Iowa's Mississippi River Trail Plan, 2003

(2003) Iowa's Mississippi River Trail Plan, 2003. Transportation, Department of


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The Mississippi River Trail (MRT) is a world-class bicycle trail that will follow the Mississippi River all the way from its headwaters in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. The trail is partially completed; much of it is still in the planning and development stages. When complete, the MRT will Link over 2,000 miles of recreational trails through 10 states, including 280 miles in Iowa. Designated as a National Millennium Trail, the MRT will preserve natural environments along the river, stimulate economic growth in river communities, and provide bicyclists access to a variety of landscapes, history, and culture. The Iowa Department of Transportation commissioned the Center for Transportation Research and Education at Iowa State University to develop a plan for a safe, economically beneficial, and scenic MRT route through Iowa. This report presents the MRT plan for Iowa. It is organized in the following chapters: Executive Summary; (1) Introduction - vision statement and objectives; (2) Iowa MRT Minimum Design Standards; (3) Iowa MRT Route Analysis; (4) Recommended Improvement Plan; (5) MRT Implementation; and (6) Estimated Benefits and Impacts of the Iowa MRT. Additional information is provided in the following appendices: (A) GIS Analysis for the MRT; (B) Iowa MRT Maps; (C) Public Input; (D) Public Comments; and (E) References.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Alignment, Benefits, Bicycle facilities, Bikeways, Design standards, Economic growth, Environmental protection, Geographic information systems, Impacts, Implementation, Maps, Planning, Public participation, Recreational facilities, Routes, Trails
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Social impacts
Transportation > Bicycling
Transportation > Environment
Transportation > Environment > Water
ID Code: 21328
Deposited By: Iowa DOT Library
Deposited On: 08 Jan 2016 12:50
Last Modified: 08 Jan 2016 12:50