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(1993) The 1993 Iowa Youth Survey, Normative and Trend Data prepared by Substance Education Program, Office of Educational Services for Children, Families and Communities, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) 1993 Session Fiscal Report, 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1993. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1993) Annual report of the Iowa Citizen's Aide/Ombudsman, 1993. Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
(1993) Boone Community School District, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Capitol Word Search, 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Celebrate Iowa's 150th birthday!, 1993. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1993) Collecting plan of the State Historical Society of Iowa, 1993. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1993) County Sesquicentennial Commission Handbook, 1993. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1993) D-3 Dependent Adult Abuse Report, 1993. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1993) DNR Annual Report of the Fiscal Year 1993, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) E.R.I.N.: Electronic Revenue Information Network, 1993. Revenue, Department of
(1993) Estimating Design-Flood Discharges for Streams in Iowa Using Drainage-Basin and Channel-Geometry Characteristics, HR-322, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Executive Order Number Forty Seven, March 29, 1993. Governor's Office
(1993) Executive Order Number Forty Six, January 5, 1993. Governor's Office
(1993) A Guide to Media use of Official Iowa Sesquicentennial Marks, 1994. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1993) Index for Senate and House Journals, 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1993. Attorney General
(1993) Iowa Civil Rights Commission Annual Report, 1993. Civil Rights Commission
(1993) Iowa Conservationist Index, January 1993-December 1993, Volume 52. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Iowa Family Investment Program: Quarterly Report, 1993. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1993) Iowa Resource Manual for the Education of Students with Hearing Loss and Educational Audiology: Guidelines for the Provision of Support & Instructional Services to Students with Hearing Loss and Educational Audiology Services in the State of Iowa, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Iowa Schools: Where Dreams Begin! by Nancy Mounts, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Iowa Transportation Center: Research, Education, and Extension, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Iowa's Recreation Trails, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Iowa's counties : selected population trends, vital statistics, and socioeconomic data. Library of Iowa, State
(1993) Journal of the House of Representatives of the 75th GA Vol. 1, no. 2, 1993. House of Representatives and Staff
(1993) Journal of the Senate of the 75th GA 1 Vol. 1 of the State of Iowa, 1993. Senate and Staff
(1993) Journal of the Senate of the 75th GA 1 Vol. 2 of the State of Iowa, 1993. Senate and Staff
(1993) Lake Keomah State Park, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Licensing program: A guide to commercial use of official Iowa Sesquicentennial marks, 1994. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1993) Local Option Sales Tax, 1993. Revenue, Department of
(1993) Our Children's Future, A Plan for Funding Elementary and Secondary Education in Iowa, District Cost Simulations 1990-91, 1991. Education, Department of
(1993) Paratransit Plan Update 1993 for the Mason City ADA Plan prepared by North Iowa Area Council of Governments, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Plan for Compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, City of Muscatine, January 1993. Governor's Office
(1993) Reinventing Common Sense: Indicators of Well-Being for Iowa children, 1993. Governor's Office
(1993) Revenue Summary, 1991-92 Data, State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Instruction, Administration and Finance Division, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) A River of Grain, The Evolution of Commercial Navigation on the Upper Mississippi River by Richard Hoops, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Roster of State Officials, 1993. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)
(1993) Roster of State Officials, 1993. Computer Services Division (Legislative Computer Support Bureau)
(1993) Rules of the Iowa Merit System, 1989-1993. Iowa Workforce Development
(1993) Sales and Use tax Information for Veterinarians, 1993. Revenue, Department of
(1993) The Sourcebook, Annotated Resources on Family-Based Services by prepared by John Zalenski, 1993. University of Iowa
(1993) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1993. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1993) State Average Grain Prices for the year 1993. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1993) State Library of Iowa LSCA long range plan, 1993-1997. Library of Iowa, State
(1993) State of Iowa Acts and Joint Resolutions (Session Law) The General Assembly, GA 75, no. 1, 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) State of Iowa, Agency Information, 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Summary of Legislation: Iowa General Assembly, 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Transportation and Iowa's Economic Future, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Update Iowa City Urbanized Area Complimentary Paratransit Plan by Jeff Davidson and Kevin L. Doyle, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) User Manual for the On-Line applications of the Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) developed for the Bridge and Pavement Management Policy Committee and Pavement Management Technical Committee, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) VR Report, 1993. Vocational Rehabilitation
(1993) Win a place in history! : the Iowa Sesquicentennial symbol and theme contest, 1993. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1993) A planning guide for integrating young children with disabilities into community-based early childhood programs, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) A report and plan addressing a zero dropout rate by the year 2000, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) A study of class size in Iowa public schools 1992-1993, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Bond Contribution to Whitetopping Performance on Low Volume Roads, Construction Report, HR-341, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Cracking and Seating to Retard Reflective Cracking - Fremont County, HR-279, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Enhanced 911 Service Study Committee: Final Report, January 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Innovative Leak Test for Pavement Joint Seals, Progress Report, HR-318, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Instruction Text for Aggregate Inspectors and Technicians Training, Office of Materials, Highway Division, January 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Iowa Boundary Commission Final Report, January 1993. Governor's Office
(1993) Iowa Conservationist, January/February 1993, Vol. 52, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Iowa Geological, January 1993, no. 18. University of Iowa
(1993) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1991-1992, January 1993. Library of Iowa, State
(1993) Judicial Compensation Commission, Final Report, January 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Mental Health Study Committee, Final Report presented to the Legislative Council and the Iowa General Assembly, January 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Plan for compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, City of Muscatine, January 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Progress report presented to the Legislative Council and the Iowa General Assembly January, 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Regulation of Telephone Utilities Study Committee: Final Report, January 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) State of Iowa FY 1994 Governor's Recommendations Summary, January 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Swine Production Interim Study Committee: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, January 1993. Iowa State University
(1993) Tourism Study Committee : final report, 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Update for the Plan for Compliance with the Paratransit Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, City of Muscatine Prepared by Bi-State regional Commission, January 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Use of GPS for Photogrammetry, HR-342, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Partners in Historic Preservation: A Planning Guide to Programs, Agencies and Organizations, January 1, 1993. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1993) 1992 Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners, January 29, 1993. Medical Examiner, Iowa State
(1993) Asphalt Rubber Cement Concrete Webster County, HR-555, Construction Report, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Commission on Compensation, Expenses and Salaries of Elected State Officials: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, February 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Crack and Seat PCC Pavement Prior to Resurfacing US 59 - Shelby County, HR-527, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Design Methodology for Corrugated Metal Pipe Tiedowns, HR-332, Phase 1, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Foamed Asphalt Shoulders City of Muscatine, HR-529, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Manual for Evaluation, Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Low Volume Bridges, HR-323, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Non-Grouted Bonded PCC Overlay City of Oskaloosa, HR-528, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) The Perkins Funds and Iowa's community Colleges : Vocational Education, February 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Production of Acetic Acid by Fermentation with Propionibacteria, HR-321, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, 21st Annual Report, Feb. 1, 1993. Human Rights, Department of
(1993) Iowa School Reorganization: Forty-One Districts Reorganize by Guy Ghan, February 1, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Iowa Trophy Deer Records, 1953-1991. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Cracking and Seating to Retard Reflective Cracking - Hamilton County, HR-277, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Evaluation of the Chemical Durability of Iowa Fly Ash Concretes, HR-327, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Follow-up Evaluation to: A Description and Assessment of the Iowa Juvenile Institutions' Substance Abuse Services Project, March 1993. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1993) Historic Preservation in Iowa, A Case Book, March, 1993. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1993) Iowa Conservationist, March/April 1993, Vol. 52, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Iowa Conservationist, May/June 1993, Vol. 52, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Recommendation on Distribution of Funds to Address State Needs and Goals for Fiscal Year 1994 and Beyond, March 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Tax Fairness and Equity Interim Study Committee: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, March 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Technology News, March 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Agricultural Drainage Wells in Iowa: Hydrogeologic Settings and Water-Qaulity Implications, April 1993. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Cathodic Protection for a Continuous Box Girder Bridge Deck, HR-553, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Data Collection and Processing Parameters for the Malvern Seismic Reflection Traverse, April 1993. University of Iowa
(1993) Evaluation of the SHRP Modified Georgia Digital Faultmeter, MLR-93-01, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Iowa Advisory Council on Head Injuries: Annual Report & State Plan FY1992, April 1993. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1993) A Multi-Project Scheduling Procedure for Transportation Projects, Final Report, HR-339, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Iowa Employment Opportunities for the Graduating Class of 1993, April 9, 1993. Iowa Workforce Development
(1993) Selected Aspects of Lower Ordovician and Upper Cambrian Geology in Allamakee and Northern Clayton Counties: Field Guidebooks, April 25, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Water, Water, Everywhere.... 57th Annual Tri-State Geological Feild Conference, Ames, Iowa: Field Guidebooks, April 25, 1993. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Comparison of Creep and Resilient Modulus Laboratory Results with Field Cores, HR-311, Part 3, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Market Information, Your Key to Higher Profits, May 1993. Iowa State University Extension
(1993) Ammonium Phosphate/Fly Ash Road Base Construction, HR-294, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) The Economic Impact of Rural Bypasses: Iowa and Minnesota Case Studies Final Report by Daniel Otto and Connie Anderson, June 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Investigation of Rapid Thermal Analysis Procedures for Prediction of the Service Life of PCCP Carbonate Coarse Aggregate, HR-337, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Technology News, June 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Implementing the Board Vision for Vocational-Technical Education in Iowa, Recommendations for Adoption, June 17, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Iowa School Reorganization: Whole-Grade Sharing, A Government Business Deal by Guy Ghan, June 30, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Rural Iowa and Telecommunications, Opportunities for Economic Development submitted to: Iowa Department of Economic Development, June 30, 1993. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1993) Final Report: 1993 Iowa Department of Transportation Organizational Survey, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Iowa Conservationist, July/August 1993, Vol. 52, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Low Permeability of Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlay, MLR-89-1, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Iowa School Reorganization, Managing the Changes by Guy Ghan, June 30, 1991. Education, Department of
(1993) List of Current Reorganization Activities by Guy W. Ghan, July 1, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa Transportation Center, Site Visit for Introduction to the Pavement Management Process, July 13, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Technology News, August 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Educational Equity Status Report 1992-93 School Year, August 12, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Appraisal Policy & Procedures Manual, September 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Design Manual for Strengthening of Continuous-Span Composite Bridges, HR-333, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Groundwater Monitoring in the Big Spring Basin 1990-1991: A Summary Review, September 1993. University of Iowa
(1993) Iowa Conservationist, September/October 1993, Vol. 52, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Strengthening of an Existing Continuous-Span, Steel-Stringer, Concrete-Deck Bridge, HR-333, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) The Value of the County Engineer: Strategies to Expand the Shrinking Employment Pool, HR-338, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) 5 tips on how to avoid commonly made errors when reporting wages for job insurance purposes, 1993. Iowa Workforce Development
(1993) Interim Report, by Iowa Staffing Facet Committee: Compensation Subcommittee, October 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1993) Questions and answers about Iowa job insurance taxes, 1993. Iowa Workforce Development
(1993) Rules of Special Education, October 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Evaluation of Brisco Scour Monitors, HR-551, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Evaluation of Concrete Patching Mixes and Opening Time Using the Maturity Concept, MLR-93-7, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Fast Track and Fast Track II Cedar Rapids, Iowa, HR-544, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Field Measurements of Plow Loads During Ice Removal Operations, HR-334, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Iowa Conservationist, November/December 1993, Vol. 52, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of
(1993) Non-Corrosive Tie Reinforcing and Dowel Bars for Highway Pavement Slabs, HR-343, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Technology News, November 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) A Report Card and Assessment of Iowa's School Finance Plan 1993-94 by George A. Chambers, November 5, 1993. Education, Department of
(1993) Gender Dysphoria Project Report for the Iowa Department of Human Services, November 10, 1993. Human Rights, Department of
(1993) Special Report on the Iowa Communications Network, State of Iowa Office of Auditor of State, November 30, 1993. Auditor of State
(1993) Clarifying the Quadrennial Needs Study Process, December 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Clarifying the Quadrennial Needs Study Process; HR-363, December 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Environmental protection charge on petroleum diminution : Iowa information booklet, 1993. Revenue, Department of
(1993) Field Evaluation of Cold In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Concrete, HR-303, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) General and household pest management, category 7A, 1993. Iowa State University Extension
(1993) Preteen, young teen development, 1993. Iowa State University Extension
(1993) Solar Powered Highway Delineator System, HR-367, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Technology News, December 1993. Transportation, Department of