Report to the Legislative Council and the Members of the First Session of the Sixty-Sixth General Assembly, State of Iowa, 1975

(1975) Report to the Legislative Council and the Members of the First Session of the Sixty-Sixth General Assembly, State of Iowa, 1975. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


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Senate Concurrent Resolution 117, introduced during the Second Session of the Sixty-fourth General Assembly, requested that the Iowa Legislative Council establish a committee to study the feasibility of authorizing the establishment of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) to provide prepaid health care services to the citizens of Iowa.

Item Type: Book
Keywords: Sixth-Sixth General Assembly, Mental Health, Juvenile, Legislative Council
Subjects: Health and medicine
State government
ID Code: 49984
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 30 Jul 2024 14:58
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2024 14:58