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(1874) Papers Connected with the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia : submitted with a special message from the Governor to the fifteenth General Assembly, January 31, 1874. Governor's Office
(1896) First report of the Iowa Soldiers' Monument 1890; Biennial report of the Iowa Soldiers and Sailors Monument Commission, 1894-95. General Services, Department of
(1900) Administrative Manual for Amusement Park and Amusement Ride Operators prepared by Iowa Bureau of Labor, 1900z. Iowa Workforce Development
(1904) The Iowa Building : Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(1915) Iowa and her Roads, 1915. Transportation, Department of
(1915) Better Roads Commission, Report to Governor G. W. Clarke, August 17, 1915. Governor's Office
(1923) Iowa Parks: History, Organization, Accomplishments, and A Look into the Future by L. H. Pammel, 1923. Iowa State University
(1925) Pilot Knob State Park, Merrick State Park, Eagle Lake State Park, Rice Lake State Park and Crystal, East and West Twin, and Duck Lakes, 1925. Natural Resources, Department of
(1928) The story of the Indian, a pageant of early Iowa, compiled by Bruce E. Mahan, 1928. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1937) Iowa Facts, 1937. General Services, Department of
(1939) Palisades Nature Leaflets, 1939. Natural Resources, Department of
(1940) Palisades Nature Leaflets, 1940. Natural Resources, Department of
(1941) Iowa's state parks, reserves, and recreation areas, 1941. Natural Resources, Department of
(1950) Iowa, The Land Between Two Rivers, 1950. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1953) Iowa Welcomes You to the Hospitality and Beauties of the "Hawkeye State.",1953. Governor's Office
(1954) State Conservation Commission departmental organization, rules and explanation of duties, 1954. Natural Resources, Department of
(1955) Synopsis of Iowa Fishing Laws, 1955. Natural Resources, Department of
(1957) Iowa Welcomes You To The Hospitality and Beauties of the "Hawkeye State.",1957. Governor's Office
(1958) Organization, Duties and Operational Policies of the State Conservation Commission, 1958. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Some Quick Facts About Iowa: Where Living is Fun!, 1958. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1959) Guide for County Conservation Boards, 1959. Natural Resources, Department of
(1959) Where to Go and What to do in Iowa's State owned Recreation Areas, 1959. Natural Resources, Department of
(1960) Vacation fun in Iowa, 1960. Natural Resources, Department of
(1962) Inviting Iowa : "Beautiful Land.", 1962. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1962) Preliminary Report Comprehensive Watershed Development Big Sioux Valley : Iowa & South Dakota. Natural Resources, Department of
(1963) Some Quick Facts About Iowa: Where Living is Fun!, 1963. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1964) Iowa State Conservation Commission, 1964. Natural Resources, Department of
(1964) State of Iowa, 1964. Governor's Office
(1965) Your Invitation to Iowa...Beautiful Land Between Two Rivers, 1965. Governor's Office
(1966) Outdoor recreation in Iowa, 1966. Natural Resources, Department of
(1968) Camping in Iowa, 1968. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1968) Inviting Iowa, Beautiful Land Between Two Great Rivers,1968. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1968) Outdoor Recreation Plan Adams County Iowa, 1968. Natural Resources, Department of
(1968) A traveling exhibition of intaglio prints, 1968. Arts Division (Council)
(1969) Iowa's Public Hunting and Hunting Access Areas by Iowa State Conservation Commission, 1969. Natural Resources, Department of
(1969) Iowa, Tourism and Travel Division, 1969. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1969) Some Quick Facts About Iowa: Where Living is Fun!, 1969. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1970) Iowa, a place to grow,1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1970) Quick facts about Iowa: A Place to Grow, 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1970) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1971) An Analysis of the Economic Implications of the Permit System of Water Allocation, Completion Report, 1971. Iowa State University
(1971) Iowa Parks, 1969-1971. Natural Resources, Department of
(1971) Trapping Iowa Furbearers by Tom Berkley, 1971. Natural Resources, Department of
(1971) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1971. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1971) Iowa Canoe Trips, 1971. Natural Resources, Department of
(1971) Iowa deer hunting, 1971. Natural Resources, Department of
(1972) Guidelines for Amusement Park, Ride Division, Inspections of Electrical: Rides: Concessions: Midway prepared by Iowa Bureau of Labor, 1972. Iowa Workforce Development
(1972) Iowa, a place to grow. 1972. Governor's Office
(1972) Ski Iowa, September 1972. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1972) Evaluation of Advertising Expenditures for Travel and Tourism, December 20, 1972. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1973) Introduction to Snowmobile Ordinance, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of
(1973) Iowa Region five, Outdoor Recreation & Open Spaces, Humboldt County Conservation Board, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of
(1973) The Iowa Society for the Preservation of Historic Landmarks, 1973. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1973) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1973. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1973) A guide to historic Iowa. Education, Department of
(1973) Deer in Iowa 1972, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 3, April 1973. Natural Resources, Department of
(1973) Projecting Iowa's Outdoor-Recreation Needs to 1980 by Glenn H. Manning, May 1973. Iowa State University
(1974) Badger, 1974, A Community & Neighborhood Recreation Plan, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of
(1974) A County-Wide Conservation, Open Spaces & Outdoor Recreation Plan for Humboldt County, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of
(1974) Report of the Pari-Mutuel Racing Study Committee to the Second Session of the Sixty-Fifth General Assembly, 1974. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1974) Rockwell City, 1974, A Community & Neighborhood Recreation Plan, 1974. Natural Resources, Department of
(1974) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1974. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1974) Bibliography of fisheries publications of the Iowa Conservation Commission, 1935-74. Natural Resources, Department of
(1974) Fisheries Recommendations for Iowa by Carl L. Hubbs & J. Clark Salyer, 1932. Natural Resources, Department of
(1975) Comparison of state tourism agencies, 1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1975) The Indians called it beautiful land : your quick-fact book : Iowa, a place to grow,1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1975) Iowa : Four seasons of fun, 1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1975) Proposed Dickinson County Trail, Milford to Spirit Lake: Project Report and Case Estimate, December 30,1975. Transportation, Department of
(1976) Beautiful Land: Your Iowa Quick-Fact Book, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1976) The Economic Impact of Travel on Iowa Counties, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1976) Iowa Mini Vacations, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1977) 1977 economic impact studies, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1977) Iowa's Public Hunting Areas, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Northern Pike Investigations prepared by Tom Gengerke, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Paddlefish Investigations, prepared by Thomas W. Gengerke, 1978. Natural Resources, Department of
(1977) Travel Development Division Year-End Review, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1977) Welcome to Iowa, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1978) Dynamics of Predator-Prey Relationship in DeSoto Bend Lake, Completion Report by author Kay Hill, 1978. Natural Resources, Department of
(1978) Commercial and Recreational Navigation, Executive Summary, 1978. Natural Resources, Department of
(1979) Iowa offers you more : a place to grow, 1979. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1979) Environmental Management of Multipurpose Reservoirs Subject to Fluctuation Flood Pools, June 1979. Iowa State University
(1979) Deer in Iowa 1978, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 27, August 1979. Natural Resources, Department of
(1979) Environmental assessment of climate, soils and tetrapod vertebrates of Volga River State Recreation Area, Fayette County Iowa, September 1, 1979. Natural Resources, Department of
(1980) An Iowa Vacation Kind of a Feeling, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1980) Natural resources inventory of Pikes Peak/Point Ann State Park, Clayton County, Iowa, March 29, 1980. Natural Resources, Department of
(1980) Master Plan Report: Volga River State Recreation Area, May 1980. Natural Resources, Department of
(1980) Governor's Conference on Recreation, September 3, 1980. Governor's Office
(1980) Deer in Iowa 1978, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 30, October 1980. Natural Resources, Department of
(1981) Wing Dam Investigations, Project Completion Report prepared by John Pitlo, Jr, 1981. Natural Resources, Department of
(1981) Deer in Iowa 1980, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 31, August 1981. Natural Resources, Department of
(1982) Dewey's Pasture Wildlife Management, 1982. Natural Resources, Department of
(1982) IOWA Bicycling Capital of the Nation, 1982. Transportation, Department of
(1982) Fishing in Iowa, A Survey of Iowa Anglers, February 1982. Natural Resources, Department of
(1983) Iowa : a picture of excellence, 1983. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1983) Deer in Iowa 1982, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 34, August 1983. Natural Resources, Department of
(1984) First Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission, 1984. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1984) Mini-vacation guide of Iowa, 1984. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1984) Deer in Iowa 1983, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 34, August 1984. Natural Resources, Department of
(1985) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1985. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1985) Mini-vacation guide of Iowa, 1985. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1985) Pari-Mutuel Racing in Iowa, 1985. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1985) Saylorville-Des Moines River Trail, 1985. Natural Resources, Department of
(1985) Deer in Iowa 1984, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 37, August 1985. Natural Resources, Department of
(1986) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1986. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1986) Discover Iowa Treasures: Visitors Guide, 1986. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1986) Deer in Iowa 1985, Iowa Wildlife Research Bulletin No. 38, August 1986. Natural Resources, Department of
(1987) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1987. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1987) Macbride nature recreation area : hiking and cross-country ski trails, 1987. University of Iowa
(1987) Improving Conditions for Bicycling and Walking, A Best Practices Report prepared for the Federal Highway Administration by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, Spring 1987. Transportation, Department of
(1988) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1988. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1988) Discover Iowa Treasures: Visitors Guide, 1988. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1988) Macbride nature recreation area : raptor rehabilitation center, 1988. University of Iowa
(1989) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1989. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1989) Iowa Visitors Guide, 1989. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1989) A Showcase of Iowa Treasures: The Time is Right, Discover Iowa's Treasures, 1989. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1990) 1990 Iowa SCORP: Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, 1990. Natural Resources, Department of
(1990) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1990. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1990) Excursion Boat Gambling, Report on Implementation, 1990. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1990) Improvement of U.S. 18 and U.S. 218 Floyd County, Environmental Assessment, 1990. Transportation, Department of
(1990) Iowa Elderhostel '90, 1990. University of Iowa
(1990) Mississippi River Recreational Boating Guide, 1990. Natural Resources, Department of
(1990) The time is right to discover Iowa treasures, including ..., 1990. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1990) Park and Recreation Enhancement Study Committee : final report, 1990. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)
(1991) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1991. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1992) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 1992. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1992) Rules of Excursion Boat Gambling by Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1992. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1992) Rules of Racing, 1992. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1992) The Raccoon River Valley Trail user study: summary and recommendations,1992. Iowa State University
(1993) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1993. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1993) Iowa's Recreation Trails, 1993. Transportation, Department of
(1993) Partners in Historic Preservation: A Planning Guide to Programs, Agencies and Organizations, January 1, 1993. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1993) Historic Preservation in Iowa, A Case Book, March, 1993. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1994) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1994. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1994) Improvement of U.S. 151 Jones County Anamosa to Monticello: Environmental Assessment submitted pursuant to 42 USC 4332(2)(c) by the U.S. Department of Transportation, 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1994) Iowa's Recreation Trails, 1994. Transportation, Department of
(1995) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1995. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1995) Geode: Iowa's State Rock, 1995. Natural Resources, Department of
(1995) Iowa's "1000 mile corridor" Scenic Byway Evaluation, 1995. Transportation, Department of
(1996) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1996. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1996) Iowa's Sesquicentennial Statehood Day Celebration Commemorative Program, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 1, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 12, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 2, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 3, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 4, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 5, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1996) A sesquicentennial celebration featuring the festival of Iowa folklife, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1997) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1997. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1997) Iowa's Recreation Trails, 1997. Transportation, Department of
(1998) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1998. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1999) 1999-2000 Iowa Group Tour Manual, 1999. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1999) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 1999. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(1999) Tourism 1999 Task Force Report, 1999. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1999) Tourism 1999 task force report: Appendix A, 1999. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1999) Tourism 1999 task force report: Appendix B, 1999. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2000) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 2000. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2000) Enhancing the Livability of Iowa Communities, The Role of Recreation, Natural Resource Development and Tourism, 2000. University of Northern Iowa
(2000) Implementing Trail-Based Economic Development Programs, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Iowa Trails: Connecting People and Trails: Local Community Planning for Bicyclists and Pedestrians, 2000. Transportation, Department of
(2000) Recreation activities & environmental opinions : a statewide survey of adult Iowans, 2000. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) 2001 Iowa SCORP: Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2001) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 2001. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2001) Scenic Byways of Iowa, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2001) The Traveler, February 2001. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2001) Attracting Iowa Wildlife on Private Lands, June 7, 2001. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 2002. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2002) How to play the games!, 2002. Iowa Lottery
(2002) Scenic Byways of Iowa, 2002. Transportation, Department of
(2002) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2001, October 2002. Natural Resources, Department of
(2002) The Iowa Department of Public Health Gambling Treatment Services: Four Years of Evidence, October 25, 2002. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2003) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 2003. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2003) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2002, September 2003. Natural Resources, Department of
(2003) Analysis of Current Markets for Casino Gaming in Iowa, with Projections for the Revenues and Impacts of Potential New Facilities, October 7, 2003. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2004) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 2004. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2004) Scenic Byways of Iowa, 2004. Transportation, Department of
(2004) Socioeconomic Effects of Gambling on Iowans Study Committee, 2004. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2004) The Traveler, January 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, February 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, March 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, April 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, May 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, June 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, July 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, September 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) Tools & Trends, October 2004, Vol. 13, no.3. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, October 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, October 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, December 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) The Traveler, November 2004. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2004) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2003, December 2004. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 2005. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2005) Highlights, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Project AWARE Scrapbook, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Project AWARE Scrapbook, 2005-7. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Why Monitor Wetlands?, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) Why a Water Quality Index?, 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) The Traveler January 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler February 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler March 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler, April 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler, June 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler, May 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) SMARTNews, Summer 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler, July 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) Tools & Trends from the Iowa Department of Economic Development, September 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler, October 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler, October 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2004, October 2005. Natural Resources, Department of
(2005) The Traveler, December 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler, November 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2005) The Traveler, December 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, 2006. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2006) Fish Tissue Monitoring in Iowa, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Learn about the Land - A Geologic Guide to the RAGBRAI Challenge, July 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) Water Quality Summary 2000-2005, 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2006) The Traveler January 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, February 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, April 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, May 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, June 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, July 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, August 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, October 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, September 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, November 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) The Traveler, December 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2006) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2005, December 2006. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) Iowa State Fair Campgrounds: Country Comfort, Big City Style, 2007.
(2007) Learn about the Land - A Geologic Guide to the RAGBRAI Challenge, July 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2007) ABD News, January 2007, Vol. 7, no.1. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, January 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) ABD News, February 2007, Vol. 7, no. 2. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, February 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) ABD News, March 2007, Vol. 7, no. 3. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, March 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) Safe Bicycling in Iowa, May 7, 2001. Transportation, Department of
(2007) ABD News, April 2007, Vol. 7, no. 4. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, April 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Annual Report, 2007. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2007) ABD News, May 2007, Vol. 7, no. 5. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, May 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) ABD News, June 2007, Vol. 7, no. 6. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, July 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) The Traveler, June 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) Scenic Byways of Iowa, June 12, 2007. Transportation, Department of
(2007) ABD News, July 2007, Vol. 7, no. 7. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, August 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) ABD News, August 2007, Vol. 7, no. 8. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) ABD News, September 2007, Vol. 7, no. 9. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, September 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) ABD News, October 2007, Vol. 7, no. 10. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, October 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) ABD News, November 2007, Vol. 7, no. 11. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, November 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) ABD News, December 2007, Vol. 7, no. 12. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2007) The Traveler, December 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2007) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2006, December 2007. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Annual Report Iowa Racing Commission Annual Report, 2008. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2008) ABD News, January 2008, Vol. 8, no. 1. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) ABD News, February 2008, Vol. 8, no. 2. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) The Traveler, February 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) The Traveler, March 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) ABD News, March 2008, Vol. 8, no. 3. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) ABD News, March 2009, Vol. 9, no. 3. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) Tour Iowa, Volume No. 7, Issue No. 2, Spring 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) ABD News, April 2008, Vol. 8, no. 4. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) The Traveler, April 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) ABD News, May 2008, Vol. 8, no. 5. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) The Traveler, May 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) ABD News, June 2008, Vol. 8, no. 6. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) The Traveler, June 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) ABD News, July 2008, Vol. 8, no. 7. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) Archaeology on the Road, July 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) Developing Problem Gambling Distance Treatment Services in Iowa, July 2008. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2008) The Traveler, July 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 1, July 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 2, July 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 3, July 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 4, July 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 5, July 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 6, July 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 7, July 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) ABD News, August 2008, Vol. 8, no. 8. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) The Traveler. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) ABD News, September 2008, Vol. 8, no. 9. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2007, September 2008. Natural Resources, Department of
(2008) The Traveler, September 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) ABD News, October 2008, Vol. 8, no. 10. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) The Traveler, October 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) ABD News, November 2008, Vol. 8, no. 11. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) The Traveler, November 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) ABD News, December 2008, Vol. 8, no. 12. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2008) The Traveler, December 2008-January 2009. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2008) The Traveler, January 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2009) 2009 Iowa Transportation Map for Bicyclists, 2009. Transportation, Department of
(2009) ABD News, January 2009, Vol. 9, no. 1. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) ABD News, February 2009, Vol. 9, no. 2. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) Iowa Gambling Treatment Program Evaluation Services Project: Follow-Up Study Final Report, February 3, 2009. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2009) The Traveler, February-March 2009. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2009) ABD News, April 2009, Vol. 9, no. 4. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) ABD News, May 2009, Vol. 9, no. 5. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) Iowa Statewide Gaming Market Assessment, May 2009. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2009) ABD News, June 2009, Vol. 9, no. 6. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) ABD News, July 2009, Vol. 9, no. 7. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) Archaeology on the Road Again, July 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 1 thru Day 7, July 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 1, July 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 2, July 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 3, July 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 4, July 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 5, July 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 6, July 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 7, July 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) ABD News, August 2009, Vol. 9, no. 8. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) ABD News, September 2009, Vol. 9, no. 9. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2008, September 2009. Natural Resources, Department of
(2009) Traveler, September-October 2009. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2009) ABD News, October 2009, Vol. 9, no. 10. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) ABD News, November 2009, Vol. 9, no. 11. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) Traveler, November-December 2009. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2009) ABD News, December 2009, Vol. 9, no. 12. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2009) Iowa Gaming Market Analysis, Winter/Spring 2009. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2010) Great River Road, Endless Possibilities, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) ABD News, January 2010, Vol. 10, no. 1. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) 2010 Iowa Calendar of Events. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2010) ABD News, February 2010, Vol. 10, no. 2. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) ABD News, March 2010, Vol. 10, no. 3. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) ABD News, April 2010, Vol. 10, no. 4. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) Special Events Planning, 2010. Transportation, Department of
(2010) ABD News, May 2010, Vol. 10, no. 5. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) ABD News, June 2010, Vol. 10, no. 6. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) ABD News, July 2010, Vol. 10, no. 7. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) Archaeology on the Road, July 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 1, July 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 2, July 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 3, July 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 4, July 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 5, July 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 6, July 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 7, July 2010. Natural Resources, Department of
(2010) ABD News, August 2010, Vol. 10, no. 8. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) ABD News, September 2010, Vol. 10, no. 9. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) ABD News, October 2010, Vol. 10, no. 10. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) ABD News, November 2010, Vol. 10, no. 11. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) ABD News, December 2010, Vol. 10, no. 12. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2010) Capitol interior. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2010) Child Care Weather Watch, 2010. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2010) Health Guidance Checklist for International Travelers, Tourists, and Missionaries, December 2010. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2011) ABD News, January 2011, Vol. 11, no. 1. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) ABD News, February 2011, Vol. 11, no. 2. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) ABD News, March 2011, Vol. 11, no. 3. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) ABD News, May 2011, Vol. 11, no. 5. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) ABD Promos, June 2011, Vol. 11, no. 6. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) ABD Promos, July 2011, Vol. 11, no. 7. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) Archaeology on the Road, July 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 1, July 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 2, July 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 3, July 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 4, July 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 5, July 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 7, July 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) ABD Promos, August 2011, Vol. 11, no. 8. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) ABD Promos, September 2011, Vol. 11, no. 9. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) Gambling Attitudes and Behaviors: A 2011 Survey of Adults Iowans, September 2011. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2011) Internet Poker: A Public Health Perspective, September 2011. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2011) ABD Promos, October 2011, Vol. 11, no. 10. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2010, October 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) Issue review : Nonresident deer hunting. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2011) ABD Promos, November 2011, Vol. 11, no. 11. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2010, November 7, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of
(2011) Iowa Report: Intrastate Poker Regulation, Executive Summary, November 28, 2011. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2011) ABD Promos, December 2011, Vol. 11, no. 12. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2011) Report on the Possible Regulation of Intrastate Internet Poker in the State of Iowa, December 1, 2011. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2011) Lake Delhi Dam Reconstruction : Design alternatives report. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) ABD Promos, January 2012, Vol. 12, no. 1. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2012) Archaeology on the Road, July 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) Off-Highway Vehicle Reference Guide, 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 1, July 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 2, July 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 3, July 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 4, July 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 5, July 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 6, July 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) RAGBRAI Learn about the Land; Day 7, July 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) ABD Promos, September 2012, Vol. 12, no. 9. Commerce, Department of
(2012) Issue review : tourism advertising and travel. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)
(2012) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2011, October 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2011, October 31, 2012. Natural Resources, Department of
(2012) ABD Promos, December 2012, Vol. 12, no. 12. Commerce, Department of
(2013) Iowa Byways: The Official Guide to Iowa Byways, 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Snowmobile Reference Guide, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, January 2013, Vol. 13, no.1. Commerce, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, February 2013, Vol. 13, no.2. Commerce, Department of
(2013) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Annual Report 2012. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2013) ABD Promos, March 2013, Vol. 13, no. 3. Commerce, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, April 2013, Vol. 13, no.4. Commerce, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, May 2013, Vol. 13, no. 5. Commerce, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, June 2013, Vol. 13, no. 6. Commerce, Department of
(2013) Glacial Trail Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan, June 2013. Transportation, Department of
(2013) Pilot Study of Gambling Attitudes and Behaviors Among Iowa College Students: Executive Summary, December 2013. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2013) ABD Promos, July 2013, Vol. 13, no. 7. Commerce, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, August 2013, Vol. 13, no. 8. Commerce, Department of
(2013) Iowa Wetland Management District: Environmental Assessment and Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, September 2013, Vol. 13, no. 9. Commerce, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, October 2013, Vol. 13, no.10. Commerce, Department of
(2013) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2012, October 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, November 2013, Vol. 13, no.11. Commerce, Department of
(2013) ABD Promos, December 2013, Vol. 13, no.12. Commerce, Department of
(2013) Pilot Study of Gambling Attitudes and Behaviors Among Iowa College Students, December 2013. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2013) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2012, December 9, 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2013) A Guide to Iowa State Parks, Spring 2013. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) Iowa Byways Nomination Evaluation Guide 2014-2016, 2014. Transportation, Department of
(2014) ABD Promos, January 2014, Vol. 14, no.1. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, January 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) ABD Promos, February 2014, Vol. 14, no.2. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Gaming Market Analysis, February 2014. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, February 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Gaming Market Study, February 20, 2014. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2014) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Annual Report 2013, February 21, 2014. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2014) ABD Promos, March 2014, Vol. 14, no.3. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, March 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) ABD Promos, April 2014, Vol. 14, no.4. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, April 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) ABD Promos, May 2014, Vol. 14, no.5. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, May 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Socioeconomic Impact of Gambling on Iowans: A Study for the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, May 23, 2014. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2014) ABD Promos, June 2014, Vol. 14, no.6. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Gambling Attitudes and Behaviors: A 2013 Survey of Adults Iowans: Executive Summary, June 2014. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, June 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) ABD Promos, July 2014, Vol. 14, no.7. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, July 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) ABD Promos, August 2014, Vol. 14, no.8. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Gambling Attitudes and Behaviors: A 2013 Survey of Adults Iowans, August 2014. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, August 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) ABD Promos, September-October 2014, Vol. 14, no.9/10. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, September 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2013, September 17, 2014. Natural Resources, Department of
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, October 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) ABD Promos, November-December 2014, Vol. 14, no.11/12. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, November 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Iowa Spirits Price Book, December 2014,. Commerce, Department of
(2014) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2013, December 2014. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) ABD Promos, January 2015, Vol. 15, no. 1. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, January 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) ABD Promos, February 2015, Vol. 15, no. 2. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, February 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Annual Report 2014 , February 10, 2015. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2015) ABD Promos, March 2015, Vol. 15, no. 3. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, March 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) ABD Promos, April 2015, Vol. 15, no. 4. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, April 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) 2021 Iowa Youth Survey, July 19, 2021. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2015) ABD Promos, May 2015, Vol. 15, no. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, May 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Youth Survey 2014 Problem Gambling Report Special Report, May 2015. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2015) ABD Promos, June 2015, Vol. 15, no.6. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, June 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) ABD Promos, July 2015, Vol. 15, no.7. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, July 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) ABD Promos, August2015, Vol. 15, no.8. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, August 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) ABD Promos, September 2015, Vol. 15, no.9. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, September 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) ABD Promos, October 2015, Vol. 15, no.10. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, October 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) An Introduction to Ice Fishing: Fish Iowa, October 16, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) ABD Promos, November 2015, Vol. 15, no.11. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, November 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) ABD Promos, December 2015, Vol. 15, no.12. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Iowa Spirits Price Book, December 2015. Commerce, Department of
(2015) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2014-2015, December 8, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2015) A Guide to Iowa State Parks, Spring 2015. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) The Lincoln Highway Heritage Scenic Byways: Corridor Management Plan, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) The Loess Hills Scenic Byways: Corridor Management Plan, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) River Bluffs Scenic Byways: Corridor Management Plan, 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) ABD Promos, January 2016, Vol. 16, no.1. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Iowa Spirits Price Book, January 2016. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission 2015 Annual Report. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2016) Iowa Smokefree Air Act, Iowa Smokefree Air Act Signage Requirements, February 4,2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2016) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, First Aid Kit Requirements, February 4, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2016) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Pool Rules Signage Requirements, February 4, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2016) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Spas Rules Signage Requirements, February 4, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2016) ABD Promos, March 2016, Vol. 16, no.3. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Iowa Spirits Price Book, March 2016. Commerce, Department of
(2016) ABD Promos, April 2016, Vol. 16, no.4. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Iowa Spirits Price Book, April 2016. Commerce, Department of
(2016) ABD Promos, May 2016, Vol. 16, no.5. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Iowa Spirits Price Book, May 2016. Commerce, Department of
(2016) ABD Promos, June 2016, Vol. 16, no.6. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Iowa Spirits Price Book, June 2016. Commerce, Department of
(2016) ABD Promos, July 2016, Vol. 16, no.7. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Iowa Spirits Price Book, July 2016. Commerce, Department of
(2016) ABD Promos, August 2016, Vol. 16, no.8. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Iowa Spirits Price Book, August 2016. Commerce, Department of
(2016) ABD Promos, September 2016, Vol. 16, no.9. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Historic Hills Scenic Byways: Corridor Management Plan, September 2016. Transportation, Department of
(2016) Iowa Spirits Price Book, September 2016. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Service Animals in Iowa Swimming Pools and Spas, September 1, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2016) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2015-2016, September 27, 2016. Natural Resources, Department of
(2016) ABD Promos, October 2016, Vol. 16, no.10. Commerce, Department of
(2016) Fuel-Fired Pool Heaters and Carbon Monoxide Detectors, December 19, 2016. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, June 15, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Lighting Requirements, February 4, 2017. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2017) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Guidance on Climbing Walls, April 6, 2017. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2017) Grant Wood Scenic Byways: Corridor Management Plan, June 2017. Transportation, Department of
(2017) 2025 Health Requirements for the Exhibition of Livestock, Poultry and Birds at State Fair, District Shows and Exhibitions, 2025. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(2017) Iowa Youth Survey 2016 Problem Gambling Report Special Report, July 2017. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, July 6, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, July 13, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, July 20, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, July 27, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Advisory Bulletin, Alcoholic Beverages Division, July 28, 2017. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, August 2 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, August 3, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, August 10, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, August 17, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, August 24, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing News, August 30, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, August 31, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Snowmobile Reference Guide, , August 31, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, September 7, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, September22, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing News, September 28, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, September 28, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Gaming Market Analysis, October 2017. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2017) Iowa Gaming Market Analysis: Whitesands, October 2017. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, October 5, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing News, October 9, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, October 12, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, October 19, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, October 26, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2016-2017, October 31, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, November 9, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, November 16, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, November 30, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, December 7, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, December 14, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, December 21, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, December 28, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2017) Iowa Fishing Report, December 28, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing News, January 4, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, January 4, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, January 11, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, January 18, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Guidance on “Dive-In-Movies” aka “Flick n’ Floats”, January 23, 2018. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, January 25, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, February 1, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, February 8, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, February 5, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, February 22, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Delaware Crossing Scenic Byways: Corridor Management Plan, March 2018. Transportation, Department of
(2018) Western Skies Scenic Byways: Corridor Management Plan, March 2018. Transportation, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, March 1, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, March 8, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, March 8, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, March 15, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) 2017 Annual Report of the Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, March 22, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, March 29, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) 2018 Annual Report of the Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, April 5, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, April 12, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, April 12, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, April 19, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, April 26, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, May 3, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing News, May 8, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing News, May 10, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, May 17, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, May 24, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, May 31, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing News, June 1, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, June 7, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, June 14, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing News, June 17, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, June 21, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, June 28, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, July 5, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, July 12, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, July 19, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, July 26, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing News, July 27, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, August 2, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, August 9, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, August 16, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, August 23, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, August 30, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, September 6, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, September 13, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, September 20, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing News, September 21, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, September 27, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Gambling Treatment Program Annual Report, October 2018. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2018) Iowa Gambling Treatment Program Fact Sheet, October 2018. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, October 4, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, October 11, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, October 18, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing News, October 23, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, October 25, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2017-2018, October 25, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, November 1, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing News, November 8, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, November 8, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, November 15, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, November 21, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, November 29, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, December 6, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, December 13, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, December 18, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, December 20, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2018) Iowa Fishing Report, December 27, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) 2019 Iowa Fishing Regulations, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 3, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 10, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Dog Swims, January 16, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 17, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, January 31, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, February 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, February 14, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Vehicle Mileage Reporting System User Guide, February 14, 2019. Administrative Services
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, February 21, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, February 28, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Quick Fishing Facts, March 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing Report, March 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, March 27, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Advisory Bulletin, Alcoholic Beverages Division, April 26, 2019. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, May 2, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, May 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, May 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, June 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, June 20, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, June 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Workforce Survey Results: Iowa Substance Abuse and Problem Gambling Prevention, September 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2018-2019, September 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, September 24, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, October 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) IPN Problem Gambling Treatment Service Data Entry Matrix, October 21, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Problem Gambling Services SFY 2019 Annual Report, November 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Fishing News, November 7, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of
(2019) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Procedures Regarding Inspection Frequencies, December 5, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2019) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Color-Changing LED Lights Have Not Been Approved to Meet Pool Lighting Requirements, December 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2020) 2020 Iowa Fishing Regulations, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) 2019 Annual Report of the Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2020) Find you Fishing Partner!, March 16, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) DNR-Designated OHV Park Rules ATVs, Off-Road Motorcycles, and ORVs, July 20, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) Iowa State Parks: Shelter General Rules,. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) Off-Highway Vehicle Reference Guide 2020, August 25, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) Updated COVID-19 Exposure and Wildlife Handling Guidance, September 1, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) 2021 Iowa Fishing Regulations, October 28, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of
(2020) 2021-202 Iowa Aviation Photography Contest, December 15, 2020. Transportation, Department of
(2021) 2021 Outdoor Cooking Program: Iowa State Fair, 2021. Natural Resources, Department of
(2021) Travel Iowa, 2021. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2021) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2020-2021, 2021. Natural Resources, Department of
(2021) Advisory Bulletin, Alcoholic Beverages Division, February 9, 2021. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2021) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Annual Report 2020. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2021) Iowa State Parks: Day-Use Lodge Cleaning Rules, March 30, 2021. Natural Resources, Department of
(2021) Iowa Problem Gambling Services SFY 2020 Annual Report, May 2021. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2021) Regulatory Bulletin: Third-Party Delivery of Alcoholic Beverages, July 1, 2021. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2021) 20201-22 Iowa Hunting Seasons & Limits, July 7, 2021. Natural Resources, Department of
(2021) 2022 Iowa Fishing Regulations, October, 2021. Natural Resources, Department of
(2021) Iowa Spirits Price Book, October 2021. Commerce, Department of
(2021) Iowa Spirits Price Book, November 2021. Commerce, Department of
(2021) Iowa Spirits Price Book, December 2021. Commerce, Department of
(2021) Tourist Oriented Directional Signs, December 9, 2021. Transportation, Department of
(2022) Iowa State Parks & Forests, 2022. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Reporting Injuries, January 12, 2022. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2022) Guidance for Temporary Pool and Spa Closures, February 4, 2022. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2022) Iowa Spirits Price Book, March 2022. Commerce, Department of
(2022) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Annual Report 2022. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
(2022) Iowa Spirits Price Book, April 2022. Commerce, Department of
(2022) 2021 Iowa Health Wellbeing: Use of Substances and Gambling Survey, May 2022. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2022) Iowa Spirits Price Book, May 2022. Commerce, Department of
(2022) Regulatory Bulletin: THC and CBD in Alcoholic Beverages, July 13, 2022. Alcoholic Beverages Division (Commerce)
(2022) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Guidance on Re-registering a Pool or Spa after an Extended Closure, August 24, 2022. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2022) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Spas Rules Signage Requirements, August 24, 2022. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2022) Trends in Iowa Wildlife Populations and Harvest 2021-2022, September 2022. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) A Guide to Iowa State Parks, Spring 2022. Natural Resources, Department of
(2022) Iowa Spirits, Spring/Summer 2022, Vol. 4, no. 1. Commerce, Department of
(2023) 2022-2023 Wild Furbearer Program Report, 2023. Natural Resources, Department of
(2023) Iowa Byways, The Official Guide to Iowa Byways, 2023. Transportation, Department of
(2023) Off-Highway Vehicle Reference Guide 2023, August 2023. Natural Resources, Department of
(2023) Travel Iowa, 2023. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(2023) Recommendations for Recreational Use of 3-meter Diving Stands, June 1, 2023. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(2024) 2024-25 Iowa Hunting Seasons & Bag Limits, 2024. Natural Resources, Department of
(2024) Iowa DNR Hunter Education Program, Policies & Procedures, 2024. Natural Resources, Department of
(2024) Iowa Snowmobile Reference Guide, 2024. Natural Resources, Department of
(2024) Iowa State Parks & Forests, 2024. Natural Resources, Department of
(2024) Off-Highway Vehicle Reference Guide 2024, 2024. Natural Resources, Department of
(2024) Iowa Byways Program Guidance, June 1, 2024. Transportation, Department of
(2025) 2025 Iowa Fishing Regulations, 2025. Natural Resources, Department of
(2025) Iowa Byways, Program Overview, January 13, 2025. Transportation, Department of
(2025) Iowa Byways, Fundamental Foods, March 2025. Transportation, Department of