A Preliminary Major Street Plan for Des Moines, 1925

(1925) A Preliminary Major Street Plan for Des Moines, 1925. Transportation, Department of


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The present arrangement of streets which Des Moines is required to use was not devised to meet the circulation requirements of the community. Ever since Des Moines was incorporated, its streets have been planned by men who were more interested in selling land than in laying out the highways and traffic arteries of a great city. The result is that the city today finds itself in possession of a somewhat faulty equipment of thoroughfares. There are nearly 1500 unnecessary jogs and terminations in its street system.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: streets, parking, Des Moines, traffic assessment, city planning. Major Street Planning
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Roads and highways
Transportation > Design and Construction
ID Code: 50666
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 01 Oct 2024 20:38
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2024 20:38
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/50666