol. 6, no. 5. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, May 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa Board of Nursing Newsletter, May-June-July 2019, Vol. 38, no.2. Nursing, Board of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office of Asian and Pacific Islanders, May 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office of Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs, May 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Facilitator's Guide, May 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, May 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, May 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa School for the Deaf: The Bobcat, May 2019, Vol. 33, no. 6. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, May 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Legislative Updates: Interim Update, May 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) School Leader Update, May 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, May 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) April 2019 General Fund Receipts, May 2, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Jasper County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Clarence, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Xenia Rural Water District for the year ended December 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, May 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) State Library of Iowa: State Library Adds Gale Opposing Viewpoints to Online Resource Package for Iowa Libraries, May 2, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, May 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, May 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) F-1 Food Assistance Program State Summary - April 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, May 3, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, May 3, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 17, April 27, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, May 4, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) University of Northern Iowa: Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan 2017-2022, April 4, 2019. University of Northern Iowa
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 6, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, May 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, May 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, April 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, May 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, May 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) The ADA Transition Plan, May 8, 2019. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2019) Audit report on the Cedar County Economic Development Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Delmar’s Periodic Examination Report dated August 18, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, May 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, May 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, May 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Additional County Eligible to Apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, May 9, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 18, May 4, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Immunization Registry Information System (IRIS) Benchmark Report Card Instructions 2 Year-Old Children and Adolescents 13-15 Years of Age, May 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 13, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Additional County Eligible to Apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, May 13, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) 2018-2022 Iowa Cancer Plan: Evaluation Plan, May 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Audit report on America’s Agricultural Industrial Heritage Landscape, Inc., d/b/a Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area (Silos and Smokestacks) for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Webster County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Delaware County Solid Waste Disposal Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, May 14, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Cancer Plan 2018-2022, May 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, May 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) FFY2020 Title V State Plan State Performance Measures (SPMs), May 15, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Audit report on the City of West Union, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, May 16, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, May 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Quick Reads, April 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, May 17, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Final PREA Audit Report Clarinda Correctional Facility. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 19, May 11, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Holds Steady at 2.4 Percent in April, May 17, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) State Library of Iowa:State Library Announces Grants to Academic Libraries for Interlibrary Loan Delivery Service, May 17, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance 2018 Final Surveillance Report. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, May 17, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 20, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, May 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) F-1 Food Assistance Program State Summary - April 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) F-1 Food Assistance Program State Summary - April 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, May 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education Newsletter from the State Library of Iowa, May 21, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Audit report on Lee County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Wayne County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, May 22 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, May 23, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, May 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the Iowa Egg Council for the years ended June 30, 2018 and 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, May 23, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, May 23, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Bedford, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Pottawattamie County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the County Rural Offices of Social Services Mental Health Region (CROSS) for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Auditor of State Rob Sand today released a report on a special investigation of the City of Westfield for the period January 1, 2013 through September 30, 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, May 24, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, May 24, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, May 24, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, May 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report, Week 20, May 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, May 24, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, May 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, May 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, May 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Jones County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, May 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, May 28, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, May 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, May 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, May 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, May 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, May 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, May 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Marshalltown Community School District in Marshalltown, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Banking Division (Commerce)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, May 31, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) ST-003 In Situ Modululs Measurement using Automated Plate Load Testing for Statewide Mechanistic-Empirical Design Calibration. Transportation, Department of
(2019) TR698 - Optimized Joint Spacing for Concrete Overlays with and without Structural Fiber Reinforcement. Transportation, Department of
(2019) TR709 - Effectiveness of Pavement Preservation Techniques. Transportation, Department of
(2019) 2018 Income and EFC Report: Income and Expected Family Contribution--How Do They Relate? College Student Aid Commission
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Area Education Agency 267 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Grant Wood AEA Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Great Prairie AEA Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Green Hills AEA 13 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Heartland AEA Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Keystone AEA 1 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Mississippi Bend AEA Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Northwest AEA Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Prairie Lakes AEA Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #1 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #10 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #11 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #12 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #13 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #14 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #15 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #16 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #17 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #18 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #19 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #2 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #3 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #4 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #5 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #6 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #7 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #8 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Youth Survey: Substance Abuse Prevention Service Area #9 Results. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) 2019 HIV/AIDS Prevention Needs Assessment Report, June 2021. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Adult Safety, June 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, June 2019, Vol. 23, no. 8. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, June 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, June 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Chronic Disease Connections, June 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, June 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 9. Education, Department of
(2019) Farm Families Alive and Well, June 2019, Vol. 25, no. 3. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, June 2019, Vol. 6, no. 6. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, June 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) I-Smart Date Entry User Guide Update, June 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Investing in Iowa's Water: FY2020 Annual Report Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, June 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office of Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs, June/July 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Drivers Manual, Revised June 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, June 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, June 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, June 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) The Link E-Newsletter, June 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) School Leader Update, June 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Small Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) Fact Sheet, June 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State of Iowa Public Drinking Water Program 2018 Annual Compliance Report, June 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Technology News, April-June 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Smart Work Zone Activity App (SWiZAPP) - TPF-8(295). Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 3, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, June 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa Workforce Development Launches New User-Friendly Employment Services System, June 3, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa DNR News, June 4, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) May 2019 General Fund Receipts, June 4, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Coppock’s Periodic Examination Report dated March 9, 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR News, June 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, June 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2018 Bowhunter Observation Survey, June 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, June 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Taylor County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, June 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) FY2020 Campus Sustainability Annual Plan, June 4-6, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Iowa Communications Network: Internet powered by ICN, June 6, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Proposed 2019-2020 Tuition and Fees, June 4-6, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Special investigation of the Iowa City Area Development Group (ICAD) for the period December 12, 2003 through March 14, 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) 2019 Annual Report of the Superintendent Division of Credit Unions Department of Commerce, June 7, 2019. Commerce, Department of
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, May 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, June 7, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, June 7, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, June 7, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, June 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, June 7, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 10, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) 2020-2024 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program. Transportation, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, June 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Services Provider Forums Report, June 11, 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Outdoor News: Iowa DNR News, June 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2018 Trade Statistics, June 12, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Gov. Reynolds encourages applicants for Future Ready Iowa Employer Innovation Fund, June 12, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, June 12, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, June 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, June 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights, June 13, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, June 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Summary Update, June 13, 2019, No. 96. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) The Center for Acute disease Epidemiology: Report for the Fourth Quarter, June 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, June 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance Program Program Overview and Resource List, June 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, June 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, June 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 17, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Insurance Commissioner Bulletin: June 17, 2019. Insurance Division (Commerce)
(2019) Investing in Iowa's Water:FY 2020 Intended Use Plans, Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, June 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, June 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, June 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, June 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Service Report of Findings Observation of DHS Training Sessions, June 20, 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, June 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, June 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission(ITTC) Regulatory Plan FY2020, June 20, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, June 21, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, June 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, June 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Administrative Services: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the year ended June 30, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, June 21, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, June 21, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System Member Handbook, June 21, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Gov. Reynolds announces Future Ready Iowa Employer Innovation Fund is now accepting applications, June 21, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Remains at 2.4 Percent in May, June 21, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) What Everyone needs to know what Zika Virus, June 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, June 23, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Failure to Stop for School Bus Convictions by County of Occurrence 2009-2018, June 24, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Monroe, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Princeton, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Carroll County, Iowa for the ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Greene County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Guthrie County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Montgomery County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Southern Hills Regional Mental Health for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Story County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Union County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on United Community School District in Boone, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of West Liberty, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Clinton County Area Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on a special investigation of Henry County Environmental Health Office for the period July 1, 2010 through January 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on a special investigation of the Saydel Community School District Music Boosters (Boosters) for the period August 1, 2014 through March 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Donahue’s Periodic Examination Report dated June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Quimby’s Periodic Examination Report dated July 28, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, June 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Sheffield, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Mills County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Central Iowa Juvenile Detention Center in Eldora, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR News, June 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Annual Report 2018. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, June 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019-2021 Agreement Between State of Iowa and State Police Officers Council, June 27, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Renwick, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Henry County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Audubon, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Perry, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Hudson Municipal Electric Utility in Hudson, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, June 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, June 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Gov. Iowa Workforce Development and Agency Partners Announce New Social Security Disability Benefits Website, June 27, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, June 27, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Griswold, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Hamburg, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Villisca, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the Leon, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) An Analysis of Iowa's Victim Restitution Process, Crime Victim Assistance Division, June 28, 2019. Attorney General
(2019) Audit report on Fremont County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Northwest Iowa Care Connections for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Appanoose County Service Agency in Centerville, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Durant, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Evansdale, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Fairfax, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Robins, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Tiffin, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Tiffin, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Fremont County Sanitary Landfill Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, June 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, June 28, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR News, June 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, June 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Gov. Iowans' Unemployment and Injury Benefits Increase, June 28, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Report on a special investigation of the Bagley Fire Fighters Association for the period February 1, 2014 through September 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on a special investigation of the City of De Soto for the period July 1, 2014 through August 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, June 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Cambridge, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) agreed-upon procedures report on the City of McGregor, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Mount Ayr, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) report on a special investigation of the City of Mondamin for the period April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, June 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Adult Education and Literacy Annual Report 2019FY, June 30, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Annual Report of the Superintendent of Banking, June 30, 2019. Banking Division (Commerce)
(2019) Auditor of State Budget, FY 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Board of Parole Budget, FY 2019. Iowa State Board of Parole
(2019) Board of Regents Budgets, FY 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) College Student Aid Commission Budget, FY 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Commission for the Blind Budget, FY 2019. Blind, Department for the
(2019) Department of Administrative Services Budget, FY 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Department of Ag and Land Stewardship Budget, FY 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Department of Commerce Budget, FY 2019. Commerce, Department of
(2019) Department of Commerce Budgets, FY 2018-2019. Commerce, Department of
(2019) Department of Corrections Budget, FY 2019. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Department of Cultural Affairs Budget, FY 2019. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(2019) Department of Education Budget, FY 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Department of Education Budget, FY 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Department of Human Rights Budget, FY 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Department of Human Services Budget, FY 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) Department of Inspections and Appeals Budget, FY 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Department of Natural Resources Budget, FY 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Department of Public Defense Budget, FY 2019. Public Defense, Department of
(2019) Department of Public Health Budget, FY 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Department of Public Safety Budget, FY 2019. Public Safety, Department of
(2019) Department of Revenue Budget, FY 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Department of Transportation Budget, FY 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Department of Veterans Affairs Budget, FY 2019. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of
(2019) Department on Aging Budget, FY 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) Executive Council Budget, FY 2018-2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Executive Council Budget, FY 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) FY 2019 Department of Management Budget. Management, Department of
(2019) FY 2019 Office of the Governor Budgets. Governor's Office
(2019) Homeland Security and Emergency Management Budget, FY 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) IPERS Administration Budget, FY 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Iowa Department of Management Performance Report, FY 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Iowa Finance Authority Budget, FY 2019. Iowa Finance Authority
(2019) Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System an Annual Summary for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission Budget, FY 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development Budget, FY 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Judicial Branch Budget, FY 2019. Judicial Branch
(2019) Law Enforcement Academy Budget, FY 2019. Iowa Law Enforcement Academy
(2019) Office of Drug Control Policy Budget, FY 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Public Employment Relations Board Budget, FY 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Public Information Board Budget, FY 2019. Iowa Public Information Board
(2019) Secretary of State Budget, FY 2018-2019. Secretary of State, Iowa
(2019) Secretary of State Budget, FY 2019. Secretary of State, Iowa
(2019) Treasurer of State Budget, FY 2019. Treasurer of State
(2019) Treasurer's Annual Report, June 30, 2019. Treasurer of State
(2019) 2018 Annual Report, Division of Acute Disease Prevention, Emergency Response, and Environmental Health, July 2018. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, Julu 2019, Vol. 23, no. 9. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) Bullseye: Iowa Targeted Small Business Newsletter, July 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, July 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Chronic Disease Connections, July 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, July 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 1. Education, Department of
(2019) Compendium of Scheduled Violations and Scheduled Fines, July 2019. Public Safety, Department of
(2019) FAFSA Filing in Iowa. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Fiscal Facts 2019: 88th General Assembly, July 2019. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, July 2019, Vol. 6, no.7. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, July 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) ICN Iowa Communications Network News, July 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Advisory Council on Brain Injuries Member Handbook, July 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DOT Annual Bridge Report 2019, July 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office of Asian and Pacific Islanders, June/July 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Facilitator's Guide, July 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, July 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, July 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System Member Update, July 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Iowa Supreme Court Access to Justice Commission, July 2019. Judicial Branch
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, July 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) A Matter of Substance, July 2019.
(2019) PREA Annual Report, July 2019. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Retiree Update, Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System, July 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) School Leader Update, July 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP): Proposal Application and Guidelines for Project Requests of $10,000 or Less, July 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP):Proposal Application and Guidelines for Project Requests Greater Than $10,000, July 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) State of Iowa Cybersecurity Strategy, July 2019. Office of the Chief Information Officer
(2019) 2009-2011 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between State of Iowa and UE Local 893 Iowa United Professional: Science Unit, July 1, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) 2009-2011 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between State of Iowa and UE Local 893 Iowa United Professional: Social Services, July 1, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) 2019-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between State of Iowa and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 61 AFL-CIO, July 1, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) 2021-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between State of Iowa and UE Local 893 Iowa United Professional: Science Unit, July 1, 2021. Administrative Services
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, July 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 1, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) June 2019 General Fund Receipts, July 2, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Academic Libraries: Apply Now for a Grant for Interlibrary Loan Delivery Service, July 2, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Vital Statistics of Iowa in Brief 2018 Data, July 2, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, July 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, July 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, July 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, June 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Audit report on the Gilbert/Franklin Township Fire and Emergency Response Agency for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Southwest Iowa MHDS Region for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Waste Authority of Jackson County for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, July, 5 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Report on a special investigation of the City of New Hampton Police Department for the period January 1, 2016 through September 29, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on a special investigation of the City of Webster Chamber of Commerce for the period October 1, 2013 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, July 5, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 8, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health Advisory Council on Brain Injuries, July 8, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Procurement Source, Department of Administrative Services, FY20/Q1, July 9, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, July 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Additional County Eligible to Apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, July 10, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Regulatory Bulletin: Third-Party Delivery of Alcoholic Beverages, July 10, 2021. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, July 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, July 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Manganese in Drinking Water Fact Sheet and Frequently Asked Questions, July 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, July 11, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Water Summary Update, July 11, 2019, No. 97. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the Iowa Centennial Memorial Foundation for the year ended May 31, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, July 12, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 15, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education, July 15, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) 2019 Authorized Combinations of Deer Hunting Licenses for Iowa Residents, July 16, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Elder Abuse Work Group 2019-Definitions, July 16, 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 16, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 17, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, July 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) F-1 Food Assistance Program State Summary - June 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Communications Network Performance Plan FY2019, July 18, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, July 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Questions and Answers About Workers’ Compensation Law For Injured Workers, July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2016, July 18, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, July 19, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Communications Network Performance Plan FY2020, July 19, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, July 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System: Regulatory Plan FY2020, July 19, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa Adds 5,600 Jobs in June, Unemployment Remains at 2.4 Percent, July 19, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Regulatory Bulletin: New Reporting Requirements for Native Wineries, Native Breweries, Brewpubs, and Liquor Manufacturers, July 19, 2019. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, July 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Medication Administration Manual Medication Management in Iowa Schools, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 22, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 22, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa Division of Workers’ Compensation Launches New Electronic Filing System, July 22, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 23, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, July 23, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Audubon County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) DAS Delivers: Fleet Services NewsBrake, July 24, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Public Library Statistics, July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Surface Water Classification July 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Maxwell, Iowa for the period June 1,2018 through March 31, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Remsen, Iowa and the Remsen Municipal Utilities for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Seymour, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, July 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health, Immunization Program Immunization Registry Information System(IRIS): Administrative User Training, July 25, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health, Immunization Program Immunization Registry Information System(IRIS): Training Handout User Training, July 25, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, July 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, July 26, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Immunization Program Annual Report 2018, July 26, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Gov. Reynolds encourages applicants for the Last-Dollar Scholarship by Aug. 1, July 26, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, July 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, July 26, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, July 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, July 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, July 29, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program FFY 2019 Fact and Figures, July 29, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa Workforce Development addresses LME Trucking closure, July 29, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa DNR News, July 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, August 2019, Vol. 23, no. 10. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) Borrow & Repay Wisely: Student Loans, August 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, August 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) The Edtech Opportunity: Educational Technology as a Dynamic Growth Sector for Iowa, August 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Filing the FAFSA & More, August 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Future Ready Iowa: Last Dollar Scholarships, August 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, August 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Injury & Violence, August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Life Course, August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: 2019 Progress Report; Bureau of Public Health Performance, August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Acute Disease, REVISED August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Chronic Disease, REVISED August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Disaster Preparedness, REVISED August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Environmental Health, REVISED August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Health Equity / Social Determinants of Health, REVISED August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Health System Improvement, REVISED August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Healthy Living, REVISED August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021 Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan: Mental Health, Illness & Suicide, REVISED August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Healthy Iowans 2017-2021: Iowa’s Health Improvement Plan. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) Helping Pay Off Debt: Student Loan Forgiveness, August 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) ICN Iowa Communications Network News, August 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Adult Lead Exposure Facts: Lead Exposure: Know your risks, Control your risks, August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Board of Nursing Newsletter, August-September-October 2019, Vol. 38, no.3. Nursing, Board of
(2019) Iowa Commission of Latino Affairs Annual Report, August 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office of Asian and Pacific Islanders, August 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office of Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs, August 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health Student Health Screening Work Group One Year Later, August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, August 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, August 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Student Health Screening Requirements, August 1, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, August 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Money for College: Grants & Scholarships, August 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Remote Controlled Hydrographic Survey System. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Your Course to College, August 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) Board of Regents, FY2020 Budgets–Universities, Special Schools, Iowa Public Radio, Board Office, August 1, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, August 1, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, August 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) I-Smile for my baby and me!, August 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, August 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Downtown Resource Center, August 2, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) July 2019 General Fund Receipts, August 2, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, August 2, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 4, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, August 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 5, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Natural Resources 2019 Deer and Fall Turkey Privilege Code Sheet, August 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Keystone, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the Early Childhood Iowa Area Boards for which the Central Iowa Juvenile Detention Center in Eldora, Iowa, is the fiscal agent, for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Heart of Iowa Community Services Region for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Pocahontas County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Poweshiek County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, August 8, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, August 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, August 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, August 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Report on County Social Services for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Water Summary Update, August 8, 2019, No. 98. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, August 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Monthly Activity Report, August, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, August 9, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) West Fork of the Des Moines River Water Trail: Emmet County, August 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 12, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Outdoor News: Iowa DNR News, August 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa River Water Trail: Johnson County, August 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa River Water Trail: Louisa County, August 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2015: Cherokee County, August 13, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education, August 13, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, August 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Surveillance of Notifiable and Other Diseases Annual Report 2017, August 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Smart Arrow Board Deployment Plan, August 14, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, August 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Jackson County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018.
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, August 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, August 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, August 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Quick Reads, August 15, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Report on a special investigation of the Butler County Sheriff’s Office for the period December 1, 2014 through October 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, August 16, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, August 16, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Monthly Activity Report, July, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa State Fair Recipes, August 16, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Increases to 2.5 Percent, August 16, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Benton County, August 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Adams, August 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Allamakee County, August 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Appanoose County, August 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Audubon County, August 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, August 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Customer Service and Licensing Bureau ELSI Vendor Newsletter, August 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Davis County, August 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 19, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Boone County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Bremer County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Buena Vista County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Butler County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Calhoun County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Cass County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Cerro Gordo County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Cherokee County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Clarke County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Clay County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Clayton, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Clinton County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Crawford County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Dallas County, August 19, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Lizard Creek River Water Trail: Webster County, August 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Lizard Creek Water Trail: Webster County, August 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Report on the Iowa School for the Deaf, Council Bluffs, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) State of Iowa 2019 Report of the Insurance Division of Iowa, August 19, 2019. Insurance Division (Commerce)
(2019) F-1 Food Assistance Program State Summary - July 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Outdoor News: Iowa DNR News, August 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Decatur County, August 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Des Moines County, August 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Dickinson County, August 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Dickinsons County, August 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Emmet County, August 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Fremont County, August 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2019: Dubuque County, August 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa Workforce Development announces National Dislocated Worker Grant recipients, August 21, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa's Adopt-A-Highway, August 21, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Grundy County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Guthrie County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Hamilton County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Hardin County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Harrison, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Henry County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Lucas County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Lyon County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Washington County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Wayne County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Webster, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Winnebago County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Winneshiek County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Woodbury County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Worth County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Wright County, August 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, August 22, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, August 22, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2014: Keokuk County, April 4, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2014: Monroe County, April 4, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2014: Monroe County, April 4, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2014: Winneshiek County, April 4, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Kossuth County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Marshall County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Howard County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Humboldt, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Ida County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Iowa, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Jackson County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Jasper County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Johnson County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Jones, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Keokuk County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Lee County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Linn County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Louisa County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Marion County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Mills County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Mitchell County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Monona County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Montgomery County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Muscatine County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: O'Brien County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2019: Madison County, August 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Main Street Iowa, August 22, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, August 23, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Osceola County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Page County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Palo Alto County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Plymouth County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Pocahontas County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Polk County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Poweshiek County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Ringgold, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Shelby County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Story County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Tama County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Union County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Van Buren County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Warren County, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, August 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Annual EPSDT Participation Report FFY2018-By Agency, August 26, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Annual EPSDT Participation Report FFY2018-By County, August 26, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Audit report of the Board of Regents for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, August 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Compilation report on the Cincinnati Sewer Utility, Cincinnati, Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Immigrant & Refugee Resources: Get there your Way-Convenient Personalized Travel, August 29, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, August 26, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Refugee Health Program: Annual Report 2018, August 26, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Report on a special investigation of the Department of Public Safety (DPS) for the period July 1, 2016 through August 15, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Board of Parole for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Civil Rights Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Wellsburg’s Periodic Examination Report dated August 12, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the Lucky for Life game administered by the Iowa Lottery Authority for the period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Appanoose County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Evaluation of Iowa’s Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP): Focus groups with participants 2017-2018, August 27, 2019. University of Iowa
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Gov. Reynolds Announces Future Ready Iowa Employer Innovation Fund Recipients, August 27, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Report on the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School, Vinton, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Brainfuse Update, August 27, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, August 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, August 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, August 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, August 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019-2020 Iowa Hunting, Trapping & Migratory Game Bird Regulations, August 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, August 30, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, August 30, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative Annual Report, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2019 Iowa August Roadside Survey, September 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, September 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, September 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 3. Education, Department of
(2019) Farm Families Alive and Well, September 2019, Vol. 25, no. 4. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, September 2019, Vol. 6, no.9. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, September 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Highlights from the CHA CHIP 2019 Progress Reports, September 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) Human Resource Information System Time Reporting System Manual, September 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) I-Smart Date Entry User Guide Update, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) ICN Iowa Communications Network News, September 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Board of Pharmacy News, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Child Maltreatment Prevention, Needs Assessment Data Update, September 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health Family Planning Manual, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Facilitator's Guide, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, September 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, September 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa Youth Survey: Iowa Youth Vaping 2018, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) National Diabetes Prevention Program in Iowa, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) School Leader Update, September 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education, September, 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Suicide Awareness and Prevention Brochure. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) Technology News, July-September 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Workforce Survey Results: Iowa Substance Abuse and Problem Gambling Prevention, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Data Entry Guidance Update: Early Intervention, September 1, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2019: Mitchell County, September 1, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, September 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 3, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Black Hawk County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Fayette County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Franklin County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Greene County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Mahaska County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Monroe County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Scott County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Sioux County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Wapello County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2019: Hancock County, September 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) August 2019 General Fund Receipts, September 4, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) ILAST Iowa Law and Services Together, Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation: Legal Resources & Remedies Booklet,. Attorney General
(2019) Organ Donor Survey Help Guide: Logan's Law, September 4, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, September 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, September 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Summary Update, September 5, 2019, No. 99. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, September 6, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, September 9, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 9, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Suicide Awareness and Prevention Bookmark. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) Tuition and Fees Report Iowa Community Colleges FY2020, September 10, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, September 12, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, September 12, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Policy Brief: Falls in Iowa 2019, September 12, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, September 13, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Building Code Official's Handbook, September 13, 2019. Commerce, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Quick Reads, September 13, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, September 13, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, September 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Early Childhood Iowa Statewide Needs Assessment 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 16, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Report on the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Annual Report 2019 Office of the Chief Information Officer, September 17, 2019. Office of the Chief Information Officer
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 17, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2016 Trout Angler Survey, September 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Unemployment Tax Rate Table Remains the Same for 2020, September 18, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Annual Facilities Report: Board of Regents, September 18-19, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, September 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, September 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, September 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Seat Belt Use Survey 2019 Data Collection Methodology Report, September 19, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2018-2019, September 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa's Unemployment Rate Remains at 2.5 Percent, September 20, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa's Prenatal Care Barriers Project Data From 2018: Delaware County, September 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, September 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 23, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, September 23, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Breda, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Iowa State Fair Authority for the year ended October 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, September 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, September 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, September 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Medical Malpractice Annual Report for Calendar Year 2018, September 24, 2019.
(2019) Iowa Medical Malpractice Annual Report for Calendar Year 2018, September 24, 2019.
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Public Defense for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Public Health for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Runnells’s Periodic Examination Report dated August 10, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Building Code Official’s Handbook: Architectural/Engineering Combined Matrix, September 25, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, September 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Speeding Convictions by County of Occurrence 2009-2018, September 25, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Keota, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, September 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, September 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, September 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Report on Iowa State Prison Industries for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on Iowa State Prison Industries – Farms for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department for the Blind for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Human Rights for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Legislature for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Public Information Board for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Veterans Home for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Public Employment Relations Board for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Seat Belt Convictions by County of Occurrence 2011-2018, September 26, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, September 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) An agreed-upon procedures report on County Social Services - Kossuth County Review for the years ended June 30, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Connection Details and Field Implementation of UHPC Piles - Phase II TR615. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Evaluation of Alternative Abutment Piling for Low-Volume Road Bridges. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Investigation of Exterior Girder Rotation and the Effect of Skew during Deck Placement TR711. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Laboratory and Field Evaluation of an Alternative UHPC Mix and Associated UHPC Bridge TR684. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, September 27, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, September 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, September 30, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, September 30, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, September 30, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, September 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, September 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Welcome to IPERS, For New IPERS Members and Those Considering IPERS Membership Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System, September 30, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) 2019 Iowa Agricultural Statistics, October 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, October 2019, Vol. 23, no. 12. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) Bullseye: Iowa Targeted Small Business Newsletter, October 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, October 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Chronic Disease Connections, October 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, October 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 4. Education, Department of
(2019) The Economic Value of Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Executive Summary, October 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Economic Value of Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Fact Sheet, October 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Economic Value of Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Main Summary, October 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Economic Value of University of Iowa, Executive Summary, October 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Edtech Opportunity: Educational Technology as a Dynamic Growth Sector for Iowa, Executive Summary, October 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Employers & Professionals On-Line Reference Guide, October 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, October 2019, Vol. 6, no.10. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) ICN Iowa Communications Network News, October 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Investing in Iowa's Water: FY2019 Annual Report Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, October 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Facilitator's Guide, October 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, October 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, September 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, October 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System Member Update, October 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Iowa Rural Health and Primary Care: Health Professional Underserved Areas and Rural Health Program Opportunities, October 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Unemployment Rates by County, October 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa Youth Survey: Iowa Youth Vaping/E-Cigarette Use 2016-2018, October 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) KIBBIE GRANT Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant Program REPORT FY 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) A Matter of Substance, October 2019.
(2019) Preparing for Your Retirement: How to Begin Receiving IPERS Benefit Payments October 2019.
(2019) School Leader Update, October 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education Newsletter from the State Library of Iowa, October 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Water Fluoridation: What’s the Fluoride Level in Tap Water vs. Bottled Water, October 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2019 Summary Information Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), October 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa's TANF State Plan: State Plan for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), October 1, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Locking Classroom Doors, October 1, 2019. Public Safety, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Procurement Source, Department of Administrative Services, FY20/Q2, October 2, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) September 2019 General Fund Receipts, October 2, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, October 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, October 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Strategies for Implementing Health Improvement Plans: Highlights from County HIP 2019 Progress Reports, October 3, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, October 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, October 4, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, October 4, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, October 4, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, October 4, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, October 4, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) The University of Iowa FY17 Annual Economic Development Report, October 5, 2017. University of Iowa
(2019) Iowa Aircraft Registration, October 7, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 7, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, October 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Communications Network Fiscal Year 2019 Performance Report, October 8, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 8, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, October 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Gov. Reynolds invites employers to learn about the benefits of hiring formerly incarcerated individuals, October 9, 2019, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Use of Reversions. Transportation, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, October 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Natural Resources 2018: Summary Information Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), October 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, October 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Summary Update, October 10, 2019, No. 100. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, December 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, October 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the City of New Albin, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, October 11, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Check you Home-and Toddler for Lead! Prevent Lead Poisoning, October 11, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, October 11, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, October 11, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa OWI Revocations by Year and County 1999-2018, October 11, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Report on a special investigation of the Wayne- Ringgold-Decatur County Solid Waste Management Commission for the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Human Services – Central Distribution Center for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, October 13, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) REC Projection, October 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Tax Credits Contingent Liabilities Brief, October 14, 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, October 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) What Your Child's Capillary Blood Lead Level Means, October 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 15, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, October 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Monthly Activity Report, September, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 40, October 5, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa’s Vaccines for Children Program Operations Guide 2019-2020, October 15, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Quick Reads, October 15, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Dike, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Wall Lake, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Jamaica, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, October 16, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Walnut for the period ending June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, October 17, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, October 17, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Services: Medicaid e-News, October 17, 2019, Vol.12 no.4. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, October 17, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Council Bluffs Airport Authority for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Board of Nursing Summary of Annual Report, July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019, October 18, 2019. Nursing, Board of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 41, October 12, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Holds Steady at 2.5 Percent, October 18, 2019, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Report on the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Education for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Justice for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Revenue for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department on Aging for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, October 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2020 Authorized Combination of Two Turkey Licenses (Residents Only) October 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Division of Credit Unions Regulatory Advisory Bulletin: Notification Requirements Following Data Breach, October 19, 2019. Commerce, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 20 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 20 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, October 21, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) IPN Problem Gambling Treatment Service Data Entry Matrix, October 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 21, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Colesburg, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Elk Run Heights, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Farnhamville, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Hiawatha Water Department, Hiawatha, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on Impacts and Costs of the Iowa Low-Income Weatherization Program Calendar Year 2018, October 22, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Report on the Iowa College Student Aid Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Office of Treasurer of State for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Office of Treasurer of State, Iowa Educational Savings Plan Trust (Trust) for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) University of Northern Iowa Annual Economic Development and Technology Transfer Report FY2019, October 22, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, October 23, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, October 23, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, October 23, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, October 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, October 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department for the Blind Volunteer Manual, October 24, 2019. Blind, Department for the
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, October 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, October 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Annual Report SFY 2018, October 25, 2019. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 42, October 25, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, October 25, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, October 28, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, October 28, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, October 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) The University of Iowa FY19 Annual Economic Development Report, October 28, 2019. University of Iowa
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Alburnett, Iowa for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Blockton, Iowa for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Conesville, Iowa for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Dallas Center, Iowa for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Walcott, Iowa for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Central Iowa Community Services (CICS) for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Department of Management for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Muscatine Agricultural Learning Center for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Office of Treasurer of State, Iowa ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Saving Plan Trust for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) FY2019 Annual Report of the Iowa Department of Human Services, October 29, 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, October 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) The Economic Value of the University of Iowa Fact Sheet, October 30, 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Economic Value of the University of Iowa Main Report, October 30, 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Economic Value of the University of Iowa: Executive Summary, October 30, 2019. University of Iowa
(2019) The Economic Value of the University of Northern Iowa Executive Summary, October 30, 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Economic Value of the University of Northern Iowa Fact Sheet, October 30, 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Economic Value of the University of Northern Iowa Main Report, October 30, 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Economic Value of the University of Northern Iowa: Fact Sheet, October 30, 2019. University of Northern Iowa
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Division of Credit Unions Regulatory Advisory Bulletin: Real Estate Escrow Accounts, October 30, 2019. Commerce, Department of
(2019) Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program Guide, October 30, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Audit report on the Diamondhead Lake Rural Improvement Zone for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board (UST Board) for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, October 31, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) The Economic Value of the University of Iowa: Executive Summary, October 31, 2019. University of Iowa
(2019) The Economic Value of the University of Iowa: Executive Summary, October 31, 2019. University of Iowa
(2019) Iowa DNR News, October 31, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department for the Blind and The Board of Commissioners, Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment Report, October 31, 2019. Blind, Department for the
(2019) The Iowa Department of Corrections audit report for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, October 31, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa's Public Employees Retirement System, Actuarial Valuation Report, October 31, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Human Services for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) 2018 End of Year Report Hepatitis C Surveillance, November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, November 2019, Vol. 24, no. 1. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) BoEE Quarterly Newsletter, November 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, November 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) Children's Feeding Guide, November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Chronic Disease Connections, November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Community College Leader Bulletin, November 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 5. Education, Department of
(2019) Cooperative Automated Transportation Service Layer Plan, November 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) The Economic Value of Iowa’s Regent Universities: Executive Summary, November 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) The Economic Value of Iowa’s Regent Universities: Fact Sheet, November 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) The Economic Value of Iowa’s Regent Universities: Main Report, November 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) The Economic Value of Iowa’s Regent Universities: Reflects Fiscal year 2017-18, November 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Fresh Conversations, Iowa Department of Public Health, November 2019, Vol. 6, no. 11. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, November 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) IAVDRS Iowa Violent Death Reporting System: November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) ICN Iowa Communications Network News, November 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Board of Nursing Newsletter, November-December 2019 - January 2020, Vol. 38, no. 4. Nursing, Board of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office of Asian and Pacific Islanders, Fall Issue, November 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office of Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs, Fall Issue, November 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health-Division of Behavior Health/Bureau of Substance Abuse: Opioid Update, November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health: Facilitator's Guide, November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, November 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Monthly Weather Summary, November 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Problem Gambling Services SFY 2019 Annual Report, November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa's Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program: A Manual for Healthcare Providers, November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) School Leader Update, November 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Scientific Innovations in Microsurfacing and Slurry Seal Mixture Design. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Starting Foods, November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education Newsletter from the State Library of Iowa, November 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Understanding Your Baby's Cues, November 2019. Health and Human Services, Department of
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, November 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, November 1, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Evaluation of Speed Limit Policy Impacts on Iowa Highways Final Report 17-SPR0-012. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 43, November 1, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) October 2019 General Fund Receipts, November 1, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Petrographic and Petrophysical Analysis of Decades-Old Iowa Portland Cement Concretes - 18-SPR0-008. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, November 1, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 3, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Fatal Crashes & Fatalities on Iowa Rural Interstate System 1970-2018, November 4, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa Interstate Crash History 2008-2018, November 4, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Motor Vehicle Crashers in Iowa, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Number of Traffic Fatalities by County 2009-2018, November 4, 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the City of Hiawatha, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Together We Can: Connection and Sense of Purpose, November 5, 2019. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, November 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the Iowa Innovation Corporation for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Drug Control Strategy & Drug Use Profile Annual Report 2020, November 6, 2019. Drug Control Policy, Office of
(2019) Review of the Iowa Energy Center for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed–upon procedures report on the Iowa Turkey Marketing Council for the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, November 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Communications Network (ICN) Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2019, November 7, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR: REAP assemblies scheduled in 18 communities, November 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, November 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, November 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:DOC and IWD invite employers in North-Central Iowa to learn about the opportunities available with hiring reentering citizens, November 7, 2019, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Workforce Development for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Office of Secretary of State for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Review of the Iowa Energy Center for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Lytton, Iowa for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, November 8, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, November 8, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 45, November 9, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 12, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Annual Health Care Costs Report, Iowa Insurance Commission, November 13, 2019. Insurance Division (Commerce)
(2019) Audit report on the Sundown Lake Rural Improvement Zone for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Insurance Division’s Annual Health Costs Report, November 13, 2019. Insurance Division (Commerce)
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, November 13, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Board of Regents: 2019 Economic Development and Technology Transfer Report, November 13-14, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Board of Regents: 2019 Faculty Activities Report, November 13-14, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Comprehensive Fiscal Report for FY 2019, November 13-14, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, November 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Report on the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Fall 2019 Enrollment Report, November 14-15, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Land Application of Industrial Waste, November 15. 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Leading Iowans in Caring for Our Natural Resources, November 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Dyslexia Task Force Executive Summary, November 15, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Iowa Dyslexia Task Force Report to the Legislature, November 15, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Quick Reads, November 15, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, October 17, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the City of Coggon, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, November 18, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 18, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System FY2018 Annual Summary (SAFR) November 19, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Gov. Reynolds announces second round of Employer Innovation Fund awardees, encourages employers to apply in third round, December 3, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Increases to 2.6 Percent, Participation Rate Rises, November 19, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) 2018-19 Annual Report Board of Regents, November 20, 2019. Board of Regents, State of Iowa
(2019) Audit report on the Regional Utility Service Systems Commission for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Fall Enrollment Iowa Community Colleges 2020, November 20, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Fall Enrollment Iowa Community Colleges, November 20, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Lorimor, Iowa for the twelve month period October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. Auditor of State
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, November 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Madison County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on Mental Health Disability Services of the East Central Region (MHDS-ECR) for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, November 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Division of Credit Unions Regulatory Advisory Bulletin: Nonmember Deposit Limits/Deposits in Another Credit Union, November 21, 2019. Commerce, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, November 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Winter Driving Condition Guidelines, November 21, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Water Summary Update, November 21, 2019, No. 101. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, November 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Watershed Planning Advisory Council 2019 Annual Report, November 21, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 46, November 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, November 22, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 47, November 23, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, November 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, November 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, November 25, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) A Compilation Report on the Iowa Judicial Clerks of Court, for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, November 25, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 25, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, November 26, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, November 26, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, November 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019 Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, November 27, 2019. Civil Rights Commission
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of College Springs, Iowa for the period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Thornton, Iowa, for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, November 27, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Combined report on the eight Judicial District Departments of Correctional Services for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, November 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) FY 2019 Annual Report Released. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, November 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Motor Vehicle Enforcement Annual Report FFY 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, November 27, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 48, November 30, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2018 End of Year Report HIV Surveillance Report, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2018 Vital Statistics of Iowa, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) 2019 Iowa Oral Health Survey Report - WIC, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Ag Decision Maker, December 2019, Vol. 24, no. 2. Iowa State University Extension
(2019) Annual Report on Small Wind Innovation Zones, Fifth Annual Report to the Iowa General Assembly, December 2019. Utilities Division (Commerce)
(2019) CAB Connection Newsletter: Iowa Child Advocacy Board, December 2019. Inspections and Appeals, Department of
(2019) December 2019 General Fund Receipts January 3, 2020. Management, Department of
(2019) Dependent Adult Abuse Report, December 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) FY 2019 Retail Sales and Use Tax Annual Report, December 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Farm Families Alive and Well, December 2019, Vol. 26, no. 1. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) HREXPRESS, Department of Administrative Services, December 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) ICN Iowa Communications Network News, December 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Board of Pharmacy News, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa County-level Vulnerability Assessments for Risk of Opioid Overdoses and Rapid Dissemination of HIV and Hepatitis C, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health, Annual Report and Budget Summary FY2019, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health-Division of Behavior Health/Bureau of Substance Abuse: Opioid Update, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fuel Tax Monthly Reports, December 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2019-2029, December 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) KIBBIE GRANT Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant Program FY 2019. College Student Aid Commission
(2019) The Latest Word, December 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Legal Background Briefing: Surprise Billing in Health Care, December 2019. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2019) Meaningful Metrics: A Compilation and Assessment of the Iowa Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Metrics, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Safe Winter Walking, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) School Leader Update, December 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) State Library Service Log FY20: June-August 2019, December 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) State Library of Iowa: Continuing Education Newsletter from the State Library of Iowa, December 2019. Library of Iowa, State
(2019) Technology News, October-December 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Tips for New Moms, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Tips to Control Nausea When Pregnant, December 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Unintentional Poisoning in Iowa, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Corrections: FY2019 Annual Report, December 1, 2019. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Together We Can: Help Is Available for Your Emotional Pain and Distress, December 1, 2019. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Cushing, Iowa for the period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Lamont, Iowa for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Combined report on the institutions under the control of the Iowa Department of Corrections for the five years ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, December 2, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Annual Report SFY 2019, December 2, 2019. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, December 2, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Clermont, Iowa for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Great River Regional Waste Authority for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Office of Governor for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Executive Order Number Five, December 3, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) November 2019 General Fund Receipts, December 3, 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Keswick’s Periodic Examination Report dated August 31, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Charging Forward, Iowa' Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Support, February 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Electric Vehicle Public Charging Station Host's Handbook, December 4, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Iowa DNR Hunting News, December 4, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019 Iowa Crop Progress Review, December, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Financial statement of the ADLM Counties Environmental Public Health Agency as of and for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, December 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Procedures Regarding Inspection Frequencies, December 5, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, December 5, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit of the Greenfield Plaza Hills of Coventry Sanitary District for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Epi Update for Friday, December 6, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 6, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Services: Medicaid e-News, December 6, 2016, Vol.1 no.29. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, October 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, December 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, December 9, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa Crop Progress & Condition, December 9, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 9, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Tap Manual, December 9, 2019. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, December 9, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program, Novemnber 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Biobuel Co-Product Use for Pavement Geo-Materials Stabilization Phase II: Extensive Lab Characterization and Field Demonstration TR656. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Development of Granular Roads Asset Management System. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Feasibility of an Iowa Urban Service Bureau TR-761. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Optimizing Maintenance Equipment Life-Cycle for Local Agencies TR727. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Performance-Based Evaluation of Cost-Effective Aggregate Options for Granular Roadways TR704. Transportation, Department of
(2019) 2020 Nonresident Turkey Hunting, December 11, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Iowa Corn Promotion Board for the years ended August 31, 2019 and 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Retirement System - Schedule of Employer Pension Amounts for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Retirement System for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Auditor of State Rob Sand today released a report on a review of the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency (MBAEA) for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Combined report on the institutions under the control of the Iowa Department of Human Services for the five years ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Nashua, Iowa for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Wesley, Iowa for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Hudson Municipal Electric Utility in Hudson, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, December 12, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Governor's Empower Rural Iowa Initiative, December 12, 2019. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2019) Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service State Service Plan 2019-2022, December 12, 2019. Governor's Office
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 12, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, December 12, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) REC Projection, December 2019. Management, Department of
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, December 12, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the Iowa Lottery Authority for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, December 13, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) FY2019 Iowa Department of Revenue Annual Report, December 13, 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) Iowa Board of Parole Annual Report FY2019, December 13, 2019. Iowa State Board of Parole
(2019) Iowa Board of Parole Annual Report, FY2019. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, December 13, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 49, December 7, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Quick Reads, December 13, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Report on the Iowa Department of Public Safety for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Linden’s Periodic Examination Report dated August 25, 2016. Auditor of State
(2019) Safe Disposal of Home Generated Medicine and Sharps, December 13, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, December 13, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network: Weekly Activity Report Week 50, December 14, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, December 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Lottery 2019 Annual Report, December 16, 2019. Iowa Lottery
(2019) Audit report on the City of Shenandoah, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the Peace Officers' Retirement, Accident and Disability System for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Iowa DNR Wastewater News, December 18, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Services: Medicaid e-News, December 18, 2019, Vol.4 no.14. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Public Health 2020 Performance Improvement Plan Quality Improvement + Performance Management, December 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Color-Changing LED Lights Have Not Been Approved to Meet Pool Lighting Requirements, December 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Report on the Peace Officers’ Retirement, Accident and Disability System, Schedule of Employer Pension Amounts for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Report on the Perry Municipal Waterworks, Perry, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Air Quality News: Environmental Services, December 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Animal Feeding Operation Updates; Iowa DNR News, December 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on the City of Carlisle, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2018. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the City of Carlisle, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY2019 of the Department of Administrative Services, December 19, 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) FY2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System, December 19, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, December 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System FY2019 Annual Summary (SAFR) June 30, 2019, December 19, 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Together We Can: Coping With a Suicide Loss, December 19, 2019. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of
(2019) Together We Can: Talking to Children Who Have Been Affected by Suicide or an Attempted Suicide of Someone They Know, December 19, 2019. Veterans Affairs, Iowa Commission of
(2019) Water Supply News: e-newsletter, December 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Epi Update for Friday, December 20, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: News from the Office on the Status of African-Americans, December 20, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office on Status African-Americans Online Newsletter, December 20, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Iowa Workforce Development:Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Remains at 2.6 Percent, December 20, 2019. Iowa Workforce Development
(2019) Water Summary Update, December 20, 2019, No. 102. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019 REAP Assembly Report, December 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Audit report on Iowa Public Television for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the La Porte City Utilities, La Porte, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) Audit report on the South Dallas County Landfill Agency for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) EcoNewsWire from the Iowa DNR, December 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, December 26, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Review of targeted small business procurement activities for the year ended June 30, 2019. Auditor of State
(2019) State of Iowa Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment for Executive Branch Employees, December 26, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) WIC-Enrolled Children and Oral Health, December 2, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, December 27, 2019. Iowa Communications Network
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Vector-Borne Disease Weekly Surveillance Report, December 27, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Department of Human Rights: Office of Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs, December 28, 2019. Human Rights, Department of
(2019) Customer Service and Licensing Bureau ELSI Vendor Newsletter, December 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2018 Iowa Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report, December 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019 Annual Report Iowa State Rehabilitation Council: Advising IVRS on a Future Ready Iowa Workforce, December 30, 2019. Vocational Rehabilitation
(2019) B-1 Monthly Report of Medical Services Provided under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, December 2019. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) CDL Skills Test Study Report. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Iowa ABD: Alcoholic Beverage Division Strategic Plan FY 2020-2022, December 30, 2019. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 30, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Office of Ombudsman 2019 Annual Report, December 30, 2019. Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
(2019) 2018 Iowa Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report Technical Support Document, December 31, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019 Annual Report on Performance of Iowa CREP Wetlands: Monitoring and Evaluation of Wetland Performance, January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2019) 2020 Report of the Insurance Division of Iowa, December 31, 2019. Insurance Division (Commerce)
(2019) Dependent Adult Abuse Statistical Report, July 1, 2019-December 31, 2019. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)
(2019) Iowa DNR News, December 31, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Quarterly Quick Facts, December 2019. Corrections, Department of
(2019) Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report, December 2019. Transportation, Department of
(2019) Solar Energy System Tax Credit Annual Report for 2019, December 31, 2019. Revenue, Department of
(2019) State Park News: Conservation and Recreation, December 31, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) State of Iowa Department of Education, Agency Performance Report FY2019, December 31, 2019. Education, Department of
(2019) Agricultural Policy Review, Spring 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Annals of Iowa, Spring 2019, Vol. 78, no. 2. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(2019) CIRAS News, Spring 2019, Vol. 54, no. 3. Iowa State University
(2019) CIRAS eNews, Vol.54, No.3, Spring 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) Iowa Medicaid EPSDT: Care of Kids, Spring 2019, Vol. 26. no.2. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Outdoors Magazine, Spring 2019, Vol. 78, no. 1, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) The Latest Word, Spring 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Stories in Agriculture and Life Sciences, Spring 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) CIRAS News, Summer 2019, Vol. 54, no. 4. Iowa State University
(2019) CIRAS eNews, Vol.54, No.4, Summer 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) Iowa Outdoors Magazine, Summer 2019, Vol. 78, no. 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) The Latest Word, Summer/Fall 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Agricultural Policy Review, Fall 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) CIRAS News, Fall 2019, Vol. 55, no. 1. Iowa State University
(2019) CIRAS eNews, Vol.55, No.1, Fall 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) Chronic Disease Connections, Fall 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Medicaid EPSDT: Care of Kids, Fall 2010, Vol. 17. no.3. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Medicaid EPSDT: Care of Kids, Fall 2019, Vol. 26. no.3. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Outdoors Magazine, Fall 2019, Vol. 78, no. 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Legislative Updates, February 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Retiree Update, Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System, Fall 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Unintentional Falls in Iowa 2016-2019, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Agricultural Policy Review, Winter 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) The Annals of Iowa, Winter 2019, Vol. 78, no. 1. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(2019) CIRAS News, Winter 2019, Vol. 54, no. 2. Iowa State University
(2019) CIRAS eNews, Vol.54, No.2, Winter 2019. Iowa State University
(2019) Chronic Disease Connections, Winter 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Medicaid EPSDT: Care of Kids, Winter 2019, Vol. 26. no.1. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System Member Update, Winter 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
(2019) Retiree Update, Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System, Winter 2019. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System