Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Guidance on Re-registering a Pool or Spa after an Extended Closure, August 24, 2022

(2022) Iowa Swimming Pool and Spa Rules, Guidance on Re-registering a Pool or Spa after an Extended Closure, August 24, 2022. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)


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An extended closure would be a closure period exceeding a seasonal closure, or during periods of normal maintenance or repair. Recently, the department has received requests from facilities wishing to reopen their pool or spa after a lapse in registration. Typically these facilities have voluntarily closed due to deferred maintenance, equipment failures, or a change in ownership. In some cases, the registration has been revoked due to ongoing operational issues with the pool or spa. Often, due to changes in staff or ownership, current staff may be unaware of the scope of work necessary to reopen the facility. Once there is a lapse in registration, upon re-registering, every pool and spa must meet the current requirements for disinfection and pH control, which includes the installation of an automatic controller for maintenance of the disinfection level and pH of the swimming pool water.

Item Type: Other
Keywords: Swimming Pools, Whirlpool Spas
Subjects: Recreation and tourism
ID Code: 51037
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 01 Nov 2024 19:07
Last Modified: 01 Nov 2024 19:07