Final Environmental Statement and Location Study Report : U.S. 61 and Iowa 2 Fort Madison in Lee County, September 1975.

(1975) Final Environmental Statement and Location Study Report : U.S. 61 and Iowa 2 Fort Madison in Lee County, September 1975. Transportation, Department of


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The study corridor for the improvement of U.S. 61 in Lee County begins approximately one mile west of the present junction of Iowa 2 with U.S. 61 west of Fort Madison and extends in an easterly direction into Fort Madison to just north of the east junction of Iowa 2 with U.S. 61 at Avenue C. Construction on the proposed project will consist of four-lane pavement. The greatest probable impact of the project will be the dislocation of those families living along the proposed route. Studies made in the interim time period following the issuance of the Draft Planning Report/Environmental Impact Statement and the Corridor Public Hearing have provided more precise information ang indicate the number of displacees to be over 120 families (approximately 310 people). The majority ~of the proposed area is low-income housing adjacent to an industrial park. Included in this sector is the Mexican-American village whose residents possess a strong sense of cultural identity and common background, having come to the area to work on the Santa Fe Railroad or having relatives who did so. Relocation assistance will be provided to all displaced persons and businesses. Air, water and noise pollution in the City of Fort Madison should not change appreciably. Traffic flow for the City of Fort Madison as a whole will be improved and congestion somewhat relieved. No parks, wildlife refuges or historic sites will be affected.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Contributor(s): Iowa. Highway Division | Iowa. Department of Transportation. Office of Project Planning; United States. Federal Highway Administration; Environmental impact analysis - Iowa - Lee County; Environmental impact analysis -- Iowa -- Fort Madison | Highway planning -- Iowa - Lee County; Highway planning - Iowa - Fort Madison; Roads - Environmental aspects - Iowa - Lee County
Subjects: Natural resources and environment > Environmental assessments
Transportation > Traffic Management
Transportation > Roads and highways
Transportation > Design and Construction
ID Code: 45227
Deposited By: Pamela Rees
Deposited On: 13 Jul 2023 13:00
Last Modified: 13 Jul 2023 13:00