Items where Subject is "Juvenile justice and rehabilitation"

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Departmental Report

(2022) Updated Profile of Youth Charged in Adult Court, SFY2015 to SFY2021, April 2022. Human Rights, Department of

(2021) Justice Advisory Board 2021 Annual Update to Iowa’s Three-Year Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan, December 1, 2021. Human Rights, Department of

(2021) 2021-23 Juvenile Justice Three Year Plan: Program Narrative, November 2, 2021. Human Rights, Department of

(2021) Iowa Judicial Branch 2020 Annual Report, January 12, 2021. Judicial Branch

(2021) Racial Disparities: An Analysis of Three Decision Points in Iowa’s Juvenile Justice System, 2021. Human Rights, Department of

(2020) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2020-2030, December 1, 2020. Human Rights, Department of

(2020) Racial Disparities: An Analysis of Three Decision Points in Iowa’s Juvenile Justice System, November 30, 2020. Judicial Branch

(2019) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2019-2029, December 2019. Human Rights, Department of

(2019) Iowa's First Update for Compliance with the Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Core Requirement of the Federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, March 2019. Human Rights, Department of

(2018) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2018-2028, December 1, 2018. Human Rights, Department of

(2017) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2017-2027. Human Rights, Department of

(2017) Profile of Serious, Violent, and Chronic Female Juvenile Offenders ~ Calendar Year 2015, March 30, 3017. Human Rights, Department of

(2016) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2015-2025. Human Rights, Department of

(2016) Confidentiality of Juvenile Delinquency Records in Iowa, January 2016. Human Rights, Department of

(2015) Juvenile Justice System Planning Data Iowa’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council Three Year Comprehensive Plan with Additional Juvenile Justice System Information, November 2015. Human Rights, Department of

(2014) 2015 Long-Range Plan for Iowa’s Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems, December 1, 2014. Human Rights, Department of

(2014) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2014-2024. Human Rights, Department of

(2014) An Analysis on the Effects of Earned time for Inmates Charged with Robbery, May 2014. Human Rights, Department of

(2014) A Validation of the Iowa Department of Correction’s Inmate Classification System, April 2014. Human Rights, Department of

(2014) Status Report: Juvenile Offenders Serving Life Sentences in Iowa, March 12, 2014. Human Rights, Department of

(2013) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2013-2023, November 26, 2013. Human Rights, Department of

(2013) Request for Information Regarding Sex Offender Special Sentence and Registry Requirements, November 20, 2013. Human Rights, Department of

(2013) 2012-2013 Juvenile Court Services School Liaison Program Data, July 2013. Human Rights, Department of

(2013) Registrant Watch: Iowa Sex Offender Registry Notification Program, February 14, 2013. Human Rights, Department of

(2013) Registrant Watch: Iowa Sex Offender Registry Notification Program: Access to Location Information and Notification on Registered Sex offenders, February 14, 2013. Human Rights, Department of

(2013) Outcome Evaluation of the Moderate Intensity Family Violence Prevention Program, February, 2013. Human Rights, Department of

(2012) Comprehensive Jail Diversion Program Metal Health Courts Study, December, 2012. Human Rights, Department of

(2012) Serving Iowa Youth and Families with a Positive Youth Development Approach, June 2012. Human Rights, Department of

(2011) Juvenile Detention Home Fund, Report to the Iowa General Assembly, December 15, 2011. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(2011) Process and Outcome Evaluation of the Iowa First Judicial District Department of Correctional Services Dual Diagnosis Offender Program (DDOP), September, 2011. Human Rights, Department of

(2011) 2010-2011 Juvenile Court Services School Liaison Program Data, July 2011. Human Rights, Department of

(2011) The Effectiveness of Domestic Abuse Protective Orders and Court Practices in Sentencing Violators, July 2011. Human Rights, Department of

(2011) Iowa Adult and Juvenile Drug Court Extended Recidivism Outcomes, July 2011. Human Rights, Department of

(2011) Juvenile Waivers to Adult Court: A Review of Outcomes for Youth, March 2011. Human Rights, Department of

(2010) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2010-2020. Human Rights, Department of

(2010) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2011-2021. Human Rights, Department of

(2010) Process and Outcome Evaluation of the STAR (Sisters Together Achieving Recovery) Program, September, 2010. Human Rights, Department of

(2010) 2009-2010 Juvenile Court Services School Liaison Program Data, July 2010. Human Rights, Department of

(2010) Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Advisory Council Progress on the Long-range Justice System Plan, January 2010. Human Rights, Department of

(2009) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2009-2019. Human Rights, Department of

(2009) Iowa Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative (PRI) Rural Service Delivery Model Iowa Department of Correctional Services, November 2009. Human Rights, Department of

(2009) Juvenile Delinquency Services Report, October 2009. Human Rights, Department of

(2009) Statewide Process and Comparative Outcomes Study of 2003 Iowa Adult and Juvenile Drug Courts, August 2009. Human Rights, Department of

(2009) Governor's Youth Race and Detention Task Force; Full Force, May 2009. Human Rights, Department of

(2009) DMC Section: 2009 State of Iowa Juvenile Justic and Delinquency Prevention Act Formula Grant Update, March 2009. Human Rights, Department of

(2009) Compliance Monitoring Report Technical Assistance Tool, 2009. Judicial Branch

(2008) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2008-2018. Human Rights, Department of

(2008) Juvenile Delinquency Services Report, 2008. Human Rights, Department of

(2008) Juvenile Delinquency Services Report, 2008. Human Rights, Department of

(2008) 2007-2008 Juvenile Court Services School Liaison Program Data, July 2008. Human Rights, Department of

(2008) State of Iowa Juvenile Delinquency Annual Statistical Report, 2007. Judicial Branch

(2008) DMC Section: 2008 State of Iowa Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act Formula Grant Update, March 2009. Human Rights, Department of

(2008) Compliance Monitoring Report Technical Assistance Tool, 2008. Judicial Branch

(2008) State Legislation Monitoring Report, FY 2008. Human Rights, Department of

(2007) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2007-2017. Human Rights, Department of

(2007) State of Iowa Delinquency Services Report, FY2007. Human Rights, Department of

(2007) 2006-2007 Academic Year Juvenile Court Schoolbased Liaison Statewide Data. Human Rights, Department of

(2007) 2007 State of Iowa Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act Formule Grand Update. Human Rights, Department of

(2007) DMC Section from Iowa’s 2007. Human Rights, Department of

(2007) State Legislation Monitoring Report, FY 2007. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2006-2016. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) Delinquency-Related Systems in Iowa: Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Education and Job Traning, April 2006. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) Delinquents in Iowa Arrest, Services and Sanctions, April 2006. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) Dusproportionate Minority Contact in Iowa's Juvenile Justice System, April 2006. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) Academic Court Schoolbased Lisison Statewide Date, 2006. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan 2006 Update. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan, 2006 Update. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) State Legislation Monitoring Report FY 2005, February 2006. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) State Legislation Monitoring Report, FY 2006. Human Rights, Department of

(2006) State of Iowa Juvenile Delinquency Annual Statistical Report, 2006. Judicial Branch

(2005) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2005-2015. Human Rights, Department of

(2005) Sex Offenses in Iowa: An Overview of Selected Data, September 14, 2005. Human Rights, Department of

(2005) Recidivism Among Iowa Probationers, July 2005. Human Rights, Department of

(2005) Long-Range Goals for Iowa's Criminal & Juvenile Justice Systems, February 2005. Human Rights, Department of

(2005) Long-Range Goals for Iowa's Criminal& Junvenile Justice Systems, 2005. Human Rights, Department of

(2005) State Legislation Monitoring Report FY2004, February 2005. Human Rights, Department of

(2005) State of Iowa Delinquency Services Report, FY2006. Human Rights, Department of

(2004) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2004-2014. Human Rights, Department of

(2004) Violent Offender Recidivism in Iowa, June 2004. Human Rights, Department of

(2004) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan 2004 Update, 2004. Human Rights, Department of

(2004) Statistical Overview of Crime and Justice in Iowa, 2004. Human Rights, Department of

(2004) Violent Offender Recidivism in Iowa, 2004. Human Rights, Department of

(2003) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan 2003 Update, 2003. Human Rights, Department of

(2003) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2002-2012. Human Rights, Department of

(2003) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2003-2013. Human Rights, Department of

(2003) Selected Information About County Jails and Adult Detention Facilities in Iowa, 2003. Human Rights, Department of

(2003) State Legislation Monitoring Report, FY 2002. Human Rights, Department of

(2003) State Legislation Monitoring Report, FY 2003. Human Rights, Department of

(2002) Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grand Fund Outcomes Report and FY2002 Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary, January 2002. Human Rights, Department of

(2002) Connecting Iowa’s Disproportionate Minority Confinement Efforts to the Iowa Justice Data Warehouse, 2002. Human Rights, Department of

(2002) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan 2002 Update, 2002. Human Rights, Department of

(2002) Iowa Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report and FY 2002 Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary, 2002. Human Rights, Department of

(2002) Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report and FY 2002 Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary, 2002. Human Rights, Department of

(2002) Probation Revocation Project in Iowa's Sixth Judicial District, 2002. Human Rights, Department of

(2002) Probationers in Iowa’s Community-Based Residential Facilities, 2002. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) Recidivism of State FY96 Prison Releases in Iowa, May 2001. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) An Examination of Iowa's School Liaison Program, 2001. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) Final Report on the Polk County Adult Drug Court Executive Summary and Summary of Findings, 2001. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) Final Report on the Polk County Adult Drug Court, 2001. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2001-2010. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) Iowa Prison Population Forecast, FY 2002-2011. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) Recidivism of State FY96 Prison Releases in Iowa, 2001. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) State of Iowa Inmates at Mid-Year, 2000. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) State of Iowa Inmates at Mid-Year, 2001. Human Rights, Department of

(2001) Youthful Offender Program Follow Up Report, 2001. Human Rights, Department of

(2000) Iowa Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders 1999 - 2000 Report, 2000. Human Rights, Department of

(2000) Iowa Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report, 2000. Human Rights, Department of

(2000) Iowa Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund, 2000. Human Rights, Department of

(2000) The Iowa Sex Offender Registry and Recidivism, 2000. Human Rights, Department of

(2000) Long-Range Goals for Iowa's Criminal & Juvenile Justice Systems, 2000. Human Rights, Department of

(2000) State of Iowa 1999 Inmate Profile, 2000. Human Rights, Department of

(1999) Iowa Prison Population Forecast FY 2000-2009. Human Rights, Department of

(1999) The Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) Program in Iowa, 1999 – 2000. Human Rights, Department of

(1999) Juvenile Crime and the Welfare of Youth, 1999. Human Rights, Department of

(1999) State of Iowa 1998 Inmate Profile, 1999. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Uniform Crime Reports as a Vehicle For Reporting State Wide Data on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, April 1998. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Justice Data Warehouse Assessment, Summary Report, February 13, 1998. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan 1998 Update. Human Rights, Department of

(1998) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan, 1998. Human Rights, Department of

(1997) Iowa Criminal and Juvenile Justice Plan 1997. Human Rights, Department of

(1996) A Study of Juvenile Delinquency Services, The Sixth Judicial District, FY 1996, October 1996. University of Iowa

(1990) State Training School Eldora, 1990. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1985) History of the State Training School, Eldora Iowa, 1985. Education, Department of

(1985) Youth Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, 1985. Human Rights, Department of

(1975) Community Corrections in Iowa An Alternative to Tradition Correctional Evaluation, Bureau Division of Management & Planning, Department of Social Services, June 1975. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1975) Iowa's Full Service Agency: A Review of its Management and Operation prepared for the Iowa Department of Social Services, February 1977. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1975) Statements of Positions of the Iowa Department of Social Services on Vital Issues Affecting it and its Clients, December 1977. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(1975) 1975 Northeast Iowa Criminal Justice Support by Northeast Iowa Area Crime Commission, 1975. Human Rights, Department of

(1975) Shelter House Community-Based Juvenile Corrections Project, 1975. Public Safety, Department of

(1974) Juvenile Probation Resources in Iowa, November 1974. Corrections, Department of

(1974) A Unified Approach to A Criminal Justice Problem, March 8, 1974. Human Rights, Department of

(1969) Juvenile Delinquency in Iowa, 1969. University of Iowa

(1968) A Kid in Trouble Juveniles and the Law, Teacher's Manual by Edward L. Meyen, September 1968. University of Iowa

(1968) Scaling Juvenile Delinquency by Lyle W. Shannon, January 1968. University of Iowa

(1967) Juvenile Delinquency in Iowa by Walter A. Lunden, 1967. University of Iowa

(1964) Treatment of juvenile Delinquents in Iowa, 1953-1963, February 1, 1964. Iowa State University

(1961) The Delinquent's Image: The Judgements of 347 Delinquents and 177 Non-Delinquents on the Nature and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquents by Walter A. Lunden, 1961. Iowa State University

(1952) Social and economic bases of delinquency and dependency in Iowa, 1952. Iowa State University

(1950) Delinquent Youth in Iowa, 1950 Report of Committee on Care and Rehabilitation of Delinquent Children in Iowa, 1950. Human Rights, Department of

(1935) Excerpts from Public Documents Regarding Crime and Delinquency in Iowa, 1935. Iowa State University

(1930) Thirty-Second Biennial report of the Superintendent and Twelfth Biennial report of the State Agents of the Training School for Boys Eldora, Iowa to the Board of Control of State Institutions, 1930. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)


(2011) Summary of Charge from House File 608, December 2011. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

(2004) Girl Connection Newsletter, December 2004. Human Rights, Department of

(2004) Girl Connection, Girls & Sport-Part II, June 2004. Human Rights, Department of

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 06:02:55 2025 CDT.