Items where Subject is "Waste disposal and hazardous sites"

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Number of items at this level: 94.

March 1951

(1951) Report on the investigation of pollution of the Little Sioux River from Spencer to Peterson, 1950-1951. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

July 1959

(1959) Report on the water pollution investigation of Farmers Creek below LaMotte, Iowa, 1959. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

September 1963

(1963) Report on the Water Pollution Investigation of Walnut Creek Below Urbandale, Iowa, 1963. Natural Resources, Department of

10 August 1965

(1965) Report on the water pollution investigation of the Humboldt-Wright Drainage Ditch No. 3-47 and the Boone River below Renwick, Iowa, 1961. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1965) Report on the water pollution investigation of the Yellow River below Volney, Iowa, 1965. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

October 1969

(1969) Sanitary Landfill prepared by Planning Division, Iowa Development Commission, October 1969. Iowa Economic Development Authority


(1970) Iowa Water Pollution Control Law: Code of Iowa 1966 by Iowa Water Pollution Control Commission, 1970. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1970) Iowa's heritage in water pollution control, including a history of the Iowa Water Pollution Control Association, 1974. Iowa State University


(1973) Iowa State Guidelines for the Development of Local Solid Waste Management Plan, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

31 January 1973

(1973) Guidelines for the Preparation of Sanitary Landfill Permit Applications, January 31, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

September 1973

(1973) Solid waste management plan for Iowa, 1973. Natural Resources, Department of

July 1974

(1974) Methane Generation from Livestock Wastes, July 1974. Iowa State University Extension

March 1977

(1977) Animal Waste Regulations for Iowa: A Condensation and Clarification of Rules affecting Animal Feeding Operations prepared jointly by Iowa Department of Environmental Quality, March 1977. Natural Resources, Department of

24 August 1977

(1977) Hazardous substances and pesticide survey and training program. Volume 1, 1977. Natural Resources, Department of

September 1977

(1977) Technical and Regulatory Status of the Placement of Sanitary Landfills in Iowa, Completion Report, September 1977. Iowa State University

October 1977

(1977) Utilizing Animal Waste as A Source of Nitrogen, October 1977. Natural Resources, Department of

February 1979

(1979) Economics of Nonmetropolitan Solid Waste Resource Recovery in the North Central Region, February 1979. Iowa State University


(1980) Solid Waste Management in the State of Iowa, September 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1980

(1980) Evaluation of Extent of Hazardous Waste Contamination in Charles City,. Natural Resources, Department of

(1980) Location of Sites for Hazardous Waste Repositories in Iowa:Phase 1: Geological Reconnaissance Mapping Progress Report 1, January 1980. Natural Resources, Department of

July 1980

(1980) Anerobic Biological Treatment of Liquid Wastes from Pyrolysis Processes, Final Report, 1980. University of Iowa

January 1981

(1981) Proceedings: Hazardous Waste Management Policies for the Future, June 27-28, 1980, January 1981. University of Iowa

May 1982

(1982) Energy Resource Potential from Animal Wastes in Iowa, May 1982. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

July 1988

(1988) Beaver Slough survey Clinton Iowa, Report No. 88-4, July 1988. University of Iowa

November 1990

(1990) Waste Materials in Highway Construction by Vernon J. Marks, November 1990. Natural Resources, Department of

January 1991

(1991) Infectious Medical Waste Disposal Study Committee, Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, January 1991. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(1994) Walnut Creek Watershed Research Protocol Report, Bulletin Number: 94-1, 1994. Agriculture and Land Stewardship

October 1994

(1994) Animal Waste Control Programs of Iowa and Eight Other States, October 1994. Natural Resources, Department of


(1995) Iowa Waste Reduction Center : a toolbox for pollution prevention, 1995. University of Northern Iowa

December 1995

(1995) Waste Matters, December 1995. Natural Resources, Department of

November 1996

(1996) Wood waste processing in Iowa, 1996. Natural Resources, Department of

June 1997

(1997) Iowa Capitol Complex: Department of General Services Waste Reduction Assessment Report prepared under the Waste Reduction Assistance Program administered by Waste Management Assistance Division, June 1997. Natural Resources, Department of

July 1997

(1997) Assistance Programs for Iowa's Business and Industry by Iowa Waste Reduction Center, July 1997. University of Northern Iowa


(1998) Iowa Statewide Waste Characterization Study, 1998. Natural Resources, Department of


(2002) Iowa Automotive Directory, A Guide to help you Properly Dispose of Used Oil, Used Oil Filters, Lead Acid Batteries, and Antifreeze, Land Quality and Waste Management Assistance Division, 2002. Natural Resources, Department of

February 2002

(2002) Reports on the Walnut Creek Watershed Monitoring Project, Jasper County Iowa, Water Years, 1995-2000, February 2002. Natural Resources, Department of


(2003) Strategy Report for Electronics Waste Management in Iowa, December 30, 2003. Natural Resources, Department of

July 2003

(2003) Waste Matters, July 2003. Natural Resources, Department of

January 2004

(2004) Waste Matters, January 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

May 2004

(2004) Waste Matters, May 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

16 July 2004

(2004) Leaking Underground Storage Tank Kaizen Event: Final Report, July 12-16, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

26 July 2004

(2004) Frequently Asked Questions: Handling and Disposal of Chemically Treated Wood, July 26, 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

September 2004

(2004) Waste Matters, September 2004. Natural Resources, Department of

16 February 2005

(2005) Preliminary Checklist for Manure Management Plan Preparation,. Natural Resources, Department of


(2006) Iowa Statewide Waste Characterization Study, February 2006. Natural Resources, Department of

15 September 2009

(2009) Iowa Brownfield Reuse Guide, September 15, 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

16 December 2009

(2009) Household Sharps Disposal: Solid Waste Section, December 16, 2009. Natural Resources, Department of

14 June 2010

(2010) Composting Nature's Recycling, June 14, 2010. Transportation, Department of


(2011) Fact Sheet: Hazardous Martials Accidents, 2011. Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

21 March 2011

(2011) Frequently Asked Questions on Waste Tire Disposal, March 21, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of

11 September 2011

(2011) Iowa Statewide Waste Characterization Study, September 11, 2011. Natural Resources, Department of


(2012) Iowa State Park Recycling Research Study, 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

January 2012

(2012) Performing a Waste Sort, January 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

November 2013

(2013) Community Clean Event Guide, November 2013. Natural Resources, Department of

(2013) Performing a Waste Sort, January 2012. Natural Resources, Department of

January 2015

(2015) Reduce Reuse Recycle: Food Waste Generator Study, January 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

30 January 2015

(2015) Iowa City: Apartment & Condominium Recycling, January 30, 2015. University of Iowa

August 2015

(2015) Recycling Electronics, A Guide for Business, August 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

3 August 2015

(2015) Automobile Salvage Yards: Preventing Pollution, an Environmental Fact Sheet, August 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Incompatible Chemicals: Solid Waste Section, August 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Lead-Based Paint Activities: Handling and disposal, August 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Managing Paint Booth Filters: Solid Waste Section, August 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Materials Safety Data Sheets: Solid Waste Section, August 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Propane Tank Disposal, August 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Street Sweeping/Storm Water Basins and Car Wash Pit Disposal, August 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) TCLP-Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, August 3, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

17 August 2015

(2015) Battery Recycling/Disposal: Solid Waste Section, August 17, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Inkjet Cartridge Disposal, August 17, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Management of Fluorescent Lamps for Businesses: Solid Waste Section, August 17, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

6 October 2015

(2015) Iowa Department of Natural Resource, Regional Collection Centers, October 6, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

(2015) Iowa Department of Natural Resources Regional Collection Centers, October 6, 2015. Natural Resources, Department of

12 February 2016

(2016) Asbestos: What Business, Building Owners, Contractors and Others Need to Know about the Asbestos NESHAP, February 12, 2016. Natural Resources, Department of

28 July 2016

(2016) Automobile Salvage Yards: Preventing Pollution and Environmental Fact Sheet, July 28, 2016. Natural Resources, Department of

6 February 2017

(2017) Rural Iowa Hub and Spoke Recycling Project, Final Report, February 6, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of

(2017) Rural Iowa Hub and Spoke Recycling Project, Map Information, February 6, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of

1 March 2017

(2017) Excluded Solvent-Contaminated Wipes Rule, March 1, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of

14 March 2017

(2017) Iowa Waste Exchange, March 14, 2017. Natural Resources, Department of

July 2017

(2017) Manual for Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Environmental Samples for the Underground Storage Tank Program of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, July 2017. Natural Resources, Department of

5 January 2018

(2018) Solid Waster Management: Petroleum Contamination, January 5, 2018. Natural Resources, Department of

18 March 2019

(2019) Flooded Private Sewage Systems Safety, Sanitation, and Clean-Up Concerns, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(2019) Re-entering Your Flooded Home, March 18, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

19 April 2019

(2019) Disaster Debris Disposal Options, April 19, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of

29 April 2019

(2019) Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and Amendment to the Nicotine Listing, April 29, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of

July 2019

(2019) Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP): Proposal Application and Guidelines for Project Requests of $10,000 or Less, July 2019. Natural Resources, Department of

(2019) Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP):Proposal Application and Guidelines for Project Requests Greater Than $10,000, July 2019. Natural Resources, Department of

15 November 2019

(2019) Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Land Application of Industrial Waste, November 15. 2019. Natural Resources, Department of

(2019) Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Leading Iowans in Caring for Our Natural Resources, November 15, 2019. Natural Resources, Department of

13 December 2019

(2019) Safe Disposal of Home Generated Medicine and Sharps, December 13, 2019. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

January 2020

(2020) Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission, Annual Report for the period from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019, January 2020.

22 January 2020

(2020) Iowa Waste Exchange, January 22, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of

23 January 2020

(2020) Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Leading Iowans in Caring for Our Natural Resources: PFAS Action Plan, January 23, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of

23 April 2020

(2020) Composting for Iowa Communities: Solid Waste Section, April 23, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of

7 Fall 2020

(2020) Universal Waste-Including Aerosol Cans, February 7, 2020. Natural Resources, Department of


(2021) Disposal Solution Product Dispensing Program Frequently Asked Questions, 2021. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

This list was generated on Sat Oct 12 06:04:19 2024 CDT.