Wind Monitoring of the Saylorville and Red Rock Reservoir Bridges with Remote, Cellular-Based Notifications, May 2012

(2012) Wind Monitoring of the Saylorville and Red Rock Reservoir Bridges with Remote, Cellular-Based Notifications, May 2012. Transportation, Department of


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Following a high wind event on January 24, 2006, at least five people claimed to have seen or felt the superstructure of the Saylorville Reservoir Bridge in central Iowa moving both vertically and laterally. Since that time, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) contracted with the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University to design and install a monitoring system capable of providing notification of the occurrence of subsequent high wind events. In subsequent years, a similar system was installed on the Red Rock Reservoir Bridge to provide the same wind monitoring capabilities and notifications to the Iowa DOT. The objectives of the system development and implementation are to notify personnel when the wind speed reaches a predetermined threshold such that the bridge can be closed for the safety of the public, correlate structural response with wind-induced response, and gather historical wind data at these structures for future assessments. This report describes the two monitoring systems, their components, upgrades, functionality, and limitations, and results from one year of wind data collection at both bridges.

Item Type: Newsletter
Keywords: bridge movement, bridge safety, high wind closures, Iowa bridge monitoring, superstructure movement, wind monitoring system
Subjects: Transportation > Research
Transportation > Bridges and tunnels
ID Code: 13134
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 12 Jun 2012 14:47
Last Modified: 12 Jun 2012 14:47