Report of Commissioners to Revise the Statutes of the State of Iowa made to the Governor of the State in accordance with Chapter Seventy-Five, Acts of 13th General Assembly, 1872

(1872) Report of Commissioners to Revise the Statutes of the State of Iowa made to the Governor of the State in accordance with Chapter Seventy-Five, Acts of 13th General Assembly, 1872. Governor's Office


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The undersigned, Commissioners to revise the statutes of Iowa under the provisions of chapter seventy-five of the laws of the Thirteenth General Assembly, have the honor to submit to your Excellency the following report of their action as such Commissioners, t0gether with a manuscript copy of the entire Code of Statutes, now in force in the State of Iowa, as revised and arranged by them. The Commission, as constituted by the act above referral to, consisted of William II. Seevers, of Mahaska county, John C. Polley, of Clinton county, and William J. Knight of Dubuque couuty. It held its :first meeting on the ninth day of November, 1870, when the Commissioners took the oath required by section two of the act, and organized by choosing Wm. II. Seevers, of Mahaska county, as their chairman.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Statutes, Iowa Laws and Regulations
Subjects: Laws and regulations
ID Code: 50933
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 22 Oct 2024 16:27
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2024 16:27