Temporal Trends of Selected Agricultural Chemicals in Iowa's Groundwater, 1982-1995, Are Things Getting Better?, August 1997

(1997) Temporal Trends of Selected Agricultural Chemicals in Iowa's Groundwater, 1982-1995, Are Things Getting Better?, August 1997. Natural Resources, Department of


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The Iowa Groundwater Monitoring (IGWM) Program has been used to sample untreated groundwater from Iowa municipal wells for selected agricultural chemicals. This long-term database was used to determine if concentrations of select agricultural chemicals in groundwater have changed with time.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Earth Science, Geology, Iowa, groundwater, water quality
Subjects: Natural resources and environment
Natural resources and environment > Earth sciences
Natural resources and environment > Water resources
ID Code: 50157
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 16 Aug 2024 15:00
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2024 15:00
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/50157