Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Urbanized Area Transportation Study: Transportation Facilities/Travel Pattern Forecasts, Interim Report, Number 7, 1969

(1969) Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Urbanized Area Transportation Study: Transportation Facilities/Travel Pattern Forecasts, Interim Report, Number 7, 1969. Transportation, Department of


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This report presents procedures and results of 1985 travel forecasts for the Davenport- Rock Island - Moline urbanized area, together with tests of various network configurations leading up to and including development of the Initial 1985 Street and Highway Network. Forecasts of 1985 trips were made through use of the relationships between land activity and trip generation documented in Interim Report Number 5--Traffic Model and Assignment Techniques.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Urbanized Area Transportation, interim Report, transportation facilities, Iowa Department of Transportation
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Social impacts
Transportation > Roads and highways
Transportation > Research
Transportation > Data and Information Technology
ID Code: 50443
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 10 Sep 2024 14:32
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2024 14:32
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/50443