Items where Subject is "Tourism"

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Number of items at this level: 131.

Departmental Report

(2023) Travel Iowa, 2023. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2021) Tourist Oriented Directional Signs, December 9, 2021. Transportation, Department of

(2021) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Annual Report 2020. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(2021) Travel Iowa, 2021. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2010) Child Care Weather Watch, 2010. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(2010) Health Guidance Checklist for International Travelers, Tourists, and Missionaries, December 2010. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(2010) Special Events Planning, 2010. Transportation, Department of

(2010) 2010 Iowa Calendar of Events. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2009) 2009 Iowa Transportation Map for Bicyclists, 2009. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Scenic Byways of Iowa, June 12, 2007. Transportation, Department of

(2007) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Annual Report, 2007. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

(2007) Safe Bicycling in Iowa, May 7, 2001. Transportation, Department of

(2005) The Traveler, December 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler, October 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2002) Walking Tour of the Miller Building, January 5, 2002. Library of Iowa, State

(2002) Walking Tour of the Miller Building--Full Tour Version (highlighting the State Library), January 5, 2002. Library of Iowa, State

(2001) The Traveler, February 2001. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2000) Implementing Trail-Based Economic Development Programs, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(2000) Iowa Trails: Connecting People and Trails: Local Community Planning for Bicyclists and Pedestrians, 2000. Transportation, Department of

(1999) Tourism 1999 Task Force Report, 1999. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1999) Tourism 1999 task force report: Appendix A, 1999. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1999) Tourism 1999 task force report: Appendix B, 1999. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1998) State Capitol building : built in 1886, 1998. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1997) Fall colors of Iowa: Created by Amanda Carstens,1997. Natural Resources, Department of

(1997) State Capitol Building : Built in 1886, March 1997. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1995) State Capitol building: Built in 1886, 1995. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) State Capitol building : built in 1886, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1993) Historic Preservation in Iowa, A Case Book, March, 1993. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1993) Partners in Historic Preservation: A Planning Guide to Programs, Agencies and Organizations, January 1, 1993. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1993) Tourism Study Committee : final report, 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1990) The time is right to discover Iowa treasures, including ..., 1990. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1989) Iowa Visitors Guide, 1989. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1989) A Showcase of Iowa Treasures: The Time is Right, Discover Iowa's Treasures, 1989. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1988) Long range plan for Iowa welcome centers : volume one of two volumes / submitted by the Iowa Department of Economic Development., January 1988. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1988) Discover Iowa Treasures: Visitors Guide, 1988. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1987) Improving Conditions for Bicycling and Walking, A Best Practices Report prepared for the Federal Highway Administration by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, Spring 1987. Transportation, Department of

(1986) Discover Iowa Treasures: Visitors Guide, 1986. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1985) Mini-vacation guide of Iowa, 1985. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1984) Mini-vacation guide of Iowa, 1984. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1982) IOWA Bicycling Capital of the Nation, 1982. Transportation, Department of

(1980) An Iowa Vacation Kind of a Feeling, 1980. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1979) Iowa offers you more : a place to grow, 1979. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1977) 1977 economic impact studies, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1977) Travel Development Division Year-End Review, 1977. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1976) The Economic Impact of Travel on Iowa Counties, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1976) Iowa Mini Vacations, 1976. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1975) Proposed Dickinson County Trail, Milford to Spirit Lake: Project Report and Case Estimate, December 30,1975. Transportation, Department of

(1975) Comparison of state tourism agencies, 1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1975) Iowa : Four seasons of fun, 1975. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1974) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1974. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1973) The Iowa Society for the Preservation of Historic Landmarks, 1973. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1973) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1973. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1973) A guide to historic Iowa. Education, Department of

(1972) Evaluation of Advertising Expenditures for Travel and Tourism, December 20, 1972. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1971) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1971. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) Iowa, a place to grow,1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) Quick facts about Iowa: A Place to Grow, 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1970) Travel in Iowa during: An Economic Analysis of Tourists and the Major Travel-Serving Businesses, 1970. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1969) Iowa, Tourism and Travel Division, 1969. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1969) Some Quick Facts About Iowa: Where Living is Fun!, 1969. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1963) Some Quick Facts About Iowa: Where Living is Fun!, 1963. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1960) Vacation fun in Iowa, 1960. Natural Resources, Department of

(1958) Some Quick Facts About Iowa: Where Living is Fun!, 1958. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1950) Iowa, The Land Between Two Rivers, 1950. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1925) Pilot Knob State Park, Merrick State Park, Eagle Lake State Park, Rice Lake State Park and Crystal, East and West Twin, and Duck Lakes, 1925. Natural Resources, Department of


(2009) Traveler, November-December 2009. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2009) Traveler, September-October 2009. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2009) The Traveler, February-March 2009. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler, December 2008-January 2009. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler, January 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler, November 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler, October 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler, September 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler, July 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler, June 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) Tour Iowa, Volume No. 7, Issue No. 2, Spring 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler, February 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2008) The Traveler, March 2008. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, December 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, November 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, October 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, September 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, August 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, July 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, June 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, May 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, April 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, March 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, February 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2007) The Traveler, January 2007. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, December 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, November 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, October 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, September 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, August 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, July 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, June 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, April 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, May 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, February 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler, March 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2006) The Traveler January 2006. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler, December 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler, November 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler, October 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler, August 2005,. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler, September 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler, July 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) Tools & Trends, June 2005, Vol. 14, No. 3. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler, June 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler, April 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) Tools & Trends March 2005, Vol. 14, No. 2. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2005) The Traveler March 2005. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2004) Tools & Trends, October 2004, Vol. 13, no.3. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(2000) Enhancing the Livability of Iowa Communities, The Role of Recreation, Natural Resource Development and Tourism, 2000. University of Northern Iowa

(1999) 1999-2000 Iowa Group Tour Manual, 1999. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1996) Iowa's Sesquicentennial Statehood Day Celebration Commemorative Program, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 1, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 12, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 2, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 3, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 4, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1996) Tourism Sesquicentennial Update, Vol. 5, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1996) A sesquicentennial celebration featuring the festival of Iowa folklife, 1996. Iowa Economic Development Authority

(1972) Guidelines for Amusement Park, Ride Division, Inspections of Electrical: Rides: Concessions: Midway prepared by Iowa Bureau of Labor, 1972. Iowa Workforce Development

(1900) Administrative Manual for Amusement Park and Amusement Ride Operators prepared by Iowa Bureau of Labor, 1900z. Iowa Workforce Development


(1972) Iowa, a place to grow. 1972. Governor's Office


(2012) Issue review : tourism advertising and travel. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(2010) Capitol interior. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(2022) Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission Annual Report 2022. Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 06:04:05 2025 CDT.