Index Maps of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements and Coarse Aggregates used prepared by the Materials Department, 1963

(1963) Index Maps of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements and Coarse Aggregates used prepared by the Materials Department, 1963. Transportation, Department of


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Pavement history data in red print is overlayed on Maintenance Department maps which are printed in black. A code sheet explaining the unit numbers is in the back of this book. The red numbers in the hexagonal boxes refer to pavement history card numbers on file in the Materials Department at Ames. Each card number in effect is a paving project. Red tick marks denote approximate boundaries of the projects. On the red printed code sheet accompanying each map each card number is listed with the source of coarse aggregate in code, the date of construction (giving only the last two numbers of the date), and the inclusive station numbers, which have been rounded off to the nearest station. Where the term "alternating sections" is used, more than one source of coarse aggregate was used on the project, and station numbers denoting typical sections of each aggregate are given. The coarse aggregate symbols are coded under the heading "Pavement History Code Symbols", placed in the front of the book. Data on most city projects is not included in this survey. It will be given on separate city maps at some later date. Districts 1, 2 and 3 are brought up to 1961 in this survey. Districts 4, 5 and 6 are brought up to 1958.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Asphalt concrete, Portland cement concrete, coarse aggregates, index maps, materials department
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Materials
Transportation > Roads and highways
Transportation > Research
Transportation > Research > Concrete
Transportation > Design and Construction
ID Code: 49138
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 17 May 2024 19:10
Last Modified: 17 May 2024 19:10