Laboratory Freeze-Thaw Tests of Portland Cement treated Granular Bases, 1967

(1967) Laboratory Freeze-Thaw Tests of Portland Cement treated Granular Bases, 1967. Iowa State University


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Cement requirements for soil-cement mixtures are controlled by freeze thaw tests (ASTM D560-57) and wet-dry tests (ASTM D559-57). Since soil cement is primarily used in bases, rather than surface courses where wearing ability is an important criteria, the validity of a test where the samples are stiff-wire-brushed after each cycle of freeze-thaw could be questioned. A laboratory freeze-thaw test for cement treated granular base materials that will more nearly duplicate field conditions is compared to the ASTM D560-57 freeze-thaw test in this report. Also, a vibratory method of compaction is compared to the AASHO-ASTM standard compaction method for preparation of all freeze-thaw specimens.

Item Type: Book
Keywords: Portland Cement, Pavements, Concrete, Freeze-thaw Test
Subjects: Transportation > Roads and highways
Transportation > Research > Concrete
Transportation > Design and Construction
ID Code: 49161
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 17 May 2024 21:06
Last Modified: 17 May 2024 21:06